FEBRUARY 2018 | www.fbcgso.org | 336.274.3286
Ash Wednesday Service February 14 | 6:15 pm
first baptist church greensboro
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
Love Feast
On Sunday, February 11 @ 10 am come support the High School Youth Choir Trip to Thailand
www.fbcgso.org | 336-274-3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
March Connections Deadline: February 15 Email news to gloria@fbcgso.org or bring it to the church office. Gloria Koster, Managing Editor/Designer Administrative Assistant: Learning gloria@fbcgso.org / x288 Rosemary Kellam, Production Editor Operations Director rosemary@fbcgso.org / x231 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director teresaa@fbcgso.org / x229
Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / janeanne@fbcgso.org / x239
Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / amygkane@fbcgso.org / x295 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director marty@fbcgso.org / x245
Amy Kirkman, Weekday School Director amy@fbcgso.org / x240
Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families christina@fbcgso.org / x241 Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident darnysha@fbcgso.org / x236
Scott North, Church Administrator scott@fbcgso.org / x226
Sarah Parker, Interim Youth Minister sarah@fbcgso.org / x235 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor stevep@fbcgso.org / x232
Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant larry@fbcgso.org / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor pastor@fbcgso.org / x231
Courtney Stamey, Pastoral Resident courtney@fbcgso.org / x223
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director tstarnes@triad.rr.com / x251 Steve Sumerel, Associate Pastor: Congregational Life steves@fbcgso.org / x233
Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship doug@fbcgso.org / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship terri@fbcgso.org / x238 Alisa Windsor, Ministry Support Associate alisa@fbcgso.org / x225
2 | Connections
February 2018
3 Window Gazing
4-5 Connect with Worship
– High School Youth Choir IME –New Beginnings in Roi Et, Thailand –Ash Wednesday Worship –Remember Your Loved Ones with Sanctuary Flowers –Furman University Chamber Strings Free Concert –Middle School Youth Choir Musical
6 The Lenten Season at FBC
7 Connect with Missions
8 Connect with Children
9 Connect with the FBC Preschool
–Lent 2018 | Practicing Our Faith –Wednesday Nights during Lent –Habitat for Humanity’s 2017 Building on Faith Home Dedication –WE! Shelter Opportunities –Winter Ministry Opportunities –Mom’s Group | Pathfinders Class | Worship Folders –Save the Dates: Family Lenten Workshop, Bruch & “Resurrection Egg Hunt”, & Vacation Bible School –Share the Love in February –Now Enrolling for 2018-2019
Connect with Youth –Big Game Party!
10 Connect with Adults
11 Connect with Business
–February 5 PrimeTime –A Gathering Community Upcoming Study – FRONT: “Intersection of Faith and Science” –Thanks to All Who Helped Us Finish Well in 2017! –State of the Church | 2017 by the Numbers
1 2-13 Connect with One Another
–Keep Us Updated | New Members | Birthdays | Bereaved
14 February Calendar
15 A Thousand Words…
16 Upward Celebration
Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing
By Alan Sherouse
N SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, we gathered after worship as a congregation for an annual “State of the Church” conversation, taking the opportunity at the start of a new calendar year to reflect on where we are and where God is calling us. I want to use this month’s “Window” column to review some of the observations shared, both in celebration of what has been and in hopes for what will be. Our presentation began with some data points from the last year. Numbers don’t tell us everything, but we feel it is important for everyone to have the opportunity to be aware of some of the trends our numbers reflect, including both the celebrations and the challenges. We looked at three primary categories: giving, attendance, and membership for 2017. Those numbers and some summary observations can be found on page 11 of this newsletter. Beyond the numbers, we invited celebrations from the last year, and I shared some from our staff and me. We recognize generosity in our past year, as giving to regular and special offerings is strong and balanced throughout generations of our church’s life. We celebrate our work as a teaching congregation, through continued success of our Residency (including our first Resident Alum this year) and growth in our internship programs in music and congregational ministry. We acknowledge good work on our building, including a Chapel renovation that makes possible expanded ministry. In missions, we give thanks for our congregation’s faithful service, emerging ministries, and the leadership provided by our newest Associate Pastor, Rev. Amy Grizzle Kane. Looking at our ministries of formation, we celebrate a resurgent Wednesday Night program and many opportunities for study and growth, as well as the emergence of new Sunday offerings for Young Adults & Families. Our ministries of care have also been a highlight of the