MARCH 2018 | | 336.274.3286
first baptist church greensboro
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
Holy Week
EXPERIENCE WEEKDAY SERVICES ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY | 336-274-3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
April Connections Deadline: March 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Gloria Koster, Managing Editor/Designer Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Rosemary Kellam, Production Editor Operations Director / x231 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229
Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239
Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / / x295 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245
Amy Kirkman, Weekday School Director / x240
March 2018
3 Window Gazing
4 Reflections on the Love Feast
5 Connect with Worship
6 The Lenten Season at FBC
7 Connect with Missions
8 Connect with the FBC Preschool
9 Connect with Children
– Holy Week –Furman University Chamber Orchestra Free Concert –Handel’s Messiah | Godspell Jr. –Lent 2018 – Practicing Our Faith | Wednesday Nights during Lent
–Last Month for the WE! Shelter for Women! –Summer Mission Team to New York City –Plans for the Friendly Garden at FBC are Growing! –March Madness Souper Selection Sunday
–The Preschool Has a New Logo! –Parents’ Night Out and Art Show –Recent Fun Preschool Photos
–Family Lenten Workshop Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families –Brunch & Egg Hunt | Worship Folders for Kids | VBS / x241
Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident / x236
Scott North, Church Administrator / x226
Sarah Parker, Interim Youth Minister / x235 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x232
Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231
Courtney Stamey, Pastoral Resident / x223
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251 Steve Sumerel, Associate Pastor: Congregational Life / x233
Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 Alisa Windsor, Ministry Support Associate / x225
2 | Connections
10 Connect with Adults
11 Connect with Youth
–March 5 PrimeTime –FRONT: “Intersection of Faith and Science” –FBC High School Youth Choir Yard Sale
Connect with College
–College Birthdays | Ways to Get Connected at FBC
12 Connect with FBC Staff
13 Connect with One Another
14 March Calendar
15 A Thousand Words…
16 Connect with Business
–Meet Our New Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation: Rev. Courtney Willis –Call Sunday for Associate Pastor of Youth & Families, March 11 – New Members | Birthdays | Bereaved
–Giving at FBC Greensboro | December 2017 Financial Results Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing
By Alan Sherouse
ITH THE PASSING OF BILLY GRAHAM late last month, many of us - especially here in his home state - have taken stock of the grand measure of his influence. But as large and sweeping as it was, his influence was also intimate and specific for many, including some at First Baptist Greensboro. Early in my time here, I remember hearing about a Billy Graham Crusade in Greensboro in the mid-20th century. “That’s where I became a Christian,” several people told me. As I’ve learned more since his death, I’ve come to realize that the 1951 Crusade was also a central part of our church’s growth in that period. In our 2009 church history, In Every Good Work, Dr. Scott Culclasure makes the observation that, “The citywide Billy Graham revival of October 14-November 11, 1951 broke church attendance and giving records” (p. 242). Sunday School set a new high attendance mark. The Finance Chair credited the swell from the Crusade with helping the church to balance a budget shortfall. It’s safe to assume that some of those who came to First Baptist in 1951 were key contributors to the construction of our current building a few years later. All of this was part of more than 400,000 people, over six weeks, who attended the Crusade in the plywood, dirt-floored, temporary “tabernacle” where the Greensboro Coliseum now stands. Scores were influenced by Graham’s compelling and straightforward message, “Jesus saves.” We continue to proclaim that Jesus really does save. And we also proclaim that Jesus keeps saving us. As vital as an initial moment of conversion is - whether on a Damascus Road, in a Greensboro tabernacle, or wherever the Spirit meets us along our way - throughout our lives of faith we continue to experience opportunities for change, growth, repentance, and new direction. As a friend of mine is fond of praying, “God, convert us once again.” That’s why I was moved to learn that of all the people who experienced moments of conversion in Greensboro in 1951, one of them was Billy Graham himself. A 2013 News & Record article, on Graham’s 95th birthday, describes how as part of his time in Greensboro, he visited with college students at North Carolina A&T. The students were bold in pressing Graham on why crusade seating was segregated. Graham pledged to the students that he would work on this. Rev. Andrew Leroy Parker, Graham’s friend and then pastor of Friendly Avenue Baptist, would later say that this experience stayed with Graham, and was a core reason that by 1954, all his crusades were held before integrated audiences. Graham himself, in a well known symbolic action, took down the ropes (In News & Record, Nov 3, 2013). A commendation from our state upon his death celebrated Billy Graham’s integration of his crusades as a part of his legacy. We in Greensboro know that it came in large part through the bold witness of those students, as something like scales fell from his eyes and he gained a clearer vision of the call of Christ and the Spirit continued to work in his life from there. Jesus saves us, as Billy Graham proclaimed. But Jesus doesn’t stop “saving” us and changing us and making us more like him. I know this is true of me, as throughout my life I’ve met Jesus in new ways, and heard new calls of the gospel, changing my direction along the way. Graham himself was fully human, no less than another great evangelist who called himself “chief of sinners.” His legacy is full of greatness. But it also includes the reminder that even the one revered as “Protestant Pope,” “Pastor in chief,” and an innovative and passionate proclaimer of Christ, was also someone who needed to meet Jesus in new ways, continue to grow in Christ, and find new ways to embrace all of Christ’s community. If that was true of Billy Graham, surely Jesus is not done saving us.
