July & August 2024

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Rising Star



William T. Cook, M.D.

Marlo Carter, M.D.

Matthew Ralsten, M.D.

Nicole E. Quinn, M.D.

Yvonne Conaway, N.P.

Nykia Burke-Bray, MD.

wsfayette.com 770-632-9900

1267 Hwy. 54 West, Suite 3200, Fayetteville (Inside Piedmont Fayette Hospital) 403 Westpark Ct, Suite 205 Peachtree City, GA 30269




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Hey Y'all! The July/August issue of Southern Woman Magazine ™️is a time to embrace the warmth of summer and celebrate the beauty of the Southern region. As the sun shines brightly and nature flourishes, we are inspired by the vibrant energy that surrounds us. In this issue, we continue to honor the incredible women of the South and share their stories of strength, passion, and perseverance. From community leaders to artists, educators to entrepreneurs, each woman's unique journey adds to the rich tapestry of our Southern heritage. We are excited to feature the Fayette Woman™️ in this issue, highlighting the stories of remarkable women who have made a difference in their community. Their contributions and accomplishments serve as a source of inspiration for us all and as we say at Fayette Woman™️“Every one of us has a story” ™️ We invite our readers to share who they would want to nominate as the next Fayette Woman™️ feature. We value our readers' input and believe that by highlighting the stories of women who have inspired them, we can continue to uplift and empower women in our community. Stay tuned for captivating content, inspiring features, and engaging stories in the September/October issue of Southern Woman Magazine™️. Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to sharing more unforgettable stories with you.


Melanie Denney-Haas Publisher, Owner



SOUTHERN Publisher Melanie Denney Haas melanie.southernwoman@gmail.com Creative Director Paige Coppett paige.southernwoman@gmail.com Editorial Contributors Bonnie Helander, Deena Attia, Annie Singh-Quern, Michael Boylan- Piedmont Healthcare

an issue! NEVER MISS

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July/ August 2024



In This Issue

Home & Garden

Health & Wellness

2 PUBLISHER‘S LETTER From Melanie Denney-Haas

14 THE SAUCY SUNFLOWER By Bonnie Helander

34 WOMEN OF WELLNESS Dr. Mitzie-Ann Davis

5 LOVING LARGE Embracing the Gift

30 OUT & ABOUT With Southern Woman

18 TIPS & INSPIRATION From the Peachtree City Garden Club

Arts, Culture, & Travel

40 LOCAL EVENTS July & August Events

22 RISING STAR Rylee Banks

42 Q&A WITH CHELSEA HORAN Keller Williams Realty

26 GRAPE TO GLASS Sonoma & Napa Wine Adventures

41 SUMMER READING LIST Southern Woman Book Society

25 DOOR DU JOUR 9 With Michelle Tordoff



7 FROM DREAMS TO ACHIEVEMENT A Trilogy of Dynamic Women

33 TIPS WITH TAYLOR By Taylor Marsh



Family 36 EMPTY NESTERS Life after kids


With Katy Weaver




Anne remembers when one friend remarked to her, “I don’t know how you do this. Isn’t it awful?” To Anne and Kevin and their other children, Brandon and Caitlin, Emily was acherished gift from God - a blessing, and never a burden. In 2000, after a referral from a local doctor, Anne enrolled Emily (age 3) at The Joseph Sams School. As a mother and advocate for a child with special needs, Anne realized that Emily needed occupational therapy, physical therapy and oral motor stimulation as soon as possible so she could reach her fullest potential. Emily was a student with severe disabilities, who needed extra care. With every new challenge, the staff at The Joseph Sams School worked tirelessly with her and never said “No we can’t do this.” According to Anne, “Emily’s projected life span was Anne and Kevin Miller knew something was wrong right away when their youngest child, Emily, was born in 1997, but they were unable to get a definitive diagnosis of her condition until Emily was four years old! After seeing numerous doctors, and going through testing and retesting, Emily was finally diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder. She was slow to develop, non-verbal, had to be tube fed, and had to learn to walk with a walker. Anne

only a few years, but I give a great deal of credit to the school for her longevity. She was almost 19 when she passed, and through the school’s services, such as the M.O.VE. ® (Mobility Opportunity via Education) Program,that gets children up and moving, Emily improved her cognitive and respiratory responses. It is amazing how she and other students progressed beyond medical diagnosis.”

recalls those early days of being exhausted and

After a series of seizures, Emily’s health began to

going months with very little sleep. Her strong faith,

quickly deteriorate, but she still continued to inspire

and the support of her family, friends and church

so many lives, even after she passed away in 2016. “I

community, helped Anne and Kevin get through

did not realize how many lives Emily touched,”

each day.

recalled Anne, “until she passed.” July/ August 2024


The Joseph Sams School (JSS), in Fayetteville, Georgia, was started 40 years ago by three moms of special needs children, seeking preschool early intervention services for their children. The first preschool class served six students with Down syndrome, and the school was named for one of these first students who passed away. Over the years, the school has continued to grow and thrive, adding more students and services. JSS holds the distinction of being the only fully-accredited school in the state of Georgia that provides educational and

Students who attend JSS have some of the following

therapeutic services for students from birth through 22

diagnoses: autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome,

years of age, who have mild to severe intellectual

developmental delays, other chromosomal/genetic

and/or physical disabilities.

disorders, and cerebral palsy. Parents of special needs children, who believe The Joseph Sams School may benefit

The Joseph Sams School is committed to “filling the

their children, can get detailed information at

gap” to find and provide the best possible educational


and therapeutic interventions available, including oneon-one tutoring, so students can reach their academic

Anne encourages parents of special needs children to

and developmental potential. The school also offers

always be their child’s advocate and remain diligent in

consultative services to other programs with similar

pursuing the services they need. Anne knows first-hand how

goals and works closely with private physicians and

challenging this can be, but she would never trade her

therapists to ensure each student gets the best care.

time with Emily for anything. “Every child is a gift from

75 students from several counties in Georgia are

God, whatever their abilities. Take it one day at a time.

presently enrolled at the school, but there is a waiting

Embrace what God has given you and love large.”

list because of building limitations. JSS is hoping, in the near future, to kick-off a capital campaign to help expand the building and enrollment. Anne Miller continues to volunteer at The Joseph Sams School, dedicated to helping the school expand its services. Volunteers are always needed at JSS. Anne believes if people will just arrange to take a tour of the school, it will take their breath away! Volunteers are welcome to read a book to a class, assist with class activities, serve as a lunch buddy, help teachers prepare materials, help with fundraising events and much more! Several of the volunteers at JSS are former students, giving them the opportunity to give back and continue to be active and positively impact their communities. 6 SOUTHERN WOMAN



“If a woman is sufficiently ambitious, determined, and gifted, there is practically nothing she can't do.” - Helen Lawrenson As I began writing each of the three stories planned for this issue, I realized there is a common theme. Each woman has achieved what they dreamed of having as a child. Only 4% of adults successfully make their childhood dreams a reality. While surprising, this statistic underscores the significance of these women's journeys. Each story is vastly different, and the timing of everything that comes into place is unique to each person's life experience. After much consideration, bringing these stories together in a trilogy was appropriate. My intention in sharing these stories is to inspire our readers. The determination and passion they have demonstrated in turning their childhood dreams into reality are genuinely remarkable. What were your childhood dreams, and do they still spark excitement? Remember, there is always time to embark on that journey toward your dream. Natalie Parks, Informatics Pharmacist and owner of Llamas on the Loose Farm, had harbored a dream of owning a farm since she was 8. Denise Leslie, founder and owner of Medical & Sports Massage, discovered her gift of touch and empathy at the same age. Michelle Cross, owner of Atlanta's Law Firm, knew she wanted to be a criminal defense lawyer from age five. These women, part of the 4% who dared to dream, faced numerous setbacks, bouts of self-doubt, and moments of almost giving up. Yet, their unwavering perseverance propelled them toward reaching their goals and inspired them to continue growing their businesses and impacting their

July/ August 2024


FROM PHARMACIST TO FARM OWNER Natalie's passion for animals blossomed at the tender age of eight, when she first welcomed rabbits, chickens, and two turkeys into her life. After college and establishing herself she bought some land and overtime she was able to buy more land and extend her property. Today, Natalie and Brian, her better half, are fully immersed in the enchanting world of farm life. Their farm is a bustling home to llamas, mini silky fainting goats, two mini donkeys, chickens, bunnies, and dogs. Beyond their farm duties, Natalie is a dedicated full-time Informatics Pharmacist, a testament to her unwavering commitment to both her profession and her beloved animals. They typically begin their days around 4 or 5 in the morning, and bedtime is late. There is much to do to maintain the 47 acres and care for all the animals. The most challenging parts of farm life are maintaining the fences so the animals don't get loose, watching for parasites, and managing every animal's diet to be sure they are adequately fed. All the hard work yields big rewards when guests come to visit, and they can share what they work so hard to take care of every day. What surprises Natalie the most about how she and Brian manage everything is that no matter the challenge, it all works out. There's always another day to keep trying harder and learn more from mistakes. It's a constant source of inspiration and growth. I first learned about Llamas on the Loose this year at the Fore the Paws Golf Tournament when a couple of the llamas were there, and they engaged with the crowd. I am always drawn to all kinds of animals, and seeing their friendly demeanor compelled me to walk over and meet them. I was intrigued by the name and had to know more about the farm. One evening, I arranged to meet Natalie at her farm in Villa Rica, about an hour's drive from Peachtree City. To summarize my experience of my visit to meet Natalie and Brian and walk the farm to observe, pet, and snap some pictures, these thoughts come to mind; educational, organized chaos, and a labor of love. I learned a lot about animals and what is required to care for them. At my visit, the goats were on the other side of the fence and had gotten through a gap, which I am sure one or more worked to break free. Brian had to coax them back to the inside perimeter. The llamas were roaming freely, the baby goats were drinking milk from their mother's teat. The dog was very interested in me and happily showed me around in her way. The donkeys were there for the party. I laughed out loud and got pictures with one of the goats. I took a selfie with a group of llamas. I snapped many photos to remember as many of the animals I could capture. I left the farm feeling joy and learning much about the hard work, love, and dedication that Natalie and Brian pour into the animals and the land. There is something so endearing about listening to Natalie talk about each animal by name; it's like hearing her speak about her children.



