Regional Academy Manual

Page 46

Regional Academy Learning Manual For Women In Political Participation (WPP)

This is a Trainer‘s Guide

Published by:

Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) FAWE House, Chania Avenue, off Wood Avenue, Kilimani P.O. Box 21394 - Ngong Road, Nairobi 00505, Kenya.

Tel: (254-020) 3873131/ 3873359 Fax: (254-020) 3874150


Copyright: This publication may not be reproduced for any purposes without prior written permission from fawe. Fawe cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. Parts of this publication may be copied for use in research, advocacy and education, provided that the source is acknowledged.

©FAWE Forum For African Women Educationalists (FAWE). 2021

Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 002
Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 004 005 >>> <<<<< Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Acknowledgements 10 Module Zero: General Introduction of The Module 12 Introductory Module Overview ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Activity 1: Welcome and Introductions ������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Activity 2: Expectations From Participants ������������������������������������������������������� 14 Activity 3: Goals and Overview of The Module 15 Activity 4: Setting the Norms and Logistics ������������������������������������������������������ 16 Activity 5: Module Review Activity ������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Module One: Introduction To Politics and Governance 20 Module One Overview �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Activity 1: Introduction to Politics and Governance ����������������������������������������� 21 Activity 2: Political Theories and Effects on Behaviour ������������������������������������ 22 Activity 3: Political System ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22 Activity 4: Electoral System 23 Activity 5: Forms and Mechanisms of Political Participation ���������������������������� 24 Activity 6: Political Participation ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 Activity 7: State of Democracy in Africa ����������������������������������������������������������� 25 Activity 8: Notion of Governance ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 Activity 9: Layers of Governance ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Activity 10: Conclusion 26 Module Two: International Legal Framework For Women in Political Participation 28 Module Two Overview �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Activity 1: Introduction 29 Activity 2: UNSCR 1325 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30 Activity 3: Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) 30 Activity 4: Maputo Protocol���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 Activity 5: Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) ������������������������ 32 Activity 6: Sustainable Development Goal-5 (Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls) �������������������������������������������������� 32 Activity 7: African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance �������������� 33 Activity 8: Case of Some African Constitutions 34 Activity 9: Conclusion� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34 Module Three: Political Aspirant Recruitment 36 Module Three Overview ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37 Activity 1: Introductory Activity 37 Activity 2: Women in Politics�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38 Activity 3: Women’s Personal Development and Self-confidence Building �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39 Activity 4: Role of Women in Politics �������������������������������������������������������������� 39 Activity 5: How to Engage Women and Young Girls in Politics ������������������������ 40 Activity 6: Political Recruitment 40 Activity 7: Political Mentorship ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 41 Activity 8: State of WPP in Africa ������������������������������������������������������������������� 41 Activity 9: Case Studies of WPP (Successful Stories) ������������������������������������ 42 Activity 10: Conclusion ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42 Module Four: Women In Elections 44 Module Four Overview ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 Activity 1: Introductory Activity ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 Activity 2: Political Positioning ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 46 Activity 4: Effective Manifesto Building ���������������������������������������������������������� 47 Activity 5: Campaign Fundraising 47 Activity 6: Campaign Resources Mobilization and Funding ����������������������������� 48 Activity 7: Case Study ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 49 Activity 8: Conclusion ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 49 Table of Contents

Module Seven: Women’s Political Influence and Sustainability 72


Activity 9: Conflict Resolution ��������������������������������������������������������78

Activity 10: Conclusion ������������������������������������������������������������������79

Module Eight: Transformative Leadership

For Women In Politics 80

Module Eight Overview ������������������������������������������������������������������81

Activity 1: Introduction ������������������������������������������������������������������81

Activity 2: Women’s Transformative Leadership in Africa ����������������82

Activity 3: Gender Justice and Women’s Rights 82

Activity 4: Transformative Change and Power ��������������������������������83

Activity 5: Transformative Leadership for Women’s Rights �������������84

Activity 6: Role Model and Characteristics of a Good Leader ����������84

Activity 7: Conclusion ��������������������������������������������������������������������85

Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 006 007
Module Five: Communication, Public Relation and Branding 52
Introduction to Communication �������������������������������������� 53
3: Tips for Effective Communication ���������������������������������� 54
2: Types of Communication ����������������������������������������������� 54
4: Barriers to Effective Communication ����������������������������� 55
5: Political Communication 55
6: Public Speaking 56
7: Public Relations ������������������������������������������������������������ 57
8: Public Branding ������������������������������������������������������������� 57
9: Case studies������������������������������������������������������������������ 58
10: Conclusion ������������������������������������������������������������������ 59
Module Five Overview 53 Activity1:
1: Introduction ������������������������������������������������������������������ 63
2: Gender and Gender Based Violence (GBV) ��������������������� 64
3: Gender Mainstreaming 64
4: Gender Analysis 65
5: Gender Responsive Budgeting ��������������������������������������� 65
6: Resource Mobilization ��������������������������������������������������� 66 Activity 7: Women Economic Empowerment����������������������������������� 67 Activity 8: Financial Literacy� ��������������������������������������������������������� 67
9: Conclusion 68
Module Six: Gender and Gender Mainstreaming
Module Six Overview����������������������������������������������������������������������
Seven Overview 73
Activity 1: Introduction 73 Activity 2: How to Make Influence in Politics ����������������������������������74 Activity 3: Political Sustainability ���������������������������������������������������74 Activity 4: Advocacy and Lobbying in Politics ���������������������������������75
Activity 5: Negotiation �������������������������������������������������������������������76
Activity 6: Coalition-building 76 Activity 7: Experience and Record-keeping 77
Activity 8: Political Succession ������������������������������������������������������78

Module Nine: Work-Life Balance 88

Module Nine Overview 89

Module Ten: Mainstreaming Political Participation For Women Living With Disability 98

Module Ten Overview 99

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Activity 1: Introduction
89 Activity 2: The Benefits of a Work-life Balance
90 Activity 3: The Signs of an Unbalanced Life
91 Activity 4: Psychological Counselling 92 Activity 5: Time Management and Goal Setting
93 Activity 6: Stress Management
93 Activity 7: Draw a Boundary Between Work and Home
94 Activity 8: Create a Balance at Work and Home
95 Activity 9: Self-care
Activity 1: Introduction
99 Activity 2: Legal Framework for Mainstreaming Political Participation for Women Living with Disability �����������100 Activity 3: Mainstreaming Disability in Politics �������������������������101 Activity 4: Obstacles/ Barriers to Equal Political Participation 102 Activity 5: Strategies for Effective WWD Participation in Politics
Activity 6: Conclusion
This publication was copy edited and designed by: EKAR COMMUNICATIONS (C) Nairobi, Kenya W: E: Tel: +254711409860

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have the strength & the patience.

Over the last few decades, women‘s empowerment has been at the heart of the debate on achieving gender equality between men and women worldwide. Women‘s empowerment is considered a key condition for developing programmes and endeavours.

The project aims at increasing the political participation and representation of women in Africa. The elaboration of this Trainer‘s Guide would not have been possible without the collaboration between various partners to whom we owe appreciation and recognition.

In this regard, various initiatives, commitments and efforts have been deployed at the global, regional and country level to improve women and girls‘ participation in politics, including the Beijing Declaration, CEDAW, UNSCR 1325 and Maputo Protocol, et cetera. However, despite efforts that have been made to enhance the participation of women in politics in most African countries, women are still underrepresented. This underrepresentation happens in different political and decisionmaking positions in Africa and worldwide.

To fill the gap highlighted above, and for women and girls to make meaningful participation in politics, they need to be prepared and equipped with the required capacity and attitudes. Thus, FAWE, In partnership with the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), FAWE has implemented the Women in Political Participation (WPP) program for three years.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the International IDEA and SIDA that, through the above programme, provided financial and technical support to implement this project. The realization of this Trainer‘s Guide is part of the project‘s activities.

Similarly, our special appreciation goes to members of the consortium for their invaluable contribution towards the achievement of this Trainer‘s Guide.

Special gratitude goes to the team of consultants led by Dr Rutebuka Balinda for their intellectual contribution to elaborating this Trainer‘s Guide.

We finally thank the management and the team from FAWE for their invaluable role in the development of this Trainer‘s Guide.

Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0010 0011

Module Zero: General Introduction of The Module

After Completion of This Module, The Participants Will Understand:

Expectations From Participants

Goals and Overview of the Module

Setting the Norms and Logistics

Introductory Module Overview



1: Welcome and Introductions Five minutes

2: Expectations from Participants Five minutes

3: Goals and Overview of the Module Five minutes

4: Setting the Norms and Logistics Five minutes

5: Introductory Module Review Activity Five minutes

Total Time: 30minutes

Note: The time allocated to each activity can be adjusted according to the number of trainees

Activity 1: Welcome and Introductions


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Introduce themselves clearly and confidently and know each other after the introduction

Time Required Five minutes

Methodology Individual work

Materials None


1. Warmly welcome participants to the training and introduce yourself to the group. The welcome should be kept very brief since you will also participate in icebreakers and other exercises.

You will have an opportunity to say more about yourself then.

Start by introducing yourself. This welcome should be innovative and include:

• Your name

• Your institution

• And any other interesting thing about yourself.

Now explain that since you will be working closely together for a whole day, everyone should try to know each other. During your introduction, try to establish a rapport with the audience to put them at ease.

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2. You can begin by introducing yourself in the manner you want, then ask participants to follow. Ask each participant to introduce their name by simply adding a favourite product to sell. This should be followed by the name of their domain of activity and country to follow. Ask participants to pair up with someone they don‘t know and interview each other. They should each introduce their new friend to the group under the headings you used for yourself.

For example:

“ I am Mutesa John I come from Koboko District � “

Note: The introductions can be done when seated but become more fun and active if the participants are standing in a circle. Each participant moves into the circle while introducing themselves. Be mindful of group dynamics.

Activity 2: Expectations From Participants


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Identify their expectations from the training

Time Required Five minutes




Individual work and large group presentation

Tape, flipchart and marker, whiteboard, pins/stickers

After they have written their expectations, ask two participants to volunteer, one to read aloud one by one, as another one writes it on the flip chart or pins them on the whiteboard.

Stick/pin their expectations on the flipchart as they say them. Afterwards, go through the list together and explain that these will be further discussed when the goals and overview of the course are presented in more detail.

The participants are going to share their expectations about the training. These expectations could be reached/achieved during or after the training.

The cards and markers are distributed, and each participant is asked to write one main expectation before, during and after the training.


Listen carefully to participants‘ expectations. You should only be the facilitator, not the instructor. Every response should be given due respect and consideration. As you pin them on the board, order them according to the training objective areas so that you can easily establish which expectations will be covered by which objective or not.

Activity 3: Goals and Overview of The Module


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Explain the goals of the course

Time Required Ten minutes



Facilitator presentation

Flipchart and marker, pre-prepared goals on Powerppoint

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Participants will be reminded of the overall goal of the gender and GBV legal framework, gender mainstreaming in local planning and budgeting training and inclusive governance training. Specific objectives of the training will be presented via PowerPoint presentation and, if need be, on flip charts.

Briefly share/discuss with participants the main modules to be covered in the training.

Explain to participants that the activities in this module are designed to be participatory, active and very hands-on. In this way, participants will learn new information in fun ways and get the chance to practice new skills. As an example of this, ask the group to think about and call out what they just did in the previous activity.

Activity 4: Setting the Norms and Logistics


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Identify and agree upon rules of the training that will promote a supportive and open environment

• To understand the logistical arrangements of the training

Time Required Five minutes

Methodology Individual work, large group presentation

Materials Tape, flipchart and marker, whiteboard, pins/ stickers, printed schedule for all participants


1� Explain to participants that to create and maintain a supportive environment, they must identify and agree upon some rules or norms of the training. Give an example of a norm such as „don’t interrupt when someone is talking”.

