CONNECTIONS Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
In the 100th Psalm, we are urged to worship and serve “with gladness.” Our gifts to God, and in turn to our church, sometimes come with commitment, or with responsibility, or even with obligation. In this year’s Stewardship Campaign, we are seeking to give With Gladness.
It’s a season of gladness at First Baptist Greensboro, amidst signs of life and growth as new ministries blend with the faithfulness of generations, and we continue to be a place where valued tradition and fresh innovation find a home together. Throughout our Stewardship Season, starting October 28 and culminating November 18 with our Commitment Sunday, we will celebrate the ministry of our church, and commit for it to grow further in 2019.
We hope all members will use this time to prayerfully consider our gifts to God and to the life and ministry of First Baptist Greensboro in 2019. The church doesn’t need money nearly as much we we need to be people of joyful generosity—people who give just as they live: With Gladness.
Serve with gladness Live with gladness Give with gladness Worship with gladness
October 28 November 4 November 11 November 18
Stewardship Cards will be collected during worship on Commitment Sunday, November 18. You may submit it anytime by dropping it in the offering plate, bringing it to the office, or mailing it to the church.
1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
connect with us!
3 Window Gazing Connect with us on social media. Tag your post with #fbcgso
4 Jubilate Deo 5 Adults
Hall Sisters Concert | “The Real Christmas Story” Trip Baptist Children’s Home Lunch | Thanksgiving Lunch OCC Site Visit| Fall Fellowship
DECEMBER Connections Deadline: November 15 Email news to
6 Worship & Music
Quilt Display | Music Interns | Hanging of the Greens
7 Missions
Florence Relief Mission Trip | GUM Feast of Caring Operation Christmas Child Mission Project
8 Children
FBC Preschool | Welcome House Trip | Advent Workshop Wednesday Night Programming | Worship Folders
9 Youth | Upward | Birthdays | Bereaved 10 November Calendar Connect with Business
Giving at FBC Greensboro September 2018 Financial Results
11 A Thousand Words 12 Midweek @FBC | A&T Christmas Concert
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Front desk help needed Two additional helpers are needed at the front desk. The time slots available are Mondays from 9 am-1 pm and Fridays from 12-5 pm. Contact Rosemary Kellam at rosemary@ | x231.
F BC STAFF Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Chris Cherry, Associate Pastor of Youth and Families / Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / x295 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x231 Amy Kirkman, Preschool Director / x240 Addison Lawrimore, Ministry Support Associate / / x288 2 | Connections
Baker Lawrimore, Ministry Fellow / x239 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / / x241 Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident / x232 Scott North, Church Administrator / x226 Jo Nygard Owens, Communications Director / / x223 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x225
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251 Steve Sumerel, Associate Pastor: Congregational Life / x233 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / / x238 Alisa Windsor, Ministry Support Associate / / x225 Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation / courtneywillis@
Window Gazing by Alan Sherouse left in 2018, we are not meeting that goal. THE WELL-KNOWN PREACHER AND PASTOR So I encourage you to give faithfully through the end William Sloane Coffin once said that if he was ever a of the year, and to be prayerful and deliberate as we look visitor at a church on Sunday morning and discovered to the year ahead. that the minister was going to preach a stewardship Our Commitment Sunday, November 18, will be sermon and it was too late to get up and leave, he would an especially joyful day for our church. We will be led immediately bow his head and pray for brevity! by our Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra in a beautiful Consider this a public commitment to brevity as musical service called Jubilate Deo, based on Psalm 100. we enter our Stewardship Season at First Baptist We will bring our 2019 Commitments forward in an Greensboro. For the Sundays leading up to our act of worship together. And following the service, in Commitment Sunday on November 18, we are focusing gratitude for God’s good gifts, we will share together in a on how we “steward,” or manage, the resources God has Thanksgiving Meal. given us, especially through the life and ministry of our I hope you will plan to join, and make a generous church. commitment toward the witness and ministry and Our Stewardship theme for this year is With Gladness. mission of our church in the year ahead. It will take every “Worship the Lord with gladness,” the Psalmist writes one of us to meet the needs set forth in our ministry in the 100th Psalm. Such worship is composed of much budget. more than faithful attendance and joyful