Connections - January 2015 newsletter

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JANUARY 2015 // // 336.274.3286

Upward is Coming on January 3!

For information on how you can be a part of Upward at FBC, read page 12.

first baptist church greensboro Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world. | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

February Connections Deadline: January 19 Email news to or bring it to the church office.

Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Dolores Donahue, Administrative Assistant: Finance / / x226 Ashley Gill Harrington, Interim Minister for Children and Families / / x241 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Kate Kitchen, Homebound Ministry Director / 202-5757 Scott North, Church Administrator / x222 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions / x295 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Marion Smith, Facilities Supervisor, x243 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238

2 | Connections

January 2015 3 Insight 4 Connect with Worship

–Epiphany Sunday Services –Celebrate Life - The Musical

5 Growing in Christ @ FBC

–Wednesday Night Access Seminars –New FRONT Class

6 Connect with Missions & the Community –Help through the WE! Shelter Ministry –Souper Bowl Sunday

7 Connect through Service –Finding Joy in Serving –Gimme Five!

8 Connect with Youth & College

–A Growing College Student Discussion Group... –Youth Super Bowl Party –Valentine Banquet

9 Connect with Business

–Commitment Update –November 2014 Financial Update –December Church Conference Update –Committee on Committees is Taking Nominees

Celebrations 10 Connect with One Another 11 January Calendar 12 Upward Games begin Saturday, January 3



s I write this article, Jenny and I continue to wait for the birth of our third child. Our baby boy is due to arrive any day now. A time or two I’ve started to ask with our seasonal everyman, George Bailey, “Why do we have to have all these kids?!” But most of the time, I am filled with anticipation and excitement, wondering what he is like, what he is doing, and when he will be born.

If Christmas celebrates the coming of that light, Epiphany reminds us of that bright light of Christ that is in each of our lives. The word “epiphany” means something distant that has been realized. It’s something far off that has been approached, the way the wise sages approached the distant star to find the one they had been waiting for. Something that once seemed distant came to be in their midst.

It’s not all we’re waiting for. As In this season of Epiphany, I I write this article, our world is in a hope you’ve begun to see some In these days of Epiphany, lived experience of Advent. We glimpses of that light in your life we will continue to give and I earnestly pray that we’ve are experiencing waiting in ways as earnest and pressing as I can seen it more vividly in our world. I evidence that what remember. We mourn globally the know that we’ve caught sight of was once far off loss of over 130 people – mostly it in our church. Our Advent and children – killed in an attack on Christmas seasons have been full and distant can be a school by Taliban extremists of hints of the light that shines in the realized here and now. darkness. As we mourn and seek to in Pakistan. In the United States, we process the findings of a make sense of violence against the recently released report detailing vulnerable, we have experienced CIA practice of “enhanced breathtaking worship services led interrogation techniques” after by the music, testimony, and gifts the 9/11 tragedy – a report that is of our children and youth. Amidst challenging the conscience of our swelling mistrust and division, we country. We mark the anniversary have expressed and experienced of Sandy Hook, and remember solidarity across racial divisions in the families for whom this season our community and we’re seeking holds pronounced grief. We seek to still to make a path through the make straight a path through the wilderness rather than trying to wilderness of America’s racial crisis, take a bypass around it. As we in the midst of the latest iteration wonder about the future, we have of an enduring struggle. We grieve welcomed new members and the loss and challenge in our individual many gifts they bring to make us lives, and the lives of those we more than we were without them. love. These days are demonstrating In the midst of the long night and again that Advent is a time for those who already loss many of us experience in this season, we have wait – those who know something of anxiety and reached for one another and found the strength of grief, despondency and vulnerability. Advent is the community. And as despondency encroaches and time in which we wonder what in the world God is hovers, we have lit candles, lifted them together, doing, and when God will be born into the world. and seen the light break through to tell us that the world as we know it is not the world as it has to be. But as you read this article, Christmas has come and we are approaching a season of Epiphany. In these days ahead, we will continue to give Theologian Ted Peters has said the core message of evidence that what was once far off and distant the birth of Christ is that “the world as we know it is can be realized here and now. not the world as it has to be.” At Christmas, the light shines right in the middle of the darkness, revealing Meanwhile, I’ll continue to wait for my son to something possible for us that is so much more vivid be born. Any day now. As you read this, perhaps and compelling than what we’ve known and lived he has already come. His due date is January 6. to this point. In our Christian calendar, it’s known as the Day of Epiphany.

