JANUARY 2014 // www.fbcgso.org // 336.274.3286
Warm Up to Winter Bible Study January 24-26
first baptist church greensboro
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
www.fbcgso.org // 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
January 2014 3 Insight | by Alan Sherouse –Luminé: Prayers of the Congregation in Word and Song
February Connections Deadline: January 20 Email news to kelly@fbcgso.org or bring it to the church office.
Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director kelly@fbcgso.org / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Education Ministry Assistant gloria@fbcgso.org / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor - Adult Learning steves@fbcgso.org / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director teresaa@fbcgso.org / x229
4 Warm Up to Winter Bible Study 5 Growing in Christ @ FBC 6 Connect with Missions –StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection –Update from the Vaughans
7 Connect with Business –December Church Conference Update
–November 2013 Financial Update
Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director ginny@fbcgso.org / x240
Connect with Adults
Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor - Youth/Families stevec@fbcgso.org / x235
–New FBC Library Books
–February PrimeTime –Day Trip to Dine with the Tsars
Dolores Donahue, Administrative Assistant - Finance dolores@fbcgso.org / x226 Jane Anne Hayber, Music/Worship Assistant janeanne@fbcgso.org / x239
8 Connect with Children
Monica Hix, Pastoral Assistant monica@fbcgso.org / x231
–Be a Faith Mentor –Weekday School News
Marty Kellam, Food Services Director marty@fbcgso.org / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director rosemary@fbcgso.org / x225 Kate Kitchen, Homebound Ministry Director katek@fbcgso.org / 202-5757 Scott North, Business Administrator scott@fbcgso.org / x222 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor stevep@fbcgso.org / x231 Virginia Reynolds, Assistant Pastor - Preschool/Children virginia@fbcgso.org / x241 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor alan@fbcgso.org / x231 Marion Smith, Facilities Supervisor, x243 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor - Music/Worship doug@fbcgso.org / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor - Music/Worship terri@fbcgso.org / x238 Shelly Worsley, Childcare Director shelly@fbcgso.org / x293 2 | Connections
9 Coming Up in February 10 Connect with One Another 11 January Calendar 12
–Dinner for Eight –Community Lunch to Support High School Choir Mission Tour to Romania followed by Church Conference
Cover Image: “Finding the Star,” acrylic painting © artist Mary Sullivan. Reprinted by permission. Cards and prints of this image are available for purchase at www.marysullivan.artistwebsites.com/featured/ finding-the-star-mary-sullivan.html
Reorientation: Reflecting on the Season of Epiphany
ith Advent behind us and the twelve days of Christmas drawing to a close, we will begin removing the banners, candles, chrismon ornaments and evergreen from our sanctuary. But the star will remain for a few more weeks. More than a symbol of Advent and Christmas, the star is also a symbol of the season of Epiphany. The word Epiphany means a far off dream or fantasy that is realized in our midst. In the season of Epiphany, Christians celebrate the realized dream of Christ’s incarnation – the revelation of God in our world through a human being. We commemorate especially the visit of the Magi – the visitors from afar who had long stared at the sky waiting for their own epiphany. It was a long journey for the three Magi. They set out with a gleam in their eyes and packs on their camels, with what seemed to be a clear linear path before them. But somewhere along the way, they got lost! Remember, they show up at the wrong place first. Before they ever arrive to their anticipated epiphany, they come to Jerusalem. They’re searching for the prince of peace, but in Jerusalem they discover the crazed King Herod. After all that time, they ended up in the wrong place. Walter Bruegemann – the wonderful writer and biblical scholar – has made the observation: “Bethlehem is nine
miles south of Jerusalem…despite their long intellectual history and erudition [the Sages] miss their goal by nine miles” (from “Off By Nine Miles” in The Christian Century, Dec 16-21, 2001). All of us have felt nine miles south before. We have felt south of where we meant to be. At times we’ve worked and walked for days only to still feel removed from some far off dream. Maybe we’ve felt distant from God? Perhaps some of us have come through the Christmas season but have not arrived at the place of great comfort and joy for which we set out? In the season of Epiphany, we recall that before the Magi ever arrived to Bethlehem and the “overwhelming joy” they experience there, they had to reorient themselves. Our theme in preaching and worship for the Sundays of January will be Reorientation. We’ll leave the star overhead to remind us that, like the sages, sometimes we have to alter our paths, shift our expectations and plans, and gain some renewed vision about our place in the world. Epiphany, at the start of a new calendar year, is a wonderful time for us to reorient in our individual lives and in our corporate life as First Baptist Greensboro. Chances are, we are much closer to “Bethlehem” than we might think. In fact, the distance between where we are and where God would call us to be is likely as little as nine miles.
