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july 2018 | | 336.274.3286

first baptist church greensboro

FBC celebrated Dr. Steve Pressley, Catherine Pressley, and their family on Sunday, June 24‌


Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.

Be the hands and feet of Christ, using our gifts and talents in service to others. Look inside to see places where your giftedness can match others’ needs. | 336-274-3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

( Tag your post with #fbcgso ) Also follow us on instagram: FBCGSO August Connections Deadline: July 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Gloria Koster, Managing Editor/Designer Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Rosemary Kellam, Production Editor Operations Director / x231 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229

Chris Cherry, Associate Pastor of Youth and Families /

Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239

Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / / x295 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Amy Kirkman, Preschool Director / x240

Baker Lawrimore, Ministry Fellow / x223

Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / x241 Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident / x236

Scott North, Church Administrator / x226 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231

Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251

Steve Sumerel, Associate Pastor: Congregational Life / x233

Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 Alisa Windsor, Ministry Support Associate / x225

Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation 2 | Connections

July 2018

3 Window Gazing

4 Celebrating Dr. Steve Pressley

5 Connect with Children

–VBS | New Children’s Library Books | Sprayground Outing

Connect with the First Baptist Church Preschool –Registration for 2018-2019

6-7 Connect with Adults

–Congregational Summer Reading | Oasis New Books in the FBC Library | Register for FRONT

8-9 Connect with Missions

–Steps to Success Kindergarten Camp at Bessemer Elementary – “My Summer with Greensboro’s New Arrivals Institute,” by Lindley Sample –Keeping in touch with Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey, FBC field personnel serving in New York City

10 Connect with Worship

–NC Baptist All-State Youth Choir Tour –Summer Choir @ FBC | Worship in the Arts

11 Connect with Youth

–We Celebrate All of Our 2018 Graduates –Scholarship Announcements –Welcome new Associate Pastor of Youth & Families Chris Cherry, Tory Cherry, and their daughter Margaux Britt Cherry

12 Connect with Business –Giving at FBC Greensboro –May 2018 Financial Results

12-13 Connect with One Another

–New Members | New Babies | Birthdays | Bereaved –Keep Us Updated!

14 July Calendar

–Looking Ahead: Outdoor Worship on Sunday, August 5

15 A Thousand Words… 16 Baptism & Barbecue at the Lake Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.

Window Gazing

By Alan Sherouse


ecently, some members of the Pastoral Staff had the chance to lead the memorial service of a beloved mother of one of our church members. The service was held a couple of hours away at a local Baptist church where this woman had been a member. We were honored to participate in such a sacred time of remembrance and celebration, giving witness to her life and the resurrection hope of Jesus Christ. But the reason for our participation gave me pause. In part, we were invited to participate because when the grieving daughter had approached the ministers at the church where her mother had been a member for decades, the response came, “None of us really knew your mother. Perhaps one of your ministers could lead the service?” Granted, the church had seen transition, and ministers had come and gone. The minister most closely connected to the deceased woman had recently retired. Still, in the midst of that transition, no one had visited her in her homebound years or during her hospitalization preceding her death. And thus their words were achingly true: “None of us really knew your mother.” As I experienced this story, I realized that it would not happen at First Baptist Greensboro. This month especially, I want to acknowledge that one of the primary reasons for that, over the last 25 years, has been the ministry of our Associate Pastor, Dr. Steve Pressley. I met Dr. Pressley 5 years ago, when I was ushered into the Fireside room for a series of one-on-one meetings with staff as the candidate for Senior Pastor. During that meeting, Steve told me a core sense of his role as he understood it: that this church had determined the pastoral ministry to the congregation was too large for any single person, and his role was to participate in the pastoral ministry in support of the senior pastor. He did this work so ably for two decades, and it continued for our five years of service together. Indeed, his ministry has been supportive for the three Senior Pastors who have known him as a partner. Still, “supporter” is too small a descriptor for one who has so fully held his own identity as a pastor of our congregation: a counselor, a teacher, a presence in times of need, a shepherd in the valleys of the shadow of death, and one who has so lived out that age-old pastoral axiom to “love the people, and let the people love you.” We celebrated Steve, Catherine and their family at the end of June, with gifts that captured the congregation’s love and appreciation for various aspects of Dr. Pressley’s ministry. A love offering celebrates his retirement and possibilities ahead. An art piece, by local

