Connections - February 2015 Newsletter

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FEBRUARY 2015 // // 336.274.3286

Eat lunch and support the Christian Assistance Fund

Souper Bowl first baptist church greensboro

Sunday, February 1 after Worship, Fellowship Hall

Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.

Blessing the Dust Š Jan Richardson

p4 | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

March Connections Deadline: February 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office.

Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Dolores Donahue, Administrative Assistant: Finance / / x226 Ashley Gill Harrington, Interim Minister for Children and Families / / x241 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Kate Kitchen, Homebound Ministry Director / 202-5757 Scott North, Church Administrator / x222 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions / x295 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Marion Smith, Facilities Supervisor, x243 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238

2 | Connections

February 2015 3 Insight 4 Connect with Missions & the Community

–Compassion and Advocacy for our Neighbors –WE! Shelter: A Place for Men (and Women) Volunteers! –Hope Academy - Volunteer Opportunities –Souper Bowl –Habitat Faith Build

5 Connect with Worship

–Ash Wednesday Service –Celebrate Life! –February Worship Schedule

6 Connect with Adults

–Upcoming PrimeTime Programs –Adult Access will continue into February –Get in FRONT this Year –Explore 1st –New Library Books

7 Connect with Business

– “multumesc!” –Special February Offering –Severe Weather Policy –Committee on Committees is Taking Nominations –Year-End Financial Update

8-9 Connect with Youth & College

–FBC Summer Missions –Valentine Banquet –Youth Super Bowl Party –DiscipleNow Weekend –Unidiversity 2015 - “It’s Complicated...” –College Lunch –College Birthdays

10 Connect with One Another 11 February Calendar 12 Connect with Children

–Gimme Five! –Everyone is invited to the Upward Celebration

About the Cover: February 18 is Ash Wednesday and Blessing the Dust by Jan Richardson depicts the conflict we feel between mourning our sin and worshipping our Savior.



fter the recent birth of our son, Charles Warner Sherouse (his friends call him “Warner”), First Baptist Church gave me the wonderful gift of a Paternity Leave – 1 week off, 2 weeks half-time, and 3 Sundays out of the pulpit. The great risk of such a time is that you as a congregation might remember just how unnecessary I am! Others preached and served and pastored, and the church grew and thrived in the goodness of God without me. As it turns out, the church is the church, even with a pastor at home for a few weeks. Somehow, in some way, I’ll have to rebuild my ego! Still the far greater gift of this time was the chance to be away from one place and fully present in another. While fully present at home with my family, we were able to grow into this new world of 5. Jenny and I watched our older children become a big sister and an even bigger brother. We learned some of our baby boy’s idiosyncrasies and traits, patterns and sounds. We were able to share with family and friends who dropped by or visited. And we were blessed to receive wonderful hospitality from so many who surrounded us in these early weeks to offer care, food, love and prayers. As much as I love what I do, what a gift it was to be away. Jesus seemed to understand the power of away. In one instance, in the 6th chapter of the gospel of Mark, in the midst of the frantic work and frenetic pace he and his followers had assumed, Jesus calls them away. They had expended much energy trying and traveling, crossing the sea again and again, feeling vulnerable and wasted, and finally Jesus invites them to withdraw

from the crowds and find rest. “Come away and rest,” he says (Mark 6:31). We can imagine the scene, because it’s a scene we live. Our lives are demanding and fast-paced, with many pressures and challenges – especially at the start of a new year. In her book, An Altar in the World, Barbara Brown Taylor points out how often when asked “How are you?” it is customary for us to reply, “I am so busy.” It reminds me of a scene from a book called God and Human Freedom – a collection of essays in honor of the great preacher, mystic and civil rights prophet, Howard Thurman. A pastor in Evanston, Ill recalls having Dr. Thurman as a guest in his church. As he welcomed Dr. Thurman into his office, he shared with Dr. Thurman all of the things he was doing in his ministry and all of the new programs the church was starting to reach out into the community. And after he shared all that he was doing, Dr. Thurman finally looked in his direction and asked, “And who are you?” The pastor said at that moment he was reminded that he was always doing, doing, doing, and rarely stopping to be. How easily we can forget who we are for what we do. I am the father of Warner. And I thank you deeply for the time to withdraw from what I do to remember who I am in these earliest days of my son’s life. And as we as a church continue to do so many magnificent things in the year ahead, above all else let us help one another remember who we are as beloved children of God.

