Connections - May 2015 newsletter

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MAY 2015 | | 336.274.3286

Fried Chicken & Fellowship Sunday, May 31

first baptist church greensboro


Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world. | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

June Connections Deadline: May 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Ashley Gill Harrington, Interim Minister for Children and Families / / x241 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Kate Kitchen, Homebound Ministry Director / 202-5757 Scott North, Church Administrator / x222 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231

3 Insight

4 Connect with Worship

5 Connect with Missions

–Festival of Easter Music –Music Interns –Memorial Day Service –Memorial Day Brass Band Concert –Call to Missions –Downtown Discernment –Mobile Meals –FBC Construction Team - Church Dedication in Chile –Summer Reading on Missions

6-7 Connect with Adults

–Explore 1st –Adult Access –Pastoral Residency –PrimeTime –Silver Compassion –Audio Books and DVDs

8 Connect with Children

9 Connect with Business

–Skate Night –Worship In the Arts Camp –VBS –Children’s Library - New Items –Weekday School Update –Quarterly Update –Giving Options –April Church Conference Summary –CBF General Assembly

10 Connect with One Another

11 May Calendar

12 Heritage Sunday at FBC

–Coming Up in June

Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions / x295 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231

Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday

Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237

Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.

Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections


By Alan Sherouse

he beauty of Greensboro in our long awaited spring has been so stunning that I almost forgive Mother Nature for the assault on my sinuses. Throughout our city and surrounding area, new colors have seemed to emerge daily in sights like the tulips in my neighbor’s yard, the blooming dogwood my children planted in front of our house last Mother’s Day, and most recently the azaleas peaking with color along the steps of First Baptist. Something about those azaleas and the other signs of spring on our church campus reminded me of the carefully kept grounds of the church I served in Nashville, Immanuel Baptist, where I was an associate minister from 2005-2009. At Immanuel, the grounds were maintained not only through a landscaping contract, but also by the faithful, often unsolicited, work of church volunteers. The well-trimmed shrubs and colorful landscaping gave outward evidence of the congregation’s pride in their church and the hard work they invested in it. Church members would participate in quarterly workdays, and some were even known to show up at the church at random if there were shrubs to trim or flowers to plant. That’s where you’d find Duard Sullivan on assorted Saturdays throughout the year. Duard was one of the foundational members of Immanuel (you know the type!) and took his commitment to the church seriously through his faithful involvement, contributions, and his regular work on the church grounds. It was not uncommon to pull into the Immanuel Baptist parking lot on a Saturday and find Duard in sun hat and work gloves, stooped on the ground and working in the flowerbeds. No one asked him to do it. He just felt it was his church and his responsibility. A few years ago, Jenny and I returned to Nashville for the wedding of a dear friend who had grown up at Immanuel Baptist. Since I was part of the leadership of the service, the Friday before the ceremony we stopped by the church to drop something off. Standing in the sanctuary I looked out the large windows opening to the courtyard and saw a sight not uncommon: work gloves, sun hat, and Duard trimming the bushes. Walking outside to say hello, I remarked, “Duard, how’d you end up with this job?” And he replied, “Well, tomorrow is Rebecca’s wedding. And I want to make sure we look our best.” Duard passed away shortly after I arrived in Greensboro. Looking back, I realize the plants are not all that he nurtured. He was a kind encourager and friend to so many over the course of his life at Immanuel Baptist. In

fact, I can remember him saying to me, “Alan, you’re ready to be a pastor.” It is fair to say that I can trace some of the confidence I feel in my own call and vocation to Duard Sullivan and the ways he nurtured me. The azaleas outside our sanctuary, peaking in color, are an outward sign of the growth and beauty that exists in our congregation. Our shared life is filled with other signs. Many of those are highlighted in this newsletter. Whenever we see evidence of such life, we also remember that someone planted it, trimmed it, and nurtured it to the point we experience today. Many of you are doing that work today. I give thanks for Duard, and all of you who in your own ways have stooped to serve and tended the grounds. You inspire me to put on my own work gloves, so that life will continue to spring forth.

May 2015 | 3

Connect with Worship Music Interns

May 17 | 10:30 am Worship

Scripture, Hymns, and Anthems celebrating Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost

Morning Worship - - featuring the Sanctuary Choir Sing the “Hallelujah Chorus” with the choir at the end of the service. Contact Doug or Terri Vancil to get a copy of the chorus prior to May 17.


