Connections - March 2014 newsletter

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MARCH 2014 // // 336.274.3286


first baptist church greensboro


Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.


moved with compassion

p3 Artist: Rembrandt Christ Healing a Leper, c. 1650-55 // 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

March 2014 3 Insight | by Alan Sherouse –Are you moved with compassion?

March Connections Deadline: March 17 Email news to or bring it to the church office.

Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / x235 Dolores Donahue, Administrative Assistant: Finance / x226 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Monica Hix, Pastoral Assistant / x231 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Kate Kitchen, Homebound Ministry Director / 202-5757

4 CBFNC 20th Anniversary Celebration and General Assembly

5 Connect through Prayer –Ash Wednesday –“Come to the Table” –One Church - One Book

6 Connect with Missions –Be the Hands and Feet of Christ –FBC Weekday School Consignment Sale

7 Connect with Community Missions –Church Under The Bridge Partnership –StepUp Monthly Clothing Collection

8 Connect with Families –#Connect– Parents, Kids, and the Digital Divide –Valentine Banquet 2014 Photos

Connect with Children –FBC Bible Drill

9 Connect with Adults –Children’s Library Art Dedication

Connect with Business –A Generous Gift –February Church Conference Update

Scott North, Church Administrator / x222

–January 2014 Financial Update

Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231

10 Connect with One Another

Kim Priddy, Assistant Pastor: Missions / x295 Virginia Reynolds, Assistant Pastor: Children and Families / / x241

11 March Calendar 12 FBC High School Youth Choir Yard Sale

Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Marion Smith, Facilities Supervisor, x243 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections

I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvelous works. (Psalm 9.1)



arly in March we will enter the season of Lent. With humbled himself to walk alongside a suffering world – to foreheads marked with ash, we will walk for 40 welcome their children, sit at table with their outcasts, offer days (plus Sundays) in that figurative wilderness, a healing touch and speak a humanizing word. And he remembering that we are dust and to dust we shall return. An follows this path of compassion even as it leads into the city introspective season, Lent calls us to reflect on who we have of Jerusalem and beyond it to Golgotha, proclaiming with his been and who we are yet to become. It asks us the question of death his full identification with a suffering world. the poet Mary Daly, “What is it you plan to do with your one Throughout Lent we will consider this compassion, wild and precious life?” (from The Summer Day). reflecting on what it means for us to take it on in our own lives Jesus was asked similar questions in the wilderness. Up and in the life of our church. We will celebrate our ministries of from the waters of baptism, before his hair was even dry, Jesus compassion, and also ask how we might expand our lives into spent some 40 days being tested in the wilderness before his greater compassion for one another, our community and our public ministry began. It was here, Frederick Buechner has world. written, that “Jesus decided what it meant to be Jesus” (from If Buechner is right, that the wilderness is the time and Whistling in the Dark). space in which Jesus decided what it meant to be Jesus, then After his period in the wilderness, Jesus set his face toward Lent might just be the time and space for us to decide again Jerusalem and that moment of the story known what it means to be us. What does it mean to But when He saw as his passion or suffering. But ultimately it was be First Baptist Greensboro? And what does not the passion that defined his life, but even mean to be you? What if the enduring the multitudes, He itquality more his com-passion. In Latin, the word means of our lives was the compassion that was moved with marked Jesus’ life? “co-suffering.” The story of Jesus is the story of the one who suffers with. The author Nora Gallagher once compassion for them asked a friend Throughout Lent, we will focus on this who is a counselor how to (Matthew 9.36a) distinctive feature of Jesus’ life and consider love. Her friend said, “If you want to love, our capacity to make such compassion our own. Our Lenten you must enlarge your capacity to suffer.” This Lent, if we theme is “Moved with Compassion,” recalling those moments enlarge our capacity for compassion, we enlarge our capacity throughout the gospels where this phrase appears to describe to love, and we will emerge from this wilderness bearing much him. More than looking on us with pity or sympathy, Jesus more than foreheads marked with ash, but lives marked with entered our world and was moved to suffer alongside of us the very compassion of Christ. to help us know healing, wholeness, and redemption. He

Are you moved with compassion?