Dear First Baptist Family: Thank you so much for the grand hospitality offered to us at the recent “Sip and See” for Warner, held in the church parlor on January 18. We are so grateful that he is born not only into our family, but also into the wider family of First Baptist Church. We know he will always know the safety and love of God through your care for him, and thank you for these early assurances of that.

Charles Warner Sherouse born December 29, 2014 8:02am, 8.16 lbs., 21 in.

Our love and appreciation, Alan and Jenny Sherouse

February 2015 | 3

Connect with Missions & the Community Compassion and Advocacy for our Neighbors


I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits. MLK


n January 19, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I had the privilege to attend a breakfast and an Interfaith Worship Service honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Both were inspiring and motivating to continue the social work that Dr. King did and the many others whose names are unknown or forgotten. As a church we are called out to not only show compassion for our neighbors but to be advocates and to use our voice for our oppressed neighbors. One of my favorite advocacy organizations is Bread for the World. On this day, they posted this quote by Martin Luther King, Jr., “I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits.” We have the ability to make this dream come true. Check out their website: The website will guide you on how to encourage our nation’s leaders to end hunger, provide information on who and how many are hungry in our world, as well as update you on Food Aid Reform. Information, contact Kim Priddy - | x295.

Help Restock Shelves at GUM’s Food Pantry - Sunday, February 1


ood Pantry shelves are always low and sometimes empty during these cold, winter months. Sunday, February 1 we are challenging everyone to bring canned foods with them to church and place them in the collection boxes in the Atrium. All canned goods collected will be delivered to the Greensboro Urban Ministry’s Food Pantry.

WE! Shelter: A Place for Men (and Women) Volunteers!


BC is faithfully supporting the YWCA Winter Emergency Shelter from now through the end of March. There are opportunities to volunteer in many ways and, while you might not expect it, there’s a need for men volunteers as well as women. Ellis Vaughn has volunteered as a Greeter, welcoming the women when they arrive at the shelter and visiting with them during dinner. Ellis notes, “Positive male role models are valuable to volunteer organizations. As good men, we tend to focus on our own families. While this is good, there are many who seldom see men in caring roles. Men can serve as Greeters and Hospitality volunteers as long as a woman is also serving in the role. Men can also serve dinner and support the Shelter with special talents or expertise they would like to share with the women guests. As Ellis has said, “men serving in these roles not only fulfills a need for ‘person power’, but also provide opportunities for the women guests to meet and relate to men from different backgrounds.” Male or female, young or old, there’s a place for everyone to serve at the WE! Shelter. More Information:

Hope Academy - Volunteer Opportunities


ope Academy kicks off the spring semester of Extended Day programs for 5-8th grades and After School programs for K-4th. We would love to have you join us as a tutor/mentor this semester. • K-4th Grade Tutoring: Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday | 3:30-5 pm Work one day a week with a student on school subjects. Training is provided. • 5-8th Grade Enrichment Activities: Tuesday or Thursday | 3:30-5 pm Work with the same 2-3 students in a group one day each week completing hands-on enrichment activities that enhance their learning. We plan the activities and give you everything you need to lead -- just show up with enthusiasm! Sign up at: 4 | Connections

Souper Bowl

Sunday, February 1 after Worship, Fellowship Hall Warm your body and your soul with delicious homemade soups at our Annual Souper Bowl Lunch. The cost for the lunch is your donation to the Christian Assistance Fund. All proceeds will benefit those in our community in need of financial assistance. This fund is a vital ministry for our church and our community.

