MAY 2014 // // 336.274.3286
first baptist church greensboro Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
p6 // 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
May2014 May 2014 3 Insight
June Connections Deadline: May 19 Email news to or bring it to the church office.
Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233
4 Connect through Worship –Youth Sunday –Memorial Day Service –Holy Week Photos –“Come to the Table” Photos
5 Connect with Adults –Adult Access Classes –50-Year Member Luncheon –May PrimeTime Program
6 Connect through Missions & the Community
Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229
–Downtown Discernment –“Moved to...” –Shower Ministry
Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / x235
7 Connect with Business –Special Called Business Meeting –May Community Lunch & Church Conference –April Church Conference –March Financial Update
Dolores Donahue, Administrative Assistant: Finance / x226 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Monica Hix, Pastoral Assistant / x231
8 Connect with Youth –Romania Choir Mission Tour –Middle School Mission Trip –Unidiversity 2014
Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Kate Kitchen, Homebound Ministry Director / 202-5757
9 Connect with Children –BIBLE Camp 2014 –Easter Celebration Thank-You –FBC Weekday School Update
Scott North, Church Administrator / x222 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Kim Priddy, Assistant Pastor: Missions / x295
10 Connect with One Another 11 May Calendar –Fellowship Meals –Looking Ahead to June
Virginia Reynolds, Assistant Pastor: Children and Families / / x241 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Marion Smith, Facilities Supervisor, x243 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections
–Recycle for Baptist Children’s Homes –FBC Men’s Softball Schedule –Kids’ Access Open Houses
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. (Psalm 23.1)
ome days it feels like years and others as though we’ve just arrived, but this month puts us just past our 6 month anniversary with First Baptist. I thought about sending you flowers, but instead I want to share some of what I’ve seen, heard and experienced in half a year of life together. Among the many gifts I have received from our church, the greatest has been your trust. You have continually trusted me to love and care for our heritage even as we dream new dreams for the hopeful future ahead. I believe the greatest source of hope for our future is found in the strengths and vision that already exist at First Baptist. To that end, I have devoted much of my energy in these early days to understanding the gifts and vision of our congregation. I have attended meetings, befriended community partners, read transition documents, sorted through old files, learned from staff experience, and most of all sought opportunities for conversation with you. In addition to informal meetings and spontaneous talks, I’ve gained valuable insights through our ongoing Fireside Gatherings, held with various groups throughout the church over the last few months (email if interested). In these gatherings, I’ve asked two questions: one about identity and the other about vision. First, I have asked: “Why are you here?” You drive by many churches to come to First Baptist. Why? What called you here? What keeps you here? The answers below, all direct quotes from Fireside Chats, represent some of the most prominent answers I’ve heard. “We wanted a great church for our family.” We are a church that meets the needs of multiple generations. “Well…I grew up at First Baptist.” We are a church with a distinctive history and identity that creates attachment and investment. “Our church has a strong heritage of missions.” We understand the gospel to compel us outward in our gifts, priorities, time, and talents. “I love the worship service.” We value worship and preaching that is thoughtfully planned and artfully presented, inviting us to experience God. “Our friends are here… and they’ve become our family.” We love one another, and seek to live deeply in relationships
of mutual support and affection. This is the foundation of our church. A second critical question builds on the first: “Why will people be here in the future?” What will call people to First Baptist? What do we hope we can say about ourselves in our short- and long-term future that we can’t say now, or can’t say as boldly as we’d like? “We are thriving with young people.” Greensboro has a large community of young adults and young families and we want to be a church that meets their needs and reflects their energy and vision. “We are leaders.” We recognize in our past a culture of innovative and paradigmatic ministry – both denominationally and locally – that we want to accentuate in the future. “We have big opportunities, but intimate connections.” In the midst of all that is grand and impressive about our church, we want to find increased ways to be soulful, personal and authentically connected to Christ and to one another. “We go out, we don’t stay in.” Church is a place from which we go as much as a place to which we come. “We make an impact in the community.” This is the most consistent theme from my first 6 months. We’re proud of our community ministry, and we want it to be the core of our identity in the days ahead. With a growing understanding of our gifts and vision, I’ve asked our Transition Committee to reconvene in the months ahead to work with me and other leaders in developing some specific strategic plans for congregational consideration. It’s been 6 months, but the conversation continues. So let’s have coffee or lunch, meet at your office, or in the Pastor’s Study where there’s always a welcome mat. Your voice is just as vital as mine as we seek to be faithful in loving a grand history and dreaming some bold dreams.
