CONNECTIONS Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
4TH & 5TH GRADERS VISITED KIDS PATH AT HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE CARE OF GSO First Baptist welcomed 130 excited “super heroes” to Vacation Bible School July 15-18! During the week, our children learned that God’s heroes have heart, courage, wisdom, and hope and that we are called to “Do good! Seek peace and go after it!” Missions was a huge part of our focus and we partnered with the Interactive Resource Center, a local nonprofit that embodies all of the attributes that we learned about, by collecting donations and raising funds for this impactful organization. Our fourth and fifth grade Bible schoolers did mission projects throughout the week that included not only hosting a lemonade stand for the IRC, but also a visit out to Kids Path to learn more about their services, and more! 1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
3 Window Gazing 4 Music
Worship in the Arts Camp | All State Youth Choir
Connect with us on social media. Tag your post with #fbcgso
5 Worship & Adults
Outdoor Worship | Baptism at the Lake Oasis Sunday School | Summer Book Read
6 Personnel
SEPTEMBER Connections Deadline: August 15
Email news to
Homebound Minister | Communications Director Ministry Support Staff
7 Missions
8 Children & Preschool
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
Returning to Thailand VBS Recap | Promotion Sunday
9 Church Life
Birthdays | Bereaved | New Members | Midweek
10 August Calendar Giving at FBC Greensboro
June 2019 Financial Results
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 336-338-2438 and someone will return your call.
FRONT DESK HELP NEEDED Two additional helpers are needed at the front desk. The time slots available are Mondays from 9 am-1 pm and Fridays from 12-3 pm. Contact Rosemary Kellam at rosemary@ | x126.
11 A Thousand Words 12 Youth
F BC STAFF Patrick Cardwell, Homebound Minister
Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x126
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x117
Ashley Chandler, Ministry Support Associate /
Chris Cherry, Assoc. Pastor of Youth and Families / / x109
Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / / x110 Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident / x115
Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / / x116
Anita Cranford Media Library Director / / x104
Scott North, Church Administrator / x127
Autumn Culbreth, Preschool Director / x106
Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x120
Laura Wall, Interim Children’s Ministry Assistant / / x121
Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / amygkane@ / x103
Tony Sanders, Music Ministry Assistant x130
Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x123 2 | Connections
Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x101
Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / / x129
Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation / courtneywillis@ / x113
Alisa Windsor, Communications Director / x102
Window Gazing by Alan Sherouse
ESUS WAS BAPTIZED OUTSIDE. Matthew describes it: “Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan.”
One of the most powerful baptism services I’ve ever attended occurred outside. It wasn’t the Jordan River, but a rock quarry in West Virginia. The summer after my first year of college, I worked as part of a team of four young adults, coordinating mission weeks for youth groups that would travel to Appalachia to run a kids’ camp and provide light home repair. Throughout the ten weeks, I worshipped most Sundays at a small mountain church “down a holler” with clapboard siding, wooden pews, and no indoor baptistry. When it was time for a baptism, the church would gather at the quarry, which doubled as the local swimming hole with signs that read “Swim at your own risk.” One Sunday afternoon, I attended a baptism service and joined the congregation gathered on the shore. “Take me to the water, to be baptized” we sang, as the pastor walked out with the baptismal candidate. “Buried with Christ in baptism, and raaaaaiiiised to walk in newness of life,” he said, almost hoisting the person above the water with the power of this promise. All of us on the shore erupted in applause, then song, and then the most moving part: people from the congregation went out into the water to meet their newly baptized sibling in the faith. As their feet searched for the soft places to step, they found arms of their congregation reaching for them, helping them balance. They joined hands and walked toward the shore together. People reached out for them, holding towels, and then enfolding them in the embrace of Christian community. All of it raising them into the newness of life.
At First Baptist, we baptize indoors. It’s always a stirring and powerful service. But it’s also fairly controlled. We have robing rooms, complete with hair dryers. We have lighting and sound set just right. We have running water, with temperature controls. On the Sundays we hold baptism, one of the first orders of the
day is the early morning temperature report to ensure that the water is warm, and if it’s not, at least that we can modify the temperature somehow so it rises to a tolerable tepid lest we have to cancel the whole thing!
