MARCH 2017 | | 336.274.3286
first baptist church greensboro
Jesus and His World
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
Opening our hearts and minds in this holy season‌ | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
April Connections Deadline: March 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Rosemary Kellam, Production Editor Operations Director / x225 Gloria Koster, Managing Editor/Designer Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator / x226 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Courtney Stamey, Pastoral Resident / x223 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251 John Thornton, Pastoral Resident / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections
3 Window Gazing – The View from Here
4 - 6
Connect with Worship –Ash Wednesday Worship Service –Lenten Sermon Series –Music and Worship – Lenten Worship 2017 –”Voices of Lent” on Wednesday Nights –Pondering the Origins of Lenten Observances
7 -8
Connect with Adults –A New Side of FRONT: “Jesus and His World” –Wednesday Night Chapel Bible Study –PrimeTime March 6 –Can Your Group Feed Hungry College Students? –John Thornton Called to First Baptist in Winston-Salem –New Books in FBC’s Main Library
Get Connected –Stay Connected on the Go with the Churchlife App 9
Connect with Missions –Growing Global Church –WMU Missions Extravaganza –A StepUp Ministry Update –Community Garden
0 - 11 1
Connect with Children –Mom’s Group –Worship Folders –Link Your Harris Teeter VIC Card to the Weekday School –Lenten Workshop for Families and Children –Brunch and “Resurrection Egg Hunt” –Palm Sunday –Save the Dates for Easter Sunday and VBS –Worship in the Arts Camp –New Books in the Children’s Library –Children’s Choirs Concert –Weekday School News
Connect with Youth –Summer Mission Trip –Unidiversity 2017 –DiscipleNow Weekend
Connect with College –College Lunch on March 26 –Wednesday Night Dinner –Get Involved in the Music Ministry –College Students Need a Ride? –College Birthdays
Connect with Business –Special Offering | February Church Conference Summary –March Community Lunch | Personnel Report - Staff Openings Connect with One Another –Birthdays | Bereaved
14 March Calendar
15 A Thousand Words…
16 Weekday School Consignment Sale
Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing – The View from Here By Alan Sherouse
n mid-February, we gathered for a Church Conference, as we do each month at First Baptist. As a Baptist congregation, no one makes our decisions for us, so we take time to learn of the workings of the church and we work hard to ensure support and oversight of the ministries we feel the Spirit is inspiring. We heard reports from excellent lay leaders – positive financial news to end the last year, a membership report that reflects our growth and the gifts of new members among us, a report on our Endowment, news on the Carter Trust fund, an update on our Pastoral Residency, and more. We are faithful in the business of the church. I wonder, though, if we always hear the story behind the business. This month, that story included a moving service of ordination for Rev. Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey, as our church recently voted to ordain Lesley-Ann together with College Park Baptist. At a service at the end of January, we gathered around Lesley-Ann to pray and name her gifts. We gifted her a stole, draped over her shoulders as a symbol of ministry. And at the close of the service, she stepped forward and extended her arms fully to pronounce a blessing on those gathered – a moment of such strength and grace. And our church was a part of that. Recently I asked Jack Swanson, our faithful resident historian, if he knew how many ministers our church had ordained. Since he didn’t know, he decided he would find out, combing through old archives and recently letting me know that we have ordained 18 ministers since 1975, when Rev. Geneva Metzger was ordained by our church. 6 of these ordinations have occurred since 2013, including such names as Rev. John Thornton, Jr., our first Pastoral Resident, whom we celebrated at our church conference and in this newsletter, as we will soon send him to his new call to First Baptist Church in Winston-Salem. Another name on that list was Rev. Jason Knight. Jason grew up in Greensboro, around the same time as the daughter of First Baptist’s upstart Associate Pastor, Rev. Mike Queen. Amy Queen and Jason Knight met in college, fell in love, and returned to Greensboro where
they have raised a beautiful family, involved in the life of First Baptist Church. It was in our church, during the interim ministry of Dr. Mike Queen in 2012-2013, that Jason heard compellingly the call of God to vocational ministry. In our very sanctuary, he heard the question, “What would you do with your life if you weren’t afraid?” and he and Amy and their children made a commitment for him to return to school for his theological education. During this time, Jason was awarded a small scholarship from First Baptist’s Lolley Fund (through our Endowment Trust). He worked as an intern one semester, supporting our ministries. He was encouraged by a lay team of leaders who met with him for prayer and discernment. Eventually Jason was ordained, as our church surrounded him and laid our hands on him, watching him extend his arms boldly in blessing as a minister of the gospel. Then last fall, Rev. Knight, with encouragement from mentors including leaders in our church, accepted a call to serve as Pastor of First Baptist Church of Jamestown, blessed by our congregation in this new call. And just this last month, our deacons approved a grant – from our Carter Trust fund – to support children and youth ministry at Jason’s new church. Back in 1957, Mr. Carter entrusted his legacy to First Baptist Greensboro, believing that our congregation was well situated and faithful to support the “establishment, construction, maintenance, or operations” of Baptist churches in Guilford County. He believed that First Baptist was a church from which his gifts could stretch out to impact this community with the good news of Christ. And at every stage of the story above, through the faithfulness of members of our congregation, this has proven to be true. Hope to see you at our next Church Conference as part of a collection of people seeking to be faithful in the work of the church. But even more, I hope to see you as part of the story of God’s Spirit working to continue to empower all of us to stretch our arms in blessing.