songs of praise. But beyond the base level needs of our The psalmist urges us beyond ritual church, each of us needs to hear the call observance to consider the substance toward joy that rings through the Psalm, of our entire lives. It takes every one urging us to serve, give, and live With In fact, the verb “worship” here is of us to actively Gladness. The experience of giving is an so overarching that it is translated support and further experience of joy. One of my favorite various ways. Sometimes the the ministry to which authors, Henri Nouwen, once wrote verse is translated serve, at other a book that talks about the spiritual we have committed points live, and through it all is the significance of giving, in which he implication that we should give of ourselves. remarks that giving is “a confident, joyful, our gifts with the same gladness and hope-filled expression of ministry. and joy. The Old Testament scholar, In ministering to each other, each from Walter Brueggemann, has said that the riches that he or she possesses, we work together for such worship is “the ultimate vocation of the human the full coming of God’s Kingdom.”2 What could fill us community. All of life is aimed towards God and exists with greater gladness? for the sake of God.” To worship God, Brueggemann I hope you will join me in supporting the work of our says, means to “abandon ourselves in trust and gratitude 1 church in the year ahead with your tithes and offering; to God.” but even more I hope we will all join in committing As we at First Baptist Greensboro look toward a ourselves to lives that reflect joyful gratitude to God. Yes, hopeful 2019 with an ambitious church budget, we the church needs our money. But not as much as we need have many base level, pragmatic needs that require to be people who give with gladness. the collective generosity of our church community. Sometimes I sense that many believe we are a wealthy church, or that we have plenty of money to attend to our expenses. I hope we will all join in In fact, it takes every one of us to actively support committing ourselves to lives that and further the ministry to which we have committed reflect joyful gratitude to God. ourselves. It costs about 2 million dollars each year to run our church, and over 1.75 million of that comes from the tithes and offerings of our members. With two months 1 Walter Brueggemann, Israel’s Praise, p. 1.
2 Henri Nouwen, The Spirituality of Fundraising. November 2018 | 3
DAN FORREST’S JUBILATE DEO BRINGS TO LIFE the global aspect of the traditional Psalm 100 text, “O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands,” by setting it in seven different languages and drawing from a wide spectrum of musical influences. Each movement combines some characteristics of its language-group’s musical culture with the composer’s own musical language. The opening movement sets the ancient liturgical Latin translation of the Psalm in a rather American musical idiom, reflecting various influences from the composer’s native country and introducing key musical motives for the work. The second movement sets the “from age to age” portion of the text in Hebrew and Arabic, evoking ancient cultures from the Middle East. The music intentionally intertwines the two languages in a symbolic gesture of unity between these cultures. Movement three uses Mandarin Chinese in a tranquil setting of the shepherd-sheep metaphor from the traditional text and quotes “the Lord is my shepherd” from Psalm 23, while the orchestra evokes the sounds of traditional Asian instruments.
The fourth movement shifts to Africa, setting celebratory portions of the text in Zulu and drawing from African vocal and drumming traditions. Movement five represents Latin America, setting Spanish text to a folk-song style melody and blending traditional folk instrumental sounds with polyphonic textures from the classical choral tradition. The sixth movement, “Song of the Earth,” portrays the Earth itself singing—first wordlessly, but eventually finding its own voice—and leads seamlessly into the final movement. The finale unites many of the key themes and cultures from previous movements with other material, both old and new, as all the earth sings as one, “omnis terra, jubilate!”
We hope you will join us on Sunday, November 18 as all of our choirs and orchestra bring this stunning piece of music to life.
New Books in the Library
New Books for Kids
101 Faces: Behind Every Face is a Story by Michael C. Blackwell
The Getaway by Jeff Kinney
The Black Echo by Michael Connelly
Cottage by the Sea by Debbie Macomber The Gray Ghost by Clive Cussler
In His Father’s Footseps by Danielle Steel 4 | Connections
I Love My New Toy! by Mo Willems
I Will Surprise My Friend! by Mo Willems Toys Meet Snow by EMily Jenkins
What Should Danny Do? by Ganit and Adir Levy
COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS EVENT Monday, December 4 | 11:45 am RSVP by Thursday, November 29
Join us for lunch and a holiday concert featuring The Hall Sisters. Lunch is $6/person, and reservations are required. Email or call 336-274-3286 ext. 245.