Of course, once a year, we try to remember that Jesus went out to the river. Once again this summer, we’ll gather at Camp Weaver. It’s not the Jordan, but a lake in the middle of our local YMCA camp. We even have lifeguards on duty. Still, there is the reminder that faith is something that occurs not only in the places where things are controlled, but also out in the open—in the wilderness spaces. We can’t just stay indoors, but also have to be out in the places where you find John the baptizer and others surviving on locusts and calling for the world to be other than it is. Our feet can’t only walk the smooth and paved paths of this world, but we also have to step on stones and river rock, and find our balance anew. Sometimes, in our faith, we have to be out in places with signs that remind us of the risk and the challenge that comes in following Jesus. It’s the first thing we learn about Jesus after his birth in the gospel of Matthew: he went out to the Jordan. It’s the first time we hear him speak in this story, after 30 years of relative obscurity in a carpenter’s home in Nazareth. It’s a significant moment to declare his priorities and announce his ministry, and of all places, Jesus gets baptized outside.
I hope you’ll plan to attend our outdoor fellowship and service on August 18. Some years, no one wants to be baptized at the lake, and we just enjoy swimming and eating and the fellowship of the congregation. But maybe you, or someone you know, has been considering baptism, and you’d love the informal setting. Or maybe you want to get baptized outside as a reminder to us all of where the way of Jesus leads. Either way, I would love for you to let me know if you want to be a part of outdoor baptism, August 18. The water is cool, the newness of life is real, and a community that loves you will be on the shore with towels. August 2019 | 3
The 2019 Worship In the Arts Camp is worshiping and making all kinds of art around Paul’s love chapter in I Corinthians—“If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal—for Love never fails.” We hope you will join us for the Closing Concert on Friday, August 2 at 1 pm in the Sanctuary. Your heart will be filled as these children present their best and challenge us to live lives overflowing with Jesus’ love—real, unfailing love. Thank you to these faculty and leaders that will be guiding 57 Worship in the Arts campers through their daily routines.
WITA Faculty: Keeley Duckworth, Drama Lillie Harris, Choral Director William Kossler, Guitar Lauren Parrish, Visual Art Penny Rowe, Accompanist Tony Sanders, Handbells Jamell Strickland, World Drumming Doug Vancil, Orff Instruments and Worship Terri Vancil, Camp Director and Worship Courtney Willis, Sacred Dance and Worship
Adult and Youth Shepherds: Graham Bland Marie Delgado Millicent Childs Kendall Gooding Justin Childs Anna Hartis Carolyn Clontz Jennifer Hill
Julia Lyle Kate Messick Hannah Porter Garrison Trotter
Gayle Wager Alex Wells Judyth White Lauren Worsley
We are proud of Justin Childs and Anna Hartis for representing FBC Greensboro in the 2019 NC Baptist All-State Youth Choir. After four days of rehearsal at Campbell University and a 4-day concert tour in eastern NC, the final concert was presented on Sunday evening, July 21 at Hayes Barton Baptist Church in Raleigh. 4 | Connections
Also spotted in the choir: Kate Stephens (Winter Park Baptist Church, Wilmington) and big sister Anna Stephens (ASYC alumni) both formerly of FBC Greensboro.
Join us Sunday, August 4 at 9 am for a beautiful time of worship on the lawn of First Baptist. Communion will be served by intinction, chairs will be set up in the shade of the trees, and there will be accessible space for all. An outdoor covered-dish brunch will follow the service at 10 am. The church will provide biscuits and drinks, and the rest is up to you!
4 pm | Sunday, August 18 Baptism at the Lake is an extended period of time to engage in conversations that last more than a few minutes. It is a time when we enjoy catching up on the families of our church. We come together to enjoy barbecue, special dishes brought by everyone, and family stories which flow as freely as the iced tea and lemonade. Baptism at the Lake however, is more than the food, more than the recreation, more than the ritual or a social event. It is what God intended fellowship to be: the celebration of our commonality and our deep and abiding love and appreciation for one another.
WHAT TO BRING Side dish or dessert (enough to share) $2 for BBQ and money to purchase leftover BBQ Lawn chairs and blankets Bug spray and sunscreen Swimsuit and towel for swimming Life jacket- Camp Weaver also provides them Friends and neighbors
DIRECTIONS TO CAMP WEAVER 4924 Tapawingo Trail, Greensboro, NC 27406 Take East Lee Street until it ends, turn right onto Young's Mill Road, and make a left onto Mill Point Road. The camp is 3/4 of a mile on the right on Tapawingo Trail. Follow signs to the lake.
Through August 25 | 9:15 am Each summer our adult Sunday school teachers are given a break, and all classes meet together in the Chapel. It is our hope that just as an oasis is a place of rest and replenishment in a desert, this class will be a time of rest for our teachers. Rev. Courtney Willis is leading the class for the summer following the Nurturing Faith curriculum.