s we focus on Christ’s compassion for others during Lent, ask yourself, “What ministries of compassion do I serve both locally and globally?” The Visual Arts Team is coordinating a communal project for the season of Lent. You are invited to share the ways that you volunteer in the community. The volunteer efforts can be with faith-based organizations or secular ones. The Visual Arts Team wants to know what members of FBC are doing in the community. The volunteer efforts that you share will be transferred in calligraphy onto a visual for our Lenten observance. Team members will be available on Sunday, March 9 and 16 and Wednesday, March 12 to gather your volunteer service. You may also submit your volunteer service online by following the link on the homepage of the website. As part of our Lenten observance, the Visual Arts Team invites you to visit the exhibit, “Moved with Compassion” which will be on display in the gallery hall behind the Sanctuary beginning March 5. Come and carve out some moments for quiet reflection and meditation.

March 2014 | 3

Register NOW and Join us at the CBFNC 20th Anniversary Celebration and General Assembly! March 28-29, 2014 – FBC Greensboro As hosts of the 2014 CBF North Carolina General Assembly, FBC would like to have strong presence of our membership to represent our church at this annual gathering. This is the fourth time FBC has served as hosts over CBF-NC’s twenty year history and we are excited to celebrate this anniversary milestone at our church. We encourage you to carve time out of your day to stop by for a workshop that might interest you, to experience worship with our CBF friends from all over North Carolina, and to volunteer your time as a representative of FBC.



Friday, March 28

Registration is FREE and easy using the online registration at - go to the Upcoming Events tab! The Registration Link is at the bottom of the page. You may also pay online and pre-purchase Friday’s boxed lunch meal ($8/person) and Friday evening dinner ($10/person - early bird deadline is March 10; regular dinner price is $12/person).

• 11:00 am - Registration Opens • 11:00 am - Boxed Lunch (pre-purchased by attendees-$8), Fellowship Hall • 12:15 pm - Welcome and Orientation, Sanctuary • 1:00 pm - Workshop Session 1 • 2:15 pm - Workshop Session 2 • 3:15 pm - Fellowship Time, Exhibit Hall in Gym • 4:15 pm - Workshop Session 3 • 4:45-6:15 pm - Fellowship Dinner, Fellowship Hall • 6:45 pm - Evening Worship featuring musical guest Ken Medema & Larry Hovis, CBFNC Executive Coordinator, preaching, Sanctuary • 8:15 pm - 20th Anniversary Celebration, Gym

Saturday, March 29 • 8:30 am - Educational Partners and Friends Breakfast • 9:45 am - Ministry Celebration & Business Session Sanctuary • 11:15 am - Ken Medema Concert and Worship, Sanctuary • 12:30 pm - Sending Forth • 12:45 pm - Divinity Student Experience Lunch and Closing, Cafe in Gym

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are in need of smiling faces for the CBF General Assembly! We have a wonderful opportunity for hospitality to the many guests who will visit our campus on March 28th and 29th. If you would be willing to volunteer for registration, greeting, information or parking lot duty please contact Rosemary Kellam at or 274-3286 ext. 225. 4 | Connections

WORKSHOPS INCLUDE (and many more!)

• Youth Ministry from the Outside In • Hands On: Children Construct the Ark of the Covenant • The Gospel and the “Nones” • The Improvisational Leader • Leading Positive Change • Handling Conflict in the Church • Connecting with the People Jesus Misses Most • Using New Media to Enhance Bible Study • Hunger: the Greatest Epidemic Facing the World Today

CHILDREN CAN LEARN AND PLAY at the ASSEMBLY! • Children will participate in Bible study and sensory learning activities through music, games, art and nature walks based on the theme of Prayer. • Children’s programming is available for children birth5th grade. • For our 1st-5th grade children, there will also be a special 20th Anniversary Celebration Party. • Online registration is required by March 10. Cost is $5 per family.

Connect through Prayer


A musical in 3 acts featuring composer Ken Medema Sunday, March 30 @ 10:30 am

March 5

On Ash Wednesday we will begin our Lenten Season together with some churchwide events for all ages. The Ash Wednesday Fellowship Meal will feature a Pancake Dinner with some of our best pancake “chefs” cooking their favorite recipes for you to eat. Chef K will provide the rest of our meal - scrambled eggs, cheese grits, sausage, and hash browns! Make your reservations with Rosemary Kellam: 274.3286, x225 or Afterwards join us for the Ash Wednesday service as we begin the 40-day season of Lent together.