last year, as we have continued to care for one another through various stages of life, especially in a year that included more funerals than any in recent memory. In all of this, we give thanks for leadership, particularly celebrating Rev. Steve Cothran, Nancy and family as they transitioned from us in the last year, as well as gifted ministers and staff that have joined us amidst a shifting staff structure. This distinct blend of legacy and future we acknowledge in our staff is also present in our church, as we continue to grow as a place that mines the resources of our past for a hopeful future, becoming more clear and faithful in our identity in this last year. Given the health and joy of 2017, our hopes for the year ahead are bold. As I shared some of mine, I used the structure of the blessing we share at the close of worship each Sunday. As we go we remember who we are:
Beloved of God— In the year ahead, this means ensuring no one falls through the cracks, and considering carefully who is forgotten or overlooked in our church. One example of this in the year ahead, includes a renewed focus on those oft-called “empty-nesters” as they reconnect to church in a critical stage of life. Further, our commitment to make sure all know their identity as beloved motivates continued evangelism and storytelling of the compelling grace of God we experience as a church through continued growth and welcome of new members. Finally, this acknowledgement of one another will involve emphasis on pastoral relationship with one another, particularly as we acknowledge the retirement of longtime Associate Pastor, Dr. Steve Pressley, and consider our care for one another. Followers of Jesus— In seeking to grow as friends and followers of Christ, we anticipate new opportunities in Spiritual Formation in the year ahead, including this month welcoming a candidate for the part-time Associate Pastor: Spiritual Formation position approved in December. Further, we hope for growth in our ministry to Youth and Families as we will welcome a candidate for Associate Pastor: Youth and Families this spring. Finally, we look forward to continuing to promote dialogue and conversation in our lives of faith so that we can model in church how to talk faithfully about things that matter, particularly in a polarized climate.
Loose in the World— As we consider how the Spirit sends us out, this year we have opportunity to continue to consider building renewal that will equip us for growing ministry over the next decade. We will bless and send members into ministry around the community and globe, including a group of High School youth and leaders who will travel to Thailand this summer. As we continue to serve far and near, we also will take opportunity this year for growth and clarity in Missions, as we strengthen our ministries. And finally, this is a year we will seek to more intentionally discern congregational vision that will guide us faithfully into the future.
As I consider where we are and where we’re going, I recognized a significant milestone in my own life. January marked 4 years and 4 months that I’ve been here as Pastor. That’s a strange milestone, except that it represents the longest tenure I’ve ever had with a church, and thus, I’ve now shared words of blessing and sending with you more than I have with any other congregation. I look forward to all the days ahead, as we go forward reminding one another and a wider world who we are as beloved of God and followers of Jesus who through the power of the Spirit are at loose in the world with the love of Christ. February 2018 | 3
Love Feast
Sunday, February 11 | 10 am - 12 Noon to support the High School Youth Choir Trip to Thailand
BC WILL HOST A combined worship service and meal as we celebrate the shared life and love of our entire church family. On this special day, we will begin Worship at 10 am in the Sanctuary and then transition to a table meal in the Fellowship Hall at 11 am hosted by our youth and their parents. During our time together, we will enjoy music from the Youth Choir and share a meal around the tables that culminates with the sweet beverage and pastry of the Moravian Love Feast! There will be no Sunday School, afternoon or evening activities that day. Freewill donations will be received at the tables to benefit this summer’s High School Choir Mission trip to Thailand. Although there is no cost for this meal, your registration will help us appropriately prepare for the Love Feast. There are three ways you can get your reservation. First, youth and parents will have registration sign ups available on Sundays and Wednesdays through February 7. Second, you can stop by the church office Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm and ask for Alisa Windsor. Third, you can sign-up at www.fbcgso.org/love-feast
New Beginnings in Roi Et, Thailand NOTE: Among our First Baptist Missions Partners are the Barbee Family who serve in Thailand. Below is an update of recent happenings in their life and ministry. Continue to pray with us for their teaching and mentoring ministry and don’t forget to consider supporting the youth summer trip with your presence at the Love Feast on February 11.
