SEPTEMBER 2016 | | 336.274.3286
Connecting with the
Adult Sunday School Ministry
first baptist church greensboro
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
Happening at FBC this Fall‌
Children Yo
r nio
‌Ministry and growth opportunities for all!
rsh | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
October Connections Deadline: September 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Gloria Koster, Managing Editor Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator / x226 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions / x295 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251 John Thornton, Pastoral Resident / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections
3 Window Gazing – The View from Here –Welcome Courtney Stamey
4 - 5 Fall Kickoff
–Upcoming Events | Regular Schedule –Music/Worship Ensembles –Children/Music Ministry | Youth Music Ministry –Missions | Senior Adults | Recreation –New Adult Access Classes
6 - 7 Connect with Children
–Looking back on a great summer! –Welcome New Babies! –Weekday School Consignment Sale –Link Your Harris Teeter VIC Card –New Children’s Library Books –Reflections on Erin Stephen’s summer internship
8 - 9 Connect with Missions
–Paint the Town –Join a WMU/Missions Group –Meet Missionaries Chad and Kameren Dalton –Habitat for Humanity Build –Community Garden Workday –What I learned at Kindergarten Camp –Missions Sunday - October 9
10 Connect with the Residency Program –One Year In
11 Connect with Adults
–A New PrimeTime Season –Get in FRONT –Silver Compassion
12 Connect with Adult Sunday School Ministry –FBC Builders 1 Sunday School Department
Connect with the FBC Library
–Books and DVDs to Check-out
13 Connect with Business
–July 2016 Financial Results –Standing Committees Vote | Deacons’ Ordination –Joining Sunday –September Community Lunch | Church Conference –Flu Shot Clinic
14 Connect with Youth & College
–Youth Retreats –College Information | College Birthdays
Connect with One Another –Birthdays | Bereaved
15 September Calendar –Women’s Fall Retreat | Divorce Recovery
16 Friends Day | FBC Day Trips Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing – The View from Here By Alan Sherouse
e accept you as one called to vocational ministry and affirm the decision that you be ordained. We pledge our love and offer our prayers that together we may glorify God and make Christ known in the world.” These words were spoken by our congregation as part of a covenant shared on Sunday, August 14, at the Ordination Service for Rev. John Thornton, our Pastoral Resident. It struck me that we have had the opportunity to speak these words five times in the last three years. In addition to John, our church has had the honor of holding the ordinations of Virginia Reynolds, Kim Priddy, Patrick Cardwell and Jason Knight. Five ordinations in three years! I think this tells us something about the work of God and God’s people at First Baptist Church, Greensboro. Ordination literally means to be “set apart” for the work of Christian ministry. The tradition comes, in part, from the ministry appointment described in Acts 13: “The Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.” In ordination, we are acknowledging the call of God in the life of one of our own – reminding them that God has called them, that we can see it, and that we trust them to live out this call of God in ministry and service. It was particularly powerful for us to share in this experience with John. As the first participant in our Pastoral Residency, our hope is that John’s two-year experience with us will contribute to a powerful and sustainable career in ministry. I had the opportunity to call John to offer the position in the spring of 2015, and in that conversation we both shared our hope that this would be the place where his sense of call to the local church was confirmed. Throughout his process of ordination, I heard this hope fulfilled. At John’s Ordination Council, as twenty of us gathered to talk to him about his theology and call, John’s longtime friend and pastor of Ephesus Baptist in Chapel Hill, Rev. Kevin Georgas, shared that from his perspective
John’s experience at First Baptist had helped to confirm his call and confidence in pastoral ministry. Dr. Curtis Freeman of Duke Divinity School echoed these sentiments, saying, “Seminaries can teach people a lot of things. But churches teach people to be a pastor.” John’s parents and friends shared similarly at the service. And as John himself has told us, “This is where I’ve come to know I can be a pastor.” We’re encouraged to see this occurring in John’s life, and look forward to welcoming our second Pastoral Resident, Rev. Courtney Stamey, this month. It tells us something about the work of God and God’s people at First Baptist Church, Greensboro – that we can continue to be a teaching, empowering, affirming, and ordaining congregation. And it reminds us that this has been our identity in the past, as well. In the weeks surrounding John’s ordination, we’ve also had the opportunity to pray for others ordained previously in our church. Rev. Eric Porterfield and his wife, Rev. Alicia Porterfield, together with their children have moved to Fifth Avenue Baptist in Huntington, WV, where they are serving as Pastor and Associate Pastor. Rev. Lee Canipe and his family have been called to Providence Baptist in Charlotte, where Lee will serve as Pastor. Rev. Patrick Cardwell, our seminary intern over the last two years, has moved to Edenton Baptist to serve as Associate Pastor. Thinking about these links between who we are and who we’ve been, we’ve asked our resident church historian, Jack Swanson, to assemble a list of all of those we’ve had the opportunity to lay hands on and ordain over the last 30 years. We know the list includes five ministers in three years. But I think we’ll find it includes many more – like Eric, Lee, and others – whose ministries are still upheld by the commitments, love and prayers of First Baptist, Greensboro. As we pray for them, may we consider how we can continue to be a church where people can more fully understand the call of God in their lives. And may each of us, in our own ways, continue to covenant to “glorify God and make Christ known in the world.”