Ken Medema will join with the Middle School choirs from FBC Greensboro and FBC Asheville, as they perform his musical, Come to the Table. This three-act production is based on the parable of the rich householder who throws a lavish party and provides a contemporary look at Jesus and his invitation to the table.

March 5 Schedule: 5:15 pm Prayer Book Discussion 5:30 pm Pancake Dinner 6:30 pm Ash Wednesday Service

Join our prayer emphasis:

One Church - One Book!


he following opportunities are open to anyone wishing to be involved in a discussion group on the Foster book. Facilitated discussion groups will be provided throughout March during 9:15 am Sunday School time, Sunday evenings at 6 pm in room 102, and Wednesday evening Adult Access at 6:15 pm in room 108-C. Families with children are encouraged to bring this prayer emphasis into your home. Children will be learning about prayer in small groups on Wednesday nights. FBC’s website will provide a link to a blog for participants to be able to post comments on the book. We also encourage families to focus on prayer through March. The following schedule for reading the book is recommended.

The week of… March 2: Chapters 1 - 5 March 23: Chapters 14 - 17 March 9: Chapters 6 - 9 March 30: Chapters 18 - 21 March 16: Chapters 10 - 13

March 2014 | 5

Connect with Missions

Be the Hands and Feet of Christ BY KIM PRIDDY


irst I want to thank everyone for the warm hospitality extended to me and my family. The email messages, phone calls, Facebook messages, and invitations of welcome have been tremendous. I have a sense that it will not take long before this is home. During my first week at FBC I had the opportunity to watch three women through their ministry, StreetWatch, provide resources, shelter, food and hospitality for our friends that live outside. The city opened up the Windsor Recreation Center on Lee Street which proved to be a safe haven from the winter weather and a place for fellowship around movies, basketball games and meals. StreetWatch is a street outreach team that serves those who live outside. This is the same organization that FBC extended an invitation to watch the Carolina Panthers

playoff football game. After hearing about some of their needs, we sent out an email and many of you responded by making donations of food and water. I ask that you continue to pray for StreetWatch and those in need of permanent housing. I am excited about the present and future ministry of FBC to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community and the world. I met with the Missions Committee on February 16 and was excited about their zeal to lead FBC in missions. It would be wonderful to have the opportunity to get to know you and hear more of your thoughts, so I would like to invite you to an informal lunch at Panera on Lawndale Drive on Friday, March 14 at 11:30 am. If you cannot come, I will do it again.

Find us on

March 21 & 22, 2013 Friday - 9 am - 7 pm Saturday - 8 am - 1 pm (Half Price Day) Our sale will offer Kids’ Spring & Summer Clothing & Shoes, Toys, Bikes, Games, Outdoor Equipment, Books, Maternity Clothing, Nursery Furniture, Bedding, Strollers and more. Returning this Spring, Moms’ Spot! Bring your like new ladies’ clothing, shoes, handbags and accessories. Cash & checks accepted. If you consign only, you will earn 60% of your sales. If you consign and volunteer a minimum of 6 hours, you earn 70% of your sales! The remaining profits will go to the FBC Weekday School Via Scholarship Fund. As a thank you, you are invited to the preview sale on March 20. There are many opportunities to shop, consign, and volunteer so find out how you can be involved in the Weekday School ministry to our community. There are registration links on the website or email the Consignment Team: / 6 | Connections

Connect with Community Missions

Church Under The Bridge Partnership BY JOE GARCIA


wo Sunday School Classes, Connections and A Gathering Community, have combined and are excited to work together in our community with Church Under the Bridge on Saturday, March 22. Church Under The Bridge is a non-denominational church held each Saturday evening at 6 pm under the Eugene Street Bridge on Spring Garden Street (corner of Spring Garden Street and Federal Place). Various churches in the area volunteer each week to provide the meal, music, message and other needs for this congregation comprised mostly of folks who live outside. We had a chance to meet many of these folks at the recently held “Panthers play-off watch party” held in our Café. We would like to offer clothing (adult and children’s), blankets, sleeping bags or mats, and shoes, to those that might be in need during the service on March 22. If you have any of these items for donation, please bring them to room 112 (just inside the door to rear parking lot) or contact Joe Garcia for more information: / 587-6220.