ELLO TO OUR dear First Baptist family from Chris, Dora, Natalie, Foster and John in Thailand! We love and miss you all! Chris’s father and step mother, Phil Barbee and Laura Lomax, keep us updated on life at First Baptist, and it makes us ALL wish we could be there! But, alas, we are still waiting on John’s adoption case to be passed, so that he is legally our son and we can take him out of the country. Please join us in praying over this situation! It truly has been a season of NEW for us in ministry and life in Roi Et, Thailand! We just moved into our new house that was built for our family by the school where we serve! It was an emotionally challenging move for us; though we only moved 200 meters down the road, all of our life and ministry in Thailand (including the birth of all three kiddos) are memories tied into that old place! We just had our second youth group meeting in our new house and the extra living space is a gift! We were able to separate the 28 girls from the 8 boys to have some deep discussions about teenage issues and intimacy tonight. God is working and moving our conversations into new areas and for that we are grateful! Additionally, we are praying that the new multipurpose pavilion being built at our English center will be finished in time for a big mid-year Easter celebration!
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Apart from new work and living spaces, God is blessing us tremendously with NEW TEAMMATES! We have been helping to prepare things for Andrew and Maggy Smith, along with their daughter Fern, who are in language school in Bangkok now getting ready to move up here in April! Plus, we will be mentoring one couple and one single who are currently fundraising to work alongside our team through TMS Global’s new 2-year internship called Co Lab! Please check out the TMS Global website at www.tms-global.org if you are interested! Finally, we are getting ready to host our first large team from the States…you! We are so excited to host the First Baptist youth choir this upcoming summer for their summer tour! Youth, get ready for an exciting cultural exchange and the opportunity to bless and be blessed by many Thai children, youth and adults (and maybe some Burmese refugees too!) Blessings to you all, and thank your for your partnership in God’s ministry in Thailand! We are honored to be your hands and feet on the other side of the world! Love in Christ, Chris, Dora, Natalie, Foster and John Barbee
Remember Your Loved Ones with Sanctuary Flowers
Ash Wednesday Worship
February 14 | 6:15 pm | Sanctuary All ages are invited to join us as we begin the Lenten season. With Ash Wednesday worship we meditate on our mortality, sinfulness, and need of a savior; renew our commitment to daily repentance in the Lenten season; and remember with confidence and gratitude that Christ has conquered death and sin!
Placing flowers in the Sanctuary on a Sunday morning allows you to remember your loved ones on a special day or honor someone for the blessing they’ve been in your life… while sharing the beauty of your gift with the entire congregation. Call Jane Anne Hayber in the Music office - janeanne@fbcgso.org | x239 for details and available dates.
Furman University Chamber Strings Free Concert March 4 | 3 pm FBC Sanctuary
Godspell Jr. May 5 & 6 Presented by Middle School Choir Assisted by Older Children’s Choir
AVE THE DATES OF May 5 & 6 as our talented Middle School Choir and Children’s Choir present this classic by Stephen Schwartz. Based on the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Godspell Jr. draws from various theatrical traditions such as clowning, pantomime, charades, acrobatics and vaudeville. Come and be a part of this groundbreaking and unique reflection on the life of Jesus, with a message of kindness, tolerance and love.
