Connections Newsletter - December 2015

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DECEMBER 2015 | | 336.274.3286

Carols & Communion by Candlelight Christmas Eve | 5 pm

first baptist church greensboro

Advent 2015

Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.

Magnificat by Jan Richardson | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

January Connections Deadline: December 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator / x222 Brenda Porterfield, Interim Homebound Minister / 852-0620 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions / x295 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251 John Thornton, Pastoral Resident / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections

December 2015

3 Insight

–Commitment Season

4-5 Connect with Worship

–Advent 2015 Worship Schedule –Advent Devotion Guide –Christmas Eve Worship –2nd Annual Bake-Off –Poinsettia Memorials and Honorariums –Handbell Mini-Concert and Spontaneous Nativity –NC A & T University Choir Concert & Reception –Caroling to the Homebound and Christmas Open House

6-7 Connect with Missions

–Christmas Eve Offering –New Space...Reflections on the Agape Meal –FBC Weekday School Soup Lunch –Update from Ellis and Helen Vaughan –Bell Ringers Are Needed! –December’s Special Offering: CBF Global Missions –Give Greensboro Urban Ministry Honor Cards for Christmas –Drama Presentation: “Un/Sheltered Lives” will be at FBC

8 Connect with Children

9 Connect with Adults

10 Connect with Business

–Share the Warmth this December –Sunday School Teacher Christmas Party –Special “Breakfast for Dinner” and Spontaneous Nativity –Birthday Party for Jesus –Christmas Eve Service –Weekday School News

–Grow with Us at Access! –PrimeTime –New Library Books –A Silver Compassion Holiday

–New Member –Ordained Gratitude –Directory Update –2016 Budget (Who We Are) –November Church Conference Summary –October 2015 Financial Summary

11 December Calendar Connect with One Another

12 Connect with Youth & College

–Youth Christmas Party –Winter Ski Retreat –College Birthdays

Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.

By Alan Sherouse “The sun is out today” my daughter, Della, said on the way to preschool this morning as she unzipped her “pocketbook” and pulled out some sunglasses sure to make a fashion statement to her discerning 3 yr-old peers at the FBC Weekday School. I smiled longingly. It’s good to see the sun. As I write in mid-November, we are in the thick of the fog and darkness of global violence and ethical conflict. Some of it rises from explosions in Beirut, or attacks in Paris right in the deep blue of night. Some of the darkness settles around us and shields our eyes from conflicts and concerns in the non-Western world, which are sometimes harder for us to see from our setting. We live with the thickness of our anxiety in such times, struggling to see how to keep those we love safe and sound. And in the midst of it all, we face the complexity and desperation of an ongoing refugee crisis that challenges our notions of stranger and neighbor. And as you read in early December, we are in the midst of the darkness of Advent. That’s what Advent is about, after all. Sometimes the twinkle lights and snow-balls in our neighborhoods and homes tell us otherwise, but Advent is actually about darkness. Isaiah – sometimes known to us as “the prophet of Advent” – describes the righteous reign of the coming king visiting “people who have walked in darkness.” Advent is for those who have looked up to the skies waiting for the sun, crying with the prophet, “God, why don’t you open the heaven and come down?” (Isaiah 64:1). Once again – through tradition and liturgical choreography – we symbolically enter into this darkness of Advent. But Advent is not really for those entering the darkness. Even more, it’s for those who already walk in it. It’s for grieving Parisians, mourning those lost. It’s for those whose lives have been torn in Beirut. Just as it’s for those facing extremism and oppressive violence in Nigeria, or Kenya, or Iraq, or places that sometimes falsely seem far away. Advent is the season for any of us wrestling with our own anxiety and fear, looking longingly at our children and loved ones and seeking to understand how to ensure their safety and thriving while also following in the vulnerable way of the Christ Child. And it is most assuredly the season for those who wander – those fleeing conflict in Syria, and seeking health and wholeness for themselves and those they love. They are not strangers to us, because we know what it is to say together in the middle of the night, “God, open the heavens and shine some light.” When will the night be over? It’s a question asked in the Talmud – a collection of ancient rabbinical writings recording the commentary and teachings of Jewish leaders. “How do we know,” one rabbi asks, “when the night is over and the day has arrived?” After his students make several attempts to answer, the rabbi replies, “Night is over and day arrives when you look into the face of the person beside you and you can see that he is your brother, she is your sister. That you belong to each other. That you are one. Then, and only then, will you know that night has ended and day has arrived.” Throughout the Advent season, the flickering hope persists in the night that the day will arrive and, as Isaiah hoped, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness— on them light has shined.” (9:2) As it rises, we can see one another. We can see more clearly our brothers and sisters. We can even see the holy family that approaches us once again this year – right in the middle of the deep blue of night – and asks anew, “Do you have any room?”

