� business loans � pay day loans � title car loans � credit
Anyone rendered homeless lost a car a job negatively affected or denied credit because of these predatory loans shall be given interest-free loans until they acquire back all that they have lost. They should be given the option to a government owned Home with a deed transfer to them from the government with a home of equal value or better.
Gouging Utility Prices
African Americans tend to pay extremely high utility prices. Gas or utility bills care run in the hundreds or over $1000 in one month. Budget programs should be able to allow residents to afford gas utilities without it pillaging minority incomes and wealth.
The resolution would be repayment of unnecessary undo charged with 5% interest. Utility companies are able to put together budgetary programs that keep the cost of utilities under control for poor families or middle income families. Without putting these type of programs such as a budget program or winterization program, utility companies have taking advantage of and extracted black wealth through necessary needed utilities.
Prison in criminal justice reform
Families affected by unfair sentencing the children of those that are in prison show get counseling and free college and tutoring.
Prisoners who have been raped in jail and or given sexual transmitted disease is will be given free housing and cost of living expenses paid for for that person their children and grandchildren and voting rights restored. They shall also be given business loans interest free.
Blacks prisoners claiming self-defense shall have their cases reviewed for unjust convictions and sentencing. If there is a white person that claim selfdefense and
was giving no time probation or a lesser sentence for the same exact type of crime that Black prisoners shall be given time served and records expunged. If prisoners have been given exceedingly great sentence for crimes that whites have also committed with less or two no conviction or sentences those that are cleaning racial discrimination shall be given Financial settlements at set amounts or rates for each year served.
Many prisoners and prison are catching HIV and STDs and should be able to have a conjugal visits that could reduce the spread of sexually transmitted disease because of rape and homosexual activity. They should not lose their rights to reproduce children.
Prisoners that work shall be paid a living wage that can go towards the care of their family members such as their mother and children or siblings..
Prisoners that have been convicted based on state circumstantial evidence shall be allowed to have time served and released.
Prisoners with unjust plea deals shall have time served.
Communities where are high number of African-Americans are disproportionately ticketed more than whites show have those tickets removed from their records and jail time or convictions Expunged.
Mothers who have lost children to foster care and foster kids thats been abused in foster care
African-American children are the largest group of placed in foster care. They are the largest group to be adopted out and never return to family members. We know that this is a slave practice of breaking up families because it weakens mothers and children when they are separated from their legacy and heritage. Mothers who have lost their children without proof of neglect or abuse but only testimonies of government officials, shall seek prosecution of kidnap. If children are underage the total amount that the courts would have given to a foster care provider, that financial care amount for each child shall be given to the mother. This includes financial, health, mental, shelter and clothing care. Children taken from their parents without proof of abuse or neglect the shell have their college paid for free, living expenses while in college this includes healthcare. Mother
and child shall be eligible for 0% interest rate loans. Government owned homes cars shall be given over to them with the transfer of a deed.
Foster children that have been abused neglected molested or raped while in foster care they shall receive counseling shelter and cost-of-living expenses paid free college and 0% interest rate loans.
Mothers who have lost their children because they were poor or lacked a job or housing due to the lack of jobs transportation or a living wage in that local area should have their children returned. Financial assistance that would’ve been given to foster parents for each individual child of that mother shall be given to her for housing and living in care expenses.
Lack of school resources due to lack of taxes that school system shall receive federal subsidizing to meet all budgetary needs for those students in that area. That school system shall get technical classes that is built into a curriculum for all ages. These classes include computers, HVAC, mechanic’s engineering, architecture, social infrastructure, law schools, political Science, plumbing, construction real estate, stock investment and financial training. Students that have been negatively affected by underfunded or ill-equipped school systems shall be given a promise to be able to enter any college tuition free.
College students that have experience racial discrimination shall have their college tuition made Housing the Poor
The government owns homes across the nation, families whose incomes have been negatively affected by ill-equipped underfunded African American schools or school system where racial discrimination against African-Americans students is evident shall be able to have a home in their area through a deed transfer from governmental agencies that own and manage property.
For families that can afford 0% home loans they shall be allowed to purchase homes owned by the government in their home town or area for $1.00 - $40,000. They shall also be eligible for rehabilitation loans for $20,000-$60,000.
Ordinances that does not allow more than one family to live in one home will be lawful against families that need to live together for financial reasons.
African-American homeowners who have rooms in their homes shall be able to rent rooms to other African-Americans that need rental assistance but does not have access to low income rentals. The goal is to allow African-Americans to save money to purchase a home that’s $1.00 to $40,000 from the city, or government and to allow the renting landlord the ability to gain an additional income.
Race and culture representation in government systems
If a mother finds herself under investigation for child neglect or abuse she shall be able to immediately have a investigator that is of her culture and race and a supervising investigator that is of her culture and her race.
All other agencies from judges, prosecutors, police officers to school board, city board’s, state boards citizens shall be able to go before a panel of people or person that is of their same race and culture.