Join us in welcoming Courtney Stamey to FBC Greensboro!
eptember 4 is the first Sunday for our second Pastoral Resident, Rev. Courtney Stamey! Courtney is serving with us for the next two years in partnership with Peacehaven Farm, where she will be spending part of her time. Join us as we welcome Courtney in the worship service, and stay for lunch after worship with food trucks on the lawn. Started in 2015, the Pastoral Residency of First Baptist Greensboro is a transition-intoministry program designed to encourage and nurture emerging pastoral leaders as they contribute to the life and ministry of our congregation. For more information visit September 2016 | 3
Wednesday, September 7 5 - 7 pm | FBC Front Lawn
Join us for our annual Fall Kickoff! • Theo’s Famous Fried Chicken • Potluck dishes and desserts to share • Lawn Chairs/Blankets Regular Sunday evening activities resume September 11. Regular Wednesday evening activities resume September 14.
Upcoming Events
Music/Worship Ensembles
Explore 1st | Sunday, September 11
Terri and Doug Vancil would love to help you find your place in music ministry! Terri - terri@fbcgso. org | x238 or Doug - |x237.
Following Worship | 12 noon | Café
Explore 1st is a great way to find out what FBC is all about. It is for visitors, non-members who are actively participating in the life of FBC, and new members wanting to learn more about our community of faith. The Explore 1st session includes lunch. Info: Jessica Hartman | x231
Outdoor Worship Service with Peacehaven Farm Sunday, October 2 | 6 pm - 7 pm FBC Community Garden Join us as we worship our God and share a sweet time of outdoor worship with our Peacehaven Farm friends!
Regular Schedule Bible Study/Sunday School All ages
(Children, Youth, Adults) – Sundays at 9:15 am.
Worship FBC community worships together in one service at 10:30 am.
Sunday Evening Activities Youth Music
and Discipleship, Youth and Adult Handbells, Sanctuary Choir and Instrumental Ensembles, and special worship services.
Wednesday Evening Activities
Fellowship Meal, Adult Access classes, Youth Forum, Divorce Recovery program, Children’s Music/Missions, and Sanctuary Choir.
4 | Connections
Sanctuary Choir | College & Adults Choose from two rehearsals each week: Wednesdays at 7:15 pm or Sundays at 7 pm. Sing in worship on 3rd and 4th Sundays. Childcare is provided.
Brass, Woodwind, and String Ensembles High School and Adults | HS group rehearses Sundays at 4 pm alternating months with youth handbell choirs. Groups are led and mentored by FBC adult players. Adult ensembles rehearse periodically on Sundays at 6 pm.
Adult Handbell Choir Advanced adult ringers ring periodically in worship. Rehearsals are Sundays at 6 pm beginning September 18.
Youth Choir | Grades 6 - 12 The youth choir sings in worship on 2nd Sundays. Rehearsals are Sundays at 5 pm beginning September 11.
Youth Handbells 1 and 2 | Grades 6 - 12 Advanced handbell choir rings periodically during worship. Rehearsals are Sundays at 4 pm beginning September 11.
Children’s Choirs and Handbells Ages 3 years thru 5th Grade | Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 6 pm beginning September 14.
Children/Music Ministry
Access Classes for Adults
Sunday School | Sundays at 9:15 am Missions/Activities | Wednesdays at 6 pm Children’s Time in Worship | During worship
…Wednesday evenings beginning September 14 from 6:15-7:10 pm
there is a special time when children ages pre-K to 5th grade are invited to the front of the Sanctuary for a short story and lesson.
Junior Church | Children pre-K thru grade 2 will leave worship for an age-specific time and return following the sermon
Children’s Music • Music – 3s/4s | Kindergarten/Grade 1 • Young Musicians Choir | Grades 2-5 Wednesdays at 6:15 pm. Young Musicians Choir sings periodically in worship. • “With Heart and Hands and Voices” | Children share a music experience with instruments, movement, and singing.
Youth Ministry
Sunday School | Sundays at 9:15 am Youth Discipleship | Sundays at 6:20 pm Youth Forum | Wednesdays at 6:15 pm
Join in various community projects throughout the year or join a women’s missions group. There are one-time and recurring opportunities to do missions and work with our ministry partners.
Senior Adults
Take your pick or do it all—Bible study, PrimeTime Monday events each month, day trips, and more to keep you active and provide opportunities for fellowship and study.
Stay fit with Upward Cheerleading/Basketball, men’s softball, MS|HS church basketball league, and morning exercise group. There’s also a weight room and ceramics department in our gym building.