Commitment Season


ovember was Commitment Season at First Baptist, as we all considered our commitments of time, talent and resources to the ministry of our church. In the year ahead, we seek to be a Discerning Church actively considering what God is calling us to do and be here and now. Thanks to ALL who have completed Commitment Cards, which will help us to plan our ministries in the coming year. If you have not yet completed your Commitment Card, please find one on informational boards at church, in the church office, or complete the online Commitment Card found on our FBC homepage:

“Discernment and Dessert in the Desert” — artwork by Jan Richardson

December 2015 | 3

Connect with Worship

Songs of the Season

Advent 2015 NOVEMBER 29 | ADVENT I

The Servant’s Song Isaiah 49.1-6 DECEMBER 6 | ADVENT II

Mary’s Song Luke 1.41-55 Youth Sunday


Zechariah’s Song Luke 1.57-58, 67-79 Children’s Sunday


The Angels’ Song Luke 2.8-14

Service of Lessons and Carols with All Choirs


Carols, Candlelight, and Communion | 5 pm


Magnificat by Jan Richardson

Simeon’s Song

Advent Devotion Guide

Daily devotions for the Advent Season November 29 thru Christmas Day


e hope you have picked up your Advent Devotion guide and will join us as we read and reflect on the same daily devotions during the Season of Advent. Booklets are available in the main office while supplies last. It is our hope that this devotion guide will bring the meaning of the Advent season to your home. We will also provide these devotions through daily posts on the FBC Blog and Facebook page. You can follow the FBC Blog at by click the “Follow” link in the bottom right corner of the website. A window will pop up for you to enter your email address so you can subscribe to receive notifications of our postings. You can also “like” the First Baptist Church Greensboro Facebook page.

4 | Connections

Luke 2.25-35

Christmas Eve Worship of Carols, Candlelight & Communion Thursday, December 24 | 5:00 pm


oin us for our annual Christmas Eve worship of Carols, Communion, and Candlelight. This service is a wonderful night of worship and homecoming for our church community, friends, and family on the eve of our Savior’s birth. There will be a special offering during the service supporting two of our local ministry partners - Peacehaven Farm and Mustard Seed Community (more information on page 6). We welcome families with children and will have special activity packets available to keep them engaged during worship if needed. Optional childcare will be provided for children 3 and under.

Connect with Worship

2nd Annual Bake-Off

Wednesday, December 2 | 5 pm | Fellowship Hall


alling all bakers for our Second Annual FBC Bake-Off and Silent Auction. We need 15 bakers to bring their best cakes, cookies, brownies and bars to our Bake-Off! If you would like to participate, sign-up online at or contact Jessica Hartman at or x231. The deadline to sign-up is December 1. Come sample the desserts as part of your Wednesday night meal. Then place your bid for your favorites and if you win, the baker will make their dessert for you at a later agreed upon time. Monies raised will benefit the Christian Assistance Fund.