Habitat Faith Build


et your hard hats and hammers ready! FBC is joining with other churches in Greensboro to help build two Habitat Homes. There are two homes being built side by side on Holts Chapel Road beginning Saturday, February 21. Be on the lookout for ways to sign up yourself or a team to work on a Saturday between February and June. This is a great team building opportunity for those in our congregation to work with other faith communities.

Connect with Worship

Ash Wednesday Service February 18, 6:15 pm Sanctuary

All ages are invited to join us on Ash Wednesday as we mark the beginning of Lent – The aim of Ash Wednesday worship is threefold: to meditate on our mortality, sinfulness, and need of a savior; to renew our commitment to daily repentance in the Lenten season and in all of life; and to remember with confidence and gratitude that Christ has conquered death and sin. Ash Wednesday worship is filled with gospel truth. Artwork (Connections cover): Blessing the Dust © Jan Richardson |

The Musical

February Worship

Sundays 10:30 am | Wednesdays 6:15 pm February 1

Special Emphasis: Baptism/Lord’s Supper Alan Sherouse, preaching All Broken People (Mark 1:21-28) Music Leaders: High School Bells | Middle School Drumming Circle |Youth Choir

February 8

Alan Sherouse, preaching People Who Can Fly (Isaiah 40:21-31 & Mark 1:29-39) Music Leaders: Sanctuary Choir | Children’s Choir

February 15

Alan Sherouse, preaching Lonely Places (Mark 1:40-45) Music Leader: Sanctuary Choir

February 18

Ash Wednesday

February 22

Special Emphasis: Lent I Alan Sherouse, preaching Music Leaders: Adult Bells | Instrumental Ensemble February 2015 | 5

Connect with Adults

PrimeTime@FBC PrimeTime includes: 9 am: Ceramics, Gym 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A 11 am: Bible Study, 102 12 noon: Lunch, 108

PrimeTime February 2

Rev. Kim Priddy FBC’s Associate Pastor: Missions

“Our Mission” Missions is vital to FBC and its ministry in the Greensboro community and the world. Come hear what God has laid on Kim’s heart for the PrimeTime audience. In response to requests from persons unable to attend the earlier sabbatical report, Steve Pressley will devote the February 2 edition of PrimeTime Bible Study to a reprise of his slide presentation on “The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” witnessed from a pilgrim’s point-ofview. Note that the PrimeTime Bible Study will now be held in room 102, on the ground floor.

PrimeTime March 2

Elizabeth Hudson Editor-in-Chief of “Our State” Magazine Come hear about the magazine whose mission is to reflect the beauty of North Carolina. Reservation deadline: February 26. Sign up online: or contact Rosemary Kellam - 274-3286, x225 or

Adult Access classes will continue into February Wednesday nights, 6:15 - 7:10 pm • The Passion Narratives (meets in the Chapel)

• The Worship Architect

(meets in 102 thru February 11)

• Women’s Book Study Group (meets in the Café)

6 | Connections

Get in FRONT this Year


uring 2015 we will offer four different FRONT mini-semesters. Each tract will engage our students in a focused and intensive study within the fields of Old and New Testament Studies, Church History, and Christian Theology. The first of these mini-semesters begins in February. We hope to see you in FRONT.