2 Have participants brainstorm some ideas, writing the norms down on Flipchart as they agree on them. You may refer to the list below if you feel something important has been left out. The main ones are the following:

a. Punctuality: Arrive on time for each training session. Arriving late is a sign of disrespect to the facilitator and your fellow participants and would delay the session.

c. Respect others: Respect each other, yourselves, and the facilitator. Listen actively. Do not speak when someone else is talking. The trainer will be facilitating the discussions with your assistance.

Give everyone a chance to contribute; every answer is valued.

e. Agree to disagree: During this workshop, everyone must feel free to express opinions and concerns. Please see frank discussions (for example, about politics) as healthy exchanges rather than personal attacks. There should be a tolerance of differences, and everyone should contribute to a safe/nonjudgmental environment.

f. Ask questions: There are no stupid questions. Please do not think any question you have is unimportant. If you have a question you don’t want to ask in front of others, ask it privately during a break or write a note to the facilitator.

g. Give your honest feedback: At the end of each day, you will be given a form for your input on making this training better next time. Please be honest! Constructive criticism is appreciated and is the only way that we can improve.

3� Emphasize that the list of norms they have created are norms that other people follow in the workplace as well. In addition, each of them (participants) will be called upon to take on certain responsibilities to have everybody involved every day. Such tasks may include opening and closing reflection, fun activities, being a trainer’s assistant and timekeeper, the ‚eyes‘ and ‚ears‘ to report on the general feeling of participants based on what s/he has observed and heard throughout the day.

4 Give participants the training agenda, showing the days, sessions, activities, and breaks. Develop this before the training day, though there may be some adjustments during the training sessions. Review together and make clarifications as needed.

5 Cover course logistics by going through the workshop program. Give them handout two which is the plan of session, so they know what to expect. Let them know:

• When to expect coffee breaks, lunch, et cetera.

b. No disturbances: Cell phones should be turned off at the beginning of the workshop and should remain off until the end except during breaks. Avoid side conversations; if you are unclear about the module being discussed or the instructions, please ask the facilitator to clarify.

d. Active participation: You are your own best resource. Much of the content of the training will be coming from you. Each one of you brings a wealth of experience to the program. The workshop can only be successful if it is a two-way process and everyone participates fully.

• Where to find facilities such as the toilets.

• If and when they should or should not take notes.

• Set ground rules.

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1 2 3

Activity 5: Module Review Activity


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Review the main activities covered in the session (welcome and introductions, expectations from participants, goals and overview of the curriculum, setting the norms and logistics)

• Reflect upon different training methods

Time Required Five minutes


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials Flipchart and paper, markers, tape


1 Explain to participants that we are at the end of the introductory module. We have done activities related to orienting participants to the course, expectations from participants, goals and overview of the curriculum, setting norms and requirements.

2 Working in pairs, ask participants to think about one or two things they learned from each of the four previous activities. They will need to write down what they learned and demonstrate how they learned it.

3 Ask each pair to share one item per activity with the main group in the large group. Have them demonstrate how they learned it first and the rest of the group can guess what they are referring to.

4 Remind participants about the modules to cover and the activities under each module.

5 Remind participants that the workshop is going to use a variety of training methods that are active and participatory. Participants will learn from each other, the trainers and participate in various activities.

The best one word ice breaker

Ask for a volunteer to start and then ask each participant to share one word that described their culture. Next, after the participants have listened to the variety of words from the larger group, ask them to explore several questions in their small group

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Module One: Introduction To Politics and Governance


Introduce the participants to Module One: Introduction to Politics and Governance, and encourage them to be attentive during the whole duration of the session.

Present the activities to be covered in the module, explain the methodology and give them time for their input for good module delivery.

Have participants turn to the first page of Module One in their handbooks and review the module‘s objectives with them. Ask them what they think is relevant between the different activities to be covered in the module.

Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0020 0021
S/N Activities Time
Activity 1: Introduction
After Completion of This Module, The Participants Will: Be Introduced to Politics, Know Political Systems, Understand Electoral Systems Acquire Knowledge on Political Participation Know the Different Forms and Mechanisms of Political Participation Be Familiar With the State of Democracy in Africa Have Some Notions of Governance Understand Layers of Governance
1 Introduction to the Module 30 minutes
Introduction to Politics One hour
Political Systems One hour
Electoral System One hour
Political Participation One hour
Forms and Mechanisms of Political Participation One hour
State of Democracy in Africa One hour
Notion of Governance One hour
Layers of Governance One hour
Conclusion One hour Total: Nine hours
Module One Overview Objectives By the
will be covered in the
to work
Methodology Pair work, demonstration,
discussion Materials Flipchart and paper, markers, tape
end of this activity, the participants will: •
a sense of what
module •
familiar with terms to
used in
module • Have tips on how
together as one team for the same goal
Required 30 minutes
large group

Activity 2: Political Theories and Effects on Behaviour


By the end of the activity, participants will:

• Understand the fundamental concepts,theories central to comparative politics and international relations, and

• Be able to explain the similarities and differences between various types of politics and how they affect their behaviour

Time Required 30 minutes




Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Flipchart and paper, markers, tape

Present the basic discussions to introduce politics‘ nature, concept, and theoretical framework. It will provide participants with an understanding of the difference of politics from the government and its evolution, which will eventually develop participants’ ability to apply these concepts to current issues on politics and development.

Activity 3: Political System

Gives participants a critical understanding of the role of the different key players/actors in the political process. This will encourage them to develop their ideas to enhance political participation and improve the state‘s accountability.



By the end of the activity, participants will:

• Understand the fundamental political systems in the world

• Be able to explain the similarities and differences between various political systems

• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of representative democracy

• Explain why authoritarian and totalitarian regimes are more unstable politically than democracies and monarchies

Time Required One hour



Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Flipchart and paper, markers, tape

Welcome participants to this activity and link it with some of the key points covered during the previous exercises.

Have participants think about the “Political Systems” and reflect on linking them with their living experience in pairs or groups.

Share and explain different “Political systems” to participants, referring to the handout.

Provide practical exercises, icebreaker sessions and selfcare session.

Activity 4: Electoral System


By the end of the activity, participants will:

• Understand the fundamentals of political systems in the world

• Be able to explain the similarities and differences between various political systems

• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of representative democracy

• Explain why authoritarian and totalitarian regimes are more unstable politically than democracies and monarchies

Time Required One hour




Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Flipchart and paper, markers, tape

Now participants are asked to break into three groups. Allocate one of each of the following questions to each group for a three-minute discussion. Each group should write their answers on the flipchart and paper and paste them around the room.

• Why should women participate in elections?

• Do women have a right to participate in elections?

• How is the electoral system in your country?

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Activity 5: Forms and Mechanisms of Political Participation


By the end of this activity, the participants will be;

• Able to describe well, the forms and the mechanisms of political participation

• Aware of different mechanisms to promote political participation


Now participants are asked to break into two groups. Allocate one of each of the following questions to each group for a three-minute discussion. Each group should write their answers on flipcharts and paper and pass them around the room.

• Why should women participate in democratic politics?

• Do women have the right to participate in politics?

Time Required




One hour

Group work and facilitator presentation

Flipchart and paper, marker and tape

The facilitator will ask the participants to form groups and share their views on what they think of the forms of governance.

After the discussion, the facilitator will collect the different views and compliment them. That facilitator must appreciate the participants‘ knowledge and encourage them to be confident about their opinions. This is because the participants are expected to become women politicians and in that case, they will have to exchange ideas with their peer politicians.

Activity 6: Political Participation


By the end of this activity, the participants will be able to

• Describe well, the reasons why citizens should participate in democratic politics and the benefits of political participation

Activity 7: State of Democracy in Africa


By the end of this activity, the participants:

• Will know the state of democracy in Africa as a whole and will also be given a comparative view internationally and on their home country

Time Required One hour




Group work and facilitator presentation

Flipchart and paper, marker and tape

Time Required



One hour

Group work and facilitator presentation

Flipchart and paper, marker and tape

The participants will be asked to give their views on the state of democracy in their countries. After, they will then present their views on the state of democracy in their country compared to other African countries and the rest of the world.

The facilitator will help the participants arrange their views because their ideas matter most, and s/he will add their input based on their opinions.

Activity 8: Notion of Governance


By the end of this activity, the participants will know:

• The true meaning of governance

• The different uses of the term governance

• How to differentiate government from governance?

Time Required One hour



Group work and facilitator presentation

Flipchart and paper, marker and tape

Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0024 0025


The participants will be asked to go in groups of four or five depending on the size of the class and the facilitator will tell them to discuss the meaning of governance from their point of view.

They will brainstorm by writing their ideas down and after the group discussion, the facilitator will ask the group rapporteur to give the outcome of their conversation.

From this point, the facilitator will build their input to emphasise, complete and guide the participants’ ideas using the handout.

Activity 9: Layers of Governance


At the end of this activity, the participants will:

• Know different layers of governance

• Know different levels of governance

Time Required One hour

Methodology Group work and facilitator presentation

Materials Flipchart and paper, marker and tape


The facilitator asks the participants to form groups and give their views on the layers of governance.

After the discussion, the facilitator will collect the different views and compliment them. That facilitator must appreciate the participants‘ knowledge and encourage them to be confident about their opinions. This is because the participants are expected to become women politicians and, in that case, they will have to exchange ideas with their peer politicians.

Activity 10: Conclusion


At the end of this activity, the participants will know :

• Different layers of governance

• The different levels of governance

Time Required One hour

Methodology Group work and facilitator presentation



The facilitator starts by welcoming the participants to the last activity of Module One:

Introduction to Politics and governance.

The facilitator helps the participants to take a review of the module by revising each activity

It is expected that at the end of this module, the covered content will be entirely transferred to the participants.

They will be able to distinguish between political systems and electoral systems. They will also be able to describe political participation and come up with facts on the state of democracy in Africa. Additionally, they will be equipped with the notion of governance and be aware of governance layers.

To this end, it is expected that participants will be able to contextualize the module‘s content to their home country.

Favourite Ice Breaker

1. Divide the participants into four or five people by having them number off. (You do this because people generally begin a meeting by sitting with the people they already know best - even when you ask them to sit with people they don‘t work with daily).

2. Use your imagination and be creative. Tell the newly formed groups that their assignment is to identify and share their favourite (insert object), such as favourite trees, actors, ice cream, vacation destination, animal, book, movie, city in the U.S, city in the world, and favourite dinner. (If your goal is to stay more workfocused, you can ask participants to identify their favourite work activity, their favourite spot to sit in the company, something that they get to do every day that they love, or their favourite, most important, current goal). Ideas for the identification of favourites will come to you.

3. The second part of the icebreaker assignment shares why the selected item is their personal favourite.

4. Debrief the activity in the large group by asking everyone to share their favourite, but not why with the larger group. This moves quickly. It also generates laughter as participants hear what every other attendee selected.

5. As a final step, ask participants to share with the larger group what they learned about their co-workers during the small group discussion. Ask what insights they gained about their small group members.

Flipchart and paper, marker and tape

This team-building icebreaker takes 10 – 15 minutes, depending on the number of groups you have.

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Trainers‘ Guide on Women

Module Two: International Legal Framework For Women in Political Participation

The Maputo Protocol


The facilitator will introduce the new module to the participants and tell them the expected outputs.

After the introduction, the facilitator may add some remarks and guidelines followed along with the module session(s). The facilitator may elaborate on the required materials to cover the module specifically for each activity.

The facilitator asks the participants for questions they have and answers them. The facilitator explains the module‘s content and pays special attention to each activity forming the module.

The participants may ask questions on topics they didn’t fully understand and the facilitator provides them with answers.