Embarking on a farm adventure is as simple as a few clicks on their website, www.llamasontheloosefarm.com. The site offers a glimpse into the farm life, promising guided tours that are structured yet flexible, allowing visitors to bask in the serene outdoors and do 'whatever floats your goat.' With only one group booked at a time, a safe and comfortable experience with the animals is guaranteed. Whether it's a leisurely stroll with the llamas or a lively birthday party, the farm promises a delightful introduction to their furry family. The farm adventure can extend further if you choose. There is the option to rent their Airbnb for the night and have a glamping under the stars experience. Enjoy the lovely setting of this romantic spot in nature. The tent is 10'x12' and houses a queen bed, a breakfast nook, bedside tables with battery-operated lamps, and even a 6-person pop-up tent for more guests. It has a large bar area outside with a sink with hot and cold running water, a bathroom, and a shower with hot and cold water. Brian has beautifully crafted the surrounding areas of the space. Because of the farm, they aren't able to use their RV often and are excited to offer it for others to enjoy. If you pick up the RV for a rental, they will gladly show you around the farm to meet the animals. You can even stay at the farm in the RV for one of your rental nights if you would like for no additional charge. Natalie has created the farm life she dreamed of as a child and shares it with others creatively. She and Brian want to be sure the experience is accessible for all who desire to visit and see the animals. As hard as the work gets and as long as the hours are tending to the animals and the land, Brian and Natalie share the message: "Don't ever let anybody tell you that you can't do it." If you have the dream and desire, it is possible.

HEALING HANDS SINCE CHILDHOOD Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, Denise had the gift of touch since childhood. As a young girl, she massaged her mother, who experienced chronic pain. At eight years old, she began working regularly with her neighbor, Ms. Johnson, who mentored her as she developed her skills. "Ms. Johnson had chronic lymphedema and circulation issues that caused her ankles to swell at the end of the day, so I'd go to her house and rub her feet. Looking back, I was facilitating lymphatic drainage without even realizing it. Not a day goes by that I am not grateful to my mom and Ms. Johnson for helping me cultivate my gift." Denise's commitment to her profession led her to volunteer for a study on the effects of massage therapy on stress and anxiety soon after finishing massage school. Her dedication to learning and improving her skills continued as she earned her license and participated in several other Atlanta-based studies. These studies included research on whether massage can calm overactive nerves in Fibromyalgia patients and a study of whether cranial massage facilitates digestion in IBS patients, further enhancing her expertise in the field. I was pleased to meet Denise at a Sandy Springs Chamber of Commerce lunch she sponsored. The proper introduction to her business and talents came when I redeemed my 30-minute massage appointment that she gave to all the lunch attendees. When I opened the door to her Sandy Springs location and felt the calm nature that filled the reception area, I knew I was in for a treat. The gentle scent of aromatherapy, soothing lighting, and pleasant greeting set the tone for the visit. I had scheduled my session with Ashli, one of the highly trained therapists on Denise's team. Ashli introduced herself and led me to her room. Once I was settled in and on the table and Ashli was working her magic hands on my tightly wound neck and shoulders, I almost begged for another 30 minutes. The entire experience, from the first step in the door to check out, was 5-star. After that first visit, I steadfastly supported Denise and her business. My next session was with Denise. I booked an hour-long massage appointment. I have had many massages and styles of massage therapy, and the technique that Denise used on me was something I had never experienced. The session began as expected and then transitioned to her using the Graston technique. The Graston Technique is a specialized form of massage therapy that uses stainless steel instruments to detect and treat soft tissue issues in the body. It's not your typical hands-on massage; therapists use uniquely designed tools to target specific areas of concern. The tools are of various sizes for different parts of the body. These instruments are the ones putting controlled pressure on affected areas as determined by a practitioner, and they are designed to detect abnormalities in the texture and movement of soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments.


.Soon after that appointment, I got to know her better. I observed how she lit up, and her eyes shone as she talked about what she does daily for her clients and the community. Denise beams when she speaks about her story and how everything has fallen into place. Especially her Healing Hands, a 5013c nonprofit massage program, which she began in 2017. This program is a beacon of hope for cancer patients and survivors, offering specialized massages that facilitate lymphatic drainage, support recovery, and maintain wellness. "Ongoing treatment takes a toll on the body, and in the case of survivors, our work can help support their system while in remission. It's a small but significant way we can make a difference in their lives." Denise's life is about wellness and living pain-free for her and her patients. Aside from being a highly skilled massage therapist, she is also a yoga instructor. Next on my list will be to experience being a student in her yoga class, and I can't wait to see another side of Denise's talents. To learn more about Denise and her massage therapy technique and benefits, check out her website, www.livelifepainfree.com.

JUSTICE FOR ALL Michelle Cross, a shining example of determination, discipline, and brilliance, stands out as a criminal defense lawyer in Atlanta, earning the moniker 'The Legally Blonde Atlanta.' Her expertise in DUI Defense and her authority in handling cases related to drug charges, battery, and traffic citations are widely recognized. I met Michelle recently at a lady's lunch for the Broadway show Legally Blonde. I had seen her on the news last summer and was captivated by her clever brand and marketing. Luckily, we had the chance to sit down for a coffee, and she shared her story with me. At a very young age, she knew she would be a criminal defense lawyer. Michelle worked a full-time day job during law school and attended night classes. She recalls one of the most demanding professors she ever had, who challenged her during every class for the two years she had him. He almost made her rethink her decision about becoming a lawyer. It was a tough time, and luckily, the support from her family and friends kept her going. Michelle talks about that professor fondly now and knows she was prepared and passed the bar exam because of his challenging curriculum and ways of testing her. Now, she is constantly prepared when she goes to court. In December 2019, Michelle graduated from law school, and in February 2020, she passed the bar. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic led to a scarcity of job opportunities. Undeterred, Michelle's desire to practice law led her to take a bold step-she founded her own law firm, Atlanta's Law Firm. This unconventional move and her unique marketing set her apart in the legal field. What are her unique marketing strategies? First, Michelle stands out in the crowd. Her long blonde hair, flawless facial features, and style are reminiscent of Elle Woods from the movie Legally Blonde. Michelle's approach to promoting her law firm on social media is creative and amusing. It educates the public on topics related to her specialty. She comes up with all the content for her Instagram page, @legallyblondeatlanta, and turns to her friends for ideas and the most wanted questions that her 132k followers may be curious about. She also advertises that the firm is open 24/7. It is her passion to help her clients. She always strives to provide the "Ritz Carlton" experience during one of the worst times in their life, being arrested and in jail. Michelle is always dedicated and ready to defend justice, and she is also dedicated to finding a cure for Type-1 diabetes. Michelle is a co-founder of FYI Diabetes, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving life for diabetics. The focus is on Type-1 diabetes and the education on the difference between that and Type-2. Type 1 diabetes, once known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic condition. In this condition, the pancreas makes little or no insulin. Currently, there is no cure, and those who suffer from this are insulin-dependent. After spending time with Michelle and hearing her story of going through law school, starting her own law firm, and working with FYI Diabetes, it was clear that all her hard work comes from a genuine place. She is equally passionate and determined in her efforts to find a cure for diabetes as she is in helping her clients in the courtroom. She is in the early stages of her career and has plans to expand her firm, create more educational content for her followers, raise more awareness about Type-1 diabetes, and assist more people in getting out of jail who shouldn't be there. This Maya Angelou quote concisely sums up Michelle: My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. July/ August 2024



Sergeant Dawn Wiggs Celebrating our Law Enforcement Heroes in Fayette County Story by Bonnie Helander, Photos courtesy of Dawn Wiggs Dawn Wiggs never imagined herself pursuing a career in law enforcement while growing up in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. During her childhood, Dawn spent every summer visiting family members in Vidalia, Georgia, and grew to love the country life. Here, with the influence of her aunts, Dawn learned to become a great cook and grow fresh vegetables and flowers. She was in the garden all the time and very comfortable with this simple lifestyle. Dawn was so happy in Vidalia that she even spent part of 8th grade attending school there, and it was in Vidalia that she met her future husband, Jearyl, who was in the 9th grade class! He became one of her best friends in Vidalia. After high school graduation in Florida, Dawn went on to Broward College and received her A.S. degree in Nuclear Medicine and a BAS in Supervision and Management, while working full-time in the medical field and caring for her two children. During those college years, Dawn’s friend from Vidalia, Jearyl, moved to Atlanta and coincidentally became good friends with Dawn’s brother, without knowing his friend’s relationship to Dawn! While on a visit to see her brother, Dawn and Jearyl reconnected. Dawn later moved to Atlanta, where Jearyl was working at Homeland Security, and they married in 2011. Together, they now have a blended family of five children – Sequoia, age 27, Jermaine, age 25, Lia, 18, Jearyl Jr., age 12, and Jearyn, age 9. While Dawn enjoyed working in the medical field, she found it somewhat less than challenging. A friend at church, who was a sergeant with the Clayton County Sheriff’s Department, suggested she take the department’s tests and interview for a job. Dawn aced all the tests and was hired by Clayton County Sheriff’s Department, in the Corrections Division in 2015. In 2017, Dawn and the family moved to Fayetteville. Dawn and Jearyl wanted more acreage and more of a country setting for the children. Jearyl decided to leave his position with Homeland Security and concentrate on the lawn care business he had started on the side. Dawn left her job with Clayton County Sheriff’s Department to help Jearyl expand the landscaping business, J and R Enterprises. It wasn’t long before people in the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department learned of Dawn’s past law enforcement experience, and encouraged her to apply there for a job. Dawn was hired by the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department in 2018 as a detention officer. In 2019, she joined the jail’s V.I.P.E.R. (Violent Inmate Population Extraction Response) team. Dawn continued to quickly climb the ranks in the department, achieving rank of corporal in 2022 and then sergeant of the Fayette County Jail in May, 2024. A sergeant at the jail supervises assigned personnel, resolves inmate behavior issues, and is responsible for the protection, welfare, and custody of inmates at this pre-trial facility. Dawn’s previous career in the medical field is advantageous in her new position. She has experience dealing with medical and mental health issues, patient advocacy, and customer service. She loves her job and believes one of her key strengths is her people skills. “I try to treat people right, no matter what the situation,” says Dawn. Coming from a diverse family background, including Native American, African-American, and Caucasian relatives – Dawn knows how to work with, and talk to, people from all walks of life. According to Dawn, “I have a way of talking to people that will de-escalate the situation, and I rarely ever have to put my hand on them. My verbal and mediation skills are some of my best job assets. I try to see the good in people, help them when I can, and hold them accountable to turn their lives around.” While she often works in an intense environment, Dawn has learned not to bring her work home. She is present for her children and keeps them busy and out of trouble. Dawn makes a point of interacting with their friends and the parents of their friends. “I stay involved with their lives, and try to instill in my kids to do the right things,” says Dawn. Dawn and Jearyl only have two children at home these days. Recently they celebrated the high school graduation from Fayette County High School of 18-year –old daughter, Lia. Jearyl’s landscaping business is thriving, and life is good. Fayette County residents are fortunate to have someone with Dawn Wiggs’ exceptional experience as the new sergeant of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department, Jail Division. Congratulations, Sergeant Wiggs, on your well-deserved promotion!