The Spirituality of Family 108-C
he Bible offers us a most interesting view of the parallel histories of our faith and our families. The foundational structures of Church and family are interwoven; to understand one it is best to understand the other. It is at the cross section of these two institutions, then, that we learn the importance of faith in our family-life, and familial relationships in our faith-life. This five week study is open to everyone of all generations. It is open to everyone regardless of your current family constellation. It is open to everyone regardless of family history, or family prospects for the future.
Winners and Losers: Israel’s Kings Led by Dr. Pressley | Chapel (Following an initial session with Dr. Sumerel on September 14, Chapel Bible Study will be led by Dr. Pressley beginning September 21.)
n I and II Kings, and continuing into Chronicles, the monarchs of the Divided Kingdoms of Israel and Judah are straightforwardly assessed in terms of their faithfulness and righteousness. The writers of these historical books declare, in each king’s case, either “he did what was right in the sight of the Lord,” or “he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.” This ten session study will look at what makes a righteous ruler. We will look for clues as we study together.
Racism and the Church Discussion Led by John Thornton | 102
n the past few years, our country’s awareness has been raised regarding racism and its ongoing effects on the lives of people of color. Racial inequality presents a challenge for Christians today, and it can be difficult to navigate that challenge together with honesty, compassion, and Biblical integrity. Join John Thornton as he leads a discussion on race and the church. This open-ended conversation will be a safe space for all people to ask hard questions and speak honestly about how we as Christians and our church respond to race and racism in America.
September 2016 | 5
Connect with Children Thank you FBC kids and families for a great summer!
ome highlights: food trucks on the front lawn, Worship in the Arts Camp, Peacehaven Farm workday, PASSPORTkids! Camp, movie night, Vacation Bible School, sprayground gathering and a family pool night. Community building and spiritual growth occurred and it was special to be a part of it!
Children’s Library – New Books!! • Are You My Mommy? by Joyce Wan • Hare and Tortoise by Alison Murray • Little Owl’s Colors by Divya Srinivasan • Teddy the Dog by Keri Boyle • The Airport Book by Lisa Brown • Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express by Megan McDonald • Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker by Megan McDonald • Stink and the Ultimate-Wrestling Smackdown by Megan McDonald • Stink and the World’s Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers by Megan McDonald • Stink: Solar System Superhero by Megan McDonald • Stink, the Incredible Shrinking Kid by Megan McDonald
First Baptist Church Weekday School
Second Time Around Consignment Sale
September 23 - 24
Friday | 9 am - 7 pm Saturday | 8 am - 1 pm (1/2 Price Day)
Welcome New Babies! Dean Hamilton Terrell | Born: July 22 Parents: Susan and Rob Terrell Elizabeth Bea Sherouse | Born: July 24 Parents: Jenny and Alan Sherouse Jacob Wilder Gill | Born: July 28 Parents: Elizabeth and Alec Gill Thomas Swain Rodgers III | Born: August 1 Parents: Melanie and Tommy Rodgers Wright Muir Johnson | Born: August 13 Parents: Keighley and Pete Johnson
September 18 (Su): Kindergarten and rd 3 Grade Bible Presentation during Worship You will want to be here for this special Sunday! 6 | Connections
The sale features kid’s Fall/Winter clothing and shoes, toys, bikes, games, outdoor equipment, books, maternity clothing, nursery furniture, bedding, strollers, and more! At Mom’s Spot ladies can consign like-new clothing, shoes, and accessories! Registration has opened and consignors will earn 60-70% of their sales! The remaining profits go to the Weekday School Via Scholarship Fund. There are opportunities to shop, consign, and volunteer. There are registration links on the website or email the Consignment Team. Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card to the Weekday School (# 8564) & benefit the Via Scholarship fund! Many thanks to all who have linked their VIC cards to the Weekday School. You can link your card at your favorite HT, send your HT rewards card number to Ginny Carpenter - - or link your VIC card online at
Connect with Children
Reflecting on my summer internship with the children’s ministry by Erin Stephens
f I had been asked how my summer would pan out during my spring semester at Wake Forest, it would be a very different story. I had expected to return from my month-long summer course in Rome to a new house, in a new city, without a single clue of how to spend the rest of my summer break. I was fully prepared to come back to a house that was not the home I had known since I was 10 years old. Instead, I was called back to my second home— First Baptist Church of Greensboro. As is often the case, the plans that I had for myself were not quite what God had in mind for me. Nonetheless, after two days of rest, I found myself quickly packing a duffel and heading off to Passport Kids camp with a vibrant and energized bunch of 3rd5th graders. While at Passport, I saw Christ’s love in the way the kids cheered each other on at the talent show on the final night of camp. I watched as they stepped out of their comfort zones and included everyone in the group despite their age differences. I listened in awe to the honest reflections shared by timid voices that usually kept silent in a large group. From the get-go, these children were teaching me what it meant to be a light unto a world that is suffering. Their carefree silliness and appreciation for the little treasures of life re-energized my spirit (and seemed to get rid of my jet lag) almost immediately. I have felt this energy continually throughout this summer, in all activities and interactions with the children of FBC. It is present, to me, when kids sprint to the door of the sanctuary, eager to go to junior church. It is heard when one of Christina’s famous echo prayers is met by a chorus of children using their outside voices and adults that chuckle as they join in. It is the feeling of family and unity created when a new baby is brought before the congregation for dedication. This energy reminded me every day this summer that God is at work in our lives, through the light and hope of these children. As a daughter of this community of believers myself, it is so heartwarming to see the programs and opportunities for children grow. This summer was full of fun and exciting ways for children and families to be involved. Whether it be spelunking through the dark caverns at Cave Quest VBS or splashing around at the Keeley Park Sprayground, I felt Christ’s love through the unbridled joy of these kids. As I conclude my time on staff as the summer Children’s Ministry Intern and reflect on my 20 years spent at this church, I am above all hopeful because of these little ones. I am proud to be a member
...I felt Christ’s love through the unbridled joy of these kids.