StepUp Monthly Clothing Collection Sunday, March 9 in the Atrium “Interview ready” items of clothing and accessories for men and women will be collected. Items needed for men: suits, jackets, slacks, shoes, belts and dress socks. Items needed for women: dresses, suits, jackets, slacks, shoes and accessories (scarves, pins, short necklaces and small earrings). Items should be clean and need no repair. Donation receipts will be available. Information: Shirley Thompson, 274-9622,

March 2014 | 7

Connect with Familes

#Connect Parents, Kids, and the Digital Divide You’re invited to join us on Sunday, March 2 in 108 Adults: 5 - 6 pm Adults and Kids: 6 - 7:30 pm (snack supper included) Communication is the key to strong relationships. If your children aren’t yet online and beginning to express themselves on social media, they will be before you know it and you need to be there with them. Sunday night, Dr. Brian Foreman will help us understand the importance of communicating with our kids online and off and will give us some fun and practical ways to know what’s out there so we can connect better across the digital divide. Brian Foreman has spent 20+ years working with congregations and youth ministries. He is a husband, father, professor at Campbell University and Divinity School, backpacker, runner, and Duke hoops junkie,

and he looks at the world and can’t ignore that it needs some tweaking before he wants to hand it down to your children or his. Brian is the author of #Connect: Reaching Teens Across the Digital Divide and How to Be #SocialMediaParents.

Valentine Banquet 2014 – Under the Big Top

Connect with Children How Do You Get the Bible off the Shelf and into Your Child’s Hands?


ven more, how do you get the text off the pages of the Bible and into their hearts and minds? Through Bible Drill! Christy Jones and Carolyn Clontz have taken a traditional program and brought new life and excitement as children learn Bible verses, key passages and the Books of the Bible. Each week they have played games, learned wonderful principles and mastered skills and now they are ready to share from this year’s treasury of truth. The Bible Drill team will be sharing with us during the morning worship service on March 9. Then at 5:30 pm, they will engage in the traditional calls and drills of the Church Bible Drill. In lieu of the Associational or State Drills, the children will be advancing through the three levels here at FBC in the coming weeks. Join us in celebrating and congratulating these young people in their tenacity for learning what the Bible says to them – and to us. 8 | Connections

Bible Drill Team: Ginny Barnes, Millicent Childs, Parker Hall, Anna Hartis, Jacob Knight, Liza Lewis, Julia Lyle, Kyleigh Pegram, Maggie Rigsbee, Grayson Smith, Kate Stephens, and Lauren Worsley

Connect with Adults Adult Access classes continue through March:

Children’s Library Art Dedicated in Honor of Lois Pritchard

Wednesday nights, 6:15 - 7:10 pm • Acting on Our Faith •

(Meets in 108)

• Bible Study: The Three Kings of the Old Testament •

(Meets in the Chapel)

• Women’s Book Study

The dedication of a mural painted by Tyrone Smith in memory of Lois Pritchard took place on February 19 in the Children’s Library.

(Meets in the Café)

• Prayer Discussion (Meets in 108-C)

Connect with Business A Generous Gift


he Endowment Trust Committee of First Baptist Church gratefully acknowledges the receipt of a gift in the amount $109,360.12 to the Capital Asset Endowment Fund from the estate of Carl Rufus Willard. This generous donation increases the Capital Asset Endowment Fund to over $300,000, and will assist the church with long-term capital asset needs. Mr. Willard’s gift is an example of “Finishing Well,” and should encourage everyone to follow his example by including the church in our estate plans. There are several fund options within the Endowment Trust. Contact Scott North in the church office or any of the members of your Endowment Trust Committee with questions about wills or estate planning.

February Church Conference Update The monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday afternoon, February 9, 2014 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Jack Swanson, presided. The following actions were taken. (Hard copies available upon request in the church office.) Alan Tutterow, Chairman, Personnel Committee, made the following motion: • Motion 1: Upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee and the Deacons, I move that the proposed changes to the First Baptist Church Staff Supervision Chart be approved. Action: The motion was approved. • Motion 2: Upon recommendation of the Personnel Committee and the Deacons, I move that the recommended revisions to the First Baptist Church Basic Job Description Summary be approved. Action: The motion was approved.

