CONNECTIONS Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
hope • peace • joy • love The season of Advent, which comes comes from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming” or “visit,” begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. Advent is the beginning of the liturgical year for Christians. During Advent, we prepare for, and anticipate, the coming of Christ. We remember the longing of Jews for a Messiah and our own longing for, and need of, forgiveness, salvation and a new beginning. Even as we look back and celebrate the birth of
Jesus in a humble stable in Bethlehem, we also look forward anticipating the second coming of Christ as the fulfillment of all that was promised by his first coming. As we journey through the season, we use the traditional Advent words to frame our Sundays: hope, peace, joy, and love. Join us each Sunday and Wednesday as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus into our lives and into our broken and fearful world. May Christ’s shine through you in these days. Read more about Advent at First Baptist Church on pages 4-5.
1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
DECEMBER 2018 3 Window Gazing 4 Sundays of Advent
A&T Christmas Concert | Youth Sunday Children’s Sunday | Silent Night Service | Caroling
Advent Midweek @FBC | Advent Devotions Christmas Greenery | Christmas Eve Worship
Celebrating Teresa Allen | Welcome Mary Beth Foust Staff Transitions | Vancil Sabbatical
Offering for Global Missions | YWCA Family Shelter WE Shelter | White Flag Drivers Needed
Preschool Transitions | Children’s Activities in December Spontaneous Nativity
5 The Season of Advent 6 FBC Staff 7 Missions
8 Children
9 Youth | Upward | Birthdays | Bereaved 10 December Calendar Connect with Business
Connect with us on social media. Tag your post with #fbcgso
JANUARY Connections Deadline: December 11
Email news to
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Giving at FBC Greensboro October 2018 Financial Results
Two additional helpers are needed at the front desk. The time slots available are Mondays from 9 am-1 pm and Fridays from 12-5 pm. Contact Rosemary Kellam at rosemary@ | x231.
11 A Thousand Words 12 Midweek @FBC
F BC STAFF Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Chris Cherry, Associate Pastor of Youth and Families / Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / x295 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x231 Autumn Culbreth, Interim Preschool Director / / x240 Baker Lawrimore, Ministry Fellow / x239 2 | Connections
Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / / x241 Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident / x232 Scott North, Church Administrator / x226 Jo Nygard Owens, Communications Director / / x223 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x225 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251
Steve Sumerel, Associate Pastor: Congregational Life / x233 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / / x238 Alisa Windsor, Ministry Support Associate / / x225 Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation / courtneywillis@
Window Gazing by Alan Sherouse
ITH WORSHIP ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, Advent begins—a season in which we have the opportunity to experience some of our most beloved traditions and join together in shared hope, peace, joy and love. Over these next weeks, we will hang the green, read Advent devotions written by one another, carol to homebound members, welcome the NC A&T Choir, and reflect on the holy chaos of Jesus’ birth with our “Spontaneous Nativity.” These full days will culminate in our Christmas Eve Candlelight service, as our voices swell, “Hark! The herald angels sing, ‘Glory to the newborn king!’”
