first baptist church greensboro
January 2019
c o nn e ct i o ns Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
After a disaster, it’s good to celebrate. Above, the people of Trenton rejoice after their annual Christmas parade and tree decorating. The rainbow? A blessing in the midst of months of struggle.
rom December 1-6, 2018 a team of volunteers from FBC served in Trenton, NC to help a community continue to dig out from September’s Hurricane Florence. We cleaned up debris in the community and helped one homeowner make progress in tearing out and preparing to rebuild her home. As we served, we realized only part of the work was what was being done with our hands and feet. Much of what we had been called to do happened when we simply showed up.
We partnered with CBF Disaster Relief to remind a rural community with low resources that they were not forgotten. We listened to stories; we ate lunch in local restaurants; we walked and talked and worked and while we did, God reminded us too that indeed God is present in Trenton, God is present with us, and it matters when we show up to help one another. We are hopeful for continued opportunities in the New Year to return to Trenton to help others and hope you’ll consider joining us!
Indeed, God is present in Trenton, God is present with us, and it matters when we show up to help one another. 1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
J an u ary 2 0 1 9 3 Window Gazing 4 Coming Up @FBC Explore First | Share While You Shop
Honoring Teresa Allen
| FBC Preschool
5 New Members | Birthdays | Bereaved Upward
connect with us!
Connect with us on social media. Tag your post with #fbcgso
FebrUARY Connections Deadline: January 15
Email news to
6 January Calendar Connect with Business
Giving at FBC Greensboro November 2018 Financial Results
Office Hours
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
7 A Thousand Words
Weekends and Holidays
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
8 Midweek @FBC
Front desk help needed Two additional helpers are needed at the front desk. The time slots available are Mondays from 9 am-1 pm and Fridays from 12-5 pm. Contact Rosemary Kellam at rosemary@ | x231.
fbc staff Louise Burroughs, Interim Music Ministry Assistant/
Baker Lawrimore, Ministry Fellow / x239
Chris Cherry, Associate Pastor of Youth and Families /
Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / / x241
Mary Beth Foust, Communications Director / / x223
Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident / x232
Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / x295
Scott North, Church Administrator / x226
Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x231 Autumn Culbreth, Interim Preschool Director / / x240 2 | Connections
Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x225 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251
Steve Sumerel, Associate Pastor: Congregational Life / x233 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / / x238 Laura Wall, Interim Children’s Ministry Assistant / / x288 Alisa Windsor, Ministry Support Associate / / x225 Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation / courtneywillis@ / x239
Window Gazing by Alan Sherouse
ith Advent behind us and the twelve days of Christmas drawing to a close, we begin the task of removing the banners, candles, Chrismon trees and fire marshal-approved artificial greenery from our sanctuary. Still, the star remains, even when other symbols and adornments are stored. More than a symbol of Silent Night, Advent or Christmas, the star is also a symbol of the season of Epiphany. The word Epiphany comes from the Greek epiphaneia, which means “manifestation” or the realization of something once thought to be far off or fantastic. In the season of Epiphany, Christians celebrate the realized dream of Christ’s incarnation – the once far off notion of the revelation of God in our world through a human being. In Epiphany, we commemorate especially the visit of the Magi, who followed a star. These visitors from afar had long stared at the sky, waiting for the manifestation of their hopes. They were so hopeful that they set out with only the guidance of the distant light. Their journey was not only uncertain, but also full of complication and surprise. Unlike the shepherds who raced quickly from the fields, the Magi travel a long road to find Jesus, and even at the end they get lost. They show up at the wrong place first. Before they ever arrive to their long-awaited epiphany, they come to Jerusalem, where they discover not the Prince of Peace, but the crazed king Herod. After staring through their scopes, packing their camels, and traveling how many untold miles, they end up in the wrong place. Walter Bruegemann – the wonderful writer and biblical scholar – has made the observation: “Bethlehem is nine miles south of Jerusalem…despite their long intellectual history and erudition [the Magi] miss their goal by nine miles” (from “Off By Nine Miles” in The Christian Century, Dec 16-21, 2001). It reminds us that all of us have felt “nine miles off ” before. We have felt south of where we meant to be. At times we’ve