Prayers of the Congregation in Word and Song Sunday, January 5 6 pm Sanctuary January 2014 | 3
Warm Up to Winter Bible Study Featuring Dr. Todd D. Still
(Professor of New Testament at Truett Seminary)
Schedule: Friday, January 24 & Saturday, January 25 6 pm: Dinner 6:45 - 8:15 pm: Bible Study Fellowship Hall
Sunday, January 26 9:15 am: Plenary Youth and Adult Sunday School Gathering Fellowship Hall 10:30 am: Worship Sanctuary
4 | Connections
aylor University’s Dr. Todd D. Still will join us for a congregational study of Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. A specialist in Pauline studies, Todd spoke of the Apostle to a standing-room-only breakout session during this past summer’s Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly meeting in Greensboro. He finds Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi especially noteworthy, in that its author claims to have discovered the secret of contentment—even while enduring the rigors of imprisonment. Todd D. Still serves as the William M. Hinson Professor of Christian Scriptures in the George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University. Todd holds the Bachelor of Arts in Greek and Sociology from Baylor University, the Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Glasgow, Scotland. He has also studied at Cambridge University in England and the University of St. Andrews in Scotland (1994). First Baptist members and friends should mark their calendars now, and plan to attend the “Warm Up to Winter Bible Study”—and overcome the post-holiday blues! The Sunday morning class will be a plenary gathering of youth (MS & HS) and adults in the Fellowship Hall. Light dinners of soup and a salad Friday night and quiche and fruit on Saturday night will be reasonably priced at $5/person. Please make meal reservations: Contact Rosemary Kellam ( 274-3286, x225 or online: www.fbcgso.org/fellowshipmeal ). Childcare will be available at no cost for children 1st grade and younger. Make your childcare reservations when you make your meal reservations or contact the Children’s Ministry Office.
Connect & Grow
Growing in Christ @ FBC Sunday School Studies for January:
Formations–“Encounters with the Living God” is the name given to the five Formations Bible Study lessons for January. Pastoral Counselor, Chris O’Rear, develops this theme as he takes you through the rich textured stories of I Samuel. According to O’Rear the student will encounter God “throughout these passages (as we) learn much about God’s priorities, our responsibilities, and a proper attitude toward God.”
{ {
Nurturing Faith–Dr. Cartledge focuses on the Epiphany in a
unit called “Things That Matter.” Dr. Cartledge will take participants through a study of I Corinthians, as Paul addresses key elements of the faith in which Christians should be fully invested.
A Gathering Community–January will be a month of
transition for the Gathering Community class. As they end their discussion on prayer, they will begin their study of Willard and Locy’s book, Veneer: Living Deeply in a Surface Society. Watch for the exact date of the start of this study.
New Wednesday Night Access Classes: These 3 classes will begin on January 8
Acting on Our Faith–This series will highlight the good work of
our many ministry teams and mission efforts and will begin with a look at the problem of hunger and food security in our community. Rev. Mike Aiken, the director of Greensboro Urban Ministry will speak on January 8. He will draw a picture of hunger in Greensboro. Each week through January and into February, ministry teams which are addressing hunger will share their work. Each of these presentations will end with a time of prayer for those involved in the ministry and for those the ministry is seeking to serve. Representatives of the WE! Shelter, StepUp, Grace Fellowship meal, Meals on Wheels, and others will each have an opportunity to share. (January 8, 15, 22, 29; February 5, 12, 19, 26)
Bible Study: The Three Kings of the Old Testament–
From January through March the Wednesday Chapel Bible Study will focus on selected passages from the Old Testament books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. “Good Kings, Bad Kings” will consider what may be learned about the three monarchs of Israel’s United Monarchy—Saul, David and Solomon. What were their spiritual legacies? What went wrong with King Saul? In what ways was David both great and weak? Was Solomon as wise as his reputation suggests? Steve Pressley will serve as Bible teacher and session leader.
Young Mothers’ Book Study–The book study, discussion and
support group for young mothers will continue in the Café. This group of young women has committed to stay connected and wish to invite other women who are struggling with the demands of being a mother in these crazy times to come and be a part of this gathering.