March 2018 | 3
Reflections on the Love Feast
‌Held on Sunday, February 11 to support the High School Choir Trip to Thailand What a wonderful Love Feast Day! The Fellowship Hall was full and so were our hearts as we gathered for worship and to break bread celebrating the love of Christ and our love as church family. Thank you congregation of First Baptist for showing support to our youth and encouraging them as they serve and share the love of Christ in Thailand this summer. Thank you to our youth who capably led in worship and graciously served the Love Feast meal. We were excited to hear details from Laura Lomax and Phil Barbee about the work of Chris and Dora Barbee in Thailand and how our youth will relate and serve among their community. A special word of gratitude goes to Catherine Little for organizing and leading the Love Feast planning team. Thanks be to God for all these gifts and for the generous $10,695 that was received!
A Special Note of Thanks from Catherine Scott-Little
(Chairperson of the Love Feast Planning Team) Thank you to parents, youth, and other congregation members who set the tables, hosted tables, served food, and helped clean up. Members of the planning team included Marissa Austin, Keeley Duckworth, Debbie Garner, Clare Johnson, Catherine Little, Molly Lyle, Holly Messick, Deanna Pegram, Carla Porter, LeAndrea Rainey, Ann Webb, and Dave Worsley. A special thank you to Monica Vaughan for decorating the Fellowship Hall and coordinating the Love Feast elements.
4 | Connections
Holy Week March 26-30
Chapel Renovation Inaugural Service Four opportunities | Same service
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7 pm in the Chapel. Choose one and bring the family!
Free Concert Sunday, March 4 | 3 pm FBC Sanctuary
Sunday, April 15 10:30 am | Sanctuary The Passion/Easter portion of Handel’s “Messiah” will be presented by the Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra.
(Wednesday will follow the regular schedule of dinner and classes for Adults and Children.)
Observe and Remember Christ’s Passion
Lord’s Supper | Garden Prayer | Trial | Crucifixion Experiential Worship for the Whole Family.
Godspell Jr. May 5 & 6
Presented by Middle School Choir | Assisted by Older Children’s Choir AVE THE DATES of May 5 & 6 as our talented Middle School Choir and Children’s Choir present this classic by Stephen Schwartz. Based on the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Godspell Jr. draws from various theatrical traditions such as clowning, pantomime, charades, acrobatics and vaudeville. Come and be a part of this groundbreaking and unique reflection on the life of Jesus, with a message of kindness, tolerance and love.
March 2018 | 5
Lent 2018 – Practicing Our Faith | Fasting | Choices | Community | Justice | Forgiveness | Dying Well | Song | Testimony |
HIS LENT, WE TAKE SERIOUSLY what it means to “Practice our Faith.” As we look into the concepts presented in, Practicing our Faith: A guide for Conversation, Learning and Growth by Dorothy Bass, we dare to move beyond only fasting for Lent. Through sermons, small groups, and worship all ages of our church will consider how to engage with faith practices in meaningful ways. Throughout the season of Lent let’s explore new practices each Sunday in worship. We are then encouraged to engage it on our own through provided weekly meditations, and as a group through discussion. Since this is a whole church focus, our youth and children will be engaging with the practices during their regularly scheduled programming. Additionally, we are offering unique mid-week small group sessions for Young Adults and ReConnections. For additional information and how you can be plugged in, please contact Darnysha Nard – | x236.
Wednesday Nights during Lent 6:15-7:10 pm
Join us on Wednesday nights as we immerse ourselves in worship, study, and practice this Lenten season.