of a faith community that nurtures and values the wellbeing of its children. I am proud to hear fruitful discussions about our role in the social justice sphere and the community that exists beyond our church walls. And for these reasons and many others, I am proud to call this church my second home. I would like to say a special thank you to Christina, especially, for allowing me to be her side kick this summer. I have learned so much from her resilience, dedication, and passion for her ministry and the children of this church. To the congregation, thank you for praying for me and my family as we transition to Wilmington and begin a new chapter of our lives. To the FBC staff, thank you all for welcoming me into your staff meetings and workplace. And to the parents of these sweet children, thank you for allowing me to spend the summer with your little ones! With love and gratitude, Erin Stephens September 2016 | 7
Connect with Missions
@ FBC FBC supports missionaries locally and around the world we have Meet FBC-supported missionaries Chad and Kameren Dalton missions …on the mission field in Italy e arrived in Genova, Italy on June 9! We are excited to be here! on our Our initial adjustment was much harder than we expected. In these first two months we have experienced everything from mind colds, fevers and chickenpox, to twelve days without electricity, hours
Community Housing Solutions
Paint the Town 2016 September 17 (Sa) | 8 am - 4 pm Paint the Town is an annual event to preserve affordable housing in Guilford County. Community Housing Solultions (CHS) partners with local businesses, corporations, and faith organizations to do exterior repairs, painting, and landscaping for one neighborhood in a single day. To sign up or for more info: Kim Priddy | x295.
ON Mission – Join a WMU/Missions Group Women’s Missionary Union at FBC is active and there are several groups you can participate in to serve and “do” missions work. • WMU Group 2 – Meets 1st Tuesdays at 7 pm, 102 (September thru May). Contacts: Libby Shull – 288-6421, | Martha Hicks – 3375647, • WMU Group 3 – Meets 2nd Tuesdays at 9:30 am, 102 (September thru May). Contacts: Jolyn Kelley – 852-0221, | Marie Binder – 288-38577, • WMU Group 4 – Meet 2nd Tuesdays at 10:30 am, 204 (September thru June) Contact: Martha Robison Spangler – 6170961, • Mobile Meals – Meets 3rd Fridays at 9:30 am, Peace United Methodist Church (yearround). Contact: Cynthia Townes – 273-4020, | Anita Philpott – 456-7116, 8 | Connections
at immigration appointments, and a full month without a kitchen or appliances! We are learning how to get around a big city (750,000) via train, subway, and bus systems, and communicating in a land where we hardly know the language. Thankfully with your support and prayers we have begun to settle in and have started language classes. This season of learning Italian is so important for us to be able to accurately share the Good News! Our heart is to see people come to faith, mature in Christ and continue taking the gospel throughout Italy! While we have been unable to communicate at an effective level, we are trying to let our light shine and share His love in little ways that transcend Our heart is to see language. Little gestures – such as giving people come to faith, our seats on the bus to the elderly, buying mature in Christ and food for the immigrant on the sidewalk, continue taking the hugging a stranger that was in tears – gospel throughout Italy! speaks volumes in this city. Our children noticed the joy in the bus drivers’ eyes from a simple “grazie”(thank you). They want ant to bless them every time they get on and off the bus. Investing in the relationships with teachers, neighbors, immigrants, and store owners now will open up opportunities to share the Gospel later when we can better articulate the Good News. Although we speak like Cavemen now, and become frustrated daily with our lack of skills and abilities – we are encouraged through God’s word, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, and through your prayers and support. Our next goal is to purchase Italian Bibles and distribute them as we can. While we can not yet explain the Bible or the wonderful things God has done – we can give them His Word and let Him tell them Himself. Join us in praying for this amazing opportunity to give people a Bible in their own language and that they will encounter God as they begin to read it for themselves! Thank you so much for partnering with us! —Chad and Kameren Dalton
Connect with Missions
Habitat for Humanity Build By Matt Hall
hen I was asked to work on the Habitat for Humanity project with a group from First Baptist, I struggled with all of the normal concerns (I was busy, the kids are too young for the worksite so, where would they go, etc.). That being said, I was asked by someone for whom I have the utmost respect and who is dedicated to the project, so I went. What I found was a dedicated team of members who have given their time to the project. I was reminded of the fact that while we do not earn grace through works, our works can show grace to others. Serving and sweating with other Christians in order to provide a home to a deserving family draws you into fellowship and reminds us of what we can do together as Jesus called us to do. I also found myself serving in an intergenerational group where we can all build relationships and can learn from each other when, so often, we are focused on our own Sunday school class or small group. The event was so meaningful to me and I wonder what other opportunities I may have missed by creating such a busy life. What may I have learned by attending a work day in the garden or working side by side in another volunteer capacity with our congregation? Are we missing out on the opportunity to see God’s grace at work on Earth?