All FBC adults been encouraged to spend the summer months reading Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen. The summer is a great time to listen for God’s voice in our hearts, and be reminded that we are beloved children of God. This book invites us to think about our spiritual lives as we become more attentive to who God has created us to be, how God blesses us, and how we are called to affirm and bless others. August 2019 | 5
PERSONNEL REV. PATRICK CARDWELL: NEW HOMEBOUND MINISTER At the recommendation of the Personnel Committee and Deacons, Rev. Patrick Cardwell was affirmed as a new Homebound Minister at our Church Conference on July 21. Patrick just began his role as part-time Pastor of Lindley Park Baptist Church, a sister CBF church in Greensboro. As Homebound Minister, he will work 12 hours/week in exchange for housing in the Adams Street Resident House. Patrick was ordained by our congregation in November
2015, and served as a ministerial intern at First Baptist from 2014-2016. He has served previously as the Associate Pastor of Edenton Baptist Church in Edenton, NC, and as a Chaplain Resident with UNC Health Systems. During Patrick’s 2014-2015 internship with First Baptist, his primary focus was Homebound Ministry. As Homebound Minister, Patrick will increase our rate of visits to our members who are homebound, while also coordinating Homebound ministry in collaboration with staff and laity. We are excited to welcome Patrick to this role, and for the opportunity to enhance a valued ministry while partnering with an early career pastor, as our church has many times before. Patrick formally began his work with us at the end of July.
In June, the Deacons approved three modified job descriptions on our Administrative Team: a Communications Director who also provides primary support to the Senior Pastor; a part-time Ministry Support Associate focusing primarily on Children, Youth and Missions; and a full-time Ministry Support Associate focusing primarily on Music & Worship and Congregational Life. Interviews for the full-time Ministry Support Associate position are in process.
ALISA WINDSOR has been named Communications Director, shifting from her work as a Ministry Support Associate. Alisa has been an excellent member of our administrative team for almost two years, and she brings a wonderful combination of talents to this role, in which she will oversee church communications and work with Pastor Alan Sherouse in support of pastoral ministry and leadership.
The Personnel Committee is actively and prayerfully working on plans for our next phase of pastoral staffing, in the wake of Dr. Sumerel’s retirement. In our Congregational Conversations, both on campus and in area retirement homes, prominent themes have included: the importance of homebound ministry; the valued connection between older adults and our congregation; the 6 | Connections
ASHLEY CHANDLER has been hired as a part-time Ministry Support Associate, after review of 40 applicants and interviews with several candidates. Ashley has a degree in accounting and a background in office administration and customer service, currently working as a Team Manager with Ashley has always been involved in church, and says she is excited to work in ministry and to help our church function efficiently and effectively.
desire for greater collaboration in pastoral ministry among staff and lay people; the importance of supporting Sunday School; and the need to clearly communicate staff roles and responsibilities, as well as many other insights. We continue to consider what we have heard from the congregation, and what we’ve learned from our
planning process so far, and expect to present some plans for our next phase in the early fall. Please let us know if you have any questions or additional insights that might impact this process. —The Personnel Committee Sandra Canipe, Andrew Donovan, Laura Lomax, Jennifer Hall (Chair), Marietta Noel, Alan Tutterow
MISSIONS RETURNING TO THAILAND By Rebecca Little, with Lindsey Pegram
AST SUMMER, LINDSEY PEGRAM AND I WERE FORTUNATE enough to go on the high school youth mission trip to Thailand. While there, we were both inspired and moved beyond belief by the love and compassion we felt from everyone. This past month, we had the opportunity to return to Thailand and, once again, we felt these same things. On June 18th, we departed from the United States and 40 hours later, we landed in Roi Et, Thailand. Within the first hour of touching ground, we were in a classroom teaching English with Chris Barbee (pictured right). From that moment forward, we knew we were in for a busy month! From teaching English, to Tuesday night Bible study, to Sunday morning worship, every single moment we were there was incredibly meaningful. A typical day for us in Thailand looked like this: wake up, teach up to four classes at three different schools, and come home to host way too many teenagers in the living room in the Barbee house for Bible study. The time in between these scheduled activities was filled with food that was generally way too spicy for me (not Lindsey!), impromptu basketball games, lots of selfies, and lots of sweat! Throughout each of these, we were making memories and friendships that are strong enough to span the ocean and an 11-hour time difference. After two weeks in Roi Et with Chris Barbee and team, I flew south to the southern province of Ranong, where I stayed with the team of three and served in a similar manner as in Roi Et. The philosophy of their mission is to love the people with their whole heart no matter what, and let the love of Christ shine through their actions rather than their words. It is through this uncompromising love that the people begin to question. “Why do you love so much? Why do you teach us English for free?” At this point they are able to teach of the love of Jesus Christ within the predominantly Buddhist culture. With this approach, they are able to forge relationships first, making their message that much stronger. During my two weeks serving under Dr. Natachai and Dr. Ubolwan in Ranong (pictured right), I was shown the true meaning of unconditional love.