FRONT in February: The Bible’s Story

Led by Robb Wells

Mondays in February, Room 102 | 2nd at 5:30 pm | 9th, 16th, 23rd at 7 pm These sessions will explore the ways in which the Bible came to be in the form we know it today. This is not only a seminar on history; Robb will also explore the implications of the numerous translations of the Bible in use today. Registration is not required, but it is requested. For more information and to register, contact Steve Sumerel - - 274-3286, x288 or sign up online:

Find out what FBC is all about…

Explore 1st

Sundays, February 8, 15, & 22 | 9:15 am

The next series of Explore 1st sessions will be held in February in the Pastor’s Study. These sessions are designed to help visitors, non-members who are actively participating in the life of FBC, and new members wanting to learn more about our community of faith. We explore the workings of our church by giving participants the opportunity to have conversation with pastoral staff and lay leaders. We also explore what we share in common with other congregations and those things which set us apart. If you know someone who might benefit from Explore 1st, contact Jessica Hartman - - 274-3286, x231, or Steve Sumerel - - 274-3286, x233.

New Library Books



he following books were donated to the FBC Library and have been added to our collections. How fortunate we are to receive such current books written by some of the best selling authors. In addition to those already added, there are more to be processed. I want to send out a sincere thank you for all the generous donations over the past year, and I appreciate you thinking of your church library. So, don’t let the cold weather get you down. Instead, read a good book that will warm your soul. Happy reading!

• The Clifton Chronicles Series by Jeffrey Archer: Only Time Will Tell, The Sins of the Father, Best Kept Secret, Be Careful What You Wish For • The Tudor Rose by Margaret Barnes Campbell • The Crown by Nancy Bilyeau • Cavendon Hall by Barbara Bradford • The Cat Who Smelled a Rat by Lilian Jackson Braun • Novels by Elizabeth Chadwick: The Greatest Knight, Lady of the English, The Outlaw Knight, A Place Beyond Courage, To Defy a King, The Summer Queen: A Novel of Eleanor of Aquitaine • The Fort: A Novel of the Revolutionary War by Bernard Cornwell • Prince of Ravenscar by Catherine Coulter • Porch Lights by Dorothea Benton Frank

Connect with Business “multumesc!” (translated from Romanian to English as Thank You!)


hank you for your generous spirit during December and Christmas Eve. Our special offering for December was CBF Missions Giving. We heard from Martha Spangler about the importance of supporting the work of our missionaries who are around the world spreading the Good News of God’s love through Word and ministry. We have sent a check for $11,000. And, OH BOY, the Christmas Eve offering totaled approximately $10,500. These funds will go to Romania to help Alex Ghita purchase a car to help in the many churches that he serves and funds will also go to Project Ruth. Both these ministries are reaching people for Christ. Most importantly, do not forget our prayers are still needed for those serving.

Special February Offering During February we will support the CBFNC (Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina). CBFNC brings together Baptists in NC for Christ-Centered ministry. In March 2014 we hosted their annual conference. The conference provided a way for ministries to collaborate and to learn. It has been a wonderful resource to FBC as we have looked for ways to grow our missions ministry.

Sunday, February 8–

Community Lunch followed by Church Conference 12 noon, Fellowship Hall. No reservations are required. $6/person – $20/family max.

Severe Weather Policy


n all cases, we encourage church members to use their best judgment and exercise caution when deciding whether to travel to church during winter weather. Any decision to change our normal schedule is made by the Pastor in consultation with other ministers and church leaders. When considering a change, we utilize the following guidelines. If no change is posted, the schedule will continue as normal. Sunday Morning: Given the centrality of our corporate worship, we hardly ever close, and only in cases of the most severe weather. Any change to the schedule will be posted on the church website, the church Facebook page, and to local news by 7:00 am on Sunday morning. Wednesday and Weekdays We rarely close, and do not directly follow the Guilford County School schedule. Any change to the schedule will be posted to the church website and local news by Noon on Wednesday whenever possible.