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After Completion of This Module, The Participants Will Understand: How UNSCR 1325 Came About CEDAW and How it Gives Women a Platform to Express Themselves
The Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) The Sustainable Development Goal-5
Activities Time 1 Introduction 30 minutes
UNSCR 1325 One hour
CEDAW One hour
Maputo Protocol One hour
Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) One hour
Sustainable Development Goal-5 One hour
Conclusion 30 minutes Total: Six hours
Module Two Overview Activity 1: Introduction
After completion of this activity, the participants will: • Have full knowledge of the module structure
Methodology Facilitator presentation Materials Marker, flipchart and paper
• Be aware of how long the module will last and the activities • Be informed on the good conduct to make this module covered and generate the output Time Required 30 minutes

Activity 2: UNSCR 1325


After completion of this activity, the participants will:

• Have full knowledge of how UNSCR 1325 came about

• Know the focus of UNSCR 1325

• Know the four pillars of UNSCR 1325

Time Required One hour

Methodology Facilitator presentation and group participation

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


The facilitator will give an introductory note to the participants to ease them into the module environment.

The facilitator will give the participants an overview of the activity and explain any new terms to make it easy to understand the training.

After, the participants will discuss UNSC 1325. This discussion will be based on the basic knowledge they have on that module and using the newly gained insight from the facilitator.

The facilitator will remind the participants about the rules governing the timely completion of each module.

The facilitator may also ask the participants questions to check if they are prepared to carry on with the new module.

Activity 3: Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)


After completion of this activity, the participants will:

• Have a good understanding of the foundation of women in political participation

• Examine deeply the relationship between the participation of women in politics and CEDAW and how it gives women a platform to express themselves

Time Required One hour

Methodology Group discussion


Marker, flipchart and paper


The facilitator will start by challenging the participants by briefly conducting a presentation on CEDAW; its launch, mandate and the enactment of CEDAW-related law.

After the facilitator’s presentation, the participants exchange on the Convention on the Elimi-nation Women (CEDAW).

Activity 4: Maputo Protocol


After completion of this activity, the participants will:

• Understand the position of Africa on the protection of women’s rights

• Understand the impact of Maputo Protocol on empowering women

Time Required One hour

Methodology Facilitator presentation, pair and group discussion

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


The facilitator may begin by presenting to the participants the module they will share and giving them some guiding questions. Afterwards, the facilitator will ask them to get into groups and discuss the Maputo Protocol.

With the help of the guiding questions, the participants will discuss in their groups.

The guiding questions may include but are not limited to:

What is the African position on the human rights of women?

Which countries domesticated Maputo Protocol?

What is the impact of the Maputo protocol on empowering women?

After the groups’ discussion, the facilitator will ask the participants to share their conversations.

The facilitator adds their inputs to the output of the group discussions by clarifying the topic with the help of the handout.

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Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics

Activity 5: Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA)


After completion of this activity, the participants will:

• Have a good understanding of women’s proportion in single/lower houses of the national parliaments

• Where appropriate, know the proportion of women in the regional assemblies of member states

• Master the policies aiming at promoting balanced participation in political elections

• Understand the proportion and number of women and men among senior/junior ministers in the different fields of action

Time Required One hour

Methodology Group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


The facilitator will motivate and engage the participants in the activity. S/he will continue by giving the participants the module and guiding them on how to interact in their groups during the brainstorming. The facilitator may assist the participants through guiding questions to ensure that the ideas stay on course.

After group discussion, the facilitator will ask the participants to present their ideas and share them with their peers.

After presenting the group discussion outputs, the facilitator will help the participants arrange their ideas according to the Beijing Declaration.

The facilitator then will continue by clarifying some ideas with the help of provided literature and the prepared handout.

Activity 6: Sustainable Development Goal-5 (Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls)


After completion of this activity, the participants will:

• Know the targets of SDGs’ goal 5. Get to know why it matters

Time Required 30 minutes


Group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


The facilitator will welcome the participants to the new activity 6: Sustainable Development Goal-5.

S/he will remind them of Activity 5 and connect it to the current activity by pointing out the link between them.

The facilitator will ask the participants to discuss the state of gender equality in their country and empowerment among women and girls in groups.

After hearing from the participants, the facilitator will endorse the right ideas and add their inputs with the help of a handout in the learning manual.


After completion of this activity, the participants will:

• Understand the articles that point out the right of women in African countries

Time Required One hour

Methodology Group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper

Activity 7: African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance Steps

1. Welcome participants to activity 7: African charter on democracy, election and governance and review some of the key points covered during the previous activities.

2. This activity will focus on what the African charter on democracy, election and governance says about women in political participation. Review the objectives of activity 7 with the participants. Explain that during the activity, they will identify what they know about democracy, elections and governance and how they intend to use it while participating in politics to move ahead.

3.Have participants think about the African charter on democracy, election and governance as a legal framework for women in political participation. Give one example of their own, pair with another participant, and share their work.

4. Share with participants the content on “African charter on democracy, election and governance” by referring to the handout.

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Activity 8: Case of Some African Constitutions


After completion of this activity, the participants will:

• Know what African countries adopted in their constitutions, especially those concerned by this training

Time Required One hour

Methodology Group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


The facilitator gives an introductory note to the participants to enter the activity confidently.

The facilitator gives the participants an overview of the activity and explains some new terms to make it easy to understand the training.

After, the participants will discuss the articles in their constitutions that refer to women in politics. They will base this discussion on the basic knowledge they have on that topic, with newly gained insight from the facilitator.

The facilitator will remind the participants about the rules governing the timely completion of each activity. The facilitator may also ask the participants questions to confirm if they are prepared to carry on with the new activity.

Activity 9: Conclusion

The facilitator continues by gauging the participants’ knowledge of the legal instruments regarding the integration of women in politics in their country.

This will include what the national constitution says about women‘s empowerment and political engagement.

The facilitator goes further by analysing the national constitution of the concerned country by emphasising what the constitution says about the human rights of women and women‘s involvement in politics.

The facilitator concludes by evaluating if the objectives of the activity are achieved.


The facilitator may remind the participants of the content and activities covered under the previous module. The participants will be asked to elaborate on what they have acquired from the beginning of the module.

The facilitator will also ask the participants to contextualize the module‘s content to their home country and give the implication of UNSC

Meet and Greet Meeting Ice Breaker

Sample Questions or Discussion Points

These questions are designed to elicit positive responses from your participants. Use them as a starting point, customize them to suit your work setting and participants, and follow these facilitation guidelines to ensure success

• Describe how and when you came to work at this company.

• Share your biggest current challenge at work.

• Share two things about yourself that you think no one at your table knows about you.

• Describe a positive customer interaction you have experienced.

• Tell your co-workers something you appreciate about your company.

1325, CEDAW, Maputo Protocol and BPfA in their respective countries.The facilitator ensures that the module‘s content is retained and contextualized to the participants’ home country during this process.

To this end, the facilitator may prepare an assessment questionnaire to ensure that the participants gained enough knowledge of the international legal framework regulating women‘s political participation.


After completion of this activity, the participants will:

• Be able to elaborate all the content of the module and contextualize it into their home countries

• Know the different legal instruments available for women’s rights

Time Required One hour

Methodology Group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper

• Tell your co-workers what you appreciate about your co-workers.

• Share what you like about your current job.

• Share the funniest or most fun situation you have experienced at work.

• Talk about the best boss you ever had. What set them apart?

• Are you a cat, dog, bird, or gerbil person? What is your favourite pet, and why?

• What was your favourite vacation, and what made it stand out?

• What would you choose to eat if you could pick your birthday dinner?

• Tell your tablemates three things about yourself. Two of them are true, and one of them is a lie. Ask people to guess which is the lie.

• Share one thing you do every day at work and without which you would be unhappy in your current job.

• If you could choose one location for your next travel adventure and money is no object, where would you go and why?

You can diversify your approach to this icebreaker with fruit, cookies, or other items that people enjoy. However, candy bars work best because they are wrapped, and their logos are visual. Also, healthconscious participants don‘t have to partake in the candy-eating at the end— you can always have healthy bars ready for them.

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Module Three:

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Aspirant Recruitment
After Completion of This Module, The Participants Will Undersatand: Women’s Personal Development and Self-confidence Building Role of Women in Politics How to Engage Women and Young Girls in Politics
Political Recruitment
S/N Activities Time 1
hour 5 How to
Women and Young Girls in Politics One hour 6 Political
hour 7 Political
One hour 8 The
One hour 9 Case
hour 10 Conclusion One hour
Module Three Overview Objectives After completion of this activity, the participants will: • Have full knowledge of the module content • Be aware of how long the module will last and the activities • Be informed on the good practices to make this module covered and generate the output Time Required 30 minutes Methodology Facilitator presentation and individual Materials Marker, flipchart and paper Activity 1: Introductory Activity
Political Mentorship The State of WPP in Africa The Case studies of WPP (Successful Stories)
Women in Politics One hour
Women’s Personal Development and Self-confidence Building One hour
Role of Women in Politics One
Recruitment One
state of WPP in Africa
studies of WPP (Successful stories) One
Total: Nine hours


1. The facilitator will start by introducing the new module to the participants.

2. After the introduction, the facilitator may add some remarks and guidelines that will be followed along with the module session(s). The facilitator may elaborate on the required materials to cover the module specifically for each activity.

3. The facilitator asks the participants for questions and proceeds to give the answers. The facilitator explains the module‘s content and pays special attention to each activity forming the module.

4. The participants may ask questions they didn’t understand fully, and the facilitator clarifies with answers.

5. The facilitator also may ask the participants questions to see if they are prepared to carry on with the new module.

Activity 2: Women in Politics

Objectives After completion of this activity, the participants will:

• Understand how to bring women into politics

• Understand better ways of bringing women into politics

Time Required One hour

Methodology Facilitator presentation and individual

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


1. Welcome participants to activity 2: Women in politics and review some of the key points covered during the previous activities.

2. This activity will focus on women in politics. Review the objectives of activity 1 with the participants. Explain that with the training, they will identify what they know about women in politics and how they can use it to grow the number of women in politics and move ahead.

3. Have participants think about the women in politics and give one example of their own, pair with another and share their work.

4. Share with participants the content on “Women in politics” by referring to the handout.

Activity 3: Women’s Personal Development and Self-confidence Building


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Understand the personality development process for women

• Link personal values to their daily lives in line with their personal development

Time Required One hour


Individual work, small group work, large group discussion

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


1. Welcome participants to activity 3: Women’s Personal Development and Self-confidence, and review some of the key points covered during the previous activities.

2. Review the objectives of activity 3 with the participants. Explain that they will identify what is important to them and use it to grow and move ahead with this module. This activity will focus on identifying one’s personal development for women.

3. Have participants think about the personal development of women and give one example of their own, pair with another participant and share their work.

4. Share with participants personal development notes for women referring to the handout


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Elaborate the role of women in politics Understand why women should involve themselves in politics

Time Required One hour


Individual work, small group work, large group discussion

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper

Activity 4: Role of Women in Politics Steps

1. Welcome the participants to activity 4: Role of women in politics and review some of the key points covered during the introduction to the training (goals, training rules and group roles).

2. This activity will identify one’s experience and level of understanding regarding “Role of women in politics”. Review the objectives of activity 4 with the participants.

Explain that this module will identify what the “Role of women in politics” means.

3. Have participants think about the meaning of “Role of women in politics” and reflect in groups on linking this with their living experience.

4. Explain to participants the meaning of “Role of women in politics” as stated in the handout.

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Activity 5: How to Engage Women and Young Girls in Politics


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Know the best way of getting women and young girls engaged in politics

Time Required One hour

Methodology Large group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


1. The facilitator asks the participants to break into two groups and discuss the major strategies that can be used to engage women and young girls in politics and empower women to participate in politics.

2. The facilitator then asks each group to present the outcomes of their discussion.

3. The facilitator shares their views with the participants and strategies from the handout.

Activity 6: Political Recruitment


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Know the best strategies of political recruitment understand why political recruitment is necessary

Time Required One hour

Methodology Group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


1. Welcome participants to activity 6: Political recruitment and review some of the key points covered during the introduction to the training (goals, training rules and group roles).