July/ August 2024



The Saucy Sunflouwer Story by Bonnie Helander Photos by Bonnie Helander, National Sunflower Association and NuFlowersLLC


When I lived in the middle of avocado and citrus groves in the foothills of rural San Diego County, one farmer who lived nearby planted a field of glorious sunflowers. I looked forward to watching these cheerful blooms perform, as they turned their heads throughout the day to follow the movement of the sun, from east to west, returning at night to face east again, ready for the coming day! This amazing feature is known as heliotropism and continues until the sunflowers are heavy with seeds. Scientists have discovered that even if the buds/flowers are removed, the stems of the plants will still turn to follow the sun! What is not to love about sunflowers? They aren’t just stunning flowers, but are a resource for food and oil, and have healing properties as well. Sunflowers are drought-and-heat tolerant, attractive to birds, bees and butterflies, resistant to most pests, prized as a beautiful cut flower in an arrangement, and have seeds they are healthy and enjoyed by birds and humans! They even help the environment by removing toxins from the soil! Sunflowers (Helianthus annus) are most recognized by their bright yellow flowers, with deep brown centers, but are now available in an array of vibrant colors – yellow, orange, red, brown, burgundy, and some are even multi-colored. There are over 70 varieties of sunflowers; some are single-stemmed, and some have branching stems. If you want to attract pollinators, you can choose sunflowers with pollen, or if you want an excellent cut flower for an arrangement, you can plant pollen-free varieties. You can select plants that stay small, or those that will take center stage at 10 feet tall and tower over the rest of your flowers.

There are so many wonderful varieties of sunflowers now available for gardeners, that it is hard to choose! Some of my favorite varieties include: Bambino – Small bloom that only gets 16” tall Gummy Bear – Yellow with whimsical fuzzy bloom Florenza – Great cut flower in multicolor of yellow and maroon with a chocolate scent Ring of Fire – An All-American Selection winner, this bloom is 5” across, with gold petals and a ring of red around the brown center, reaching 4-5 feet tall. Procut Red – A fast grower, with a deep red bloom Crimson Blaze Sunflower – A favorite of gardeners and bees, birds and butterflies, this stunning bicolor sunflower has wine-red ray petals, tipped in yellow, with a dark center. Velvet Queen – Vibrant red and orange color with burgundy undertones. July/ August 2024


Tips for growing sunflowers As the name implies, sunflowers thrive in full sun – at least 6-8 hours a day. Sunflowers are forgiving of different soils but do not like to stand in water. Mixing compost or soil amendments in with native soil will help to drain any excess water. Sow sunflower seeds directly into your garden bed after the threat of frost is past (usually April 15 in our area) and soil temperature is at least 50 degrees. Consider planting sunflowers with different bloom times, so you have something blooming all summer long. Plant seeds about 1 ½ inches deep (or as directed on the seed packet) and about six inches apart. Or you can simply sprinkle seeds in a bed and thin out after the seedlings sprout. Some sunflower varieties need more room than others. Add an application of slow-release fertilizer to the planting bed. Keep seeds moist until they sprout. After the plants are established, water infrequently but deeply once a week, unless there is a significant rain. If critters are attracted to your young plants, place netting over the area. As tall varieties grow, place supports around them to prevent them falling over or wind damage.


Tips for using sunflowers in an arrangement Plant the best sunflowers for cutting. The more common yellow and orange sunflowers last longer in a vase. Select sunflowers that don’t produce pollen for less mess! Cut sunflowers at the right time. Cut blooms just as each flower begins to open (not fully open). Avoid harvesting flowers in the heat of the day. Cut during early morning or in the evening. Place the cut flowers directly in a bucket of hot or warm water. Let the flowers sit overnight in the container to drink up the water. Before placing the sunflowers in an arrangement, strip the leaves from the stems, leaving some closest to the flower. Recut flower stems at 45degree angle. Use a tall container to ensure the sunflower stems are supported. Keep the arrangement in indirect sunlight but not direct sun for longer-lasting blooms. Change the water (use warm) and recut the stems each day.

Harvesting Sunflower Seeds

Allow your sunflowers to dry on the stem (letting the birds enjoy a few) until the petals are dead, the back of the head is brown, the leaves turn yellow and the seeds in the center look full and a little loose. If you prefer, you can also snip off the blooms (with some stem) at the end of the season and let them dry in a garage or shed, hanging them upside down until the seeds dry. To remove the seeds, place over a bowl and rub your hand over the seeded middle to remove loose seeds. Then use a fork to remove any seeds that are still attached to the seed head. Rinse the removed seeds and let them dry overnight on a clean cloth Store seeds for planting next year in an airtight container and place in a cool, dry place. It’s still not too late to add some of these late summer beauties to your garden and enjoy the show!

Fun Facts about Sunflowers Sunflowers are native to America and have been prized for thousands of years. Native Americans cultivated the sunflower as a food source and as medicine for its healing properties. The round center of the sunflower actually contains the tiny flowers – hundreds of them where the seeds develop. The outer petals are called ray florets. Sunflowers follow the sun throughout the day, turning from east to west and then back to east at night. There are over 70 species of sunflowers. In the language of flowers, sunflowers symbolize hope, joy, warmth, happiness and positivity. Give a bouquet of sunflowers when you want to lift someone’s spirits. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the tallest sunflower was 30 ft. and one inch. American astronaut, Don Pettit, brought sunflower seeds to the International Space Station and blogged about his gardening experience with the flower.

How to Roast Unshelled Sunflower Seeds Recipe Courtesy of National Sunflower Association

Cover unshelled seeds with salted water, using 1/4 to 1/2 cup of salt per two quarts of water. Soak seeds in the salt solution overnight. Drain off the water the next morning and pat the seeds dry to remove excess moisture. (You can also roast the seeds unsalted, by simply skipping the soaking process). Preheat the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Spread the sunflower seeds evenly on a cookie sheet and bake for 30 to 40 minutes or until golden brown, stirring occasionally. Seeds will often develop a small crack down the center as they roast. Test by tasting after each stirring to see if the seeds are completely roasted. After roasting, remove seeds from the oven and allow them to cool completely. Store seeds in an airtight container for future snacking. Variations: Mix a teaspoon of melted butter with a cup of seeds while they are still warm from the oven and enjoy immediately. Experiment with different seasonings, such as barbecue, Cajun, and taco.

Tips and Inspiration from the Peachtree City Garden Club Garden Tour

Story and Photos by Bonnie Helander Each May, the Peachtree City Garden Club offers a free tour of some of its members’ gardens. It is a much-anticipated day that gives club members, and their friends, the opportunity to be inspired and learn valuable tips for adding appeal to their own landscapes. Attendees ask questions about plants, take photos of garden vignettes they would like to replicate in their own outside spaces, and go home refreshed, and ready to tackle new projects! In May, 2024, four lovely gardens were on display. Here are some tips from the gracious gardeners who opened their outside sanctuaries for others to enjoy.


Cindy Dale’s Rose Garden Cindy Dale, a master rosarian in Peachtree City, who gives leadership to the South Metro Rose Society, generously opens her garden each year to share the splendor of her 280 national, award-winning roses of different varieties. When you enter her front garden, you are greeted by vibrant color and the heady fragrance of her blooming roses. Interspersed throughout her garden are other flowering plants and evergreens Cindy has added to provide interest during all seasons of the year. Hydrangea, phlox, gardenia, lavender, crepe myrtle and Japanese maple grow against the structural background of evergreen holly. A winding path will direct you throughout her garden, and formal focal points of statuary and fountains not only add charm, but showcase the roses and give the sense of being in an old English garden.

Gardening Tips from Cindy: If you want to grow roses, take a soil sample from your garden bed to your local extension office to determine the pH (acidity or alkalinity) of your soil. Roses like a pH of 6.5, and your soil sample results will indicate if you need to add any nutrients to your rose bed. Choose a planting site that gets 6-8 hours of full sun, has soil that drains well, and is at least 10 feet away from competing tree roots. Start out with two or three easier, disease-tolerant roses, such as Savannah hybrid tea, Beverly hybrid tea, Apricot Candy hybrid tea, Home Run shrub, and Brite Eyes climber.

Eileen Conrad’s Railroad-Themed Garden When you stop at the front of Eileen Conrad’s home, you don’t realize the surprises ahead! The front garden space has a more formal look, with a pathway that winds through blooming roses, gardenias, day lilies, cornflowers, and Gerber daisies, against a backdrop of evergreen azaleas and camellias. As you continue around the side of the house toward the back yard, the real fun begins! You hear the sound first – of a rushing train – as one of Tom Conrad’s model trains travel through villages and towns he and Eileen have created, along the perimeter of the garden. These vignettes will charm you and take you back in time. Eileen has added her own creativity, painting pots to look like train conductors and filling them with blooming annuals. Pollinator plants and other small plants are used to accent the villages that the train passes through. A more traditional gazebo, surrounded by roses and more pollinator plants, is a prime focal point in the center of the back garden. Eileen has a light-hearted approach to gardening and wants people to have fun! She has livened up the garden shed, where Tom stores his trains, with fun village scenes and flowers in vibrant colors.

Gardening Tips from Eileen:

Make your garden fit your personality and be creative! Give your garden structures more pizazz. Express yourself with paint! Start with an idea and then have fun with it. Gardens should bring a smile to your face. Showcase your own hobbies in your garden.

July/ August 2024


Evelyn Ross’s Nirvana Garden Evelyn Ross’s back yard “Nirvana” consists of three peripheral garden beds filled with tea olive, camellias, Knockout roses, and a variety of perennials. In the middle of the space, she dug up the lawn and replaced it with flagstone and walkways. Interspersed among the flagstones are seven small gardens that contain a variety of dwarf plantings, including Dragon red maple, crepe myrtle, globe spruce, boxwoods, Encore azaleas, butterfly bush, Fiesta plant, viburnum, and Abelia. For vertical interest, Evelyn added three arbors to her garden entrances, filled with cascading Carolina jasmine and Chinese clematis. Sculptures and a fountain add more romanceto the space.

Gardening Tips from Evelyn: Take time to “sit” with your garden and just observe it before you make changes. Visit your local nursery and go window shopping. When choosing what to plant, take into account the amount of sun or shade in your space and what plants thrive in your gardening zone. (Peachtree City is Zone 8a). In a small space, use dwarf varieties of plants and native species. Add evergreens for year-round and especially winter interest, when plants are not blooming A water feature is a delightful addition to the garden. A simple fountain adds that soothing sound of falling water and creates a tranquil space.