Committee on Committees Is Taking Nominations


t is time for us to consider who we will nominate to vital positions of servant and administrative leadership in our church in the coming year. We celebrate the many gifted leaders in our congregation, and we ask for your help in identifying these gifts. Please consider whom among our members you would nominate for Deacon, Finance Committee, Church Clerk, and Assistant Treasurer. Thank you for considering your nominations carefully and prayerfully. The Committee on Committees: Lee Barnett, Randy Bowers, Chris Canipe, Louise Garcia, Debbie Garner, Dan Kennedy, Elaine McRae, Tammy Miller, Deanna Pegram, Davis Troxler (chair), Frances Upchurch, Monica Vaughan, and Judyth White. Nominations are due by Friday, February 13. Forms will be available in the church office, Atrium, or online - You are encouraged to submit your own name for any position for which you are willing to serve, if nominated and elected.

Year-End Financial Update Receipts for December were better in 2014 than in 2013 and helped FBC to close the deficit gap. Preliminary results are listed below:

December 2014 Financial Update The financial summary is below. Receipts & Distributions



Last Year

December Budget Receipts $ 260,694 $ 229,643 $ 236,947 YTD Budget Receipts $ 1,703,080 $ 1,765,000 $ 1,693,872 YTD Budget Disbursements $ 1,779,118 $ 1,765,000 $ 1,757,474 YTD Budget Differential $ (76,038) 0 $ (63,602) Commitments received thus far for the 2015 year include 291 individual or family commitments in the amount of $1,349,176. These numbers represent an increase over last year’s commitments of 285 and $1,310,977 respectively. February 2015 | 7

Connect with Youth & College

College Mission Trip to NYC Join us for May @ Metro 2015 Urban Immersion. We will learn, listen, and serve alongside one another in the heart of the quintessential urban environment, New York City, and we will explore together how our faith fits into this experience. Our trip will be either the extended weekend of May 7 - 12 or May 14 - 19. Cost is approximately $250/person. For more information or to sign up, contact Steve Cothran | 809-4047.

Middle School Mission Unidiversity June 22 - 26

Mission UNIDIVERSITY will be June 22-26, 2015. We will work in the Nicholtown area of Greenville, SC doing renovation work in the Phyllis Wheatley Community Center. Early registration (now thru February 28) is $200/person. Late registration/space available sign-up (March 1 - 31) is $225/person. A $50 deposit reserves your spot for the week.

High School CLUE Camp NYC June 26 - July 4

CLUE Camps (Children Living the Urban Experience) are a part of Metro Baptist Church and will involve ministry to 40+ children in grades 1-6. CLUE Camps will be June 26 - July 4. Early registration (now thru February 28) is $250/person. Late registration/space available sign-up (March 1 31) is $275/person. A $50 deposit reserves your spot for the week.

Sign up online: Questions: Steve Cothran -, 274-3286, x235 8 | Connections




Connect with Youth & College


It’s an FBC Tradition!

2015 Valentine Banquet Youth Missions Fundraiser Friday, February 13, 6:30 pm Fellowship Hall Love takes many forms throughout the year. This February you have the chance to show us which school you love by donning your colors and joining us for our 2015 Valentine Banquet. Ticket cost: $15/person. Tickets are on sale Sundays in the Atrium and Wednesday nights in the Fellowship Hall until February 8. Childcare ($5/child) is available by reservation only (infants-5th grade). Proceeds support summer youth missions.

Youth Super Bowl Party Sunday, February 1 • 6 pm until half-time, Café Youth are invited for snacks and football. • Boys - Salty snack and drink • Girls - Sweet snack and drink

DiscipleNow Weekend March 20-22 Youth will enjoy fun, fellowship, and a deeper walk with Christ. Cost: $40/ person (includes meals, lodging, Bible study materials, activities, and t-shirt.) Sign-up:

Unidiversity 2015 - “It’s Complicated...” July 20-25 @ University of Tennessee Grow in your faith during an incredible week of fun learning about God with friends from churches all over the Southeast. We will experience God’s invitation, forgiveness, and power through worship, community, and small groups! Early registration (now thru April 1) is $320/person. After April 1, the cost is $350/person if space is available. A $75 deposit reserves your spot for the week. Sign-up online: For more info about Unidiversity:

College Ministry @FBC College Lunch Sunday, February 22 Café, 12 noon

College Birthdays Ben Miller | February 8

115 Estes Drive Ext., Carrboro, NC 27510

Clay Gooding | February 17

3721 Sage Drive, Greensboro, NC 27410

Courtney Frost | February 25

East Carolina University, White Hall 909, Greenville, NC 27858 |

Victoria Pray | February 26

NC State University, Campus Box 15921, Lee Hall, Room 912-C, Raleigh, NC 27607

If you have a college student: Send us their birthday and up-to-date contact information: / 274.3286, x288

February 2015 | 9

Connect with One Another

Responding to the Invitation

Nancy Davis (on January 4) By Statement

I was searching for a church home where I could serve and worship the Lord. I believe I’ve found that place of service at FBC. I know I’ve found a place where I can worship!

Julia “Cookie” Hamilton

Mary Lee Porterfield

(on January 4) By Statement

(on January 18) By Statement

We are excited to welcome Cookie to our FBC community. We look forward to getting to know Cookie and ministering alongside her here at FBC.

I have been impressed from the start with the thoughtful, intentional, inclusive approach to worship. First Baptist is a special place, and that was evident right away. I wanted to be a part of a church so filled with love that it was palpable even on my very first visit.

February Birthdays 1. Bill Crawford, Chris Ripley, Tina Stutts, Catherine Tate 2. Marie Jones, Diffee Lambert, Anna Stephens, Winfred White 3. Ernie Ohlson 4. No FBC Birthdays 5. Kent Gilliland, Margaret Petty, Susan Steelman 6. No FBC Birthdays 7. Phil Hix, Norene Hunt, Arthur Shackelford 8. Quint Bradford, Raina Gould, Bill Johnson, Ben Miller, Cecil Mills, Rachel Perry, Lollis Reynolds, Brad Twigg 9. Lee Barnett, Vivian Rallings 10. Tommy Gurley, Jan Hill, Paige Kalish, Ann Pember, Natalie Smith 11. Chris Carter, Ruth Ivey 12. Ruth Elliott, Tommy Vancil 13. Scott Ferris, Alex Hauselman, Freda Rushton, Gina Waters 14. Claudia Tutterow 15. Stu Allen 16. Marty Kellam, JJ Moore 17. Clay Gooding, Cliff Lowery 18. Joyce English, Leroy Hartgrove, Steve Snavely, Elsa Troxler 19. Cooper Harrell, Lynn Huneycutt 10 | Connections

20. Ward Burch, D. B. Cobb, Norma Jean Coble, Arlene McCraw, Mark Messick, Haley Parrish 21. Virginia Royal, Wesley Thacker 22. Frank Irvin, Greg Pray, Brenda Porterfield, Jack Sherouse, Margaret Willard 23. Elizabeth Eagle, Kyleigh Pegram, Caleb Wilson 24. Susan Bowers, Emily Lewis 25. Courtney Frost 26. Christian Adkins, William Hardy, Jimmy Marsh, Kevin Pegram, Victoria Pray, Ann Webb, Dixie Wimberley 27. Bettie Johnson 28. Michael Campbell 29. David Culclasure

Bereaved • Sherwood and Dolly Chesson in the loss of their sister-in-law, Nina Chesson, on December 16 • Loved ones of Doug Hancock, on December 17 • Frances Bolen in the loss of her husband, and French Bolen in the loss of his father, Coyet Bolen, on December 26 • Jim Greene in the loss of his uncle, Glen Farthing, on January 3 • Alan Sherouse in the loss of his grandmother, Madeline Proctor, on January 4 • Jeannie Singley in the loss of her mother, Betty Tucker, on January 6 • Loved ones of Jean Stanfield, on January 8 • Loved ones of Dot Sperber, on January 10 • Sandy Witt in the loss of her husband and Vernon Keen in the loss of his son-in-law, Roger Witt, on January 12 • Judy Ryan in the loss of her nephew, Tommy Lockamy on January 17 • Clyde and Dot Collins in the loss of their daughter, Cynthia Collins, on January 19 • Billie Reeves in the loss of her son-in-law’s mother • Debbie Garner in the loss of her cousin’s wife

