CONNECTIONS Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
LEARN DEEPLY. LIVE FULLY. LOVE GENEROUSLY. AFTER ALL, JESUS DID. At First Baptist, we encourage each other to learn more deeply how to be all of who God created us to be, both as individuals and together as a church family. We strive to live fully in the light and love of God by loving God with all we have been given (heart, soul, mind, resources, time) and by generously loving our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40). We partner with agencies near and far to:
Mobile Meals, Greensboro Urban Ministry food pantry collection, the Community Garden at FBC, Backpack Beginnings, Grace Community Fellowship Meals, Rise Against Hunger
Women’s Winter Emergency Shelter, year-round YWCA Family Shelter, Habitat, New Arrivals Institute, Community Housing Solutions, Disaster Relief giving
Piedmont International Fellowship, New Arrivals Institute
ADDRESS THE PROBLEM OF POVERTY and support those with fewer resources Greensboro Urban Ministry, Interactive Resource Center, Wheels 4 Hope, Step Up, Bessemer Elementary, Hope Academy
CARE FOR THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS Baptist Children’s Homes, Meals on Wheels, Mission Dignity
Support of our missionaries: the Vaughans, Barbees, Daltons, and Tommeys; Support our denominational missions partners: CBF, CBF NC, Metanoia; , Youth for Christ, WMU We invite you to be a part of our missions ministry as we work together to be Christ’s hands and feet in our hurting world. For more information, please contact Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor for Missions and Community Ministry, amygkane@fbcgso.org
1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
3 Window Gazing 4-5 Children & Youth
PASSPORTkids | Pathfinders | Children’s Handbells Fall Fest | FBC Preschool | Youth | Upward
6 Adults & Missions
Explore 1st | Seeking Peace Retreat | Fall Fellowship | “The Real Christmas Story” Trip
7 Missions
Missions Day | Habitat Restore Collection World Communion/Missions Sunday
8-9 Connect with One Another
Deacon Officers | Community Lunch | Bereaved | Babies Responding to the Invitation | Birthdays
10 September Calendar Connect with Business Giving at FBC Greensboro July 2018 Financial Results
Connect with us on social media. Tag your post with #fbcgso
NOVEMBER Connections Deadline: October 15 Email news to jo@fbcgso.org or bring it to the church office.
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
11 A Thousand Words 12 Midweek @FBC Midweek Menu | Sing an Old Song to the Lord
Two additional helpers are needed at the front desk. The time slots available are Mondays from 9 am-1 pm and Fridays from 12-5 pm. Contact Rosemary Kellam at rosemary@ fbcgso.org | x231.
F BC STAFF Teresa Allen, Media Library Director teresaa@fbcgso.org / x229 Chris Cherry, Associate Pastor of Youth and Families / chris@fbcgso.org Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community amygkane@fbcgso.org / x295 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director marty@fbcgso.org / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director rosemary@fbcgso.org / x231 Amy Kirkman, Preschool Director amy@fbcgso.org / x240 Addison Lawrimore, Ministry Support Associate / addison@fbcgso.org / x288 2 | Connections
Baker Lawrimore, Ministry Fellow baker@fbcgso.org / x239 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / christina@fbcgso.org / x241 Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident darnysha@fbcgso.org / x232 Scott North, Church Administrator scott@fbcgso.org / x226 Jo Nygard Owens, Communications Director / jo@fbcgso.org / x223 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant larry@fbcgso.org / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor pastor@fbcgso.org / x225
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director tstarnes@triad.rr.com / x251 Steve Sumerel, Associate Pastor: Congregational Life steves@fbcgso.org / x233 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / doug@fbcgso.org / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / terri@fbcgso.org / x238 Alisa Windsor, Ministry Support Associate / alisa@fbcgso.org / x225 Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation / courtneywillis@ fbcgso.org
Window Gazing by Alan Sherouse “IT HELPS, NOW AND THEN, TO STEP BACK AND TAKE A LONG VIEW.” These words form the beginning of a prayer inspired by Bishop Oscar Romero, sometimes called “The Romero Prayer.” They’ve echoed in my mind in recent days as I’ve stepped back to take a long view.