The philosophy of their mission is to love the people with their whole heart no matter what, and let the love of Christ shine through their actions rather than their words. It is through this uncompromising love that the people begin to question. “Why do you love so much? Why do you teach us English for free?”
And none of this would have been possible without support and prayers of you—our church family. Let it be known that lives were changed on this trip, and not just those of people in Thailand. I personally have never felt the love of God as strong as through the off-key voices of 30 Thai students singing to God in their own language. Despite only understanding one word of the entire song, I did not need to know what they were saying to know exactly what they were feeling. We cannot thank you enough for the opportunity you all have allowed us to have. If you have any further questions or would like to learn more about what is going on in Thailand, please feel free to contact Lindsey or me! First Baptist Greensboro supported Rebecca and Lindsey with prayers, as well as financial gifts from our Great Commission Fund. August 2019 | 7
“Do good. Seek peace and go after it!” —Psalm 34:14
141 children learned what it means to “Do good and go after it!” 67 volunteers made VBS happen 52 heart crayons delivered to Kids Path 144 tissue paper flowers taken to Beacon Place 122 snack bags made 7 large bins of towels, washcloths, socks and hygiene items donated... $697.12 raised through the 4th & 5th grade Lemonade Stand AND 302 cases of water OR 7,248 bottles delivered to the IRC! These numbers tell us just part of the story of Hero VBS at First Baptist Church. The “God Moments” that we witnessed and that children shared are countless. I had excited kids approach me daily with ways that they had shown heart, courage, wisdom, and hope inspired by their experience at VBS. Missions is core to what we believe and it was a driving force in our VBS planning. Teaching children how our faith informs our actions and our hearts is woven through all that kids learn at First Baptist Church. Thank you to all of the volunteers who gave so much time and energy to VBS. It took lots of people, of all ages, to prepare decorations, transform the church into a “Hero City”, and to lead the children VBS week. —Christina McCord
8 | Connections
BACK TO SCHOOL SUNDAY | AUGUST 25 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:15 am - Young Child Drop Off Children 3 years old and younger can go to their new class. 9:15-9:45 am - Children’s Ministry Informational Meeting Parents and children Kindergarten through 5th grade attend. 9:45-10:15 am - Meet the Teachers Children Kindergarten and older go to their class and meet their teachers.
WORSHIP & BLESSING OF THE BACKPACKS 10:30 AM Bring your backpack to worship. We will bless the school year of children, youth, college students and educators. We are also collecting school supplies for one of our mission partners, Bessemer Elementary School. Drop off school supplies at the communion tables in the Sanctuary before or after the service. Needed supplies include: »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Loose leaf paper Pencils 24-count crayon boxes Hand sanitizer Kleenex Folders (various colors) Scissors Composition notebooks Gallon size ziplock bags
No FBC birthdays August 14, 26
1 Lindsey Kalish 2 Wilma Fortune, Sherwood Chesson, Eleanor Patterson, Carol Putnam 3 Eloise Curlee, Larry Pike, Berkley Willis 4 Suzanne Rohrbaugh, Brian Smith, Amy Stephens, Cassie Starnes 5 Debbie Huneycutt 6 Max McCracken 7 Lollie White 8 Karl Lewis, George Stone 9 Terri Battle, Phyllis Parkerson, Dan Kennedy 10 Hannah Taylor, John Hardy 11 Cary Root, Martin Waitherero 12 Sue Weddle, Blake Absher, Doug Childs 13 Marietta Noel, Jim Frost, Wright Johnson 15 Penny Rowe, Keith Burroughs, Betsy Nagpal 16 Geneva Metzger, Bill Simmons