May 2014 | 3
Connect through Worship
May 4 @ 10:30 am in the Sanctuary
Memorial Day Service at the Columbarium Sunday, May 25 at 9 am
Senior-Led Worship Service
Join First Baptist’s 8th annual Memorial Day service of readings, prayers, and patriotic music. The service will begin at 9 am and conclude in time to join Sunday School classes.
On Sunday, March 30 the combined Middle School Choirs of First Baptist–Greensboro and Asheville along with Combined Children’s Choirs presented Ken Medema’s musical “Come to the Table”. June 13-15 these choirs will join together again with Ken Medema, this time in Asheville, to present their music to FBC Asheville.
4 | Connections
Connect with Adults
Wednesday Night Adult Access Classes in May
Bible Study: Studies in Ecclesiastes–Ecclesiastes is a Greek word which in English becomes “teacher” or
“preacher.” The author had been a student of wisdom, he had sought pleasure, he had undertaken vast building projects, and he had become very wealthy. After considering the value of these experiences, he concluded, “all is vanity”. In the end he said, “Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man”. Led by Dr. Steve Pressley in the Chapel. (May 7, 14, 21)
FRONT Spring Session: Between the Testaments–A Study of Israel Between the Old and New Testaments–Take a journey of
understanding the complex intertestamental history of the Hebrew people, between the Old and New Testaments. The historical period provides us with the needed context to grasp the cultural, political, and religious dynamics at play as Jesus came upon the scene. Led by Brad Twigg in room 102. (May 7, 14, 21)
Multigenerational Women’s Group: High Maintenance Relationships–The class is for women of all ages. This study will look
at strategies to build and keep healthy relationships. Led by Kelly Cornett and Becky Starnes in the Café. (May 7, 14, 21)
We Are Celebrating Our 50-Year Members
PrimeTime – Monday, May 5
Sunday, May 4 after Worship in the Fellowship Hall
Gloria Koster– “The Power of Prayer”
n a day when long-term commitments appear to be on the decline, churches can appreciate the importance of members who “came and stayed.” It is one thing to value the helpful contributions of long-time members, but yet another to recognize veteran participants in a regular and formal way. At First Baptist Church we do offer such recognition, and we have for many years! Poet Robert Browning wrote, “Grow old along with me; the best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made.” In the spirit of making “the last” also “the best,” we honor our half-century members at our annual 50-Year Member Luncheon. Their membership years do NOT have to be consecutive. Participants will gather first in the Sanctuary for worship with the full church. Then our very special 50-year group will adjourn to the Fellowship Hall for their complimentary noontime meal and program. Several youth from our church will provide musical entertainment, and Pastor Alan Sherouse will offer a brief message.
First Baptist’s Administrative A Assistant: Learning A shares how prayer can change the way we view our lives. PrimeTime includes– 9 am: Ceramics, Gym; 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A; 11 am: Bible Study “Prayers of the Bible” with Dr. Pressley, 218; 12 noon: Lunch, 108 Reservation deadline is May 1. Sign up online: or contact Rosemary Kellam ( /274-3286, x225). May 2014 | 5
Connect through Missions & the Community
Downtown Discernment BY ALAN SHEROUSE
n Sunday, April 13, we unanimously voted to begin a 90-day process of discernment about the possibility of a Downtown Ministry Site for First
Baptist. Over the last several months, a vision has emerged of a First Baptist presence downtown on Elm Street – a ministry center and community meeting space that would expand our ministry beyond our walls, while providing a distinct “front door” for First Baptist. As the broad vision was passed through various groups – Pastor Discernment Council, Staff, Deacons, other lay leaders – others began to gain excitement about a spiritual hub of our city that would serve as a gathering place, a worship space, a meeting spot for groups and individuals alike, and a supportive community center for the diverse circles of people that live, work and play downtown. We now seek to prayerfully and carefully consider this possibility as a congregation. Through a series of Downtown Discernment meetings, we will spark conversation, sharpen vision, determine feasibility, and develop a strategic plan for congregational consideration later this summer. The first Downtown Discernment meeting, focused on Vision, was held April 27 after worship,
“Moved to…”
hank you for taking time to write on the chalk boards! I received wonderful feedback about where First Baptist has been moved to compassion to serve others, to where we are now moved, to where we believed we are being moved for future ministry. I loved that on the board you included ministry partnerships that have direct contact with those in our faith community and those in the Greensboro community. A few of the ministries suggested were Eldercare to Homelessness to Women’s Prison Ministry. As we continue to grow in our ministry beyond these walls, it is exciting that as a church we are entering into a period of discernment to see where else God may be calling us to serve others. We held two roundtable Downtown Discernment meetings in April (27 and 30) and invite you to attend the next scheduled meeting on Sunday, May 4 at 9:15 am. Our last lunch gathering was filled with lots of dreaming and discussion about missions. I would like to continue our discussion and begin new ones; bring a bag lunch and meet in the FBC Café on Thursday, May 15 at 11:30 am.