If this is the truth of our newborn king, then Advent is also our reminder of where he can be found. We will find him not in halls of power, or places of elevated might. We will find him, instead, anywhere the Word becomes flesh and dwells among the people. We will encounter him not at the right hand of God, but instead as the one who, as Paul says in Philippians 2, “made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”
Some will continue to look in the expected places where kings are found, but instead let us look for him engaging outsiders, like a Samaritan woman at a well. We’ll see him making his way to the margins of our world, reaching out to touch those deemed untouchable and restoring them to community. We’ll find him leaning NEWBORN KING down to be alongside a woman condemned of adultery, As our voices swell with the angel choir, they also seem and shielding her and all those condemned by the world. to echo a dissonance that is the heart of our Christmas He’ll stoop down to hear the voice a story and our Advent hope. blind man that everyone else seems Dr. Delores Williams, a wise and to pass by in their busy pursuits. He’ll influential theologian, taught for put a towel around his waist, and “We will find him not in many years at Union Theological kneel to the floor to wash the feet of halls of power, or places Seminary. She once shared a story his disciples and model greatness in from her formative years, growing up of elevated might. We service and power in weakness. in church. She remembers Sunday will find him, instead, Shortly after this, he’ll stand before mornings, when the minister would anywhere the Word Pilate, who will ask him the urgent shout out: “Who is Jesus?” The choir becomes flesh and dwells question posed by so many: “Are you would respond in unison, voices the King?” And Jesus will respond loud and strong, “King of king and among the people.” softly and with great vulnerability, Lord Almighty!” But Williams also “My kingdom is not of this world.” remembers an older woman, sitting near her, who would respond in a But you and I will already know this, voice so fragile and soft you could hardly hear, singing because it’s the great truth of his birth and the blessed out her own answer, “Poor little Mary’s boy.” paradox of Advent: the king of kings is also the one born to Mary. So we will look for him this year not in They sang out back and forth — call and response the places where this world would station him, but in — “KING OF KINGS” and “Poor little Mary’s boy.” the places he chose for himself. And as we do, our lives Williams shared this story with her colleague, Dr. might even begin to be shaped by the glory of a newborn Barbara Lundblad, and said of this call and response, king. “This was the Black church doing theology.” We cannot proclaim a king of kings without seeing “poor little Mary’s boy.” WHAT KIND OF KING DO WE SEEK? In our world, so focused on power and preoccupied with might, surely we are tempted to imagine Christ as elevated and powerful, commanding and controlling. But the season of Advent brings with it the swelling truth that the God of all power and might is revealed in vulnerability and fragility—a scene as fragile as two young parents vulnerable and on the run, and a sound as soft as a baby’s cry that pierces the Bethlehem night.
We will look for Jesus this year not in the places where this world would station him, but in the places he chose for himself. And as we do, our lives might even begin to be shaped by the glory of a newborn king.
December 2018 | 3
S U N D AY S O F A D V E N T A&T Christmas Concert Sunday, December 2 | 4 pm
peace DECEMBER 9
The North Carolina A&T State University Choir will present a Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 2 at 4 pm in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church. The FBC Adult Handbell Choir will present the prelude at 3:45 pm.
Youth Sunday and Hanging of the Green Sunday, December 9 | 10:30 am
Our youth will participate in worship leadership this Sunday, and music will be presented by the Youth Choir and Handbells. During the service, youth and their families will adorn the sanctuary with our new greenery.
Children’s Sunday
Sunday, December 16 | 10:30 am Our children will participate in worship leadership this Sunday, and music will be presented by the Children’s Choirs and Young Adult Ensemble.
love caroling to the homebound
4 | Connections
Silent Night Service
Sunday, December 23 | 5 pm A service of contemplative prayer and music in the Chapel.
Sunday, December 16 | 3 pm Come and share Christmas joy with our homebound members through beloved songs of the season. Join us as we go to our members that are unable to make it to church on a regular basis and to brighten up their holiday season with some Christmas carols. Carolers will gather at 3 pm in the Atrium to depart in groups.
Christmas Greenery
Sounds of the Season
In lieu of memorial and honorary poinsettias, the congregation is asked to contribute toward the purchase of new wreaths and greenery for the sanctuary. Designated honorees and memorials will be listed in the order of service on December 23.
November 28-December 12 The songs of Advent & Christmas resonate in all of our hearts and guide us to experience our faith anew each year. On Wednesday nights we will all gather to share and learn more about some of the most beloved songs of the season. We will discuss how God can use this music to deepen our understanding and experience of Christ’s birth.
Young Adult Ensemble November 28-December 12 This three-week choir is for those in their 20s-40s to rehearse and sing in worship on Sunday, December 16. All young adults are invited to join!
Spontaneous Nativity December 19 See the Christmas story come alive as our children don costumes and play the parts of the Christmas nativity.
Completed order form online or in the bulletin and your check made payable to FBC (include “greenery” on the memo line) should be brought or mailed to the Music Office by Sunday, December 16th. Suggested donation: $20. Questions? Contact Louise in the Music Office at 2743286, ext. 239.
