NOVEMBER 2017 | | 336.274.3286
Nov. 19
first baptist church greensboro Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
p.16 | 336-274-3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
December Connections Deadline: November 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Rosemary Kellam, Production Editor Operations Director / x231
Gloria Koster, Managing Editor/Designer Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233
Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229
November 2017 3 Window Gazing
4-5 Connect with Worship
– “Living Generously” Stewardship Series –Chapel Renovation Proposal
6 Connect with Children
7 Connect with the Weekday School
–Join Us this Advent! –What’s Happening in Children’s Ministry at FBC –Weekday School News | Upcoming Events/Reminders –Photos from a Visit from the Greensboro Police Department
Connect with Recreation Ministry
–Upward Basketball and Cheerleading Needs You!
8-9 Connect with Missions
Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / / x295 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245
Amy Kirkman, Weekday School Director / x240
Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / x241 Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident / x236
Scott North, Church Administrator / x226
Sarah Parker, Interim Youth Minister / x235 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x232
Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231
Courtney Stamey, Pastoral Resident / x223
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251
Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 Alisa Windsor, Ministry Support Associate / x225
2 | Connections
–Feeding the Hungry –Meet CBF Field Personnel Alicia and Jeff Lee –Greensboro Urban Ministry Feast of Caring –Operation Christmas Child | WMU Group 4 Notice –The YWCA Family Shelter Needs Dinners
10 Connect with Youth
–High School Fall Retreat –Update from Search Committee for Associate Pastor: Youth & Families
Connect with College
–Sundays at First Baptist Church | College Birthdays –Wednesday Night Dinner
11-12 Connect with Adults
–November 6 PrimeTime | Bereavement Committee Reorganizes –Adult Access Seminars | Life Compass Living
12 Connect with Business
–October Church Conference Summary | 3rd Quarterly Report –November Community Lunch
13 Connect with One Another
14 November Calendar
15 A Thousand Words…
16 Thanksgiving Celebrations
–New Members | Birthdays | Bereaved
Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing
By Alan Sherouse
ILLIAM SLOANE COFFIN, former pastor of Riverside Church, once said that if he attended a church on Sunday morning and discovered too late to get up and leave that the minister was going to preach a stewardship sermon, he would immediately bow his head and pray for brevity! Consider this my public commitment to brevity, so long as you commit to attendance, as we enter our Stewardship or “Commitment” season at First Baptist Greensboro. For Sundays in November, leading up to our Commitment Sunday on November 19, we fill focus on the theme of generosity – how we have seen it lived, and how God is calling us to live it ourselves. Authors Chris Willard and Jim Shepherd define generosity as “A lifestyle in which we share all that we have, are, and ever will become as a demonstration of God’s love and a response to God’s grace.” 1 Generosity is our response to the grace of God with all that we have, including our very lives, thus our theme for this year’s Commitment Season: Living Generously. Paul understood this call to generosity. In his second letter to the Christians in Corinth, in chapters 8 and 9, Paul calls for a “Jerusalem Collection.” It’s not the only time in his writing and ministry that he urges this offering for the people in Jerusalem. At a base level, this collection is intended to “supply the needs of the Lord’s people” as Paul says in 9:12. Much more than this base, pragmatic level, however, Paul understands that the generosity he calls for has enduring value, “overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.” The offering will unite people across disparate traditions and locales. It will help Christians in Corinth be reenergized in their purpose. Generous response to the call for the offering will help Paul’s audience rediscover meaning, remember what matters to God, and experience what generosity produces in the lives of those who give. As Paul writes, “Whoever sows generously will also reap generously… for God loves a cheerful giver.” As we at First Baptist Greensboro look toward a hopeful 2018 with an ambitious church budget, we have many base level, pragmatic needs that require the collective generosity of our church community. Sometimes I sense that many of us believe we are a wealthy church, or that we have plenty of money to attend to our expenses. In fact, it takes every one of us to actively support and further the work of Love to which we have committed ourselves. It costs about 2 million dollars each year to run our church, and over 1.75