A Work Day in the Community Garden It is time in the harvest season to pull the exhausted plants and put in the new fall plants. All hands are needed on the garden on Saturday, August 27 from 9 am - 12 noon. Keep checking our website for additional workdays:
October 9
Meet FBC Ministry Partners and Ministry Teams “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” John 4.35
What I Learned at Kindergarten Camp By Kim Priddy
oing back to school is hard enough, but imagine going for two weeks before everyone else does. Well…that is what 24 kindergarteners did the first couple weeks of August (along with two Bessemer teachers). This is the 3rd year that FBC has partnered with Bessemer Elementary to help in-coming kindergarteners prepare for school and it is more than reading and writing. These young people are learning to use school bathrooms, walk in the hallways, and go through the cafeteria line. The teachers always report back to me that when school begins the children who participated in camp are confident in their way around the school and with their peers – it’s a small reminder that it’s that way with our faith. It comes much more naturally to be confident in who we are in Christ when we spend time in our Bible and with Christ. As the school season begins, let it be a reminder to practice being who we are in Christ, BELOVED. September 2016 | 9
Connect with Adults
A new PrimeTime Season begins on Monday, October 3
rimeTime Bible Study (11 am | FBC 101) for the fall and spring semesters of 2016-2017 will examine all four Gospels for evidence about “What Jesus Said…” The teacher for these sessions will be Steve Pressley. Specific areas to be explored are:
•What Jesus Said about the Bible (October 3) •What Jesus Said about God (November 7) •What Jesus Said about Who He Is (December 5) •What Jesus Said about Life (February 6) •What Jesus Said about Suffering (March 6) •What Jesus Said about Resurrection (April 3) •What Jesus Said about Life after Death (May 1)
• 9 am: Ceramics, Gym • 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A • 11 am: Bible Study, 101 • 12 noon: Lunch, 108 – Cost: $6/person
Luncheon entertainment for the October 3 gathering will be an Australian Travelogue, presented by Steve Pressley. Steve and Catherine will have recently returned from a visit with their friend Fr. Paul Edward Murphy, a retired priest who continues to supply congregations in and around his hometown of Brisbane, in the northeastern state of Queensland. Steve and “Fr. Paul” first became friends when both were on sabbatical in Jerusalem in 2005. Subsequently visiting Greensboro on three occasions, Paul brought prayer and greetings at our Sunday morning worship on August 8, 2010. Make luncheon reservations and plan to attend!
Get in FRONT… Mondays, September 19 November 7 | 7- 8:30 pm
ny journey requires planning and preparation. Our journey of faith is no exception. FRONT is designed to give participants an in-depth understanding of the essentials of any faith journey: Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, and Christian Theology. Teachers include: Dr. Steve Pressley (Old Testament), Dr. Scott Culclasure (Church History), Dr. Steve Sumerel (New Testament and Christian Theology), plus several guest presenters. (Christian Theology) A $50 cost includes textbooks and other materials. Registration is required so sign up today. Contact Steve Sumerel for more information on FRONT or to sign up – | x233 or sign up online:
PrimeTime at FBC includes:
Reservation Deadline: September 29
Sign up for lunch online: or contact Marty Kellam: | x245
Thoughts on Life Compass Seminars By Dr. George Fuller
reetings my friends! It was an honor to be part of an amazing conversation with some young adults brought together by John Thornton on Sunday, August 7. It followed time with the Seekers Sunday school class unpacking Obadiah (impressive work), Steve Sumerel’s powerful sermon on the rich man and Lazarus, the introduction of two new babies, and communion. I was taken again by the amazing life of FBC. The young adults showed a deep appreciation of the challenges being faced by the “first halfers” and the “second halfers” as well as the potential of mutual support and understanding. We shared excitement for the Living Wisely series coming in October. They long to have more relationship with the elders of FBC, glean wisdom and find more of the rich community created as generations mutually support one another. One said, “I had older adults I liked to hang out with at home. I’d love to find some here.” Let’s use the two times we gather on Tuesday, September 20 to talk about our hopes and the potential of building relationships between the “first halfers” and the “second halfers”. This will help inform the Living Wisely series. I will begin by reviewing the current challenges we all share as we navigate life. You will be able to share your own experience and hopes. We will collect questions to be addressed and discussed during the Living Wisely series that starts on Wednesday, October 19. Come to one or both sessions as your schedule allows. Preparing for “Living Wisely”: A Discussion in search of a community where first halfers and second halfers are Living Wisely together – Tuesday, September 20 in room 102 Session One: 3 - 4:30 pm | Session Two: 6:30 - 8 pm
September 2016 |11
Connect with Adult Sunday School Ministry
FBC’s Builders 1 Sunday School Department By Jack Swanson This is the first in a series of articles on FBC’s Sunday School ministry.