Communities with the most Need shall receive grants from federal government
Affordable organic, natural foods and farming programs GMO ISSUES
Communities of color that have been negatively affected by GMO products or lack of access to fresh fruits and vegetables that are portable show be able to start an aquaponic program that community owns.they shall be given organic seating and the ability to start and have and work their own farms were farming equipment and all the equipment needed to run Aquaponic programs.
GMO products have been known to have a negative effect on human beings causing adverse health problems and weight gain. African-Americans in the last 10 years have been greatly negatively affected by unhealthy food choices and GMO products. GMO companies shall be held responsible and regulating government agencies. They should be able to get free workout equipment Hot sauna built into their homes and other natural home therapy programs that can promote weight loss, healthy well-being that will reverse all negative effects of unhealthy foods and GMO products.
Reduction of unhealthy businesses from the community
Our community have ample unhealthy businesses such as fast food restaurants and liquor stores that all promote unhealthy habits these need to be reduced.
Local News representation
Local news channels that reflect African-American concerns and issues that is run by African-Americans or minorities to in sure that those views are hurt Watch Record Report
Watch record report is solely for the purpose of people watching the news, officials, anything and any one in their area. Record it whether it be a meeting, a news show, or an event and if it shows racial discriminationor lack of diversity, report it.
� News reporting black crime and showing black faces and not showing white crime and white faces
� local news not reporting positive events in black communities but report white positive events in white communities
� Lack black reporters and news anchors that are culturally sensitive and knowledgeable to black people
� A shortage of reports of school Officials abusing black students but have a high number of reports of white students being assaulted by school officials � lack my Nordie reporting from Asians lose those Indians and their issues
� Watch commercials and look for companies who lack dark skin black actors black and dark skin black families with black mothers and black fathers that are dark skin and not mixed
� Watch movies and movie production companies that do not depict blacks and positive roles were they consistently have blacks in negative and sexually the meaning rolls
� Record the local condition of your community and video record how long it
takes you to get to another community that is in better condition and record that community’s condition. Record the conditioner cleanliness of the streets that availability of playgrounds affordable housing abandoned buildings cars car conditions health choices medical choices hospitals grocery stores organic and natural fruits and vegetable options liquor stores Street potholes recreation all options bikeways walkways pollution polluting businesses failed businesses lights signs people there condition review city services safety Paul Lee’s tickets judges sentencing reentry programs foster care issues rehab program shelter and food clothing
� Go into the court hallways and record stories of injustices
� Parents need to report all acts of bullying and outcomes from school officials they can submit audio video of accounts and if anyone was held accountable. They need to report any acts of retaliation for standing and reporting abuse us.
� all students accused of violating school policy shall have witnesses that are there for the child that will video and audio recorded what takes place when it comes to the treatment of our children by school officials, that will be reviewed by those who oppose the outcome of the findings.
� Jobs and if they pay a living wage
All of The situations can be watched recorded and reported and a common community that logs all of these reports that keep statistical data of the occurrences and the rate of occurrences and the level of response to complaints two officials about injustices.
Weepple.com is the website that is built for these reports that will keep track of them and that works with given strategy to its members as to how to move forward in the process of attaining justice.
Weepple.com promotes the development of citizens into local activist and or political figures and also gives them a platform to engage local and national citizens with their concerns via video audio or documents.
Weepple.com believes in our ability to police and government ourselves this will give us a place to find accountable leaders who are willing to help resolve issues and our community that are morally based.
Prophetess Dr. Telethia Denise Barrett
Prophetess Telethia Denise Barrett Founder of weepple.com, Civil Rights Network
Adonia Beverages, Health and Wellness Products Telethia Barrett Ministries telethiabarrett@gmail.com
919-285-9654 Info@weepple com TelethiaBarrett info Weepple com
I hope that this book gives us some type of idea of the list of demands for policy change to cry out for. We should share the cry of freedom and justice for all. We need freedom from oppression and freedom from The bondage of sin.
In "The Strategy: Policy Demands for a Desolated People," Prophetess Telethia Denise Barrett delivers a compelling and transformative guide for individuals and communities seeking divine direction in times of upheaval. This second installment in the *Implementing The Kingdom of God* series builds upon the foundations laid in the first book, offering readers a detailed blueprint for applying godly principles to the most pressing challenges of our day.
Prophetess Barrett draws upon deep spiritual insights and practical wisdom to reveal how God’s kingdom principles can address societal issues, empower the disenfranchised, and bring about lasting change. Through profound analysis and actionable strategies, she illuminates the path to rebuilding hope, instilling justice, and creating a flourishing community grounded in divine purpose.
Ideal for leaders, policymakers, and anyone committed to making a difference, "The Strategy" is a call to action and a source of inspiration for those who wish to see God’s will manifest in their world.
Prophetess Telethia Denise Barrett is an spiritual leader and author renowned for her prophetic insights and commitment to kingdom advancement. Her writings offer profound revelations and practical tools for those seeking to align their lives with divine purpose.