million of that comes from the tithes and offerings of our members. With two months left in 2017, we are not meeting that goal. So I encourage you, this Commitment Sunday, to make a generous commitment toward the witness and ministry and mission of our church in the year ahead. It will take every one of us to meet the needs set forth in our ministry budget. But beyond this base level, we need to hear the call to generosity that echoes in this letter from Paul, and throughout the witness of Scripture. The experience of giving – a life of generosity – helps us to rediscover meaning, remember what matters to God, and experience lives that overflow. Paul uses agricultural language of sowing and reaping to remind us of the outcomes of generosity. One of my favorite authors, Henri Nouwen, has used the same metaphor. Nouwen once wrote a book that talks about the spiritual significance of giving. His conclusion is that “When we give ourselves to planting and nurturing love here on earth, our efforts will reach beyond our own chronological existence.”2 Or as Paul might say, our lives will “overflow” as an expression of thanks to God. I hope you will join me in supporting the work of our church in the year ahead with your tithes and offering, but even more I hope we will all join in committing ourselves to lives of generosity. Yes, the church needs our money. But not as much as we need to give. Chris Willard and Jim Sheppard, Contagious Generosity: Creating a Culture of Giving in Your Church. 2 Henri Nouwen, The Spirituality of Fundraising. 1
November 2017 | 3
“Living Generously” Stewardship Series
O I THOUGHT IT NECESSARY to urge the brothers to go on ahead to you, and arrange in advance for this bountiful gift that you have promised, so that it may be ready as a voluntary gift and not as an extortion. The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a Art: “Crown at the Cross” by cheerful giver. And Jennifer Lewis and Cathy Isom God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work. As it is written, “He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.” He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God. Through the testing of this ministry you glorify God by your obedience to the confession of the gospel of Christ and by the generosity of your sharing with them and with all others, while they long for you and pray for you because of the surpassing grace of God that he has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! —2 Corinthians 9.6-15
4 | Connections
All Saints Sunday Recognition of new members, births, and deaths in the congregation.
Sermon: “Living Generously–WHAT We Give” Alan Sherouse The Lord’s Supper
Music: Hallelujah, Sanctuary Choir O God, Beneath Your Guiding Hand Adult Handbell Choir Bound for the Promised Land Matt Messick, piano
NOVEMBER 12 Sermon: “Living Generously–HOW We Give” Alan Sherouse
Music: Zion’s Walls Baker Lawrimore, vocal soloist Cole Freeman, violin solo
NOVEMBER 19 Sermon: “Living Generously—WHEN We Give” Alan Sherouse Gathering of 2018 Commitment Cards
Music: Jubilate Deo, Sanctuary Choir Now Thank We All Our God, Youth Choir Outburst of Joy, Youth Handbell Choir
Christ the King Sunday Danysha Nard, preaching Music: At the Name of Jesus Sanctuary Choir
HE CHAPEL WITH its simplistic beauty has hosted intimate gatherings for weddings, funerals, and Bible studies for more than 65 years, virtually unchanged. It was painted after the Korean congregation moved to their new property, but other needed renovations were postponed until finances became available to make changes the staff deemed necessary for future expanded use. Dan McCormick’s recent bequest to the church indicated generally but not specifically the desire to help fund the chapel renovation. Upon the church’s receipt of this estate the Building and Grounds committee at the request of Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor for Music/Worship began research on the cost of updating the chapel with the goal of retaining its architectural dignity and also making room for the expansion of its purpose and function for future ministries. To insure that renovation plans had appropriate congregational representation, and to oversee details, a committee was formed to include members from Deacons, Finance, and Building and Grounds. Those members are: Sharon Barlow, Deacon chairperson; Jim Clontz, Deacon; Rob Young, Finance chairperson; Anita Wilson, Finance; Jack Sharp, Building and Grounds Above: The Chapel of Virginia Theological School, Alexandria, VA chairperson; Dave Worsley, Building and (Renovated 2015) Grounds; Alan Sherouse, Pastor; Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship; Rosemary Kellam, Director of Operations. The proposal has been approved by Finance committee and Deacons. The congregation affirmed this proposal in the regularly scheduled business conference on October 8. The Chapel will close on November 2. Four aspects of renovation are addressed in the proposal. Total cost will be approximately $80,000 coming from the McCormick Fund:
The Chapel with its simplistic beauty has hosted intimate gatherings for weddings, funerals, and Bible studies for more than 65 years, virtually unchanged .
