Connections - October 2014 Newsletter

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OCTOBER 2014 // // 336.274.3286

Missions @FBC first baptist church greensboro Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.

p 4-6 // 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

November Connections Deadline: October 17 Email news to or bring it to the church office.

Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Dolores Donahue, Administrative Assistant: Finance / / x226 Ashley Gill Harrington, Interim Minister for Children and Families / / x241 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Kate Kitchen, Homebound Ministry Director / 202-5757 Scott North, Church Administrator / x222 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Kim Priddy, Assistant Pastor: Missions / x295 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Marion Smith, Facilities Supervisor, x243 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238

2 | Connections

October 2014

3 Insight | by Alan Sherouse –Open Forum Access Class

4-5 Connect with Missions

–Greetings from your Mission Committee and your Minister to Missions –Church Under the Bridge –FBC Missions Related Study –How to Make a Difference throughout the Year... –Ministry Partnerships –The Feed Store

6 Connect with Missions and Worship

7 Connect with Adults

–Missions Sunday –Also happening on October 19 –Special Offerings for November and December –Luminé Service –PrimeTime Program –Day Trip to the National D-Day Memorial –Portrait Presentation and Reception –New Books in the Main Library

Connect with Business

–September Church Conference –August 2014 Financial Update

8 Connect with Children

9 Connect with Recreation

– “It’s Good!” Musical –Children’s Ministry Search Team Roundtable Discussions –Children’s Ministry Family Gathering –New Children’s Library Book –FBC Weekday School News

–Upward Ministry

Connect with Youth and College –Looking back at the Middle School Fall Retreat –Upcoming FBC Youth Calendar –College Birthdays

10 Connect with One Another

11 October Calendar

12 Fall Family Fest

By Alan Sherouse


everal years ago, a good friend and mentor told me, “I hope you end up at an open church – a church where people are open to the Spirit.” As I mark one year as your Pastor, Jenny and I and our family are grateful for so many things that characterize our life together at First Baptist, but I think I love our openness at First Baptist Church most of all. It’s a word I hear again and again used to describe the state of our church. We are “open.” Open to one another. Open to the Spirit of God. Open to our past and open to our future. Open to heritage and open to what’s new. At a recent Deacons retreat, our leader, Dr. Ruth Anderson of Greensboro’s Servant Leadership School, observed this about our Deacons, saying, “I sense such energy and openness toward what’s ahead.” Observations and experiences like these have led to a theme for the program year ahead: “Open Church.” As I shared at our recent “State of the Church” gathering on Sunday, September 21, I see at least five key elements of what it means for us to be an Open Church in the year ahead, building on the work that has led us to this point. (1) Open to our City, and continuing to consider ways of loving our city, connecting with our neighborhood, influencing our community, and finding the interplay between the future of our city and the future of our church. (2) Open to our Heritage, and remembering the history and assets that are a source for a hopeful future. As part of this, I want us to find ways to emphasize our denominational heritage, becoming more conversant with just what we mean by “Baptist.” Instead of turning us inward, I think such a focus will allow us to become even more ecumenical and cooperative by accentuating our particular identity.

(3) Open to our Story, and finding new ways to tell it. We have an important story to tell of a church that is preserving a strong heritage while dreaming new dreams. We need to tell our story boldly and strategically through the most efficient means and media available to us. (4) Open to One Another, and exploring ways of connecting intimately with one another across divides of generation or affinity. In a large church, where our programs operate on a large scale, we want to find increasing ways for intimate connection and relationship. (5) Open to Collaboration, and the energy that comes through work together. This has been a goal for our staff, but it extends to our congregation, too, as we seek to achieve a stronger balance between our staff and lay leaders that will ensure sustainability for the future. Ultimately being an Open Church means being open to the Spirit. In my first sermon at First Baptist, back in July 2013 when I was your pastoral candidate, we reflected on the Spirit, whose coming is described in two places in the New Testament. John 20 describes the Spirit coming to a group of shaken disciples who were huddled together with their doors locked out of fear. In Luke’s version, however, the Spirit arrives in Acts 2 to people gathered together out in the streets. Open doors. Open windows. The Spirit of God finds First Baptist Church open. While so many churches within American religious life are finding reason to huddle together, we’ve found that it is not the time for fear, but hope. We are a healthy church with great possibilities for the future, so it’s not a time for urgent things, but important things. It’s not a time to worry about survival, but to consider the things that make us thrive. It’s not a time for locked doors. It’s a time for an open church.