Jewish artist, Karen Dresser, was commissioned for the Pressleys based on Psalm 23, reminding how Steve’s ministry has helped to “restore the souls” of those to whom he has been pastor and shepherd. And a lectern, by local carpenter Rev. Erich Thompson, was commissioned for the Chapel, where Steve has led Bible Study over the years, ... and where others can now do so from a teaching desk in his honor. These gifts celebrate one who has been teacher, shepherd, caregiver, but as much as anything else, he has helped members of our congregation to experience what it is to be known. There is nothing we do as a community of faith that is any more important than ensuring that people are known. When someone is known, it reflects the love of God who searches us and knows us, as the Psalmist says in Psalm 139. When we truly know one another, it reminds us of the Christ who calls all of our names and loves us intimately and personally. When we experience what it is to be known, it is an anticipation of what the Apostle Paul writes about in 1 Corinthians 13, “I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” As the wonderful spiritual writer and educator, Parker Palmer, has said, “Knowing is loving” (in To Know As We Are Known). We give thanks for a church where we are loved not in spite of who we are, but in the full knowledge of who we are. And this month, especially, we are grateful for the ways that has been experienced through the ministry of Dr. Steve Pressley. As Steve retires, we all commit ourselves to continuing such work – as ministers, leaders, and congregation – that this church will ever be a place where we experience the love of God as we experience the people of God making sure we are known.

July 2018 | 3

Celebrating Dr. Steve Pressley‌ Thank-you for our 25 years of shared life and ministry! Here are photos from FBC’s celebratiation of Associate Pastor Dr. Steve Pressley, Catherine Pressley, and their family on Sunday, June 24. Steering Committee: Sandra Canipe, Scott Culclasure, Lynne Greene, Rosemary Kellam, Lee King, Alan Sherouse, and Monica Vaughan.

4 | Connections

Connect with children

New FBC children’s library books: • The Bible Amigos by Frank Fraser • Duck & Goose Colors! by Tad Hills • Hello, My Name is Ruby by Philip Stead • Mowgli’s Rainy Day by Brittany Rubiano • My First Book of Colors by Scholastic • Pete the Cat and the Cool Cat Boogie by Kimberly and James Dean • Ten Little Bluebirds by Emily Ford • Whose Tail Is This? by Kris Hirschmann


Sprayground @ Keely Park

July 25 (W) | 9:30 - 11 am | 4100 Keely Rd Park Join the fun and cool off in the July heat at the Keely Park Sprayground! We have a private covered picnic area until 1 pm so pack a lunch and stay after to continue to play. All ages are invited and it’s FREE. Bring a towel and sunscreen.

t first baptist VBS, children (ages 4 through 5th grade) will venture onto an uncharted island where kids survive and thrive. Kids will be anchored in the truth that Jesus carries them through life’s storms. Each day at Shipwrecked VBS, kids will travel through field-tested rotations that reinforce relevant Bible Points and immerse kids in new adventures. Children who have completed 4th and 5th grades will be doing mission projects on-site and in the community from 9:30-11:30 am and join the larger group for opening and closing celebrations. Cost is $20 per child with a $50/ family max. This includes activities, daily snacks, a T-shirt, and Thursday evening dinner and celebration. CD of program music available for $5 each. Sign-up online at - for more info contact Christina McCord - | x241.

Connect with first baptist church preschool

Please contact Amy Kirkman at to set up a tour or call (336) 274.3286, x240. You may also message us on our Facebook page: @firstbaptistgreensboropreschool

July 2018 | 5

Connect with adults

You are invited to participate in a Congregational Summer Reading!


ll FBC adults are encouraged to use the months of July and August to read An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor. The summer is a great time to slow down, pay attention to the world around us, and notice where God is present in our daily lives. This book invites us to do just that through engaging in our faith every day, outside the walls of the church. As you read the book, ask others around you about what they think about the book and how they are experiencing God this summer. On Wednesday night, September 5, we will gather as a congregation to discuss the ideas in the book and how we might grow individually and collectively through this shared reading. You may purchase your copy by contacting Alisa Windsor: | x225.

6 | Connections

Connect with adults

Check out the new books in the FBC library:


asis is FBC’s adult summer Sunday School option. In the desert, an oasis is a place of rest and replenishment. It is our hope that Oasis will be just that for many of our teachers. We will be offering Oasis until August 19. Oasis classes meet in the Chapel. All classes will have the opportunity to meet, have prayer, count noses and all the other tasks that define individual classes before joining Oasis at 9:30 am. Dr. Jason Myers, of Greensboro College will teach two Sundays in July, and Courtney Willis will teach in August. Come for a week, a month, or the whole summer…but come and rest. If your class plans to attend Oasis, please contact Steve Sumerel so that we can be sure to have adequate seating: - x233.

• Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate • Blessing: Giving the Gift of Power by Myron Madden • Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover • Faith: A Journey for All by Jimmy Carter • Go Big or Go Home by Scotty McCreedy • Lilac Girls by Martha Kelly • Making Sense of Christian Art and Architecture by Heather McRae • Ordinary Grace by William Krueger • Shanghai Girls by Lisa See • Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult • We Were the Lucky Ones by Georgia Hunter • The Woman in the Window by A. J. Finn • Ashley’s War by Gayle Lemmon • Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter • Commonwealth by Ann Patchett • Just a Kiss by Denise Hunter • Keep Their Stories Alive by Harry Thetford • Love and Ruin by Paula McLain • The Romanov Ransom by Clive Cussler • The Silent Governess by Julie Klassen • The Sympathizer by Viet Nguyen • Worthy by Carla Harper

Registration Open for FRONT Although FRONT was originally developed for the purpose of preparing potential Sunday School teachers to enter the classroom, it has truly outgrown its initial purpose. The three month curriculum which will begin in September, is designed to offer each participant a foundation in four major areas of study; Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, and Christian Theology. This course will certainly prepare a student for a teaching role in our Sunday School program, but it has also encouraged the spiritual formation of many of our members who simply wanted to “dig a little deeper.” The faculty for FRONT this fall will include, Rev. Alan Sherouse, Dr. Jason Myers, Dr. Scott Culclasure, and Dr. Steve Sumerel. For information about FRONT, contact Steve Sumerel at | x233.

FRONT Schedule| Mondays | FBC 102 •September 10 | 6-7:30 pm Old Testament: Jason Myers •September 17 | 6-7:30 pm Old Testament: Jason Myers •October 1 | 6-7:30 pm Old Testament: Jason Myers •October 8 | 5:30-7 pm New Testament: Alan Sherouse •October 15 | 6-7:30 pm New Testament: Alan Sherouse •October 22 | 6-7:30 pm New Testament: Alan Sherouse

•November 5 | 5:30-7pm Church History: Scott Culclasure •November 12 | 6-7:30pm Church History: Scott Culclasure •November 19 | 6-7:30 pm Church History: Scott Culclasure •December 3 | 5:30-7 pm Theology: Steve Sumerel •December 10th | 6pm-7:30pm Theology: Steve Sumerel July 2018 | 7

Connect with Missions

Steps to Success Kindergarten Camp at Bessemer Elementary July 30 - August 2 & August 6 - 9 | 8 am - 1 pm

FBC is helping host this annual preparation camp. Eight classroom aids are needed to work with kindergarteners in small groups learning basic math and reading skills. Persons aged 13 to 105 are encouraged to volunteer. Contact Sandra Canipe: - (336) 273-6491. Deadline to sign-up: July 1.

My Summer with Greensboro’s New Arrivals Institute by Lindley Sample One of First Baptist’s Missions Partners is the Greensboro New Arrivals Institute, a nonprofit that serves refugees and immigrants. Our own Lindley Sample is volunteering with them for the summer and shares her experience with us:


ver the past few weeks, I have been spending my mornings at the New Arrivals Institute planning for the SLAMM program. SLAMM stands for Summer Literacy Art Music and Movement and it is a program for refugee and immigrant children ages 6-15 while their parents are learning English. During this program we will be doing various art and science projects while also designating time every week for music, dance, and outside games. For an hour everyday the students will have instructional time with their teacher to keep their English and math skills sharp while they are away from school. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays I will be with this age group teaching music. On Mondays and Wednesdays I spend my mornings with the children who are too young to be a part of SLAMM. These are children anywhere from newborns to around 5 years old and I love spending time with them and being a part of some of the first exposure they have to English. The goal of NAI is to achieve self-sufficiency through education and I believe they are doing a great job to reach that goal. The staff is always so open and willing to help clients in any way they can and I have enjoyed working with them so much. New Arrivals is a fantastic program with extremely rewarding work and I highly recommend getting involved any way you can in this incredible community outreach.

