APRIL 2017 | www.fbcgso.org | 336.274.3286
Kids’ Holy Week Activities
first baptist church greensboro
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
PALM SUNDAY |April 9 MAUNDY THURSDAY | April 13 GOOD FRIDAY | April 14 EASTER SUNDAY | April 16 Cover art: “Christ’s Cross and Adam’s Tree” by Norman Adams
www.fbcgso.org | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
April 2017 3 Window Gazing – The View from Here 4-5 Connect with Worship
May Connections Deadline: April 15 Email news to gloria@fbcgso.org or bring it to the church office. Rosemary Kellam, Production Editor Operations Director rosemary@fbcgso.org / x225 Gloria Koster, Managing Editor/Designer Administrative Assistant: Learning gloria@fbcgso.org / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning steves@fbcgso.org / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director teresaa@fbcgso.org / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director ginny@fbcgso.org / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / stevec@fbcgso.org / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator jessica@fbcgso.org / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / janeanne@fbcgso.org / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director marty@fbcgso.org / x245 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families christina@fbcgso.org / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator scott@fbcgso.org / x226 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor stevep@fbcgso.org / x231 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant larry@fbcgso.org / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor pastor@fbcgso.org / x231
–Holy Week Services –Holy Week Quiz –Credo Concert –Youth Choir Concert
6-7 Connect with Children
–Brunch & Egg Hunt –Palm Sunday Worship Service –Peacehaven Project Memory –Worship Folders –Moms’ Group – “Table for Five…Thousand!” –Worship in the Arts –Vacation Bible School
8 Connect with the Weekday School –Weekday School News –Celebration of Dr. Ginny Carpenter –Summer Events
Connect with Youth & College –Summer Mission Trip –Unidiversity 2017 –College Announcements
9 Connect with Missions
–Meet CBF Missionaries Jessica and Joshua Hearnes –Sole Hope Party –Learn more about FBC’s Ministry Partners
10-11 Connect with Adults
–Silver Compassion Life Compass Introductory Session –Wednesday Night Lenten Activities –50-Year Member Luncheon –PrimeTime –Upcoming Wednesday Night Classes –Holy Week Quiz Answers
12 Connect with Adult Trips 13 Connect with One Another
–New Members | Birthdays | Bereaved
Courtney Stamey, Pastoral Resident courtney@fbcgso.org / x223
14 April Calendar
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director tstarnes@triad.rr.com / x251
15 A Thousand Words…
John Thornton, Pastoral Resident john@fbcgso.org / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship doug@fbcgso.org / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship terri@fbcgso.org / x238 2 | Connections
16 Connect with Business
–March Church Conference Summary –April Community Lunch –Giving at FBC Greensboro
Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing – The View from Here By Alan Sherouse
uwakaribisha” means welcome in Swahili. A few weeks back, the word was written in big block letters on poster-board and held up by members of our church. They were standing at the arrivals gate of Piedmont Triad International airport, waiting to welcome a mother and her three children who have recently arrived in Greensboro as refugees from the Congo. The group standing in the airport reflected the welcome of many more in their Sunday School class who had spent weeks preparing an apartment, collecting supplies and provisions, and completing other tasks in this co-sponsorship effort together with local agency, African Services Coalition. In the days since this family’s arrival, many have provided meals, helped navigate the bus, the schools, the grocery stores, dropped by to offer friendship for this mother and her children, and used the means available to them to try to petition for their husband and father to be able to arrive in Greensboro and join them soon. Such a welcome is a part of the history of our congregation. In recent history, members of First Baptist were a benevolent and faithful support to Montagnard refugees from Vietnam and Cambodia, who were among the more than 2,000 that re-settled in Greensboro. Some years later, our church offered hospitality and friendship to a family from Kosovo, even providing housing for a time in what is now our Pastoral Resident house on the corner of Adams and Mendenhall. Others have banded together to provide friendship and enduring relationship to refugee families that have resettled in our area in the last 5-7 years. In fact, in my very first baptism at First Baptist, it was my honor to stand in the pool with our friend Fridin, who came to the United States from the Democratic Republic of the Congo with his family and soon found himself part of our community. At many different times, we have recognized that when Jesus invites us to “welcome the stranger,” he was speaking of those who might not find welcome if it’s not provided by the followers who claim the name of Christ. Jesus himself embodied this welcome he calls forth in us. One of our gospel readings in the season of Lent was the well-known story of the Samaritan