March 2017 | 3
Connect with Worship
Worship March 1 6:15 pm
Lenten Sermon Series
hat are you giving up for Lent? Many of us share the practice of daily sacrifice during the season of Lent, giving up things like chocolate, soda, social media or Starbucks. The forty day Lenten practice is a small reminder of Jesus and the sacrifice exemplified in his cross. In our sermons this Lent, we will take this idea a step further. Using our lectionary passages, we will talk about those things God calls us to give up – not just for 40 days, but for all of our days – so that we can take up the life of Jesus Christ.
One of our Lenten worship traditions is to surround the cross in the center of the Sanctuary for the Prayers of God’s People. Each week we will sing this beautiful song as we move to and from the cross. May I never boast of anything accept the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. —Galatians 6.14 Lenten Song 2017 Glory in the Cross Words and Music by Dan Schutte ©2000 Daniel L. Schutte, admin. by OCP Used by permission under
Lent 1 | March 5 Giving Up Control
(Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1-11)
Lent 2 | March 12
Giving Up Expectations
(Genesis 12:1-4a; John 3:1-17)
Lent 3 | March 19
Giving Up Superiority (John 4:5-42)
Lent 4 | March 26 Giving Up Enemies (Luke 19:37-44)
Lent 5 | April 2
Giving Up Our Lives
(Ezekiel 37:1-14; John 11:1-45)
Palm Sunday | April 9 Giving Up Popularity (Matthew 21:1-11)
Easter Sunday | April 16 Giving Up Death (John 20:1-18)
4 | Connections
Connect with Worship
Music and Worship – Lenten Worship 2017 Ash Wednesday, March 1
Lent III | March 19
Children will attend regularly scheduled activities and join adults in the Sanctuary midway through the service.
Music: Take Up Your Cross by Lani Smith Sanctuary Choir I Thank You, Lord by Dan Burgess Melanie Rodgers, soprano soloist
6:15 pm: Music and Scripture for Meditation with service to follow in the Sanctuary. The aim of Ash Wednesday worship is threefold: to meditate on our mortality, sinfulness, and need of a savior; to renew our commitment to daily repentance in the Lenten season and in all of life; and to remember with confidence and gratitude that Christ has conquered death and sin. Ash Wednesday worship, then, is filled with gospel truth. It is a witness to the power and beauty of our union with Christ and to the daily dying and rising with Christ that this entails.
CBF-NC Youth Choir Festival, March 3 - 4 (F-Sa) Closing Concert, Saturday, 2 pm | Knollwood Baptist Church, Winston Salem
Lent I | March 5 The Cross will stand in the center of the Sanctuary where the congregation will gather for the Prayers of God’s People. The Lord’s Supper (shared by Intinction) Music: Glory in the Cross by Dan Schutte Ruthie and Alan Tutterow, vocal duet Awakening by Karen Buckwalter Adult Handbells, Margaret Petty cello, Brannon Kling director Instrumental Ensemble accompanying the congregational hymns. Youth Choirs singing at Starling Avenue Baptist Church, Martinsville VA (Ashley and Brian Harrington, pastors)
Lent IV | March 26 Music: My Song Is Love Unknown by Edwin Childs Sanctuary Choir, Baker Lawrimore organ
Lent V | April 2 The Lord’s Supper (shared by passing) Music: Were You There When They Crucified My Lord by Jeff Cranfill Instrumental Ensemble, Baker Lawrimore directing
Palm/Passion Sunday | April 9 Procession of Palms Music: Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates by Cathy Moklebust Youth Handbells I Forsaken by Dan Forest Joseph Take Him Off the Tree by Steven Schaubel Youth Choir, Raleigh Cothran directing
Maundy Thursday | April 13 6 pm: Meal and Communion Service around the tables in Fellowship Hall.