Wednesday Nights in October 6:15 in the Fellowship Hall Join Alan for further conversation about our program year theme – “Open Church.” October 1 | Open to Our City A church in the city October 8 | Open to Our Heritage Baptist is our middle name October 15 | Open to Our Story Knowing our story and how to tell it October 22 | Open to Community Intimacy and community in a “big church” October 29 | Open to Collaboration More together than we are apart October 2014 | 3

Connect with Missions

Willing hearts can change the

Greetings from your Missions Committee and your Minister to Missions


his has been an amazing year! To quote Dr. Seuss from Oh, The Places You’ll Go!: “You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!”

This year mountains were moved from building a church in Chile to taking music to Romania to teaching kindergartners how to read. As you can see, this faith community has been busy sharing the Good News and loving our neighbors. On Sunday, October 19 we will celebrate Missions Sunday. We will study scripture, hear from the Stocktons, and meet our ministry partners and teams. After Worship we will have Food Trucks serving lunch. Tables will be set out with all our mission partners and ministry teams so that you can learn more firsthand. There are so many ways for you to use your passion and gifts. Please keep page 5 for future reference; it will provide guidance on volunteer opportunities and how to be involved with our partners. This is not an exhaustive list, so continue to check our website, newsletters, and emails for additional ways to serve. Feel free to contact me or anyone on the Missions Committee with questions or help getting engaged.

Church Under the Bridge Saturday, October 4, 6 pm


irst Baptist is hosting Church Under the Bridge. Join us for a time of fellowship and worship out in our community. FBC will provide a meal, and a time of worship through music, prayer, and a message for anyone who wants to come. Church Under the Bridge meets at 300 Spring Garden Street - parking lot under the Eugene Street Bridge. For information: Kim Priddy - / 274-3286, x295. 4 | Connections

FBC Missions Related Study


n Missions Sunday morning, Sunday School classes will gather in room 108 to begin the discussion on What Every Church Member Should Know about Poverty. This study will continue in the FRONT class on Monday evenings (Oct. 20, 27, Nov. 3, and 10) from 7 pm to 8 pm in room 102. Sharon Barlow and Kim Priddy will facilitate the study. What Every Church Member Should Know about Poverty is a comprehensive and useful guide available for helping churches understand and reach out to people in poverty. The book is filled with relevant resources and eye-opening insights which support your heart, mind, and spirit in your efforts to live your calling. In this book we will discuss: • The unspoken cues and habits of different economic classes • Communication and conflict resolution strategies • Distinctive mindsets about family, marriage, and stewardship • Who to help and to what extent • Tips for transitioning newcomers into church membership

Connect with Missions You can be the hands and feet of Jesus to others. Pray about how you can get involved!

How to Make a Difference throughout the Year... Donate Furniture • Barnabus Network: Accepts gently used items in good condition to help Partners Ending Homelessness. | • ReStore - Habitat for Humanity of Greensboro: Shop, Donate, and Volunteer. | Donate Cars • Wheels4Hope: Car donation program providing affordable, reliable transportation to low-wage families and referred individuals. | Donate Clothing • StepUp Ministry: Drop off gently used clothing at the church on the 2nd Sunday of each month in the Atrium • ENCORE: Gently used family clothing and shoes. Location: Golden Gate Village Other Ways to Help • Greensboro Urban Ministry • Link Harris Teeter VIC cards: Bessemer Elementary (2737), Hope Academy (2432), FBC Preschool (8564) • Shower Ministry: Donate soap, shampoo, lotion: For men and women: new socks, underwear, undershirts • Bessemer Elementary: –Donate Box Tops –Donate to the Positive Behavior Incentive Store: Stickers, pencils, small toys, books, notebooks, dollar store items. • Hope Academy: Donate healthy snacks, water bottles for lunches, and cases of copier paper.

