MAY 2017 | | 336.274.3286
Youth Choir Concert –
I Would ” Be True
first baptist church greensboro
Sunday, May 21 | 6:30 pm p.4
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
First Baptist Church Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra Sunday, May 21 | 10:30 am | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
June Connections Deadline: May 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Rosemary Kellam, Production Editor Operations Director / x225 Gloria Koster, Managing Editor/Designer Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator / x226 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Courtney Stamey, Pastoral Resident / x223 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251 John Thornton, Pastoral Resident / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections
May 2017
3 Window Gazing
4 Connect with Worship
5 Connect with Missions
–Easter Sermon Series –Annual Columbarium Memorial Day Service –Credo Musical Service –Youth Choir Concert
–Meet CBF Missionaries Anna and LaCount Anderson –WE! Shelter for Women Thank You
6 - 7 Connect with Children
– “Table for Five...Thousand!” Children’s Concert –Worship in the Arts –Music & Missions Open House Night –Worship Folders –Family Fun Cookout –Vacation Bible School –Moms’ Group –Summer at the Weekday School –New Children’s Library Books
7 Connect with College
8 Connect with Adults
9 Connect with One Another
9 Connect with Adult Trips
–College Birthdays –Graduate Recognition –College Students Need a Ride on Sundays? –Wednesday Night Dinner –Wednesday Night Adult Classes –FBC Library Books –Life Compass Seminar –50-Year Members Luncheon
–New Members | Birthdays | Bereaved
10 May Calendar
–PrimeTime May 1 Program
11 A Thousand Words… 12 Connect with Business
–April Church Conference Summary –May Community Lunch/Church Conference –March 2017 Financial Results –Online Giving Options
Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing
By Alan Sherouse
s both a pastor and a parent of young children, as I listen to my life sometimes I find I hear sacred notes at seemingly strange moments: like in the middle of a Disney movie. The latest animated classic has one of my very favorite characters – the voyaging young hero, Moana. Without any spoilers, the story traces Moana’s restless spirit to the point where she finally comes to embrace both her dreams of something more and the legacy of her ancestors. Ready to venture out, she faces the wind and sings, “I am Moana!” She comes to understand more fully who she is by remembering the words, actions, and commitment of those who have gone before her. The story has come to life in our living room lately as one of our bold and restless children, Della, has taken to singing this song, especially setting her feet and opening her arms to belt that climactic phrase, “I am Moana!” The theme of sacred memory is present in all religious traditions, and speaks with booming amplification throughout the history of our scriptures. In the Jewish tradition and texts, the centrality of memory is sometimes known as salvation history, meaning that the surest evidence of what God will do in the future is what God has done in the past. “Remember the steadfast love of God,” the Psalmist urges, because if we want to anticipate what God will do, then we should remember what God has already done. Early Christians drew on the importance of memory in Jewish tradition, believing that we come to know ourselves as children of God more fully as we remember those who have walked with God before us and known God’s mercy and lovingkindness. The writer of Hebrews lists a roll call of such faithfulness, urging us to understand our own faith as part of a greater cloud of witnesses that surround us and remind that we are not the first to pass this way. Remember Moses. Remember the Israelites who made it through with faith. Remember Rahab who knew risk and trial. Such shared memory is core to the Apostles’ Creed, which forms the inspiration for our choral worship service on Sunday, May 21. While not literally written by apostles, the Creed developed as a recitation and statement of faith among early Christians, tying their lives of faith to the witness of the earlier apostles. We don’t typically recite the creeds in our particular Baptist tradition, but we know the importance of such memory and the holy “communion of saints” to which we are tied. We see it in the gospels – particularly the gospel of Matthew – as the story of Jesus is connected to
the stories of God’s work in the world before his birth, reminding that the same God who sent the Son into the world was working throughout the history of Israel’s deliverance. It follows him throughout his days, and we see it again on the night he was handed over. As we remembered recently through Holy Week, he took bread and broke it and he gave it to his disciples. The time was short. The words were running out. And so he said succinctly and powerfully the thing he wanted them to do after he was gone: “Remember me.“ The Christian Church – and our church in particular – is a deep well of memory that we can draw from again and again. It’s there when we close our eyes and sing from memory – from heart – a hymn that has comforted us throughout the years. We draw from it when we are passing through the valley of the shadow of death, and recite together those words that we will “fear no evil.” We remember who we are most powerfully when we remember who God is, who God has been, and thereby trust who God will be. In that way, the Disney storytellers have it right. It’s in remembering that we know who we are. I’m glad my children are learning this, but especially glad they learn it along with the rest of us in the community of faith. “Remember who you are,” I say at the close of most worship services. Because amidst so many words we want to remember some things that are true and vital and enduring: we are beloved of God, we are friends of Jesus, and we embody the love of God through our very lives. Recently I was particularly moved to see that as I shared the words of blessing, two of my children were setting their feet, holding out their hands, and mouthing them right along with me. It makes me think that years from now, they’ll remember.