By Doug Vancil everal years ago a church member generously set up a fund for music ministry. Most of that fund has been used as scholarship money for UNCG music students interested in church music as vocation or avocation. We have been fortunate to have two students serve alongside us, sharing their talents, developing their leadership skills, and listening for God’s call on their vocational calls. Tyler Ingram, from Fayetteville and Snyder Memorial Baptist, is completing his third year as music intern as well as his junior year as an instrumental music education major. Tyler’s abilities have blossomed as he has assumed more leadership responsibility each year, including occasionally directing youth choir and handbell choirs, and the instrumental ensemble. Baker Lawrimore, whose home church of First Baptist Church, Asheville, prepared him well to share his vocal and organ skills with us during his first year at UNCG. I am thankful to Tyler and Baker for their work among us this year, and look forward to seeing where God leads them.

Memorial Day Service Sunday, May 24 9:00 am | Columbarium

Tickets Available:

FBC Music Office or purchase online at 4 | Connections

Join First Baptist’s 9th annual Memorial Day service of readings, prayers, and patriotic music. The service will begin promptly at 9 am in order to conclude in time to join Sunday School classes.

Connect with Missions

Being Deliberate in the Call to Missions 1 Peter 4:10: “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”


he Missions Committee has been diligently working to better understand our resources (volunteer, financial, physical, etc…) so to live out our faith in our local community and the world. During the month of May we want to take inventory of our resources, gifts, and call. We want to find out more about you; how you are connected to the community, your talents and skills, and passion. There will also be a question that asks in what areas of social injustice should we educate ourselves and give voice to in our community. There will be a survey that may be completed online or by paper. We hope that you will take the time to prayerfully complete the survey. This information will benefit us as we do ministry. It will be powerful and will honor the ministry to which God has called First Baptist Church.

Downtown Discernment


ur Downtown Discernment team continues to work and prayerfully consider the possibilities of a community ministry presence in downtown Greensboro. While our work has not to this point yielded any specific building, we have learned a lot in the last year about property, business models, and opportunities that exist for our church. The Downtown Discernment team plans to share more with the church at our May Church Conference about what we’ve learned, where we are, and where we’re going with this vision.

FBC Construction Team Sees the Fruit of Their Work

Mobile Meals Ministry

Mobile Meals are delivered by FBC members the 3rd Friday of every month. To volunteer or for more information, contact Cynthia Townes or 273-4020.

New FBC member Shawn Kirkpatrick jumping right in to Mobile Meal delivery with her friend Martha Chandler.

Your Mission This Summer… Read About Missions Summer offers more time and space for reading (especially for pleasure). I want to suggest some books to add to your summer reading list. These books are ones that I have read or plan to read. Toxic Charity is one of my favorites. It was the first book I read in my Urban Ministry class. The book challenged my beliefs and thoughts about missions and ministry. The premise of the book is to suggest that there are better ways to help those in poverty. Lupton builds the case for churches to evaluate their ministries to the poor because our work is often a bandaid over a greater need. Warning: these books will provoke ideas! • Toxic Charity by Robert D. Lupton • Helping When It Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty without Hurting the Poor and Yourself by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert • Compassion, Justice, and the Christian Life by Robert D. Lupton


n Sunday, March 15 Pastor Osiel Lara led a full group in the dedication of the new building for the Templo Bautista Emanuel in Los Laureles, Chile. FBC and other churches sent a group there to frame the new building in January of 2014.

For spiritual growth and discipline ... • Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor Let me know what you think after you read them. - Kim May 2015 | 5

Connect with Adults Find out what FBC is all about... May – 10, 17 & 24 | 9:15 am Pastor’s Office - 3rd Floor

YOU are invited to Explore 1st sessions designed to help anyone wanting to learn more about our community of faith. We explore the workings of our church by giving participants the opportunity to have conversation with pastoral staff and lay leaders. We also explore what we share in common with other congregations and those things which set us apart. If you know someone who might benefit from Explore 1st, contact Jessica Hartman | | 274-3286, x231.