2. Ask the participants to break into groups and discuss the major strategies of recruiting women in politics.

3. From the participants’ views, the facilitator asks them if they ever come across political recruitment and governance both in their academic or work institutions and elsewhere.

4. The facilitator reviews the objectives of Activity

5. with the participants. Explain that they will determine what “Political recruitment” means during this activity. This activity will identify one’s level of understanding regarding “Political Recruitment”.

6. Have participants think about the meaning of “Political recruitment” and reflect in pairs or groups on linking this with their living experiences.

7. Ask each group to present the outcome of their discussions.

8. Explain to participants what “Political recruitment” is as stated in the handout and contextualize it to their home country.

Activity 7: Political Mentorship


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Know what political mentorship is

• Know the role and purpose of mentorship

Time Required One hour




Group discussion and facilitator presentation

Marker, flipchart and paper

1. Welcome participants to activity 7: Political mentorship while linking it with some of the key points covered during the previous exercise.

2. Have participants think about “Political mentorship” and reflect in groups on linking it with their living experience.

Activity 8: State of WPP


in Africa

3. Share and explain to participants different types of “Political mentorship” while using the handout as a reference

By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Understand the state of WPP in Africa

• Have tips on how to increase WPP in Africa

Time Required One hour




Group discussion and facilitator presentation

Marker, flipchart and paper

1. Welcome participants to activity 8: The State of WPP in Africa and review some of the key points covered during the previous activities.

2. Review the objectives of activity 8 with the participants. Explain that with this module, they will identify what is important to them and use it to grow and move ahead. This activity will focus on the state of WPP in Africa.

3. Have participants think about the state of WPP in Africa and give one example of their own, pair with another participant and share their work.

4. Share with participants their personal development, or women‘s, by referring to the handout and making them think of their home country.

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Activity 9: Case Studies of WPP (Successful Stories)


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Understand that the WPP is possible through success stories

• Have tips on how countries can increase WPP

Time Required One hour

Methodology Group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


1. Welcome participants to activity 9: Case Study of WPP in Africa and review some of the key points covered during the previous activities.

2. Review the objectives of activity 9 with the participants. Explain that with this module, they will identify what is important to them and use it to grow and move ahead. This activity will focus on the case study of WPP.

3. Have participants think about the case study of WPP and give one example of their own, pair with another participant and share their work.

4. Share with participants their personal development or that of women while referring to the handout and make them think about their home country.

Activity 10: Conclusion


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Review and master the content of the module

• Have summed up the content of the module and linked each to the other

Time Required 30 minutes


Group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper

The facilitator starts by giving the participants a warm welcome to the last activity of Module Three: “Politics and Women Engagement”.

Share a review of covered activities with the participants and help them bring it to the home country with the help of home-based examples.

Help the participants establish the link between the different activities covered in the module.

The Speed Meeting Ice Breaker

When your participants don’t know each other, ask them to number off by one and two; half of your participants become ones and the second half become twos.

In a hotel conference room, you may have had the opportunity to set up pairs of chairs away from the training tables. Ask all the people who are ones to introduce themselves to the person sitting directly across the table who is numbered a two. They then have two minutes to learn about their team-building partner. It gives people who are speed meeting a bit of privacy.

Sitting at tables all over the room (or just in two chairs) is preferred, so the murmur of the conversations does not interfere with the participant‘s ability to hear. Sometimes, however, your room setup won‘t allow this. In that case, you then ask participants numbered one to introduce themselves to a two sitting kitty-corner from them, and so on until all the ones and twos have had a chance to meet.

If you have the luxury of chairs scattered around the room, you‘ll want to ask the people who were numbered one to sit at the table or in a chair. The number twos then move to the next partner every two minutes.

You will want to use a timer and a bell, buzzer, or sound to notify participants when the two minutes are up, so they don‘t have to time keep on top of participating in introductions.

Participants should move from person to person until they have met half of the people in the room.

If you want them to meet everyone, switch the position of your ones and twos for the next round of two-minute introductions.

Topics for Speed Meeting Icebreakers

You might want to suggest appropriate topics for the two minutes they can spend with each person. These topics work well for speed meetings. Participants can tell their partner:

• Their name

• What they do for a living

• Why they attended the training session

Keep your suggested topics simple as two minutes is not a lot of time for both people to respond. Write your suggested topics on a notecard or whiteboard, or project them on a wall. You don’t want participants spending their two minutes trying to remember what you suggested they discuss or trying to look at a laptop screen or smartphone screen to remember.

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Trainers‘ Guide on Women
Their contact information

Module Four: Women In Elections

After The Completion of This Module, The Participant Will Have Skills On: Political Positioning

Constituency Building

Manifesto Building Campaign Fundraising

Campaign Resources Mobilization

Module Four Overview

S/N Activities Time 1 Introduction 30 minutes 2 Political Positioning One hour

Constituency Building One hour

Manifesto Building One hour 5 Campaign Fundraising One hour 6 Campaign Resources Mobilization One hour

Case Study One hour 8 Conclusion 30 minutes Total: Seven hours

Activity 1: Introductory Activity


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Obtain a sense of the activities that will be covered in the module

• Identify the modules covered in the session(s)

• Work well as a team

Time Required 30 minutes Methodology Group discussion and facilitator presentation Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


1. Welcome participants to module four: Women in elections and quickly review some of the key points covered during module three: Politics and women engagement by helping participants link this with the previous module by indicating the key roles women perform in the elections.

2. Have participants turn to the first page of module four in their handbooks and review the module‘s objectives with them. Ask them what they think is

the relevance between reality and the module. How does it relate to real life?

Explain that during this module, they will learn about women in elections. Stress that we are all leaders in some way or another, either elected or not. Voters or candidates can be women, men, people with disabilities, youth, people who are HIV positive, people who are not wealthy; everyone can be a candidate.

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Activity 2: Political Positioning


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Obtain a sense of the activities that will be covered in the module

• Identify the modules covered in the session(s)

• Work well as a team

Time Required 30 minutes

Methodology Large group discussion, large group activity

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


1. Welcome participants to activity 2: Political positioning and review the objectives of Activity 2.

2. Ask the participants to break into two groups and discuss the major strategies that can be used to break the barriers and empower women to participate in politics. Ask each group to present the outcomes of their discussion

Activity 3: Constituency Building


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Understand the definition of constituency building

• Know the role of constituency building in promoting gender equality

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper


1. Welcome the participants to activity 3 and give an overview of the activity 3 objectives.

2. Divide the participants into ten groups of 2 – 3 people in each group, depending on class size. Have each group select a folded piece of paper. Explain that each group has been given the task of constituency building.

3. After displaying the constituency building steps and their descriptions on the wall or board. Have participants go around to each constituency building step and discuss if they have found the best way to build a constituency.

Activity 4: Effective Manifesto Building


By the end of the activity, participants will become knowledgeable in:

• Why have a manifesto?

• Content and structure of manifesto

• Submission of political manifesto

Time Required One hour



Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Marker, flipchart, tape and paper


1. The facilitator may ask the participants to get into groups of four or five to discuss and then come together as a class to discuss.

2. Each group should come up with an issue devoted to creating social change and policy and/ or a community project for a safer and more just, fair, equal, peaceful, and beautiful world.

3. Each group will plan, research, create and write a manifesto that will incorporate a specific plan of implementation for activism that promotes civic engagement. And then, groups will be paired to give each other feedback before final revisions are presented to the class.

4.The groups will receive a grade for collaboration, content, presentation, and participants will receive an individual grade for the reflection.

Activity 5: Campaign Fundraising


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Understand the rules for political fundraising

• Know the source of campaign funding

Time Required One hour



Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Marker, flipchart, tape and paper

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1. The facilitator welcomes the participants to the new activity and shares the activity‘s objectives. S/he reminds them of the training rule.

2. Start by brainstorming: Why is campaign fundraising necessary? After taking a few responses, ask participants to pick out the true statements.

3. Share with the participants the module by explaining the campaign funding process and reviewing the handout together with them.

Activity 6: Campaign Resources Mobilization and Funding


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Understand what campaign resource mobilization is

• Describe the steps in the process

• Understand the requirements in the process

Time Required One hour

Methodology Roleplay, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials Marker, flipchart, tape and paper


1. Welcome the participants to the new activity and, together, take a short review of the activity objectives.

2. Ask the participants to brainstorm how to prepare for a campaign step by step. Write suggestions on the flipchart, then prioritise and discuss, giving examples for each step.

3. Ask the trainees to target a group or audience: e.g., fellow students, men, women, homemakers, and decision-makers.

4. State new behaviours or attitudes you are trying to encourage, e.g., getting more women to vote, getting more women to contest elections, to get the government to change its policy on women’s rights.

5. What resources do you have? - people, time and money.

6. Now to break what is beginning to sound like chalk and talk, ask each participant to turn to the person sitting by their side and agree on one way to use the resources they have at their disposal fully; time, money and people. Now take a few responses and go on to add the following, which could be put on the flipchart:

•People: could belong to your campaign team, your legal or public relations team.

•Time: Spend it talking to people, visiting homes, handing out leaflets, holding press conferences, fundraising, lobbying, conducting research, doing interviews with the press, speaking in public, making new contacts.

•Money: Spend it on conducting research, travelling.

Activity 7: Case Study


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Have the situation of women in elections in some African countries

• Know the best and worst performers

Time Required One hour




Roleplay, demonstration, large group discussion

Marker, flipchart, tape and paper

1. The facilitator will introduce the participants to the activity to be conducted and ask them to give their point of view on the module to be covered in training.

Small-Group Work

S/he will then ask participants to break into groups and write a short note on what they think is the state of women in elections in their country. Each group should choose a leader to do the presentation.

Activity 8: Conclusion


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Remember all the content covered in the module

• Have a clear relationship between the activities carried out in the module.

Time Required 30 minutes



Large group discussion and facilitator presentation

Marker, flipchart, tape and paper

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Trainers‘ Guide


1. The facilitator will remind the participants that they reached the end of Module Four and share the overview of the module‘s objectives.

2. They will briefly discuss the module‘s objectives, draw conclusions and bring the module‘s content to their home country.

3. They will share existing barriers and propose ways to overcome them, find good practices, and bring them to their home country.

4. The facilitator makes sure that the module‘s contents are transferred to the participants.

Use This Five of Anything Icebreaker for Team Building

You can relate the five items selected to the session‘s topic and use the icebreaker to add to the session‘s content. For example, in a session about preparing an effective manifesto, you might ask the participants to identify the five most important factors in writing an effective manifesto.

Icebreakers That Are for Fun and Team Building

On other occasions, you can use this icebreaker to encourage your participants to have fun with each other. These are twelve example topics that have been fun for participants in the past.

Five of Anything Icebreaker Steps

1. Divide the meeting participants into groups of four or five people by having them number off. (You do this because people generally begin a meeting by sitting with the people they already know best or the people from their departments.)

2. Tell the newly formed groups that their assignment is to share with the members of their group their five favourite movies of all time, or their five favourite novels or their five least liked films, and so forth, as discussed above.While icebreakers are generally recommended to be related to the topic of the meeting, five of anything is a quick, fun team-building activity that people enjoy. The subject can be five of anything—most liked or disliked. This icebreaker helps the group explore shared interests more broadly and sparks a lot of discussion about why each person likes or dislikes their selected five. No one is asked to leave their conversational comfort zone and participants are never unwilling to share the answers to this type of question.

3. You can also use this icebreaker for topical discussion. As another example, in a session on team building, you might ask, “What are five dysfunctional behaviours you have experienced when participating in an unsuccessful team?“ Or, “Think about the best team you have ever been on”. What are five key and important factors that made it your best or most successful team?“

4. Tell the groups that one person must take notes and share the highlights of their group discussion with the whole group upon completion of the assignment.