• 1. Flooring: The carpet will be replaced with wood flooring for more durability and sound reflection. • 2. Audio/Visual: New speakers, microphones, projector and screen will enhance audio/visuals for both worship and Bible Teaching. • 3. Stage Stair: The risers currently only on the sides will wrap around the front of the stage for better accessibility and flexibility. • 4. Seating Pews: The pews will be replaced with chairs of superior craftsmanship (made of maple wood, stained to match the sanctuary pews, with seat and back covered in durable, neutral fabric.) Chairs will allow for flexible seating in numbers (ex. 50, 75, 100, 125) and configuration (ex. rows, circle, diagonal) with more open floor space.
Possible expanded uses for the Chapel are: Song Services • Worship services for persons with disabilities • Worship services for children Occasional intimate, creative worship services • Receptions following sanctuary funerals UNCG School of Music recitals • Additional weekly worship service November 2017 | 5
Join Us this Advent!
As we enter the season of Advent and WAIT and PREPARE for the birth of Christ, we will help children and their families learn about the importance of this special season. We will have dinner and then move to the Children’s Wing for the Workshop. We will have eight stations of hands-on activities and interactive prayer experiences for you and your children. It’s going to be a MEANINGFUL time to help your family prepare for the season. Cost is $5 per person. Optional childcare will be provided for children 2 years old and younger.
Our children are enjoying 30 minutes of both music and missions on Wednesday evenings. In music, the children will be learning and practicing songs that they will be singing on Children’s Sunday, December 3. Join us on Wednesday evenings!
MOMS’ GROUP | Mondays | 9:30-11 am | Room 319 (Childcare Provided)
Moms are invited to join us on Monday mornings as we grow, learn, and nurture one another in an inviting community. Moms’ Group, led by Rev. Courtney Willis, will meet November 6, 13 and 27. Invite a friend and join us!
WORSHIP FOLDERS FOR KIDS | We love having the children in worship and to provide them with
activities that correlate with the sermon, we have worship folders at the entrances of the sanctuary for children through 5th grade. Please return the folders to the baskets at the conclusion the service.
December 3 (Su): Children’s Service/Children’s Choirs singing December 13 (W): Breakfast for Dinner and Spontaneous Nativity For more information about children’s ministry at FBC, contact Christina McCord: | x241 6 | Connections
Weekday School News
HE FALL SEASON is flying by at the Weekday School! We have had lots of exciting events this fall, including a visit from the Greensboro Fire Department and Greensboro Police Department. Our four year olds have visited a local pumpkin patch and we have celebrated Pet Week and Community Helper week. Some students even got to bring in their family pet for a visit! We enjoyed hosting the Scholastic Book Fair and will have another one in the spring. Our parent planning committee is working hard on our holiday events and our spring fundraiser.
A Visit from the Greensboro Police Department FBC Weekday School students enjoyed a visit by the Greensboro Police that included photo opportunities with a real police car! To see more photos, “like us” on Facebook.