he Builders I department has been a part of FBC Sunday School since the church moved to the present building in 1952. It was first known as Adult III. In 1978, when the adult departments were renamed, it became Adult IV. In 2011 it was given the name Builders I. In more recent years the department has consisted of the Faith Class, the Shining Light Class, and the Noah Bible Class. The average departmental attendance on Sunday mornings this year has declined from eight at the beginning of the year to four in the past two months. Some members are no longer physically able to attend, others cannot attend because they are caring for a spouse or other family member, and others do not have the physical stamina to attend both Sunday School and the morning worship service. Currently, the department members are attending the Oasis lesson in room 102. In early August, teachers Joan Ratliff and Dwight Fickling along with department director Jack Swanson met with Dr. Sumerel to discuss what action to take when the new Sunday School year begins in September. While recognizing the decline in the attendance on Sunday mornings, the teachers were very reluctant to see the classes totally abandoned. Relationships have been built up over many years of being in class together. There is active visitation and other contact with the homebound members of the classes. It was finally decided that as of September 1, Builders I department will no longer meet as a department on Sunday mornings. The class members who are able to attend Sunday School will be transferred to the Joy Class or the 2x2 Class. Persons desiring to be in a class different from these should contact Dr. Sumerel. Attendance rolls will reflect these changes. However, the current class rolls of the three classes in Builders I will be maintained in a separate format to be used by the teachers and other contact persons to keep in touch with those who are not able to attend.
Connect with the FBC Library
he FBC Library is open to everyone to check out books, DVDs, audio books, and magazines. The FBC Library is comprised of the main library including media for adults and youth, and the children’s library. Stop by – Check it out!
• The Apothecary’s Daughter by Julie Klassen • Circling the Sun by Paula McLain • The Girl in the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen • The Last Mile by David Baldacci • The Maid of Fairbourne Hall by Julie Klassen • The Painter’s Daughter by Julie Klassen • Reading Judges: A Literary and Theological Commentary by Mark Biddle • The Secret of Pembrooke Park by Julie Klassen • Webster’s New World Spanish Dictionary • The Dress Shop of Dreams by Menna van Praag • The Lake House by Kate Morton • Memory Man by David Baldacci • Wicked Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler
• Jesus Is Born • Hold onto Your Hats! • Angelina Ballerina Follows Her Dreams • The 12 Dogs of Christmas • The Family Project: A Divine Reflection • In the Dust of the Rabbi • Is the Bible Reliable: Building the Historical Case • Making Moments Matter • Longwood Gardens: The First 100 Years
12 | Connections
Photos from top: Easter Sunday, 1952 soon after the new building was completed and above, a Men’s Sunday School class in 1955.
Connect with Business
July 2016 Financial Results Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Actual Budget Receipts $918,714 $963,194 Dispursements $997,143 $1,028,230 Differential $ (78,429) $ (65,036)
Last Year $940,656 $995,388 $ (54,732)
Standing Committees Vote Sunday, September 18 The Bylaws of First Baptist Church specify that the new members of the Committee on Committees are to be elected in the month of September. We will follow the process we used the last two years, combining that called meeting with the regular monthly conference which will take place on September 18 in the Fellowship Hall following lunch. The new members of other standing committees will also be elected at this meeting. The nominees are listed below:
Christian Assistance Fund
• Kristie Ellis • Jim Plyler
Missions Committee
• Richard Beavers • Andrea Harrell • Deanna Pegram • Jeff Bennett • John Sample
Personnel Committee
• Marietta Noel • Jenny Hall
Building and Grounds
• Davis Bennett • Kevin Pegram • Chris Culbreth
Deacon Ordination Service 6 pm | Sanctuary Join us as we ordain our new incoming Deacons in a special service of blessing and prayer.
Joining Sunday | 10:30 am Worship Sanctuary
If you are involved but not yet members, you may want to consider joining FBC as part of a larger group. Meet Alan or one of the pastors on the front middle pew during the Hymn of response. We hope that a Joining Sunday provides the opportunity to make church membership a natural progression and relieve some of the pressure of finding the “perfect moment.”
Community Lunch followed by Church Conference 12 noon | Fellowship Hall No reservations are required – $6/person and $20 per family maximum. The Church Conference will follow our Community Lunch and include a Special Meeting required by our Bylaws to vote for Standing Committee Nominees (see Standing Committees Vote article on left.)