Adult ACCESS Seminars - Something for Everyone Come for the Fellowship meal (serving from 5-6:30 pm) and stay for the adult ACCESS seminars (6:15-7:10 pm). Choose from the following seminars:


“Resurrection, Ascension, and Beyond” – As with much of the rest of the Gospel narrative, the four gospels (and also Acts) conclude the stories of Jesus similarly, but with differences in detail and emphasis. Matthew is surprisingly succinct, with a focus upon the most recognizable version of the Great Commission. Mark concludes abruptly, with a note on the fear of women who discovered the empty tomb, or (in later manuscripts) continues with strange words about healings and exorcisms, tongues, drinking poison and handling snakes. Luke and John, respectively, feature the beautiful accounts of the road to Emmaus and all-night fishing and breakfast beside the Sea of Galilee. Acts complements Luke with an account of the commissioning and the ascension. Overall, it is easy to cross-reference and see that the same story is related, regardless of the source or the details. Led by Steve Pressley | Chapel

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Women’s Book Study Group – Women’s study with the book, “You’re Going to Be Okay: Encouraging Truth Your Heart Needs to Hear, Especially on the Hard Days”. Led by Becky Starnes & Kelly Cornett | Café Baptist Heritage Series in May – What does it mean to be a Baptist? A variety of teachers, from outside guests to our own experts, will guide the discussions. |108 Upcoming Topics in the Baptist Heritage Series: • May 6: “In Every Good Work: A History of Our Congregation” by Dr. Scott Culclasure, author of the authorized history of First Baptist Church, Greensboro, NC. • May 13: “Our Future as North Carolina Baptists” by Dr. Larry Hovis, Executive Coordinator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of NC. • May 20: “Our Baptist Voice” by various people who have Baptist stories to tell.* • May 27: “Baptists Confronting Their Fifth Century” by Dr. Glenn Jonas, Howard Professor of Religion and chairman of the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Campbell University. *If you have a Baptist story to tell contact Steve Sumerel. A Baptist Story can be any experience you may have had that exemplifies what it means to be Baptist. Remember, our combined stories make up our Baptist Heritage.

6 | Connections

Pastoral Residency


ince its approval in February, our Pastoral Residency program is off to a strong start as we develop structure and consider candidates for the inaugural position. We are happy to report that after considering a number of strong applicants, we expect to select a Resident by mid-May in anticipation of a late summer start date. In addition to their work to recruit and select a Resident, our Pastoral Residency team Sandra Canipe, Scott Culclasure, Jenny Hall, Tom Petty, Coolidge Porterfield, Kim Priddy and Alan Sherouse - continues work on structure and longterm funding strategies for the program and is happy to hear any questions or input from the congregation.

Pastoral Resident????

• What is a Pastoral Resident? • What will they do at FBC? • Why is my church offering this program and it isn’t at my friends’ church?


o you have lingering questions about the Pastoral Residency program being offered at FBC this fall? The Good News Sunday School is going to spend time exploring and learning about the program on Sunday mornings in May. Join the class as discussion centers around, the significance of a Pastoral Residency program, opportunities for the Pastoral Resident, and congregational responsibilities to the program. We will hear thoughts from Pastor Alan, members of the Pastoral Residency Committee and someone who is going through a resident program. Join us Sundays in May from 9:15-10:15 am in Room 322-A.

Connect with Adults

PrimeTime@FBC includes: • 9 am: Ceramics, Gym • 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A • 11 am: Bible Study, 102 • 12 noon: Lunch, 108

PrimeTime May 4

Harry Thetford “American Patriots of the Greatest Generation”


Reservations: April 30.

Sign up online: or contact Rosemary Kellam 274-3286 x225 or

Audio Books and DVDs Donated to the Main Library By Teresa Allen • Brothers Not Twins: Separating Wilbur and Orville Audio Book by Elliot Engel • The Confession Audio Book by John Grisham and read by Scott Sowers • Surprised By Hope DVD by N. T. Wright • The Vanderbilts: All of Them Audio Book by Elliot Engel

Greetings First Baptist Family!


am grateful that you have chosen to work with Silver Compassion so we can all Thrive in the Second Half of Life. When I see the many ways the love of Christ is expressed and celebrated in your life together I am encouraged. Thank you for your faithfulness! We will spend this year pursuing three goals and all of you will have a part. The first is learning how to navigate the complex world of aging and forming Life Plans so we can Thrive in the Second Half of Life. The Silver Compassion Team will be planning events that teach the Life Plan Protocol along with the skills needed to make your plans and implement them. This will be helpful to every adult in the church family, those they care for and the precious souls in the community that have the same need to Thrive. We will learn how to Thrive in the Second Half of Life. The younger we understand how to do this the greater the potential. To help with this goal you can participate and help others come and learn this vital process. The second goal is to equip some of you to facilitate groups who are working on plans for yourselves and those you care for. The goal is to create a culture of wisdom and compassion that meets current needs and plans for the future. The Lord is with us in real life. As we learn the skills for planning, the resources available and how to utilize them, we will become a community that shares life in a growing network of mutual love while building legacies of love in our families, community and world. The third goal is to create a collection of trusted resources, including the services of Silver Compassion, and increase our capacity to utilize them to carry out the plans we make. Aging has been done in community throughout human history. We will be weaving a new fabric of community in this ever-changing world. Please plan to come to “How Silver Compassion can Help You and Your Loved Ones” on Sunday, May 17 at 6 pm in room 102. I will explain the process and why you will want to come to the seminar “Thrive in the Second Half of Life” on Thursday, May 28. Please invite your friends and any people you know connected to the programs, products and services that support aging. After an hour presentation I will answer questions and invite you to become involved as we move toward our goals. Your Fellow Servant, George Founder of Silver Compassion