Practicing Our Faith (108-C) We will have the opportunity to
explore “Practicing our Faith” in small group settings. One option will be on Wednesday nights as an Access class. Each week, we will discuss and reflect on the practice identified in Sunday’s sermon guided by Dorothy Bass’ book, Practicing our Faith: A guide for Conversation, Learning and Growth. We will take steps in learning to practice our faith in new and refreshing ways. Through time in scripture, followed by discussion, we will learn how to navigate into the sacred space that the Lenten Season provides in the midst of our busyness.
Wednesday Night “Practicing Our Faith” Themes: February 21: Choices | February 28: Community | March 7: Justice March 14: Forgiveness | March 21: Dying Well | March 28: Song
Chapel Bible Study: The Gospel of Mark (102) This class is led by Dr. Steve Pressley and is studying one chapter of Mark each week through Easter.
6 | Connections
Last Month for the WE! Shelter for Women! Summer Mission ARCH IS A MONTH OF transition at the WE! Shelter—many of the Team to New York City
women who have been working toward permanent housing will move out during March. Our church has played an important part in this ministry and we need to continue to cover Monday nights through the end of the month. Thank you to the faithful volunteers who have contributed time, supplies, and prayers during the winter! Please check out the FBC website – or email Geneva Metzger – for an update on the current needs.
Each Monday evening, volunteers are needed for: • Greeters (5-7 pm) • Hospitality Hosts (5-7:30 pm or 7:30-9:30 pm) • Preparing Dinner (deliver around 6:15 pm) • Preparing Lunch Bags (deliver between 5 and 7:30 pm on Monday) Bus Drivers are also needed on Tuesday mornings (7-8 am). Contact Gayle Wiley – | 852-2768 or sign up on FBC’s website if you are interested in being a driver for the shelter.
Here is a list of supplies that are needed every week: Bottled water / Orange juice (bottled or frozen) / Fresh fruit Lemonade mix (or Kool-aid packs and sugar) / Iced tea mix Cleaning products, including bleach / Food serving gloves
HIS YEAR WE HAVE started a new partnership with CBF Field Personnel, Lesley-Ann Hix Tommey, and have been invited to co-lead a week of CLUE camp, August 4-11, for inner city children through Rauschenbusch’s Metro Ministries. We need at least 5-8 participants, 9th grade and up, to pull this off. Contact Amy Grizzle Kane – – if you have interest and want to know more. Each person will be responsible for travel to and from NYC, meals and any entertainment costs. Nights will be free to sightsee in NYC.
Plans for the Friendly Garden at FBC Greensboro are Growing!
HE FRIENDLY GARDEN AT FBC is about to “sprout its plans” for the new year and we need your help to make it a great success. Our theme this year is “Sharing” and we want to share our produce, our fellowship, and our learning with members of our church, surrounding neighbors and the community. Initial thoughts include garden activities for young children and families, youth and adults so we can have fun and spread knowledge about the abundance of the earth. Stay tuned for more information about the Garden in email communications and newsletters. An informational meeting is set up for March 12, 7-8 pm. If you are interested in learning more about this mission, please contact Amy Grizzle Kane – | x295. We welcome all hands to DIG IN.
Parents’ Night Out and Art Show
The Preschool Has a New Logo!
E ARE EXCITED TO announce that our iconic red doors are part of our new logo that was developed by Jenny Sherouse. She worked in conjunction with church member Lauren Parrish to develop it. Assistant Director, Jeannie Gunter, originally created the idea of the red door logo. We are excited to show it off on future communications!
HE PRESCHOOL IS gearing up for our Parents’ Night Out and Art Show that will be held on March 15 at Double Oaks Bed and Breakfast. We will be holding a silent auction online on our Facebook page the week of March 12-15. The auction will culminate the evening of the Parents’ Night Out. Proceeds from the silent auction and art show will fund new classroom furniture, materials to support our new curriculum, outdoor playground enrichment, and professional development for staff. The Art Show will showcase the work of our preschool students. Parents are invited to purchase their child’s art at the event. Please visit the First Baptist Church Greensboro Preschool Facebook page that week to see what we have to offer for the auction! The preschool appreciates any and all donations to our silent auction. All contributions are tax-deductible. Please contact our event chair Jenny Sherouse if you are interested in making a donation: | 708-5032. Inquiries can also be made to the Preschool Director:
Enjoy these photos of some recent fun at First Baptist Church Greensboro’s Preschool…
8 | Connections
Family Lenten Workshop Sunday, March 4 | 5-7 pm
This workshop is designed for families and their children to help them to understand the significance of Lent and Holy Week. We will begin with dinner and then move to the children’s wing for the workshop. There will be different stations that families rotate through and will include interactive prayer experiences, crafts, and other meaningful activities. The cost is $6 per person for dinner and supplies. Childcare will be provided for children 2 and under. Sign up:
Join us for a great meal of eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, biscuits, and fruit. Brunch is $6 for adults and $3 for children. Following brunch we will have a Resurrection Egg Hunt for the children on the front lawn. Sign up:
Worship Folders for Kids Each Sunday morning we have worship folders at the entrances of the
Sanctuary for children through 5th grade. Please return the folders to the baskets at the conclusion of the service.