May 2017 | 3
Connect with Worship
Easter People 2017 Easter Sermon Series “The evidence of Easter is a reconfigured Easter people, people who are no longer afraid of the dark, people who dare to live by their affections and not by their fears, people who know that they need not die in order to truly experience resurrection living…” –Peter Gomes • April 23 Easter People: Reaching to Touch – John 20:19-31
First Baptist Church Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra Sunday, May 21 | 10:30 am Two Psalms – Holst The Heavens are Telling – Haydn Lord of the Dance – Rutter The Ground – Gjeilo Hallelujah – Potter I Will Rise – Tomlin/Courtney
• April 30 Easter People: Learning to Hope – Luke 24:13-35 • May 7 Easter People: Sharing in Common – Acts 2:42-47
(Pastoral Resident John Thornton preaching)
• May 14 Easter People: Finding the Way – John 14:1-14 • May 21 Easter People: Learning to Live – John 14:15-21 • May 28 Easter People: Bearing Witness – Acts 1:6-14
10th Annual Columbarium Memorial Day Observance is Sunday, May 28
ccording to our annual tradition, we will join together for a brief service at 9 am. This leaves ample time to begin the day remembering the devotion and sacrifice of those who have served our country, and then proceed to Sunday School classes. Those attending the service will arrive and depart to the sound of patriotic music. Chairs will be available as needed. 4 | Connections
Youth Choir Concert –
“I would be true” presented by Youth Choir & Handbells Sunday, May 21 | 6:30 pm All are invited to hear the Youth Choir in their year-end concert. The Youth Choir and Handbell Choirs work hard all year rehearsing in order to bless us with their talents each month during worship. As is our tradition, we will honor those youth who will be graduating and moving on to the next phase of life following High School. Invite friends and family to this concert.
After the concert:
A Strawberry Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall Join us after the Youth Choir Concert for a time of fellowship while enjoying a variety of strawberry desserts!
Connect with Missions Each month we will feature CBF missionaries…
Meet Anna and LaCount Anderson CBF Field Personnel Serving in Scotland Neck, NC About the Andersons’ Ministry:
nna and LaCount Anderson are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel serving in Halifax County and Northeastern North Carolina with Together for Hope, CBF’s rural poverty initiative, focusing on providing poverty relief to men, women and children experiencing homelessness and the nearhomeless. Northeastern North Carolina is one of the poorest regions and Halifax County is a region of rural poverty and community depression. Only 11 percent of residents in the county are college graduates, there are few jobs available and there is no public transportation. In this community, the Andersons work through Union Mission of Roanoke Rapids, a community center and homeless shelter where LaCount is the executive director, and Anna is the women’s chaplain, serving the region with poverty relief. They do this work in a number of ways, including: • A men’s shelter and recovery program. • A women’s transitional house with a homelessness recovery program. • Food distribution. • Poverty education – reaching out to churches and organizations and encouraging them to get involved in poverty relief. • Involvement with the Balance of State Program which secures permanent supportive housing for individuals experiencing homelessness. • Anna and LaCount are also involved with a community in eastern North Carolina, Conetoe, in helping to provide resources. Conetoe is commonly called a “food desert” and they work with Rev. Richard Joyner developing gardens to help provide food relief to this community of 300 people. They are also involved in helping to resource home repair for residents who are living in substandard housing. Your generosity in support of the Andersons and their mission programs will transform lives. To become better acquainted with their missions work, go to
WE! Shelter for Women…
Thank You for a Blessed Partnership! By Catherine Scott-Little