worked and walked for days only to still feel removed from some far off dream. Maybe we’ve felt distant from God? Some of us might feel that especially this time of year. If Christmas is the season where we celebrate the nearness of God in Jesus, it is also a time when we can so acutely feel the distance from God in our own lives. We feel it in those we miss and in those we’ve lost. We feel it in the isolation that all the pageantry and festivity can evoke if we don’t catch the spirit as those around us seem to, or if we don’t have all the grand things those around us seem to have. We can feel that distance in the tension of relationships, or in the family and friends we encounter. We feel it when we see the ways they’ve changed that cause us to worry about them or pray for them with a new urgency. Or we feel it in the ways that another year can cause us to measure our own lives – our own journeys – to find some hopes are not yet manifest and some steps have not led us where we set out to be. That’s why we need to take down the decorations, but leave the star overhead – because even the wisest ones can become lost along the way. The season of Epiphany helps us recall that before the Magi ever arrive to Bethlehem and the “overwhelming joy” they are said to experience there, they have to reorient themselves. Sometimes we have to alter our plans, shift our expectations, find a new path, or gain some renewed vision about our place in the world. Epiphany, at the start of this new calendar year, is a wonderful time to start. So let’s look to the star a little longer. Chances are, we are much closer to “Bethlehem” than we might think. In fact, the distance between where we are and where God is calling us to be is likely as little as nine miles.
January 2019 | 3
explore first
Interested in learning more about First Baptist? Join us for Explore First.
This class is for newcomers who are participating in the life of FBC, and new members wanting to learn more about our community of faith. You will learn some FBC history, our Baptist beliefs and meet others new to the life of the church. We will explore the workings of our church by giving participants the opportunity to have conversation with Alan Sherouse, pastor, along with other pastoral staff and leaders. We will also explore what we share in common with other congregations and those things which set us apart. It is our hope that this class will help you know more of what membership means as you consider your place at First Baptist.
Our next Explore First will be held Sunday, January 27 following worship in Room 102. A light lunch will be served. If you are able to attend, please contact Alisa Windsor at (336) 274-3286 x225 or
Share While You Shop
Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. — Romans 12:13 Please remember those in crisis on your next shopping trip and bring suggested items below to the bins in the Atrium. Forget the list? What do you keep on hand for your family in your pantry that is shelf stable? Buy extra and know someone will appreciate you sharing with them in a time of crisis.
YWCA Family Shelter
(helps families in crisis who want to stay together in the shelter system) Cleaning supplies // paper plates, bowls // plastic cutlery // cereallarge or individual boxes // Grab n Go snacks for all ages // juice boxes or large bottles // coffee // sugar & creamer // iced tea or lemonade mix
GUM Food Pantry
(helps all in need in Greensboro) Canned tuna and chicken // canned beef stew, hearty soups // 18 oz peanut butter // canned veggies // fruit or applesauce cups/pouches // oatmeal, granola bars // mac & cheese // diapers (all sizes), formula, baby food pouches // Ensure
Women’s/Winter Emergency WE Shelter
(helps women seeking to emerge from vulnerable situations) Cleaning gloves // toilet paper // paper towels // liquid dish soap // laundry detergent // liquid hand soap // multipurpose cleaners
BackPack Beginnings
(helps children who are hungry) Low sodium, hearty canned soups // cereal - large or individual boxes // oatmeal, granola bars // individualsized proteins (Chef Boyardee) // fruit cups/pouches // juice boxes// lunchbox-sized packs of animal crackers, goldfish, pretzels // paper grocery bags
FBC Preschool We would like to thank everyone that attended the Via Soup Luncheon on Sunday, December 16th. Your generous donations will allow our program to continue awarding scholarships to deserving students. We would like to extend a special thank you to our soup chefs, bread bakers, and cookie makers. Your delicious contributions were enjoyed by many. If you missed the luncheon, but would like to donate to the Via Scholarship Fund, you can do so throughout the year. Simply write 4 | Connections
Via Scholarship Fund on your offering envelope or indicate Via Scholarship Fund when giving online on the church website.