6 | Connections
with alternate meetings April 30 at 7:15pm and May 4 at 9:15am. Additional meetings will be held in months ahead. An Ad Hoc team appointed by the Deacons will lead in this process of Downtown Discernment. The group will focus on 5 critical areas: Vision & Mission, Staffing & Programs, Building & Development, Capital & Funding, and Partnership Possibilities. Our Ad Hoc group is composed of the following leaders from our congregation, in addition to Laura Lomax (Deacon Chair), Kim Priddy (Assistant Pastor: Missions) and Alan Sherouse: Blake Absher (Chair of Finance), Jim Clontz (Building & Grounds), April Eller (Chair of Missions), John Gee (Chair of Building & Grounds), Matt Messick (Pastor Discernment, Transition Committee), Janice Newsom (Treasurer), Tony Petitt (Finance, Missions), David Rowe (Transition Committee), Becky Starnes (Pastor Discernment, Transition Committee), Robb Wells (Vice Chair of Deacons). In addition to scheduled meetings, all lay and staff members of the Downtown Discernment team are available to you and eager to receive your feedback. Thanks for your faithful prayers and active participation as we seek the Spirit’s continued guidance in missions and ministry, and in this downtown dream.
NEW Shower Ministry
n my second month at FBC I have been fortunate to spend more time talking to ministry leaders and visiting some of our ministry partnerships. At one meeting Joe Garcia, Alan, and I learned of a specific need for showers for friends living outside in our community. Many of them work during the day and some are walking the streets between the Greensboro Urban Ministry, Library, and Interactive Resource Center and do not wish to climb into their sleeping bags at night dirty. FBC has six showers in our locker rooms that we are going to be offering on Saturdays from 3-5 pm (the first day was April 26). How can you help? We need volunteers to help welcome and fellowship with folks as they come into our church. If you are interested in helping, please sign up at: or email me ( ). We also need people to pray for those who will be coming in our doors, that they may be welcomed; and pray that we will have the volunteers needed to help support this ministry.
Connect with Business
Special Called Business Meeting on May 18 Election of Deacons, Finance Committee, Moderator and Treasurer The Committee on Committees recommends the election of the persons introduced here to serve as indicated. Election of these nominees will be Sunday, May 18, during a Special Called Business Meeting. A bio information sheet on the Deacon nominees will be available at the church on Sunday, May 4 on the information boards outside the church office, the Atrium, and on the FBC website:
NOMINEES Deacon: Blaine Bradford Kelly Cornett Phil Hix Perry Key
Rick Milligan Lynda Grace Moore Tom Petty David Rowe
John Suggs Cynthia Townes Ben Turner Anita Wilson
Finance Committee: Shannon Childs Kip Blakely Darrell Chambers Mark Messick Linda Wayne
Moderator: Hazel Fisher Treasurer: Randy Lewis
2014 Committee on Committees Ken Brannon Debbie Garner Jan Hill Marty Isom Hubert Johnson Paige Kalish Julie King Karl Lewis Cecil Livengood Betty Sharp Dale Singley Tom Townes Davis Troxler
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2.15
Sunday, May 18–
Community Lunch followed by Church Conference 12 noon, Fellowship Hall. No reservations are required. $6/person – $20/family max.