Barbara Giddens Large, Eclectic Garden A large, challenging space on a cul-de-sac, flanked by common areas, a retention pond and community paths, Barbara’s garden was a huge challenge to tackle, but Barbara was the right woman for the job! With endless energy and creative ideas, Barbara “borrowed” the space around her to add beauty to her garden and the community. Close to her house are roses and clematis, with a stunning arbor of climbing roses. Hellebores (Lenten rose), lily of the valley, and azaleas flank the sides of the house. Other additions include blueberry bushes, butterfly bush, spirea, hosta, and Kousa dogwood trees. Barbara added her own pathway through the woods and created a wildflower garden on the slope overlooking the retention pond, with a bench to stop and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

Gardening Tips from Barbara: When you live with deer roaming the area, place fencing around your special plants and trees. If you have a large area in the sun, start a wildflower garden, simply by sowing seeds directly onto the soil and see what sprouts over time. Create simple pathways to draw people further into the garden and lead them on an adventure.


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RISING STAR Rylee Banks Rylee, tell us your age, where you’re from and where you reside. We see you have a beautiful family and a handsome beau and fur baby. Tell us a little about your loved ones and what it means to have their support. I am 19 years old and proud to call Brooks, Georgia my hometown, where I was born, raised, and currently reside. One of my greatest blessings is my family. My mom and dad, Jason and Anna Banks, my brother Rhett Banks, and my boyfriend Carter Jones, form my ultimate support system. Their unconditional love, guidance, and encouragement have played an integral role in shaping who I am today. I am incredibly thankful for their constant support. Can you tell us more about how your upbringing in Georgia has influenced your music style and career path? Growing up in Georgia has immersed me in the world of country music since day one. It seemed like every occasion, country music was playing. Whether it be at a family function, out to eat at a local restaurant, at the beach or the lake for vacation, country music was a staple. Country music was always there, weaving its way into my life. From a young age, I've had a passion for singing, and country songs were the ones I gravitated towards. They became my favorite music to listen to and, more importantly, to sing.


What pushed you to start vocal lessons at the age of six and teach yourself to play the guitar at thirteen? How have these skills shaped your music today? I sparked a love for singing not long after I mastered talking. As a tiny little toddler, I would perform on my fireplace with my sparkly microphone and karaoke machine. At the age of six, I embarked on a journey into vocal lessons that would shape much of my life. From then until I turned 18, I dedicated myself to weekly sessions, honing my singing abilities with passion and determination. During my middle school years, I was captivated by female country music artists who not only sang but also played guitar during their performances. Their skill and stage presence inspired me deeply, sparking a strong desire to follow in their footsteps. In eighth grade, driven by this newfound passion, I taught myself to play guitar by meticulously studying YouTube tutorials. These foundational skills have evolved over the years, molding me into the musician I am today at the age of 19. The journey from vocal lessons to self-taught guitar has not only enriched my musical abilities but has also shaped my identity and aspirations within the music industry. How has faith guided you in your music journey and continues to inspire your songwriting and performances? Ephesians 4:1 reads, “So I, the prisoner for the Lord, appeal to you to live a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called [that is, to live a life that exhibits godly character, moral courage, personal integrity, and mature behavior...” (AMP). This is a verse that I live by. I know God has given me a gift and I am supposed to use that gift to draw others near to Him. The Lord has guided each of my steps since I started this music journey, and He has the rest of my plan written out before me. Though I may not know what the future holds, I must walk by faith and allow God to show me the way. The songs I write are a reflection of my faith because they come from my heart. When I perform them for an audience, I have the opportunity to share my story and hopefully leave an impact on those who are listening.

Can you share a memorable moment from your journey as a country music singer so far? What milestone do you cherish? A day I will never forget is the day I had the opportunity to open for and perform with The Voice’s, Gyth Rigdon, and country music star, Riley Green. It was a moment I will cherish forever. I am so thankful for all of their advice and willingness to give me one of the best opportunities I’ve had since starting my music journey. In June of 2024, I had the opportunity to perform at the Long Leaf Country Music Festival in Gay, GA headlining Alabama, and chart toppers, The Marshall Tucker Band, Diamond Rio, Jon Langston, and Tracie Lynn. What an honor it was to represent my home state and take another step forward in my career. How do you navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with pursuing a career in the music industry? Any advice for aspiring musicians? Pursuing a career in the music industry is a journey filled with challenges and sacrifices, both for me and my family. Balancing commitments often means missing out on weekend gatherings and social events to focus on performances and gigs. My immediate family sacrifices their spare time to be with me and help me set up/break down every single gig I play, and for that I am forever grateful. Despite the challenges, every sacrifice has been worth it because I am fortunate enough to pursue what I love. The music industry is demanding, but the rewards and successes make every effort worthwhile. For anyone with a dream, I encourage you to pursue it relentlessly. With determination, the possibilities are endless.

Where do you draw inspiration from in your songwriting process? Are there specific themes or experiences you often write about? When I write music, I sit down in my quiet room with my guitar, a pen, and my songwriting notebook. I just pray and ask the Lord to give me the words and notes to create something beautiful that will be inspiring and relatable to those who will listen to it. I tend to write about my life, love story, and my faith in Christ. Matthew 15:18 says “But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart.” One way I’m able to express my heart and tell stories is through songwriting. How do you balance your music career with other aspects of your life, like being part of the praise team at your church? How do these roles complement each other? While music is something I work hard at and pursue, it’s not the only thing that takes up my time. In addition to my pursuits in the music industry, I am also a licensed Master Cosmetologist and work as a hairstylist at a local salon. Balancing these roles, I spend weekdays at the salon, creating hairstyles that reflect my creativity and passion for the art of cosmetology. Weekends are dedicated to my music career, where I perform and share my love for singing and playing guitar with audiences. Beyond these commitments, I am honored to serve on the praise team at my church, contributing to worship services and expressing my faith through music. Everything I do is an art that allows me to express my creativity and glorify the Lord in all aspects! July/ August 2024


Where do you see yourself in the next few years as you continue to grow and evolve as an artist? Any specific goals or aspirations in your music career? I do my best to take things day by day and focus on the present. I do, however, see artists performing on huge stages with crowds of thousands of people and dream of what that would be like. I pray for God’s will over how He will use me in this industry. I often reflect on Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. Each day I will remain committed to work hard to further develop and perfect my craft. In doing so, I will be open to imagine opportunities that are unheard of. If opportunities come my way, I will take them and run for them. Are there any artists or musicians you'd love to collaborate with in the future? What kind of musical projects or duets do you envision? Collaboration with artists and other individuals is something that I am always open to. I believe that there is always something that you can learn from others that are established in the industry. They have clearly already developed their path to success, and with that in mind, I view the possibilities to be endless as it would help to give me direction from their experiences. Can you share a song that holds a special place in your heart and the story behind why it is so meaningful to you? A song that I love and that holds a special place in my heart is “Goodness of God” by Jenn Johnson. The song’s powerful lyrics emphasize how God has always been faithful, His mercy never fails, and his goodness continuously runs after us. I can confidently say that these lyrics stand true in my life. God has been so good to me and blessed me beyond measure. Despite the storms and hardships I’ve gone through, God has never left my side nor failed me. When I’m feeling down, this song is a fantastic reminder of how good God has been and will continue to be. As a role model for young musicians, what message or lesson do you hope to impart to your fans through your music and performances? As a young girl chasing my dream, I hope to inspire other young musicians to do the same. For those who have a dream unrelated to music, I encourage you to run after it! When God places something on your heart, ask him for guidance on how to get to the place you desire to be, and He will show you! “Ask and you shall receive” (Luke 11:9-10). Photo Credits: Jenn Bibby, Allison Wilkins, Danielle Lynch My social media: Website: ryleebanks.com Facebook: Rylee Banks Instagram & TikTok: ryleebanksmusic


“What is it?” they ask reaching out to touch a colorful, whimsical, shiny Dour Du Jour 9 door hanger. “Is it glass? It looks like glass.” That’s when Michelle, owner/artist tells them It’s a hand cut, hand painted weather treated acrylic painting coated in resin for your front door. “I’ve never seen anything like it!” they burst with excitement. As a pet portrait artist, I wanted to display my artwork somewhere new and in a larger form. I made myself a 24”x22” painting of my naughty dog Pepper and hung it on my front door. Big. I cut it out with my jigsaw, painted it, then hung it up. Everyone could see my fur baby from the street. It made me happy.

In 2020, I started creating pumpkin designs for customers and retail boutiques in Richmond, VA, then expanded designs to include around 100 botanicals, food, animals, and inanimate object designs. In 2022, I started experimenting with resin and added it to my paintings, creating a completely different look.

“The front door is a great place to display a painting and it’s shareable. We should take advantage of this display real estate and spice it up!” she says. Driving by doors in Richmond, VA, Michelle became obsessed with people’s front doors. The colors, the shapes, the designs, the entrances, the enhancements or attempt at enhancements. “I found myself snapping my neck to critique doors as I drove by and talking to myself…”Good wreath! Too small! Too skinny! Shop worn! Can’t see it! Awe, that’s sad.”

It takes a few hours to prep, cut and paint each painting. After the resin it poured, it takes several days to cure and harden. The weather and the environment play a big factor in curing. “Resin can be temperamental and sometimes, it will wreck your entire painting. It’s suspenseful waiting to see if the resin cures properly. If not, your work can be ruined and you have to throw it out. All that work!” But when it does work, customers get something special and unique that lasts for a long time. Today, Michelle takes paintings to festivals and markets and has expanded to retailers in the MidAtlantic and South East regions of the US. My ambitious goal is to get a painting on every single door! But I’ll start with one painting on one door in every state.

For more information Michelle Tordoff Door Du Jour 9 doordujour9.com

July/ August 2024


Sonoma and Napa wines have captivated the palettes and hearts of wine lovers far and near. True gems in the wine world, these wine-bearing areas have achieved national and global recognition, garnering awards for their delicious beverages. The two counties run about 60 miles north/northeast of San Francisco in Northern California. Sonoma is the size of Rhode Island, spanning about 1,500 square miles, blessed by the closeness of the Pacific Ocean and the Sonoma Mountain. Napa, Sonoma’s neighbor, and wine rival, stretches for about five miles in a valley. The unique weather patterns and mineral-rich volcanic soil in Napa and Sonoma create the perfect temperament for cultivating red and white grape varieties. Sonoma County is known for its Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Zinfandel, and Sparkling wines. Napa Valley is hailed for its Chardonnay, Merlot, and Cabernet Sauvignon. Sprawled across the two geographical areas, lies over 800 wineries, some small family owned and operated, others big operators, producing wine in vast quantities. Sprinkled among these are wineries that pride themselves for being biodynamically-farmed (utilizing and recycling materials in nature during the winemaking process). So, which is the better of the two wine counties to visit? Experience both! Every season has its charm, but in the autumn, the vines transform from green to spectacular hues of red, yellow and orange. At this time, wineries work, dawn to dusk, and beyond, to harvest grapes and prepare them for winemaking. Book your accommodation well in advance to get the best deal. There are plentiful boutique hotels and homes for rent for vacationers of various budgets. Prep yourself for the five-hour flight from Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson airport to San Francisco airport, which is about 50 miles from Napa and Sonoma. Upon your arrival in California, try an Uber, or hire a private car, to your destination; the car ride could take up to 1.5 hours. 26 SOUTHERN WOMAN

California is in the Pacific Time Zone and three hours behind Georgia, so it may take a couple of days to get acclimated to the time difference. It’s common to wake up before the sun comes up and feel quite tired by nightfall. The best way to get the most out of the trip is to start out early in the day; intermingle wine tours, tastings, shopping, and dining. Make reservations a few days in advance for tours, especially at famous wineries as their calendars fill up fast. To mix it up, visit family owned and operated vineyards along with well-known wineries. Tastings run an average of $45 per person for a

Sonoma, CA Buena Vista Winery Private Tasting Room

flight of four predetermined wines but don’t be surprised to pay top dollar for tastings at the world renowned wineries. Downtown Napa and historic downtown Sonoma are just as different as the wines their valleys produce. Downtown Sonoma has a more casual and laid-back feeling than Napa. Wineries and tasting rooms are set up along the town, interspersed with restaurants and boutique shops. In downtown Napa and Napa Valley, you’ll pay more

Napa, CA Downtown

for wine tastings. Restaurants are also more upscale, some bragging Michelin stars. You can travel from downtown Sonoma to downtown Napa in about 30 mins to an hour with an Uber, and to Napa Valley, within an hour. To get the full experience of the wine in your glass during tastings, do a bit of homework by reading up on grape varieties and the wines they produce.