17 Betty Case, Jean Bundy, Bob Godfrey, Joanna Sample 18 Kip Blakely, Avery Payne 19 Evelyn Polk, June McNeil, Dale Caldwell, Marie Delgado 20 Paul Brady, Cookie Hamilton, David Gilliland, Jenny Sherouse 21 Adair Suggs 22 Dot Collins, Eddie Wooten, Kim Bolton, Patrick Cashwell 23 Jo Anne Thompson, Miriam Boroughs, Elizabeth Gibson 24 Lorna Lanning, Becky Parham, Joshua Reynolds 25 Martha Chandler, Buddy Kelly, Martha Robison-Spangler, Samuel Lones, Alex Wells 27 Willie Pitts, Dot Norris, Rita Harrell, Margaret Raines 28 Rob Young 29 Jeanette Mitchell, Judy Ryan, Caleb Rainey, Lauren Worsley
30 Kathy Sample, Ruth Caraker 31 Nancy Davis, Adair Garner
BEREAVED Ginny Young in the loss of her stepmother, Anne Stevens Carolton Clay, d. 6/11 Baker Lawrimore in the loss of his grandmother, Joyce Lawrimore, d. 6/14 The family of Vernon Wimberley, d. 7/3 Terri Battle, in the loss of her son Gerry Battle, d. 7/19 Amy Grizzle Kane in the loss of her sister, Audrey Tumlin, d. 7/20
MIDWEEK @FBC IS ON BREAK FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST! Join us Wednesday, September 4 when we start again with dinner, adult classes, and programming for children and youth. August 2019 | 9
AUGUST @FBC 1 (Th) 1 (Th) 2 (F) 4 (Su) 4 (Su) 6 (Tu) 6 (Tu) 7 (W) 7 (W) 13 (Tu) 16 (F) 16 (F) 18 (Su) 24 (Sa) 25 (Su) 25 (Su) 27 (Tu)
Worship in the Arts Camp (through Friday). 9 am - 1 pm Youth Lion King Movie Night. Time TBA. Worship in the Arts Camp Concert. Sanctuary, 1 pm Outdoor Worship & Brunch. Front Lawn, 9 am Missions Committee Meeting. 101, 10:30 am Youth Carowinds Trip. 8 am-9 pm Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm Grace Meal Pick-Up and Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm WE Shelter Meeting. 208, 6 pm Staff Retreat (through Wednesday). Meals on Wheels. 1401 Benjamin Parkway. 9:30 am Youth Grasshoppers Game. 6:30 pm Baptism at the Lake. Camp Weaver, 4 pm 6th Grade Retreat. 8:45 am Back to School Sunday. 9:15 am Blessing of the Backpacks. 10:30 am Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm
SUMMER WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship
MIDWEEK @FBC Will resume Wednesday, September 4
Giving at FBC Greensboro HELP THE CHURCH ACHIEVE A HEALTHY CASH FLOW THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER BY: »» Remembering to give regularly. »» Giving when you are on vacation. (See online and mobile options) »» Giving extra as God provides. We often hear from generous individuals that they want their giving to mean something. They want their gifts to be significant. We want everyone to realize that their giving to the church is always significant. We love stories of how individual lives have been changed for the better by receiving help (financial and otherwise) from friends, neighbors, the church, other non-profits, and even strangers. These stories often motivate others to give of themselves, but sometimes, if those gifts don’t achieve the same good results, we falsely believe those gifts are not as significant, not significant at all, or even grossly wasteful. When you give to the church, your gifts are never wasteful. ONLINE Set up a recurring donation option using your bank’s online bill payment system to send recurring checks or set up a recurring payment using your bank account or credit card at If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – | x127.
June 2019 Financial Results MOBILE Use Church Life App or on your mobile device or text FBCGSO to 73256. 10 | Connections
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
(Net of program income)
Actual Budget Last Year $840,711 $810,737 $808,013 $873,295 $897,529 $906,824
Net YTD Surplus(Deficit) ($32,584) ($86,792) ($98,811)
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram. Row 1:
Food harvested from the garden, Passport Missions, lemonade stand to benefit IRC
Row 2:
Crayon hearts for Kids Path, water donations for IRC
Row 3:
Vacation Bible School kids and leaders
August 2019 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
1 6
Lion King Movie Night See details on our website
Carowinds | Sign-ups are closed, you are welcome to put your name on the waitlist!
Underground Church 9 pm-midnight | Join us at church for hours of Underground Church! Friends are welcome!
Grasshoppers Game 7 pm | Deadline is August 11 to be guaranteed a ticket! Sign up on our website
We’ll meet at the church at 8:45 am on August 24!
More information and sign ups can be found on our website: