2 minute read

Activity 6: Campaign Resources Mobilization and Funding�����������������������������

A Yoga practical exercise may conclude this activity.

Activity 7: Draw a Boundary Between Work and Home

Objectives By the end of this session, participants are expected to: • Understand how to set boundaries between work and home

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint

Welcome participants to this activity and review the objectives together. Remind participants that we clarified the way of leaving work stress at work and home stress at home while drawing boundaries between work and home in the last activity.

Tell participants that we will discuss drawing boundaries between work and home and its importance towards a balanced work-life.

Share your PPT and provide participants with a handout on key information on drawing the boundaries between work and home.

Activity 8: Create a Balance at Work and Home

Objectives By the end of this session, participants are expected to: • Be able to create a balance at work and home

Time Required One hour


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome participants to this activity and review the objectives together. Remind participants that we clarified how to draw the boundaries between work and home in the last activity while linking the latter with creating the balance at work and home. 2. Tell participants that we will discuss creating a balance at work and home and how to start this balance.

3. Disclose your PPT and provide participants with a handout on how to create a balance at work and home.

Activity 9: Self-care

Objectives By the end of this session, participants are expected to: • Understand self-care practices for every area of your life

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. The facilitator may start with greeting the participants and showing them a short video on self-care.

2. Welcome participants to this activity and review the objectives together. Remind participants that we clarified definitions and approaches related to creating a balance between work and home in the last activity. 3. Divide participants into groups and ask them to reflect and identify key relevant skills/ tips for an effective way of self-care and reflect on what they have learned from the short video they’ve watched. 4. Share with participants the PPT and the handout containing relevant skills/tips for effective stress management.

A Yoga practical exercise may conclude this activity.

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