Castello Di Amorosa at Napa Valley

Grape Varieties and Wines Chardonnay is a white grape variety. Chardonnay can range in taste from being crisp and refreshing to velvety and full-bodied. Pinot Noir is a red wine grape variety that produces Pinot Noir wine that is light bodied, dry, and acidic. Cabernet Sauvignon is a red grape variety. It’s generally a full-bodied dry red wine. It’s also one of the wines in a red blend. Merlot is a red wine produced from the grape variety of the same name. It is usually fruit-forward in profile compared to a Cabernet Sauvignon. Zinfandel is a wine grape that produces a red wine known for its bold, fruit flavor profile. Sparkling wine is made from a blend of wine grapes Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Taste can range from dry to sweet. July/ August 2024


While at tastings, practice the five S’s of wine to show off your knowledge to nearby wine enthusiasts:

The Five S’s of Wine See: The color and intensity of the wine will tell you about its grape variety and age. Swirl: Use your wrist (not your arm) to swirl the glass by holding it at the bottom of its stem. The swirling action will allow air into the wine and “open it up” to reveal its complex nature. Sniff/Smell: You will be able to experience various smells by placing your nose (way) into the glass. Sip: In order for you to really experience the taste of a wine, you must allow it to make contact with your tongue and palate. This usually includes some swishing and swooshing of the wine in your mouth (not a seemingly elegant gesture), but a necessary one if you are serious about indulging in a total wine experience! Savor: Here’s where the finish comes into play. You want to savor the final essence of a wine.

Which “wino” are you? Oenophile (pronounced “ee-nuh-file”). This comes from the Greek word “oenophilia,” meaning “love of wine.” This wine lover or wine enthusiast is simply passionate about wine and consuming it, but has no formal training or in-depth knowledge of wines. Wine Connoisseur (pronounced “cahn-oh-nuh-ser”) is derived from “conoisseor,” an old French noun meaning "an expert or judge.” Such a lover of wine has a deep passion of learning about the history, wine making, grape varieties and their flavors, and wine regions. This person will even learn how to taste and experience the right way of sipping and pairing wine with food. Sommelier (pronounced “suhm-uhl-yey”) comes from an old French word meaning “one responsible for arranging transportation.” Today, a sommelier is a formally trained and certified wine connoisseur. This person may be employed contractually or full-time by a hospitality company, a distributor, or a restaurant. A sommelier is responsible for creating wine lists and recommending food and wine pairings to guests.

Here, you not only look for length, but balance of fruit, acidity, tannin and texture. When a wine leaves you with an overwhelming desire for another sip, you know you’ve found a winner. So, you’ve spent your days enjoying the fruits of the vineyards and cannot wait to start adding to your wine collection at home. Most wineries will gladly ship and deliver your choice selections right to your front door. Wineries also have wine clubs. Becoming a member provides a discount and access to some special wine editions. When your wines arrive, it’s imperative to store the different wine types at the right temperatures. Consider investing in a small wine fridge to keep your cherished beverage at its optimal point for future enjoyment.

The Domaine Carneros Winery Napa, California


Napa Valley Napa, California

Storing Wine

Wine-Food Pairings

Red wines taste best when stored at or slightly below

White wine - Seafood, lobster, oysters, crab,

room temperatures (54 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit).

pork, and chicken.

White wines are best served cold (43 to 50 degrees

Red wine: Steak, lamb, pasta, pizza, and stew.


Sparkling wine: Steak, oysters, lobster, chicken,

Sparkling wines taste best chilled (between 44 and 55

pasta (with white sauce), and spicy foods.

degrees Fahrenheit). Being surrounded at home with bottles of wine and new knowledge of wine makes it a perfect opportunity to share with friends and family. The fun way to do so is to host a wine tasting party! To further elevate the wine-tasting

Should your “wine appetite” prove to be insatiable, start a wine lovers club with fellow oenophiles (wine lovers), or fuel your passion for wine - and all things wine - by enrolling in a course to become a sommelier. Cheers!

experience, invite a wine connoisseur to educate your guests and provide ideas of pairing food with the various wines. Purchase the right drinking vessels and some appetizers for the perfect food-wine pairings.

Serving Wine Red wines taste best in wide glasses; this type of vessel also allows for the wine to aerate and “breathe.” White and rose wines are best served in a white wine or tulip glass. Sparkling wine is usually served in a tulip or flute glass.

DID YOU KNOW? Tannins give wine the taste of dryness. They are derived from the grape skins, seeds and even stems. While white wine is made from the juice of grapes, red wine is produced from the entire grape which houses tannins. Red wine naturally has more tannins than white wines.

The Winemaking Process Harvesting - Grapes are picked by hand or mechanically off the vine. Crushing - Red grapes are crushed just to break the skin, then fermented, and later pressed. Pressing - White or green grapes are first pressed to remove the juice, then the skins are removed before fermentation. Fermenting - Native or cultured yeast is added to the grape juice. Yeast eats the natural sugars in the juice to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide. White wine goes though a secondary fermentation step that produces the bubbles in sparkling wine. Aging - Wines are stored in different kinds of containers for varying periods to gain complexity. Clarifying and Filtration - Additives are added to the wine to remove sediments and cloudiness before bottling. Bottling - Bottles are filled, sealed, labelled, packaged, and sold to its thirsty and happy owner!

July/ August 2024


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Tracy Ralich & Mandy Vaugh

July/ August 2024







Taylor marsh here ! Fun fact , not only am I a colorist at the opal room, but also a pro ambassador for Pallure. Let's splash our way into summer with some hair tips and tricks, while sharing a few of my favorite product from the Pallure collection. First step- to healthy hair this summer, hydrating ! Drink plenty of water and make sure to use hydrating products to keep your hair from feeling dry and brittle. My favorite summer hydrating products are the S.O.S (save our strands) hydrating Bond Hair Kit by Pallure . Made with Avocado Oil, Argan Oil, Hyaluronic Acid, Biotin and Rosemary to help keep your strands ultra nourished and strong. Let's not forget these ingredients help to promote hair growth. Step two- avoid as much heat as possible. Less hot tools, air dry, and heat protectors are a must. Wear hats to avoid damage from the suns UV rays. Pallure has an AMAZING leave in conditioner spray, infused with Keratin, Shea Butter and Jojoba Oil to help leave your strands feeling soft and smooth, while looking nourished and full of shine. This bond-repairing spray is a must-have to detangle the knots in your hair! Step three- hair mask hair mask HAIR MASK !!! 1-4 Times a month. Wash with regular shampoo, -hair mask Let it set for 5-30 mins Wash out with cold water. My favorite hair mask that I personally use on myself and in the salon, Pallure Miracle Bond Hair Repair Mask. A bond-building, ultra nourishing hair mask that is infused with Avocado Oil and Argan Oil to miraculously revive damaged hair in 10 minutes. The Hyaluronic Acid in this miracle mask helps keep your strands extra hydrated. You can find great photos of these products on the Pallure website.

Tiktok / Instagram: @color.me.taylor July/ August 2024



Dr. Mitzie-Ann Davis W O M A N



Story By: Michael K Boylan PiedmontHealthcare In January of this year, Mitzie-Ann Davis, M.D., MPH, FACOG, a gynecologic oncologist and surgeon at Piedmont Fayette Hospital, was honored by hospital leaders for performing her 1,000th robotic assisted surgery using the da Vinci system. Dr. Davis, one of nine surgeons at Piedmont Fayette who earned the designation of Surgeon of Excellence by the Surgical Review Corporation, also excels outside of the operating room, working with patients to create individualized care plans and educating women in the community about gynecologic cancers and their risk factors.

. “The American Sexual Health Association estimates that 98,000 women will be diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer this year,” said Dr. Davis. “Far too often, women don’t know what the risk factors or symptoms are for diseases such as cervical, endometrial, or ovarian cancer. This prevents them from catching the disease early, which in turn makes the disease harder to treat.”

One way that Dr. Davis hopes to change this trend is by hosting an annual Lunch and Learn about gynecologic cancers each September. She has held the educational session each year since 2018, even when they had to be held virtually during the pandemic. In addition to sharing information about signs and symptoms, she often has a recent patient speak about their experience. These powerful testimonies demonstrate the importance of listening to your body and maintaining regular appointments with physicians and gynecologists. This year’s Lunch and Learn is scheduled for Sept. 26. The event is free. Interested participants can RSVP at PFHRSVP@piedmont.org Dr. Davis grew up in Jamaica and moved to Pennsylvania when she was 17 years old. She earned her undergraduate degree from Swarthmore College and her medical degree from the Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. In 2022, she was presented with the Emerging Leader Award from Temple’s School of Medicine. That was also the year that featured one of the best patient outcomes in Dr. Davis’ career. During the summer of 2020, Dr. Davis began caring for a newlywed who had recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, but was hoping to preserve her fertility. When the patient woke up from surgery, a nurse told her that Dr. Davis was able to preserve an ovary, the fallopian tube, and uterus. By the fall of 2022, the patient delivered a healthy baby and shared the good news with Dr. Davis. “I literally cried when I heard the news,” said Dr. Davis. “She is one of my miracle patients.” Dr. Davis completed her residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, earned her Masters of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, and completed fellowship training in gynecologic oncology at the University of California San Diego. She is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and is a member of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists, American Medical Association. She continually looks for ways to improve as both a surgeon and a physician, staying abreast with the latest advances in medicine. She believes that genetic testing is one resource that could be used more often. “I’m surprised at the number of young people who have histories of cancer in their families who have yet to consider genetic testing,” Dr. Davis said. “If there is a history of breast or ovarian cancer in your family, you should have genetic testing done so that you can catch potential issues early.” When cancer is detected and surgery is needed, Dr. Davis shines. She is adept at robotic-assisted surgeries, which gives the surgeon better vision and more precise control for complex operations, while also leading to smaller incisions and faster recovery periods for the patient. When she reached the milestone of 1,000 robotic assisted procedures at Piedmont Fayette, she thought about the people involved over the technology 34 SOUTHERN WOMAN

“Reaching this milestone speaks volumes about the teamwork and collaboration of the fantastic surgical services department at Piedmont Fayette, and it means that we have made a positive impact on thousands of lives in this community,” said Dr. Davis. For more information about Dr. Davis or Piedmont Fayette, visit piedmont org.