Silver Compassion Upcoming Events Sunday, May 17 | 6-7 pm | 108 Q&A with George Fuller will follow from 7-8 pm

“How Silver Compassion can Help You and Your Loved Ones”

Thursday, May 28 | 8:30 am-3 pm | 108 “Thrive in the Second Half of Life.” $20/person. FBC sign-up thru May 6. Public sign-up begins May 7. More information & to sign up for the seminar: May 2015 | 7

Connect with Children

July 27 – 31 9 am – 1 pm Grades 2-7

(2014-15 school year) ...engaging young artists in a life of Christian worship

Children’s Ministry End-of-the-Year

Skate Night!

Singing, Drama, Dance, Instruments, Visual Art $30 by May 1; $40 after May 1. FBC registrants may enroll a guest for $25. Register online at

Classes: Campers will explore “Rooms of Worship” in choral music, drama, visual arts, instruments and sacred dance. Classes will be taught by church staff and professionals in the surrounding Greensboro area. Camp Director: Terri Vancil, |274-3286, x238 Class Leaders: Worship|Ashley Harrington, Interim Minister of Children, FBC Greensboro Choral|Doug and Terri Vancil, Ministers of Music and Worship, FBC Greensboro Visual Art|Monica Hix, Interim Director of Music, First Friends Meeting, Greensboro Sacred Dance/Movement|Betsy Reeves, Moving Liturgy Dance Ensemble, Burlington

VBS “HomeTown Nazareth” | July 13-17


ach day your child can become part of history as they see, hear, touch, and even taste what it was like to live in Jesus’ hometown! We’ll explore authentic Marketplace shops, visit Jesus’ home, take part in games, dance to lively songs, and sample tasty tidbits as we discover more about Jesus’ childhood. These experiences will make God’s word come alive with new meaning! Children Pre-K (ages 3-5) thru completed 5th grade are invited to travel to Nazareth with us MondayFriday, 9 am - 12 noon. Cost: $15 per child with a family maximum of $40, scholarships available upon request. Contact Ashley - | x241. Sign-up online:

8 | Connections

FBC Gym Saturday, May 16 6-8 pm

DVDs Donated to the Children’s Library

By Teresa Allen • Blue’s Biggest Stories (Blue’s Clues) DVD • Calling All Engines (Thomas & Friends) DVD • Clanging Cymbals…And the Meaning of God’s Love Audio Book • Curious George: Rocket Ride and Other Adventures! DVD • In the Land of Odds (Auto-B-Good) DVD • Life in the Fast Lane (Auto-B-Good) DVD

FBC Weekday School Update


By Ginny Carpenter t is hard to believe that there are just a few weeks of school left before Summer Days begins! In May our 4s will celebrate Farm Day, and our classes will begin to have their “Sprinkle” parties! Our spring Consignment Sale was a huge success – our biggest spring sale ever! So much hard work was done by Autumn Culbreth and her committee, by church members and volunteers. We raised $5,273 for our scholarship fund. This year, we used over $2,500 per month in scholarships that support 17 children. Without our Consignment Sale fundraisers, this would not be possible. Thank you for the support of this church and for the hard work of all those who make it possible for children to attend our school through scholarships. Registration for 2015-16 is continuing and plans are being made to begin our Summer Days program beginning May 26 and running through June 12. Summer Days is for children ages 6 weeks to Pre-K with the last week being for siblings who have completed K or 1st grade. This year, we will have a new Theater and Arts Camp June 15-19 and June 22-26 for ages 3-7. Each week will end with a class performance. Registration forms are outside the Weekday School office on the first floor of the Children’s Wing. Please keep our programs in your prayers as we finish another wonderful year filled with God’s precious children and so many blessings!