Upcoming Events/Reminders
• November 10 (F): School closed • November 16 (Th): Chapel for 3’s and 4’s at 11 am. Parents are invited! Thanksgiving Celebrations to occur immediately following chapel in classrooms. • November 22-24 (W-F): School closed for Thanksgiving Break • Link your Harris Teeter card to the FBC Weekday School (8564). Link it at your favorite HT store or online at
by Tommy Starnes, CBL and Upward director
YEARS WE BEEN RUSTING…needing so much more than dusting, needing exercise…a chance to use our skills!” If you can relate to this quote from the famous song in “Beauty and the Beast”, then…. BE OUR GUEST! As we start our 10th year of UPWARD Basketball and Cheerleading, we welcome all volunteers who have a heart for recreation and this ministry. My heart is full every Sunday morning when I see the multitude of children flocking towards the pulpit during the children’s sermon. Their excitement and enthusiasm is something I wish we could bottle up every week. You can be a part of their lives on Saturdays by helping to coach a team, referee a game, sell concessions in the Café, take on a Saturday’s worth of devotions, or mingle in the stands talking with visitors. First Baptist now has the longest running High School and Upward program in the city. It takes an army of volunteers to make this possible. Please consider taking a role. Thank you! “Courts by courts, one on one….till you shout “Not Quite Done!” Be Our Guest! Be Our Guest…Be Our Guest! November 2017 | 7
ESTERDAY after work I went grocery shopping at Target. As I walked down the soup aisle I noticed a young mother with her daughter. The mom was on her hands and knees reaching for a multi-pack of Ramen noodles. Her daughter was telling her that she was tired of Ramen noodles and the mother said, “Look honey, they are the chicken ones.” As they walked away I wondered if the mother had trouble putting food on the dinner table and had to rely on Ramen noodle meals because of a limited budget. There are hungry people all around us and many of them look like you and me. FBC is participating in an outreach to provide McDonald’s $5 gift cards. We invite you to get involved. Gift card recipients will be: 1. Teachers at Bessemer Elementary School–Teacher appreciation and support is our goal this year. The PTA at Bessemer is not very active and we want to show them our support. 2. Guilford County DHHS–They are accepting donations in order to provide McDonald’s gift cards for children entering foster care. The day children are removed from their homes due to child abuse and neglect and placed into DHHS custody can be very long, traumatic and emotionally taxing. Your donation will provide a hot McDonald’s meal to help comfort children as they transition into foster care. Donations can be cash or gift cards. Questions? Contact Sharon Barlow: NOTE: Bring your donations of $5 McDonald’s gift cards and/or cash to purchase them to the FBC main office.
8 | Connections
Each month we feature CBF missions work…
CBF Field Personnel Serving in Skopje, Macedonia
LICIA AND JEFF LEE are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel in Skopje, Macedonia, where they seek to be the presence of Christ by engaging in holistic, relational, and healing ministries among the ethnic groups of Skopje. Macedonia is a small land-locked country in the Balkan region of Europe and is a unique blend of religious and ethnic diversity. Many days, this diversity is lived out beautifully, but at times can be a tense and often exploited balance. Approximately 60 percent of the population is ethnic Macedonians that are generally Orthodox Christians or agnostic; 30 percent are ethnic Albanians and are Muslim; and 10 percent are varied minority groups like Roma, Serbs and Turks. Skopje is the capital city of Macedonia, and home to 800,000 people. In Skopje, the Lees work alongside local, grassroots organizations to address the needs of families living in extreme poverty, people neglected by society, and children rescued from or at-risk for human trafficking. They participate in and organize weekly activities at a group home for adults with developmental disabilities. The Lees are also partnering in the development of a faith-based children’s home. In the summer of 2015, as the global refugee crisis was unfolding throughout Europe, Jeff began coordinating a collaborative effort among evangelical churches in Macedonia to serve refugees in transit camps. Through this ongoing collaborative effort, hundreds of thousands of refugees have been served tea and fruit and have been offered a warm smile and a place to sit before journeying on. Alicia’s educational background has allowed her to provide counseling services for English speakers in Skopje while Jeff ’s educational background has opened up opportunities to consult for farmers and local governments to address the environmental issues within Macedonia. Agricultural work includes the development of a cow-bank project that provides livestock to local farmers through a small business development program. Alicia and Jeff serve in various capacities at their local church, International Church of Skopje. Jeff serves on the preaching team, preaching once a month. Alicia serves on the leadership team and is the Children’s Ministry Coordinator. Keep up with the Lees at and follow them on social media at For more information about CBF Global Missions go to: NOTE: Information in this article came from CBF’s website:
Feast of Caring
November 16 (Th) | 5 - 7 PM | Fellowship Hall
SIMPLE MEAL of soup and bread the week before the feast of Thanksgiving reminds us that there is no holiday from poverty,” says Executive Director Myron Wilkins. “Many of our neighbors will be going without, falling into crisis, and enduring alone during a time when we celebrate the joys of home, friends and family.” With a minimum $25 donation you help provide food, shelter and rehousing assistance to men, women and families. Your donation allows you to choose to receive a pottery bowl, crafted by an N.C. potter, or five Honor Cards, created by artist Bill Mangum.