Ministry Partnerships • BackPack Beginnings: Delivers backpacks of food to children at our assigned schools during the school year. • Baptist Children’s Home: Brings hope and healing to children and families in crisis through a variety of programs and services. • Bessemer Elementary: Become a lunch buddy, tutor, proctor for testing, and volunteer at “Steps for Success” Kindergarten Camp. • Habitat for Humanity: Building houses and neighborhoods locally or internationally for people in need of housing. • Hope Academy: School for at risk youth. Volunteer opportunities include their library, front office, tutoring program, and prayer team. • Mobile Meals: Deliver lunches to seniors who are unable to prepare meals for themselves on the 3rd Friday of each month. • Piedmont International Fellowship: Help international college students learn about and experience friendships with Americans and other internationals. • Rosewood Tutoring: Help boys and girls (grades K-12) from the Rosewood community with their homework on Tuesdays (4:15-5:15 pm), September through May. • Shower Ministry: Showers in the gym are provided for those in our community needing to shower. Volunteers are needed to welcome and fellowship with our guests. • StepUp Ministry: Provides job training and life sills for unemployed. Volunteer opportunities include Faith Co-Partner in Life Skills, Mock Interviews, Lunch Helpers, Morning Devotions, Resume Lab, and Computer Training. • 1st & 5th Wednesday Meal at Grace: Prepare and serve a meal for the homeless on the 5th Wednesdays during the year. • WE! Shelter: Work in various capacities for our shelter ministry with Greensboro Urban Ministry including donating items, providing meals, serving at the shelter and praying.

An Invitation

Our concept for a downtown ministry now has a working title: The Feed Store. At our September business meeting we discussed emerging plans for building, staffing, and funding of this potential ministry, as well as a draft purpose statement: “The Feed Store, a ministry of First Baptist Church and partners, seeks to feed the heart, soul, mind and body of the city of Greensboro through hospitality, community building, and conscientious retail.

As our Downtown Discernment Committee continues its work, we are seeking Sunday School hour conversation with the congregation. Meetings can last 15-20 minutes or more, and can occur at any point during a Sunday School hour. To set up a meeting with 2-3 members of the committee and your class or department, email Kim Priddy at . October 2014 | 5

Connect with Missions and Worship

Also happening on October 19: Operation Christmas Child Kick-Off:

Start packing your shoeboxes. Along with each box, include $7 to pay for shipping (checks payable to Samaritan’s Purse). If you do not have time to shop and would like help with a shoebox, volunteers will shop for you. Just bring a check for $27 (made out to FBC with OCC in the memo). Dedication day is on Sunday, November 23 in the Atrium following Worship.

Missions Sunday October 19

Flu Shot Clinic: Fellow member Kathy

Troxler, a licensed pharmacist with RiteAid, will be administering flu shots after worship. Flu shots will be administered (by syringe only) to people 14 years of age and older. She will bill to BCBS NC, Medicare Part B, Aetna, Cigna, Humana, BCBS Federal Employee, United Healthcare, Tricare, and Coventry. The price for the regular shot without insurance is $31.99 at the time of the shot. The high dose flu shot will also be available at $60.99. The only Medicare plan that she cannot bill is Medicare Advantage by BCBS of NC. Any other Medicare plan will cover the high dose shot for those patients 65 years and older. Cash or checks made payable to Rite-Aid will be accepted. To Sign Up, contact Rosemary Kellam. 274-3286, x225 |

12 noon on Church


g lun Food Trucks will be servin

Meet FBC Ministry Partners & Ministry Teams

Special Offerings November: Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina brings hope and healing to children and families in crisis December: The 2014-15 CBF Offering for Global Missions emphasis: #ENDHUNGER 6 | Connections


Prayers of the Congregation in Word and Song Sunday, November 2, 5:00 pm

Connect with Adults Join the day trip to the

National D-Day Memorial, Bedford, VA Thursday, October 23, 2014

PrimeTime October 6 program:

Alan Sherouse PrimeTime includes–

9 am: Ceramics, Gym 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A 11 am: Bible Study, 218 12 noon: Lunch, 108

Leave FBC: 8 am - Return: 6 pm Deadline to Sign-Up: October 10

Travel on a Holiday Tour bus with a guided tour of the memorial. Cost: $49/person includes lunch. To sign up for this trip: Dolly Chesson– / 545.7712 or Monica Vaughan– /402.1144.