Save the date for this upcoming church-wide fundraiser to help offset costs for the youth trip to Thailand. Look for more details to come…
Saturday, April 14: Church-wide yard sale
February 2018 | 5
Lent 2018 – Practicing Our Faith | Fasting | Choices | Community | Justice | Forgiveness | Dying Well | Song | Testimony |
HIS LENT, WE TAKE SERIOUSLY what is means to “Practice our Faith.” As we look into the concepts presented in, Practicing our Faith: A guide for Conversation, Learning and Growth by Dorothy Bass, we dare to move beyond only fasting for Lent. Through sermons, small groups, and worship all ages of our church family can consider how to engage with faith practices in meaningful ways. Throughout the season of Lent we will explore new practices each Sunday in worship. You are then encouraged to engage it on your own through provided weekly meditations, and as a group through discussion. Since this is a whole church focus, our youth and children will be engaging with the practices during their regularly scheduled programming. Additionally, we will be offering unique mid-week small group sessions for Young Adults and Next Steppers. For additional information and how you can be plugged in, please contact Darnysha Nard - darnysha@fbcgso.org | x236.
Wednesday Nights during Lent 6:15-7:10 pm Join us on Wednesday nights beginning February 21 as we immerse ourselves in worship, study, and practice this Lenten season.
Practicing Our Faith (108-C)
Continuing with our Lenten theme, we will have the opportunity to explore “Practicing our Faith” in small group settings. One option will be on Wednesday nights as an Access class. Each week, we will discuss and reflect on the practice identified in Sunday’s sermon guided by Dorothy Bass’ book, Practicing our Faith: A guide for Conversation, Learning and Growth. We will take steps in learning to practice our faith in new and refreshing ways. Through time in scripture, followed by discussion, we will learn how to navigate into the sacred space that the Lenten Season provides in the midst of our busyness.
Chapel Bible Study: The Gospel of Mark (102) This class is led by Dr. Steve Pressley and is studying one chapter of Mark each week through Easter. 6 | Connections
Habitat for Humanity’s 2017 Building on Faith Home Dedication
IRST BAPTIST WAS AMONG the Greensboro church families collaborating in Habitat for Humanity’s 2017 Building on Faith home that was constructed for Shishay and Mebrehit Weldesamial and their children. The home was dedicated and celebrated on Saturday, January 13. Shishay and Mebrehit are originally from Eritrea, a small country in East Africa, coming to the United States in 2014 after spending four years in an Ethiopian Refugee Camp. Shishay is employed at Creative Snacks and Mebrehit manages the home. The family is excited about the opportunity to have a home of their own in a neighborhood where their young children can play outside. FBC will have another opportunity to participate in this year’s Building on Faith house which will begin construction in September of 2018.
Donate Food to the Greensboro Urban Ministry’s Food Pantry:
Bring donations of nonperishable food items to the bins in the Atrium.
FBC White Flag Drivers Needed: FBC will provide
stand-by drivers for the White Flag warming centers which provide shelter for the homeless on extremely cold nights. The commitment is to be on-call for the night you sign up. You are notified earlier in the day IF you will be needed to drive. More info: Gayle Wiley - 392-6341.
Winter at the Y: The
YWCA Greensboro Family Shelter provides shelter, food, case management and holistic support for families experiencing homelessness. For info on how you can help: Cookie Hamilton - cookie8061@aol.com | 676-7213 or Nancy Davis davisndn@aol.com | 674-2884.