Connect with Business

A Note from Alan


s our church opens to growth and opportunity we are also open-eyed to our financial needs and health. On the right you see reports on our quarterly finances. Below you also find ways of simplifying your contributions through online methods of giving. We give thanks for the health reflected in these numbers as we pray for continued generosity. Your many gifts not only sustain the ministry of our church, they also allow us to open ourselves widely to the hopeful future ahead.

Receipts & Distributions - 3 Months Ended

Mar. 31, 2015

Budget Mar. 31, 2014

Budget Receipts $ 478,889 $ 452,544 Budget Disbursements $ 404,424 $ 454,930 Net Surplus $ 74,465 $ (2,386)

$ 460,133 $ 472,757 $ (12,624)

$480,000 $380,000

Budget Receipts


Budget Disbursements


Net Surplus

$80,000 $(20,000)

Mar. 31, 2015


Mar. 31, 2014

Check Out Opportunities to Give Online! Online Giving: The church website offers a safe convenient way for you to schedule a recurring or one-time gift from your checking account or with your debit or credit card. Find out more: Automatic Bank Pay: Another easy and effective way to give online is by using your bank’s online billpay system. Simply follow the bank’s instructions to set up First Baptist Church as a new payee. Most banks do not charge a fee for this service. Their system will send a check from your account to FBC according to your instructions.

April Church Conference Summary The monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday afternoon, April 19, 2015 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Hazel Fisher presided. The following motions were approved by the congregation. Robb Wells, Deacon Chair, made the following motion: Motion: On behalf of the Deacons, I move that First Baptist Church Greensboro approve a recommendation in support of Patrice Justafort to serve at TeachBeyond. Pat Wilson, Mission Committee Chair, made the following motion: Motion: On behalf of the Missions Committee, the Finance Committee and the Deacons, I move that an expenditure of up to $3,000 be approved to defray approximately onehalf the cost of the College New York Mission Trip for up to 20 participants ($150 each) to Metro Baptist Church on May 7-12, funds to come from the Great Commission Fund.

Sunday, May 17– Community Lunch followed by Church Conference 12 noon, Fellowship Hall. No reservations are required. $6/person - $20/family max.

CBF General Assembly Dallas, Texas

June 15-19, 2015


May 2015 | 9

Connect with One Another

Responding to the Invitation

Shawn Kirkpatrick

(on March 22) By Statement

May Birthdays 1. J.C. Blowe, Stephen Porter 2. Sharon Barlow, Pam Chambers, Shannon Frazier, Dawn Pegram, Allison Whittle 3. Randy McDaniel, Austin Payne 4. No FBC Birthdays 5. Margaret Eckelmann, Zach Isom, Susan Suggs 6. Grace Flannagan, Seth Vaughan 7. Taylor McDaniel 8. Tanner Baugh, Jim Hardy 9. Hope Carpenter, Carolyn Jones, Parker Phelps, Bennett Wood 10. Becky Livengood 11. Brandon Hill, Winnifred Jones, Meg Rudd, Laura Tutterow 12. No FBC Birthdays 13. Hulda Arant, Gwen Koontz, Shane McDaniel, Isabel Rollins 14. Jim Filipski, Jake Leonard, Julia Lyle, Jane Messick 15. Alison Barnes, Emily Bennett, Gerrad Biffle, Patrick Cardwell 16. Larry Barnes, Jean Canter 17. Spencer Adams, Christy Moore 18. Kelly Kennedy, Bee Martin, Bryce Starnes 19. Connor Crews, Isabelle Eller, Sadie Eller, Lee Hough 20. Marilyn Honeycutt, Mary Nichols, Jennie Stewart, Clay Young 21. Gary Cole, Shannon Childs, Ann Davidson, Braden Hall, Joe McLean 22. Madelyn Biffle, Bud Hardin 10 | Connections

The first Sunday I walked into First Baptist, the welcoming began. Then the beautiful music began, bells, piano, organ music and the choir. The sermon touched my soul and moved me to tears. I knew First Baptist would be my home. I am so blessed that God led me to First Baptist.