FIVE YEARS AGO Last month marked five years since the Sherouses came to Greensboro and First Baptist Church. I’ve found reminders of the milestone at every turn: five years since our then family of four traded a New York apartment for a Fisher Park Foursquare, five years since our house was full of boxes and empty of furniture, five years since we consented to a minivan purchase, and five years since our oldest child started preschool. All of these memories carry some nostalgia, but most of all, I’ve found myself reflective on the span of five years since we came together as pastor and congregation. An anniversary provides a natural observation point. Like the clearing just off a trail with the vista out beyond, it gives an opportunity to veer from the usual path and take the long view, giving thanks for what has been and anticipating what will be. I am so grateful for what I can look back to see in these years of serving and growing together: a loving congregation, a remarkable staff and pastoral team, a church engaged in its community and loving its neighbors, a culture of openness to the future with appreciation of the past, and a growing assembly of people who—newer and long-tenured alike—seek to live the words of our Church Covenant and “walk together in love.” Moreover, Jenny and I give thanks for a community that loves our family and gracefully forms Christian faith and community in our children, and in us all. PAUSING TO LOOK FORWARD As I take a reflective pause at this five year point, this fall I’m inviting my Pastor Search Committee to take “a long view” with me. We are blessed as a congregation that all of the committed leaders who made up the PSC, so integral to First Baptist’s transition period of 2011-2013, remain a vital part of the life of our church. This fall, we plan to assemble for a half-day retreat, considering what has been and what is yet to be. Before I came as pastor, this group led the church through a process of planning that has guided our church through this last season of life and ministry. We now have an excellent chance for another forward look, considering what will guide us into the next phase of our life together. After meeting with the re-assembled
PSC, my plan is for our leadership to assemble a new team—compiled of some of our experienced leaders and others newer to such work—to lead us in considering our church’s next 5-7 years. Our friend Dave Odom, the head of Faith & Leadership at Duke Divinity School, has said such work is not only about dreaming and planning, but mostly about asking the right questions.
ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS Similarly, in their book A Beautiful Constraint, theorists Adam Morgan and Mark Barden say that thriving organizations are the ones who ask “propelling questions” that guide future action. Such questions are constantly changing. As I look out from our current vantage point, there are questions that I wasn’t asking and that our church wasn’t asking five years ago. The Center for Congregations, based in Indianapolis, echoes this reality, reporting that the questions they hear from churches have changed markedly in the last decade-plus. They say that in 2002, churches were asking questions about building, finances, technology, governance and strategy. Today, they hear questions about things like community engagement, creating partnerships, faith formation, vocation of members, and how to help people move from membership to meaning in their faith. The questions change, as do the opportunities, so we need those moments to pause and consider them together. It helps, now and then, to take a long view, and especially to do so together, giving thanks for what has been, anticipating what will be, and recognizing the Spirit that is always propelling us forward from where we are. As the Romero Prayer says as it continues, “We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work. Nothing we do is complete, which is a way of saying that the Kingdom always lies beyond us.” Ultimately, the Kingdom is the vista always out ahead; it’s for us to find a path, walk together in love, and believe that at the next observation point we’ll have come a little closer.
October 2018 | 3
Sunday, October 7 | 8:45-9:15 am | Assembly Room
We are taking a group of kids to PASSPORTkids Camp next summer, June 18-21, 2019! This is a camp for children who are currently in 3rd-5th grade. An informational meeting will be held Sunday, October 7 from 8:45-9:15 am in the Assembly Room for parents and children. This is a transformational 4-day, 3-night camp where the children have so much fun experiencing worship, small groups, free time, the pool, games, sports, devotions, and more. The deadline to sign up is October 28 and you can secure your child’s spot with a $100 deposit. Spaces fill up quickly so make sure to sign up!
4 pm | Sundays in October Room 319
9:15 - 10:15 am Sundays, October 14-November 4
3rd-5th graders who sing in the Young Musicians’ Choir are invited to participate in our introductory children’s handbell class this October. This class prepares children for participation in youth handbell choirs.
Is your child starting to ask questions about baptism and showing interest in making that commitment? Do they want to learn more about what following Jesus really looks like? Maybe their ready for the Pathfinders Class.
Director: Terri Vancil
This class is geared toward children in upper elementary school who are seeking to learn more about what it means to be a disciple and contemplating baptism. The class will meet in Christina’s office on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15 am from October 14-November 4. Please email Christina at christina@fbcgso.org if your child will be attending or if you have questions about if they are ready for this class.