Flu Shot Clinic Sunday, October 2 |1-3 pm | 102 Flu shots will be administered by Kathy Troxler, a licensed pharmacist with Rite Aid. Flu shots (regular or high dose) will be administered, by syringe only, to people 14 years of age and older. Kathy will bill to BCBS NC, Medicare Part B, Aetna, Cigna, Humana, BCBS Federal Employee, United Healthcare, Tricare, and Coventry. The only Medicare plan she cannot bill is Medicare Advantage by BCBS NC. Any other Medicare plan will cover the high dose shot for those patients 65 and older. Cash or checks made payable to Rite Aid willl be accepted. To sign up contact Rosemary Kellam - or x225.
• Carl Lewis
A full list of those being nominated for positions will be presented on September 4.
September 2016 | 13
Connect with Youth & College Middle School Fall Retreat – September 23 - 25 | Camp Caraway Middle School youth will discover a deeper walk with God. $95/person covers food, lodging, t-shirt. Sign-up by September 13. Register now:
High School Fall Retreat – November 11 - 13 | Camp Rockmount | Black Mountain, NC High School youth will connect with God and each other during this mountaintop experience. $95/person covers food, lodging, t-shirt. Sign-up by October 27. Register now:
September College Calendar
College Ministry Team Interest Meeting
Tuesday Nights Associated Campus Ministries Building in Room 214 | FREE Dinner, 6 pm | Bible Study, 6:30 pm We are a group of believers, doubters and curious souls learning together what it means to be followers in the way of Jesus. We practice spiritual disciplines, seek social justice, ask tough questions and pursue Biblical knowledge within an authentic community.
Sunday, August 28, 6 - 7 pm | Café
• 7 (W): Fall Kick-Off @ FBC with Fried Chicken, 5-7 pm • 14, 21, 28 (W): FREE Dinner @ FBC (See details below) • 10 (Sa): The National Folk Festival - Downtown Greensboro (FREE) • 24 (Sa): Hiking at Hanging Rock State Park
Hannah Persinger | September 9 | 1006 Courtland Street, Greensboro, NC 27401 Margaret Wells | September 11 | 1634 Patrick Henry Drive #261A, Blacksburg, VA 24060 | Ryenne Blake | September 18 | 1722 Hobbs Road, Greensboro, NC 27410 Austin Worsley | September 19 | 5806 Windhurst Court, Greensboro, NC 27410-2512 Trent Philpott | September 23 | 3500 Glen Forest Court, Greensboro, NC 27410
Wednesday Night Dinner
Join with our partnering church, FBC Greensboro every Wednesday night for FREE dinner from 5:30 pm-6:15 pm in their Fellowship Hall - 1000 West Friendly Avenue You must make reservations for your meal - Due Tuesday at 12 noon: online at or 274-3286, x245
More info: CBSF Collegiate Minister, Adam Horton |
If college was a pivotal time in your life and if ministry made a difference during your time in college, join us to learn more about the team and to plan for the fall semester. Dessert will be provided!
College Birthdays
If you have a college student: Send us their birthday and contact info so that we can encourage them with emails, phone calls, cards, and special treats.
Connect with One Another September Birthdays (no FBC birthdays September 15)
1. Jake Barlow, Sarah Carter 2. Bill Cashion, Jim Clontz, James Deere, Emily Sheffield, Matthew Stall 3. Fred Binder 4. Wesley Adams, Kilee Blakely, Joyce Burch, Paula Carter 5. Roberta Hartgrove, John Thornton 6. Grey Cockerham, Robb Wells 7. Charlotte Barnes, Dale Bias, Nancy Culclasure, Marty Hill, Marshall Johnson 8. Norma Adams, Marina Cothran, Lorie Rainey, Jack Sharp 9. Hannah Persinger, Helen Stinson 10. Joshua Childs, Merrill Norris, Matthew Sumner 11. Margaret Wells 12. Barbara Brock, John Chandler, Zylpha Eagle, Richard Miller 14 | Connections
13. Ann Barnes, Blaine Bradford, Britt Isom, Marty Isom, Janice Newsom, Bill Walke, Bowen Young 14. John Raines, Jean Shore 16. Josef Fila, Perry Key, Glenda Koger, Frances Upchurch 17. Alan Bowers, Sarah Moore 18. Ryenne Blake, Kaylee Idol, Joan Ratliff, Alan Tutterow, Kim Youngdahl 19. David Canter, Kay Crawford, John Fisher, Barbara Harvell, Lorna Leigh Lanning, John Sample, Austin Worsley, Becky Yaun 20. John Hardy, Patricia Lambert, Faye Thompson, Terri Vancil, Bob Wiggins 21. Kate Austin, Tom Sears, Kim Taylor, Sara Tilly 22. Sidonna Black, Allison Donovan, Nevin Rohrbaugh, Perry Steelman, Paul Stutts
23. Sandy Cole, Hannah Lynch, Evelyn Mitchell, Chuck Peeler, Trent Philpott, Sophie Tahiri 24. Mary Adams, Bobby Alford, Chris Culbreth, David Philpott, Jimmy Wiggins, Jaret Wood 25. Dorothy Lewis, Samuel Vaughan 26. Janet Caldwell, Archie Williams 27. Kayse Burke, Mike Kalish 28. Bryce Fogleman, Earl Mitchell 29. Fairey Horton, Kaye Tutterow 30. Shari Beavers, Annie Donovan, John Markham, WK Morgan
• Loved ones of Dan McCormick, on July 17 • Ellis Vaughan in the loss of his sister and brother-in-law, Brenda and Mickey Lawson, on July 22 • Loved ones of Ann Trull, on August 2 • Loved ones of Jean Ayers, on August 9
September FBC @