ADVENT DEVOTIONS: A DAILY GUIDE THROUGH THE CHRISTMAS SEASON As we celebrate the Advent season, our deacons and staff have written a series of daily devotions to help guide us as we wait patiently for Christmas. Each devotion focuses on a beloved carol of the season, and implores us to meditate on the words that we so often sing together as a congregation. Pick up a devotion book and share it with loved ones. Enjoy time set aside each day of Advent to pause and open your heart to remembering the incredible gift we were all given in Jesus Christ.
CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP CAROLS, CANDLELIGHT, & COMMUNION Monday, December 24 | 5 pm Join us for our annual Christmas Eve worship. This service is a wonderful night of worship and homecoming for our church, community, friends, and family on the eve of our Savior’s birth. We welcome families with children and have special activity packets available to keep them engaged during worship if needed. Optional childcare will be provided for children 3 and under. Our annual
Christmas Eve Offering will be given to our local Meals on Wheels program. December 2018 | 5
F B C S TA F F CELEBRATING TERESA ALLEN First Baptist celebrates the work of Teresa Allen, our Media Library Director, who is retiring this month after her eight years of service. Teresa has offered wonderful leadership to our library, along with a heartfelt commitment that appreciates its importance as a ministry in our church. Among her notable contributions in recent years, she oversaw the renovation of our Children’s library, and recently completed a project to thin and update our general stacks to allow the library to be more widely and effectively utilized in years ahead. She has been a wonderful colleague on the First Baptist staff, as well, and we are grateful that she and Stu remain committed church members. In celebration of Teresa’s work with us, church members are invited to make a financial contribution in her honor to the First Baptist Library, for use in purchasing and maintaining resources. In celebration of Teresa’s work with us, church members are invited to purchase a children’s book in Teresa’s honor that will be donated to a local missions partner. There will be a reception in Teresa’s honor Sunday, January 13.
As Personnel seeks to hire a new Media Library Director, inquiries can be made to Scott North, Church Administrator.
First Baptist welcomes Rev. Mary Beth Foust as our new Communications Director. Mary Beth currently works at High Point University, where she is Adjunct Faculty and “Assistant Director of Civic Responsibility and Social Innovation,” leading programs for Americorps VISTAS and Bonner Scholars. She and her family moved to the area a couple years ago when her husband, Rev. Caleb Foust, became the Associate Pastor of Emerywood Baptist in HP.
REV. JO NYGARD OWENS, who has served as our Communications Director, will be transitioning from her role at the end of the year. Her family will be moving to Cleveland, where her husband, the Rev. Bernard J. (BJ) Owens, who has served as the Rector of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church for the last 8 years, will become the next Dean of Trinity Cathedral. We celebrate this news and pray for Jo and her family in this transition. We’re grateful for Jo’s excellent work.
An ordained minister, she is a graduate of Samford University and Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond. She has worked in a variety of positions since graduation, including with CBF of Virginia.
Mary Beth is an excellent storyteller, who loves and understands “church.” She is looking forward to the chance to work as part of a ministry staff in the key role of Communications. She will formally begin her work on January 14.
6 | Connections
In the November church conference the congregation approved the delay of sabbatical for Doug and Terri Vancil to May and June 2019 rather than the original plan of January and February.
Also in our staff news, last month ADDISON LAWRIMORE, who has worked with us as a Ministry Support Associate providing excellent support to Music and Children’s ministries especially, accepted an offer to teach 1st Grade at Oakview Elementary, allowing her to move even earlier than expected into her chosen field. We are filling her role with temporary support while we look to hire someone permanently.