FALL FESTIVAL OCTOBER 27 3 – 5 PM Get your costume ready and join us for games, inflatables, live music, and food! We will gather for all of the fun on the front lawn of the church. Make sure to wear your costume and join us for this great community event! 4 | Connections
Family Advent Workshop 5 - 7 pm | Sunday, November 18
We will gather for dinner and then rotate through the workshop stations. More information coming soon!
CONNECT WITH FBC PRESCHOOL SEPTEMBER WAS AN EXCITING MONTH FOR US! We met new friends, connected with old ones, and learned the routines of our preschool day. As we move into October, our preschool friends are looking forward to a Costume Parade around the church on October 31. We love visiting the church staff and showing off our creative costumes! Enrollment continues throughout the year so please contact Amy Kirkman at amy@fbcgso.org. Please follow us on Facebook @firstbaptistgreensboropreschool to see all the fun things we are doing and learning!
YOUTH COSTUME PARTY Saturday, October 27 | 6 - 7 pm
Volunteers are needed to help with the Fall Fun Fest for the kids! Stick around church after clean up for a youth Costume Party from 6 - 7 pm in the HS Youth Room with games, costume contest, music, candy, and more!
to Davis Baugh and Henry Ellis for getting their driver’s license! Your church celebrates with you and your new freedom. Come pick Chris Cherry up at church one day, and he’ll buy you lunch if you drive.
HS Retreat is November 9-12. Sign ups open soon at fbcgso.org/youth. More info to come!
T O D AY !
Please contact Amy Kirkman at amy@fbcgso.org to set up a tour or call (336) 274.3286, x 240.
The Upward Ministry helps young atheletes discover and develop skills they need to perform both on and off the court. It also creates individuals of strong character, confidence, and faith. Upward Basketball and Cheeleading succeeds through the efforts of volunteers inviting friends and neighbors, coaching teams, refereeing games, providing concessions, as well as sponsoring children who might otherwise not be able to participate. To volunteer or to register children, please contact Tommy Starnes - tstarnes@triad.rr.com | 336-2743289. Registration forms are available at the church and on the website at fbcgso.org/upward. October 2018 | 5
Explore First gatherings are offered every month or so for those who have been worshipping with us and are interested in learning more about First Baptist Church in a casual setting. We’ll discuss some of our unique Baptist identity and core convictions. We’ll talk about our church’s history, vision, and ministry. We’ll answer questions. And we’ll also give you a chance to meet others who have been a part of our church.
Our next Explore First will take place on Wednesday, October 17, at 6:15 pm in Room 102. We’d love for you to join us for dinner beforehand, from 5:30-6:15 pm. If you are able to attend, please contact Alisa Windsor at (336) 274-3286 x225 or alisa@fbcgso.org.
Seeking Peace
a one-day contemplative retreat DOES THE BUSYNESS OF DAY TO DAY LIFE have you searching for a moment of stillness and calm? Have you ever wanted to experience your faith through more contemplative practices? Could you use one day to simply breathe and listen for God’s still small voice speaking to your spirit? This one-day retreat is an opportunity to gather for prayer and Scripture as we seek out God’s peace in our hearts and in our lives. WHEN Saturday, October 20, 2018 10 am - 4 pm
LEADER Courtney Willis
COST $20 fee includes lunch and supplies
Sign up at fbcgso.org/fall-fellowships or contact Rosemary Kellam at 336-274-3286 x231 to reserve your spot for one of the dates below. OCTOBER 11, 2018 NOVEMBER 8, 2018 6 | Connections
7 - 8:30 7 - 8:30
pm pm
Hop on the bus from First Baptist to Fort Mill, SC as we journey to the NarroWay Theater on Saturday, December 1 to see “The Real Christmas Story.” The show will include favorite Christmas scenes and Christmas songs, as well as a holiday dinner! Contact Cliff Lowery (lowerycc@aol.com / 336-210 6923) COST Senior (55+) Adult (19-54) Teen (13-18) Child
$73 $75 $56 $54.50
The cost for the event includes transportation, admission to the show, and a holiday meal.