You are invited to a Portrait Presentation and Reception Sunday, October 5, 3 - 5 pm, Fellowship Hall You are cordially invited to join us for the unveiling of the portrait of Dr. Ken Massey, former Senior Pastor at FBC. Tom Edgerton, the artist of Dr. Massey’s portrait, will be joining us for this special occasion. A light reception will also take place in the Fellowship Hall in conjunction with the unveiling. Please make plans to attend.

New Books in the Main Library

Reservation deadline: October 2. Sign up online: or contact Rosemary Kellam - 274-3286, x225 or

• Exodus 20-40 by William Johnstone (Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary)

• Palestine in the Time of Jesus

by K. C. Hanson & Douglas E. Oakman

Connect with Business September Church Conference The monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday afternoon, September 14, 2014 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Jack Swanson presided. The following actions were taken– Blake Absher made the following motions: • Motion 1: On behalf of the Endowment Trust Committee, I move the approval of the request from Senior Pastor Alan Sherouse to support the seminary education of Jason Knight at $1,000 per semester for the semesters that he is actively enrolled and taking classes, and for the duration of Jason’s seminary education; funds are to be disbursed from the Randall Lolley Endowment Fund with a limit of $4,000 total. • Motion 2: On behalf of the Missions Committee, I move that the balance of $7,524.17 in Account 002049 Church Construction Project be transferred to Account 002035 Habitat House Project to be used in a Habitat house build that will occur in Spring 2015. • Motion 3: On behalf of the Missions Committee, I move that $2,200 from Account 002001 New Mission/Church Starts/ Missions be sent to Mobile Meals to provide funding for three additional people to participate in that program. • Motion 4: I move that $18,854 be allocated from Account 002000 Special Fund to pay necessary repairs to the Sanctuary organ. Paige Kalish, Committee on Committees Chair, presented two motions. The first motion presented the committee’s recommendation of persons who are to serve on the Committee on Committees for the year beginning on October 1, 2014. The motion was approved. The second motion presented the committee’s recommendation of persons who are to serve on the following committees for the year beginning on October 1, 2014: Building and Grounds, Christian Assistance Fund, Missions, and Personnel. The motion was approved. (A complete list of those serving on all church standing committees can be found online and is available in the church office.) Laura Lomax made the following motions: • Motion: On behalf of the Building and Grounds Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Deacons, I move that $5,800 from Account 310276 Major Repair – Capital Expense be paid to architect Carl Myatt to prepare detailed plans and specifications for the Adams Street house to be used for the purpose of soliciting bids for the renovations that are needed for that property. • Motion: On behalf of Senior Pastor Alan Sherouse and the Diaconate, I move that the congregation authorize the pastor and the chair of the Diaconate to convene an examining council to examine Mrs. Kim Priddy’s Christian experience, call to the Ministry, and views on Biblical doctrine, and then to make recommendation to the congregation regarding her ordination.

August 2014 Financial Update Receipts & Distributions YTD Budget Receipts YTD Budget Disbursements YTD Differential

Actual $ 1,062,486 $ 1,175,487 $ (113,001)


Last Year

$ 1,102,449 $ 1,028,285 $ 1,193,372 $ 1,149,908 $ (90,923) $ (121,623) October 2014 | 7

Connect with Children

FBC Weekday School News by Ginny Carpenter

S It’s Good!

A musical about the Creation

Presented by the Young Musicians Choir

Wednesday, October 29 7:00 pm, Sanctuary And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Gen. 1.31) Adult Access classes will dismiss by 6:45 pm.

Children’s Ministry Search Team Roundtable Discussions


oin the discussion and share your voice with the Children’s Ministry Search Team at scheduled Roundtable Discussions: • Wednesday, October 1, 6:15 pm in 108C • Sunday, October 5, 11:45 am, Fellowship Hall. Light refreshments will be served.

Children’s Ministry Family Gathering Friday, October 3, 6-8 pm in the Café/Gym


amilies are invited to our first gathering of “FBC Families”. Dinner will be provided and a parents meeting will follow to discuss fall and winter plans while children enjoy games and skating in the gym. Contact Ashley Gill Harrington, Interim Minister to Children and Families, if you have any questions and to let us know your family is planning to attend ( / 274-3286, x241 ). New Children’s Library Book

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin, Jr.

