2 minute read
Activity 2: Political Positioning ����������������������������������������������������������������������
Activity 2: The Benefits of a Work-life Balance
Objectives By the end of this session, participants are expected to: • Understand the benefits of work-life balance for employees • Recognize the benefits of work-life balance for the employer
Time Required One hour
Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion
Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint
1.Welcome the participants to the new activity and encourage them to be attentive and share the aim of the activity.
2. Take a brief review of previous activities and the expected outcomes
3. Divide the participants into small groups of four or five depending on the size of the class.
4. Have the participants suggest what work-life balance is and the mistake(s) most people make that may lead to work-life imbalance. 5. Ask the group to present their views on the given topics and write them on a flipchart.
6. Share your inputs with participants to direct, emphasize and compliment participants’ ideas.
7. Ask the participants to tell the relevance of the activity to real-life events in their home country.
8. Use the case study to illustrate the activity and for the participants to internalize it.
9. Ask the participants to share their lived experiences and lessons from their past mistakes in work-life imbalance situations.
The facilitator may conclude the session by the relaxation breathing techniques practical session
Activity 3: The Signs of an Unbalanced Life
Time Required
Methodology By the end of this session, participants are expected to: • Know the signs of an unbalanced life • Discover a way out of the unbalanced life
One hour
Pair work, demonstration, small groups and large group discussions
Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint
1. Welcome participants to this activity while linking it with the key points covered during activities one and two.
2. Divide participants into small groups and reflect on core, relevant attitudes that reveal an unbalanced life.
3. Each group will be requested to present /report their group reflections on the core signs of an unbalanced life.
4. Their answers will be recorded on the flipchart. This process should take three minutes, take two minutes to go through the list and summarize by directing the conversation to the definition of an unbalanced work life.
5. Display your slides and share with the class the signs listed in the handout.