Good Friday | April 14 7:30 pm: Service of Tenebrae Music by the Sanctuary Choir
Lent II, March 12
Easter Sunday, April 16
Family Dedication for Bea Sherouse Music: What Wondrous Love Is This by Cathy Moklebust, Youth Handbells I, Baker Lawrimore director We Sing the Mighty Power of God (Kingsfold) by Hal Hopson Youth Choir, and Youth Handbells II
Flowering the Cross Bring a Bell from Home Music: When Morning Gilds the Skies by Mark Hayes The Lord is Risen Indeed by William Billings Sanctuary Choir, Brass and Adult Handbells, Baker Lawrimore directing.
March 2017 | 5
Connect with Worship
“Voices of Lent” on Wednesday Nights
e have had a great start to our Wednesday Night Revamp in 2017. We hope to continue this enthusiasm into the Lenten season. With our “Voices of Advent” devotional we prepared our hearts for Jesus’ birth, and we will be mirroring that concept for Lent as we anticipate the crucifixion and resurrection. Join us for our “Voices of Lent” series led by Steve Sumerel, Courtney Stamey, Courtney Willis, and John Thornton. This series will lend voice to those hidden in the shadow of the cross, and bring to light the perspectives of those often forgotten on the journey to Easter Sunday. We will also work together on adult coloring “Stations of the Cross”, participate in group reflection, and share in song. “Voices of Lent” will meet immediately following dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Join us, for this interactive and collaborative experience, beginning March 8.
Pondering the Origins of Lenten Observances
by Gloria Koster
ridays were for fish dinners. That’s what you do in a devout Catholic family. My best memories of being Catholic include getting ashes on my forehead on Ash Wednesday and waving palms on Palm Sunday. After I became an adult, my journey of faith led me to a deeper understanding of my need for Jesus Christ and His salvation. For me, this involved reading the Bible every day and worshipping in a Protestant tradition, but the Lenten customs I had celebrated as a child, like receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday, were still special to me. I have always been a questioner of why things are the way they are. I longed to understand why people receive ashes…why Lent lasts forty days and involves giving something up…why the color purple plays a large part in the Lenten season. So, when I came to work at FBC ten years ago, the tradition of bringing the cross into the middle of the Sanctuary and draping it in purple fabric touched me deeply as I saw church members move into the aisles and pray together. This reawakened the question in me of what do our Lenten traditions mean? The following is some information I found on why we celebrate Lent as we do. This information is located on the BBC’s religion webpage*. Maybe you, like me, carry these traditions deeply within you and would like to know more about their origins.
Here is some background behind our Lenten traditions: Why is the season called Lent? Lent is an old English word meaning ‘lengthen’. Lent is observed in spring, when the days begin to get longer. The color purple is the symbolic color used throughout Lent, for drapes, altar frontals, etc. Purple is used for two reasons: firstly because it is associated with mourning and so anticipates the pain and suffering of the crucifixion, and secondly because purple is the color associated with royalty, and celebrates Christ’s resurrection and sovereignty. Why 40 days? 40 is a significant number in Jewish-Christian scripture: • In Genesis, the flood which destroyed the earth was brought about by 40 days and nights of rain. • The Hebrews spent 40 years in the wilderness before reaching the land promised to them by God. • Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the wilderness in preparation for his ministry. • Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebration of Easter. By observing the 40 days of Lent, we replicate Christ’s sacrifice and withdrawal in the desert for 40 days. *Here is the link to the BBC webpage:
…Fridays may not be for fish dinners anymore, but the Lenten disciplines remain a vital part of my past and present. 6 | Connections
Connect with Adults
A New Side of FRONT by Steve Sumerel
am very pleased to announce a new twist to FRONT. Dr. Jason Myers, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Greensboro College will be our very special guest presenter for the spring minisemester. (See the seminar graphic and more information on Dr. Myers beside this article.) FRONT was initially designed to be a continuing education process for our Sunday School teachers, and although that remains its primary mission, it has always enjoyed broader participation. For our March sessions, I would like to open the doors even wider by extending a church wide invitation and encouraging anyone interested in a deeper understanding of the historical context from which the Gospels emerged to plan to attend. Unlike other FRONT sessions, there will be no homework or reading assignments, no text books to purchase, and no reservations are required. Please do not miss this opportunity to explore the depths of our understanding of Jesus and His place in history.