January 2015 | 3

Connect with Worship

Sunday, January 4 College Day at Christmas |10:30 am Worship Steve Cothran, Preaching | Baptism

Epiphany Service |7 pm Service of Prayer and Renewal for the new year | Communion

Celebrate Life! The Musical

Sunday, March 1 Join the choir as we begin rehearsing Celebrate Life, Wednesdays at 7:15 pm or Sundays at 7:00 pm. Childcare provided. 4 | Connections

Scripture & Stage… Join us for “Celebrate Life!” Sunday School hour, 9:15-10:15 am | now thru March 1 The Scripture & Stage Sunday School class will be providing the narration for the upcoming “Celebrate Life!” presentation on Sunday evening March 1. We invite those who are interested in participating in the narration to join Scripture & Stage during the Sunday School time thru March as we prepare. All preparation will take place during the Sunday School time; minimal time will be needed beyond class time. Participants should plan to: • Attend most Sunday School classes thru March with Scripture & Stage • Be familiar with and/or memorize much of the narration • Bring their creativity and enthusiasm • Questions/Information: Alan Tutterow at | 545-5418

Connect with Adult Learning

Growing in Christ @ FBC There’s Something for Everyone at Wednesday Night Access Seminars Adult Access will have a very special kickoff event on January 7. Dr. Pressley will present a program based on his sabbatical experience. With pictures, artifacts, and reflections, Dr. Pressley will share of some of fruits of his studies and will help us all understand some of the complexities of the unrest in Israel from a historical, political, and religious perspective. Come for the evening meal (line opens at 5 pm) and stay for this most anticipated presentation. Beginning the following Wednesday evening (January 14) you are invited to join us following the meal for your choice of Adult Access classes. Below is a quick synopsis of the winter sessions.


“The Passion Narratives”– Dr. Steve Pressley

is back from his sabbatical and ready to resume his Chapel Bible Study. Dr. Pressley will look at the Passion narratives of the four biblical gospels. The class will provide a careful comparison and contrast of the narratives, while celebrating their literary unity and scriptural integrity. Beginning on January 14, this study will continue into the season of Lent, concluding around Holy Week and Easter. (Chapel)


“The Worship Architect”– Everyone is invited to join seminar facilitator, Doug Vancil, as he leads a class in a study of Corporate Worship design. Constance Cherry’s wonderful book, “The Worship Architect: A Blueprint for Designing Culturally Relevant and Biblically Faithful Service”, will be the primary resource as Doug utilizes an architectural motif to focus on the many dimensions of the worship experience. Sessions will include, “Laying the Foundations for Worship,” Building Walls and Rooms for Order,” Creating Doors and Windows for Encountering God,” and “Adding Style to the Worship Event.” This five-session seminar will conclude on February 11. Join Rev. Vancil for this exploration of our corporate worship experience. (102)


Women’s Book Study Group– With the

completion of their study of Lysa Terkeurst’s “Unglued,” the Women’s Book Study Group will begin a new book beginning on January 14. This group experience has continued to grow under the faithful leadership of Becky Starnes and Kelly Cornett. January would be a wonderful entry point for women who have been thinking about joining. (Café)

Join the New FRONT Class:

The Bible’s Story Led by Robb Wells Mondays in February, Room 102 2nd at 5:30 pm | 9th, 16th, 23rd at 7 pm


e turn to the Bible in order to read the word of God, to be inspired, to be comforted, to find direction in life, and to enter the grand narrative of God’s intervention in the history of God’s children. However, it is important to remember that the Bible has its own history and fascinating story of how it came to be the book we hold so dear today. We know Bible stories, but how well do we know the story of the Bible? This FRONT session will address topics such as: current scholarship on biblical authorship, the proliferation and ramifications of mass translations, and many, many more. FRONT was created to bring current scholarship to those who teach in our Bible study programs. However, along the way, many others have found FRONT to be a thought-provoking addition to their Bible study diet. We are all students and a “People of the Book.” Therefore, all are welcome to the FRONT table. January 2015 | 5

Connect with Missions & the Community

Help through the WE! Shelter Ministry


knew if I could find the YWCA winter shelter, they would be waiting there to help me.” These are the words of one of our WE! Shelter guests. Two years ago, she was a shelter resident who got back on her feet and had stable housing until the end of November, when the cost of car repairs meant that she did not have money for rent. She moved out rather than be evicted, and started looking for the YWCA WE! Shelter because she knew she would find help. Starting first at the location where the shelter had been that year (not realizing the shelter had “I knew if I could find moved), she the YWCA winter shelter, eventually they would be waiting made her there to help me.” way to Greensboro Urban Ministry for an intake appointment, and then to the shelter, where she was greeted with open arms by staff and volunteers. The WE! Shelter serves 18 women, each with their own story, from the first of December through the end of March. Our church volunteers staff the shelter on Tuesdays, Fridays, and

Sundays, providing food, warmth, and Christian caring for homeless women in our community. Opportunities to be part of this ministry abound—men, women, young, and old can all contribute. Greeters and Hospitality volunteers (men and women can serve in these roles) help the guests settle in for the evening and make sure they have what they need. Dinner servers (families, Sunday School classes, WMU groups, and friends) prepare the meal and serve it. Volunteers (Sunday School classes, work colleagues, individuals) also provide lunch bags for the guests to take with them for the day. See FBC’s website - for more information on how you can help this ministry, or contact: • Geneva Metzger - or 288-1877 • Catherine Scott-Little - or 856-0623

Eat lunch and support the Christian Assistance Fund

Souper Bowl Sunday, February 1 after Worship, Fellowship Hall

6 | Connections

How Can a Bowl of Soup Save Someone’s Life?


he following example is why our Christian Assistance Fund is so important. Imagine this is you or someone you know. “This 39-year-old single client needs $144.63 for a Duke Power bill. She has lived at this address for nine years and the property manager says she is current and a very good tenant. She lost her job of 20 years when the business was sold and has been living on unemployment since. She is enrolled in school to earn her GED and get retraining. Let me know if you can help.” This is why the Christian Assistance Fund was created. Please come and support this vital ministry.

Connect through Service

Finding Joy in Serving


Greetings this New Year!


nother page gets torn from the calendar as we begin the year 2015! During this season, most of us reflect upon our eating and exercising habits while others reflect upon the busyness of their lives. We take stock of our life and set goals for the coming year. I do want each of you to be healthy this year but I also want you to be serving in ministry in the places that bring you JOY. I propose that this year as you reflect you ask yourself a few questions: • “What are the gifts and talents God gave me?” • “How am I sharing the Gospel with others?” • “Do I find Joy where I am serving or am I just showing up to serve because I am supposed to?” Sometimes we may wonder where we are called to minister? FBC offers so many ministry partnerships and teams that honestly it can be overwhelming. We provide meals, tutoring, showers, and leading Sunday school…this list is so long that I can not write them all here. Let me offer a few suggestions for discerning where to serve: • Pray: Ask God to help you understand where you are called to serve. • Ask friends and co-workers what gifts and talents they see in you. • Meet with me to talk about ministry opportunities. • Try different ministry opportunities. Just like trying on clothes, try a bunch out and see what feels good. Frederick Buecher offers this advice on knowing where to serve: “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” We also have encouraging words from the apostle Peter: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10 NIV) My door is open and I would love to talk to you about how we can help you get into the missions opportunities of FBC. Also, I am always open to new ideas and would love to hear your dreams about where God may be calling you and FBC. Be bold and serve with JOY! Contact me - - to talk about ways to serve at FBC.