BAPTIST CHILDREN’S HOME COMMUNITY LUNCH Sunday, November 11 | After Worship After worship on Sunday, November 11 all are invited to a Community Lunch & Learn with our friends from the Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina. Karen Slate, regional Director of Development,, will be our guest to share an update on the continued ministry of BCH, how storms have impacted Baptist Children’s Homes along the coast, and to tell us more about the Thanksgiving offering we will collect this month. No reservations needed.
Hop on the bus from First Baptist to Fort Mill, SC as we journey to the NarroWay Theater on Saturday, December 1 to see “The Real Christmas Story.” The show will include favorite Christmas scenes and Christmas songs, as well as a holiday dinner! Contact Cliff Lowery ( / 336-210 6923) COST Senior (55+) Adult (19-54) Teen (13-18) Child
$73 $75 $56 $54.50
The cost for the event includes transportation, admission to the show, and a holiday meal.
SIGN UP By Thursday, November 8
THANKSGIVING LUNCH Sunday, November 18 | After worship Our church family Thanksgiving meal will take place after worship on Sunday, November 19. We hope all will join for a delicious traditional thanksgiving menu and a celebration of our Stewardship season and Commitment Sunday.
Please make reservations by contacting Marty Kellam ( | x245)
SITE VISIT Reservations have been made for 15 people to volunteer at the Processing Center for Operation Christmas Child boxes in Boone for Monday, December 10, 2018. We will leave the First Baptist parking lot at 7:00 a.m. and return about 5:30 pm. Volunteers inspect the contents of each box, pray over it, tape the box and pack it in a carton for shipment. For those who prefer to sit down, there are jobs for you also. This is a wonderful opportunity to be a part of the larger project and even learn where the boxes packed that day are being sent. Contact Shirley Thompson at 336-274-9622 to sign up and/or ask questions.
FALL FELLOWSHIP THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 7:30 PM AT THE YAUN HOME Sign up at or contact Rosemary Kellam at 336-274-3286 x231 to reserve your spot for dessert and conversation with fellow members and staff. November 2018 | 5
WO R S H I P & M U S I C
I GREW UP IN A FAMILY THAT VALUED relationships, education, and creativity. My parents taught their four children that education opened doors allowing them to make a difference through teaching, counseling, and leading. I found my passion guiding college students in learning how their interests and skills could lead them toward careers that brought satisfaction.
Everyone in the family is creative... enjoying wood carving, knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, weaving, quilting, and stained glass. I began as a seamstress, sewing most of my clothes while growing up. One day I discovered 24 quilt squares my great-grandmother had made in the 1920’s or 1930’s. I created a full size quilt for my dad (his grandmother made the quilt squares) and made a small quilt square for each of my siblings. I’ve been creating quilts ever since.
The quilts I like to create have evolved. I began making “scrap” quilts, using the fabric I had on hand. Now I prefer modern quilts or traditional quilts with a twist. For me, quilting is about relationships: the process of creating a quilt for a member of my family or for a friend helps me stay connected.” – Marie Sumerel
Ten of Marie’s quilts with descriptions will be on display in the gallery (the main hallyway between the Parlor and office). The exhibit will run November 4 through November 30.
TONY SANDERS 6 | Connections
Sophia “Fia” Goudes is a first year Music Composition major at UNCG. Her home church is Myers Park United Methodist Church in Charlotte. Fia is working with our youth choirs, handbells choirs and sings with the sanctuary choir. Tony Sanders is working on his Doctorate in Trumpet at UNCG. His home church is West Lake Johanna Lutheran Church in Brooten Minnesota. Tony is working with our sanctuary choir, instrumental ensemble, and providing assistance from the organ and piano.