Children see a variety of animals, each one a different color. It includes a note to parents and teachers, and related activities. 8 | Connections

chool is back in session, and we are so glad to have our families back and to welcome new families into our school. We have more students than we have had in the past couple of years, and we are enjoying the fellowship of so many blessings! This year, our staff meets every Tuesday and Friday morning for devotions before school begins. It is a wonderful way for us to touch base, assess needs, and learn prayer concerns as we begin our day. Ask any staff member about picking up a stray penny… Fall means time to re-link your Harris Teeter card to give free cash to our school. The school number is 8564. You may link your card at the store, online, or by giving your number to anyone at the preschool. We can link your card for you. You can link your card to multiple groups and we will still receive credit for your purchases. Thank you for supporting our Via Scholarship fund. Our fall Consignment Sale was a great success again this year. Thank you for participating by bringing food, by volunteering, consigning, by buying sale items or by just giving a donation. All proceeds go to our Via Scholarship fund, and this event makes it possible for us to give scholarship help to our families. Without these proceeds, we could not help all the families that request scholarship assistance. Many thanks to FBC member and Weekday School parent, Autumn Culbreth, for her leadership in this endeavor. Speaking of the Via Scholarship…our Board met in September and awarded scholarships to 14 families Thank you for needing tuition assistance. your prayers, Our annual Via Scholarship your service, and Soup Lunch is planned for November 9 – be watching your dedication for more information. Our to supporting our Consignment Sale and Soup preschool. Lunch are the main sources of income that allow us to serve our families in need. Your contributions to the Via Scholarship fund are always appreciated, as well, and you will help us provide scholarships for 18 children this school year! As I have walked the halls the first three weeks of school, I am so blessed to just love these children all day – to watch them play, and learn, and problemsolve, knowing that this school home provides astounding instruction, love, and care for every child. The hugs, the smiles, and the love we all share for each other are life-giving! Thank you for your prayers, your service, and your dedication to supporting our preschool. We are so blessed to be in this church and to be able to serve our families through this ministry.

Connect with Recreation Upward – “An Expectation of God” Moment


by Bryce Starnes

thirty-five minutes until the next one came. I had never taken the city bus in my life and here is a small second grader taking the bus alone at night. I told him to hop in and I would drive him home. At the end of the ride he hopped out of my car, more energetic than ever, and he asked if I could pick him up next week for practice. I sat motionless thinking very carefully about my answer. If I said yes I would commit to a whole season of these long drives that eat away at my time and at the gas that I have to buy. If I said no he would have to ride the bus alone. I said, “Sure thing. I’ll pick you up next week before practice.” The smile that radiated off of his face filled me with pure joy. These car rides with Donte quickly became the highlight of my basketball season. I never realized that a task as simple and meaningless to me could have such a profound impact on someone else. This is why it is so important to me to always do what you can to help others, because you never know how important what you are doing really can be to someone else.

have had a fairly easy life with strong supportive family and enough money for all the necessities of life. I have never worried about getting to school or going to practice, so this past winter when I signed up to be a head coach of a 2nd-3rd grade boys Upward basketball team, I didn’t think that they would need help either. I showed up to my first practice nervous. I wanted to make a good first impression. I walked into the gym and tried to be as mature and “not 16” as I could. I met all of my young players and we had our first practice. Everything went according to plan and all of the players left the gym as I was getting all of my stuff together. I walked outside and felt the blood freeze in my veins from the brisk December wind. As I was driving out of the parking lot, I saw a small frail figure slowly walking to the bus stop on the side of the road. When I drove past I saw that it was Donte, one of my players. I turned around and asked him where his mom was; just now realizing she had not been at practice. He told me that he had taken the bus and could just wait another

Upward registration begins Oct. 1 – Volunteers are needed


pward basketball and Cheerleading ministry succeeds through the efforts of volunteers passing out brochures, inviting friends and neighbors, coaching teams, referreeing games, providing concessions, as well as sponsoring children who might otherwise not be able to participate. To volunteer or to register children: Tommy Starnes - 274-3286, x251, or –The registration form is on the website.