T FIRST BAPTIST VBS, children (ages 4 through 5th grade) will venture onto an uncharted island where kids survive and thrive. Kids will be anchored in the truth that Jesus carries them through life’s storms. Each day at Shipwrecked VBS, kids will travel through field-tested rotations that reinforce relevant Bible Points and immerse kids in new adventures. Children who have completed 4th and 5th grades will be doing mission projects on-site and in the community from 9:30 - 11:30 am. They will be joining the larger group for opening and closing celebrations. Cost is $20 per child with a $50/ family max. This includes activities, daily snacks, a T-shirt, and Thursday evening dinner and celebration. CD of program music available for $5 each. For more information contact Christina McCord | x241. March 2018 | 9
“Dona Butler Reflecting on Her Life and Ministry in Japan” FBC member Dona Butler and her husband served as missionaries in Japan for 18 years. Come hear one of our own share her life with us. Reservation Deadline: March 1
will examine Acts 20: I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself (v. 24), taught by Dr. Steve Pressley.
Ministry Moment: Darnysha Nard PrimeTime at FBC includes:
9 am: Ceramics, Gym | 11 am: Bible Study, 101 12 noon: Lunch, 108 – Cost: $6/person – Reservation Deadline: March 1 To sign up for lunch, contact Marty Kellam | x245
Intersection of Faith and Science Mondays, March 12 & 19 6:30 - 8 pm | Room 102 Steve Sumerel will present his research on the intersection of faith and science which he studied while on sabbatical. There will be a concentration on Darwin’s ideas on evolution and the effects on the church at the time – and the continued effects today. This class is a part of our FRONT series. Refreshments will be provided. Please email Steve to let him know you plan on attending:
10 | Connections
FBC High School Youth Choir Yard Sale When: Saturday, April 14 from 7 am – 12 noon Where: FBC Gym Why: To benefit the FBC High School Youth Choir Trip to Thailand Here is your chance to empty your attic and make room in your closets and garages. Look for upcoming details on the drop-off times for your donations. (No walk-in drop offs.)
Donation Suggestions:
• Furniture/All Types (excluding used mattresses) • Decorative household items (lamps, paintings, throw pillows, etc.) • Pictures/Picture Frames • Jewelry/Accessories • Clothing including coats • Electronics • Books, DVDs, CDs • Games, Toys • Luggage/Backpacks • Tools (small electric & hand) • Sports/Exercise Equipment • Kitchen Items (dishes, pots & pans) • Bedding (sheet sets, comforters, blankets) For more information, or to schedule a time to drop off: contact Cathy Wells – (336) 339-5484 |
Sundays at FBC:
-Pick-up at the UNCG Rock at 10:15 am for the Worship Service -Light lunch and Bible Study immediately after Worship in the Café
Wednesday Night Dinner Join us at FBC Greensboro every Wednesday night for FREE dinner from 5:30-6:15 pm in our Fellowship Hall - 1000 West Friendly Ave. You must make reservations for your meal Due Tuesday at 12 noon: online at or 274-3286, x245.
COLLEGE BIRTHDAYS Susannah Townes | March 2 801 Sunset Drive | Greensboro, NC 27408 Tyler Messick | March 16 3103 Cardinal Ridge Drive | Greensboro, NC 27410 Stephen Rich | March 21
3701 Starhill Court | Greensboro, NC 27410 March 2018 | 11
We are excited to announce our new Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation:
Rev. Courtney Willis
E HAVE EXPERIENCED COURTNEY’S GIFTS for ministry over the last several years, first in leadership of our annual Women’s Retreat and then in her leadership of a special project to invigorate our ministry to families with young children since September of 2016. Her gifts for teaching, pastoral ministry, and engaging faith formation make her an ideal fit for this part-time position that focuses on Spiritual Formation, Teaching, Retreats, and other Special Events and Initiatives as part of our larger Pastoral Staff. For more information on Courtney and her ministry, visit
About Courtney:
OURTNEY WILLIS HAS A broad range of experience in pastoral ministry and faith formation. First Baptist Greensboro has come to appreciate Courtney’s gifts especially over the last year and a half, as she has led a special project to build our ministry to the parents & families of our growing children’s ministry. We are now excited for her ministry to expand to the whole of our Congregation in the role of Associate Pastor for Spiritual Formation. A graduate of Elon University (BA in English and Education, 2000) and Princeton Theological Seminary (MA in Religious Education, 2003), Courtney has served churches in Tennessee and North Carolina, before more recently serving in a variety of capacities in the national ministry of PASSPORT, Inc.