HANGING OF THE GREEN I am pleased to announce that Hanging of the Green will once again be a part of our Advent observance. On Sunday, December 9 our youth will lead the Second Sunday of Advent morning worship which will include the adornment of our sanctuary with traditional Christmas decorations. In addition to beautiful seasonal music provided by the choir and handbells our youth will explain the origins and symbolic significance as they decorate the sanctuary with greenery, poinsettias, candles, and Chrismon trees. In lieu of memorial and honorary poinsettias, the congregation is asked to contribute toward the purchase of new wreaths and greenery for the sanctuary. Designated honorees and memorials will be listed in the order of service on December 23. (The Fire Marshall has strongly discouraged the use of live greenery in the sanctuary.) – Doug Vancil
Be the hands and feet of Christ as you serve your neighbors in Trenton, NC, a rural, low resourced community outside of New Bern that experienced severe flooding and damage in Hurricane Florence. Come for any days you are able, and stay for free at First Baptist Church, New Bern. The work will be putting up drywall, rebuilding, and clean up. All experience levels welcome! Go to to learn more and sign up.
Thursday, November 15 | 5 - 7 pm | Fellowship Hall A simple meal of soup and bread the week before the feast of Thanksgiving reminds us that there is no holiday from poverty,” says Executive Director Myron Wilkins. “Many of our neighbors will be going without, falling into crisis, and enduring alone during a time when we celebrate the joys of home, friends and family.” With a minimum $25 donation you help provide food, shelter and rehousing assistance to men, women and families. Your donation allows you to choose to receive a pottery bowl, crafted by an N.C. potter, or five Honor Cards, created by artist Bill Mangum.
Can’t come from 5-7 pm? Join us for the Feast of Caring Express! This drop-in lunchtime event takes place from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Come by at your convenience.
FILL A CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes help share God’s joy with children around the world! You may pick up boxes and a list of suggested gift ideas in the Atrium or Narthex following worship on Sundays October 21, 28 and November 4 or you may use your own or a plastic shoebox. In each box, start with a quality “wow” item such as a stuffed animal, soccer ball with pump, or clothing outfit that will capture the child’s attention the instant he or she opens the box. Then follow gift suggestions according to age and gender for other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to fill the shoebox (no edibles, toothpaste/lotions, or liquids). With each shoebox, include $9 for shipping (checks payable to Samaritan’s Purse). Want to participate but don’t have time to shop? Bring a check for $29 made out to FBC with OCC in the memo and we will do one for you. Bring completed boxes to the Atrium before Sunday School on Dedication Sunday, November 11. Contact Carolyn Clontz with questions, or 336-288-3216. November 2018 | 7
CHILDREN FBC PRESCHOOL As October comes to a close, our preschool friends are looking forward to a Costume Parade around the church on October 31. We love visiting the church staff and showing off our creative costumes!
Enrollment continues throughout the year so please contact Amy Kirkman at Please follow us on Facebook @firstbaptistgreensboropreschool to see all the fun things we are doing and learning!
Preschool Closed Veteran’s Day: November 12 Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 21-23
T O D AY !
Please contact Amy Kirkman at to set up a tour or call (336) 274.3286, x 240.
Save the Dates! DECEMBER 9 Preschool Soup Lunch
DECEMBER 16 Children’s Service & Children’s Choirs singing
DECEMBER 19 Breakfast for Dinner & Children’s Spontaneous Nativity 8 | Connections
2nd-5th graders to Welcome House Raleigh November 11 after Worship
Over the past month, we have learned about the great work of Marc and Kim Wyatt, CBF Field Personnel, and their ministry with welcoming refugees and immigrants. Following church on November 11, we will gather for pizza and then head to Raleigh to visit the Welcome House and the Wyatts. While there, we will spend time in a neighborhood where many refugees reside and engage in crafts and recreation with the children. Please let Christina know by November 1 if your child can attend and/or if you can help transport children to Raleigh by emailing her at
Advent Workshop
November 18 from 5-7pm As we enter the season of Advent and wait and prepare for the birth of Christ, we will help children and their families learn about the importance of this special season. We will have a catered dinner and then move to the Children’s Wing for the Workshop. We will have 8 stations of hands-on activities and interactive prayer experiences for you and your children. It’s going to be a meaningful time to help your family prepare for the season. Cost is $5 per person. Optional childcare will be provided for children 2 years old and younger. Sign up at
Wednesday Night Worship Folders Programming for Kids for Kids 6:00-7:15 pm
Our children are enjoying 30 minutes of both music and missions on Wednesday evenings. In music, the children will be learning and practicing songs that they will be singing on Children’s Sunday, December 16. Join us on Wednesday evenings!