About FRONT Speaker Dr. Jason Myers:
r. Jason Myers is the assistant professor of Biblical Studies at Greensboro College and is now in his second year at the college. He received his Ph.D. from Asbury Theological Seminary, where he graduated in 2015. His dissertation focused on the theme of obedience in Romans. His interest in the Apostle Paul has led to numerous presentations, a forthcoming book on Paul for IVP (2017) co-written with his advisor Dr. Ben Witherington III, and teaching in India, Nigeria, Estonia, Turkey, and Italy. Jason is active in both the academy and the church and has preached and taught at several churches in Greensboro. Jason is married to his wife Lisa who is a fitness professional and a certified personal trainer and attempts to keep him in top physical shape. They recently celebrated their 9th wedding anniversary.
Wednesday Night Chapel Bible Study | 6:15 - 7 pm
“2 Corinthians: Letters to a Problem-Church”
hapel Bible Study, led by Dr. Pressley, is exploring one of Paul’s most personal letters. The study, among other things, examines Paul’s tender love for what is deemed a “problem church.” The Chapel Bible study will conclude at Easter. March 2017 | 7
Connect with Adults
John Thornton Called to First Baptist in Winston-Salem
PrimeTime March 6:
Ed Morrah
e celebrate with our first Pastoral Resident, John Thornton, in his recent call to First Baptist Church on Fifth Street in Winston-Salem to serve as their Associate Pastor for Youth, Missions, and Adult Formation. This exciting opportunity makes the most of John’s gifts and the skills he has shared and developed with us throughout his Residency. It is also a wonderful reflection of our congregation’s “I speak for all of us at First aim in the Pastoral Baptist on Fifth in Winston-Salem Residency: to when I say how thrilled we encourage young are to welcome John into our ministers and benefit beloved community! Thanks be from their gifts as to God for the Church, whose they transition from porous walls can stretch from seminary to full-time Greensboro to Winston and vocational ministry. around the world in Love!” As John recently Rev. Emily Hull McGee told a group from our congregation: “Graduating from divinity school, I had some questions about what exactly I was called to do. This Pastoral Residency has been a wonderful affirmation of God’s calling to a life of ministry.” We look forward to a few more months with John before his full-time transition to First on Fifth on June 1. For more about our Pastoral Residency, visit:
d completed pilot training and advanced fighter school at Nellis Air Force base in 1954. He flew F-86 Sabres and then ended the war in Korea, winding up in Germany with the “Moby Dick” project involving the first Cold War undertaking of aerial surveillance of Russia. Everyone will enjoy this fascinating program. Bible study will feature “What Jesus Said About Suffering” taught by Steve Pressley. PrimeTime includes:
9 am: Ceramics, Gym; 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A 11 am: Bible Study, 101; 12 noon: Lunch, 108 - Cost: $6/person Reservation deadline: Thursday, March 2 Sign up for lunch online: or contact Marty Kellam: | x245
Can Your Group Feed Hungry College Students? The college team is looking for Sunday School classes or other groups to sponsor food for these College lunches on Sundays, March 26 and April 30. Please bring food to feed about fifteen students. You can either prepare food and bring to church on the Sunday morning or donate funds to cover a meal. For more information, contact Catherine Scott-Little: - 856-0623.
New Books in FBC’s Main Library
• The Collector by Nora Roberts • Here’s to Us by Elin Hilderbrand • Ladies’ Night by Mary Kay Andrews • The One-in-a-Million Boy by Monica Wood • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by J. K. Rowling • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two by J. K. Rowling • Love Does by Bob Goff • The Whistler by John Grisham
Get Connected
Stay Connected on the Go with the Churchlife App
ave you ever needed a church member’s phone number or address when you are away from home or the church is closed? Well, the Churchlife app could be very helpful to you. The Churchlife app is a FREE, easy to use app that will give you instant access to the FBC contact database from your mobile devises. Only FBC members in our database have access to this information. You can easily look up phone numbers, addresses, and emails for each person in our Access ACSTM database. The app will even map a route to an address! Simply login using your Access ACSTM Member username and password from the “SignIn” at the top of the FBC website. Note: We have no access to your password, but we can help you with your username. We can help you reset your password if needed or you can reset it from the website link. If you have questions, contact Scott North - | x226.