MISSIONS December Offering for Global Missions During the month of December, our First Baptist Church family has a chance to give above and beyond to help missionaries share Christ’s love with those in need around the world and in the US by participating in the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Offering for Global Missions (OGM). We are a congregation who values missional engagement and when you give this holiday season, 100 percent of your gift goes to missions funding
and keeps CBF missionaries serving on the field sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Gifts to the Offering transform lives – one person, one community at a time. Every dollar you send for the Offering will make an eternal difference in the Kingdom of God. The OGM also helps support CBF field personnel we know, love and pray for already including Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey
YWCA Family Shelter: 3 Mondays rd
The year-round Family Shelter for the homeless at the YWCA is an important resource for families in crisis who would otherwise be separated at traditional men’s and women’s only shelters. We need volunteers to help prepare and serve dinner on the 3rd Monday of the month for 30 adults and children (1/21, 2/18, 3/18). We also welcome financial donations to purchase and serve ready-to-eat meals. A bin in the atrium is available to donate cleaning and paper supplies, cereal, juice, coffee, sugar & creamer, iced tea or lemonade mix, gift cards (small amounts) for gas, movies, or recreational events where the parents can spend time with their children. Contact: Cookie Hamilton, 336.676.7213 or Nancy Davis,
WE Shelter Needs The Women’s Winter Emergency (WE) Shelter provides meals, a place to sleep and other support for approximately 20 women who are experiencing homelessness December through March. Each Monday evening beginning December 10, FBC needs people to serve as greeters, and dinner preparers and servers for the shelter. Greeters work from 5 - 7 p.m. One volunteer must be female, but the other can be male. Dinner can be purchased or prepared by individuals or groups and served by one person or a group or family.
Dinner should be prepared for 25 people. Morning Drivers drive the FBC bus to transport women from the Shelter to downtown. This involves driving the bus to the shelter, picking-up the women, driving them downtown, and returning the bus and key to the church. Volunteer drivers serve from 7-8 am. Sign up at: For more information contact: Gayle Wiley - gayle@richardlwiley. com | 336-392-6341 or Margaret Crawford - | 540-661-9661.
(NYC), Kim and Marc Wyatt (Raleigh), and Cindy and Eddy Ruble (Malaysia). Please consider a designated gift to the CBF Offering for Global Missions this holiday season. Help share the joy of Christ and help create God’s beloved community for all.
FBC will again provide the standby drivers for the emergency White Flag warming centers created to provide shelter for the homeless on extremely cold nights (life-threatening temperatures) this winter. It’s an easy commitment simply to be on-call for the night you sign up. You are notified earlier in the day IF you will be needed to drive. FBC drivers can share their experience and know-how with you so if you have any interest in knowing more, please contact Gayle Wiley, | 336-3926341.
Want to help but can’t volunteer? Bring requested items to the Atrium: Cleaning Gloves, Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Liquid Dish Soap, Laundry Detergent, Liquid Hand Soap, Multipurpose Cleaners December 2018 | 7
CHILDREN PRESCHOOL TRANSITION AMY KIRKMAN HAS SERVED AS our First Baptist Preschool Director for the last 18 months, and recently decided to step away from the job to focus her time on her family. “While I am excited for my next step,” Amy shared, “I will miss the families and children so much. Thank you to all who made my time here at First Baptist Preschool so rewarding.” We are grateful for Amy’s positive impact on the First Baptist Preschool. Among her contributions, she has implemented new curriculum, overseen the renovation of the school and updates to classrooms, developed a relationship with UNC Greensboro interns, augmented our strong staff with excellent new teachers, and
stronger school because of Amy’s leadership, and we’re grateful for the healthy position in which she leaves us.”
reinforced developmentally appropriate practices across the school. Christina McCord, Minister to Children & Families and supervisor of the Preschool shares, “We are a
Personnel will begin considering steps toward hiring a permanent Preschool Director. In the meantime, we are grateful to AUTUMN CULBRETH, who will serve as Interim Director. Autumn has over 10 years of classroom experience, including the last three years in the First Baptist Preschool, as well as a background in Education (BA in Elementary Ed and MA in Special Ed). Her experience, combined with her connection with the teachers, families, and the larger church will provide excellent leadership at this time.
Spontaneous Nativity
Children’s Sunday in Advent
Wednesday, December 19
Sunday, December 16 at 10:30 am This will be a kid-friendly service as our three children’s choirs will be leading us in worship. Many elements of the service will involve the children.
Caroling to the Homebound Sunday, December 16 from 3-5 pm Let’s spread holiday cheer as we carol to our homebound members. We will meet in the atrium and form caroling groups from there.
