Crystal Globe Trophy for Sports Crystal globe trophy is designed for a wide variety of aspects including the sports. In the wake of Ray Rice's suspension from the NFL we look at the perception of women in professional sports. Follow sports news in the last 24 hours and you know that Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice was suspended indefinitely by the NFL following the release of video showing an incident of relationship violence against his wife named Rice in an Atlantic City elevator. You'd like to catch up on the timeline of events including Rice's original two-game suspension and the fallout following.
The White House released a statement on behalf of President Barack Obama Following the announcement of Rice's suspension. The text means about: The President is the father of two daughters. He believes that domestic violence is contemptible
and unacceptable in a civilized society. A real man cannot hit a woman, and that's true whether or not an act of violence happens in the public eye or far too often behind closed doors. That stop domestic violence is something that's bigger than football and all of us have a responsibility to put a stop to it. That paragraph mark not only the first time a sitting President has been quoted here on Blazer's Edge, and it triggered my tipping point as I was deciding whether to broach the topic on this site. One strain of logic argues that the Rice incident was a Baltimore Ravens or at least an NFL matter. I was prepared to ride with that until the president's text came across the wire. It betrays a potentially harmful mindset and a basic misunderstanding of the issues at hand though well-meant. The Portland Trail Blazers lie the length of a nation apart physically and play a different sport in a different league and hopefully won't have to deal with this kind of heinous act from their players.