8 | Connections
Connect with Missions The following is an excerpt from an article written by Blake Tommey about CBF field personnel serving in China.
Growing Global Church …CBF field personnel bear witness to Jesus Christ in China
here are already thought to be more Christians in China (100 million) than members of the Communist Party (87 million). In fact, over the next 15 years, China is on course to become the nation with the largest Christian population. On a humdrum Sunday last summer…the kind when most American churches struggle to fill their front pews…the Thanksgiving Church in Chengdu, China, baptized 55 people. Senior adults, 20-somethings, young children and even a member with a physical disability filed into the baptismal pool to bear witness to the transforming power of Christ. CBF field personnel Bill and Michelle Cayard stand alongside local believers and children at Bazhong countryside church. With support from the CBF Offering for Global Missions, the Cayards are planting churches, training pastors and lay leaders and sharing the story of God’s great love in Chengdu. “Economically, the Chinese people are enjoying better lives than they have in generations before; their material lives improve each day. Our ministry with people in China is about the spiritual good news of Jesus - hope beyond material existence, hope beyond dreaming that one day they will own their own home, hope beyond dreaming that one day they will own their own car. Here, the message of Christ is relational and fills a void in people’s lives that they often never knew existed.” For the Cayards, bearing witness to Christ began a decade ago when the couple began meeting Chinese pastors and other Christians through a local service organization where they taught English. What began as simple relationship and Bible study soon blossomed into a full partnership toward planting a church in Chengdu. “Without the Offering for Global Missions, Michelle and I couldn’t be here. Your giving to the offering is causing the church in China to grow and helping us empower more local Christians and pastors to do the work that God is calling them to do,” Bill said. The CBF Offering for Global Missions is the primary source of support ensuring the long-term presence of CBF field personnel around the world. When you give, you become an important part of God’s work of global missions. To become acquainted with the work God is doing around the world and to give to the CBF Offering for Global Missions:
WMU Missions Extravaganza
Friday, March 24 & Saturday, 25 | FBC Greensboro “By All Means” is the theme for the state-wide gathering of Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) that will be held at FBC. This is your chance to take part in special interest seminars, meet missionaries from all over the world, and to hear fantastic musical entertainment and inspiring spiritual messages. Included will be mission partnerships for all ages and interests, and great food! Register at or contact Cookie Hamilton - | 676-7213.
Vegetables are growing in FBC’s Community Garden. You are invited to stop by and see what’s coming up!
A StepUp Ministry Update by Shirley Thompson
ecently StepUp Ministry completed their first job training class in 2017. One session of this class is how to dress for an interview and the class is taken to the Encore! store at Golden Gate Shopping Center where they are met by volunteers who assist them in finding a suitable outfit appropriate for the occasion. I happened to arrive with a load of clothes and shoes which you have donated for this worthy cause. The class was having a lot of fun getting “dressed up” and left with smiles on their faces carrying their interview outfits in a bag. Thank you for the many items you have contributed to make this store successful. Not only are the clothes sold to the public which helps support StepUp Ministry, a First Baptist Church missions partner, but the interview clothes for the class graduates are FREE. Encore! needs extra large clothing and shoes for both men and women as well as costume jewelry and accessories to compliment the ladies’ outfits. Some of these items are put aside so they will be available for graduates of this program. March 2017 | 9
Connect with Children
Moms’ Group
oin us on Thursday mornings from 9:3011 am in room 319 through April 6. Courtney Willis will help us explore what scripture and our faith tell us about living lives that “DO justice, LOVE mercy, & WALK humbly.” Free childcare begins at 9:15am. Invite a friend and join us! Sign up at
Moms of children infant to elementary age
Sunday, March 26 | 5-7pm
Thursdays | 9:30 -11 am
Worship Folders
This workshop is designed for families and their children to help them to understand the significance of Lent and Holy Week. We will begin with dinner and then move to the children’s wing for the workshop. There will be different stations that families rotate through and will include interactive prayer experiences, crafts, and other meaningful activities. The cost is $6 per person for dinner and supplies. Childcare will be provided for children 2 and under. Sign up online:
Each Sunday morning there are binders that include activities for children during worship. Make sure you grab one for your child on your way into worship!
Brunch and “Resurrection Egg Hunt”
Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card to the Weekday School (#8564) & benefit the Via Scholarship fund!
Join us for a great meal of eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, biscuits, and fruit. Following brunch we will have a Resurrection Egg Hunt for the children on the front lawn.