Ministry Experience: • PASSSPORT, 2010-18 | Wrote Bible study curriculum, trained staff teams, mentored young adult summer staff members, and planned events including the national ecumenical Faith in 3D Conference • Minister to Youth, Ardmore Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC, 2006-08 | Ministered to 100+ youth and their families through weekly Bible studies, fellowships and seasonal events • Associate Minister, West Hills Baptist Church, Knoxville, TN, 2003-06 | Pastoral ministry focused on teaching small groups and pastoral counseling
Courtney and Her Family: Courtney is married to Stephen,
and they have one son: Berkley.
Call Sunday for Associate Pastor of Youth and Families | March 11
HE SEARCH COMMITTEE, PERSONNEL COMMITTEE, AND PASTOR ALAN are excited for the congregation to meet the Candidate for Associate Pastor of Youth and Families. The Candidate will be in Greensboro the weekend of March 11, spending time with youth and families, and meeting the congregation throughout the day on Sunday. Please plan to be a part of this exciting day in the ministry of First Baptist! 12 | Connections
Responding to the Invitation
Indigo Stephens ( January 28)
March Birthdays (No FBC birthdays March 25)
1. Nell Beavers, Stephanie Stutts 2. Peter Evenson, Caleb Hix, Susannah Townes 3. Gavin Cole, James Pate 4. Macey Cornett, Jack Foxworth, Sara Massey, Margaret White 5. Will Barnes, Garland Gordon, Tammy Miller, Robert White 6. Monica Hix, David Ryan 7. Ron Hooper, Julianna King, Carl Myatt 8. Marie Binder, Deborah Gilliland 9. David Whitehead 10. Betty Lusk 11. Lydia Bradford, Cathy Isom 12. Brandon Walters 13. Larry Davis, Becky Stanley, Bud Taylor 14. Jeff Austin, Sandy Frost, Anne Gurley, Elaine McCall, Lindsey Pegram, Nicholas Powell, Jeannie Singley, Ruthie Tutterow 15. CJ Rainey, Baxter Riddleberger 16. Tyler Messick, Tom Townes 17. Shawn Kirkpatrick 18. Dwight Fickling 19. Dolly Chesson, Joseph May 20. Valerie Wooten 21. Ellen Curlee, Carolyn Grassi, Kristie Phillips, Stephen Rich, Beau Stephens, Robert Stutts, Ginny Sykes 22. Ruth Howerton, Brannon Kling, Grant McCord, Lib Smith 23. Joyce Beech, Bettie Williams, Melinda Wood 24. Alice Angell, April Pegram 26. Sally Skidmore
Stephen and Kara Cox
with Avery and Davis (February 4) 2 7. Merle Frazier, Tommy Rodgers, David Teague 28. Jerry Thompson 29. Barbara Blowe, Jackie Creed, Deanna Pegram 30. Gavin Cole, Jeannie Jones, William Petitt 31. Penelope Duckworth, Edith Edmonds, Megan Webb, Judyth White
• The family of Ernest Ferris, on January 25 • The family of Mildred Griffin, on January 27 • Al Snider in the loss of his sister-in-law, Jean Snider, on January 29 • Marion and Diane Smith in the loss of Diane’s daughter, Keisha, on January 28 • The family of Lee Barnett, on January 30 • The family of Marilue Sheffield, on January 30 • Tommy Roders in the loss of his father, Tom Rodgers, on January 31 • The family of Ginny Smith, on February 1 • Susan Terrell in the loss of her father William Bruce Barber, on February 4 • Carolyn Myers in the loss of her aunt, Retha Quessinberry, on February 7 • The family of Phyllis Abee, on February 8 • Norma Adams in the loss of her niece, Clara Dukes, on February 9 • The family of Ruth Gibbs, on February 13 • The family of Fred Lewis, on February 16 • Family of Lee Royal, on February 20 • Becky Livengood and Kathy Edwards in the loss of their brother/uncle, Gerald Simpson
Please notify Rosemary Kellam if you would like to receive email notification of member deaths and memorials along with the Deacons – | x225
March 2018 | 13
March@FBC Regular Weekly Schedule SUNDAY AM @FBC
• Bible Study | 9:15 am •Worship | 10:30 am • College Lunch/Bible Study | 12 noon, Café SUNDAY PM @FBC
•Youth Choir | 5 pm, 311 •Adult Bells | 6 pm •Youth Discipleship | 6:20 pm, 301 • Sanctuary Choir | 7 pm, 311 WEDNESDAYS@FBC
•Fellowship Meal Reservations Reservations due Mon.