WHERE Saint Francis Springs Prayer Center in Stoneville, NC
Fall Fellowships
am –5 pm
SIGN UP By Thursday, November 8 at fbcgso.org/christmasshow
THIS FALL, COME HAVE DESSERT with members of the FBC staff as we spend time getting to know one another and our staff better. Whether you are a longtime member of First Baptist, or if you are newer to our congregation, this is a great chance to meet other members, engage with our staff, and grow friendships within our church family. All are invited to sign up for an opportunity to gather in the home of a pastor or church member one month this fall. There are 40 slots available per session, so please choose the one date that works best for you.
CONNECT WITH MISSIONS SHARE A SATURDAY MORNING WITH YOUR CHURCH FAMILY and community as we love and serve our neighbors and some of our FBC Missions partners. Project opportunities will include serving at Bessemer Elementary, our Community Garden, Hope Academy, Habitat for Humanity ReStore Trailer and Build on Faith, and FBC homebound outreach. There’s something for everyone! On Sunday October 7, we will celebrate Missions and World Communion Sunday with brothers and sisters around the globe. WHEN Saturday, October 6 9 am - noon (breakfast bites at 8:30)
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 Got furniture, appliances or building supplies you no longer need? Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore is the premier seller of gently used furniture, appliances, building materials and more! As a part of our Missions Day on Saturday October 6, if you have items you would like to donate to the Habitat ReStore, you may bring them to the Habitat ReStore Trailer between 8 am - 1 pm in the First Baptist Parking Lot. Habitat ReStores are independently owned reuse stores operated by local Habitat for Humanity organizations. Proceeds are used to help build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter in local communities and around the world.
WORLD COMMUNION & MISSIONS SUNDAY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 Jesus’ prayer for his disciples recorded in John 17 asks that they and all who come to believe by their witness be sanctified in truth so that they may be one as Jesus and the Father are one,
SIGN UP fbcgso.org/missions-day
ITEMS TO BRING Appliances – small working good condition appliances Audio – receivers, speakers and CD players Computers and accessories, complete with Pentium I and higher Carpets – Area rugs and bound carpets in good to excellent condition with no visible wear tears, no stains and no animal smells Furniture – Good condition – no rips, tears, stains, broken parts or animal smells Hardware – Complete sets of door hardware, hinges, etc. Tools and automotive items Lighting – Good looking and in working order lamps The Restore Also Accepts: full rolls of wallpaper, hand tools and power tools, household items/housewares, fans, mirrors – framed only
and so the world would believe that Jesus was sent by God. Each year we set aside the first Sunday of October to remember the worldwide witness of the gospel and the mission partners specifically supported by First Baptist Church. As we gather around the Lord’s Supper table on October 7th we acknowledge the oneness in Christ of Christian sisters and brothers around the world doing the same although in many varied cultures and traditions.
HURRICANE FLORENCE The storm has passed, but our hearts are still with those for whom the journey forward is only beginning. You were generous in responding to help the vulnerable in our community prepare for the storm. Here are ways to help those impacted by the storm.
As with the Greensboro tornado, First Baptist will receive donations for Disaster Response, if you would like to give through your church. 100% of such funds will be utilized to assist communities and churches in the affected regions in conjunction with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina and their partners.
GIVE MONEY Via our website at fbcgso.org/give. Use “Disaster Relief-Florence” as the Fund.
Text FBCGSO FLO to 73256 to give to the Disaster Relief-Florence fund using your text messaging. Standard messaging rates may apply. Make checks payable to First Baptist Greensboro with “Disaster ReliefFlorence” in the memo.
GIVE SUPPLIES If you would like to donate supplies, FBC Wilmington is coordinating receiving supplies through their collaborative non-profit partner organization, the Harrelson Center. Below is a link to the Harrelson Center’s Amazon Hurricane Florence Wish List. When you purchase through the wish list, their address is available at checkout. Go to: http://a.co/4s38JEg Few things are more useful after a hurricane than a Wal-Mart Gift Card. It’s the one store that is somewhat close to almost any community in North Carolina. Send gift cards to the Harrelson Center at 20 N 4th St Suite 214, Wilmington, NC 28401.
October 2018 | 7
Dave is married to Shelly and they have three children. He has been a member at FBC Greensboro since 2002 and involved in numerous aspects of the church’s life, including Upward Basketball, Building & Grounds, and has served a term as Deacon previously. He loves serving as a Deacon because it pleases God just as much to serve others in small ways as it does to do grand things. He says, “I strive to sanctify Christ by being a witness to others, and glorify Him by serving others.”