Registration for the 2019-2020 school year will begin in January. Please visit for more information. Tours will be conducted by appointment. To schedule an appointment, please call the preschool office or e-mail Autumn Culbreth, Interim Director (
Honoring Teresa Allen After 8 years of faithful service to FBC through her ministry in our Media Center, Teresa Allen is retiring! To honor her, we are collecting books for our missions partner, Bessemer Elementary. We have a list of books developed for Bessemer that you can choose from. Select your book to purchase either by stopping by the display in the Atrium or by contacting Alisa Windsor ( | ex. 225). All books need to be turned in no later than Thursday, January 31st to the basket in the library.
Join us Sunday, January 13th at 8:30 am in the library for a reception (with breakfast bites) to honor Teresa.
n e w m e mb e rs
GRAHAM & MELISA LYLES Drew, Molly & Carter
joined 12-02-18
joined 12-02-18
joined 12-08-18
January Birthdays
There are no FBC birthdays January 1, 12, or 19
2 Henry Flannagan 3 David Rowe 4 Anna Bland 5 Esther Mathews, Norma Tutterow, Gracie Ellis, Grant Petitt 6 Carolyn Gilliland, Clifton Rainey, Hannah Griffin 7 Laura Wall, Lily James Kesler 8 Stephen Willis, Kate Messick 9 Betty Sharp, Daniel Perry 10 Danny Barlow 11 Gertrude Royal, Mary Lynn Delany 13 Lynn Tutterow, Joe Wooten 14 Suzanne Walke, Jim Laster 15 Elise Berkley, Frances Bolen, Walter Beale, Caroline Austin 16 Phyllis Anderson, Aaron Holmes, Grayson Smith, Drew Cornett 17 Jim Plyler, Tom Smith 18 Phyllis Conway, Dale Singley, Carlos Delgado, Henry Ellis
20 Kathryn Hewitt, Trisha Hooper, John Hardy 21 Linda Denmark, Laura Lomax, Lee Blakely, Anna Cushman, Lydia Lewis, Elizabeth Bolton, Noah Woodell 22 Amelia Barnes 23 Randy Bowers, Donna Miller, Lynda Grace Moore, Becky Starnes 24 Carolyn Ellis, Sally Alexander, RuthAnn Hardy 25 J. Sam Johnson 26 Anita Philpott, Pat Wilson 27 Ed Morrah, Karen Anderson, Marie Sumerel, Mark Yaun 28 Margaret Lafevers 29 Jim Skidmore, Linda Gleason, Rick Riddleberger 30 Tony Petitt, Graham Lyles 31 Ceil Sue, Bob Connell, Tom Petty, Launi Evenson, Amy Smith
Bereaved Carolyn Jones and Larry Putnam, in the loss of their sister-in-law Diane Putnam, d. 11/17 Dolly and Sherwood Chesson, in the loss of their son, Thad Chesson, d. 11/20 Kathy Sample, in the loss of her sister Linda Masten, d. 11/21 Amanda Manning Ingram, in the loss of her father, Rick Manning, d. 11/24 Richard Wiley in the loss of his brother-in-law, Mike Rector Barbara Brock in the loss of her sister, Lorraine Clark, d. 12/4 The family of Glorine Luper, d. 12/5 The family of Billy Hedgepeth, d. 12/6
upward games begin january 5
olunteers are needed to be greeters, serve in the Café, help keep the Gym/Café tidy during games and to sit in the stands and talk with visitors. Join us Saturdays from 8:30 am - 2 pm in the Gym/ Café. For more information: Tommy Starnes, Upward Director - tstarnes@ | x251. January 2019 | 5
January @FBC 1 (Tu) 2 (W) 2 (W) 5 (Sa) 6 (Su) 7 (M) 8 (Tu) 12 (Sa) 13 (Su) 13 (Su) 13 (Su) 21 (F) 19 (Sa) 21 (M) 22 (Tu) 26 (Sa) 27 (Su)
Church Office Closed. Grace Meal Pick-Up & Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm No Midweek @FBC. Upward Games. Gym/Cafè, 8:30 am -2 pm. Finance Committee. 102, 4:30 pm Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm WMU Group 3. 102, 3 pm Upward Games. Gym/Cafè, 8:30 am -2 pm. Reception for Teresa Allen. Library, 8:30 am StepUp Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am-noon Community Lunch. Fellowship Hall, 11:45 am Meals on Wheels. 1401 Benjamin Parkway, 9:30 am Upward Games. Gym/Cafè, 8:30 am -2 pm. Church Office Closed. Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm Upward Games. Gym/Cafè, 8:30 am -2 pm. Explore First. 102, 11:45 am