5. Debrief the team-building icebreaker by asking for a volunteer to read their list of five of anything. Or ask the volunteer to list any movies, for example, that more than one person had in common and shared as their favourite. Then, ask each group to share their list with the entire group.

Because people are almost always your best source of laughter and fun, reading the lists generates a lot of laughter and discussion. You can also catch the drift of the conversation in the small groups based on the transitions made from item to item.

6. When the volunteer from each group is finished, ask the rest of the participants if they have anything they‘d like to add to the discussion before moving on with the rest of the session.

This team-building icebreaker takes 10 -15 minutes, depending on the number of groups that need to report their discussion.

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Five favourite novels Five favourite scary movies Five worst movies that they‘ve ever seen Five favourite flowers Five favourite vegetables Five favourite dinners Five foods they‘d prefer not to eat again Five cities they‘d most like to visit Five countries they plan to see Five favourite TV shows of all time Five most disliked tasks to do around the house Five favourite dogs

Module Five Overview



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S/N Activities Time 1
Five: Communication, Public Relation
Branding At The End of This Module, The Participants Will Know: Introduction to Communication Types of Communication Tips for Effective Communication Barriers to Effective Communication Political Communication Public Speaking Public Relations Public Branding Case Study Conclusion
Introduction to Communication 30 minutes
Types of Communication One hour
Tips for Effective Communication One hour
Barriers to Effective Communication One hour
Political Communication One hour
Public Speaking One hour
Public Relations One hour
Public Branding One hour
Case Studies One hour
Conclusion 30 minutes Total: Nine hours
Objectives By
Methodology Large
the end of the activity, participants will be able to: • Know the content of the Module and the different activities • Have the guidelines for the good conduction of sessions Time Required 30 minutes
group discussion and facilitator presentation
& Preparation
and paper, markers, tape, chalk, or rope review objectives of the activity Activity1: Introduction to Communication Steps 1. Welcome participants to module five: Communication, public relations and branding skills and quickly review some of the key points covered during module four: Women in elections by helping participants link this with the previous module. 2. Have participants turn to the first page of module five in their handbooks and review the module‘s objectives with them. Ask them what they think the relevance is between reality and the module. How does it relate to real life? Explain that they will learn about communication, public relations, and public branding skills during this module.

Activity 2: Types of Communication


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Know the types of communication

• Know different body postures and their meanings

Time Required One hour

Methodology Large group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials & Preparation Flipchart & paper, markers, tape, chalk, or rope Review objectives of the activity


1 2 3

Welcome participants to Activity 2: types of communication and review with the participants the objectives of Activity 2.

Ask the participants to break into two groups and discuss the major types of communication and subtypes of communication. Ask each group to present the outcomes of their discussion.

Activity 3: Tips for Effective Communication


Activity 4: Barriers to Effective Communication


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Understand the common barriers to effective communication

• Overcome the barriers to effective communication

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, tape,

Share the types of communication with the participants and review the handout together with them.

By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Communicate effectively

• Prepare and deliver speeches effectively

• Communicate verbally and through writing in an effective way

• Distinguish what to communicate with whom and when

Time Required 30 Minutes


Large group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, tape, chalk, or rope


The facilitator introduces the new activity 3: Tips for effective communication and reviews some of the key points covered during the introduction to the training (goals, training rules, group roles...).

This activity will identify one’s experience and level of understanding regarding “Tips for effective communication”. S/he then reviews the objectives of activity 3 with the participants.

Explain that they will identify what we mean by “Tips for Effective communication” with this activity.

The facilitator will then have participants think about the meaning of “Tips for effective communication” and reflect in groups on how to link them with their living experience The facilitator will then explain to participants what the “Tips for effective communication” are, as stated in the handout.

Activity 5: Political Communication



The facilitator starts by welcoming the participants into the activity with a short review of the activity‘s objectives.

The facilitator may ask the participants to get into groups of four or five to discuss and then come together as a class to discuss. Each group should come up with a list of issues constituting barriers to effective communication.

Each group will discuss reasons that can make communication nominal and differentiate among the types of barriers.

The group will receive a grade for collaboration, content, presentation, and participants will receive an individual grade for the reflection.

The facilitator will then provide more effective communication tips with the help of the provided literature and the prepared handout.

After completion of this activity, the participants will:

• Know how to communicate politically

• How to behave like a politician while communicating to supporters and opponents

Time Required One hour


Group discussion and facilitator presentation, role play and short video

Materials & Preparation Marker, flipchart and paper

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1.The facilitator will motivate and engage the participants in activity 5: Political Communication.

2.The facilitator will continue by providing the participants with the module overview and guiding them on how they will interact in groups during the brainstorming.

3. The facilitator may guide the participants through guiding questions to ensure that the ideas are within the set agenda.

4. The guiding questions include but are not limited to:

What is political communication?

Activity 6: Public Speaking


What is the difference between normal and political communication?

5. After group discussion, the facilitator will ask the participants to present their ideas and share them with their peers.

6. After the group presents their discussion output, the facilitator will help the participants arrange their ideas in order of relevance to the topic of political communication.

7. The facilitator then will continue by clarifying some ideas through the help of the literature and the prepared handout.

Activity 7: Public Relations

Objectives By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Understand the real meaning of public relations

• Understand the difference between P.R and advertising

• Understand what news is?

• Use social media in public relations Find out if P.R is measured or not

Time Required One hour


Large group discussion, facilitator presentation, role play

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, tape, chalk, or rope


1. Welcome the participants to the new activity

By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Communicate in public confidently

• Learn how to stay calm in a provocative situation

Time Required One hour

Methodology Large group discussion, facilitator presentation, role play

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, tape, chalk, or rope


Welcome participants to Activity 2: Types of Communication and review the objectives of Activity 2.

Ask the participants to break into two groups and discuss the major types of communication and subtypes of communication.

Ask each group to present the outcomes of their discussion. Share with the participants types of communication and review the handout with the participants.

6: Public Relations and take a short review of the activity objectives with the participants.

2. Ask the participants to brainstorm how to organize good public relations step by step. Write suggestions on the flipchart, then prioritise and discuss, giving examples for each step.

3. Ask the participants to target a group they will be working with and the required team to perform the task of public relations.

4. State new behaviour or attitude you are trying to encourage to your public relations team.

Activity 8: Public Branding


After completion of this activity, the participants will:

• Understand the meaning of the word public branding

• Know how to differentiate public branding from P.R in politics

• know the steps in public branding

Time Required One hour


Facilitator presentation, pair and group discussion

Materials & Preparation Marker, Flipchart and paper

in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0056 0057
Trainers‘ Guide on Women


The facilitator may start by welcoming participants to the new activity and encourage the participants to participate actively in the session.

The facilitator also asks the participants to discuss in pairs and then in groups by providing Activity 6: Public Branding and guiding them on brainstorming tips.

The facilitator may ask questions like:

What do you think is the public branding?

What are the steps in public branding?

Activity 9: Case studies


After the completion of this activity, the participants will:

• Have a good understanding of the term branding in politics

• Get a visual image of branding than text

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair discussion, small groups, large groups

Materials & Preparation Marker, flipchart and paper


1.The facilitator begins by welcoming the participants to activity 9: Case Studies and taking a brief review of activity objectives

2.The facilitator gets the participants to form small groups and asks them to discuss the case studies about branding by giving them the guidance of some examples of branding using the handout and then discussing it in large groups.

Activity 10: Conclusion

Objectives By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Recall all the content enclosed in the module

• Have a clear connection between the activities practiced in the module

Time Required 30 minutes

Methodology Large group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, tape


The facilitator starts by reminding the participants that they reached the end of Module Five and shares the overview of the module‘s objectives.

They briefly discuss the module‘s objectives and go on to conclude and try to bring the content of the module to their home country.

The facilitator shares the common discussion outcomes of discussions on the most activities covered in the module; communication, public relations and branding skills.

The facilitator makes sure that the module‘s content is transferred successfully to the participants.

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1 2 3

A Team Building Activity Enables Participants to Share Experience and Knowledge

Steps in sharing management wisdom: A team building activity

1. Divide the training participants into groups of four people. For this team-building activity, you will want to assign groups based on years of management experience. This will allow team members with various years of management experience to participate in each group. So, start by asking your participants to raise their hands if they have more management experience. Assign each of these participants to their table.

If you have more than you need to divide the meeting attendees into groups of four, place the manager who has the least experience at the table with the manager who has the most. Then, ask how many participants have more experience managing people and assign them to the tables of the more experienced managers.

Finally, ask how many managers have fewer years of experience and assign them to the groups with the more experienced managers. This method of assigning participants to groups to create various levels of expertise within each group is integral to the success of this teambuilding activity.

Do NOT use a numbering off method or a self-selection method to organize these groups; your results will suffer from the lack of diversity. Indeed, if you know the attendees, as you assign by levels of experience, avoid putting departmental co-workers in the same group.

2. Tell the newly formed groups that their assignment is to look back over their work careers and determine the ten most important pieces of wisdom they have learned about managing people.

NoteContinue to debrief the activity by asking the large group whether participants noticed themes in the wisdom shared� When the discussion is finished, ask the participants if they have anything they would like to add to the conversation before moving on with the rest of the session or ending the team-building session

3. Provide the time needed by the participants to think about and jot down ideas before you ask them to share their wisdom with their small group. Generally, producing ten pieces of knowledge that group members want to share and feel comfortable sharing takes twenty to thirty minutes. You will know when most participants are ready for the next step when the noise level in the room increases as participants chat with each other.

Once participants have had a chance to think about their accumulated wisdom, ask them to share them with their small group. You will want to ask that each person share one at a time. They share their first; then,

each person shares their second, and then, each shares their third. Tell the small group members to look for common themes and similarities in the pieces of wisdom shared.

Tell the groups that each person will be asked to share several of their words of wisdom with the whole large group upon completion of the small group exercise if they are comfortable doing so.

4. Debrief the team building activity by asking the group how they reacted to the words of wisdom, both telling their own and hearing those of coworkers. What commonalities and differences struck them during the team building activity?

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Module Six: Gender and Gender Mainstreaming

Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0062 0063 S/N Activities Time 1
8 Conclusion
Module Six Overview Activity 1: Introduction Objectives By the end of this session, participants are expected to: • Understand the outline of the module • Know the activities to be covered in the module Know the time the module will be covered entirely Time Required 30 minutes Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers Steps
Gender and GBV One hour
Gender Mainstreaming One hour
Gender Analysis One hour
Gender Responsive Budgeting One hour
Resource Mobilization One hour
Women Economic Empowerment One hour
30 minutes Total: Seven hours
1. Welcome participants to module six: Gender responsive budgeting and resource mobilization and quickly review the key points covered during module five: Communication, public relations and public branding by helping participants link this with the previous modules. 2. Have participants turn to the first page of module six in their handbooks and review the module‘s objectives with them. Ask them what they think is the relevance between reality and the module. How does it relate to real life? Explain that during this module, their active participation is of key importance.
At the End of This Module,
are Expected to Come Up With
Gender and Gender Based Violence (GBV ) Gender Mainstreaming Gender Analysis Gender Responsive Budgeting Resource Mobilization Women Economic Empowerment

Activity 2: Gender and Gender Based Violence (GBV)


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Explain what is gender-based violence (GBV)

• Understand the forms of gender-based violence

• Elaborate the examples of gender-based violence

Time Required One hour


Materials & Preparation


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussions and role play

Flipchart and paper, markers

1. Ask two volunteers to act, one as gender-based violence perpetrator and another as a GBV victim. Repeat the scene about three times and add your input and clarifications.

2. Facilitator’s input

The facilitator should begin with a comment on the role play to demonstrate what gender-based violence is and its consequences. The facilitator then continues by detailing GBV and its political implication through the help of the handout and the presentation.

Activity 3: Gender Mainstreaming


Activity 4: Gender Analysis


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to know:

• What are gender analysis tools?

• What should be included in a gender analysis?