his year our congregation partnered with New Jerusalem Cathedral to make a Winter Emergency! Shelter available for women in our community who are experiencing homelessness. New Jerusalem staffed the shelter and provided case management services. FBC members provided meals and volunteers, primarily on Monday evenings, and drove our church bus in the mornings to return the women from the shelter to downtown. The partnership was blessed as we worked with other Christians in the community to meet the needs of the women. The Shelter served an estimated 218 meals (with countless snacks), and benefited from a total of 525 volunteer hours contributed from various groups. A total of 42 women were served, each receiving an unconditional measure of kindness and support through the Shelter. We are grateful to share that many women found housing and employment through the support offered at the shelter, and all of the 18 remaining guests at the time the shelter closed were able to leave with a temporary or permanent housing plan. None returned directly to the street. Continuing case management services will be provided through New Jerusalem Cathedral to provide ongoing support for their progress toward housing and economic stability. Thank you to the FBC congregation for providing volunteers, donations, and financial support for this ministry! May 2017 | 5
Connect with Children
…engaging young artists in a life of Christian worship
June 26 - 30 | 9 am - 1 pm | Grades 1-8
T Young Musicians and Music Makers Choirs of FBC present
Table for Five… Thousand! Sunday, May 7 | 2:30 pm
Book Stage at Gateway Gardens 2924 East Gate City Blvd.
No seating provided; bring blankets and lawn chairs.
A musical drama retelling Jesus’ feeding of the five thousand – remembering that the most humble among us, especially children, can do great things with God’s help.
his energy-filled week nurtures the artistic and worshipful expression of young people by engaging them in song, drama, visual art, dance, and instruments. This year we will spend time both indoors and out, exploring the beauty and variety of “God’s Garden” through classic, jazz and bluegrass music. Small classes in guitar, drums, and handbells are taught by church staff and professionals in the surrounding Greensboro area. Melanie Crump, Director of Music Ministries at Guilford College United Methodist Church and Vocal Instructor at High Point University, will lead the choirs. The public is invited to the closing concert on Friday at 1 pm. Cost is $30 by May 1; $40 after May 1. Sign-up online:
Music & Missions Open House Night Wednesday, May 31
Ks/Gr1: 6:15-6:45 pm | 3s/4s: 6:45-7:15 pm Parents are invited to come and join in the fun of music and missions as the children sing and share about all they have learned this year!
Saturday, May 20 | 4-7 pm Worship Folders Each Sunday morning there are binders that include activities for children during worship. Make sure you grab one for your child on your way into worship! 6 | Connections
Home of Matt and Jenny Hall 4209 Henderson Road Meat provided | A-M bring a Side & N-Z bring a Dessert Sign up at ALL children and their families are invited for a time of backyard fun and hanging out!
Connect with Children Join us on Thursday mornings May 4, 11 and 18 in room 319. Courtney Willis will lead us in a new study based on the book “Present Over Perfect.” God doesn’t desire for us to have perfect lives, but instead we are called to live in grace, simplicity and to make meaningful connections with others. We will spend our time using Shauna Niequist’s book to guide us toward leaving behind busyness and a quest for perfection in order to learn who God is calling us to be. (You do not need the book to participate.) Free childcare begins at 9:15 am. Invite a friend and join us!
magine a world where curious kids become handson inventors who discover they’re lovingly crafted by God. Each day at Maker Fun Factory VBS, kids travel through rotations that reinforce relevant Bible Points and immerse kids in new adventures. Children who have completed 4th and 5th grades will be doing mission projects on-site and in the community from 9:30-11:30 am. They will be joining the larger group for opening and closing celebrations. Cost is $20 per child with a $50 family max. This fee includes activities, daily snacks, t-shirt and Thursday evening dinner and celebration. A CD of the program music will be available for $5 each. Sign-up online:
This Summer at the Weekday School… Summer Days: May 30 - June 16 Theater & Art Camp: June 19 - 23 Planet Protectors: June 26 - 30 Holiday Hulabaloo: July 17 -21
Please check the desk outside the school office for registration forms.
