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Fauquier Times | June 24, 2020
The importance of speaking out against racial injustice and discrimination As I struggled with writing this letter, one thought kept haunting me. How can a white woman of privilege write about Juneteenth, continual racial oppression and inequality, and sustaining the momentum of the recent Black Lives Matters protests? I felt like an alien invader into sacred space others (Black people) have inhabited all of their lives. I pushed forward not because I claim to understand their suffering. I don’t. Not because I have felt their pain. I haven’t. Not because I have ever feared for my life or my children’s lives when they walk out the door. I haven’t. Not because I’ve awoken in the morning to consider what insult or demeaning experience I might have today. I haven’t. I write because my heart seizes anew with each report of another act of police brutality or murder of a Black citizen. This is a tangible reality of the Black experience in our society. I can no longer remain silent and hope somehow things will change, that others will see the light. No, not anymore. It is time to speak out and not stop speaking out until meaningful change occurs. There are many proposals that hold promise – demilitarizing the police, regulating police operations to include properly vetting candidates, better training, banning brutal practices including the infamous, often deadly chokeholds, and requiring immediate disciplinary action when those rules are violated. Our own policing organizations, as represented by Sheriff [Robert] Mosier and Warrenton Police Chief [Mike] Kochis, have both stepped up through written and verbal statements of support for the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as attending the recent rally in Eva Walker Park. This is the type of action all policing organizations should start with, while other, definitive measures are considered and implemented. As individuals, we have an important role to play. We must think
about and identify our own biases and change our behaviors. A good start is educating ourselves on the real history of Black oppression in our society and globally. There are many lessons that we weren’t taught in school which can inform our recognition of the Black struggle. One excellent local source is the Afro-American Historical Association of Fauquier County: https://www. aahafauquier.org. We must cast votes for candidates who are committed to racial equality and addressing police brutality. We must agitate in whatever ways we can -- whether through verbal and written contact with our congressional representatives, or in-person events – until change occurs. Finally, this brings me to Juneteenth. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, it is the day citizens of all races, and particularly, Black citizens, celebrate emancipation. Why? Because Juneteenth – June 19, 1865 -- marks the date of the surrender of the last territory held by the Army of the Confederacy and the official end of slavery for the estimated quarter of a million enslaved people. Here is an excerpt from that declaration: “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor.” In reflecting on the reference to equality, I realize the truth that equality necessitates equal protection under the law. Can we pretend Blacks have ever been treated equally? Let us join in honoring Black citizens and ourselves by ensuring we finally achieve the promise of “absolute equality,” 155 years after the final Emancipation Act was proclaimed. KATHY KADILAK The Plains
A cautionary tale about a scam Grandparents beware! Today, we received a call from a “lawyer” named Tom Duncan with a very believable story. Our grandson has been in an automobile accident that resulted in injury to a young woman. He had rear-ended another car and was charged with reckless driving. He was arrested and would require a $20,000 bail (lowered from $30,000 with the help of the “lawyer”). Before the “lawyer” could tell us where to send the bail money, I asked where the accident had taken
place. He said in front of the CVS store. When I asked which street and town, there was suddenly no one on the line. This happened to us once before so we were wary, and rightly so, when it involved our grandson and money was involved. As grandparents, we are always concerned for our grandchildren, and we seem to be easy targets for nefarious people. So, again, grandparents beware!
Recent events offer hope for change In an ongoing effort to try and remain Susie Sunshine (and not Debbie Downer) during this unsettling, frightening and extremely divisive time, I’d like to note two different events that give me hope that America is capable of recognizing its faults and weaknesses and can make the necessary changes to correct course and address issues of inequality. First, I’d like to give a shout out and recognize that this July marks the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) becoming law. In enacting the ADA, Congress intended that the act "provide a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities." Congress also recognized that “physical and mental disabilities in no way diminish a person's right to fully participate in all aspects of society, but that people with physical or mental disabilities are frequently precluded from doing so because of prejudice, antiquated attitudes, or the failure to remove societal and institutional barriers.” The ADA’s passage and its future revisions and amendments, although not a complete solution, did right several wrongs and helped numerous areas that needed addressing. Second, a recent example of rec-
ognizing and addressing inequality was the U.S. Supreme Court decision that the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects gay, lesbian, and transgender employees from discrimination. This was long overdue and the country righted another wrong. Change often moves at a glacial pace, which is unfair, but it can and does happen. Recent events highlight all that is wrong with the inequality Black ... Americans have endured since being forcefully brought to America. This too must change, and the change needs to begin now. The necessary changes won’t happen quickly enough (it would be wonderful if they could), but they must start now. The rapidity of change depends on everyone joining in the call for change, not just those who are victims of inequality. Perhaps some self-reflection of one’s own attitudes and behaviors is needed and a good place to start the change. I’m not a biologist but I do know that as human beings we are all of the same genus and species, so let’s stop treating each other as if we are somehow different and work together for needed change. We have shown we know how to change as a country; we just need the will to do so.
A call for justice for Breonna Taylor Birthdays are funny events. Celebrating one more year of life that we have passed, excitement of another year upon us. No matter how one likes to celebrate, one thing is for sure, people deserve to live and see their birthdays. Sadly, this has not turned out to be true in the case of Breonna Taylor. She would have had the chance to celebrate her 27th birthday on June 5, had she not been shot by the police on March 13. The protests that have been induced since the death of George Floyd have started difficult conversations and highlighted the systemic oppression against African American community. Despite this, we still need to keep echoing the name of Breonna Taylor so that she may also get a fair chance at justice as well. On June 11, Louisville council unan-
Letters to the Editor
The Fauquier Times welcomes letters to the editor from its readers as a forum for discussion of local public affairs subjects. WRITE: Letters to the Editor 41 Culpeper Street Warrenton, VA 20188 FAX: Editor 540-349-8676 EMAIL: news@fauquier.com
imously banned no-knock warrants, known as “Breonna’s Law.” The law is a start, a rugged path leading toward the road of justice. However, it is up to us to see that Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner and countless other people get the justice they very well deserve, as well as ensure that countless other names are not added to the list. In order to live a just life, it is narrated in the Holy Quran that, “Among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your tongues and colors.” (30:23). This diversity should be accepted, while making sure that supreme justice is achieved, and kindness prevails all.
Letters must be signed by the writer. Messages sent via email must say “Letter to the Editor” to distinguish them from other messages not meant for publication. Include address and phone for verification (Not to be published.) Letters are subject to editing for clarity and length. Personal attacks will not be published. Long letters from those with special authority on a current issue may be treated as a guest column (with photo requested). Due to volume, letters cannot be acknowledged. All letters are appreciated. Letters must be received by 5 p.m. Monday to be considered for Wednesday publication.