WE! Shelter Opportunities: Warmth Radiates during Our Cold Winter
TARTING IN MID-DECEMBER, the New Jerusalem Winter Emergency! (WE!) Shelter has provided support for approximately 15 women from our community who are experiencing homelessness. In addition to the warm bed, delicious home-cooked meal and hot shower, the women have experienced God’s warmth and love through volunteers from FBC and other congregations. Located at 2505 Fairview Street in Greensboro, the Shelter Ministry provides an opportunity for FBC members to volunteer on Monday nights between now and the end of March. We have a wonderful pool of experienced volunteers who can make sure new volunteers know what to expect. You can check out the FBC website www.fbcgso.org/winter-emergency-womens-shelter or e-mail Geneva Metzger - geneva.metzger@outlook.com if you would like additional information. Each Monday evening, we need FBC volunteers for: •Greeters (5-7 pm) •Hospitality Hosts (5-7:30 or 7:30-9:30 pm) •Preparing Dinner (deliver around 6:15 pm) •Preparing Lunch Bags (deliver between 5 & 7:30 pm on Monday) •Bus Drivers: (7-8 am Tuesdays) Contact Gayle Wiley - gayle@richardlwiley.com | 852-2768 or sign up on the website if you are interested in being a driver for the shelter. Finally, supply donations such as paper products, cereal, cleaning products and coffee can be dropped off in the box in the FBC Atrium. February 2018 | 7
Moms’ Group starts back on February 5
EGINNING THAT MONDAY, FBC’s Moms’ Group will gather to study the enneagram. The enneagram is a powerful ancient tool used for understanding our motivations, behaviors and experiences. Using Suzanne Stabile’s curriculum, The Enneagram Journey, we will learn more about ourselves and how we engage with the world around us. Knowing ourselves better goes hand in hand with knowing God better; so please join us as we seek to grow in our faith by understanding who God created us to be. It is important to sign up in advance in order to reserve a participant guide to use at our weekly meetings. The guide is $20, but scholarships are available if you have need. Please sign up by January 28 by e-mailing Courtney Willis - cmjw13@gmail.com Mom’s Group meets on Monday mornings from 9:30-11 am with free childcare available beginning at 9:15 am.
Worship Folders
ACH SUNDAY MORNING there are binders that include activities for children during worship. Make sure you grab one for your child on your way into worship!
SAVE THE DATES… Family Lenten Workshop March 4 (Su) from 5-7 pm
Sign up here: www.fbcgso.org/family-lenten-workshop-2
Brunch & “Resurrection Egg Hunt” March 25 (Su) following the worship service www.fbcgso.org/brunch-and-resurrection-egg-hunt-2
Vacation Bible School
July 16-19 from 9 am - 12 noon
VBS is for children ages 4 through 5th grades. Our current 4th and 5th graders will participate in local mission projects during the week. Registration will begin mid February so be on the lookout for more information. 8 | Connections
Pathfinders Class: Discerning Baptism
S YOUR CHILD STARTING to ask questions about baptism and showing interest in making that commitment? Do they want to learn more about what following Jesus really looks like? This class is geared toward children who are in upper elementary school who are seeking to learn more about what it means to be a disciple and who are contemplating baptism. We will meet in Christina’s office on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15 am from February 18-March 18. Please email Christina at christina@fbcgso.org if your child will be attending or if you have questions if they are ready for this class.
Share the Love in February
URING THIS MONTH when we celebrate love, we invite you to share the love with those in need in our community. Especially during the week of Valentine’s Day, February 12-16, we will be collecting food items for Greensboro Urban Ministry’s Food Bank. As we celebrate Valentine’s Day this week, we will have a decorated food donation box conveniently placed as you enter the school. On your next Costco, Target or Grocery run, consider having your children help pick out a few extra things to bring to school to share with those who are hungry. Good ideas of what to share include: • Canned Tuna, Chicken etc. • Peanut Butter • Canned vegetables • Applesauce or Fruit Cups • Soups • Oatmeal • Macaroni & cheese • Diapers, all sizes • Formula • Baby food and Toddler pouches
EGISTRATION IS OPEN for preschool next year! Contact Amy Kirkman - amy@fbcgso.org | x241 to arrange a tour. Information about our preschool and specific classes and tuition rates can be found on our preschool page: www.fbcgso.org Registration can be completed online under our preschool page as well.
“Trying to find somewhere to watch the big game?
OOK NO FARTHER! The youth will be watching together in the Cafe. For football lovers, there will be intense talk of QBRs and debates over foul calls. For those who are apathetic towards football, there will be rating of commercials, a halftime show, and good company. There will be pizza, and guys are encouraged to bring sides and girls encouraged to bring desserts. We will be watching the whole game, but parents can pick up students at their discretion. We would also like to invite adults in the church to come watch with us. If you’re interested in spending some fun time with youth, contact Sarah by email - sarah@fbcgso.org February 2018 | 9
Dr. Steve Sumerel – “London & Beyond”
TEVE SUMEREL will share with the PrimeTime audience highlights of his recent time in England. Through this program we will share some measure of his delight in stepping into history, toward a time when unquestioned orthodoxy was challenged and the landscape of both faith and science would never be the same.