And…Feast of Caring Express!
Nov. 16 | FBC This drop- in lunchtime event is between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm.
Operation Christmas Child Dedication Sunday | November 19
PERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD shoeboxes share the Good News of God’s greatest gift, Jesus Christ, with boys and girls around the world! With each shoebox, include $9 to pay shipping (checks payable to Samaritan’s Purse). Please don’t include candy, toothpaste, or liquids in the shoeboxes. Don’t have time to shop and want help with a shoebox? Bring a check for $29 (made out to FBC with OCC in the memo). Bring shoeboxes to the Atrium on Dedication Sunday before Sunday School. Questions? Contact Operation Christmas Child coordinator, Carolyn Clontz - | 288-3216.
BC SERVES DINNER at the Y once a month on the 3rd Monday. If each Sunday School class or group chooses a (one) month, that will take care of a year! Please select the month your class would prefer (with a back-up month). This is not a large commitment of time or effort. Dinner is for 30 people (and for you if you choose to stay and eat with the residents). It consists of an entree, some veggies and/or a salad, and dessert. It will be served at 6:30 pm, is quickly consumed, and clean up is minimal. The staff and residents do most of that work. The work can generally be handled by 3-4 people, but more are always welcome. If you would like to sign up to volunteer, you will receive more details. To sign up contact Cookie Hamilton - | 676-7213 or Nancy Davis - | 674-2884. The dates are listed below: Dates for 2017 – November 20 | December 18 Dates for 2018 – January 15 | February 19 | March 19 | April 16 | May 21 | June 18 | July 16 | August 20 September 17 | October 15 | November 19 | December 17
WMU GROUP 4 NOTICE: WMU Group 4 will not meet in November and will have their last meeting on December 12 at 11:30 am at Norma Moore’s house for lunch. RSVP to her by Dec. 5: 255-0235 |
November 2017 | 9
High School Fall Retreat
November 10 - 12 | Camp Rockmont, NC
Our High School youth will head to Black Mountain, NC where they will connect with God and each other during this mountaintop experience. Total cost: $115/ person ($50 deposit reserves your spot). Don’t miss it! Deadline to sign-up: November 3 Register now:
OUTH MINISTRY IS VITAL to our church. We are thankful for Sarah Parker, serving as the Interim Youth Minister. And while the good work of the youth program continues, the process of identifying our next Youth Pastor is underway. Our Search Committee is in the process of meeting with groups of church members to hear feedback on the qualities important in our candidates, including a congregational feedback meeting that all are invited to attend on Wednesday, November 8 at 6:15 pm. We are also using the strong network of church staff and denominational groups to promote the position. Thankfully, we have already received information on many very qualified candidates. We will continue to receive and evaluate resumes, and then select those to begin the interview process. Please join us in prayer as we continue to seek the person God has already chosen to lead our youth. If you have input or questions for our committee, please let us know. — Bud Taylor, Chair
COLLEGE BIRTHDAYS Matthew Kennedy | November 11 NC State University 3600 Gramercy Road, Greensboro, NC 27410-9148
Kendall Gooding | November 17 UNC-Greensboro 8 Sommerton Drive, Greensboro, NC 27408
Michaela Stutts | November 19 | UNC-Chapel Hill 3415 Deep Green Drive, Greensboro, NC 27410-2901
Megan Barlow | November 25
Appalachian State University ASU Box 12725 | Boone, NC 28608
Sam Messick | November 26 | NC State University 16081 Sullivan Hall, Raleigh, NC 27607
Mallie Taylor | November 30 | UNC-Charlotte 1 Chatterson Court, Greensboro, NC 27410 10 | Connections
Sundays at First Baptist Church: • Pick-up at the UNCG Rock at 10:15 am for the Worship Service • Light lunch and Bible Study immediately after Worship in the Café
Join us at FBC Greensboro every Wednesday night for free dinner from 5:30-6:15 pm in our Fellowship Hall - 1000 West Friendly Avenue. You must make reservations for your meal Due Tuesday at 12 noon: online at or 274-3286, x245.