FBC’s Winter Weather Policy In all cases, we encourage our church members to use their best judgment and exercise caution when deciding whether or not to travel to church during winter weather. We rarely alter our schedule, and especially expect to have Sunday worship service under most any circumstance, but any changes to our normal schedule will be posted to the church website, Facebook and local news by 7:00am on Sundays.
Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday mornings 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship 12 pm College Bible Study
Sunday Evenings 5 pm 6 pm 6 pm
Youth Choir Youth Discipleship Adult Bells
MIdweek @FBC 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:15 pm 6:20 pm 7:15 pm
Fellowship Meal FBC Kids Youth Group Adult Classes Sanctuary Choir
Giving at FBC Greensboro Why We Give: Giving financially is a chance for us to honor God with the resources and provisions that God has provided for us. When we practice generous giving, we strengthen our relationship with Christ. As we learn to grow in our trust and faith in Christ, it is important to trust in Christ’s provision. As people of faith, we give faithfully and generously out of grateful hearts, because God has given to us faithfully and generously.
How to Give: We pass an offering plate during the worship service. Most members give their offerings to the church by putting a check in an envelope and placing the envelope in the offering plate as it is passed on Sunday mornings. Others who cannot attend on particular Sundays mail their checks to the church. Others use their online banking and set up one time or automatic payments that are sent to the church through their bank. Still others set up their online giving through the church website. We also have mobile giving through the Church Life app or through You can download either app for use on almost any device. If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – | x226.
November 2018 Financial Results Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
Actual Budget Last Year $163,811 $130,000 $131,231 $1,379,486 $1,471,212 $1,385,068
Net Deficit
$(91,726) $(161,131) $(174,270)
(Net of program income)
6 | Connections
A Thousand Words‌
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram. Row 1: Day Trip to see The Real Christmas Story, Youth Sunday at Advent, Children’s Sunday at Advent Row 2: Mission Trip to Trenton Row 3: Caroling to Wilma Fortune, Caroling at Wellspring
January 2019 | 7
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
FBC Memorabilia In this 1968 edition of the FBC Newsletter (below) it talks about a new membership card for the Christian Activities Building! We wondered if anyone still has their card and would be willing to share it with the archives department? We are looking for any FBC memorabilia you may have in your files or boxes from FBC years past. Please contact Alisa Windsor ( or ex 225) if you would be willing to share anything or have any questions!
M I D W EEK @ F B C meal reservations
Meal reservations can be made via Sunday morning pew cards, web site (, email (marty@, or phone (336-274-3286 x245) for all meals. Reservation due: Monday at noon Cancellations due: Tuesday at noon
January menu January 2 January 9 January 16 January 23 January 30
| | | | |
No Meal Pasta Chicken Wings Pecan Encrusted Tilapia Fried Chicken
children’s extras Yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, etc.
SAVE THE DATE What: Christian Assistance Fund Soup Lunch When: Sunday, February 10 following Worship