Connect with Youth and College

Upcoming FBC Youth Calendar: >October 3-5 – HS Retreat, Blue Ridge Assembly

Middle School Retreat photos

>October 26 – Youth Bowling, 6:30-9 pm >November 3 – Youth Lock-In >December 14 – Youth Christmas Party, 6 pm, Café

College Birthdays: Niki Shumaker 10/10 – 318 Woody, Charlottesville, VA 22904,

Courtney Key 10/11 – 480 Ehringhaus Drive, Koury Hall, Room 311, Chapel Hill, NC 27514,

The Middle School Fall Retreat at Camp Caraway provided middle schoolers a time of reflection and encouragement in their walk with Christ.

Bo Starnes 10/11 – 4122 Kaplan Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607,

Leah Frost 10/14 – Lee Room 0337, 570 Washington Street SW, Blacksburg, VA 24061,

October 2014 | 9

Connect with One Another If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. (1st Corinthians 12:26)

Responding to the Invitation

Joel and Megan Nykyforchyn-Clark

(on August 24) By Statement

Sylvia Ledford

(Children: Juno and Elah)

(on August 24) By Statement

I have joined FBC because people welcomed me to join them in serving God. The Explore 1st class with the staff was quite helpful to learn more about the church and how it ministers. I look forward to being a part of FBC ministries.

Jim and Pam Bearden

(on September 7) By Statement

Brent, Kim, Ryan and Brad Priddy by statement and Kate Priddy by baptism

For us, it’s a new beginning, filled with possibilities and opportunities for service to God and community, and for fellowship with a local body committed to following the directives of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.

(on September 7)

October Birthdays 1. Mark Miller, Lib Murray 2. Elliott Bennett, Mary Howerton, Isabel McNally, Nate Moore 3. Richard Beavers, Anne Christian, Bob Kelley, Alexis Petitt, Gerry Pike, 4. Kim Carpenter, Ernest Ferris, Jr. 5. Fred Binder, Jr, Joye Brannon, Robin Eatman, Vernon Keen 6. Chris Canipe, Laura Jones, Jean Lane, Jerry Thomas, Ed Power 7. Ethan Cole, Landyn Roberts, Dalton Thompson 8. Meganne Gould 9. Lee King, Jason Knight, Lorri Wood 10. Anita Cranford, Christy Jones, Jennifer Roberts, Niki Shumaker, William Waters, Carol Wheeler 11. Harold Beavers, Tim Campbell, Carl Carpenter, Chris Hauselman, Lesley-Ann Hix, Courtney Key, Cecil Livengood, Virginia Reynolds, Kristen Massey, Bo Starnes 12. Alice Burch, Justin Childs 13. Brenda Jackson, Dena Kovac 10 | Connections

14. Leah Frost, Carol Stone 15. Aubreigh Duckworth, Kelly Cornett, Charlie Pannell, Tommy Starnes, Meredith Twigg 16. Dottie Gordon 17. Erin Beavers, Coyet Bolen, Treva Mabe 18. Gayle Adams, Jack Bennett, Robert Caldwell, Charles Doss, Jim Ellis, Richard Payne, Jilien Steelman, Jacob Webb 19. Lee Royal, Elizabeth Shepherd, Shirley Thompson, Jacob Yaun 20. Robert Ingram, Jack Snow, Christopher Teague 21. Darrell Chambers, Bill Lusk, Linda Wayne 22. Sharon Bennett, William Bennett, Carlee Capps, Randy Macon 23. Rob Godfrey, Cynthia Markham, James O’Bryant 24. Kristie Ellis, Christy Hardy 25. Debbie Bowman, Thomas Smith Brad Wall 26. Marissa Austin, Autumn Culbreth, Doris Hardy, Christopher Lyle, Jody Moore, Davis Troxler 27. Matt Greene, David Powell, Ben Turner

8. Charlie Adams 2 29. Jack Sills, Luther Yaun 30. Quint Bradford, Scott Culclasure, Martha Hicks, Jack Swanson, Anita Wilson 31. Bea Kay Powers, Miller Townes Richard Wiley