“Ten Thousand Villages – A Fair Trade Market”
EN THOUSAND VILLAGES is more than a store. It’s a place where you can explore and connect with your global village. From communities throughout the developing world, every inspired design is crafted with love using local materials (usually natural or recycled) and time-honored skills by responsible and talented artisans. Every purchase improves the lives of makers by supporting their craft and providing a fair, stable income. Shopping there offers a way to become part of the story, to shop your values and give gifts with meaning. Ten Thousand Villages lays the groundwork for sustainable change by providing a space for people to take charge of their own lives and build something for themselves. They are a non-profit social enterprise that partners with independent small-scale artisan groups, co-ops and workshops to bring their wares to our markets. Small gift items will be available for purchase at PrimeTime.
Ten Thousand Villages’ Vision: One day all artisans in developing countries will earn a fair wage, be treated with dignity and respect and be able to live a life of quality.
will examine 2 Chronicles 20: Stand firm, hold your position…do not be afraid and do not be dismayed (v. 17), taught by Dr. Steve Pressley.
PrimeTime at FBC includes:
9 am: Ceramics, Gym | 11 am: Bible Study, 101 12 noon: Lunch, 108 – Cost: $6/person – Reservation Deadline: November 2 To sign up for lunch, contact Marty Kellam: | x245
OLLOWING THE RECENT loss of long-time Bereavement Committee leader Janelle Snider, this well-regarded team has met to reorganize and select its leadership going forward. The new leader is Sandra Canipe, who served at Janelle’s “right hand” in recent months. Co-leader will be long-time committee volunteer Gayle Adams. Both are well-known by families of First Baptist Church. Sandra is a former Associate Pastor for Children and Weekday Early Education director, while Gayle has taught in the WEE program and in Children’s Sunday School, and has led in Woman’s Missionary Union. Since its inception in 1993, the Bereavement Committee has been among the most active, effective and reliable team ministries at First Baptist. Acting upon recommendation of church members who had witnessed similar programs in sister congregations, church staff recruited FBC member Yvonne Johnson as the initial team leader. Yvonne built an organization whose primary purpose was support of bereft families, and whose main function was preparing a noonday meal, served at the church either before or following a funeral or memorial service. Also available to families was pall bearer procurement, house-sitting at the time of the service, and delivery of food to private homes when a church gathering was not workable. Around the year 2000 leadership passed into the hands of wife-and-husband teams Janelle and Al Snider and Betty and Bill Lusk. Following established procedure, the Lusks and the Sniders relied upon sub-teams of faithful FBC volunteers to prepare food, transport it to the church, set up the Bereavement luncheon area (currently Room 218), serve the family buffet-style, and clean up afterward. This year, and at the suggestion of Sandra Canipe, the committee began offering a post-service food reception for all funeral guests as an optional alternative to a noonday meal for the family. From the beginning our Bereavement ministry has been funded entirely by voluntary donations, mainly from those families that have been served. In no case, however, has there been any charge to bereft families. November 2017 | 11
Life Compass Living presents
Access classes for adults meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:10 pm
Chapel Bible Study: The Many Sides of King David Chapel | Teacher: Dr. Steve Pressley
King David was a man who longed to build a house for the Lord, yet in the end it was the Lord who built David a house—the House of Israel—and ultimately granted him the Messiah as his son. David would, in the words of biographer Frank Mead, become “the embodiment of [Israel’s] qualities, the incarnation of her spirit, the type of her destiny.” All of this despite the fact David “knew sin and fault and cruelty,” was a murderer and an adulterer, and had the blood of Israel’s enemies on his hands. Still, “pure religion lay within him like hidden gold.” He was poet, politician and musician. Nearly half of the 150 Psalms are attributed to David. We will consider the enigma of the shepherd-boy who killed Goliath and became Israel’s king as we survey his story in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. This Chapel Bible Study will continue through November 15.