January 2014 Financial Update Receipts & Distributions January Budget Receipts January Budget Disbursements YTD Differential

Actual $202,691 $163,364 $39,327

Budget Last Year $210,552 $147,414 $63,138

$199,728 $147,964 $51,764 March 2014 | 9

Connect with One Another If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. (1st Corinthians 12:26)

Responding to the Invitation

Welcome New Baby!

Matthew Lucas Si Born: January 16 Proud Parents: Elizabeth Ann and Lloyd Si Proud FBC Grandmother: Shannon Frazier

Bereaved Andrea and Cooper Harrell (on February 9) By Letter

Alison Barnes (on February 22) By Letter

• Delmas Bearden in the loss of his brother, George Bearden, on January 27 • Barbara Brock, Virginia Reynolds, and Kathy Simmons in the loss of their daughter and sister, Karen Brock Ramalho, on February 1 • Rachel Shackelford on the loss of her brother, Edgar Hartgrove, on February 4 • Jean Canter in the loss of her brother-in-law, Jim Ogden, on February 7 • The family of Dot Hellen, on February 8 • The family of Evelyn Anderson, on February 13

March Birthdays 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Nell Beavers, Stephanie Stutts Peter Evenson, Susannah Townes Gavin Cole, Jimmie Foxworth, Jean Fuqua Jack Foxworth, Sara Massey Phyllis Abee, Will Barnes, Garland Gordon, Charles Jones, Tammy Miller 6. Monica Hix, David Ryan 7. Madeline Fenn, Ron Hooper, Julianna King, Carl Myatt 8. Marie Binder, Deborah Gilliland, Sylvia Hough 9. Wade Adkins 10. Norma Kibler, Betty Lusk, Dot Sperber 11. Wilma Cox, Cathy Isom 12. No FBC Birthdays 13. Larry Davis, Becky Stanley, Allison Twigg 14. Jeff Austin, Ashley Carter, Sandy Frost, Elaine McCall, Lindsey Pegram, Nicholas Powell, Jeannie Singley, Ruthie Tutterow 15. Louise Baity, Seth Ryan Macon, Laurie Nipper, Baxter Riddleberger, Vernon Wimberley 16. Alec Carter, Tyler Messick, Tom Townes 10 | Connections

College Birthdays Stephanie Stutts 3/1 2506 Gracewood Drive Greensboro, NC 27408

Baxter Riddleberger 3/15 4400 North Danby Castle Road Greensboro, NC 27407-6432

Emily Crow 3/18 2230 Granville Towers South Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Dixon Crews 3/19 16319 Sullivan Hall, Raleigh, NC 27607

Grayson Absher 3/29 PO Box 6511, 1834 Wake Forest Road Winston-Salem, NC 27109

Seth Wilson 3/31 Aspyre at Assembly 1000 Whaley Street, Apt. 2118 Columbia, SC 29201

17. No FBC Birthdays 18. Emily Crow, Dwight Fickling 19. Dolly Chesson, Dixon Crews, Lawrence Glisson, Joseph May, Dorothy Patterson 20. Valerie Wooten 21. Ellen Curlee, Carolyn Grassi, Kristie Phillips, Stephen Rich, Beau Stephens, Robert Stutts, Ginny Sykes 22. Ruth Howerton, Seth Macon, Leta Robinson, Lib Smith, Frank Wilson 23. Joyce Beech, Bettie Williams, Melinda Wood 24. Alice Angell, April Pegram, Dee Tanner 25. Andrew Angell 26. Sally Skidmore 27. Merle Frazier, David Teague 28. Jerry Thompson 29. Grayson Absher, Barbara Blowe, Jackie Creed, Deanna Pegram 30. Bobbie Carter, Lester Nunn, William Petitt, Kathy Shropshhire 31. Edith Edmonds, Marty Sheets, Megan Webb, Judyth White, Seth Wilson

See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. (Matt. 6.28)

•Sunday, March 2 – #Connect– Parents, Kids, and the Digital Divide. 5 - 7:30 pm, 108. (See page 8) •Monday, March 3 – PrimeTime. 9 am-Lunch. •Wednesday, March 5 – Ash Wednesday. Prayer Book Discussion, 5:15 pm, 102;

Pancake Dinner, 5:30 pm, 108; Ash Wednesday Service, 6:30 pm, Sanctuary (See page 5) Sunday, March 9 – Community Lunch followed by Church Conference.