Sunday Evening Bible Study:
The Stepping & Stopping Stones of Jesus January 12 thru February 2
eginning on Sunday, January 12, our congregation will begin an on-going Sunday evening thematic Bible study. These sessions will meet from 6 - 7 pm in room 102. A variety of teachers, topics and teaching methods will be the hallmark of this new Bible study event. Dr. Jim Wayne will begin this new venture with a four week series called, “The Stepping and Stopping Stones of Jesus.” Jesus stepped on the legalistic rules/law of his day…yet, these encounters became stepping stones to a closer relationship with God. Christ stopped along the way to meet a need and teach the art of presence in the here and now. You are invited to explore the example set by Christ as recorded in the Gospels of Luke and John, and learn the art of both stepping and stopping in your daily walk with God and in your ministry to others. January 2014 | 5
Connect with Missions Clean Out Your Closets!
StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection BY GENEVA METZGER
he StepUp Ministry participants often need interview ready clothing to prepare them to be appropriately dressed to go on interviews after their week of Job Skills Training. Many of the participants do not own, nor can they afford to buy clothing, needed for a job interview. Many of us have clothing we no longer want or need hanging in our closets which could help a woman or man be dressed appropriately for a life changing interview. Items needed for men are suits, jackets, slacks, shoes, belts and dress socks. Items needed for women are dresses, suits, jackets, slacks, shoes, and accessories (scarves, pins, short necklaces, and small earrings). All items should be clean and need no repair. Our FBC StepUp Team will begin a monthly clothing collection in the church atrium on Sunday, January 12 which will be repeated the second Sunday morning of each month. Donation receipts will be available. If you cannot bring your items to the church, contact Shirley Thompson (274-9622/ dcshirle@bellsouth.com ) and someone from the team will pick up your items at your home.
Update from the Vaughans BY HELEN VAUGHAN
s our time in the States has moved into longer than a year, we’ve had to seriously evaluate if this means a change in God’s calling on our lives. Helen has continued to enjoy work with TeachBeyond and we have peace about the decision to be stateside caring for Papa Vaughan (90 years old) in our home. Although the desire to serve again overseas remained strong, the unknown future seemed to weigh in on almost every decision we confronted. God, in His mercy, has recently settled that for us. We have accepted an invitation to serve on TeachBeyond’s leadership team beginning January 1, 2014, at global headquarters in England. The mission strongly supports our caring for Papa stateside, so initially Helen will continue to work electronically and commute as needed. When Papa no longer needs our care, we will set up our residence in England so as to work out of the global headquarters. TeachBeyond colleagues have copied Helen on emails related to the responsibilities she will assume in January as Director of Pre-K through Secondary Schools. Here are email excerpts (copied without editing) of the type of requests coming in for help from TeachBeyond. We are inspired by and thankful for this new opportunity of service. From Cambodia– “…we currently have 30 acres of land in Cambodia. It is here we are setting up a town so to speak for lepers. Little has changed with this people group since Bible times. Their life is very hard and often very lonely. In this “town” we are building 10 homes. Acreage will be present for farming to sustain the families. We will have a church, a medical clinic and a school. We have the land, we have the people, we have the church, we have the school, we have the children – but WE DO NOT HAVE THE TEACHERS. This is the purpose of my communication to you.” From Nepal– “…Beside that We have a Slum school where we teach about 80 children every day. It is a tuition center where we teach children and feed them. they are from slum and untouchable communities. Our plan is to establish a school in the future where these marginalized christen would get opportunity to get proper education. Education in Nepal is very expensive and they cannot afford to send their kids in the school. However some send to the government run school where tuition is free but they have to buy books, stationeries, uniform and other things. I had requested Jeremy if Teach Beyond would extend partnership in establishing a formal school for the slum, street and out casted children in Kathmandu.” The opportunities to share Christ, improve life, and provide hope, made available through Christian education are extraordinary. The work ahead of us in “education for transformation” (TeachBeyond’s motto) makes it hard for us to sit still. Please join us in giving thanks for this new opportunity and for people such as you that allow us to serve. Thank you especially for sticking with us during our assignment in 2013!