FEBRUARY 5 PRIMETIME BIBLE STUDY will examine Matthew 19: With man (salvation) is impossible, but with God all things are possible, taught by Dr. Steve Pressley. MINISTRY MOMENT: Rev. Courtney Stamey PrimeTime at FBC includes: 9 am: Ceramics, Gym | 11 am: Bible Study, 101 12 noon: Lunch, 108 – Cost: $6/person – Reservation Deadline: February 1. To sign up for lunch, contact Marty Kellam: marty@fbcgso.org | x245
Save the date for the March 5 PrimeTime program: Dr. Bob Gatten – “ The Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1803-1806”
Intersection of Faith and Science Mondays, March 12, 19 & 26 6:30 - 8 pm | Room 102 Steve Sumerel will present his research on the intersection of faith and science which he studied while on sabbatical. There will be a concentration of Darwin’s ideas’ on evolution and the effects on the church at the time – and the continued effects today. This class is a part of our FRONT series. Refreshments will be provided. Please email Steve to let him know you plan on attending: steves@fbcgso.org 10 | Connections
A Gathering Community (AGC) upcoming study:
IVE TO RECEIVE. Die to live. Lose to win. Jesus taught such paradoxes, and people listened though these teachings and the lessons themselves seemed contradictory. While initially confusing, says Tom Taylor, these paradoxes are the key to contentment, a fuller life, and a deeper faith. AGC’s ten week study will use this book as our basis for discussions of the paradoxes that Jesus presents in the Gospels. Contact Joe Garcia for more info about joining the study joe.garcia@triad.rr.com | 587-6220. We will begin the study on Sunday, March 4.
Thanks to All Who Helped Us Finish Well in 2017! Highlights include the following:
• Total operating receipts for 2017 of $1,829,466 exceeded budget by over $64,000. • The receipts for December 2017 of $334,967 were $65,229 higher than December 2016. • The Christmas Eve offering to help sister CBF church, the Iglesia Bautista Metropolis (Metropolis Baptist Church) in Carolina, Puerto Rico totaled $13,142! • There were 267 commitments made to the 2018 budget, which is three more than last year, and the highest in three years. • 2018 commitments totaled $1,230,713, a $69,993 increase over last year.
January Church Conference Summary The monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday, January 14,
2018 in the Fellowship Hall.
Submit Your Nominations for Deacons and Other Lay Leaders: Be sure to pick up your form to enter your nominations for deacons and other committees and officers. They are available at Sanctuary doors and kiosks.
State of the Church | 2017 by the Numbers (Continued from Page 3) Giving We celebrate the generosity of our church in 2017. In addition to the information listed in the Financial Summary above, it is encouraging to note that along with the continued faithfulness of longtime members, members who have joined from 2011-2017 are among our most generous givers when compared to other joining decades.
Attendance We experienced a drop in overall average attendance throughout 2017 — the lowest since 2012. While this is consistent with wider church attendance patterns, given the centrality of corporate worship for our congregation, we hope to see commitment to attendance in 2018, along with the various other touchpoints and connections. As a positive attendance trend, our childcare and overall children’s attendance continues to grow. In fact, the 5 highest Sundays for Children’s attendance since 2009 all occurred in the last year.
Membership We understand ourselves to be a healthy and growing church. While we see a lot of new faces and involved newcomers, 2017 saw a downward trend in formal new members with the lowest number since 2012. In 2018, we will be celebrating the commitment of membership and returning to a regular pattern of membership classes in an effort to maximize our efforts of evangelism and growth. Of note in our membership numbers over the last 15 years: • Highest number of deaths in 2017 since 2009. • Highest number of transfers in 2017 since 2008. Note: we track all transfers, and in 2017 11 were physical moves/ relocations, 9 were staff and members “blessed and sent” by the congregation to serve new churches, and 8 were transfers to other congregations within Greensboro. • Lowest net membership since 2009, following 4 of the 5 net positive years since 1999.