8 | Connections

Connect with Missions

Keeping in Touch with Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey …CBF

Field Personnel serving in New York City


esley-Ann Hix Tommey is a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel appointed to serve in New York City as ministry facilitator for Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries (RMM). The Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood, in the heart of midtown Manhattan, supports a highly diverse community, including a vibrant Hispanic and Latino population comprising nearly 20 percent of residents. On the streets of Hell’s Kitchen, entertainment industry executives meet homeless veterans and young professionals work alongside Port Authority operators. Where the midtown bustle often drowns out the needs of Manhattan’s most vulnerable, Metro Baptist Church is a consistent and life-giving presence among the city’s most marginalized white, black and Latino communities, and founded Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries in 1995 to serve as home for their many social ministries. RMM seeks to encourage the social, educational, spiritual and economic growth of the Hell’s Kitchen community, offering non-sectarian, multifaceted educational opportunities and direct services to community residents through partnerships among Metro Baptist Church, area residents, missions organizations and community service providers. Lesley-Ann partners closely with RMM offering support and leadership for their programs and investing in the lives of veterans experiencing homelessness, survivors of domestic violence, and students seeking greater educational opportunities.

RMM’s many development efforts include: • Food Justice Ministry: utilizing a rooftop farm and food pantry to serve more than 700 people each month. • After-school Programming: provides an encouraging work environment for local students and invests in their unique gifts. • Urban Immersion Program: partnering congregations learn about marginalized communities and discover what God is doing in Midtown Manhattan. As local churches seek to discover and fulfill their God-given mission, Lesley-Ann helps develop the urban immersion program and provide avenues for holistic missions. • Living Well Life Skills Empowerment Program: Lesley-Ann works directly with RMM to offer a community of support among women facing homelessness because of domestic violence, which often isolates them from the resources and support necessary to emerge from abusive environments. • Homecoming Life Skills Empowerment Program: focuses on veterans experiencing homelessness. These committed support communities meet twice weekly for 14 weeks, journeying together in solidarity and seeking to reduce trauma levels. Note: Information in this article came from CBF’s website: Learn more about Metro Baptist Church and Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries at

(Above are photos from Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey’s NYC ministry.) July 2018 | 9

Connect with worship

NC Baptist All-State Youth Choir Tour | July 15-22


C Baptist All-State Youth Choir students and staff spend a week together working hard to learn music, grow spiritually, and give of themselves in ministry across the state of North Carolina. They make lifelong friendships, laugh and cry together, play together, share in ministry together and sing a lot! The group will meet for the first time on Sunday evening July 15 to rehearse together and by Wednesday night they present their first concert with 13 songs memorized. Pray for accompanist Doug Vancil and the FBC youth who will be participating this year: Justin Childs, Jake Isom, and Cassie Starnes.

Summer Choir Sing with the Choir this Summer!


ummer is a great time to sing in the choir! With Summer Choir, the rehearsals are on Sundays at 8:30 am and the choir learns the music they will sing for that day.This allows flexibility because so many people are in and out during the summer months. Summer Choir runs through July 29. All are welcome! If you have any questions, contact Jane Anne Hayber - | x239.

July 30 - August 3 | 9 am - 1 pm Two tracks of study based on grade completed in 2017/18: •Grades 1-4 (expanded to include 1st graders) •Grades 5-7 Registration Fee: $40


ampers will enjoy music of all styles as they develop their voices individually and discover the joy of singing and making music in community. Our daily worship is enriched through our experiences in choral music, drama, visual arts, instruments (guitar, drums, handbells) and sacred dance. Guest Worship Leader and Choral Director is Taylor Vancil. Taylor is Minister of Music at First Baptist Church, Mt. Holly, NC and is the son of Doug and Terri Vancil.

Registration Open for Worship in the Arts 2018: Register at (Children’s section). For more information, contact Jane Anne Hayber – | x239. 10 | Connections

connect with youth

We celebrate all of our 2018 Graduates, who led us in worship on June 10.

Scholarship Announcements‌ We are proud to congratulate these FBC youth for their achievements! The Youth Council is happy to announce the recipients of our two Bowen Scholarships this year: Rebecca Little and Cassie Starnes.

Additionally, we congratulate Virginia Wells, who is a recipient of the Poteat Scholarship at Wake Forest University. The Poteat is awarded each year to a promising incoming student who is a member of a Baptist congregation in North Carolina.