We love having children in worship and know that it can be difficult to sit for an entire service! In an effort to engage the children in worship and provide them with activities that correlate with the sermon, we have worship folders at the entrances of the sanctuary for children through 5th grade. Please return the folders to the baskets at the conclusion the service.
There’s always something great happening in the FBC Youth Ministry! RIGHT NOW, PREPARATIONS ARE BEING MADE for two big events. First, on Saturday, October 27, the youth will be having a Costume Party in the youth rooms following clean up from Fall Fest. The party will be from 6-7 pm and include food, games, Halloween fun, and a costume contest! Youth won’t want to miss this event! Costumes are encouraged, but not required.
Also coming up soon is the annual High School Retreat. This year, the retreat is a full day longer and will be November 9-12 in the mountains of Montreat. The theme for the weekend is Dangerous Wonder and the youth will talk about some of the biggest ways we can bring life and adventure back into our faith. This event is for anyone in grades 9-12 and is one of the best things we’ll do all year. This year, we’re excited to welcome James Blay as our pastor for
VOLUNTEER FOR UPWARD the retreat. James is from Monrovia, Liberia and is both the Coordinator for Servant Leadership at the Ricks Institute in Monrovia and the Vice President for Administration at the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary. James is currently applying for PhD programs in the states.
Additionally, James is a good friend of Chris’s from working Passport Youth Camp and Chris is excited to have James join us to preach.
NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1 Shirley Brown, Ellis Vaughan, CJ Tillotson, Lucy Culbreth 2 Bonnie Morrah, Jack Steelman, Emily Holmes 3 Jennifer Lewis, Debbie Garner, Keeley Duckworth, Lila Turner 4 Hubert Johnson, Helen Vaughan, Heather Power, Jason McCord 5 Mike Stone 6 John Matthews, Angela Peeler 7 Danny Edwards 8 Bobby Stutts 9 Parker Hall, Charlotte Gill 10 Janice Capes, Dave Worsley, Fridin Mihindou, Amber Haith, Grant Terrell 11 Glorine Luper, Bill Miller, Martha Cox, Matthew Kennedy 12 Carolyn Clontz, Bob Curlee, Jr., Evan Raines, Roxana Johnson, Ada Noel Harris 13 Harold Messick, Mitchell Bradford, Declan Stephens 14 Reba House, Maxine Crews, David English, Daryl Barber 15 Doris Edmonds, Monica Vaughan
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 28 29 30
Ken Brannon Kendall Gooding, Rebecca Little Elaine McRae Michaela Stutts Betty Sessoms, Melanie Rodgers, Adam Hardy, Dillon Peeler John Thompson Bobby Holmes, Mitchell Lewis Jack Echerd, David Newsom, Lori Wood Juanita Hendrix, Kay Mills, Shelly Worsley, Autumn Hall Myra Hinson, Hazel Fisher, Doug Vancil, Chris Jackson, Isaac Lanham, Megan Barlow Connie Carter, Louise Burroughs, Samuel Messick, Jake Isom Barbara Russell, Jan Hensley, Jim Greene, Jeff Bennett, Izzy Hayes, Shep Hayes, Jamie Taylor, Anna Hartis Fred Brown Sandy Gilliland Graeme Bolton Amy Kirkman, Megan Kesler, Kelsey Peeler
Our Upward teams are forming, and now we need your help. Upward Basketball and Cheerleading succeeds through the efforts of volunteers coaching teams, refereeing games, providing concessions, as well as sponsoring children who might otherwise not be able to participate. To volunteer please contact Tommy Starnes | 336-2743289.