Editor’s Note: Did you know that FBC has a long history in missions? FBC’s beginnings were tied to someone with a heart for missions. About 1850, Elder Elias Dodson of the Baptist Home Mission Board discovered five faithful women meeting together in Greensboro, struggling to keep alive a little unorganized church. Dodson preached to the women and at the Baptist State Convention that year, he reported that he had baptized ten converts. To this small band Dodson preached intermittently until 1859, when Greensboro Baptist Church was organized. Our existing Church Covenant is the same document that the faithful pioneers formulated. We believe that missions is for all ages and we invite our families to get involved. 6 | Connections
Connect with Business
December Church Conference
November 2013 Financial Update
Receipts for November were up from the previous year and ahead of budget. Year-to-date the budget receipts are still behind last year and behind the budget expectation by about 4.5%. Here’s a look at November results:
he monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday afternoon, December 15, 2013 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Jack Swanson, presided. The following actions were taken– Blake Absher, Finance Committee Chair, made the following motion: • Motion: Upon approval by the Finance Committee and the Deacons, I move that the 2014 Budget for First Baptist Church in the amount of $1,765,000 be approved. Action: The motion was approved. Alan Tutterow, Chairman, Personnel Committee, made the following motion: • Motion: Upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee and approval by the Dacons, I move that the revisions to the First Baptist Church Personnel Manual that have been presented be approved. Action: The motion was approved.
Receipts & Distributions
Budget Last Year
November Budget Receipts $178,802 $120,804 $132,232 YTD Budget Receipts $1,465,925 $1,525,104 $1,543,933 YTD Budget Disbursements $1,624,356 $1,603,622 $1,511,905 YTD Differential ($167,431) ($99,252) $32,028
Next year’s budget of $1,765,000 was approved at the December church conference and is the same as the current year budget. Commitments received thus far for the 2014 year include 265 individual or family commitments in the amount of $1,245,890. (On average, over 250 individuals or families give without turning in a commitment card.) At the time of this publication, commitment cards are still being received. The Finance Committee would like to say “thank you” to all who have participated and will participate in making a commitment and in giving tithes and offerings to support the ministry efforts at FBC.
Connect with Adults
New Library Books BY TERESA ALLEN
• Courageous Church Leadership by John Chandler •
Conversations with effective practitioners.
• Praying the Kings by John Chandler •
Mining Old Testament Judges, Kings and unsung heroes for daily leadership guidance.
• Praying the Prophets by John Chandler •
Mining Old Testament prophets for daily leadership guidance.
PrimeTime – Monday, February 3 Martha McDowell with NCBAM (NC Baptist Aging Ministry) “Help for the Journey”– In partnership with NC Baptists and social agencies, NCBAM strives to enable the aging to maintain independence and a quality life. PrimeTime includes– 9 am: Ceramics, Gym; 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A; 11 am: Bible Study “Prayers of the Bible” with Dr. Pressley, 218; 12 noon: Lunch, 108 Reservation deadline is January 30. Sign up online: www.fbcgso.org/seniors or contact Rosemary Kellam: 274-3286, x225 / rosemary@fbcgso.org .
• Praying Wisdom by John P. Chandler •
Mining Old Testament wisdom for daily leadership guidance.
• Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis with Beth Clark A short mission trip to Uganda changes Katie’s life forever.
• Fall of Giants by Ken Follett Book one of the Century Trilogy.
• Sycamore Row by John Grisham Return to Ford County, the setting of “A Time to Kill”.
• The Chance by Karen Kingsbury It’s never too late for love in this heartwarming story.
• How the Light Gets In by Louise Penny The Chief Inspector Gamache series, book nine.
Day Trip – Thursday, February 27 Dine with the Tsars at the NC Museum of History, Raleigh Depart FBC 9:30 am/ Return at 5 pm. Cost is $39/person and includes lunch at the museum. To sign up for this trip: Dolly Chesson - 545-7712 / schesson@triad.rr.com or Monica Vaughan 323-0335 / edwinv550@aol.com . You can also sign up online using the “Events” link on the homepage: www.fbcgso.org . January 2014 | 7
Connect with Children
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
This fall FBC children brightened the lives of Charlie and Kathryn Hewitt and Mary Ruth Apple.