We welcome First Baptist’s new Associate Pastor of Youth & Families Rev. Chris Cherry, Tory Cherry, and their daughter Margaux Britt Cherry! Rev. Chris Cherry formally began his work with us on July 1 so please welcome them to FBC! July 2018 | 11

Connect with business

Giving at FBC Greensboro Why We Give: Giving financially is a chance for us to honor God with the resources and provisions that God has provided for us. When we practice generous giving, we strengthen our relationship with Christ. As we learn to grow in our trust and faith in Christ, it is important to trust in Christ’s provision. As people of faith, we give faithfully and generously out of grateful hearts, because God has given to us faithfully and generously. How to Give: We pass an offering plate during the worship service. Most members give their offerings to the church by putting a check in an envelope and placing the envelope in the offering plate as it is passed on Sunday mornings. Others who cannot attend on particular Sundays mail their checks to the church. Others use their online banking and set up one time or automatic payments that are sent to the church through their bank. Still others set up their online giving through the church website. We also have a mobile giving option through for use on both Apple and Android devices. If you have any questions, contact Scott North at the church office – | x226.

May 2018 Financial Results

Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Actual Budget Last Year Receipts $713,513 $710,000 $634,028 Disbursements (Net of program income) $770,027 $763,844 $679,461 Net Surplus $ (56,514) $ (53,844) $ (45,433)

Connect with one another

Keep Us Updated! If you’ve had any changes to your contact information (phone, email, and address) let us know. If your children move, get married, go to college or graduate — we need to know that too! Send all updates to Rosemary Kellam: | x231. You can also update your member information via the private FBC Member website – click the “Sign In” button at the top of the website. All FBC members can create a login/ password and have online access to your giving summary, church calendar, online registrations, search information, etc. Go to to get started!

Subscribe to the online version of Connections: FBC produces Connections in a printed format, but also in an online version with “active” links within the document that allow the reader to send an email or to access websites for more information. To subscribe, go to Keep up with FBC through social media: “Like” us on Facebook REMIND Messaging for youth and parents: Sign up to receive one-way REMINDers of youth events via Text or Email – you choose Middle School, High School or Both! You can also join the Youth Choir group. Sign up at:

12 | Connections

Connect with one another

Responding to the Invitation

Baker & Addison Lawrimore ( June 3)

July Birthdays

(No FBC birthdays July 7, 20) 1. Cheryl Angel, Gary Beech, Michael Mathews 2. Renee Fila 3. Chris Bland 4. Lincoln Harrell, Cynthia Hartis, Molly Lyle, Sharon Starr, Cathy Wells 5. Louise Garcia, Carol Matthews, Mike Moore, Clyde Rudd 6. Matt Hall, Carolyn Ripley, Lauren Shriver, Kevin Tutterow 8. Eunice Beavers, Benjamin Hardy 9. Laura Cashwell 10. April Eller, Robert Moore, Kenny Ripley 11. Larry Canter, Ronald McCraw, Nathan Wall 12. Kay Hensley, Andrew Kennedy, Lilly Persinger, Michael Vance, James Watkins, Avery White 13. Mark Blakely, Christine Garber, Cameron Gooding, Betty Hardin, Beth Shaffer, Cassady Teague 14. Charles Beavers, Susan Bennett, Bobbie Brown, Susan Terrell 15. Benny Pember 16. Bill Herring, Mason Lewis, LeAndrea Rainey, Margaret Swanson, Cynthia Townes 17. Corie McRae, Jesse Rainey, Anna Rider, Stephen Sumerel

Taylor Kirkman

18. Jesse Rainey III, Gary Upchurch, Diane Watkins 19. Tom Boyce, Clyde Mitchell 21. Joanne Caldwell, Cam Simmons 22. Harold Knight, Dean Terrell, Ken Vaughn, Virginia Wells 23. Joanne Osteen 24. David Angel, Jim Fogleman, Bea Sherouse, Lauren Vance 25. Gene Cox, Joe Garcia, Paige Gillette, Logan Rook 26. Patsy Thacker 27. Davis Bennett, Betty Morgan 28. Frances Fogleman, Jacob Gill, Gene Hester, Seth Hix, Jack Sykes 29. Aidan Eller, Virginia Little 30. Davis Baugh, Alan Sherouse 31. David Moore, Alexander Porter, Kaitlyn Rainey

( June 17)

Welcome New Babies: Wells Finley & Trent Walker Born: June 14 Parents: Alec & Liz Gill