ABOUT PIEDMONT Piedmont is empowering Georgians by changing health care. We continue to fuel Georgia’s growth through safe, high-quality care close to home through an integrated health care system that provides a hassle-free, unified experience. We are a private, not-for-profit organization with more than 12,000 donorsannually that for centuries has sought to make a positive difference in every life we touch in the communities we serve. Across our 1,755 physical locations we care for more than 4 million patients and serve communities that comprise 85 percent of Georgia’s population. This includes 24 hospitals, 72Piedmont Urgent Care centers, 25 QuickCare locations, 1,875 Piedmont Clinic physician practices and nearly 3,200 Piedmont Clinic members. Our patients conveniently engage with Piedmont online, as they scheduled more than 612,000 online appointments and over 163,000 virtual visits. With more than 47,000 care givers we are the largest Georgia-based private employer of Georgians, who all came for the job, but stayed for the people. In 2024 and 2023, Piedmont has earned recognition from Newsweek as one of America’s Greatest Workplaces for Diversity and also as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for Women. In 2022, Forbes ranked Piedmont on its list of the Best Large Employers in the United States. In addition, Piedmont provided nearly $390 million in community benefit programming and uncompensated care in Fiscal Year 2023. July/ August 2024



Interview with the Empty Nester Mom Behind "Life After Kids" “They say raising boys is like the slowest breakup you’ve ever known”. -unknown

Can you share your personal experience and emotions when your children left home and you became an empty nester? Each of my 3 boys left home different years. The 1st one moved out his sophomore year of college and got an apartment with friends, then met a girl, got engaged during college and married right after(never moved back home). The 2nd one moved out after graduating from college, got engaged and married a year later. The 3rd son, graduated from college and got an incredible job offer out of state, moved out 2 months after graduating. Although I was so incredibly proud of each of them, the heartache of them leaving was intense. I found myself attached to my phone, like all of the time. I just stayed home all the time. I waited anxiously every day for a text or call from them. I hated that their beds were empty at night. I found myself checking their locations every night before I would go to sleep. I could only sleep if I knew they were in the place they now called their home. Before becoming an empty nester, I had a purpose I recognized. After my kids left the nest, I felt paralyzed with self-pity. I know kids growing up and leaving home is the natural progression of parenting, but I still felt empty & alone. I should have felt pride and fulfillment. And part of me did, just not my whole heart. I forgot who I used to be before kids. I forgot what my dreams were. I forgot what it was like when it was just me. I forgot what fulfilled me then. I forgot what made me happy. I was fortunate however, to still have my husband and dog at home with me, but my husband was not yet retired, so he was gone during the day. I knew I had to find something to do with my free time. All of my friends were working and not quite empty nesters yet, no one to commiserate with.

How did you navigate the transition from being a full-time parent to adjusting to an empty nest lifestyle? Empty nesting is the greatest thing and the hardest thing I ever experienced as a parent. For some, the loneliness of the empty nest doesn't always go away with time. Most parents need a new purpose, a new reason to feel excited every day. Everyone told me to get a hobby, travel, volunteer, get a job, learn something new, etc. Idle time can be unhealthy, so I tried so many things to feel fulfilled again. I know I fully thrive on having a full schedule. I continued to care for my elderly Great Aunt. I joined a committee for hosting a St. Baldrick’s event in my hometown. I tried to reconnect with old friends. I joined a gym, I experimented with many new recipes, I helped friends with decorating tips, I scrapbooked, became addicted to social media, and I binged movies and series after series after series. I tried so many activities. Nothing gave me purpose. 36 SOUTHERN WOMAN

What motivated you to start "Life After Grown Kids" and provide support for other empty nesters in starting their own online businesses?

So, it turns out that everyone who told me “you ‘ll miss this when they are gone”, was absolutely right! When they moved out, I lost my purpose. I knew I had to forge a new path. I had to follow my grown kids’ lead of living independently and thriving again. I searched and thought for months about what I wanted to do next (I didn’t have a resume or much to put on one to find a job), while scrolling on my phone. I scrolled social media, not really looking for anything but something to laugh at (hard to find during this time). I started following a mom on social media for six months talking about her online business she started. I watched her success grow and grow before my eyes. I could relate to her. I finally reached out and asked her how she got started. She sent me the info on the education she took online and her free eBook. I devoured it!!! It was better than any college course I had ever taken. It was amazing & beginner friendly for someone in their midlife. It brought “life” back into me. It got me excited again. It helped me find my purpose where I wasn’t even looking. I saw a quote that said, “Did some financial planning and it looks like I can retire at 62 and live comfortably for eleven minutes”, I was feeling this too. I have not retired my husband yet, but that is a goal of mine. I wasn’t looking online for my new job title or purpose…but that’s where I found it.

In what ways has starting an online business helped you find fulfillment and purpose as an empty nester? Unfortunately, none of my hobbies made me as happy as having my grown kids at home. But, keeping busy is all some people need to ease the empty feeling. I needed more. I wanted to feel fulfilled again, not just busy. I found digital marketing at the right time and it has definitely given me my purpose back. It has allowed me to work from home (giving me the flexibility that I longed for) and given me the opportunity to feel fulfilled once again by helping others like me who have experienced losing their purpose without a plan. I have taken several different digital courses since opening my business. I promote the ones that are the most beginner friendly for others parents like me between (40-60 years of age). I have not promoted anything that I have not taken myself first. I am continuously learning. The online space changes so quickly, so it is exciting to learn & apply something new every day.

How do you stay motivated and inspired to continue supporting other empty nesters on their journey to starting online businesses? I stay motivated by my viewers comments. Every single day someone is commenting on my posts or sending me DM’s, thanking me or telling me how much they are connecting with the content I am providing. They feel better and have new strategies to apply to their own lives. Regular positive feedback keeps me wanting to do more and more! This is one my recent messages from a follower on my page: “Thank you for sharing and talking about this. I became an empty nester at 48 definitely wasn't ready or prepared, I wanted, needed anyone in the same position to talk to. Everything you post about I precisely felt. Keep persevering and shining”

July/ August 2024


What advice do you have for empty nesters who may be struggling to find their identity and purpose after their children have grown up? Unfortunately, no one talks about how hard it is to figure out who we are without our kids. We slowly tend to lose who we are little by little, while raising our children. So, we have to slowly get to know ourselves again & figure out what makes us happy now. It can definitely be scary to start all over again at our age. 3 areas of your life to focus on: 1. Do something that gets you moving 2. Do something that sparks creativity in you 3. Do something that keeps you learning I learned: If you do nothing, nothing will change. You may feel empty forever. Making one little change a day, little by little, things will start to shift your heart and open you up to find peace and purpose again. Start today by creating a morning routine. Take some kind of action! I saw this post recently on IG: "You only need three hobbies in life: One to make you money, one to keep you in shape, and one to keep you creative." My online business gives me all three!!!

Can you share a specific moment or story where you felt a deep connection with other empty nesters through your Instagram account? I have met (virtually) so many other empty nesters since starting my online business. Many have reached out to me because they say my content has helped them realize that they were not alone. When they realize there is an entire community of women experiencing similar feelings, they can then begin to move forward in finding their new purpose. I met this mom recently who had tragically lost both of her boys (from two different circumstances) when they were only in their early 20’s. She became an empty nester in the worst possible way. She began digital marketing to help others like her. She said it has helped her heal her own heart by helping others going through similar loss. I have had several conversations with her about heartache and learned ways she has found to overcome and move on. She is currently working overlooking the ocean every day and also doing digital marketing. She found helping others who are going through what you went through can help heal your own heart in the process.

What are some self-care practices or routines that have helped you maintain a positive mindset and well-being as an empty nester entrepreneur? I learned to change up my morning routine to help set my mindset for the day. Every day when I wake: I pray & say 3-5 things that I am grateful for (you can repeat them from day to day, they don’t always have to be new). I always set 3 goals for the day that are attainable. I drink a glass of lemon water, then pure celery juice, then a smoothie throughout my morning. I take a daily walk, always while listening to something new or motivating to help shift my mindset to a positive light. Then, I begin to work on my social media accounts and interacting with fellow empty nesters. I find I can help people more effectively when my mind is clear, my body is healthy and my mindset is shifted to positively and growth. Making small adjustments each day can completely transform your mind and allow you to grow and change.

Looking back on your own journey, what do you hope to achieve in terms of impact and support for the empty nester community through "Life After Grown Kids"? Pure transparency here, I started digital marketing to make money. But what I also received was a new purpose helping others like me. I started with very limiting beliefs: I was too old (age 54) to start my own business online, I was not tech savvy (the courses I took were so tech helpful), social media is for young people (my follower count would say otherwise). I slowly began changing my mindset…that has made all the difference to my success. I pray my words and experiences will help parents better prepare themselves for what lies ahead and help transform other empty nester’s lives for the better, empowering them to use their passions for the good! Digital marketing has so many niches and opportunities for parents to persevere. We don't talk enough about finding ourselves after our children become adults, because we don't know who we are outside of being a mother and wife. It's such a strange place. It feels selfish, yet freeing! It is OK to feel proud, and not okay. It is such a privilege and a heartbreak becoming an empty nester. You are not alone!


Southern Woman is a magazine for and about women living in the South. We want to invite you in and make you our family, one glass of sweet tea at a time. Make sure to join us on the web and on social media we have so much to share with you!

Join us on southernwoman.com to see the entire issue’s contents from your phone, tablet, or laptop! Our online hub has videos, exclusive web-only content, links to all our other social media, newsletter sign-up info, and tons more.

We’ll see you online!