Many thanks to all who have linked their VIC cards to the Weekday School. You can link your card at your favorite HT, send your HT rewards card number to Ginny Carpenter - or link your VIC card online at
10 | Connections
Sunday, April 2 following worship
Save the Dates! Easter Sunday April 16
Vacation Bible School July 10-13 9am-noon
Palm Sunday April 9
Children will be an important part of this service through a processional of waving palms, singing, and prayer. For more information about children’s Lenten activities contact Christina McCord: | x241.
Connect with Children New Books in the Children’s Library–
…engaging young artists in a life of Christian worship
June 26 - 30 | 9 am - 1 pm
n energetic week for grades 1-7 to experience worship and arts through singing, drama, visual art, dance, and instruments, this year’s camp will be indoors and out as we explore the beauty and variety of “God’s Garden” through classic, jazz, bluegrass music. Guest director is Melanie Crump, Director of Music Ministries at Guilford College United Methodist Church and Vocal Instructor at High Point University. Camp hours are 9 am - 1 pm with a closing concert on Friday at 1 pm. Register online beginning March 1: Contact Terri Vancil for more details.
Weekday School News
• Click, Clack, Ho! Ho! Ho! by Doreen Cronin • Duck & Goose: Let’s Dance by Tad Hills • First Big Book of the Ocean by Catherine Hughes • Give Please a Chance by Bill O’Reilly and James Patterson • A Night of Great Joy! by Mary Engelbreit • Steam Train, Dream Train: Colors by Sherri Rinker • Duck on a Tractor by David Shannon • Hungry Bird by Jeremy Tankard • If You Give a Mouse a Brownie by Laura Numeroff • Let’s Play by Herve Tullet • Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes by Kimberly and James Dean • Serafina and the Twisted Staff by Robert Beatty
Table for Five…Thousand! Presented by the Children’s Choirs of FBC | Sunday Afternoon, May 7 Presented on the Book Stage at Gateway Gardens, 2924 East Gate City Blvd. A musical drama retelling Jesus feeding the five thousand. Remembering that the most humble among us… especially children…can do great things with God’s help.
by Ginny Carpenter
egistration for 2017-18 is in progress, and there are openings in almost all classes. If you know someone looking for a preschool home, please have them call the church office, or registration forms can be picked up outside the preschool office. We are gearing up for our annual Spring Consignment Sale. The sale will be held on March 17 & 18, and we can always use help as we continue to raise money for the Via Scholarship fund. We would love to have you consign children’s clothes, toys, books, nursery furniture, Pack and Plays, strollers, shoes – anything baby/child. And don’t forget we have a Mother’s corner (clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.). In addition, we always need help tagging and setting up, as well as working the sale. If you have questions, please contact the This photo of FBC Weekday School’s Transitions preschool office or Autumn Culbreth - class was featured in the News & Record’s | 828-964-0066. Saturday, February 11 edition. The photo features FBC’s Katherine Wall (third from the right). We are always looking for qualified people to add to our list of substitute teachers. If you are interested in helping us on days when staff members are sick or have planned absences, please contact the preschool office. We are all thankful for First Baptist Church and the love and support that is given to our staff, our children, and our families. We are grateful for such a beautiful facility and to have our precious children in such a loving place. You are a blessing to us! March 2017 | 11
Connect with Youth
Summer Mission Trip
“Messy Spirituality!”
DiscipleNow Weekend | March 17 - 19
June 23 - July 1 | Shreveport, LA e will be working with friends at FBC Shreveport to reach out to their community through local organizations that help the homeless, repair homes, and provide children’s services. The cost for the week will be between $300-$350/person (proceeds from the FBC Valentine Banquet will help make this trip possible). Reserve your space online today with a $50 deposit:
ign up today to spend a retreat weekend in area homes with friends exploring God’s word and “Messy Spirituality!” Other churches around Greensboro will be doing similar retreats for their youth and we will gather on Saturday evening for food, missions, and worship. Cost: $45/person (includes meals, lodging, Bible study materials, activities, and t-shirt.) Sign-up online:
Unidiversity 2017
July 17-22 | UT Knoxville
his incredible week of worship, discipleship, and fun with long-time friends from around the country reminds us of our interconnectedness with each other through our common bond in Christ. We will learn, celebrate, and grow together throughout the week as we focus on this amazing gift that we have been given. Cost for Unidiversity is $350/person. Reserve your space online today with a $50 deposit:
Connect with College College Lunch on Sunday, March 26 after Worship Transportation will be provided back to campus for those needing a ride.