Dan and his family (including his three children) have been members at First Baptist since 1996. He has served on many committees of the church— including Finance, Great Commission Fund, Missions, Committee on Committees, and has served as Deacon previously. Dan is grateful to serve as a Deacon because this church has been a wonderful blessing to his family throughout the years, and he has a chance to put his faith into action.
Laura is married to Jay, and they have one son. She has been a member at FBC since 1979, and she has served on the Women’s Retreat Committe, Children’s Ministry Committee, and the 2nd Time Around Consignment Sale Committee. Laura appreciates her service as a Deacon because she is encouraged by the way First Baptist is evolving, and she looks forward to being an active participant in its growth. “My hope is that we continue to expand our hearts as we welcome new members, new ideas, and differing perspectives.”
Jimmy and Kristen Haynes, sisters Olivia and Alice, welcomed Hadley James Haynes. September 13
Cooper and Andrea Harrell, big brother Lincoln, welcomed Vivienne Ellinore Harrell on September 11
Join us for our next Community Lunch and Church Conference on Sunday, October 14. We’ll have fellowship around the table after worship. No reservations necessary - just pay at the door ($6/adult, $3/child, $20 family max). A Church Conference will follow lunch to keep you informed of important business of the church. 8 | Connections
Bethel Smith in the loss of her stepfather, Walter Pinson, d. 9/2
The family of Garland Gordon who died on 9/6 Yvonne Johnson in the loss of her brother, Clayton Clemons, d. 9/7
The family of William L. Johnson who died on 9/11/2018
Susan Suggs in the loss of her mother, Leone Anderson, d. 9/11
JIMMY & KRISTEN HAYNES with Olivia & Alice
PATRICK KIRKMAN with Amy, Taylor & Kate
JOINED 7-29-18
JOINED 8-19-18
1 Mark Miller 2 Mary Howerton, Nate Moore, Jamie Stone, Elliott Bennett, James Vance 3 Gerry Pike, Anne Christian, Bob Kelley, Richard Beavers, Alexis Petitt 5 Joye Brannon, Fred Binder, Brian Deer, Hunter McCracken 6 Jean Lane, Ed Power, Chris Canipe, Laura Jones 7 Dalton Thompson, Ethan Cole, Caleb Wall 8 Nancy Ayers, Meganne Raines Gould 9 Lee King 10 Steve Honeycutt, Christy Jones, Anita Cranford, William Waters, Robert Martin 11 Cecil Livengood, Tim Campbell, Virginia Reynolds, Graham Thompson, Courtney Key, Bo Starnes 12 Alice Burch, Nama Findley, Justin Childs 14 Leah Frost, Deborah Kayembo 15 Charlie Pannell, Tommy Starnes, Kelly Cornett, Amy Kane, Aubreigh Duckworth, Mason Duggins 16 Dottie Gordon
17 Erin Beavers Pate 18 Bob Caldwell, Gayle Adams, Richard Payne, Jilien Steelman, Jacob Webb 19 Shirley Thompson, Jacob Yaun 20 Jack Snow, Christopher Teague 21 Bill Lusk, Betty Clayton, Darrell Chambers, Vicki Norman 22 Mickie Rose , Scott Petriskie, Katherine Wall 23 Cynthia Markham, Jim Bearden, Rob Godfrey, James O’Bryant 24 George Scott, Christy Hardy, Kristie Ellis, Genelle Hix 25 Debbie Bowman, Brad Wall 26 Davis Troxler, Marissa Austin, Jody Moore, Autumn Culbreth, Christopher Lyle 27 David Powell, Ben Turner, Matt Greene 28 Charlie Adams 29 Luther Yaun, Susan Bass 30 Jack Swanson, Martha Hicks, Scott Culclasure, Anita Wilson, Quint Bradford 31 Bea Kay Powers, Richard Wiley, Miller Townes, Calvin Chovanec, Harper Chovanec October 2018 | 9
OCTOBER @FBC 1 (M) Primetime. Fellowship Hall/108, 9 am - noon 1 (M) FRONT. 102, 6 pm 2 (Tu) WMU Group 2. 102, 3 pm 2 (Tu) Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm 3 (W) Grace Meal Pick-Up & Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm 6 (S) Missions Day. 9 am - noon 7 (Su) World Communion/Missions Sunday. 8 (M) FRONT. 102, 5:30 pm 8 (M) Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm 9 (T) WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 9 (Tu) WMU Group 4. Joy Classroom, 10:30 am 11 (Th) Fall Fellowship. Fisher home, 7 pm 14 (Su) StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am 14 (Su) Community Lunch & Church Conference. 108, 12 pm 15 (M) FRONT. Chapel, 6 pm 17 (W) Explore First. 102, 6:15 pm 19 (F) Meals on Wheels. Peace UCC, 9:30 am 20 (S) Seeking Peace Retreat. St. Francis Springs, 10 am-4 pm 22 (M) FRONT. 102, 6 pm 23 (Tu) Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm 27 (S) Fall Fest. Front Lawn, 3-5 pm 27 (S) Youth Costume Party. Youth Rooms, 6 pm 29 (M) Committee Night. 101, 102, 108C, Fellowship Hall, 6 pm