woman at the well, told in John 4. If I had to pick one story to help someone know who Jesus is, and who God is revealed to be in Christ, it might just be this one. Jesus sits in a place most people like him wouldn’t, and he ignores 700 years of ingrained cultural and religious division in speaking to this woman and offering her the living water that all of us need. She leaves that encounter and tells everyone to “Come and see,” sharing that “he has told me everything I have ever done.” She had been fully known by him, and it helps her to know him fully. In my sermon on this passage, I told a story about a group of refugee women from Rwanda in the early 1990s. They had fled the genocide in their home and arrived at one of many refugee camps in Tanzania. After some time, a psychologist was asked to visit, because the women in the camp weren’t sleeping. As she visited with the women, the psychologist learned that they had been told by camp officials never to speak of the atrocities they had seen. They followed this instruction, but they could not sleep. In response, the psychologist found a tree on the outside of camp and named it the “story tree.” Every morning, she would stand under the canopy of the great shade tree and wait. The first day, no one came. The second day, one woman came, shared her story, and left. Another showed up the following day, then another. Soon, crowds of women were gathering under the story tree to listen and share tales of loss and fear and grief. After a few weeks, the psychologist felt the story tree was working, and learned the women were sleeping much better. (In Mighty Stories, Dangerous Rituals by Edward Foley and Herbert Anderson) Our church can be just such a canopy. We can provide that shade and shelter for those who need it – whether our new friends from the Congo, or any of us who need the safety and assurance of a place where we can be seen and known. So “welcome,” in whatever language or fashion you need to hear it. When we say it, we are saying come as you are, in the fullness of who you are. Come and tell your story, and as you do, maybe we can all find the rest promised by the one who first said, “Come unto me.” April 2017 | 3
Connect with Worship
Holy Week
Services Holy Week observances call us to move beyond the joyful celebrations of Palm Sunday and Easter, and focus on the suffering, humiliation, and death of Jesus on the cross. It is in walking through the shadows and darkness of Holy Week and Good Friday that we can truly understand the light and hope of Easter Sunday!
Holy Week Q uiz How much do you remember about the people and events of Holy Week? Here is a little quiz to test your knowledge. The answers are on page 11. 1. Where did the agony in the garden take place? 2. Who betrayed Jesus? 3. Who denied Jesus three times? 4. Who ordered Jesus to be scourged? 5. What criminal was released instead of Jesus? 6. Who helped Jesus carry his cross? 7. What did the sign on the cross say? 8. Who made arrangements for the burial of Jesus? 9. Who was the first to discover that Jesus had risen? 4 | Connections
Palm Sunday April 9 | 10:30 am
The procession of palms will be led by our children marking the beginning of Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday April 13 | 6 pm A fellowship meal will be followed by the Lord’s Supper.
Good Friday
April 14 | 7:30 pm A Service of Shadows will feature music of the Sanctuary Choir.
Connect with Worship
Easter Sunday April 16 10:30 am
Celebrate our Risen Lord! Bring a bell from home to ring each time the word “Alleluia” is sung or spoken. Bring a fresh flower to decorate the cross and place them in the receiving baskets in the Atrium and Children’s Wing entrances during the Sunday School hour, between 9:15 10:10 am.
Youth Choir Concert & Strawberry Fellowship Sunday, May 21 | 6:30 pm
ll are invited to hear the Youth Choir in their yearend concert. The Youth Choir and Handbell Choirs work hard all year rehearsing in order to bless us with their talents each month during worship. As is our tradition, we will honor those youth who will be graduating and moving on to the next phase of life following High School. Invite friends and family to this concert. After the concert there will be a Strawberry Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall featuring a variety of your favorite strawberry desserts! Be sure to stay for some “berry” good fellowship! April 2017 | 5
Connect with Children
Palm Sunday Worship Service Brunch and Resurrection Egg Hunt ALL children and their families are invited to enjoy a brunch following worship. Join us for a great meal of eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, biscuits, and fruit. Cost is $6/adults and $3/children with a $20 family max. Following our meal, we will move to the front lawn for a Resurrection Egg Hunt. ALL children are welcome to bring their baskets and participate. Invite your friends to this fun event!
