Brand Guides Book For Generally Just Me

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Generally Just Me


introduction logo logo backgrounds discouraged logo use typeface colours illustrations grid layout products


I am a lifestyle blogger personally designing generally just relatable posts about the day-to-day life of a girl, that Is generally just me.

logo The Generally Just Me logo is the most important element of the visual identity. The illustration of the girl is eye catching, I have showcased the back of the character as I want to keep myself as the owner of the brand anonymous. I have designed the character as an everyday girl; she has her hair up in a bun, which is generally just the normal thing to do for a girl. The typography underneath adds deFinition to the logo and clearly identiFies what the brand is.

Generally just me

background colours for logo White logo on my brand colours.

Generally just me

Generally just me

Generally just me

Generally just me

Generally just me

Generally just me

black logo on my brand colours.

Generally just me

Generally just me

Generally just me

Generally just me

Generally just me

Generally just me

discouraged logo use I discourage the logo to be placed onto a black background, I love my black logo, black illustrations and typography but black backgrounds are highly discouraged. Also my character and the tag for Generally Just Me cannot be displayed together as a logo.

Generally just me


The white logo is not to be used on black backgrounds.

The logo is not to be mixed with the @generallyjustme

typefaces my primary type face that I am using for the brand is Moon Flower, for each design I post I either use Moon Flower or Moon Flower Bold. The font is friendly, upbeat and versatile. my website consists of Open Sans Light typeface, it is a clear san-serif font with great legibility.

moon Flower bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz moon fLower abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Open Sans Light abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

colours My colour palette consists of happy, pretty girly, pastel, colours.




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pink 1

pink 2


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illustrations I am keeping my illustrations to a bare minimal, as it’s exteamly time consuming creating them. MY character can change her hair and also her outFits depending on her mood.

grid layout for posts I keep my grid layout consistent throughout all of my posts also the tag for Generally Just me is always in the same place at the size font point each time. my other type can be any size as I want to make each post different so they do not get boring to look at. my background can be any colour from my palette or it can be white. My text can either be white, black or any of the colours from my colour palette.

not to scale.


products website: Instagram: @generallyjustme Facebook: @generallyjustme twitter: @generallyjustme I will be soon to be selling merchandise on my website where I currently upload my posts and blogs. @generallyjustme

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