12 noon. Cancellations due Tues. 12 noon. Meal reservation? Online at OR Marty Kellam – x245 or Youth Forum | 6:15 pm Kids’ Programming | 6 pm Adult Classes | 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311
• •
Wednesday Night Weekly Activities Meals: 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Classes: 6:15 - 7:10 pm March 7: Breakfast March 14: Fried Chicken March 21: Pasta March 28: Ham
Weekly Children’s Extras: Yogurt, Fresh Fruits & Veggies, Etc. Reservations are encouraged for meals.
14 | Connections
•3-4 (Sa-Su): CBF Children’s Choir Festival. Sanctuary, 108, 311 •4, 11, 18, 25 (Su): College Lunch/Bible Study. Café, 12 noon •4 (Su): Furman University Chamber String Orchestra Concert. Sanctuary, 3 pm •4 (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm •4 (Su): Family Lenten Workshop. 5 pm •5 (M): PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch •5, 12, 19, 26 (M): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30 am •5 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •6 (Tu): Grace Meal Preparation. Kitchen, 5 pm •6 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •7 (W): Grace Meal Pick-Up & Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm •7, 14, 21, 28 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. 108, 5:30 pm (serving begins at 5 pm) •7, 14, 21, 28 (W): Bible Study. 102, 6:15-7:10 pm •7, 14, 21, 28 (W): Practices of Our Faith. 108-C, 6:15-7:10 pm •9-10 (F-Sa): CBF Youth Choir Festival. Wingate University •11 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •11 (Su): March Madness Souper Selection Lunch. 108, 12 noon •12 (M): Garden Information Meeting. Room TBA, 7 pm •13 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •16 (F): Mobile Meals. Peace United Church of Christ, 9:30 am •25 (Su): Brunch & “Resurrection Egg Hunt”. 108/Front Lawn, 12 noon •26 (M): Holy Week Service. Chapel, 7 pm •27 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm •27 (Tu): Holy Week Service. Chapel, 7 pm •29 (Th): Holy Week Service. Chapel, 7 pm •30 (F): Holy Week Service. Chapel, 7 pm Key: •Adults •All Ages •Children •College •Seniors •Missions •Weekday School •Worship •Youth
A Thousand Words…
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram.
Photos from top left clockwise: Joyful energy of the Upward ministry; FBC youth enjoying some fun together; a time for thoughts and prayer at Temple Emmanuel’s Interfaith Community Prayer Vigil for the shooting in Parkland, FL; FBC’s Ash Wednesday service. March 2018 | 15
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
Giving at FBC Greensboro You must each decide in your heart how much to give. Don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. (2 Corinthians 9:7-8)
Why We Give: Giving financially is a chance for us to honor God with the resources and provisions that God has provided for us. When we practice generous giving, we strengthen our relationship with Christ. As we learn to grow in our trust and faith in Christ, it is important to trust in Christ’s provision. As people of faith, we give faithfully and generously out of grateful hearts, because God has given to us faithfully and generously. How to Give: We pass an offering plate during the worship service. Most members give their offerings to the church by putting a check in an envelope and placing the envelope in the offering plate as it is passed on Sunday mornings. Others who cannot attend on particular December 2017 Financial Results Sundays mail their checks to the church. Others use their Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions online banking and set up one time or automatic payments Actual Budget Last Year that are sent to the church through their bank. Still others set Receipts $336,744 $263,598 $269,738 up their online giving through the church website. We also YTD Receipts $1,831,243 $1,765,000 $1,742,590 have a mobile giving option through for use on both YTD Disbursements $1,773,825 $1,765,000 $1,771,636 Apple and Android devices. If you have any questions, contact Net YTD Deficit $ 57,418 - ($ 29,046) Scott North at the church office – | x226.