Being Baptist: Questions & Conversations 102
This class is intended to compliment and run parallel to our sermon series “How to tell your friends you are Baptist.” The class will explore historical Baptist identity markers and how those can manifest themselves in our faith practices today.
How Adults Flourish & Why November 14 (Tu) | 7 pm
F YOU WANT TO know how to flourish and how to encourage the people you love to flourish, come to this class. Come together. There are four things we can all do to stay healthy. We can actually increase our chances that we will live long and die short. We can reduce our vulnerabilities to many of the fears we have as we age. The younger you establish these in your lives, the more benefit you will see. And they are best when done with others. We are learning more about how to have the abundant life Jesus invites us to. This class will affirm some things you already know and surprise you with some new tools for having the full life.
CONNECT WITH BUSINESS October Church Conference Summary
The monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday, October 8, 2017 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Scott Culclasure presided. The following motion was presented and approved by the congregation: MOTION on behalf of the Chapel Renovation Committee, Building and Grounds Committee, Finance Committee and the Diaconate: That the Membership affirm the recommendations of the Chapel Renovation Committee report.
Community Lunch followed by Church Conference
Sunday, November 12 after Worship Cost is $6/person and $20/family maximum. NO reservation needed. A brief church conference will follow lunch. 12 | Connections
Receipts & Distributions - 9 Months Ended Receipts Disbursements Net Surplus (Deficit)
9/30/17 Budget 9/30/16 $ 1,140,599 $ 1,226,408 $ 1,225,680 $ 1,269,885 $ 1,323,011 $ 1,302,537 $(129,286) $( 96,603) $( 76,857)
Responding to the Invitation
Morgan Hall (September 10)
November Birthdays
1. Shirley Brown, Lucy Culbreth, CJ Tillotson, Ellis Vaughan 2. Emily Holmes, Bonnie Morrah, Jack Steelman 3. Keeley Duckworth, Debbie Garner, Jennifer Lewis, Lila Turner 4. Teena Hauselman, Hubert Johnson, Fred Lewis, Jason McCord, Heather Power, Helen Vaughan 5. Mike Stone 6. John Matthews, Angela Peeler 7. Danny Edwards 8. Bobby Stutts 9. Charlotte Gill, Parker Hall 10. Jacob Knight, Fridin Mihindou, Grant Terrell, Dave Worsley 11. Martha Cox, Matthew Kennedy, Glorine Luper, Bill Miller 12. Carolyn Clontz, Bob Curlee, Ada Noel Harris, Roxana Johnson, Evan Raines, Ginny Smith 13. Mitchell Bradford, Harold Messick, Declan Stephens, Trent Stockard 14. Daryl Barber, Maxine Crews, David English, Reba House 15. Doris Edmonds, Monica Vaughan 16. Ken Brannon 17. Kendall Gooding, Rebecca Little 18. Elaine McRae 19. Michaela Stutts 20. Adam Hardy, Dillon Peeler, Melanie Rodgers, Betty Sessoms 21. John Thompson 22. Bobby Holmes, Mitchell Lewis 23. Jack Echerd, David Newsom, Lori Wood 24. Kay Mills, Dot Rierson, Shelly Worsley 25. Megan Barlow, Hazel Fisher, Doug Vancil 26. Louise Burroughs, Connie Carter, Jake Isom, Samuel Messick 27. Jeff Bennett, Jim Greene, Anna Hartis, Izzy Hayes, Shepard Hayes, Jan Hensley, Barbara Russell, Jamie Taylor 28. Fred Brown, Sandy Gilliland 29. Graeme Bolton 30. Megan Kesler, Kelsey Peeler, Mallie Taylor
Jessica and Scott Hondros (October 8)
with Hunter
• The family of Art Shackelford, on September 29 • Lollis Reynolds in the loss of his father, Ronnie Reynolds, on October 2 • Joe Garcia in the loss of his mother, Dorothy Garcia, on October 6 • Ruth Caraker in the loss of her uncle, John Lancaster, on October 16 • Fairey Horton in the loss of her aunt, Ruth Lawson, on October 19 • The family of Ralph Tate, on October 22
Please notify Rosemary Kellam if you would like to receive email notification of member deaths and memorials along with the Deacons – | x225 November 2017 | 13
Regular Weekly Schedule SUNDAY AM
•Bible Study | 9:15 am •Worship | 10:30 am
•College Lunch/Bible Study | 12 noon, Café SUNDAY PM
•1 (W): Grace Meal Pick-Up & Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm •1, 8, 15, 29 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. 108, 5:30 pm (serving begins at 5 pm) •1, 8, 15 (W): Adult Access. 6:15-7:10 pm •5 (Su): All Saints Day. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •5, 12, 19, 26 (Su): College Lunch/Bible Study. Café, 12 noon •5 (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 6 pm •6 (M): PrimeTime. 9 am-Lunch •6, 13, 27 (M): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30 am •6 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •7 (Tu): Grace Meal Preparation. Kitchen, 5 pm •7 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •8 (W): Missions Committee. 108-E, 5:30 pm •10-12 (Sa): High School Fall Retreat. Camp Rockmont •12 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection.