April Church Conference
he monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday afternoon, April 13, 2014 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Jack Swanson, presided. The following action was taken– Deacon Chair, Dr. Laura Lomax made the following motion: • Motion: I move to approve the use of a refundable amount of up to $10,000 of the Brandt Oaks fund to enable vision and discernment about the development of a downtown ministry site, including the negotiation towards a potential contract for the purchase of real estate located downtown for use as a ministry center, any such contract requiring a final approval by the congregation. Action: The motion was approved.
March 2014 Financial Update Receipts & Distributions YTD Budget Receipts YTD Budget Disbursements YTD Differential
Actual $459,633 $472,757 $(13,124)
Budget $475,834 $454,282 $21,553
Last Year $443,567 $425,256 $18,312 May 2014 | 7
Connect with Youth
a journey of blessing
t is difficult to find appropriate words to express our gratitude to the church for the investment she has made in the lives of our young people, but it is a deep privilege to attempt to do so. Your loving care and interest in the development of their Christian character was evident in every situation in Romania. Your example of selflessness was obvious as our youth interacted with Roma children, adult church leaders, missionaries, hotel and restaurant attendants, and passers-by on the street. Your authenticity in worship was reflected as they sang and played always to the best of their ability in a variety of situations, from the tiny country Roma church with an outhouse to the shiny new city Baptist church dedication on Easter Sunday morning. Your integrity in service was present in them as they made conversation with Roma teens and children and as they led in games, songs and Bible stories. Your faithful prayers were felt as we traveled safely by bus, plane, van, public transportation, and by foot. We recognized over and over that preparation for this experience did not begin last June, but years ago in the nursery as you held these babies in your arms. We are grateful that God has provided so generously and pledge to follow the example you have given to be disciples of Christ going forward. Thank you, church family for equipping us, and providing the opportunity for us to carry out the great commission. —High School Choir
Middle School Summer Missions—Extra!
Unidiversity 2014
If singing twice with Ken Medema (in two different cities!) weren’t enough, FBC Middle Schoolers will trek to Nada, KY June 22-27 for a week of mission work as part of CBF’s “Together For Hope” ministry to people in 20 of the nation’s poorest counties. We will do some construction work and we will also build relationships with local children through fun activities. Cost for the week will be approximately $185/person. Reserve your spot with a $75 deposit online: .
Grow in your faith during an incredible week of fun learning about God with friends from churches all over the southeast. Join us as we experience God’s invitation, forgiveness, and power through worship, community, and small groups! A $75 deposit reserves your spot for the week! The cost is $320/ person if space is available.
8 | Connections
July 21-26 @ University of Tennessee
Sign up online: For more information about Unidiversity:
Connect with Children
hildren will learn how the ordinary becomes extraordinary with God. They will meet people from the Bible who used what they had to create something amazing with God and use their minds, hearts, and imaginations to participate in the creative life of God, the One who works wonders. School age children will also use their creativity to turn ordinary projects into works of wonders and go on a Friday field trip into God’s kingdom.
Thanks for making the Easter Celebration a success!
xpeditions launched. Treasures found. Baskets filled. Stories heard. Cookies enjoyed. Seeds planted (physically and metaphorically). Visitors welcomed. Food served. Friends made. A great time for families, children, volunteers and guests at our annual Easter Egg hunt. Thanks to our many cookie bakers, egg and candy donators, egg hiders and cleanup team members. Our gratitude to our Event leaders who planned such a wonderful welcome to spring, including: Sandy Frost, Autumn Culbreth, Rene Fila, Holly Messick, April Eller, Kristie Ellis and Shelly Worsley.
• 9 am until 12:15 pm each day. • Snack time provided. Family dinner and celebration will begin at 6 pm on Thursday night, June 19. • Camp is open to children who have completed 3-year olds class thru the 5th grade. Registration is now available for FBC families and grandchildren for $10/ child. The fee is waived for Children/ grandchildren of volunteers. To sign up or for more information, contact Virginia Reynolds ( /274.3286, x241). The registration deadline is June 2.