February 2018 | 11
Stay Connected on the Go with the Churchlife App
AVE YOU EVER NEEDED a church member’s phone number or address when you are away from home or the church is closed? Well, the Churchlife app could be very helpful to you. The Churchlife app is a FREE, easy to use app that will give you instant access to the FBC contact database from your mobile devices. Only FBC members in our database have access to this information. You can easily look up phone numbers, addresses, and emails for each person in our Access ACSTM database. The app will even map a route to an address! Simply login using your Access ACSTM Member username and password from the “SignIn” at the top of the FBC website. Note: We have no access to your password, but we can help you with your username. We can help you reset your password if needed or you can reset it from the website link. If you have questions, contact Scott North scott@fbcgso.org | x226.
Keep us updated! If you’ve had any changes to your contact information (phone, email, and address) let us know. If your children move, get married, go to college or graduate — we need to know that too! Send all updates to Rosemary Kellam: rosemary@fbcgso.org | x231. You can also update your member information via the private FBC Member website – click the “Sign In” button at the top of the website. All FBC members can create a login/ password and have online access to your giving summary, church calendar, online registrations, search information, etc. Go to www.fbcgso.org to get started! Subscribe to the online version of Connections: FBC produces Connections in a printed format, but also in an online version with “active” links within the document that allow the reader to send an email or to access websites for more information. To subscribe, go to www.fbcgso.org/newsletter Keep up with FBC thru social media: “Like” us on Facebook REMIND Messaging for youth & parents: Sign up to receive one-way REMINDers of youth events via Text or Email – you choose Middle School, High School or Both! You can also join the Youth Choir group. Sign up at: www.fbcgso.org/youth
12 | Connections
Responding to the Invitation
Genelle and Seth Hix
with Caleb and Madilyn ( January 7)
Will and Margaret Crawford ( January 21)
Join FBC’s Team of Those Who Greet and Answer the Phone
T’S SUCH A GIFT to have members of our congregation be the face and voice of our church as people enter our doors. We would love to add a few more people to this team of folks who greet those who come to our doors and call in on the phones for a few hours a week. Currently, we have needs to fill on the following days and times: • Tuesdays: 1 pm - 5 pm • Wednesdays: 1 pm - 5 pm • Fridays: 9 am - 1 pm • Fridays: 1 pm - 5 pm If you are interested in helping out this way, contact Rosemary Kellam - rosemary@fbcgso.org | x231.
February Birthdays: (No FBC birthdays 4, 6, 9, 11, 12)
1. Bill Crawford, Chris Ripley, Tina Stutts, Catherine Tate 2. Marie Jones, Diffee Lambert 3. Ernie Ohlson 5. Kent Gilliland, Margaret Petty, Susan Steelman 7. Phil Hix, Norene Hunt 8. Quint Bradford, Bill Johnson, Ben Miller, Cecil Mills, Rachel Perry, Lollis Reynolds 10. Jan Hill, Paige Kalish, Ann Pember, Natalie Smith 13. Jennifer Chapman, Alex Hauselman, Freda Rushton, Gina Waters 14. Claudia Tutterow, Patrick Whitehead 15. Stu Allen 16. Marty Kellam, JJ Moore 17. Clay Gooding, Cliff Lowery 18. Joyce English, Leroy Hartgrove, Elsa Troxler 19. Cooper Harrell, Lynn Huneycutt 20. Ward Burch, Arlene McCraw, Mark Messick 21. Wesley Thacker 22. Frank Irvin, Brenda Porterfield, Jack Sherouse 23. Elizabeth Eagle, Kyleigh Pegram, Seth Williams, Caleb Wilson 24. Susan Bowers, Emily Lewis, Marguerite Miller, Rob Terrell 25. Keyhomic Clack, Grant Duggins, Landon Duggins, Courtney Frost 26. William Hardy, Eden Homes, Kevin Pegram, Ann Webb 27. Bettie Johnson 28. Michael Campbell, Raina Gould 29. David Culclasure