Gimme Five!



s we are welcoming new babies, children, and their families to our church, our ministry to children is growing! With all of this wonderful growth, our volunteer needs are growing as well. From rocking newborn babies to playing with preschoolers, we need your help during the worship hour. So, gimme five!

In 2015, would you consider giving just five Sundays volunteering in Extended Session caring for our youngest children during worship?

...Five Sundays of witnessing infants’ wonder up close. ...Five Sundays of giggling while you play with toddlers. ...Five Sundays of helping children know God’s great love for them. No matter your age or ability, there is a place for you to gimme five. To partner with our growing children’s ministry, sign up at (website link) and we’ll provide any training and materials. To ensure we provide the safest and most secure environment possible, all ministry partners must be approved through FBC’s Policy for Volunteers with Minors and Vulnerable Adults. January 2015 | 7

Connect with Youth & College A Growing College Student Discussion Group…



e may need to add some tables to the fellowship hall for dinner on Wednesday nights. Thanks to the outstanding efforts of Steve Cothran and Adam Horton, UNC-G CBF Campus Minister, we’re running out of space for our college students who have joined us! This past semester was a trial run for a Wednesday evening program for college students, and it has been quite a success. We have had 7-8 students consistently coming, as we’ve been reading through Brian McLaren’s “A Generous Orthodoxy.” We have also enjoyed exploring a few new Christian spiritual practices involving prayer, meditation, and lectio divina. Looking ahead to the spring semester, Adam and I we will be continuing to work our way through “A Generous Orthodoxy” for the first several weeks, before shifting gears and to do an in-depth study of one of the Gospels. The students will determine which Gospel we study. We will also continue to pray together, practice Christian spiritual exercises and build community with one another. Thanks for your prayers and support as college students continue to energize our church with their presence on Wednesday evenings!

Youth Parent Information Meeting

Sunday, January 4, Immediately following worship, 108 All parents and youth are invited to a brief meeting after worship to hear more details about Spring and Summer youth ministry opportunities.

Youth Super Bowl Party

Sunday, February 1, 6 pm until half-time in the Café



You are invited for snacks and football! Come cheer on your favorite team! Boys bring something salty, girls bring something sweet, and everyone bring a drink.

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8 | Connections

College Birthdays: Joe Wooten | January 13

UNCSA Mailbox 694, 1533 South Main Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27127-2188

Lydia Lewis | January 21 69 East 14th Avenue, Apt. 2B, Columbus, OH 43201

It’s an FBC Tradition!

2015 Valentine Banquet Youth Missions Fundraiser Friday, February 13, 6:30 pm Fellowship Hall Love takes many forms throughout the year, and this February you have the chance to show us which school you love by donning your colors and joining us for our 2015 Valentine Banquet. Tickets are $15/person and will be on sale in the Atrium starting Sunday, January 18 and also on Wednesdays, starting January 21. The last day to buy tickets will be Sunday, February 8. Childcare is available with your reservations only (infants-5th grade). Cost is $5/child. This wonderful churchwide fellowship not only provides an entertaining evening for everyone but most importantly the proceeds will help our youth share God’s love on their mission trips this summer!

Connect with Business Commitment Update Commitments received thus far for the 2015 year include 282 individual or family commitments in the amount of approximately $1.3 million. There are still a significant number of commitment cards not received this year from individuals or families who made commitments last year; so, it appears that this commitment season will eventually result in a larger number of commitments with totals going higher than last year. We will report the progress in next month’s newsletter.

November 2014 Financial Update The financial summary is below. Receipts & Distributions



Last Year

Monthly Budget Receipts $ 142,317 $ 137,179 $ 178,802 YTD Budget Receipts $ 1,442,385 $ 1,535,357 $ 1,456,925 YTD Budget Disbursements $ 1,605,735 $ 1,614,852 $ 1,611,706 YTD Budget Deficit $ (166,651) $ (79,495) $ (154,151)

December Church Conference Update The Church Conference took place on Sunday, December 14, 2014 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Hazel Fisher presided. The following action was taken– Larry Putnam, Finance Committee Chair made the following motion: • Motion – On behalf of the Finance Committee and the Deacons, I move that the 2015 Budget in the total amount of $1,988,537.00 be approved.