Wednesday Night Dinner Join us at FBC Greensboro every
Wednesday night for FREE dinner from 5:30 pm-6:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall - 1000 W. Friendly Ave.
You must make reservations for your meal - Due Tuesday at 12 noon: online at or 274-3286, x245
More info: CBSF Collegiate Minister, Adam Horton |
Get Involved in the Music Ministry! Contact Doug or Terri Vancil. Doug Vancil - | x237 Terri Vancil | 238 College Students Need a Ride? Meet in the parking lot off
of Gray Drive, in between the Student Health Center and PhillipsHawkins dorm (across the street from Moore-Strong, near the Zippy Car parking spaces). Look for a car with the FBC name on it. Pick-up is at 10:15 am for the worship service.
12 | Connections
College Birthdays Stephanie Stutts | March 1
2506 Gracewood Drive, Greensboro, NC 27408
Susannah Townes | March 2
801 Sunset Drive, Greensboro, NC 27408
Nicholas Powell | March 14 UNCW Station CB# 21501, UNC-W 601 S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403 Tyler Messick | March 16 UNC Charlotte - 165 Hunt Hall, 9201 University City Boulevard, Charlotte 28223-0001 Stephen Rich | March 21 UNC Chapel Hill, Lewis #110, 203 Raleigh Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 |
Connect with Business Special Offering for March 2017: World Hunger
Baptist World Aid (BWAid) responds to global hunger and poverty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With your help Baptists provide food, clothing, and basic necessities to over 5,000 Syrian refugees and persecuted Iraqi Christian refugees and other ethnic minorities in Croatia, Serbia, and Turkey. Baptists also provide emergency food aid to Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, and the Middle East.
February Church Conference Summary
The monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday, February 12, 2017 in the Fellowship Hall. The church voted to receive eleven new members.
Community Lunch followed by Church Conference Sunday, March 12 after Worship Cost is $6/person and $20/family maximum. NO reservation is needed. A brief church conference will follow lunch.
January 2017 Financial Results
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Actual Budget Last Year Receipts $186,580 $201,368 $195,736 Disbursements $119,169 $147,113 $123,119 Differential $ 67,411 $ 54,255 $ 72,617
Personnel Report Staff Openings
e currently have two open positions on our staff team: Associate Pastor of Missions & Community and Weekday School Director. The Personnel Committee has charged two search committees with recommending candidates for this position. Please be in prayer for these committees in their work, and watch for ways they will be seeking congregational feedback in building the profiles of their ideal candidate. If you know of potential candidates for these positions, the job openings are posted at Missions Search Committee: Phil Barbee, Trisha Hooper, Shaun Martin, Anita Philpott, Brad Wall (Chair), Monica Vaughan, Parker White and Alan Sherouse (Staff) Weekday Search Committee: Lynne Greene, Catherine Little, Elaine McRae, Jody Moore (Chair), Melissa Norman, Alan Tutterow, Christina McCord (Staff) and Alan Sherouse (Staff)
Connect with One Another
March Birthdays (No FBC birthdays March 25 )
1. Nell Beavers, Stephanie Stutts 2. Peter Evenson, Susannah Townes 3. Gavin Cole, James Pate 4. Macey Cornett, Jack Foxworth, Sara Massey, Margaret White 5. Phyllis Abee, Will Barnes, Garland Gordon, Tammy Miller, Robert White 6. Monica Hix, David Ryan 7. Ron Hooper, Julianna King, Carl Myatt 8. Marie Binder, Deborah Gilliland 9. Shirley Glisson 10. Betty Lusk 11. Lydia Bradford, Cathy Isom 12. Brandon Walters 13. Larry Davis, Becky Stanley, Bud Taylor 14. Jeff Austin, Ashley Carter, Sandy Frost, Elaine McCall, Lindsey Pegram, Nicholas Powell, Jeannie Singley, Ruthie Tutterow
15. CJ Rainey, Jr., Baxter Riddleberger 16. Alec Carter, Tyler Messick, Tom Townes 17. Shawn Kirkpatrick 18. Emily Crow, Dwight Fickling 19. Dolly Chesson, Dixon Crews, Jospeh May 20. Valerie Wooten 21. Ellen Curlee, Carolyn Grassi, Kristie Phillips, Stephen Rich, Beau Stephens, Robert Stutts, Ginny Sykes 22. Ruth Howerton, Brannon Kling, Grant McCord, Lib Smith 23. Joyce Beech, Bettie Williams, Melinda Wood 24. Alice Angell, April Pegram, Dee Tanner 26. Sally Skidmore 27. Merle Frazier, Tommy Rodgers, David Teague 28. Jerry Thompson 29. Grayson Absher, Jackie Creed, Deanna Pegram 30. Bobbie Carter, Gavin Cole, Jeannie Jones, William Petitt
31. Penelope Duckworth, Edith Edmonds, Megan Webb, Judyth White
• Loved ones of Ada Mims, on January 20 • Pat Wilson in the loss of his uncle, and Anne Wilson in the loss of her brother-in-law, Bob Wilson, on January 22 • Steve Cothran in the loss of his uncle, Dr. Carl Ramsey, on January 29 • Ralph and Carolyn Gilliland in the loss of their daughter, Pamela Gilliland, on February 3 • Loved ones of Iris Wilson, former missionary associate of Clara Brincefield Huff, on February 4 • Susan Bowers in the loss of her mother, Vilena Smith, on February 7 • Stuart Allen in the loss of his mother, Lorena Allen, on February 8
March 2017 | 13
March @FBC The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3.22-23)
Wednesday Night Weekly Activities Whether you are a first time attender or a lifetime participant we invite you to find your place at the table. It is at the table where we have community. We want you here; your place at the table is waiting.