Birthday Party for Jesus Sunday, December 23 at 9:15 am During Sunday School, children will get to enjoy treats as we celebrate the birth of Jesus with a party! Following the Sunday school hour, please join us for worship at 10:30 am.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Monday, December 24 at 5 pm We will have activity packets for children to keep them engaged during the worship service. Optional childcare will be provided for children three and younger. 8 | Connections
Dinner at 5:30 pm We will serve breakfast for dinner, and we will decorate waffles for the children with yummy toppings.
Costumes at 6:15 pm At 6:15 pm, parents will take children to the room at the back of the Fellowship Hall to pick out their costumes. They will get to choose from animals, shepherds, angels, and wisemen. The children will then head to the sanctuary and find a pew at the front that is labeled with their “part.” We will have adults sitting with the children to help to guide them up front when it is their turn to take position. Spontaneous Nativity at 6:30 pm This precious event will be full of music, scripture, and wiggly children bringing the nativity story alive! Don’t forget your cameras!
Recapturing old and starting new IN MY SHORT, BUT FULL 5 MONTHS AT FBC, I’ve noticed how much our church community values tradition and history. Sometimes, traditions last forever, sometimes they see changes, and sometimes new traditions are started. This winter, we are both starting a new tradition and recapturing an old one. For a long time, the Hanging of the Green service has been a favorite at FBC. This year, that service will be combined with our youth-led worship on Sunday morning, December 9. Youth and their families will be involved in leading many aspect of worship and we will adorn the Sanctuary for the Christmas season.
You won’t want to miss this special Advent service.
Additionally, this year we are starting something new by having a Christmas Eve Football Game in Lake Daniel Park behind the church. The game will be pick-up style, touch football and is open to all ages and skill levels. This event is sponsored by the Youth Ministry, but is not just a youth event! Even more “seasoned” players are welcome to join in on the fun. The best part is, this event will happen rain or shine (or even if it snows!). Layer up, bring a friend, and come be a part of a new fun holiday tradition at FBC! — Chris Cherry
DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS There are no FBC birthdays December 4, 5, 17 1 Millie Power, Cynthia Stone, Vivian Schneider, Lucy King, Ethan Schneider 2 Ann Vaden, Beth Absher, Darnysha Nard, Robyn Evans, Jerri Edwards, Scott Lyle, 3 Christina McCord, Holden Biffle 6 Blanche Hodge, Kathy Simmons 7 Nancy Gee 8 Gayle Wiley, Ann Teague, Anthony Webb 9 Jim Fogleman, Sandra Canipe, Don Cunningham, Jeff Duckworth, Andrew Donovan, Mary Petriskie, Shaun Martin, Steven Key, Everett Johnson 10 Timothy Newman, David Garrett 11 Marietta Mobley 12 Ray Anderson, Rick Stafford, Ginny Young, Andrea Harrell 13 Morgan Hall 14 Betsy McLean, Coolidge Porterfield, Ruth Ward, Sue Bias, Holly Messick, Don White, McKenna Stutts
15 Joshua Sumner 16 Margaret Wilson, Kevin Starr, Raleigh Cothran 18 Lois Hutchison, Shirley Headspeth 19 Emerson Culbreth 20 Dianne Nickles, Hannah Porter, Maisy Donovan 21 Clyde Collins, Bob Chovanec 22 Reid Hix, Kelsi Clausen 23 Ann Powell, Agnes Moore, Marlena Johnson, Elias Rainey 24 Catherine Pressley 25 Ed Parkerson, Jack Cagle, Jeff Smith 26 Phillip Barbee, Jamie Powell, Melissa Sample 27 Ansel Boiter, Peyton Petriskie, Wyatt Wise 28 Tricia Cranford, Gladys Boroughs 29 Pamela Baggett, Everett Sheffield, Rick Schneider, Luke Lynch, Griffin Curtis, Warner Sherouse 30 Sylvia Ledford, KatyBeth Schmid, Brennan Bode 31 Rachel Shackelford, Ezra Holmes
OLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to be greeters, serve in the Café, help keep the Gym/Café tidy during games and to sit in the stands and talk with visitors. Join us Saturdays from 8:30 am - 2 pm in the Gym/Café. For more information: Tommy Starnes, Upward Director - tstarnes@ | x251.