College Birthday Caleb Wilson | February 23 3405 Smoketree Drive, Greensboro, NC 27410 | calebwilson3241@yahoo.com
Welcome New Baby: Wyatt John Wise | Born: December 27 | Parents: Beth and Matt Wise
• Joe White in the loss of his sister, Bettye King, on December 27 • Dottie Gordon in the loss of her brother, J.R. McDowell, on December 28 • Thom Little in loss of his father, Henry Thomas Little, on January 2 • Steve Sumerel in the loss of his mother, Eloise Sumerel, on January 2 • Margaret Swanson in the loss of her brother, William Gore, on January 3 • Rachel Shackelford in the loss of her brother, Dennis Hartgrove, on January 4 • Jean Bundy, in the loss of her brother Clarence Blythe, on January 12 • Phil Hix in the loss of his brother, Steve Hix, on January 12 Please notify Rosemary Kellam if you would like to receive email notification of member deaths and memorials along with the Deacons – rosemary@fbcgso.org | x231 February 2018 | 13
February @ FBC
Wednesday Night Weekly Activities You Belong at the Table… Meals: 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Classes: 6:15 pm - 7:10 pm Feb. 7: Fried Fish Feb. 14: Chicken Portofino Feb. 21: Wings Feb. 28: Pasta
Weekly Children’s Extras: Yogurt, Fresh Fruits & Veggies, Etc. Reservations are encouraged for meals.
14 | Connections
Regular Weekly Schedule SUNDAY AM
•Bible Study | 9:15 am •Worship | 10:30 am •College Lunch/Bible Study | 12 noon, Café SUNDAY PM
•Adult Bells | 6 pm, Sanctuary •Youth Discipleship | 6:20 pm, 301 •Sanctuary Choir | 7 pm, 311 WEDNESDAY EVENINGS
Fellowship Meal Reservations Reservations due Monday, 12 noon. Cancellations due Tuesday, 12 noon. Meal reservation? Online: www.fbcgso.org/calendarevents OR Marty Kellam – x245 | marty@fbcgso.org Fellowship Hall | 5:30 pm (serving begins at 5 pm) Kids’ Programming | 6 pm Youth Forum | 6:15 pm Adult Classes | 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir | 7:15 pm, 311
• •
•3, 10, 17, 24 (Sa): Upward Games. Gym/Café, 8:45 am-2 pm •4, 11, 18, 25 (Su): College Lunch/Bible Study. Café, 12 noon •4 (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 4 pm •4 (Su): Youth Big Game Party. Café, 6 pm •5 (M): PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch •5 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •6 (Tu): Grace Meal Preparation. Kitchen, 5 pm •6 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •7 (W): Grace Meal Pick-Up & Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm •7, 14, 21, 28 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. 108, 5:30 pm (serving begins at 5 pm) •11 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •11 (Su): Love Feast. 10 am - 12 noon •13 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •14 (W): Ash Wednesday. Sanctuary, 6:15 pm •16 (F): Mobile Meals. Peace United Church of Christ, 9:30 am •21 (W): Building & Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm •21, 28 (W): Adult Classes. 6:15-7:10 pm •24 (Sa): Upward Celebration. Gym, 6 pm •27 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm •27 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm SAVE THE DATE FOR:
•Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Missions •Weekday School •Worship •Youth
A Thousand Words‌
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram.
From shoveling snow to volunteering with the Upward ministry, the First Baptist family is enjoying opportunities to provide service and encouragement to others this winter. February 2018 | 15
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401 www.fbcgso.org
Everyone is invited to the
Upward Celebration featuring entertainment by
Steve Somers Saturday, February 24 6 pm | FBC Gym Steve Somers is the founder of Amazing Teacher, a company that produces educational presentations designed to train, motivate and inspire young and old alike. Using tricks, illusions, drama, puppetry, stories, and music Steve makes learning fun wherever he goes! He is going to share with us about the virtues of courage, patience, and kindness.