Sunday, January 11| Community Lunch followed by Church Conference 12 noon, Fellowship Hall. No reservations are required. $6/person – $20/family max.

Committee on Committees Is Taking Nominees It is time for us to consider who we will nominate to vital positions of servant and administrative leadership in our church in the coming year. We celebrate the many gifted leaders in our congregation, and we ask for your help in identifying these gifts. Please consider whom among our members you would nominate for Deacon, Finance, Moderator, and Treasurer. Thank you for considering your nominations carefully and prayerfully. The Committee on Committees: Lee Barnett, Randy Bowers, Chris Canipe, David Crews, Louise Garcia, Dan Kennedy, Elaine McRae, Tammy Miller, Deanna Pegram, Frances Upchurch, Monica Vaughan, and Judyth White. Nominations are due by Friday, February 13. Forms will be available in the church office, Atrium, or online. You are encouraged to submit your own name for any position for which you are willing to serve, if nominated and elected.


January Birthdays 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Marietta Griffin Henry Flannagan David Rowe No FBC Birthdays Gracie Ellis, Billy Hedgpeth, Esther Mathews, Grant Petitt, Norma Tutterow 6. Clifton Rainey 7. Wanda Bell, Laura Wall 8. Kate Messick 9. Robert Eagle, Daniel Perry, Betty Sharp, William Woodall 10. Danny Barlow 11. Mary Lynn Delany, Gertrude Royal 12. Sharyn Lowe 13. Lynn Tutterow, Joe Wooten 14. Nancy Cothran, Bill Lowe, Susanne Walke

15. Caroline Austin, Elise Berkley, Frances Bolen 16. Phyllis Anderson, Drew Cornett, Ila Ingold, Grayson Smith 17. Jim Plyler, Tom Smith 18. Phyllis Conway, Henry Ellis, Dale Singley 19. Joshua Knight, Dick Oberholtzer 20. John Hardy, Kathryn Hewitt, Trisha Hooper 21. Elizabeth Bolton, Linda Denmark, Lydia Lewis, Laura Lomax, Anna McLeod, Noah Woodell 22. No FBC Birthdays 23. Randy Bowers, Dan McCormick, Donna Miller, Lynda Grace Moore, Becky Starnes 24. Sally Alexander, Helen Cain, Carolyn Ellis, RuthAnn Hardy, Bea Joyner, Sara Pannell

25. Betty Campbell, Peggy Cheek, Sam Johnson 26. Anita Philpott, Pat Wilson 27. Ed Morrah, Marie Sumerel, Mark Yaun 28. Margaret Lafevers, Pat Stockard 29. Rick Riddleberger, Jim Skidmore 30. Tony Petitt 31. Launi Evenson, Tom Petty, Kim Priddy, Amy Smith

January 2015 | 9

Connect with One Another Responding to the Invitation . . .

Josef & Renee Fila (on Nov. 23) by Statement

Christy Moore (on Nov. 23) by Statement

Brian & Natalie Smith (on Nov. 23) by Statement

Jilien Steelman (on Nov. 23) by Baptism

Margaret Wells (on Nov. 23) by Baptism

Austin & Lindsay Worsley (on Nov. 23) by Baptism

Welcome New Babies! Graham Stephen Suggs Born: November 26 Parents: Robert & Becky Suggs FBC Grandparents: John & Susan Suggs Christopher Brooks Phillips Born: December 8 Parents: Kevin & Elizabeth Phillips Emily Bennet (on Nov. 30) by Baptism

Elliott Bennett (on Nov. 30) by Baptism

Marietta & Richard Noel (on Dec. 7) by Statement

Abbey (by Baptism) & Allison Whittle (by Statement) (on Dec. 14)