• What are the different domains of gender analysis?

• What is Gender Analysis Matrix?

• Why is gender analysis important in any project?

Time Required One hour


Where class activities are scheduled, the facilitator will explain the process and organize the working groups, ensuring that group composition always varies so that all participants interact at least once during the workshop. The facilitator should distribute copies of the relevant presentation and handouts to participants at the beginning of each session. At the end of each session, key points will be summarized and recorded on flipcharts.

By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Know what gender mainstreaming is

• Tell what the principles of gender mainstreaming are articulate the challenges of gender mainstreaming

Time Required One hour


Materials & Preparation


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussions and role play

Flipchart and paper, markers

The training facilitator may start by asking the participants to gather ideas around the modules to be covered by the class, including “What is gender mainstreaming?” “Why is gender mainstreaming so important?”

After exchanging ideas on the session’s modules, the facilitator will ask some members of the groups to present the conclusions.

After that exercise, the facilitator inserts their inputs by strengthening the answers from the participants.

Pair work, demonstration, large group discussions and role play

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers


1. The facilitator introduces the participants to the new activity and encourages them to give their views on the gender analysis.

2. The facilitator may ask questions such as:

• What do you think is the gender analysis?

• What could be the importance of gender analysis?

• What are the gender analysis tools?

3. After collecting the participants’ attempts to answer the above questions, the facilitator clarifies and emphasises the participants’ ideas and adds their inputs.

Activity 5: Gender Responsive Budgeting


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Understand the meaning of gender-responsive budgeting

• State why gender-responsive budgeting is important

• Know where GRB was successful

Time Required One hour


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussions and role play

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers

Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0064 0065
Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics

Steps Activity 7: Women Economic Empowerment


By the end of this activity, the participants will be able to:

• Understand what women’s economic empowerment is

• Be acquainted with why economic empowerment is important

Time Required One hour

The facilitator welcomes the participants to Activity

5: Gender Responsive Budgeting and reviews the objectives of Activity 5.

Ask the participants to break into two groups and discuss the meaning of genderresponsive budgeting. Why is it important? Ask each group to present the outcomes of their discussion.

Share with the participants gender-responsive budgeting and review the handout together.

Methodology Pair, small groups, large groups

Materials & Preparation Marker, flipchart and paper


Activity 6: Resource Mobilization


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Design a resource mobilization strategy and action plan

elaborate key elements of a resource mobilization strategy

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussions and role play

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers


The training facilitator may ask the participants to gather ideas around the modules to be covered, including “What is resource mobilization?” “Why is resource mobilization so important?” and “What is meant by sustainability?”. After exchanging ideas on the session’s modules, the facilitator will ask some members of the groups to present the conclusions.

The facilitator introduces activity 7: “Women economic empowerment”, to the participants by giving them the necessary equipment for the activity and asking them to cooperate.

The facilitator asks participants who can outline the components of women‘s economic empowerment.

After getting three or four volunteers, the facilitator may continue adding their inputs and move on to the importance of women‘s economic empowerment.

After a short presentation on the importance of women‘s economic empowerment, the facilitator moves on to develop a solid understanding of women‘s economic empowerment. Three or four participants may voluntarily participate and then the facilitator may give them time to discuss into small groups and large groups.

After group discussions, the facilitator will ask each group to present the report of its findings with the help of group rapporteurs.

Activity 8: Financial Literacy�


By the end of this activity, the participants will be able to:

• Understand what financial literacy is

• Be aware of components of financial literacy

• How to assess your financial literacy

• How to improve your financial literacy right now

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair, small groups, large groups and presentation

Materials & Preparation Marker, flipchart and paper

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1. The facilitator will welcome participants to Activity 8: Financial literacy and share with participants the objectives of activity one to take them in the mood of the activity.

2. Get the participant into groups and ask them to brainstorm on financial literacy.

3. Give them the starting point for them to be able to have the same orientation in their brainstorming and come up with good ideas.

4. The group presents their list of ideas and arranges their ideas around “how to have a strong financial literacy” with the participants.

5. The facilitator continues by adding their inputs to strengthen, emphasize and clarify the participants’ ideas.

Activity 9: Conclusion


By the end of the activity, participants will be able to:

• Recall all the content enclosed in the module

• Have a clear connection between the activities practiced in the module.

Time Required 30 minutes

Methodology Large group discussions and facilitator presentation

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, tape


1. The facilitator starts by reminding the participants that they reached the end of Module Six and shares the overview of the module‘s objectives.

2. They take a review in brief on the objectives of the module and go on to draw conclusions and attempt to bring the gender-responsive budgeting to their home country context.

3. Share with the participants the common discussion outcomes of discussions on the most activities covered in the module: Gender and gender mainstreaming.

4. The facilitator makes sure that the module‘s contents are transferred to the participants.

The three Shining Work Moments Icebreaker

The 7 Step Process

1. Divide the meeting participants into groups of four people by having them number off, one through four. Have your number ones sit with the other ones, your number twos with the other twos, and so forth. You do this because people generally sit next to those they already know and work well with. The goal is to help participants get to know the other people in the organization.

2. Tell the groups that their assignment is to look back over their careers and identify three events, activities, accomplishments, collaborations, or moments of recognition by others that were shining or important to them. Think of these touchstones as career highlights. Allow about ten minutes for the participants to think about the question and jot down ideas before you ask them to share their thoughts with their small group.

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If some people are new to the workforce, ask them to share moments from college classes, part-time jobs, internships, or volunteer work. Everyone has shining moments.

3. When all participants are ready, ask them to share their shining moments with their small group. For maximum impact, it is best to let each person share one shining. Tell the small group members to listen carefully and look for common themes and similarities in the stories. For example, did many shining work moments involve praise and thank you from a respected manager? Did the bright moments involve a raise and a promotion? Listen to stories one moment at a time, then move on to the next person..

4. Tell the groups that each person will be asked to share just one of their shining moments with the entire group upon completion of the small group exercise if they are comfortable doing so.

5. To debrief the team building icebreaker, ask the group how they reacted to the icebreaker (i.e., their reaction to the experience of telling their own stories and hearing the stories of coworkers).

6. Continue to debrief the icebreaker by asking the entire group if they noticed any themes in the stories. One theme that tends to be mentioned a lot is receiving recognition for one‘s work. Other common stories centre around promotions and successful product launches. While managing this exercise, it is important to let your participants draw their conclusions.

7. When the team-building icebreaker discussion is finished, ask the participants if they have anything to add to the discussion before closing the session.

Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0070 0071 is important to let your participants draw their conclusions...

Module Seven: Women’s Political Influence and Sustainability

Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0072 0073 S/N Activities Time 1 Introduction 30 minutes 2 How to
in Politics One hour 3 Political Sustainability One hour 4 Advocacy and Lobbying in Politics One hour 5 Negotiation One hour 6 Coalition Building One hour 7 Experience and Record-Keeping One hour 8 Political Succession One hour 9 Conclusion 30 minutes Total:
Module Seven Overview Activity 1: Introduction Objectives By the end of this session, participants are expected to: • Understand the outline of the module • Know the activities to be covered in the module • Know the time the module will be covered Time Required 30 minutes Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers Steps 1. Welcome participants
and sustainability and quickly review the key
module Six:
budgeting and resource mobilization by helping participants to link
modules. 2. Have participants
and review
Make Influence
Eight hours
to module
Women’s political influence
points covered during
Gender responsive
this with the previous
turn to the first page of module seven in their handbooks
the module‘s objectives with them. Ask them what they think is the relevance between reality and the module. How does it relate to real life? Explain that during this module, their active
is of key importance.
After This Module, The Participants Are Expected to Excel in: How to Influence Politics Political Sustainability Advocacy and Lobbying in Politics Negotiation Coalition Building Experience and Record-keeping Political Succession

Activity 2: How to Make Influence in Politics


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Make an influence in politics as an average citizen

• Make an influence as a politician

Time Required 30 minutes

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers


1. Welcome participants to Activity 2: How to Make Influence in Politics, and share with participants the objectives of activity one to take them in the mood of the activity.

2. Get the participant into groups and ask them to brainstorm how to influence politics.

3. Give them a starting point for them to be able to have the same orientation in their brainstorming and come up with good ideas.

4. The group presents their list of ideas and arranges them around “how to have a strong influence” with the participants.

5. The facilitator continues by adding their inputs to strengthen, emphasize and clarify the participants’ ideas.

Activity 3: Political Sustainability


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Be aware of elements of political sustainability

• Understand theories of political sustainability

Time Required 30 minutes

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. The facilitator welcomes participants to this activity while linking it with some of the key points covered during activities one and two.

2. Divide participants into small groups and reflect on the core, relevant elements of political sustainability that are required for sustainability.

3. Each group is then requested to present /report back about their group reflections on the core elements of political sustainability.

4. Their answers should be recorded on the flipchart. This process should take three minutes, take two minutes to go through the list and summarize their ideas by aligning their thoughts to the definition of political stability.

5. Display the facilitator’s slides and share the content and elements of political sustainability with them.


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Define what is advocacy and lobbying

• Understand the role of advocacy

• Know the types of activities included in advocacy

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion, Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint

Activity 4: Advocacy and Lobbying in Politics Steps

1. The facilitator welcomes participants to this activity while linking it with some of the key points covered during the activity three and two. S/he will then take a brief review of activity objectives.

2. Divide participants into small groups and reflect on core relevant elements of political sustainability that are required for sustainability.

3. Here each group will be requested to present /report back about their group reflections on the core elements of political sustainability,

4. Their answers should be recorded on the flipchart. This process should take three minutes, take two minutes to go through the list and summarize by covering their ideas to the definition of political sustainability,

5. Display your slides and share with them the elements of political sustainability.

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Trainers‘ Guide

Activity 5: Negotiation


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Define what is negotiation

• Understand the role process of negotiation

• Know the rules of negotiation

Time Required One hour


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcoming participants to activity 5: “Negotiation” and review some of the key points covered during the introduction to the training (goals, training rules, group roles).

2. Review the objectives of activity 5 with the participants. Explain that the activity will focus on identifying one’s experience and level of understanding about “negotiation.”

3. Have participants think about the meaning of “negotiation” and reflect in pair of groups on how to link these with their living experience.

4. Explain to participants what “negotiation” is as stated in the handout.


1. The facilitator will welcome participants to activity 6: “Coalition-building” and review some of the key points covered during the introduction to the training (goals, training rules, group roles).

2. Review the objectives of activity 6 with the participants. Explain that this activity will focus on identifying one’s experience and level of understanding regarding “Coalition-building.”

3. Have participants think about the meaning of “Coalition-building” and reflect in pair of groups on how to link these with their living experiences.

4. Explain to participants what “Coalition-building” is as stated in the handout.

Activity 7: Experience and Record-keeping


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Define experience and record-keeping

• Understand what defines experience

• Understand the types of record-keeping

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint

Activity 6: Coalition-building



By the end of this session participants are expected to:

• Define coalition

• Understand the tools of coalition planning

• Know how the coalition is formed

Time Required One hour


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint

1. Welcome participants to activity 6: “Experience and record-keeping” and review some of the key points covered during the introduction to the training (goals, training rules, group roles).

2. Review the objectives of activity 6 with the participants. Explain that this activity will focus on identifying one’s experience and level of understanding regarding “Experience and record-keeping”.

3. Have participants think about the meaning of “Experience and record-keeping” and reflect in pairs or groups on how to link these with their living experience.

4. Explain to participants what “Experience and record-keeping” are as stated in the handout.

Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0076 0077

Activity 8: Political Succession


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Define succession in politics

• Understand the succession in democratic and in nondemocratic regimes

• Describe the challenges of succession in Africa

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. The facilitator will welcome participants to activity 8: “Political succession”, and review some of the key points covered during the introduction to the training (goals, training rules, group roles).