Welcome New Baby! Jack & Betty Sharp have a new granddaughter,

Lillian “Rose”

Born: September 6 Parents: Jack, Jr. and Lori


• Eloise Curlee in the loss of her husband, and Bob Curlee Jr. in the loss of his father, Robert Curlee, on August 21 • Phyllis Abee in the loss of her husband, and Scott and Steven Abee in the loss of their father, Marshall Abee, on September 11 • Bob Wiggins in the loss of his wife, and Pam Key in the loss of her mother, Mabel Ann Wiggins, on September 11 • Jack Sills in the loss of his mother, Martha Sills, on September 15

What’s happening @ FBC this

October Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC

• • •

Bible Study - 9:15 am Worship - 10:30 am Guest Reception - 11:45 am (209)

Sunday PM @FBC

Handbells: Grades 6-12, •Youth 4 pm, Sanctuary/313 Choir: Grades 6-12, 5 pm, 311 •Youth Children’s •5 pm, 313 Handbells: Grades 4-5, Bible Drill, 6 pm •Children’s Youth Discipleship, •Adult Bells I, 6 pm 6:20 pm, 301 •Sanctuary Choir, 7 pm, 311 •Instrumental Ensemble •(3 Sundays), 7 pm, Sanctuary rd


Fellowship Meal - Dinner is • served between 5-6:30 pm /

Reservations: Due Tuesday at 12 noon – 274.3286 or Kids’ Access - 6 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311

• • • •


Leaves change their colors, but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13.8)

•October 1 - 5: Upward pre-sign-up for FBC members. •Sunday, October 1: Children’s Ministry Search Team Roundtable

Discussion. 6:15 pm, 108C (see page 8) •Wednesdays in October: Adult Access class led by Alan Sherouse. 6:15 pm, 108 (see page 3) •Wednesdays in October: Women’s Adult Access class. 6:15 pm, Café •Friday, Oct. 3: Children’s Ministry Family Gathering. 6 - 8 pm (see page 8) •October 3 - 5: High School Retreat. Blue Ridge Assembly •Sunday, October 5: World Communion Sunday. 10:30 am •Sunday, October 5: Children’s Ministry Search Team Roundtable Discussion. 11:45 am, 108. Light Refreshments provided. (see page 8) •Monday, October 6: PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch (see page 7) •Sunday, October 12: StepUp Ministry Collection. 9 am, Atrium •Sunday, October 12: Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 12 noon, 108 •Sunday, October 19: Missions Sunday. (see page 6) •Mondays, October 20, 27: FRONT. 7 pm, 102 (see page 4) •Thursday, October 23: Day Trip to D-Day Memorial (see page 7) •Sunday, October 26: Youth Bowling. 6:30 - 9 pm •Wednesday, October 29: It’s Good! 7 pm, Sanctuary (see page 8)

October Fellowship Meals • 1: Grilled Pork Loin, Limas & Corn Succotash, Cole Slaw, Salad Bar / Kids: Naked Hot Dog • 8: Lasagna, Garlic Bread, Salad Bar / Kids: Spaghettios • 15: Fried Fish, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw, Hushpuppies, Salad Bar / Kids: Fish Stix • 22: Ham, Mac & Cheese, Broccoli Florets, Salad Bar / Kids: Mini Burger • 29: Theo’s Famous Chicken, Fried Grits, Green Beans, Salad Bar/ Kids: Corn Dog

Coming in November • November 1: Fall Fun Fest • November 2: Luminé Service • November 3: PrimeTime • November 3: Youth Lock-In • November 3, 10, 17, 24: FRONT • November 14: Happy Hearts Thanksgiving Dinner • November 16: Upward Prayer Breakfast • November 20: Feast of Caring • November 23: Flag Football Game • November 25: Thanksgiving Dinner • November 26: No Wednesday night activities • November 27-28: Church offices closed for the Thanksgiving holiday • November 30: 1st Sunday of Advent

•Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth October 2014 | 11

First Bapt ist Church Greensboro


1000 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27401


Games Inflatables

Pumpkin & Face Painting

NO. 179

Dunking Booth Candy & Food

Saturday, November 1 3:00 - 5:00 pm

First Baptist Church Greensboro Wear your Halloween costumes!

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