2 minute read

Activity 2: Women in Politics��������������������������������������������������������������������������

Activity 2: How to Make Influence in Politics

Objectives By the end of this session, participants are expected to: • Make an influence in politics as an average citizen • Make an influence as a politician

Time Required 30 minutes

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers

1. Welcome participants to Activity 2: How to Make Influence in Politics, and share with participants the objectives of activity one to take them in the mood of the activity.

2. Get the participant into groups and ask them to brainstorm how to influence politics.

3. Give them a starting point for them to be able to have the same orientation in their brainstorming and come up with good ideas.

4. The group presents their list of ideas and arranges them around “how to have a strong influence” with the participants.

5. The facilitator continues by adding their inputs to strengthen, emphasize and clarify the participants’ ideas.

Activity 3: Political Sustainability

Objectives By the end of this session, participants are expected to: • Be aware of elements of political sustainability • Understand theories of political sustainability

Time Required 30 minutes

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. The facilitator welcomes participants to this activity while linking it with some of the key points covered during activities one and two.

2. Divide participants into small groups and reflect on the core, relevant elements of political sustainability that are required for sustainability.

3. Each group is then requested to present /report back about their group reflections on the core elements of political sustainability. 4. Their answers should be recorded on the flipchart. This process should take three minutes, take two minutes to go through the list and summarize their ideas by aligning their thoughts to the definition of political stability.

5. Display the facilitator’s slides and share the content and elements of political sustainability with them.

Activity 4: Advocacy and Lobbying in Politics

Objectives By the end of this session, participants are expected to: • Define what is advocacy and lobbying • Understand the role of advocacy • Know the types of activities included in advocacy

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion,

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. The facilitator welcomes participants to this activity while linking it with some of the key points covered during the activity three and two. S/he will then take a brief review of activity objectives.

2. Divide participants into small groups and reflect on core relevant elements of political sustainability that are required for sustainability.

3. Here each group will be requested to present /report back about their group reflections on the core elements of political sustainability,

4. Their answers should be recorded on the flipchart. This process should take three minutes, take two minutes to go through the list and summarize by covering their ideas to the definition of political sustainability,

5. Display your slides and share with them the elements of political sustainability.

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