Children and their families will be a part of the Palm Sunday service! At the beginning of the service, we will process down the aisles waving palm branches. This symbolizes Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem which marks the beginning of Holy Week where we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus. Parents will accompany their children for the waving of the palms and then return to their seats for the worship service. Please arrive in the Narthex of the church at 10:20 am to receive your palms.
Moms’ Group
oin us on Thursday mornings, April 20 and 27 and May 4, 11 and 18 from 9:30-11 am in room 319. Courtney Willis will lead us in a new study based on the book “Present Over Perfect”. Free childcare begins at 9:15 am. Invite a friend and join us! Sign up at bit.ly/fbcmomsgroup2017
Above: Peacehaven Project on February 19 was a fun, interactive crafts and games time with FBC elementary children and Peacehaven Farm core members.
Moms of children infant to elementary age
Worship Folders Each Sunday morning there are binders that include activities for children during worship. Make sure you grab one for your child on your way into worship! 6 | Connections
Thursdays | 9:30 -11 am
Connect with Children
…engaging young artists in a life of Christian worship
June 26 - 30 | 9 am - 1 pm | Grades 1-8
T Young Musicians and Music Makers Choirs of FBC present
Table for Five… Thousand! Sunday, May 7 | 2:30 pm
Book Stage at Gateway Gardens 2924 East Gate City Blvd. A musical drama retelling Jesus’ feeding of the five thousand – remembering that the most humble among us, especially children, can do great things with God’s help.
his energy-filled week nurtures the artistic and worshipful expression of young people by engaging them in song, drama, visual art, dance, and instruments. This year we will spend time both indoors and out, exploring the beauty and variety of “God’s Garden” through classic, jazz and bluegrass music. Small classes in guitar, drums, and handbells are taught by church staff and professionals in the surrounding Greensboro area. Melanie Crump, Director of Music Ministries at Guilford College United Methodist Church and Vocal Instructor at High Point University, will lead the choirs. The public is invited to the closing concert on Friday at 1 pm. Cost is $30 by May 1; $40 after May 1. Sign-up online: www.fbcgso.org/music
magine a world where curious kids become hands-on inventors who discover they’re lovingly crafted by God. Each day at Maker Fun Factory VBS, kids travel through rotations that reinforce relevant Bible Points and immerse kids in new adventures. Children who have completed 4th and th 5 grades will be doing mission projects onsite and in the community from 9:30-11:30 am. They will be joining the larger group for opening and closing celebrations. Cost is $20 per child with a $50 family max. This fee includes activities, daily snacks, t-shirt and Thursday evening dinner and celebration. A CD of the program music will be available for $5 each. Sign-up online: www.fbcgso.org/children April 2017 | 7
Connect with the Weekday School
Weekday School News
unday, April 23 will be a special day for the Weekday School. We are working with Christina McCord and Terri Vancil to have a special Sunday that includes singing by some of our preschool children. Terri has been working with the older classes each week. They are singing beautiful songs for our Chapel services every month, and we will share some of these beautiful songs with the Congregation in the regular Sunday service on that day. We are so excited to come to church and share our singing! Thank you to everyone who volunteered, consigned, bought items, or otherwise supported our Second Time Around Consignment Sale in March. This sale is the principle means by which we raise money for our Via Scholarship fund. All contributions are welcome at any time, and we are always grateful for the support that allows us to award scholarships to families in need.
SUMMER? Yes, we are
making plans for summer already! School ends on the May 25, but the Weekday School sponsors several opportunities for summer fun. Please check the desk outside the school office for registration forms:
Summer Days: May 30 – June 16 Theater & Art Camp: June 19 – 23 Planet Protectors: June 26 – 30 Holiday Hulabaloo: July 17 -21
Join us for Worship on Sunday, April 23. We will acknowledge the ministry of our FBC Weekday School including a celebration of our Director, Dr. Ginny Carpenter, who retires at the end of this school year. Connect with Youth & College
Youth Summer Mission Trip June 23-July 1 Shreveport, LA
We will be working with friends at FBC Shreveport to reach out to their community through local organizations that help the homeless, repair homes, and provide children’s services. The cost for the week will be $350/person. Reserve your place on the trip with a non-refundable $50 deposit: www.fbcgso.org/youth
Unidiversity 2017: July 17-22 | UT Knoxville This incredible week of worship, discipleship, and fun with long-time friends from around the country reminds us we are connected with each other through our common bond in Christ. We learn, celebrate, and grow together throughout the week, focusing on this amazing gift. The cost for Unidiversity is $350/person. A non-refundable $50 deposit reserves your spot. Sign-up online today: www.fbcgso.org/youth 8 | Connections
Graduate Recognition
Do you have a student who is graduating from college or graduate school this year? Please send their name, school, and degree information to Gloria Koster by May 15 for inclusion in our graduate recognition June issue of Connections – gloria@fbcgso.org | x288.