Atrium, 9 am •12 (Su): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 11:45 am •14 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •14 (Tu): Silver Compassion. 7 pm •15 (W): Building & Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm •16 (Th): Feast of Caring. 108, 5 pm •17 (F): Mobile Meals. Peace United Church of Christ, 9:30 am •17 (F): Happy Hearts Thanksgiving Dinner. 108, 6 pm •19 (Su): Commitment Sunday. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •19 (Su): Churchwide Thanksgiving Lunch. 108, 12 noon •19 (Su): Operation Christmas Child Dedication. Atrium, following lunch •19 (Su): Advent Workshop. Children’s Wing, 5 pm •23-24 (Th-F): FBC church offices closed for Thanksgiving holiday. •26 (Su): College Breakfast. 108, 8 am •28 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm •28 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm
•Adults •All Ages •Children •College •Seniors •Missions •Weekday School •Worship •Youth
14 | Connections
•Youth Bells | 4 pm, 319-D/Sanctuary •Youth Choir | 5 pm, 311 •Adult Bells | 6 pm, Sanctuary •Youth Discipleship | 6:20 pm, 301 •Sanctuary Choir | 7 pm, 311 WEDNESDAY EVENINGS
•Fellowship Meal Reservations Reservations due Monday, 12 noon. Cancellations due Tuesday, 12 noon. Meal reservation? Online: OR Marty Kellam – x245 | Fellowship Hall | 5:30 pm (serving begins at 5 pm) •Kids’ Programming | 6 pm •Adult Access Seminars | 6:15 pm •Youth Forum | 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir | 7:15 pm, 311 •
Wednesday Night Weekly Activities The next step in finding your place at the table is knowing that you belong, and welcoming others in turn. Let’s focus on what it means to Belong at the Table. Meals: 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm | Classes: 6:15 - 7:10 pm Nov. 1: Chicken Portofino | Nov. 8: Fried Fish Nov. 15: Soup & Sandwich | Nov. 22: No Meal Nov. 29: Fried Chicken Weekly Children’s Extras: Yogurt, Fresh Fruits & Veggies, Etc. Reservations are encouraged for meals.
A Thousand Words‌ A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram.
Middle School Fall Retreat at Camp Caraway
The Middle School retreat at Camp Caraway helped youth get away and discover a deeper walk with God and each other. November 2017 | 15
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
Churchwide Thanksgiving Lunch Sunday, November 19
12 noon | 108 Enjoy a delicious traditional meal of turkey, ham, cranberry sauce, dressing, rolls, green beans, sweet potato souffle, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and beverages! Reservations ARE NEEDED by Sunday, November 12: or Marty Kellam: | x245.
Happy Hearts Thanksgiving Dinner Friday, November 17
Thanksgiving@First Baptist
6 pm | 108 Happy Hearts celebrates with family and group home friends for a delicious turkey dinner at this annual Thanksgiving tradition.