o you remember who “trained” you when you were a child? Did you benefit from a community of specialized “spiritual trainers?” Chances are, if you grew up in a community of faith, that you were the recipient of Biblical, practical and prayerful instruction from a variety of sources. Can you name that amazing Sunday School teacher who brought the scriptures to life? Maybe you had a neighbor who was an example of compassionate service to others. Was there a faithful friend who would carry your burdens in prayer? In the past few months, several new Christians have been born in to our FBC family. Like all new babies, it takes work to nurture and train them. I am grateful for teachers/leaders who faithfully and sacrificially teach our children each week, but “training up a child” in the faith is not a once a week venture for a select group of people. It will take all of us to be role models, mentors, prayer warriors and faithnurturing friends. Wise Solomon must have known that the objective was not just to train children, but rather to live out our faith through our lives. Have you continued to grow in your faith? Consider how you can inspire someone else to grow? Our new “babies” in the faith need your training and encouragement. You are invited to come along side one of our newest members as they begin this journey of faith. Contact Virginia Reynolds ( virginia@fbcgso.org / 2743286, x241 )to learn more about how you can be a prayer partner, a discipleship mentor, or a ministry friend with one of our children. You can “go” and grow in the right direction - together! 8 | Connections
Weekday School News BY GINNY CARPENTER
his is truly a time of Thanksgiving for the Weekday School. We are so grateful to the church for its support of our Via Soup lunch on November 10. We raised over $2000 for our Via Scholarship Fund. That is almost enough to cover our scholarship expenses for one month. Thank you to all who made the delicious soups, to all who helped set up and clean up, to all who helped serve, and to all who attended and contributed to our scholarship fund. The Weekday School is so grateful for all the church workers who clean our facility every day and who keep us warm and safe. In November, we gathered goodies and decorated boxes which we presented to the church custodial staff. We sang our Thanksgiving songs and told them how much we appreciate their hard work. Our monthly Chapel services for our 4s and 5s are always special times, but November and December are really special because parents are invited and because our children bring special meaning to our services by presenting a program for us. In November, the Big Kids (Pre-K) acted out “The First Thanksgiving” and helped us remember why we celebrate with our families. On December 19, our 4s and 5s presented “The Christmas Story” in the Sanctuary. This is a holy and special time for us as our children help us remember the true meaning of Christmas. We are grateful for our teachers who work so hard to make these presentations so special. Registration for 2014-15 begins right after Christmas. Church members can register beginning January 6. Current families in the Weekday School can register beginning January 13, and open registration begins January 20. If you are looking for a special way to honor someone, please remember that donations to the Via Scholarship fund are always welcome! LINK YOUR HARRIS TEETER CARD TO PRESCHOOL: The first quarter payout for Grimsley High School from Harris Teeter was $7,130.60. Page High School’s payout was $4,178.20. Yes, you read correctly! FBC Weekday School did not make the $250 minimum, so our payout was ZERO! Please link your card to #8564. This is FREE money that goes directly to help our families through the Via Scholarship fund. Harris Teeter allows you to link your card to up to five schools!
Coming Up in
2014 Valentine Banquet
A New Face on FRONT
Under the Big Top
Friday, February 14, 6:30 pm Fellowship Hall Ladies and Gentlemen and Children of All Ages, Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth! “Under the Big Top” is the theme for this year’s youth Valentine Banquet fundraiser which supports youth missions. To create a circus atmosphere we need the following talents as guests enter and mingle before the program officially begins: jugglers, clowns/clown costumes, acrobats/gymnasts/dancers, unicyclist, stilts, and any other circus related activity. If you are unable to provide a talent, but have memorabilia, costumes, props, etc. to loan this would be helpful as well. Interested persons may contact Susan Steelman at sueanjack@gmail.com or call 288-7004. Deadline for volunteering is Sunday, February 2. Tickets for the Valentine Banquet go on sale starting Sunday, January 12, before and after church. Your last chance to buy tickets: Sunday, February 2. Ticket cost: $15/person. Childcare is available with reservation only (infants5th grade). Cost is $5/child. Please feed your child before the event or bring a bagged dinner. School-aged children will come into the Fellowship Hall for the entertainment part of the banquet.
he 2014 version of FRONT is designed to bring in-depth study opportunities to more of the FBC family. A one month study will be offered each quarter. The first FRONT class of the new year will be on Monday, February 3 and will continue February 10, 17 and 24 from 7 - 8 pm. Dr. Scott Culclasure will begin this new version of FRONT with a four week study called, “The Amazing History of the New Testament.” Dr. Culclasure will examine the historical context of the Gospels, the geopolitical background of Paul’s letters and the epistles, and other historical references that will help bring this era to life. Remember that FRONT is not only for teachers…it is designed to give anyone who desires a richer and multidimensional view of the founding of our faith.