FBC Weekday School Update
he Easter season seems to always bring thankful thoughts to the forefront – thankfulness for a faith that gives us hope for eternal life and thankfulness for a church that reinforces that faith. The Weekday School is so fortunate to be a part of such a loving and giving congregation. We have never reached out that we didn’t receive all that we needed and more. For that we are so grateful. God’s blessings to you all! The Weekday School extends thanks to all those responsible for the success of our spring Consignment Sale. The sale brought in $13,161.26, and after paying consignors and expenses, $4,472.93 was put into the Via Scholarship Fund! How grateful we are to Kelly Cornett, Blaine Bradford, and Autumn Culbreth for their hard work in making this sale such a success. We are grateful to all their helpers, including many church members who do not even have children in the Weekday School. It is through this project that we are able to help twelve families – 15 children – attend our school who otherwise would not be able to do so. Praise God for this ministry! It is not too late to link up your Harris Teeter card. You may do that several ways – online, at the store, or by giving your number to anyone in the Weekday School. We have a parent who will link your number for you, and every time you shop at Harris Teeter, the Weekday School gets a monetary percentage. I am sorry to say that this payout period, we only earned $144.14 and $250 is the minimum to receive a payout, so we need all the linked cards we can get. Here are some shocking stats to consider: the Grimsley High School Choral Program earned $5,325.61 in the first payout and Page High School received $4,087.58 - the largest payouts in the state! That makes me think we have some work to do in linking up cards, and we hope you can help. Every payout goes to the Via Scholarship fund. (Our HT link number is 8564.) May 2014 | 9
Connect with One Another If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. (1st Corinthians 12:26)
Responding to the Invitation
Welcome New Baby!
David Keith Kiser Born: April 14 Proud Parents: Ashley and Brian Kiser Proud FBC Great-Grandparents: Al and Janelle Snider
Dona Butler
Joshua Knight
(on April 6) By Statement
(on April 6) By Profession of Faith and Baptism
Brannon Kling
Hannah Porter
(on April 13) By Statement
(on April 13) By Profession of Faith and Baptism
May Birthdays 1. J. C. Blowe, Stephen Porter 2. Sharon Barlow, Pam Chambers, Shannon Frazier, Dawn Pegram 3. Randy McDaniel, Austin Payne 4. No FBC Birthdays 5. Margaret Eckelmann, Zach Isom, Susan Suggs 6. Grace Flannagan, Seth Vaughan 7. Taylor McDaniel 8. Tanner Baugh, Jim Hardy 9. Hope Carpenter, Carolyn Jones, Parker Phelps, Bennett Wood 10. Becky Livengood 11. Brandon Hill, Winnifred Jones, Meg Rudd, Laura Tutterow 12. No FBC Birthdays 13. Gwen Koontz, Shane McDaniel, Isabel Rollins 10 | Connections
Bereaved • Laura Jones in the loss of her grandmother, Mary Rena Jones, on March 8 • The family of Jane Adair, on March 29 • Mickie Rose in the loss of her brother, Pete Glasgow, on March 29 • The family of Mary Lee Chadwick, on April 4 • Janice Newsom in the loss of her father, Emery Gilliam, on April 12 • The family of Louise Baity, on April 20 • Ken Brannon in the loss of his sister, Jenelle Gallman, on April 22 • Steven Severance in the loss of his grandmother, Mary Ellen Vance
14. Jim Filipski, Jake Leonard, Julia Lyle, Jane Messick 15. Alison Barnes, Emily Bennett, Gerrad Biffle 16. Larry Barnes, Jr., Jean Canter 17. No FBC Birthdays 18. Kelly Kennedy, Bee Martin, Bryce Starnes 19. Connor Crews, Isabelle Eller, Sadie Eller, Lee Hough 20. Marilyn Honeycutt, Mary Nichols, Jennie Stewart, Clay Young 21. Shannon Childs, Gary Cole, Ann Davidson, Braden Hall, Joe McLean 22. Madelyn Biffle, Bud Hardin 23. Steve Moseley, Caroline Parham Effie Rowan, Carolyn Whicker, John Suggs, Jr., Lillian Wilson