•4 (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm •Adults •6 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm •All Ages •6 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm Fall Kickoff. FBC Front Lawn, 5 pm •Children •711(W): (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •Seniors • 11 (Su): Explore 1st. 12 noon, Café •Missions • 11 (Su): Deacon Ordination Service. Sanctuary, 6 pm •Weekday • 12 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm School • 13 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am Worship • • •13 (Tu): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am •Youth 14, 21, 28 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. • 108, 5:30 pm (serving begins at 5 pm) •14 (W): Missions Committee. 108-C, 5:30 pm •14, 21, 28 (W): Divorce Recovery. 218, 6:15 pm •18 (Su): Joining Sunday. 10:30 am Worship (Su): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 11:45 am •18 •19, 26 (M): FRONT. 102, 6:30 pm •20 (Tu): Silver Compassion Sessions. 102, 3-4:30 pm, 6:30-8 pm •21 (W): Building & Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm •23-25 (F-Su): Middle School Fall Retreat. Camp Caraway •27 (Tu): Friends Day Luncheon. 108, 11:30 am •27 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm •27 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm October 21-23 at Ocean Isle Beach
Women’s 3rd Annual Fall Retreat
This will be an intergenerational time for women to rest, relax, grow in spirit and have their spirits renewed. Courtney Jones Willis is returning as our retreat leader. The cost is $125/person ($75 deposit and $50 due Sept. 1). Space is limited so sign up! More information: Kim Priddy- or Laura
Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC Study - 9:15 am •Bible •Worship - 10:30 am •Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209
Sunday PM @FBC
•Youth Handbells - 4 pm, 319-D/Sanctuary •Youth Choir - 5 pm, 311 •Adult Bells - 6 pm •Youth Discipleship - 6:20 pm, 301 •Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311 Wednesdays@FBC Fellowship Meal Reservations •Reservations due Mon. 12 noon
Cancellations due Tues. 12 noon Meal reservation? Online at OR Marty Kellam – x245 or
•Kids’ Access - 6 pm •Youth Forum - 6:15 pm •Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm •Divorce Recovery - 6:15 pm •Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311 Fellowship Meals Wed: 5:30-6:15 pm (Serving begins at 5 pm)
7: Fall Kickoff – Fried Chicken 14: Pecan Encrusted Tilapia, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw | Kid: Fish Stix 21: BBQ, Whole White Potatoes, Cole Slaw | Kids: Hot Dog 28: Ham, Mac & Cheese, Fried Okra Kids: Corn Dog
Divorce Recovery
a ministry of FBC
The next group begins Wednesday, September 14
he Divorce Recovery program is for adults coping with divorce or separation and meets for 9 weeks on Wednesday nights from 6:15 - 7:45 pm. The cost is $25 and includes materials. The program draws from biblical principles of compassion and is structured with large and small group interaction, video presentations, and the book Growing Through Divorce by Jim Smoke. If you know of anyone who would benefit from the program, contact FBC: 274-3286, x288 | September 2016 | 15
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
Friends Day Luncheon to Celebrate Our Homebound Members
Join us on these FBC Day Trips:
Tuesday, September 27 | 11:30 am | Fellowship Hall
Great Smoky Mountain Train Ride to Fontana Lake
t’s time to honor our homebound members with our annual Friends Day luncheon, 11:30 am, September 27 in the Fellowship Hall! As in past years, lunch will be served by FBC ministers and staff. Homebound members and friends will share tables, lunch and conversation. A brief, inspirational program–including a special greeting from the Pastor–will follow. This year our church deacons have agreed to invite our homebound fellow members, and deacons will also be working to arrange transportation. Other members who are interested in transporting and hosting a homebound member should contact Steve Pressley | x232 - and he will assist in coordinating with a deacon. Deacons and others who are hosting should RSVP Steve Pressley at by Friday, September 23. The event is free for all homebound members, and also for those who transport them and share lunch with them. These include deacons, other church members who host, and any family members or caregivers who assist with transportation.
Thursday, October 13 | Cost: $115 adults/$95 child (2-12) includes transportation, ticket for train museum and your ticket to the Great Smoky Mountain Train Ride. Payment is due by Sept. 13.
American Music Jubilee Christmas Show Rudy Theatre in
Selma, NC | Thursday, December 8 Cost: $89/person includes transportation, paid lunch at Cracker Barrel and your ticket to the show. Payment is due by Nov. 8. Tour provider is Yadkin Tours. Sign up for trips online: or contact • Dolly Chesson: 545-7712 | • Cliff Lowery: 210-6923 | l • Monica Vaughan: 323-0335 |