College students need a ride on Sundays?
Meet in the parking lot off of Gray Drive, in between the Student Health Center and Phillips-Hawkins dorm (across the street from Moore-Strong, near the Zippy Car parking spaces). Look for a car with the FBC name on it. Pick-up is at 10:15 am for the worship service.
Wednesday Night Dinner
Join us every Wednesday night for FREE dinner from 5:30 pm-6:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall 1000 W. Friendly Avenue. You must make reservations for your meal - Due Tuesday at 12 noon: online at www.fbcgso.org/calendarevents or 274-3286, x245
More info: CBSF Collegiate Minister, Adam Horton adam.horton@cbfnc.org | www.fbcgso.org/college
Connect with Missions Each month we will feature CBF missionaries…
Meet Jessica and Joshua Hearnes– CBF Field Personnel Serving in Danville, Virginia
essica and Joshua are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel based in Danville, Virginia, where they serve with and through Grace and Main Fellowship, an intentional, ecumenical, Christianity community devoted to hospitality, simplicity, prayer, nonviolent action and grassroots community development. The foundation of their ministry is simple: building relationships and community. Grace and Main Fellowship operates a network of hospitality houses that provide shelter, food, prayer and rest to those experiencing homelessness, hunger, poverty and addiction. The leaders of Grace and Main, including Jessica and Joshua, live in and assist organizing these homes which offer an opportunity for inclusion in the community, allowing residents to build relationships and to be heard. Grace and Main also hosts several dozen meals every year at a variety of locations ranging from borrowed church fellowship halls to homes to parks to block parties. These “family style” meals prioritize dignity, agency and the development of new leaders. Grace and Main also has started an “Urban Farm” on a parcel of land donated to the church and supported and run by Grace and Main and neighborhood leaders. The food grown there combat hunger locally in a variety of important ways. Your generosity in support of the Hearnes and their mission programs will transform lives. For more about Grace and Main Fellowship go to www.graceandmain.org and to become better acquainted with the urban missions work of Jessica and Joshua Hearnes, go to www.cbf.net/missions
Learn more about FBC’s Ministry Partners–
F During missions weekend we will be having a SOLE HOPE party
e are in need of JEANS materials. New, old, even torn jeans…we will repurpose the fabric to create shoe uppers for children in Ethiopia. More information will be coming soon about the date and time of the party. Please drop off donated jeans materials in the Atrium. Contact Laura Wall for more information: legrove82@gmail.com 540-553-4531.
irst Baptist has established relationships with many wonderful non-profit organizations. Throughout the year there are many opportunities for you to get involved and serve in a variety of ways. To find out more about FBC’s ministry partners, go to www.fbcgso.org/ministry-partners and click on the ministry partner names. You will access their websites and discover more about the organizations. Pray how you can get involved!
• Agape Community Dinner • Backpack Beginnings • Baptist Children’s Home • Bessemer Elementary • Cooperative Baptist Fellowship • CBF of North Carolina • Cooperative Baptist Student Fellowship (UNCG) • Grace Meal • Greensboro Urban Ministry
• Habitat for Humanity • Hope Academy • Metanoia • Mobile Meals • Peacehaven Farm • Piedmont International Fellowship • Rosewood Tutoring • StepUp Ministry • YWCA Family Shelter
“…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” (from Matthew 25.35-36)
April 2017 | 9
Connect with Adults
Life Compass Introductory Session
Saturday, April 22 | 9 am - 4 pm | Fellowship Hall Cost: $25 (covers lunch and a full notebook of materials)
lease consider helping yourself and your future become more secure and fully alive. We can truly thrive! The younger you are when you learn how to plan for a long full life, the more potential you will actualize. Every person who is an adult and directing their own life needs a plan. It is even more powerful when you share plans with those you care about who may be older or younger than yourself. Come collect the tools and insights that will help you put together a Life Compass Plan on Saturday, April 22. The Life Compass Plan Seminar can help young adults wanting to secure their future, middle-aged adults looking to map out their own future while supporting children, parents who are facing the challenges of an uncertain economy and the natural progressions of aging, and older adults wanting to know the potential of what they have and what is available in order to make these days their best days. This is a way for us all to have elegant plans that fully support today and tomorrow. You will come away with a Life Compass Plan notebook, all the forms you will need, and encouragement to build a plan as you are ready. Take advantage of how First Baptist Church Greensboro is investing in your ability to have the best life possible. —Dr. George Fuller
50-Year Members… Mark Your Calendars!