New Children’s Library Books…
• Five Little Ducks by Denise Fleming • Buster Goes to Cowboy Camp by Denise Fleming • The Day the Crayons Came Home by Drew Daywalt • The Night Gardener by Terry and Eric Fan
Connect with College College Birthdays Austin Dean | May 3 | Meredith 115 Heilman, 3800 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27607 | Kelly Kennedy | May 18
3600 Gramercy Road, Greensboro, NC 27410-9148
Bryce Starnes | NC State University | May 18 6714 Forsythia Drive, Greensboro, NC 27410
Clay Young | May 20 | Catawba College #1066, 2300 West Innes Street, Salisbury, NC 28144 Gracen Blake | May 30 111 Friendly Drive, Room #108, Raleigh, NC 27607
Graduate Recognition: If you have a student who is graduating from college or graduate school this year send their name, school, and degree information to by May 15 for inclusion in our June issue of Connections’ graduate recognition. College students need a ride on Sundays? Meet in
the parking lot off of Gray Drive, in between the Student Health Center and PhillipsHawkins dorm (across the street from Moore-Strong, near the Zippy Car parking spaces). Look for a car with the FBC name on it. Pick-up is at 10:15 am for the worship service.
Wednesday Night Dinner: Join us for FREE dinner from 5:30 - 6:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall. You must make reservations for your meal - Due Tuesday at 12 noon: online at or 274-3286, x245 May 2017 | 7
Connect with Adults
Growing in Christ @ FBC Wednesday Night Adult Classes | 6:15-7:10 pm Sovereignty Psalms: Praise for the God Who’s in Charge–
This course will focus upon seven songs of divine kingship, namely Psalms 29, 93, and 95-99. These studies will include passages read or sung in Friday synagogue services, as Jewish worshipers prepare for Sabbath. (Three of the Psalms are given in Christian lectionaries for use on Christmas Day.) Altogether, these are Psalms anciently employed for worship. Taught by Dr. Steve Pressley | Chapel
Sticky Faith–The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family by Dr. Kara E. Powell
explores the idea that parents are one of the primary influences on their child’s faith, and that parents can help a healthy, energetic faith stick with them well into adulthood. This book serves as the guide for talking about positive, practical ways to actively encourage the spiritual growth of our children. Participants are encouraged to purchase this book to read along, but it is not a requirement for class attendance. Taught by Rev. Courtney Willis | 108-C
Gender Dynamics in the Early Church–This class begins May 10. How have things changed and what have we yet to learn? This threeweek course will examine New Testament texts and other primary sources to explore the varied roles of women in the early church. Come and find out who Junia was, what “haustafeln” means, and why widows were so important. This class aims to connect the past to our present as it pertains to church leadership. Taught by Rev. Courtney Stamey | 102 Check out these new books in the FBC Library… • Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty • The Magnolia Story by Chip and • Hidden Figures by Margot Shetterly Joanna Gaines • The King’s Grace by Ann Smith • A Rose for a Crown by Ann Smith
Life Compass Seminar: Long Term Care Planning Tuesday, May 23 | 6-7:30 pm By Dr. George Fuller Greetings my friends! I just talked to a longtime friend who is in the throes of meeting his mother’s needs as she faces the end of her battle with Alzheimer’s. He lamented the fact that they had not made plans for her needs before the diagnosis. The good news is that I was able to help him learn his options and how to find some resources he was not aware of. The bad news is that her needs were causing the family to use up all of her savings and have to work through emotional decisions when his mom could not participate. If you, or someone you care about, is beyond the age of 40 and would like to avoid this, the time to start talking and planning is NOW. Please come as a group to our Long Term Care Planning class. The session will teach you how to plan so that you can decide when to talk and follow through on what you can put in place to secure your future and protect your family from some of the financial and emotional costs of Long Term Care. The average person in America spends 2 1/2 years in Long Term Care and 40% of those in Long Term Care are under 65. Wisdom is available and you have more power than you think when you plan early. I hope to see you there! 8 | Connections
50-Year Members… Mark Your Calendars!
n Sunday, May 7, following worship, we will celebrate our 50-year members at our annual luncheon. FBC is fortunate to have so many of you who have chosen to make FBC your church home. If you are a 50year member, you will be receiving an invitation in the mail, and you can bring one guest to the luncheon. Remember, membership does NOT have to be in consecutive years, but our database has no way of tracking those members, so please don’t rely just on the invitation. You can RSVP today! All RSVPs must be in by Monday, May 1 to Jessica Hartmann: 274-3286, x231. If you need transportation, we need to know ASAP, so please let us know that too!