February @FBC •1 (Sun): “Souper” Bowl. Fellowship Hall, after Worship •1 (Sun): Blood Drive. 102, 12:30 - 5 pm •1 (Sun): Youth Super Bowl Party. Café, 6 pm until half-time •2 (Mon): PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch •2, 9, 16, 23 (Mon): FRONT. 102, 2nd at 5:30 pm; other Mondays at 7 pm •2 (Mon): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •3 (Tues): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •4, 11, 25 (Wed): Adult Access - The Passion Narratives. Chapel, 6:15 pm •4, 11 (Wed): Adult Access - The Worship Architect. 102, 6:15 pm •4, 11, 25 (Wed): Adult Access - Women’s Book Study Group. Café, 6:15 pm •7, 14, 21 (Sat): Upward Games. Gym/Café, 8:45 am - 2 pm •7, 14, 21, 28 (Sat): Shower Ministry. Gym, 3-5 pm •8 (Sun): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •8 (Sun): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. Fellowship Hall, 12 noon •10 (Tues): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •10 (Tues): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am •13 (Fri): Valentine Banquet. Fellowship Hall, 6:30 pm •16 (Mon): Widow’s Support Group. 209, 2 pm •18 (Wed): Ash Wednesday Service. Sanctuary, 6:15 pm •21 (Sat): Missions Committee Retreat. 8 am •22 (Sun): College Lunch. Café, 12 noon •28 (Sat): Upward Celebration. Sanctuary, 6 pm

Fellowship Meal Menus Wednesdays, 5 - 6:30 pm February 4: Beef Tips, Rice, Steamed Broccoli Spears Kids: Chicken Tenders February 11: Country Style Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans Kids: Mini Burger February 18: Pecan Encrusted Tilapia, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw Kids: Fish Stix February 25: Ham Steak, Potato Salad, Squash Casserole | Kids: Corn Dog

Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC

• Bible Study - 9:15 am Worship - 10:30 am •Guest Reception - 11:45 am (209) • Sunday PM @FBC

Handbells: Grades 6-12, •Youth 4 pm, Sanctuary/319-D Choir: Grades 6-12, 5 pm, •Youth 311 Handbells: Grades 4-5, •Children’s 5 pm, 319-D Bible Drill, 6 pm •Children’s Adult Bells I, 6 pm • Youth Discipleship, 6:20 pm, 301 •Sanctuary Choir, 7 pm, •Instrumental Ensemble 311 • (3 Sundays), 7 pm, Sanctuary rd


Meal - Dinner is •Fellowship served between 5-6:30 pm /

Reservations: Due Tuesday at 12 noon – 274.3286 or Kids’ Access - 6 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311

• • • •

•Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth February 2015 | 11

First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401


NO. 179

Connect with Children

Gimme Five!

Everyone is invited to the

Volunteer in our Children’s Ministry

Upward Celebration


ur children’s ministry and volunteer needs are growing! From rocking newborn babies to playing with preschoolers, we need your help during the worship hour. No matter your age or ability, there is a place for you, so “gimme five!” Sundays this year. For more info: Ashley Gill Harrington - 274-3286, x241.


Saturday, February 28 6 pm | Sanctuary Featuring professional juggler, Mark Lippard


ark has entertained at the PGA Championship, college, NBA and NFL games and won an International Juggler’s Association team championship. Mark knows that his talents are God-given and strongly desires to share with his audience the love and joy of being a Christian. Celebrate the accomplishments of Upward participants, parents, coaches, and volunteers. For more info: Tommy Starnes, Upward Director - 274-3286, x251.

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