n Sunday, May 7, following worship, we will celebrate our 50-year -year members at our annual luncheon.. FBC is fortunate to have so many of you who have chosen to make FBC your church home. If you are a 50-year member, you will be receiving an invitation in the mail, and you can bring one guest to the luncheon. Remember, membership does NOT have to be in consecutive years, but our database has no way of tracking those members, so please don’t rely just on the invitation. You can RSVP today! All RSVPs must be in by Monday, May 1 to Marty Kellam: 274-3286, x245. If you need transportation, we need to know ASAP, so please let us know that too!
April 3 PrimeTime:
Suzanne Walke will share about her famous ancestor and Founding Father, Charles Thomson
uzanne’s great, great, great, great, great Uncle, Charles Thomson, Secretary of the Continental Congress and Translator of the Bible from the Greek (a valuable contribution to Biblical literature) was also a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It is said, “he was one of the best scholars of his day”. He was Secretary of the Continental Congress from 1774 - 1789! Bible study will feature “What Jesus Said About Resurrection” taught by Steve Pressley. PrimeTime includes: 9 am: Ceramics, Gym 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A 11 am: Bible Study, 101 12 noon: Lunch, 108 - Cost: $6/person Reservation deadline: Thursday, March 30 Sign up for lunch online: www.fbcgso.org/seniors or contact Marty Kellam: marty@fbcgso.org | x245
10 | Connections
Connect with Adults
New Wednesday night adult classes begin after Easter Classes are 6:15-7 pm
“Sovereignty Psalms: Praise for the God Who’s in Charge” Chapel Bible Study Teacher: Dr. Steve Pressley
Wednesday Night Chapel Bible Study | 6:15 - 7 pm
“2 Corinthians: Letters to a Problem-Church”
hapel Bible Study, led by Dr. Pressley, is exploring one of Paul’s most personal letters. The study, among other things, examines Paul’s tender love for what is deemed a “problem church.” This study will conclude on April 5.
This course will focus upon seven songs of divine kingship, namely Psalms 29, 93, and 95-99. These studies will include passages read or sung in Friday synagogue services, as Jewish worshipers prepare for Sabbath. (Three of the Psalms are given in Christian lectionaries for use on Christmas Day.) Altogether, these are Psalms anciently employed for worship.
Sticky Faith Teacher: Rev. Courtney Willis Rev. Willis will continue her study of The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family by Dr. Kara E. Powell. The book explores the idea that parents are one of the primary influences on their child’s faith, and that parents can help a healthy, energetic faith stick with them well into adulthood. This book serves as the guide for talking about positive, practical ways to actively encourage the spiritual growth of our children. Participants are encouraged to purchase this book to read along, but it is not a requirement for class attendance. | 108-C
Images of Sorrow, Visions of Hope: Understanding Our Journey of Grief Teachers: Dr. Steve Sumerel and Rev. Randy Hall This three-week seminar will focus on Randy Hall’s beautifully written book, Images of Sorrow, Visions of Hope. Rev. Hall will be our guest, as we explore the journey through grief which each one of us has known or will know. Rev. Hall is a Presbyterian minister and close friend of Dr. Sumerel. It is our hope that an ongoing grief group might emerge from this seminar. | 102
April 2017 | 11
1) Gethsemane; 2) Judas; 3) Peter; 4) Pontius Pilate; 5) Barabbas; 6) Simon of Cyrene; 7) “This is Jesus the King of the Jews;” 8) Jospeh of Arimathea; 9) Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. (Matthew 27-28)
Here are the answers to the Holy Week Quiz:
Connect with Adult Trips
Get Onboard!
Join Us on these
FBC Trips June 8 | Yadkin Tours | Wohlfahrt Haus in Wytheville, VA | “Then Sings My Soul”
From historic spirituals to Southern Gospel to contemporary praise and worship. Songs from the Carter family, Elvis, The Gaithers and many more will touch your soul as no other music can. We will stop at the Amish store. This trip includes a four-course lunch. $99/person.