12 noon, Fellowship Hall

•Sunday, March 9 – Bible Drill. 5:30 pm, (See page 8) •Friday, March 14 – Informal Lunch with Kim Priddy. 11:30 am, Panera, Lawndale Drive. (See page 6) •March 21 - 22 – FBC Weekday School Second Time Around

Consignment Sale. Friday: 9 am-7 pm, Saturday: 8 am-1 pm, Gym (See page 6) Saturday, March 22 – Church Under The Bridge. 6 pm. (See page 7) March 28 - 29 – CBFNC 20th Anniversary Celebration and General Assembly. FBC Greensboro (See page 4) Sunday, March 30 – Come to the Table. 10:30 am, Sanctuary (See page 5)

• • •

Looking Ahead to April • Saturday, April 5: High School Youth Yard Sale, 7 am, FBC Gym • Sunday, April 6: Spring Celebration and Egg Hunt, 3-5 pm • Monday, April 7: PrimeTime, 9 am - 1 pm • Saturday, April 12: High School Youth Leave for Romania • Sunday, April 13: Palm Sunday • April 13-20: Holy Week • Sunday, April 20: Easter Sunday • Monday, April 21: Church Offices Closed - Easter Monday • Monday, April 21: High School Youth Return from Romania Key:

March Fellowship Meals Wednesdays, 5-6:30 pm

• 5: Ash Wednesday - Pancake Dinner includes Scrambled Eggs, Cheese Grits, Sausage, and Hash Browns • 12: Chicken Portofino, Orzo Pasta, Broccoli Spears, and Salad Bar // Kids: Chicken Fingers • 19: Pork Loin, Stewed Apples, Mac & Cheese, and Salad Bar // Kids: Hot Dog • 26: Fried Fish, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw, and Salad Bar//Kids: Fish Stix

Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC

• • •

Bible Study - 9:15 am Worship - 10:30 am Guest Reception - 11:45 am (209)

Sunday PM @FBC

•Youth Bells I & II, 4 pm • Children’s Bells, 5 pm • Children’s Bible Drill, 6 pm • Youth: MS Discipleship & HS Choir, 5 pm • Youth Snack Supper • Youth: MS Choir & HS Discipleship, 6 pm • Prayer Discussion, 6 pm • Adult Bells I, 6 pm • Sanctuary Choir, 7 pm • Instrumental Ensemble (3rd Sundays), 7 pm


•Fellowship Meal - Dinner is served between 5-6:30 pm Kids’ • Access - 6 pm •Youth Forum - 6:15 pm •Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm •Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm Daylight savings time begins March 9 Turn your clocks ahead one hour when you go to bed Saturday night, March 8.

•Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth March 2014 | 11

First Bapt ist Church Greensboro


1000 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27401

NO. 179

We need your donations:

Here is your chance to empty your attic and make room in your closets and garages! Invite your friends and neighbors! Bring all items you wish to donate to the FBC Gym from March 2 thru April 2. Please make sure the items are in working condition and gently used (not torn, dirty, and disgusting!) Donations can be dropped off to one of our team members Sunday and Wednesday evenings from 5 - 8 pm at the FBC Gym.

• Furniture (all types) • Decorative household items (lamps, paintings, throw pillows, etc.) • Pictures/Picture Frames • Whimsy...anything! • Jewelry • Accessories (belts, scarves, headbands, purses, and gloves) • Designer Clothing • Electronics • Books, DVDs, CDs • Games, Toys (with all parts included) • Luggage/Backpacks • Coats (all sizes) • Tools (small electric & hand) • Sports/Exercise Equipment • Kitchen Items (dishes, pots & pans) • Bedding (sheet sets, comforters, blankets) For more information: Jennifer Lewis (294.6104/ ), Lynda Grace Moore (407.3584/ ), and Joanna and John Sample (854.8108/ ).

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