Mileage and Marriage: Tune Up, Anyone? BY STEVE COTHRAN
f your car purrs like a kitten, it’s either brand new or well-maintained. And it wouldn’t be smart to drive any model for 10 years without an oil change or a tune up. So if you can get an oil change for $19.95 for your car, you’d be crazy to miss out on an opportunity to “tune up” your marriage for the same price! February 7-14 is National Marriage Week and we will be offering an online Couple’s Checkup assessment for just $19.95 (regularly $35!) as part of an emphasis on love and marriage. Watch your email and the church website for the link to this online tool, or contact Steve Cothran ( stevec@fbcgso.org ) for more information. Complete this checkup and we’ll take a deeper look at your results in small groups on Sunday, February 9 at 6 pm. The small groups will be led by certified leaders who will share wisdom and teach exercises to help couples continue to grow. And of course, everyone can then culminate the week with an evening of entertainment and romance on Friday night, February 14, at our annual Valentine Banquet! January 2014 | 9
Connect with One Another Responding to the Invitation
Linda Wilson
Frank and Winnie Benditz
(on November 24) By Letter
(on December 1) By Letter
Julia Lyle
Kate Messick
(on December 15) By Profession of Faith and Baptism
(on December 15) By Profession of Faith and Baptism
January Birthdays 1. Marshall Abee, Steve Ferris, Marietta Griffin 2. Benjamin Dunn, Henry Flannagan, Ted Moore 3. David Rowe 4. Anna Bland 5. Gracie Ellis, Billy Hedgpeth, Esther Mathews, Grant Petitt, Norma Tutterow 6. Clifton Rainey 7. Wanda Bell 8. Kate Messick 9. Robert Eagle, Daniel Perry, Betty Sharp, William Woodall 10. Danny Barlow 11. Mary Delany, Gertrude Royal, Patsy Wiggins 12. Sharyn Lowe 13. Lynn Tutterow, Joe Wooten, Frank York, Jr. 10 | Connections
14. Caroline Barbee, Nancy Cothran, Bill Lowe, Suzanne Walke 15. Caroline Austin, Elise Berkley, Frances Bolen 16. Phyllis Anderson, Drew Cornett, Ila Ingold, Grayson Smith 17. Jim Plyler, Tom Smith 18. Phyllis Conway, Henry Ellis, Dale Singley 19. Joshua Knight, Dick Oberholtzer 20. John Hardy, Jr., Kathryn Hewitt, Trisha Hooper 21. Elizabeth Bolton, Linda Denmark, Bobby Gilreath, Lydia Lewis, Laura Lomax, Grady Saunders, Noah Woodell 22. No FBC Birthdays 23. Randy Bowers, Dan McCormick, Donna Miller, Lynda Grace Moore, Mae Shore, Becky Starnes 24. Sally Alexander, Helen Cain, Carolyn Ellis, RuthAnn Hardy, Bea Joyner, Sara Pannell, Don Wimbs
Bereaved • Ray Anderson in the loss of his brother, William Anderson, on November 16 • Marie Jones in the loss of her sister, Amy Perez, on November 20 • The family of Christopher Manning, on November 23 • Al Snider in the loss of his brother, Ken Snider, on November 29 • Aaron Holmes in the loss of his father, Fred Holmes, on November 30 • Pam Bearden in the loss of her mother, Jane Berger, on December 3 • Rachel Shackelford in the loss of her brother, Dean Hartgrove, on December 8 • The family of Rachel Charles, on December 11 • Pam Baggett in the loss of her brother, Mark Stewart, on December 11 • Carole Ann Darnell in the loss of her sister, Nora Darnell Hamilton, on December 3
25. Betty Campbell, Peggy Cheek, Sam Johnson 26. Hannah Ferris, Anita Philpott, Pat Wilson 27. Susanna Guffey, Michelle Moore, Ed Morrah, Marie Sumerel, Mark Yaun 28. Margaret Lafevers, Pat Stockard 29. Mary Lee Chadwick, Rick Riddleberger, Jim Skidmore 30. Tony Petitt 31. Bob Connell, Launi Evenson, Tom Petty, Pamela Poteat, Amy Smith, Ceil Sue
College Birthdays Joe Wooten 1/13 UNCSA Mailbox 694, 1533 South Main Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27127-2188
Lydia Lewis 1/21 1900 Cannon Drive, 1534 Morrill Tower, Columbus, OH 43210 lewis.1776@ buckeyemail.osu.edu
What’s happening @ FBC this