Make sure to bookmark it so you don’t miss a thing! July/ August 2024



July 20 Air Supply 7:30PM Amphitheatre.org

July 4 Peachtree City Parade & Fireworks Parade: 9AM Fireworks: Begin at dark over Lake Peachtree Peachtree-city.org/calendar July 4 Fourth of July Concert 7:15PM (gates open at 6 p.m.) Festival Park, Fayetteville Visitdowntownfayetteville.com July 5 Fourth of July Picnic 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Kiwanis Pavilion, Fayetteville Fayetteville-ga.gov/calendar Fee: $16 (resident) $24 (non-resident)

August 1 Food Truck Thursday 11AM– 2PM Peachtree-city.org/calendar August 2 Summer Moves in the Park 6:45PM The Avenue PTC

July 5 – August 4 Annie at The Legacy Theatre 7 PM, Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Legacytheatre.com

August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Coweta County Farmers Market 8:30AM-12PM Explorenewnancoweta.com

July 6, 13, 20, 27 Senoia Farmers Market 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM Enjoysenoia.com

August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Senoia Farmers Market 8:30AM- 1:00PM Enjoysenoia.com

July 6, 13, 20, 27 Coweta County Farmers Market 8:30 AM – 12 PM Explorenewnancoweta.com

August 5 Fayette County Back to School

July 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, 31 Peachtree City Farmers Market 9 AM– 1PM Peachtreecitymarket.com July 11 Summer Newnan Nights at Greenville Street Park 6 PM- 9 PM mainstreetnewnan.com July 13 Summer Reading Program with CAREing Paws 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Peachtree-city.org/library July 13 Night Market 5 PM - 10 PM Nightmarketllc.com July 19 Senoia Alive After Five BBQ & Blues 5 PM – 9 PM Enjoysenoia.com 40 SOUTHERN WOMAN

July 20 Coweta Duck Fest Summer Jeep Jam 5PM-9PM Ashley Park in Newnan

August 16 Night Market 5PM-10PM Nightmarketllc.com August 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, 31 Peachtree City Farmers Market 9AM-1PM Peachtreecitymarket.com August 15 Lifesouth Blood Drives at the Avenue 11AM August 16 Senoia Alive After Five Ice Cream Fest 5PM-9PM Enjoysenoia.com August 17 Starry Nights Senior “Citizen” Prom Presented by Rotary Club of Fayetteville 6PM-9PM August 31 Sunrise on the Square 5k 8AM-10AM Main Street Newnan

r e m m u S t s i L g n i d Rea

Southern Woman's Book Society has handpicked a few favorites for the perfect summertime read that will keep you wanting more. Grab a beach blanket and immerse yourself in these captivating stories, and let the pages carry you away to new and exciting adventures!

July/ August 2024


Keller Williams Realty

Chelsea Horan

My career in real estate has been so much more than just transactions—it’s been about creating heartfelt connections. My journey began with a simple fascination for beautiful homes and the stories they held within their walls. This fascination quickly turned into a full-fledged passion as I realized the impact of matching individuals and families with their perfect home. Each client brings a unique dream, a vision of their future that often starts with the place they choose to live and call home. Understanding these aspirations has been at the core of my approach, making every interaction personal and every decision meaningful. The joy on my clients’ faces when they walk into their dream home for the first time is irreplaceable and drives my commitment to this profession.

How does your up bringing in Johns Creek influence your approach to your work and the importance of community in real estate? Johns Creek is known for its strong sense of community, family-oriented environment, and friendly neighborhoods that cater to families and communal activities. For me, growing up in such a tight knit community translated into a deeper appreciation for the intangibles that make a house a home and a neighborhood a community. This has proven valuable in helping clients find not just a property that meets their needs, but also a place where they feel a sense of belonging and connection.

What motivates you to volunteer with organizations like MakeA-Wish and the Alzheimer's Association, and how do these experiences shape your perspective on real estate? “My worst day is someone else in this world's best day.” I live everyday with this in mind. To me, volunteering is compassion, empathy, and a commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of others. I have met some of the most incredible individuals through volunteering. The experiences that I have gained from working with such diverse groups of families and individuals, facing significant challenges, has enhanced my ability to assist my clients, who have their own unique, specific wants and needs.

What advice do you have for first-time home buyers or sellers navigating the real estate market in Atlanta? Navigating the Atlanta real estate market can feel like running the Peachtree Road Race --- challenging but incredibly rewarding. It requires preparation, a good strategy, and a bit of endurance to navigate the ups and downs. But when you cross that finish line, whether it's finding your dream home or sealing the perfect sale, the sense of accomplishment makes it worthwhile. Plus, along the journey, you may get to experience some vibrant neighborhoods, meet some great people (or a great agent!), and maybe discover a few hidden gems you never knew about!


How did you and your business partner come up with the idea for "The American Dream: Selling Atlanta" and what can viewers expect from the show? We wish that we could take credit for the idea behind The American Dream, but that honor goes to Craig Sewing, who created this platform. Without him, my co-host Jeremy Smith and I would not have the exciting journey that we enjoy today, as hosts of the Atlanta show. The American Dream is a positive media television show focused on lifestyle, culture, and real estate. Unlike reality shows, The American Dream features genuine voices in real estate representing their markets authentically. Each episode features amazing individuals sharing their stories about what makes their businesses, organizations, events, and properties unique to the marketplace. It is a Telly Award winning, Emmy-nominated production that airs on national networks of CNBC, Bloomberg TV, and the Travel Channel, and digital platforms like Amazon Prime Video, YouTube Movies & TV, Tubi, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, and Roku, amassing tens of millions of views every month on social media. As real estate professionals, this opportunity connects us with a national network of elite professionals in the real estate and mortgage industries.

What does it mean to you to have your show airing on HGTV this spring, and how do you hope it will impact viewers in terms of their understanding of real estate lifestyle and culture? Having our show air on HGTV this Spring is a significant milestone. We will be able to reach a wider audience and bring more exposure into the communities and businesses that are the patchwork of our beautiful city.

How did you and your business partner come up with the idea for "The American Dream: Selling Atlanta" and what can viewers expect from the show? How I got my first client ever is what comes to mind when I read this question. When I finished school for real estate and first dipped my toes into the real estate pool, I naively thought finding sellers and buyers would be a cinch. Spoiler alert: it wasn't. After six months of radio silence, I knew I needed a game-changer. My strategy? Doll myself up, don some killer heels, and crash the fraternity chapter meetings at Georgia Tech. I introduced myself and charmingly offered my services for rental hunting. Believe it or not, it paid off. Within the next year, I had closed over 75 rental listings to over 100 individuals. Many of these renters have become great friends of mine and have gone on to purchase properties from me later on.

How do you approach building trust and forging genuine connections with your clients, and how does this set you apart as a real estate agent? Building trust with my clients is like staging a home --- it's all about highlighting the best features and creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. I believe that people realize when another person is genuinely present, knowledgeable, and ready to go to bat for them for all of the right reasons. My commitment to being genuinely present and readily available and open, ensures my clients never feel disconnected in their real estate journey. I strive to build timeless relationships and lasting friendships with my clients.

July/ August 2024


What are your future goals and aspirations in the real estate industry, and how do you plan to continue making a positive impact on your community through your work and volunteer efforts? My passion for real estate is evident, but I have an even bigger dream that combines real estate, my deep passion for animal welfare, and endless love for every pup out there. My goal is to purchase a substantial tract of land to create a sanctuary for rescued dogs. My idea is to develop a space where these dogs can live safely and comfortably, surrounded by nature. It’s not just about providing a temporary shelter; it’s about creating a forever home where they can thrive. This land will feature expansive play areas, cozy living quarters, and even training facilities to help rehabilitate and socialize the dogs, making them more adoptable. From a real estate perspective, I see this dream project as groundbreaking, as it highlights how land can be utilized for innovative, compassionate purposes. It demonstrates that our industry can contribute to social good in unexpected ways.

How do you stay current with trends and changes in the real estate market, and how do you ensure that you are always providing the best service to your clients?. If your not growing, your dying. I am always learning about new trends and changes in the real estate market; from industry news publications, reputable real estate blogs and social media accounts, to attending industry conferences, workshops, continued education courses, and networking with other professionals. Combining continuous education with a client-centric approach, helps me stay ahead of market trends and helps me ensure that I am providing exceptional service to my clients.

Can you talk about a particularly challenging or unique situation you encountered in the real estate industry and how you successfully navigated it? In 2009, a woman was horrifically murdered in her condo at Aqua. It made national news. 10 years later, my client, who had purchased the condo after this had happened, was ready to put it on the market. I thought, “surely the past history was in the past.” People remembered what happened 10 years earlier. We went under contract multiple times, only for people to pull out when they conducted their “neighborhood research” and it didn’t help that when you googled the address, that was the first article to pop up. After multiple bundles of sage, I decided to hire a spiritual cleanser to come and bless the condo. A week later we were Under Contract again. I was contacted by the potential buyer and his agent and was asked about the funny smell. I am thinking “here we go again.” I explained it was from a spiritual cleansing which included more Sage than I ever wish to smell again. He burst out in laughter and we closed two weeks later. Dealing with a property that had had a death occur in it was never something I had ever imagined dealing with. It was very unique for sure. 44 SOUTHERN WOMAN

How do you balance your roles as a real estate agent, volunteer, and co-host of "The American Dream: Selling Atlanta"? What strategies do you use to manage your time effectively? I owe the world to the creator of the calendar! I live by it and the many alarms that come with it. I believe that flexibility and planning are key to managing multiple roles. I regularly evaluate my time management strategies and make adjustments as needed.

How has your partnership with your business partner strengthened your work in the real estate industry and your involvement in community initiatives? I can not say enough about my business partner, Jeremy Smith. He has accomplished so many incredible achievements and I genuinely look up to him. His intellect, knowledge of the industry, and creative insights into marketing have inspired me and transpired into my own work within real estate. Just last year, Jeremy raised over $55k for Alzheimer’s Association. He is a member of multiple business associations, and clubs and I have been super fortunate to be able to join him and be involved at the level I am because of him. Together, we have been able to leverage our combined skills and networks to not only provide better services within real estate to our clients, but also to make a greater impact in our communities through volunteering. Our collaboration has also enabled us to take on larger projects and invest more time and resources into community initiatives. We’ve been able to organize and participate in more community events, volunteer activities, and charitable projects, all of which have helped us build stronger relationships within the community and make a positive impact.

Can you discuss the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the real estate industry and how you strive to promote these values in your work? Diversity and inclusivity are key foundations necessary for building vibrant, thriving communities. In my work, I strive to promote these values by ensuring that every client, regardless of background, feels heard and respected. I actively seek to understand the unique needs and perspectives of individuals from different cultures, ethnicities, and lifestyles. This not only enriches my professional practice but also aids in finding my clients homes that truly reflect their dreams and aspirations.

Lastly, what message or advice would you like to share with aspiring real estate agents, entrepreneurs, and individuals looking to make a positive impact in their communities? Get involved! Kind of like Dr. Seuss’ “Oh the Places You’ll Go” - you never know who you are going to meet and the lives you are capable of impacting and making a difference in! I promise it will change your life!