Connect with One Another
May Birthdays (No FBC birthdays May 12, 29)
1. J. C. Blowe, Brittany Chovanec, Stephen Porter 2. Sharon Barlow, Pam Chambers, Jacy Leonard, Dawn Pegram 3. Austin Dean, Randy McDaniel, Gracie Troxler 4. Emma Grace Knight 5. Margaret Eckelmann, Zach Isom, Susan Suggs, David Wood 6. Grace Flannagan, Seth Vaughan 7. Taylor McDaniel 8. Jim Hardy, Jake McCord 9. Carolyn Jones, Parker Stall, Bennett Wood 10. Griffin Kesler, Becky Livengood, Thomas Wong 11. Brandon Hill, Ruth Primm, Meg Rudd, Laura Tutterow 13. Hulda Arant, Gwen Koontz, Shane McDaniel, Isabel Rollins 14. Jim Filipski, Jake Leonard, Julia Lyle, Jane Messick 15. Alison Barnes, Emily Bennett, Gerrad Biffle 16. Larry Barnes, Jean Canter 17. Christy Moore 18. Kelly Kennedy, Bryce Starnes
19. Connor Crews, Isabelle Eller, Sadie Eller 20. Ted Hand, Marilyn Honeycutt, Mary Nichols, Jennie Stewart, Clay Young 21. Shannon Childs, Gary Cole, Braden Hall, Joe McLean 22. Madelyn Biffle, Bud Hardin 23. Elle Bryson, Lane Hayes, Richard Noel, Caroline Parham, John Suggs, Carolyn Whicker 24. Ray Alexander, Susan Burnette, Benjamin Stone 25. Neal Persinger 26. Wendy Stafford, Perrin White 27. Mack Conway, Toni Lewis 28. Clare Johnson, Clarence Stone 30. Gracen Blake, John Mathews, Ellie Rider 31. Joe Norman
Responding to the Invitation
Buddy and Phyllis Kelly (April 2) By Letter
• Brannon Kling in the loss of his grandmother, Virginia Kling, on March 28 • Sandy Gilliland in the loss of her mother, Nellie Kent • Nancy Gee in the loss of her husband, John Gee, on March 31 • Lindsay Hill in the loss of his wife, and Betty Ray Troxler in the loss of her sister, Jean Hill, on April 3 • Loved ones of Max Garner, on April 4 • Jim Burch in the loss of his sister, Mag Burch Jones, on April 5 • Loved ones of Mary Pearce, on April 12 • Gary Upchurch in the loss of his father, William D. Upchurch, on April 9 • Loved ones of former member Betty Dominick
Connect with Adult Trips
Join us for this upcoming trip:
“Then Sings My Soul”
Thursday, June 8 | Wohlfahrt Haus in Wytheville, VA The original production is back! Featuring one of the most beloved musical genres of all time – Gospel Music. From historic spirituals to Southern Gospel to contemporary Praise and Worship, this inspirational show is overflowing with the songs you grew up singing and are still singing today. Songs from the Carter family, Elvis, Mahalia Jackson, The Gaithers and many more will touch your soul as no other kind of music can. You don’t want to miss the heavenly tribute to Gospel Music! We will stop at the Amish store. This trip includes a four-course lunch. $99/person. Deadline to sign-up: May 8. IMPORTANT TRIP INFORMATION: To reserve your spot for this trip, contact: Cliff Lowery: 210-6923 – | Monica Vaughan: 323-0335 – (NOTE: Payment for the trips cannot be accepted online) May 2017 | 9
Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC
Study - 9:15 am • BWible orship - 10:30 am • Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209 •
Sunday PM @FBC
Wednesday Night Weekly Activities Whether you are a first time attender or a lifetime participant we invite you to find your place at the table. It is at the table where we have community. We want you here; your place at the table is waiting.