24. Ray Alexander, Susan Burnette, Trey Howerton, III 25. Neal Persinger 26. Daniel Kellam, Wendy Stafford 27. Mack Conway, Toni Lewis 28. Harriett Bowles, Michael Hatfield, Clare Johnson 29. No FBC Birthdays 30. Gracen Blake, John Mathews, Ellie Rider 31. No FBC Birthdays
College Birthdays Connor Crews 5/19 2406 Barracks Court, Apt. #3 Charlottesville, VA 22901
Caroline Parham 5/23 409 S. Eastern Street, Greenville, NC 27858
Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice. (Phil. 4.4)
•Sunday, May 4 – Youth Sunday. 10:30 am, Sanctuary (See page 4) •Sunday, May 4 – 50-Year Member Luncheon. 12 noon, 108 (See page 5) •Monday, May 5 – PrimeTime. 9 am-Lunch, (See page 5) •Sunday, May 11 – StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium. •Tuesday, May 13 – WMU Bible Study. 10:30 am, Café. •Wednesday, May 14 – Kids’ Access Open House (3’s-1 grade), 6:15 pm, Room 129 (See back page) Sunday, May 18 – Called Meeting for Election of Officers. 10:30 am, • Sanctuary (See page 7) •Sunday, May 18 – Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 12 noon, Fellowship Hall (See page 7) Sunday, May 25 – Memorial Day Service. 9 am, Columbarium • (See page 4) Wednesday, May 28 – Kids’ Access Open House (2 -5 grades), 6:15 pm, •
Regular Weekly Schedule
Room 108 (See back page)
May Fellowship Meals
Wednesdays, 5-6:30 pm
• 7: Fried Fish, Baked Potato and Cole Slaw // Kids: Fish Stix • 14: Theo’s Famous Fried Chicken, Baked Sweet Potato and Green Beans // Kids: Chicken Fingers • 21: Grilled Pork Loin, Limas & Corn Succotash and Stewed Apples // Kids: Cheese Pizza • 28: Chicken Portofino, Orzo Pasta and Broccoli Casserole // Kids: Chicken Toes
Sunday AM @FBC
•Bible Study - 9:15 am •Worship - 10:30 am •Guest Reception - 11:45 am (209)
Sunday PM @FBC • Youth Bells I & II, 4 pm • Children’s Bible Drill, 6 pm • Youth: MS Discipleship & HS Choir, 5 pm • Youth Snack Supper • Youth: MS Choir & HS Discipleship, 6 pm • Sanctuary Choir, 7 pm • Instrumental Ensemble (3rd Sundays), 7 pm
Wednesdays@FBC •Fellowship Meal - Dinner is served
Looking Ahead to June • • • • •
Sunday, June 1: Baccalaureate Sunday, 10:30 am Sunday, June 1: Youth Choir Concert, 6 pm Thursday, June 5: Paper Churches in a Digital World, Café Sunday, June 8: StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection, Atrium June 13-15: Middle School Trip to FBC Asheville/Ken Medema • June 16-20: BIBLE Camp (see page 9) • June 22-27: Middle School Summer Missions Trip to Nada, Kentucky (See page 8) Key:
between 5-6:30 pm / Reservations: Due Tuesday at 12 noon – 274.3286 or
•Kids’ Access - 6 pm •Youth Forum - 6:15 pm •Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm •Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm
•Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth May 2014 | 11
First Bapt ist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27401
NO. 179
Recycle for the Baptist Children’s Homes Recycling Program
ou can help them to raise funds by collecting the following items from your home, office, family and d friends and placing them in the collection box in FBC room 102: Laser/toner/fax cartridges, inkjet printer cartridges, cell phones, small electronics (digital cameras, ipods/ MP3 players, GPS systems, laptops and headphones) Recycling through Baptist Children Homes of N.C. helps ps the environment and changes the lives of boys and girls.
Come out to FBC’s men’s softball games
Wednesday, May 14: 3’s-1st Grade 6:15 pm, Room 129
May Softball Schedule: Day Date
Sat. Sat. Fri. Fri. Sat. Sat.
6 pm 6 pm 8:30 pm 9:30 pm 6 pm 8 pm
Gate City Baptist Sharpe Rd. Lawndale Baptist Gate City Baptist Awestruck Life Community
Gate City Baptist Gate City Baptist Hampton Park Hampton Park Gate City Baptist Gate City Baptist
May 3 May 10 May 16 May 16 May 17 May 31
Kids’ Access Open Houses Wednesday, May 28:
Gate City Baptist Field: 5250 Hilltop Road, Greensboro, NC 27407 Hampton Park Field: 3111 Four Seasons Blvd., Greensboro, NC 27406
2nd-5th Grades 6:15 pm, Room 108