July/ August 2024


Margarita INGREDIENTS 3oz Tequila 1oz Simple Syrup 1 Orange - Juiced

Katy r ve a e W WHAT WE ARE

having Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more easy recipes:



1/2 Lime - Juiced Hot Sauce!! Tonic Water

DIRECTIONS In a shaker combine all ingredients except tonic, shake with ice. In a rocks glass with ice, pour and top with tonic. Enjoy!

Lettuce Wraps INGREDIENTS 1LB Ground Turkey (or any protein) 3 Scallion Whites - Chopped ½ Onion - Chopped ¼ Cup Water Chestnuts - Chopped ¼ Cup Carrots - Sliced Thin 1 TBSP Ginger Paste 1 TBSP Garlic - Minced 1 TBSP Soy Sauce 2 TBSP Oyster Sauce 1 TBSP Honey ½ Lime - Juiced Lettuce Cups for serving


In a bowl, mix ginger, garlic, soy sauce, oyster sauce, honey, and lime juice. Set aside. In a skillet with olive oil over medium high heat, sauté all other ingredients minus lettuce. One turkey is cooked through and veggies are tender add in sauce mixture. Cook over medium heat until the sauce is reduced by half. Serve in lettuce cups, enjoy!

Cilantro Crema INGREDIENTS 1/2 Cup Fresh Cilantro 1/2 Fresh Jalapeño 1 Avocado 1/4 Cup Sour Cream 1 Lime Juiced 2 TBS Honey Salt to taste

DIRECTIONS In a food processor combine all ingredients, pulse until smooth and creamy. Drizzle over your favorite taco ingredients!

July/ August 2024


Hot Dogs INGREDIENTS @gordoscheesedip of course! Hot Dogs - grilled is preferred Pork Chorizo Onion Cilantro Lime

DIRECTIONS Layer and enjoy y’all!

Chicken Marinade INGREDIENTS 1 Ranch Packet 1 TBS Olive Oil 2 TSP Red Wine Vinegar 1 TBS Honey 1 Lime Zested & Juiced

DIRECTIONS Whisk all ingredients together. In a bag add chicken or protein of your choice, marinate for 30 minutes up to overnight. Grill and enjoy! 48 SOUTHERN WOMAN

Daily Specials Taco Tuesdays & Thursdays Tuesday- Get a free Desert from 5-9pm with every dinner dish. Tuesday- Kids eat free from 5-9pm

The Avenue Peachtree City 238 City Circle Suite 1020 PTC, GA

SUMMER Grilling



INGREDIENTS 2 pounds 85/15 ground beef chuck. Aim for ground beef with 15% fat so the edges will have that signature crunch. 8 slices of American cheese. 8 hamburger buns. 1 yellow onion. Slice this onion nice and thin for a crisp crunch once it’s on the burger. ¼ cup clarified butter (aka ghee). This is the secret to making a good smash burger. No substitutions allowed here. Equal parts kosher salt, black pepper, and garlic powder.

Grilled Smash Burgers

DIRECTIONS Making the perfect smash burger is all about timing. Here’s how to make them: Turn on the griddle on medium-high heat for these smash burgers. This recipe is pretty versatile, so it can also be made on a iron skillet or your stovetop. Make the patties. Divide your meat into 8 even patties, about 1/4-pound each. Do not flatten, rather make them into loosely formed balls. Griddle the burgers. Place the clarified butter on the griddle or in the skillet. Place the onions on the griddle and cook until they are beginning to caramelize. Divide them into 8 piles. Place a burger patty/ball right on top of the onions, and use a flat spatula to smash the burgers flat. Season the beef. Season the smashed burger with the beef seasoning or equal parts garlic powder, salt, and pepper, and cook for 2-3 minutes. Flip the burgers, add one slice of cheese to each patty, and continue to grill until the burgers are cooked through and getting nice and crispy on the edges. Toast the buns. Add more clarified butter to the griddle and place the buns cut side down. Brush the clarified butter on the top of the buns while they are grilling. Remove when they are nice and toasty but not burned. Assemble the burgers. Place a dollop of burger sauce on the bottom bun, then top with the cheesy smashed burger patty and caramelized onions. Finish off with a buttery top bun.

Homemade Burger Sauce


¼ cup mayonnaise.

Make the burger sauce. Mix

3 dill pickles. Mince these nice and fine so they’ll incorporate

mayonnaise, BBQ sauce, and

into the sauce well. You can also use sweet pickles if you

minced pickles together in a

prefer a sweet pickle flavor.

small bowl. Add more BBQ

2 Tablespoons BBQ sauce

sauce as needed to get a nice, rosy pink-colored sauce. July/ August 2024


INGREDIENTS 2 medium zucchini, about 8 oz each, sliced 1/4 inch thick 1 tbsp olive oil, extra virgin 1 tbsp red wine vinegar 1 tsp dried parsley 1 tsp dried basil 1/2 tsp garlic powder Kosher Salt Ground black pepper

DIRECTIONS Preheat grill on medium-high. In a large bowl, toss zucchini with oil, red wine vinegar, parsley, basil, and garlic powder. Season with 1/4 teaspoon salt and black pepper, to taste. Once grill is hot, carefully use tongs to rub an oiled paper towel over grates to clean. Using tongs, place zucchini on grill. Cover and cook, 2 to 3 minutes. Flip and continue cooking on high, covered, 2 to 3 minutes more. When zucchini is tender, remove from heat, taste for salt and adjust as needed and eat right away.

INGREDIENTS 4 medium ears corn, silks removed and peeled Olive oil spray salt to taste

DIRECTIONS Start by preheating your grill to medium-high heat. Remove the husks and silk from the corn cobs. Rinse the corn under cold water to remove any remaining silk or debris. Pat the corn dry with a paper towel. Spritz the corn with olive oil and sprinkle it with salt and pepper, if desired. Place the corn directly on the preheated grill. Close the grill and cook the corn for about 10-12 minutes, turning occasionally. The corn should develop grill marks and a slightly charred appearance. To check if the corn is done, insert a fork or skewer into the thickest part of the corn cob. The kernels should be tender and easily pierced. 52 SOUTHERN WOMAN

INGREDIENTS 2 medium russet potatoes, washed, 13 oz total 2 teaspoon olive oil kosher sea salt and fresh cracked pepper, to taste

EQUIPMENT Crinker Cutter

DIRECTIONS Preheat grill to medium-high heat Cut potatoes into 1/4-inch thick slices. I used a crinkle cutter with ridges but straight cuts are fine. Toss the potatoes with olive oil. Add salt, and pepper to your taste. Reduce heat on the grill to medium and lay the potatoes slices straight onto the grill; close the lid. Cook until the potatoes are golden on one side, about 6 to 10 minutes, making sure they don't burn and adjusting flame accordingly. Turn and cook until tender inside. Remove from grill, and serve immediately with your favorite dipping sauce.

INGREDIENTS 8-10 fresh jalapenos 8-10 bacon slices 2 links uncooked bratwurst skin removed 4 ounces cream cheese ½ cup sharp cheddar cheese shredded ½ Tablespoons sweet rub

DIRECTIONS When you are ready to cook, preheat your grill to medium heat (around 350 degrees F). Make the filling. Place the bratwurst meat in a medium saute pan over medium-high heat Cook the bratwursts for 56 minutes, stirring occasionally to break up the meat. Turn the heat down to low and stir in the cream cheese and cheddar cheese. Stir until well combined. Remove from the heat and set aside while you prepare the peppers. Slice the jalapenos in half, lengthwise. Using a spoon, scrape out the inside. Fill the jalapenos with the cream cheese mixture. Cut the strips of bacon in half so you have 16-20 pieces of bacon. Wrap around the stuffed jalapenos and secure with toothpicks, if necessary. Place the stuffed jalapenos on the grill. Close the lid, and cook for 10-15 minutes or until the jalapenos are tender and the bacon is cooked through.

S’mores Dessert in a Bag S’mores dessert in a bag is the perfect summertime treat for the kiddos with all the flavors of a s’mores without the sticky mess. You’ll love how easy these are to assemble & cleanup and the kids will enjoy a fun & unique treat.

S’mores Dessert in a Bag Ingredients Individual Bags of Honey Teddy Grahams Instant Chocolate Pudding Mini Marshmallows Mini Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

How to Assemble S’mores Desserts Cut open the top of each of the Teddy Graham snack bags. Remove a few of the Teddy grahams from each bag to garnish on top of the s’mores dessert in a bag. Squeeze each bag lightly to crush Teddy Grahams into smaller pieces. Place the bags standing up into a serving dish or basket to keep upright. Mix the instant chocolate pudding mix according to package directions. Once pudding is set, spoon about a 1/4-1/2 cup of chocolate pudding into each bag. Tip: You can also place the pudding in a zip lock baggie, snip one end, and pipe the pudding into the bags which is what I did. Divide the marshmallows equally into each bag on top of the pudding. Sprinkle mini chocolate chips evenly into each bag on top of the marshmallows.

Finally, garnish the s’mores walking desserts with a few Teddy Grahams and enjoy! 54 SOUTHERN WOMAN

Mini Cheesecake Trifle With Berries Ingredients Graham Cracker Crumbs Salted Butter Granulated Sugar Cream Cheese Powdered Sugar Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice Milk Cool Whip or Freshly Whipped Cream Blueberries Chopped Strawberries (4) 8 oz. Glass Mason Jars Wooden Spoons

Graham Cracker Crust Add graham cracker crumbs, sugar, and melted butter into a bowl and stir until fully combined. Press about 2 tablespoons of the graham cracker mixture into the bottom of each mason jar.

Easy No Bake Cheesecake Filling Beat the cream cheese in a mixing bowl with an electric mixer until smooth. Add powdered sugar, beat to combine. Add lemon juice & milk, and beat until fully incorporated. Gently fold in cool whip or freshly whipped cream into cream cheese mixture.

Mini Cheesecake Trifle Assembly

To create dessert as shown, layer graham cracker crust on bottom of jar, then a layer of cheesecake, chopped strawberries, another layer of cheesecake, blueberries, and final layer of cheesecake. Top with fresh star shaped strawberries & blueberries. To create star shaped strawberries, slice strawberries vertically about 1/4″ thick. Take a star shaped cookie cutter and push through sliced strawberry.

Heidi Blogger & Influencer www.elanorrosehome.com July/ August 2024


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Everybody needs a hero, be one today!




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Friends Table Restaurant and Bar in Peachtree City is opened breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Live music every Friday and Saturday with a full bar and patio. We also offer catering to large groups. At Friends Table Restaurant & Bar, our main purpose is to provide guests with high quality food and a great time. Our goal is to be a gathering place for the community, where you meet up with good friends and run into even more friends by coincidence, all while enjoying healthy and delicious food that is made from scratch.

The Avenue Peachtree City 238 City Circle Suite 1020 PTC, GA

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