2. Review the objectives of activity 8 with the participants. Explain that in this activity, they are going to study political succession. This activity will focus on identifying one’s experience and level of understanding regarding “Political succession.”

Activity 9: Conflict Resolution


3. Have participants think about the meaning of “Political succession” and reflect in pairs or groups on how to link these with their living experience

4. As stated in the handout, explain to participants what “Political succession” is.


1. The facilitator will welcome participants to activity 9: “Conflict resolution”, and review some of the key points covered during the introduction to the training (goals, training rules, group roles).

2. S/he will then review the objectives of activity 9 with the participants. Explain that the activity will identify one’s experience and level of understanding regarding “Conflict resolution”.

3. The participants will spend some time thinking about the meaning of “Conflict resolution” and reflect in pairs or groups on linking the thoughts with their living experience.

4. The facilitator will then explain “Conflict resolution” to participants as stated in the handout.

By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Define conflict resolution

• Understand the conflict resolution strategies

• Elaborate the steps in conflict resolution

• Describe the Principles of conflict resolution in traditional African societies

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation

Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Recall all the content of the module

• Relate the different activities covered in the module

Time Required 30 minutes

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint

Activity 10: Conclusion Steps

1. The facilitator will welcome participants to activity 10: “Conclusion” and review the key points covered during the introduction to the training (goals, training rules, group roles).

2. This activity will focus on identifying the participants’ knowledge of the covered module seven, assessing their grasp, and assisting anyone who needs further explanation. The facilitator will administer a review of what has been covered during the module.

Play Games

The class will then review the objectives of module seven “Women‘s Political Influence and Stability” with the participants

3. The participants will have time to think about all the activities and reflect in pairs or groups on how to link these activities to events in their daily life experiences.

4. The facilitator will then conduct a quick review of the handout and answer any questions from the participants to familiarise themselves with the topic better.

Need to keep your attendees focused? Tap into their competitive sides. Puzzles or riddles, crosswords, memory games, ordering tasks are all great ways to keep your attendees engaged and on-task. For added drama, impose a time limit.

Try introducing a quick quiz at the end of each content section, helping recap what the class has learned, and offering a small prize for the winner.

on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0078 0079
Trainers‘ Guide

Module Eight: Transformative Leadership For Women In Politics

1. Welcome participants to module eight: Women‘s Political influence and stability and quickly review some of the key points covered during module seven: Women’s political influence and stability by helping participants to link this module with the previous modules.

2. Have participants turn to the first page of module eight in their handbooks and review the module‘s objectives with them. Ask them what they think is the relevance between reality and the module. How does it relate to real life? Explain that during this module, their active collaboration is significant.

Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0080 0081
Activities Time
Module Eight
Activity 1: Introduction
1 Introduction 30 minutes
Women’s Transformative Leadership in Africa One hour
Gender Justice and Women’s Rights One hour
Transformative Change and Power One hour
Transformative Leadership for Women’s Rights One hour
Conclusion 30 minutes Total: Five hours
The Participants Will Be Able To:
Objectives By the end of
participants are expected to: • Have
overview of the content of the module
materials Time Required 30 minutes Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint
At The End of This Module,
Define What Transformative Leadership Is For Women In Politics. Define Gender Justice and Women’s Rights
Transformative Change and Power Recognize Transformative Leadership For Women’s Rights. Understand Transformative Leadership For Women’s Rights at The Organizational Level.
this session,
• Know the time it will take to accomplish
module • Have the overview of the required

Activity 2: Women’s Transformative Leadership in Africa


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Have an overview of the content of the module

• Know the time it will take to accomplish the module

• Have the overview of the required materials

Time Required 30 minutes


Materials & Preparation


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint

1 Welcome the participants to the second activity of module eight and review the activity objectives.

2. Divide the participants into groups and give them the task to discuss women’s transformative leadership in Africa.

3. The discussion should be recorded on the flipchart based on the best ideas among the participants.

4. During group discussion, the participants must focus on the cases of their home country.

5. Then after discussions in small groups, the groups share their discussion outcomes with the whole class.

6. All the ideas are recorded on the flipchart.

7. The facilitator then adds their inputs to strengthen, direct and emphasize the participants’ ideas with the help of the handout.

Activity 3: Gender Justice and Women’s Rights


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Learn how to use gender justice to tackle poverty

• Put women’s rights at the heart of all we do

Time Required One hour


Materials & Preparation

Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome participants to activity 3: Gender justice and women’s rights and review some of the key points covered during the previous activities.

Review the objectives of activity 3 with the participants. Explain that with this module, they are going to identify what is important to them and how they can use it to grow and move ahead. This activity will identify one’s knowledge of gender justice and women’s rights.

Activity 4: Transformative Change and Power

Have participants think about gender justice and women’s rights and give one example of their own, pair with another and share their work.

Share with participants the gender justice and women’s rights referring to the handout.


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Know that transformation is a process

• Understand what transformation is about

• Understand Outcomes Sought

Time Required One hour


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome the participants to this activity and encourage them to be attentive and share with them the activity‘s objective.

2. Take a brief review of previous activities and the outcomes.

3. Divide the participants into small groups of four or five, depending on the size of the class.

4. Have the participants think about what transformative change and power are, why they possess power and the barriers to transformative leadership in Africa.

5. Ask the group to present their views on the given topics and write them on the flipchart.

6. Share your inputs with participants to direct, emphasize and compliment the participants’ ideas.

7. Ask the participants to relate the relevance of the activity to real-life events in their home countries.

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Trainers‘ Guide on Women in

Activity 5: Transformative Leadership for Women’s Rights


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Know that transformation is a process

• Understand what transformation

• Understand is about outcomes sought

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome participants to this new activity and link it with key points covered during the previous exercises.

2. Ask participants to give examples of transformative leadership for women’s rights and whom they think are inspiring (famous people or people from their communities). Make sure they provide examples of both men and women. If possible, give examples of people with disabilities who are leaders so participants can understand many different types of people.

3. Ask the participants to describe the character/ qualities of those transformative leaders for women’s rights and write their responses on the flipchart.

4. Stick pictures of great transformative leaders on the wall (past and present, national and international, women and men, young and old).

Below the image, stick a flipchart paper. Have participants move around the room, writing the qualities/ characteristics beneath the leader.

5. Divide participants into small groups and have them:

a. Discuss how each of the transformative leaders has demonstrated the qualities listed under their picture in their lives.

b. Assign one leader per group and have them do a quick role play showing their transformative leadership qualities.

a. Discuss how they as individuals can take on the same transformative leadership qualities as the famous people posted around the room.

b. Discuss the importance and roles of transformative leaders for women’s rights.

Activity 6: Role Model and Characteristics of a Good Leader


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Understand the traits of a role model

• Understand the characteristics of a good leader

Time Required One hour


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome participants to this activity while linking it with the key points covered during the previous exercises.

2. Ask participants to give examples of their role models in leadership, especially women who think they are inspiring (notable people or people from their communities). Make sure they provide examples of both men and women. If possible, give examples of people with disabilities who are leaders so participants understand many different types of people can be good leaders.

3. Ask the participants to describe the character/ qualities of those good leaders and write their responses on the flipchart.

4. Stick pictures of great leaders on the wall (past and present, national and international, women and men, young and old).

Below the image, stick a flipchart paper. Have participants move around the room, writing the qualities/ characteristics beneath the leader.

5. Divide participants into small groups and have them:

c. Discuss how each good leader has demonstrated the qualities listed under their picture in their lives.

d. Assign one leader per group and have them do a quick role play showing their leadership qualities.

c. Discuss how they as individuals can take on the same good leadership qualities as the famous people posted around the room.

d. Discuss the importance and roles of role model leaders for women in politics.

Activity 7: Conclusion


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Sum up the

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Trainers‘ Guide on Women in
content of the whole module
Recall every activity covered in the module
work, demonstration, large group discussion Materials & Preparation
paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint
Understand the link between the different activities of the module Time Required 30 minutes
Flipchart and


1. In this module, the previous five activities tried to understand women’s transformative leadership in Africa, gender justice and women’s rights, transformative change and power and transformative leadership for women’s rights.

2. Share with the participants the module‘s content from the first activity to the last one.

3. Make sure that all participants have achieved the desired outcomes of the module by using assessment questions.

4. Give the participants the time to recall what was said at each activity and its implication in their home country.

���importance and roles of transformative leaders for women’s rights���

Play Some Tunes

Music can set the mood and energise attendees before your session and during breaks. Play something upbeat to pump them up and lower it back down to let them know it’s time to start.

During the session, you can also use music soothing classical pieces to help people concentrate while completing tasks or group work.

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Module Nine Overview Activity 1:

Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0088 0089
Time 1 Introduction 30
2 Understand the Benefits
hour 3 Recognise the Signs
hour 4 Learn about Employer Resources
hour 5 Learn Time Management and Goal Setting
hour 6 Leave Work Stress at Work, and Home Stress at Home
7 Draw a Boundary
8 Create a Balance at Work
9 Conclusion
S/N Activities
of a Work-life Balance One
of an Unbalanced
for a Balanced Lifestyle One
One hour
One hour
One hour
30 minutes Total: Eight hours
Steps 1. Welcome participants to module nine: Work-life balance and
2. Have participants turn to the first page of module nine in their
and review the module‘s objectives with them. Ask them what they
the relevance
and the module.
does it relate to real life? Explain
they must be
during this
Nine: Work-Life Balance At The End of This Module, The Participants Will Have Learned To: Understand The Benefits of A Work-Life Balance Recognise The Signs of an Unbalanced Life Utilise Employer Resources For A Balanced Lifestyle Master Time Management and Goal Setting Leave Work Stress At Work, and Home Stress At Home Find The Most Effective Work Methods For You Draw A Boundary Between Work and Home Create A Balance At Work and Home Objectives By the end of this session, participants are expected to: • Have an overview of the content of the module • Know the time it will take to carry out the module • Have an overview of the required materials Time Required 30 minutes Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint
quickly review the key points covered
module eight: Transformative leadership for women in
by helping participants to link this with the earlier modules.
think is
between reality
participation is crucial. Module

Activity 2: The Benefits of a Work-life Balance


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Understand the benefits of work-life balance for employees

• Recognize the benefits of work-life balance for the employer

Time Required One hour


Materials & Preparation


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint

1.Welcome the participants to the new activity and encourage them to be attentive and share the aim of the activity.

2. Take a brief review of previous activities and the expected outcomes

3. Divide the participants into small groups of four or five depending on the size of the class.

4. Have the participants suggest what work-life balance is and the mistake(s) most people make that may lead to work-life imbalance.

5. Ask the group to present their views on the given topics and write them on a flipchart.

6. Share your inputs with participants to direct, emphasize and compliment participants’ ideas.

7. Ask the participants to tell the relevance of the activity to real-life events in their home country.

8. Use the case study to illustrate the activity and for the participants to internalize it.

9. Ask the participants to share their lived experiences and lessons from their past mistakes in work-life imbalance situations.

The facilitator may conclude the session by the relaxation breathing techniques practical session


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Know the signs of an unbalanced life

• Discover a way out of the unbalanced life

Time Required One hour


Pair work, demonstration, small groups and large group discussions

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint

Activity 3: The Signs of an Unbalanced Life Steps

1. Welcome participants to this activity while linking it with the key points covered during activities one and two.

2. Divide participants into small groups and reflect on core, relevant attitudes that reveal an unbalanced life.

3. Each group will be requested to present /report their group reflections on the core signs of an unbalanced life.

4. Their answers will be recorded on the flipchart. This process should take three minutes, take two minutes to go through the list and summarize by directing the conversation to the definition of an unbalanced work life.

5. Display your slides and share with the class the signs listed in the handout.

The facilitator may conclude the session with a Zumba exercise.

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Activity 4: Psychological Counselling


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Comprehend what is psychological counselling

• Know when to consult psychological counselling

• Understand emotional intelligence

• Understand emotional intelligence in leadership

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome participants to activity 4: Psychological counselling and its importance.