BEREAVED The family of Arlene Morrison, d. 10/31 George Scott in the loss of his mother, Ruth Scott, d. 11/1 Jessie Rainey in the loss of his uncle, Ashley Nelson Rainey, d. 11/3
The family of Betty Campbell, d. 11/12
NEW BABIES John Blanton “Jack” Hardy born November 9 to Sara Beth and Ben Hardy.
December 2018 | 9
DECEMBER @FBC 1 (Sa) 2 (Su) 2 (Su) 3 (M) 3 (M) 3 (M) 4 (Tu) 4 (Tu) 5 (W) 9 (Su) 9 (Su) 10 (M) 13 (T) 16 (Su) 16 (Su) 16 (Su) 19 (W) 21 (F) 23 (Su) 23 (Su) 24 (M) 24 (M) 25-26 26 (W)
Day Trip to Christmas Show. 9 am - 5 pm 1st Sunday of Advent. NC A&T Christmas Concert. Sanctuary, 4 pm. Primetime Christmas Concert. Fellowship Hall, 11:45 am FRONT. Chapel, 5:30 pm Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm WMU Group 2. 102, 3 pm Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm Grace Meal Pick-Up & Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm 2nd Sunday of Advent. Via Soup Lunch. Fellowship Hall, 11:45 am FRONT. 102, 6 pm WMU Group 3. 108C, 9:30 3rd Sunday of Advent. Caroling to the Homebound. Meet in Atrium, 3 pm Youth Christmas Party. Youth Rooms, 5:30 pm Spontaneous Nativity. Sanctuary, 6:30 pm Meals on Wheels. 1401 Benjamin Parkway, 9:30 am 4th Sunday of Advent. Silent Night Service. Chapel, 5 pm Youth Football Game. Lake Daniel Park, noon Christmas Eve Service. Santuary, 5 pm Church Office Closed for Thanksgiving. No Midweek Activities.
REGULAR WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship 12 pm College Bible Study
SUNDAY EVENINGS 5 pm 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm
Youth Choir Youth Discipleship Adult Bells Sanctuary Choir
MIDWEEK @FBC 4:45 pm 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:15 pm 6:20 pm 7:15 pm
Sing an Old Song to the Lord Fellowship Meal FBC Kids Youth Group Adult Classes Sanctuary Choir
Giving at FBC Greensboro Why We Give: Giving financially is a chance for us to honor God with the resources and provisions that God has provided for us. When we practice generous giving, we strengthen our relationship with Christ. As we learn to grow in our trust and faith in Christ, it is important to trust in Christ’s provision. As people of faith, we give faithfully and generously out of grateful hearts, because God has given to us faithfully and generously.
How to Give: We pass an offering plate during the worship service. Most members give their offerings to the church
by putting a check in an envelope and placing the envelope in the offering plate as it is passed on Sunday mornings. Others who cannot attend on particular Sundays mail their checks to the church. Others use their online banking and set up one time or automatic payments that are sent to the church through their bank. Still others set up their online giving through the church website. We also have mobile giving through the Church Life app or through You can download either app for use on almost any device. If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – | x226.
October 2018 Financial Results
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
(Net of program income)
Net Deficit
10 | Connections
Actual Budget Last Year $1,215,675 $1,341,212 $1,253,837 $1,455,229 $1,479,252 $1,394,505 $(239,554) $(138,040) $(140,668)
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram. Row 1: November Fall Fellowship, Jubilate Deo Row 2: WMU Group Decorates Christmas Trees, Happy Hearts Thanksgiving Dinner Row 3: FBCKids at Welcome House, HS Retreat
November 2018 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
Meal reservations can be made via Sunday morning pew cards, web site (, email (marty@, or phone (336-274-3286 x245) for all meals. Reservation due: Monday at noon Cancellations due: Tuesday at noon
DECEMBER MENU December 5 December 12 December 19 December 26
| | | |
Pecan Encrusted Tilapia Ham Breakfast No Meal
CHILDREN’S EXTRAS Yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, etc.