Meals: 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Classes: 6:15 - 7:10 pm May 3: Breakfast May 10: Fajitas May 17: Wings May 24: Pasta May 31: Fried Chicken Weekly Children’s Extras: Yogurt, Fresh Fruits & Veggies, Etc. Reservations are encouraged for meals. 10 | Connections
Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing of his glorious name! Tell the world how wonderful he is. –Psalm 66.1-2
• Youth Bells - 4 pm, 319-D/Sanctuary •Youth Choir - 5 pm, 311 •Adult Bells - 6 pm •Youth Discipleship - 6:20 pm, 301 • Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311 Wednesdays@FBC
Fellowship Meal Reservations •Reservations due Mon. 12 noon. Cancellations due Tues. 12 noon. Meal reservation? Online at OR Marty Kellam – x245 or Kids’ Programming - 6 pm Adult Classes - 6:15 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311
• • • •
•1 (M): PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch •Adults •2 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm •All Ages •2 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •Children •3 (W): Grace Meal Pick-Up. Kitchen, 5 pm •Seniors 17, 24, 31 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. •3,108,10,5:30 •Missions pm (serving begins at 5 pm) •Weekday 11, 18 (Th): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30-11 am •4,7 (Su): School 50-Year Member Luncheon. 108, 12 noon • •Worship Children’s Musical. Gateway Gardens, 2:30 pm •77 (Su): •Youth • (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm •8 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •9 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •9 (Tu): WMU Group 4. 204, 10:30 am •10 (W): Missions Committee. 108-C, 5:30 pm •14 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •17 (W): Building & Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm •19 (F): Mobile Meals. Peace United Church of Christ, 9:30 am 21 (Su): Credo Musical Service. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •21 Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 11:45 am •21 (Su): (Su): Choir Concert. Sanctuary, 6:30 pm • 23 (Tu): Youth Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm • 23 (Tu): Life Compass Seminar. 102, 6 pm • 23 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm • 24 (W): Explore 1st. Location TBA, 5:30 pm •28 (Su): College Team Meeting. Café, pm •31 (W): Music & Missions Open House.5:30 126, 6:15 pm • PrimeTime Monday, May 1 Program:
Deborah Moy: “Victim to Victor – Tragedy to Triumph” Lunch reservations are due this Thursday, April 27: or contact Marty Kellam | 274-3286, x245.
A Thousand Words‌
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram.
Egg Hunt | Sunday, April 2
Holy Week | Maundy Thursday, Good Friday & Easter Sunday May 2017 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
NO. 179
Connect with Business April Church Conference Summary The monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday, April 9, 2017 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Scott Culclasure presided. The church voted to receive five new members. The following motions were presented and approved by the congregation.
MOTION on behalf of the Endowment Trust Fund, Finance Committee and the Diaconate: That $1,000 be released to award the annual Bowen Scholarship for the church’s graduating seniors as selected by the Youth Council. MOTION on behalf of the Missions Committee, Finance Committee and the Diaconate: That $1,000 be released to help underwrite the cost of the medical missionary trip of Dr. Laura Lomax to Ecuador, with funds taken from the Great Commission Fund.
March 2017 Financial Results
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Actual Receipts $388,297 Disbursements $404,223 Net Surplus (Deficit) $ (15,926)
Budget $437,800 $450,930 $ (13,130)
Last Year $414,542 $428,751 $ (14,209)
Community Lunch followed by Church Conference Sunday, May 21 after Worship
Cost is $6/person and $20/family maximum. NO reservation is needed. A brief church conference will follow lunch to allow the membership to hear about the latest from our Deacons and committees bringing motions forward.
Online Giving Options
Online Billpay: An easy and effective way to give online is by using your bank’s online billpay system. Simply follow your bank’s instructions to set up FBC as a new payee. Most banks do not charge a fee for this service. Church Website: At the top of the home page of, you can click on the word, “Give”. To give a one-time or recurring gift, FBC members use their email address and password to login. Guests may give online donations by creating a guest member log-in. Mobile Giving: Anyone can download the Tithe. ly giving app on an iPhone or Android device. After installing and setting up the app, just search for First Baptist Church Greensboro and follow the instructions! In the future we will have additional mobile giving options.