BEREAVED Larry Davis in the loss of his father, Melvin Lee Davis, d. 10/7 Tom Cornett in the death of his mother, Margaret Cornett, d. 10/11
Jennie and Howard Counts in the death of their son, James, d. 10/12 Noah, Rhonda and Ray Woodell in the loss of their mother and daughter, Meredith Woodell, d. 10/22 The family of Nancy Brown (former member), d. 10/24
November 2018 | 9
NOVEMBER @FBC 4 (S) All Saints’ Sunday. 5 (M) Primetime. Fellowship Hall/108, 9 am - noon 5 (M) FRONT. Chapel, 5:30 pm 5 (M) Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm 6 (Tu) WMU Group 2. 102, 3 pm 6 (Tu) Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm 7 (W) Grace Meal Pick-Up & Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm 8 (Th) Fall Fellowship. Yaun home, 7 pm 9 (F) High School Retreat. Montreat, Friday-Monday 11 (Su) Community Lunch. Fellowship Hall, 11:45 am 12 (M) FRONT. 102, 6 pm 13 (T) WMU Group 3. 108C, 9:30 15 (Th) GUM Feast of Caring. 108, 11:30 am-1:30 pm; 5-7 pm 16 (F) Happy Hearts Thanksgiving Dinner. Fellowship Hall, 6-8 pm 16 (F) Meals on Wheels. 1401 Benjamin Parkway, 9:30 am 17 (Sa) Jubilate Deo Dress Rehearsal. Sanctuary, 10 am-noon 18 (Su) StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am 18 (Su) Jubilate Deo & Pledge Card Sunday. 18 (Su) Thanksgiving Lunch. Fellowship Hall, 12 pm 19 (M) FRONT. 102, 6 pm 21 (W) No Midweek Activities. 22-23 Church Office Closed for Thanksgiving. 23 (Tu) Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm 29 (Th) Widow’s Banquet. Fellowship Hall, 6-8 pm 30 (F) Florence Relief Mission Trip. Trenton, NC
REGULAR WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship 12 pm College Bible Study
SUNDAY EVENINGS 5 pm 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm
Youth Choir Youth Discipleship Adult Bells Sanctuary Choir
MIDWEEK @FBC 4:45 pm 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:15 pm 6:20 pm 7:15 pm
Sing an Old Song to the Lord Fellowship Meal FBC Kids Youth Group Adult Classes Sanctuary Choir
Giving at FBC Greensboro Why We Give: Giving financially is a chance for us to honor God with the resources and provisions that God has provided for us. When we practice generous giving, we strengthen our relationship with Christ. As we learn to grow in our trust and faith in Christ, it is important to trust in Christ’s provision. As people of faith, we give faithfully and generously out of grateful hearts, because God has given to us faithfully and generously.
How to Give: We pass an offering plate during the worship service. Most members give their offerings to the church
by putting a check in an envelope and placing the envelope in the offering plate as it is passed on Sunday mornings. Others who cannot attend on particular Sundays mail their checks to the church. Others use their online banking and set up one time or automatic payments that are sent to the church through their bank. Still others set up their online giving through the church website. We also have mobile giving through the Church Life app or through You can download either app for use on almost any device. If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – | x226.
September 2018 Financial Results Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
(Net of program income)
Net Deficit
10 | Connections
Actual Budget Last Year $1,115,567 $1,216,212 $1,140,599 $1,311,199 $1,340,580 $1,269,885 $(195,632) $(124,368) $(129,286)
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram. Row 1: Missions Day Row 2: Youth games in the gym, Pathfinders class Row 3: Children with missionaries Marc & Kim Wyatt
November 2018 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
A&T Christmas Concert Sunday, December 2 | 4 pm
The North Carolina A&T State University Choir will present a Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 2 at 4 pm in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church. The choir is under the direction of Maestro Travis Alexander. Please join us!
Meal reservations can be made via Sunday morning pew cards, web site (, email (, or phone (336-274-3286 x245) for all meals. Reservation due: Monday at noon Cancellations due: Tuesday at noon
NOVEMBER MENU November 7 November 14 November 21 November 28
| | | |
Pecan Encrusted Tilapia Breakfast No Meal Brunswick Stew
CHILDREN’S EXTRAS Yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, etc.