September 25-27 | Yadkin Tours | Noah’s Ark Encounter & Creation Museum in Williamstown, KY Prepare to be blown away as you explore the life-sized reconstruction of Noah’s Ark. All meals paid! $399/person.
October 16 | North Carolina State Fair with AMTRAK | Grandkids welcome! Amtrak departure, 8:39 am.
November 2-4 | Yadkin Tours | Christmas Shows Carolina Opry & Alabama Theatre, Myrtle Beach
This trip includes two shows, three paid meals, oceanfront lodging, Supreme Fruit Cake Tour, and shopping at Coastal Mall and Tanger Outlet. $325/person.
December 1 | Yadkin Tours | American Jubilee Christmas Show Rudy Theatre, Selma, NC $89/person. IMPORTANT TRIP INFORMATION: To reserve your spot for a trip, go to: www.fbcgso.org/trips or contact: Cliff Lowery: 210-6923 – lowerycc@aol.com | Monica Vaughan: 323-0335 – edwinv550@aol.com (NOTE: Payment for the trips cannot be accepted online) 12 | Connections
Connect with One Another
Responding to the Invitation
April Birthdays (No FBC birthdays April 10, 25) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Carlos and Marie Delgado (March 19) By Letter with Danielle
David Carter, Betty Troxler, Emiley Turner Tom Cornett, Bill Tutterow Eleanor Gibson, Jennifer Hall Kerri Creech, Maggie Martin Jeanne Blakely, Kathy McDaniel, Sue Miller Millicent Childs, Stuart Philpott Randy Lewis, Ken Ripley, Anne Wilson Melissa Milligan, Norma Moore William Bolton, Joanna Bryson, Frances Fickling, Lucille Fitzner 11. Hilda Hester 12. Parker Burke, Mildred Griffin, Jimmy Kessler, Wink Kirkman, Carla Porter 13. John Gee, Jennifer Hill, Courtney Willis 14. Jonathan Kalish, Ben Norman, Jill Pegram, Lisa Riddleberger 15. David Stone, Willard Dean 16. Mona O’Bryant 17. Lois Edinger 18. Beth Wise 19. Kevin Cole, Ralph Tate 20. Sara Sears 21. Ronny Blakely, Paul Stewart, Danny Wong 22. Alice Culclasure 23. Gladstone Harrell 24. Morgan Alexander, Clara Bond, Colleen Hardy, Catherine Little, Matt Messick, Doris Melson, Evy Wall 26. Stephanie Cole, Lawrence Mann, Mark Pegram, Joel Reynolds 27. Betty Echerd, Julie King, Ellen Morrow 28. Rosemary Kellam, Larry Putnam, Win Rose 29. Ken Melton, Parker Wood White 30. Bob Baggett, Indigo Stephens
College Birthdays Cynthia Mayfield (March 19)
Stuart Philpott | NC State University | April 6
3500 Glen Forest Court, Greensboro, NC 27410 sjphilpo@ncsu.edu
Jon Kalish | UNC-Charlotte | April 14
950 Barney Road, High Point NC 27265 jkalish@uncc.edu
David and Teresa Whitehead (March 19) By Letter with Patrick
• Friends of Barbara Harvell, on February 22 • Jeff Perry in the loss of his brother, David Perry, on March 4 • Margaret Oberholtzer in the loss of her husband, Dick Oberholtzer, on March 8 • Susan Bowers in the loss of her father, Bill Smith, on March 9 • Carolyn Gilliland in the loss of her husband, Ralph Gilliland, on March 19 • Loved ones of Betty Whisenant, on March 23 • Eleanor Patterson in the loss of her husband Charlie Patterson, on March 24 • Loved ones of John Holley, cousin of Randy and Kathy McDaniel • Nancy Overman in the loss of her sister, Rebecca Kavin • Loved ones of Robert Parham, Director of Baptist Center for Ethics April 2017 | 13
Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC Study - 9:15 am • Bible Worship - 10:30 am • Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209 •
Sunday PM @FBC
•Youth Bells - 4 pm, 319-D/Sanctuary •Youth Choir - 5 pm, 311 •Adult Bells - 6 pm •Youth Discipleship - 6:20 pm, 301 •Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311 Wednesdays@FBC Fellowship Meal Reservations •Reservations due Mon. 12 noon. Cancellations Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. (Psalm 136.1)
Wednesday Night Weekly Activities Whether you are a first time attender or a lifetime participant we invite you to find your place at the table. It is at the table where we have community. We want you here; your place at the table is waiting.