2. Review the aims of activity 4 with the participants. Explain that in this module, they will understand the key concepts related to psychological counselling.

3. Have participants think about the meaning of the following terms and give one example of their own through an interactive and facilitated plenary session.

a. psychology b. counselling c. emotional d. intelligence

4. Ask participants to share their definitions and after they answer, ask if there is anyone who needs to add more or needs any clarifications.

5. Explain to participants that skills and knowledge about concepts related to psychological counselling and emotional intelligence have contributions to their emotional and mental wellbeing.

6. Provide participants with copies of the learning manual and put the closing remarks.

Activity 5: Time Management and Goal Setting


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Understand the meaning of time management

• Find out the main goals of time management

• Comprehend the strategies of time management

• Realize steps to goal setting

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome participants to this activity and review the objectives together. Remind participants that the last activity aimed to clarify how the employers may help their employees achieve a healthy work-life balance.

2. Tell participants that we will identify the meaning and importance of time management and goal setting.

3. Display your PPT and provide participants with the handout detailing the importance of time management and goal setting

Activity 6: Stress Management


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Understand stress management techniques

• Understand the activities that can help in stress management

Time Required One hour


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome participants to this activity and review the objectives together. Remind participants that we clarified definitions and approaches related to time management and goal setting in the last activity.

2. Divide participants into groups and ask them to reflect and identify key relevant skills/ tips for effective stress management.

3. Share with the participants the PPT and provide participants with a handout on relevant skills/tips for effective way stress management.

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A practical exercise of musical dance may conclude this activity.

Activity 8: Create a Balance at Work and Home


A Yoga practical exercise may conclude this activity.

Activity 7: Draw a Boundary Between Work and Home


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Understand how to set boundaries between work and home

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


Welcome participants to this activity and review the objectives together.

Remind participants that we clarified the way of leaving work stress at work and home stress at home while drawing boundaries between work and home in the last activity.

Tell participants that we will discuss drawing boundaries between work and home and its importance towards a balanced work-life.

Share your PPT and provide participants with a handout on key information on drawing the boundaries between work and home.

By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Be able to create a balance at work and home

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome participants to this activity and review the objectives together. Remind participants that we clarified how to draw the boundaries between work and home in the last activity while linking the latter with creating the balance at work and home.

Activity 9: Self-care


2. Tell participants that we will discuss creating a balance at work and home and how to start this balance.

3. Disclose your PPT and provide participants with a handout on how to create a balance at work and home.

By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Understand self-care practices for every area of your life

Time Required One hour

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. The facilitator may start with greeting the participants and showing them a short video on self-care.

2. Welcome participants to this activity and review the objectives together. Remind participants that we clarified definitions and approaches related to creating a balance between work and home in the last activity.

3. Divide participants into groups and ask them to reflect and identify key relevant skills/ tips for an effective way of self-care and reflect on what they have learned from the short video they’ve watched.

4. Share with participants the PPT and the handout containing relevant skills/tips for effective stress management.

A Yoga practical exercise may conclude this activity.

Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0094 0095

Activity 10:Conclusion


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Sum up the content of the whole module

• Recall every activity covered in the module

• Understand the link between the different activities of the

Time Required 30 minutes

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation


Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. At this end, tell the participants that it is the last activity of Module Nine, which also is the final module of the learning manual.

2. Please take a brief review of the entire module covered in the learning manual and the link between them and real-life by recalling the case shared during each session.

3. Assess the participants on their training outcomes with the help of questions on the module to see if they have acquired the expected knowledge.

4. Ask questions to inquire if the participants will take the training skills back home to their countries.

5. Thank the participants for their participation and input towards improving women‘s involvement in politics.

1. Find a partner.

2. Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors“ against each other until the first win.

3. The winner must find a new opponent. The losing player becomes a fan of the winner.

4. The winner plays against the new opponent, while their fan cheers.

5. The second game-winner searches for a new opponent while the losing team joins their fan base.

6. Repeat until there are only two opponents with a huge fan base cheering for them. The last two must play until one player has won two times.


Rock, Paper, Scissors (Tournament)

This is a fun and loud energiser based on the well-known “Rock, Paper, Scissors” game - with a twist: the losing players become the fan of the winners as the winner advances to the next round. This goes on until a showdown with two large cheering crowds arrives!

Adults of all levels and kids can play it, and it always works!

The basic rules of “Rock, Paper, Scissors“ are the following:

The players count to three. At three, they form one out of three symbols with their hands:

1) “Rock“ – the fist

2) “Paper“ – the straight hand

3) “Scissors“ – index and middle finger pointing out Each symbol wins and loses against one other.

Rules : “Rock“ breaks the „Scissors“.

“Scissors“ cuts the “Paper“. “Paper“ wraps the “Rock.“

Cut It in Half

One of the best ways to keep your audience engaged is not overloading them with information. Give them too much, and their brains will shut off.

Either make your session a maximum of two hours or, if it’s taking place over a day, or schedule in plenty of short breaks. Give attendees a chance to get up, walk around, and grab a cup of coffee/water.

Give them time to write and organize notes and assist them by providing pens, pads, sticky notes and highlighters.

Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0096 0097

Module Ten: Mainstreaming Political Participation For Women Living With Disability

At The End of This Module, The Participants Will Be Able To Understand:

Relevance of Mainstreaming Political Participation For Women Living With Disability

Legal Framework For Mainstreaming Political Participation For Women Living With Disability

Obstacles Limiting WWD’s Participation And Representation In Politics

Strategies For Mainstreaming Effective Political Participation For Women With Disability

Module Ten Overview


Activities Time

1 Introduction: Understanding Mainstreaming Political Participation for Women Living with Disability 30 minutes

2 Legal framework for Mainstreaming Political Participation for Women Living with Disability One hour

3 Disability Mainstreaming in Politics 30 minutes

4 Obstacles/Barriers to Mainstreaming Disability in Politics 30 minutes

5 Strategies for Mainstreaming Political Participation for Women Living with Disability 30 minutes

6 Conclusion 30 minutes

Total: Three and a half hours

Activity 1: Introduction


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Have an overview of the content of the module

• Know the time it will take to accomplish the module

• Have the overview of the required materials

Time Required 30 minutes

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome participants to module ten: Mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability and quickly review some of the key points covered during module nine: Work-life balance by helping participants to link this with the previous modules.

2. Emphasize the relevance of this module by stressing the importance of inclusive governance and the principle of “Leaving no one behind.”

Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 0098 0099

3. Have participants turn to the first page of Module Ten in their Handbooks and review the module‘s objectives with them. Ask them what they think is the relevance between reality and the module. How does it relate to real life? Explain that they must be active during this module because participation is crucial.

4. Divide participants into groups (the number of groups must go with the number of activities for breakout and ask them to reflect and identify key relevant skills/ tips for an effective way of mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability and reflect on various strategies.

5. Groups present feedback in the plenary session after the breakout session.

6. Share with participants the PPT and provide participants with the handout on relevant skills/tips for an effective way of mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability

7. Invite the guest speaker for further experience sharing in the plenary session,

8. Q&A

9. Conclude the session

Activity 2: Legal Framework for Mainstreaming Political Participation for Women Living with Disability


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Understand the global legal framework for mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability

• Understand the continental legal framework for mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability

• Understand the regional legal framework for mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability

• Understand the national legal framework for mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability

Time Required One hour


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome participants to activity 2: Legal framework for mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability of module ten: mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability and quickly review the key points covered during module nine: work-Life balance by helping participants link this with the previous modules.

2. Emphasize the relevance of this activity by focusing on the importance of having legal tools to mainstream political participation for women living with disability

3. Have participants turn to module ten in their handbooks and review the module‘s objectives with

them. Ask them what they think is relevant between reality and activity 2 of the module.

How does it relate to real life? Explain that they must be active during this module because participation is crucial.

4. Groups (which worked on this activity) present feedback in plenary after the breakout session.

5. Share with participants the PPT and provide participants with the handout on the relevant legal framework for mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability

6. Q&A 7. Conclude the session

Activity 3: Mainstreaming Disability in Politics


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Know how to mainstream disability in politics

Time Required 30 minutes

Methodology Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Materials & Preparation Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome participants to activity 3: mainstreaming disability in politics, of module ten: mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability and quickly reviewing the key points covered during module nine: work-life balance by helping participants link this with the previous modules.

2. Emphasize the relevance of this activity by focusing on the importance of mainstreaming political participation for women living with a disability.

3. Have participants turn to the page of module ten in their handbooks and review the module‘s objectives with them. Ask them what they think is relevant

between reality and activity 3 of the module.

How does it relate to real life? Explain that they must be active during this module because participation is crucial.

4. Groups feedback presentation (the group that worked on this activity) in plenary after breakout session.

5. Share with participants the PPT and provide participants with the handout on Mainstreaming Disability in Politics.

6. Q&A

7. Conclude the session

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Activity 4: Obstacles/ Barriers to Equal Political Participation


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Know persisting challenges/obstacles to equal participation for WWD

Time Required 30 minutes


Materials & Preparation


Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint

1. Welcome participants to activity 4: Obstacles/ barriers to equal political participation of module ten: mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability and quickly review some of the key points covered during activity 3: work-life balance by helping participants link this with the previous modules.

2. Emphasize the relevance of this activity by focusing on the importance of mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability

3. Have participants turn to the page of module ten in their handbooks and review the module‘s objectives with them.

Ask them what they think is relevant between reality and activity 4 of the module. How does it relate to real life? Explain that they must be active during this module because participation is crucial.

4. Groups feedback presentation (the group that worked on this activity) in plenary after breakout session.

5. Share with participants the PPT and provide participants with the handout on obstacles/ barriers to equal political participation. 6. Q&A. 7. Conclude the session.

Activity 5: Strategies for Effective WWD Participation in Politics


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Devise strategies for effective WWD participation in politics

Time Required 30 minutes


Materials & Preparation

Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint


1. Welcome participants to activity 5: Strategies for effective WWD participation in politics of module ten: mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability and quickly review the key points covered during activity 4: Work-life balance by helping participants link this with the previous modules.

2. Emphasize the relevance of this activity by focusing on the importance of mainstreaming political participation for women living with disability

3. Have participants turn to the page of module ten in their handbooks and review the module‘s objectives with them. Ask them what they think is relevant between reality and activity 5 of the module. How does it relate to real life? Explain that they must be active during this module because participation is crucial.

4. Groups feedback presentation (the group that worked on this activity) in plenary after breakout session.

5. Share with participants the PPT and provide participants with the handout on Strategies for effective WWD participation in politics.

6. Q&A 7. Conclude the session

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Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics

Activity 6: Conclusion


By the end of this session, participants are expected to:

• Sum up the content of the whole module recall every activity covered in the module

• Understand the link between the different activities of the module

Time Required 30 minutes


Materials & Preparation

Pair work, demonstration, large group discussion

Flipchart and paper, markers, prepared PowerPoint

Thank you for your participation


1. At this end, tell the participants that it is Module Ten‘s last activity, which is also the final module of the learning manual.

2. Please take a brief review of the entire module covered in the learning manual and recap all the activities covering the link between them and real-life by recalling the case shared during each session.

3. Assess the participants on their training outcomes with the help of questions on the module to see if they have acquired the expected knowledge.

4. Ask questions that aim at enquiring if the participants can take the training skills back home to their countries.

5. Thank the participants for their participation and their input towards improving women in political participation.

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in Politics Participation Trainers‘ Guide on Women in Politics Participation >>> 00106 00107 NOTES
Trainers‘ Guide on Women

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For More Information

FAWE House, Chania Avenue, off Wood Avenue, Kilimani P.O. Box 21394 - Ngong Road, Nairobi 00505, Kenya.

Tel: (254-020) 3873131/3873359 Fax: (254-020) 3874150



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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.