Fauquier Times December 5, 2018

Page 11


Fauquier Times | December 5, 2018



Discovery Publications focus on good news Named 2018 Small Business of the Year By John Hagarty

Contributing Writer

Take a successful, loving couple and watch what happens when they get creative. More success. On Nov. 3, the Fauquier Chamber of Commerce recognized the accomplishments of Kathy Harper and her late husband Bill by naming Discovery Publications the 2018 Small Business of the Year. The launch of their publishing company fittingly occurred on lover’s day, Feb. 14, 1991. It originally targeted readers in a four-county area, including Fauquier. Today, there are two publications, Discover Fauquier and Discover Western Prince William, closing in on three decades of success. Many of its readers characterize the free-distribution paper as “the good-feeling publication” because of its focus on positive stories about local businesses. Sadly, Bill Harper passed away of pancreatic cancer in 1996. But Kathy Harper and her staff of 14 have carried on and created a legacy for the man who conceived the idea for the paper. Bill Harper was marketing director for Jefferson Savings and Loan Association and had previously started a similar paper called Leesburg Today. “The Discover publications were the brainchild of my husband and first published on Valentine’s Day 27 years ago. Bill had requests from local businessmen to help them promote their businesses during a recession. The paper started in a one-room office in the Ben Franklin store,” Harper said. The Harpers hired a graphic designer, Susie Eastridge, after the first issue was released. She has been with the paper ever since. One of the hallmarks of the paper is the length of service of many of its employees; a justifiable point of pride for Harper in an age of employment hopping. Prior to his death, Bill Harper taught his wife the marketing business. As a quick study and successful career woman in her own right, the lessons paved the way for the subsequent long running success of the company. Today, her daughter Katie Quadrini is the sales representative for the Western Prince William edition of the paper. “Katie has worked for the paper for years, even when she was in school,” said Harper. Her son Paul was in the Marine Corps for seven years attaining the rank of captain before leaving to begin a separate career of his own. The two newspapers are pub-


Kathy Harper, publisher of Discovery Publications, was elated to receive the Fauquier Chamber of Commerce 2018 Small Business of the Year award at the Nov. 3 gala and annual meeting held at the Stoneridge Events Center. lished about 10 times a year gener- working at the Voice of America and ating some 85,000 copies per issue; for its Office of General Counsel. “I worked in Canada, Iran, Lon36,000 for the Fauquier edition and 41,000 for the Western Prince Wil- don among other places telling the liam paper. They are delivered free American story. What I do today is tell the Fauquier and Prince William to residents via direct mail. In addition to company profiles, stories. Both Bill and I had commua hallmark of the paper is editori- nications backgrounds; me with the al support for local businesses and government and him in the private nonprofits, including the hospital sector. We were also good communicators together,” said Harper. and sheriff’s department. The job is not without its challeng“We focus on the positive slant. Our mission has always been to sup- es. Recently she received a compliport the community with high-qual- ment from a hospital employee for all ity advertising and friendly articles. the paper had done to support its programs, adding, “How do A typical paper will range from 36 up to 56 “We focus on the you guys make money it being free?” pages,” said Harper. positive slant. with Harper explains it’s In 2011, the publication launched a home Our mission has not easy given the cost of paper and postage always been and garden show held “It’s very exeach spring so local to support the today. pensive to produce the businesses and clients can connect face-to-face. community with paper. We have no subscriptions, so we need high quality The eighthw annual show was held at Fau- advertising and to make money on the advertising.” quier High School last friendly articles.” A loyal community April. of businesses is key to – KATHY HARPER The show brings Publisher, Discovery its survival, so the latogether artisans and Publications ser-like focus on showbusinesses in a tradecasing merchants in the show format and featwo counties served is critical for tures a host of items for sale to beausuccess. tify home and garden. A testimonial from Ashley SimShopping, food and live entermons with Sky Meadows State Park tainment make it a fun event. is representative of the feedback Experience breeds success Harper often receives, “Thank you Achieving the role of a successful for helping Sky Meadows State Park publisher is not surprising when one reach a wide audience with informaconsiders Kathy Harper’s resume. tion about the fun things people can She logged her first career at the enjoy at our park.” Another supportive comment United States Information Agency

came from the past president of the Piedmont Symphony Orchestra, Cooper Wright, who said, “I hope everyone had a chance to see the wonderful article on the Piedmont Symphony Orchestra in the March edition of Discover Fauquier.” Kathy Harper reflects the positivity created by the Discover newspapers saying, “Life has been a good ride for me. I can’t say I regret any of it. I’m sad my husband isn’t here to share all of the good stuff that has happened with the paper. But I know he watches down on me and my employees.” To catch the latest editions of Discover Fauquier and Discover Western Prince William visit: www.discoverypubs.com For more business and wine tales, visit Hagarty-on-wine.com


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