Meals: 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Classes: 6:15 - 7:10 pm March 1: Breakfast March 8: Wings March 15: Pizza March 22: Fajitas March 29: Pasta Weekly Children’s Extras: Yogurt, Fresh Fruits & Veggies, Etc. Reservations are encouraged for meals. 14 | Connections
Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC
Study - 9:15 am • BWible orship - 10:30 am • Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209 •
Sunday PM @FBC
• Youth Bells - 4 pm, 319-D/Sanctuary •Youth Choir - 5 pm, 311 •Adult Bells - 6 pm •Youth Discipleship - 6:20 pm, 301 • Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311 Wednesdays@FBC
Fellowship Meal Reservations •Reservations due Mon. 12 noon. Cancellations due Tues. 12 noon. Meal reservation? Online at OR Marty Kellam – x245 or Kids’ Programming - 6 pm Adult Classes - 6:15 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311
• • • •
•1 (W): Grace Meal Pick-Up. Kitchen, 5 pm •1, 8, 15, 22, 29 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. •Adults 108, 5:30 pm (serving begins at 5 pm) •All Ages •1 (W): Ash Wednesday. Sanctuary, 6:15 pm •Children •2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (Th): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30-11 am •Seniors •3-4 (F-Sa): CBF Youth Choir Festival. •Missions Knollwood Baptist Church, Winston-Salem •Weekday •5, 12, 19, 26 (Su): Pathfinders Class. Children’s Wing, 9:15 am School •5 (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm •Worship 6 (M): PrimeTime. 9 am Lunch • •Youth 6 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm • •7 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm •7 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •8 (W): Missions Committee. 108-C, 5:30 pm •12 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •12 (Su): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 11:45 am •12 (Su): Committee on Committees. 216, 4 pm •13, 20, 27 (M): FRONT. 102, 6 pm •14 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •14 (Tu): WMU Group 4. 204, 10:30 am •15 (W): Building & Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm •17 (F): FBC Weekday School Consignment Sale. Gym, 9 am - 7 pm •17-19 (F-Su): DiscipleNow Youth Retreat •18 (Sa): FBC Weekday School Consignment Sale. Gym, 8 am - 12 noon •26 (Su): College Luncheon. Cafe. 12 noon •26 (Su): Committee on Committees. 216, 4 pm •26 (Su): Family Lenten Workshop. 108 & Children’s Wing, 5 pm •28 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm •28 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm
A Thousand Words‌
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram.
Valentine Banquet 2017
(Photos by Charles Hartis)
March 2017 | 15
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
NO. 179
March 17 - 18
Friday | 9 am - 7 pm Saturday | 8 am - 12 noon (1/2 Price Day)
he Weekday School’s consignment sale features kid’s Spring/Summer clothing & shoes, toys, bikes, games, outdoor equipment, books, maternity clothing, nursery furniture, bedding, strollers, and more! Mom’s Spot is a great place for ladies to consign your like-new clothing, shoes, and accessories! Consignors make 60-70% of their sales: Consign only and earn 60%…consign and volunteer a minimum of four hours and earn 70%! The remaining profits will go to the FBC Weekday School Via Scholarship Fund.