23. Steve Moseley, Richard Noel, Caroline Parham, Effie Rowan, John Suggs, Carolyn Whicker, Lillian Wilson 24. Ray Alexander, Susan Burnette, Trey Howerton 25. Neal Persinger 26. Daniel Kellam, Wendy Stafford 27. Mack Conway, Toni Lewis 28. Harriett Bowles, Robert Hall, Michael Hatfield, Clare Johnson 29. No FBC Birthdays 30. Gracen Blake, John Mathews, Ellie Rider


• Loved ones of Howard Chubbs (Pastor of Providence Baptist) • Loved ones of Der Hong Hanson, on March 19 • Kay Hensley in the loss of her father, Frank Easterling, on March 21 • James Fogleman in the loss of his brother, Jay Fogleman, on April 2 • Loved ones of Guyon Phillips, on April 2 • Wes Thacker in the loss of his mother, Frances Moore Thacker, on April 6 • Harold Messick in the loss of his nephew, and Matt Messick and Mark Messick in the loss of their cousin, Randy Messick, on April 16 • Margaret Oberholtzer in the loss of her brother, Ralph Hodges, on April 17

Brandon Harris

(on April 19) By Statement

College Birthdays Zach Isom | May 5 1803 Westminster Drive Greensboro, NC 27410

Kelly Kennedy | May 18 3500 C of C Complex, McConnel Charleston, SC 29424-1534

Clay Young | May 20 Box 1066, 2300 W. Innes Street Salisbury, NC 28144

Welcome New Babies! Harper Kathryn Riddleberger Born March 20 Zack and Meredith Riddleberger FBC Grandparents: Rick and Lisa Riddleberger

Theodore Mark Gerrald

Born April 16 Will and Caitlin (Pegram) Gerrald FBC Grandparents: Mark and Jill Pegram

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. (Rom. 8.28)

Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC

•3 (Sun): 50-Year Member Luncheon. 108, 12 noon •4 (Mon): PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch •4 (Mon): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •5 (Tues): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •6, 13, 20, 27 (Wed): Adult Access Classes. 6:15 pm •7-12: College Missions @ Metro 2015 Urban Immersion, NYC •10 (Sun): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •10, 17, 21 (Sun): Explore 1st. Pastor’s Study, 9:15 am •12 (Tues): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •12 (Tues): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am •16 (Sat): Children’s Ministry Skate Night. Gym, 6 pm •17 (Sun): Festival of Easter Music. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •17 (Sun): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 12 noon •17 (Sun): Silver Compassion Q & A | “How Silver Compassion Can Help You and Your Loved Ones.” 108, 6 pm •18 (Mon): Widow’s Support Group. 209, 2 pm •24 (Sun): Memorial Day Service. Columbarium, 9 am •24 (Sun): Pentecost Sunday. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •24 (Sun): NC Brass Band Concert. Sanctuary, 3 pm •28 (Thurs): Silver Compassion | “Thrive in the Second Half of Life.” 108, 8:30 am •31 (Sun): Heritage Sunday. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •31 (Sun): Dinner on the Grounds. FBC Front Lawn, 12 noon •Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth

Study - 9:15 am • Bible W orship - 10:30 am • Guest Reception - 11:45 am, • 209

• • • • • • •

Sunday PM @FBC

Youth Handbells - 4 pm, 319-D/ Sanctuary Youth Choir - 5 pm, 311 Children’s Handbells: Gr. 4-5, 5 pm, 319-D Adult Bells I - 6 pm Youth Discipleship - 6:20 pm, 301 Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311 Instrumental Ensemble - 7 pm (3rd Sundays), Sanctuary


Fellowship Meal - Dinner is • served between 5-6:30 pm

Reservations - Due Tuesday at 12 noon – 274.3286 or Kids’ Access - 6 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311

• • • •

Coming Up in June • June 6: Senior Banquet • June 7: Baccalaureate Sunday – 10:30 am: Join us for Worship. FBC youth and graduates will lead in worship, inspiring and challenging us to reflect and to lean into the plans God has in store for us. 7 pm: Youth Choir Concert. • June 21 - 26: Middle School Mission Unidiversity to Greenville, SC • June 26 - July 4: High School CLUE Camp NYC

Baccalaureate Sunday Sunday, June 7

10:30 am: Senior-led Worship Service 7 pm: Youth Choir Concert

May Meal Menus Wednesdays, 5 - 6:30 pm May 6: Pecan Encrusted Tilapia, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw, Salad Bar | Kids: Fish Stix May 13: Roast Beef, Mashed Red Skin Potatoes, Green Beans, Salad Bar | Kids: Mini Burger May 20: Chicken Portofino, Orzo Pasta, Broccoli Spears, Salad Bar Kids: Chicken Fingers May 27: Meat Loaf, Mashed Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts, Salad Bar | Kids: Corn Dog May 2015 | 11

First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401


NO. 179

Sunday, May 31 after worship

Stay and enjoy the fellowship!

Join us on the Front Lawn for a Potluck Dinner FBC is providing fried chicken and beverages! Come and bring a friend!

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