REGULAR WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship 12 pm College Bible Study
SUNDAY EVENINGS 5 pm 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm
Youth Choir Youth Discipleship Adult Bells Sanctuary Choir
MIDWEEK @FBC 4:45 pm 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:15 pm 6:20 pm 7:15 pm
Sing an Old Song to the Lord Fellowship Meal FBC Kids Youth Group Adult Classes Sanctuary Choir
Giving at FBC Greensboro
Why We Give: Giving financially is a chance for us to honor God with the resources and provisions that God has provided for us. When we practice generous giving, we strengthen our relationship with Christ. As we learn to grow in our trust and faith in Christ, it is important to trust in Christ’s provision. As people of faith, we give faithfully and generously out of grateful hearts, because God has given to us faithfully and generously.
How to Give: We pass an offering plate during the worship service. Most members give their offerings to the church
by putting a check in an envelope and placing the envelope in the offering plate as it is passed on Sunday mornings. Others who cannot attend on particular Sundays mail their checks to the church. Others use their online banking and set up one time or automatic payments that are sent to the church through their bank. Still others set up their online giving through the church website. We also have mobile giving through the Church Life app or through Tithe.ly. You can download either app for use on almost any device. If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – scott@fbcgso.org | x226.
A Recent Gift: The Finance Committee gratefully acknowledges a gift from the estate of Nancy C. Hunt.
August 2018 Financial Results
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
(Net of program income)
Net Deficit
10 | Connections
Actual Budget Last Year $981,955 $1,066,212 $973,630 $1,179,052 $1,197,928 $1,119,494 $(197,197) $(131,716) $(145,864)
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram. Row 1: September Fall Fellowship, Courtney Stamey’s Installation Row 2: MS Youth Retreat, Friend’s Day Row 3: Marty Kellam, Bible Presentation Sunday, and Paint the Town
October 2018 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401 www.fbcgso.org
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18 A choral presentation by the: Sanctuary Choir, youth choir, young musicans choir and small orchestra during worship
MIDWEEK @FBC SING A NEW OLD SONG TO THE LORD! Sing a new song to the Lord. – Psalm 96.1
This Psalm verse has often been used to justify imposing new and unfamiliar songs to the reluctant worshiper in the pew, but this year First Baptist will take a new approach to this biblical mandate. Sing an OLD song ANEW to the Lord. We will sing the old songs of our faith with renewed vigor and with new eyes and ears to see and hear a new and deeper meaning found in this venerable collection. All of our choirs will sing beautiful arrangements of these songs for worship. Our worship guides will contain the stories and theological meaning within the lyrics. Wednesdays at 4:45 pm in the Chapel | Beginning October 3
Meal reservations can be made via Sunday morning pew cards, web site (fbcgso.org/calendarevents), email (marty@fbcgso.org), or phone (336-274-3286 x245) for all meals. Reservation due: Monday at noon Cancellations due: Tuesday at noon
OCTOBER MENU October 3 October 10 October 17 October 24 October 31
| | | | |
Country Style Steak Chicken Portofino Fried Fish Oven Roasted Pork Loin Fried Chicken
CHILDREN’S EXTRAS Yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, etc.