January •Wednesday, January 1 – Church offices closed. Regular Weekly •Saturdays, January 4, 11, 18, 25 – Upward Games. 8:45 am - 2 pm, Gym/Café Schedule •Sunday, January 5 – Luminé: Prayers of the Congregation in Word and Song. 6 pm, Sanctuary (See page 3) Sunday AM @FBC •January 10-12 – Winter Youth Ski Retreat, Winterplace, WV. •Bible Study - 9:15 am •Sunday, January 12 – Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. •Worship - 10:30 am 12 noon, 108 (See page 12) •Guest Reception - 11:45 am (209) •Sundays, January 12, 19, 26 – “The Stepping & Stopping Stones of Jesus” Sunday Evening Bible Study. 6 pm, 102 (See page 5) January 24-26 – Warm Up to Winter Adult Bible Study. (See page 4)
Upward Games Begin Saturday, January 4 When we hear “Upward Basketball and Cheerleading” our mind jumps to excited fans, energetic childen, and an athletic encounter. But Upward is more that a sports league—it’s a ministry! You are invited to be part of this ministry by being a greeter, serving in the Café, helping keep the Gym/Café tidy during games, sitting in the stands and talking with visitors, and most of all by PRAYING! Join us on Saturdays from 8:45 am until 2 pm in the Gym/Café. For more information, contact Tommy Starnes, Upward Director (274-3286, x251/ tstarnes@triad.rr.com ). Key:
January Fellowship Meals Wednesdays, 5-6:30 pm
8: Country Style Steak, Mashed Redskin Potatoes, Green Beans, Salad Bar Kids: Mini Burger 15: Fried Fish, Cole Slaw, Baked Potato, Salad Bar Kids: Fish Stix 22: BBQ Pork Loin, Whole White Potatoes, Fried Okra, Salad Bar Kids: Chicken Toes 29: Ham, Mac & Cheese Broccoli Casserole, Salad Bar Kids: Hot Dog
Sunday PM @FBC
• Youth Bells I & II, 4 pm • Children’s Bells, 5 pm • Children’s Bible Drill, 6 pm • Youth: MS Discipleship & HS Choir, 5 pm • Youth Snack Supper • Youth: MS Choir & HS Discipleship, 6 pm • Adult Bells I, 6 pm • Sanctuary Choir, 7 pm • Instrumental Ensemble (3rd Sundays), 7 pm
•Fellowship Meal - Dinner is served between 5-6:30 pm Kids’ • Access - 6 pm •Youth Forum - 6:15 pm •Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm •Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm
•Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth January 2014 | 11
First Bapt ist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27401 www.fbcgso.org
Dinner for 8 Needs YOU! BY ALICE ANGELL
ne of our staff members was born in a taxi! Which one? Some of us know the answer to this question because we shared a meal together and were able to share some of our life’s experiences. “Dinner for 8” (also known as Warm Winter Fellowship) is an effort to duplicate that experience. It provides an opportunity for adults to become acquainted with folks you may not know, and become better acquainted with folks you do know! Intergenerational groups will be formed and each group will set up their own dates, times and locations. You may decide to meet for lunch, breakfast, brunch or dinner. You may choose to meet in a variety of places, such as restaurants, homes, in a park, in our own Café or all of the above! Need a babysitter? Some of our FBC youth are available! Don’t miss this opportunity to get to know other members of our church family. A special invitation goes to our young adults, as we really need you! Our deadline for signing up is Jan. 12. You may do this on our website, ( www.fbcgso.org ), call the church office (274-3286), or contact Alice Angell (282-3566), Sandra Canipe (273-6491), Cynthia Townes (273-4020), or Becky Yaun (668-8080).
January Community Lunch supports the High School Choir Mission Tour to Romania Sunday, January 12, 12 noon in Fellowship Hall The lunch will be followed by a Church Conference Donations for lunch will support the High School Choir mission trip to Romania April 11-21. They will sing and serve among the Roma (Gypsy) people with CBF Missionaries Ralph and Tammy Stocks and the Ruth School of Bucharest. To find out more about the Ruth School of Bucharest, go online: www.projectruth.ro