College Birthdays • Lilly Persinger | July 12 1006 Courtland Street Greensboro, NC 27401 • Cameron Gooding | July 13 3721 Sage Drive Greensboro, NC 27410 • Mason Lewis | July 16 2204 Villa Drive Greensboro, NC 27403 • Virginia Little | July 29 1710 Swannanoa Drive Greensboro, NC 27410 •


• The family of Al Parker, on May 31 • Jody, Toni and Liza Lewis in the death of Toni’s mother, Betty Oliver, on June 3 • David Newsom on the death of his mother, Edyth Newsom, on June 4 • The family of Dot Rierson, on June 7 • Suzanne Rohrbaugh in the death of her mother, Linda Yarbrough, on June 13 • Karl Lewis in the death of his father, William Lewis, on June 16 • Ruth Primm in the death of her sister, Naomi, on June 17 • Carolyn Jones, in the death of her cousin, Larry Jones, on June 21 • Lori Taylor, in the death of her mother, Della Stinnett, on June 22

Please notify Rosemary Kellam if you would like to receive email notification of member deaths and memorials along with the Deacons – | x231 July 2018 | 13

Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @ FBC

nSummer Choir | 8:30 am, 311 nBible Study | 9:15 am nWorship | 10:30 am

Wednesdays @ FBC

Enjoy every minute of summer before it melts away!

Wednesday Night Weekly Activities

Meal: 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm July 11: From The Garden July 18: Salad Night July 25: Chef ’s Choice Reservations are encouraged for meals.

nFellowship Meal Reservations Reservations due Mon. 12 noon. Cancellations due Tues. 12 noon. Meal reservation? Online at OR Marty Kellam – x245 or Note: If you have a standing meal reservation and won’t be here for dinner, please cancel your reservation.

n1, 8, 15, 22, 29 (Su): Summer Choir. Sanctuary, 8:30 am n3 (Tu): Grace Meal Preparation. Kitchen, 5 pm n3 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm n4 (W): Church offices are closed. n4 (W): Grace Meal Pick-Up & Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm n8 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am n9-14 (M-Sa): PassportMissions 2018. n9 (M): Deacons’ Meeting. 102, 7 pm n11, 18, 25 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. 108, 5:30 pm (serving begins at 5 pm) n15 (Su): Church Conference. Chapel, after Worship n16-19 (M-Th): VBS. n20 (F): Meals on Wheels. Peace United Church of Christ, 9:30 am n22 (Su): NC Baptist All-State Youth Choir Closing Concert. Sanctuary, 6 pm n24 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm n25 (W): Sprayground @ Keely Park. 9:30 am n30-August 3 (M-F): Worship in the Arts. n31 (Tu): Grace Meal Preparation. Kitchen, 5 pm Key: nAdults nAll Ages nChildren nCollege nSeniors nMissions nWeekday School nWorship nYouth

Looking Ahead:

Outdoor Worship Sunday, August 5 | 9 am

Join us for this beautiful time of worship on the First Baptist Church lawn. An outdoor brunch will follow the service at 10 am. 14 | Connections

A Thousand Words…

A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram.

Summer at FBC Greensboro has Begun From the joyful “Shine on Us” high school choir reunion, to a 14-0 season for this year’s FBC sponsored softball team, to a fun PrimeTime visit to Old Salem, to a celebration of our graduating high school seniors, summer at FBC is off to a good start!

PASSPORTkids Camp 2018 Memories

July 2018 | 15

First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401


Looking Ahead…

BAPTISM & BBQ AT THE LAKE Sunday, August 19 | Camp Weaver | 4-6 pm


aptism at the Lake is an extended period of time to engage in conversations that last more than a few minutes. It is a time when we enjoy catching up on the families of our church. We come together to enjoy barbecue, special dishes brought by everyone, and family stories which flow as freely as the iced tea and lemonade. Baptism at the Lake however, is more than the food, more than the recreation, more than the ritual or a social event. It is what God intended fellowship to be; the celebration of our commonality and our deep and abiding love and appreciation for one another. What to Bring: • Side Dishes/Desserts – enough for your family and to share • $2 for BBQ and money to purchase leftover BBQ • Lawn Chairs/Blankets • Bug Spray – just in case • Swimsuit/Towel – if you want to enjoy the lake • Life jacket if you have one – Camp Weaver also provides them • Friends and neighbors

Directions to Camp Weaver: Take East Lee Street until it ends, turn right onto Young’s Mill Road, and make a left onto Mill Point Road. The camp is 3/4 of a mile on the right on Tapawingo Trail. Follow signs to the lake.

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