Meals: 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Classes: 6:15 - 7:10 pm April 5: Breakfast April 19: Wings April 26: Pasta Weekly Children’s Extras: Yogurt, Fresh Fruits & Veggies, Etc. Reservations are encouraged for meals.
14 | Connections
due Tues. 12 noon. Meal reservation? Online at www.fbcgso.org/calendarevents OR Marty Kellam – x245 or marty@fbcgso.org Kids’ Programming - 6 pm Adult Classes - 6:15 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311
• • • •
Brunch & Resurrection Egg Hunt. 12 noon •22 (Su): • (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm •3 (M): PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch •Adults •3 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •All Ages •4 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm •Children •4 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •Seniors •5 (W): Grace Meal Pick-Up. Kitchen, 5 pm •Missions 5, 19, 26 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. •Weekday •108, 5:30 pm (serving begins at 5 pm) School •9 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •Worship Palm Sunday. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •Youth •99 (Su): (Su): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 11:45 am • 11 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am • •11 (Tu): WMU Group 4. 204, 10:30 am •12 (W): Missions Committee. 108-C, 5:30 pm •13 (Th): Maundy Thursday. 108, 6 pm (F): Good Friday. Sanctuary, 7:30 pm •14 16 Easter Sunday. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •17 (Su): (M): FBC church offices closed for Easter holiday. • 19 (W): Building & Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm • 20, 27 (Th): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30-11 am • •22 (Sa): Life Compass Introductory Session. 108, 9 am (Su): Reception for Dr. Ginny Carpenter. FBC Front Lawn, 12 noon •23 •25 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm •25 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm •26 (W): Explore 1st. Location TBA, 5:30 pm •30 (Su): College Luncheon. Café,12 noon Subscribe to the online version of Connections: First Baptist produces Connections in a printed format, but also in an online version. There are “active” links within the online document allowing the reader to send an email or to access websites for more information. Enjoy reading Connections – we have a great time creating it for you! To subscribe, go to www.fbcgso.org/newsletter
A Thousand Words… A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram.
CBF-NC Youth Choir Festival Knollwood Baptist Church, Winston-Salem
DiscipleNow retreat weekend helped youth to explore God’s word and “Messy Spirituality.” The youth served at Church Under the Bridge.
FBC youth joined with youth from other area churches during DiscipleNow weekend.
Courtney Stamey and Patrick Cardwell posed for the camera at a Wednesday night dinner at FBC.
Alan and Christina with members of our Pathfinders class one Sunday morning. April 2017 | 15
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
NO. 179
Connect with Business
March Church Conference Summary The monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday, March 12, 2017 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Scott Culclasure presided. The following motion was presented and approved by the congregation. Motion on behalf of the Finance Committee and the Diaconate: That twenty (20) individual hearing enhancement receivers, transmitter, and accessories be purchased from Audio & Light, Inc., of Greensboro, NC, at a cost of $8,577.31, with funds taken from Major Repair/Capital Expense account 301276.
Community Lunch followed by Church Conference Sunday, April 9 after Worship Cost is $6/person and
$20/family maximum. NO reservation is needed. A brief church conference will follow lunch to allow the membership to hear about the latest from our Deacons and committees bringing motions forward.
February 2017 Financial Results
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements Net Surplus
Actual $287,978 $268,707 $ 19,271
Budget $316,277 $301,388 $ 14,889
Last Year $302,280 $267,645 $ 34,635
Giving at FBC Greensboro Giving financially lets us honor God with the resources and provisions that He has provided for us. Practicing generous giving strengthens our relationship with Christ. As we learn to grow in our trust and faith in Christ, it is important to trust in His provision…we give faithfully and generously out of grateful hearts. If you have giving questions, contact Scott North - scott@fbcgso.org | x226.
How to Give:
• Most members put a check in an envelope and place it in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. • Those who cannot attend on particular Sundays mail their checks to the church. • Others use online banking through their bank and set up one time or automatic payments. • Still others set up their online giving through the church website and/or use mobile giving options through Tithe.ly for use on both Apple iOS and Android devices.