10 | Connections

Bereaved • Family of Marjie Ray, on 11/23 • Family of Oleta Robinson, on 12/5 • Family of Charlie Hewitt, on 12/9 • Henry Flannagan in the loss of his brother, Alan Flannagan, on 12/11 • Dottie Gordon in the loss of her brother, Clarence McDowell, on 12/16 • Dan Lee in the loss of his mother, Lue Ella Lee, on 12/16 • Sherwood & Dolly Chesson in the loss of their sister-in-law, Nina Chesson, on 12/16 • David Crews in the loss of his mother, Vivian Crews on 12/18


FBC •1 (Thur): Church offices closed | New Year’s Day •3, 10, 17, 24 (Sat): Upward Games. Gym/Café, 8:45 am - 2 pm •3, 10, 17, 24 (Sat): Shower Ministry. Gym, 3-5 pm •4 (Sun): College Day at Christmas. 10:30 am Worship •4 (Sun): Youth Parent Meeting. 108, after Worship •4 (Sun): Epiphany Service. Sanctuary, 7 pm •5 (Mon): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •6 (Tues): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •7 (Wed): Adult Access Kick-Off with Dr. Steve Pressley’s Israel Sabbitacal

Presentation. 108, 6:15 pm 11 • (Sun): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •11 (Sun): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. Fellowship Hall, 12 noon •12 (Mon): Widow’s Support Group. 209, 2 pm •13 (Tues): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •13 (Tues): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am •14, 21, 28 (Wed): Adult Access - The Passion Narratives. Chapel, 6:15 pm •14, 21, 28 (Wed): Adult Access - The Worship Architect. 102, 6:15 pm •14, 21, 28 (Wed): Adult Access - Women’s Book Study Group. Café, 6:15 pm •23-25 (Fri-Sun): Youth Winter Ski Retreat. Snowshoe, WV •25 (Sun): College Lunch. Café, 12 noon

Fellowship Meal Menus January 7: Theo’s Fried Chicken, Mimi’s Company Rice, Collard Greens Kids: Fish Stix January 14: Fried Fish, Cole Slaw, Baked Potato | Kids: Fish Stix January 21: Pork Loin, Aunt Francis’ Cranberry and Apples, Mac & Cheese | Kids: Naked Dog January 28: Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans Kids: Mini Burger

Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC

Study - 9:15 am • Bible Worship - 10:30 am •Guest Reception - 11:45 am (209) •

Sunday PM @FBC

Handbells: Grades 6-12, •Youth 4 pm, Sanctuary/319-D Choir: Grades 6-12, 5 pm, •Youth 311 Handbells: Grades 4-5, •Children’s 5 pm, 319-D Discipleship, 6:20 pm, 301 •Youth •Adult Bells I, 6 pm Choir, 7 pm, 311 •Sanctuary Ensemble •Instrumental (3 Sundays), 7 pm, Sanctuary rd


Meal - Dinner is •Fellowship served between 5-6:30 pm /

Reservations: Due Tuesday at 12 noon – 274.3286 or Kids’ Access - 6 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311

• • • •

•Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth Coming Up: PrimeTime February 2

Rev. Kim Priddy

“Our Mission” PrimeTime includes–

9 am: Ceramics, Gym; 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A; 11 am: Bible Study, 218; 12 noon: Lunch, 108 Reservation deadline: January 29. Sign up online: or contact Rosemary Kellam - 274-3286, x225 or

Link Your Harris Teeter VIC Card to the Weekday School Look for “purple sheets” outside the Weekday School Office to tell you about linking your HT VIC card. Just turn the card in with your and we will link your card for you. Every card linked to the Weekday School (#8564) contributes to our Via Scholarship fund. January 2015 | 11

First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

Upward Games begin Saturday, January 3


ou are invited to be a part of Upward at FBC. People are needed to be greeters, serve in the Café, help keep the Gym/Café tidy during games, sit in the stands and talk with visitors, and be in prayer for the Upward season. Join us Saturdays from 8:45 am until 2 pm in the Gym/Café. For more info: Tommy Starnes, Upward Director - - 274-3286, x251.


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