Poinsettia Memorials & Honorariums

North Carolina A & T University Choir Concert & Reception Sunday, December 6 | 4 pm


oin us on Sunday afternoon at 4 pm as we host the NC A & T University Choir. If you attended last year, you will recall that the Sanctuary was full and the voices were exceptional! Christmas Cookie Reception! This year we have the opportunity to show our guests warm hospitality with a Christmas Cookie Reception following the concert. We need your help! Find those favorite Christmas cookie recipes and start baking now (or pick up some at the grocery). Bring cookies to the Fellowship Hall Kitchen by Sunday morning on the 6th in disposable containers. If you will be willing to provide cookies, contact JaneAnne Hayber in the music office at or x239.

Taking orders thru December 7th


e are taking orders for poinsettias with memorial and honorarium recognition which will be placed in the sanctuary on Sunday, December 20. Poinsettias may be picked up after the Christmas Eve service on Thursday, December 24. There is no limit to how many you can order. Each poinsettia is $13. Make your check payable to FBC with “Poinsettia” in the memo line. All orders must be turned into the Music Office by Monday, December 7th. For order forms or questions, contact Jane Anne Hayber in the Music Office or x239.

Handbell Mini-Concert and Spontaneous Nativity

Wednesday, December 16 | 6:15 pm


ll are invited to witness and experience the wonder of children acting out the Christmas story in a very creative and spontaneous way. To begin the evening, the Adult Handbell Choir will provide beautiful carol arrangements as a stirring prelude to the Spontaneous Nativity presented by the children of the church at 6:30 pm. Children will gather in room 218 (across from the main library) at 6 pm to pick out their costume (angel, animal, shepherd, or wiseman), then head to the sanctuary to participate in the nativity. This is completely spontaneous and no rehearsals are needed!

Caroling to the Homebound followed by Christmas Open House Sunday, December 13 | 3 pm


oy to the world, the Lord is come! Come and share Christmas joy with our homebound members through beloved songs of the season on Sunday afternoon, December 13. We will travel to our homebound that reside in private homes, retirement communities and nursing facilities. Homebound Minister Brenda Porterfield is formulating eight routes that will be distributed to Caroling Group Leaders by Saturday, December 12. Carolers will gather at 3 pm in the Atrium to organize carpooling among each group. You may carol with your Bible Study class or we will be happy to place you in a group on Sunday afternoon. Please sign-up in Sunday morning Bible Study classes or online at You may also contact Terri Vancil at or 336-274-3286, ext. 238. After caroling, you are invited to the Sherouses’ home (204 Isabel Street, 27401 - in Fisher Park) for refreshments, cider and cocoa! Join us for fellowship as we share the wonderful stories experienced while caroling. December 2015 | 5

Connect with Missions

Christmas Eve Offering


ur 2014 Christmas Eve offering travelled 5,712 miles last year to Romania to support the ministry of Alex Ghita and Project Ruth. We were able to help Alex purchase a new used automobile so that he could better serve the four churches that he is called to minister. In Alex’s words to First Baptist about now having transportation to help with his ministry, “I praise God for His goodness towards me and because He is watching over me, my family, my ministry. I thank Him for His provisions and for His wonderful people that He used to bless me.” We also sent funds to Project Ruth, a school committed to providing education to the marginalized and disadvantaged children, especially Roma (Gypsy) families. Our Christmas Eve offering this year will not travel as far. It will go to support two of our local ministry partners, Peacehaven Farm and

Mustard Seed Community. This past year we have spent some time talking about what it means to be community and both these ministries do community well. The mission of Peacehaven is to connect people with special needs to their community through shared living and the work of a sustainable farm. This has been a space that we have been able to hold worship, a staff retreat and to volunteer. The Mustard Seed Community is new to the Cottage Grove neighborhood in Greensboro. Their ministry is to provide high quality, holistic, integrated healthcare to those in need, in an environment that dignifies and empowers the whole person. Both of these ministries exemplify what it means to be community and to care for one another the same way that Jesus Christ asked us to love our neighbor.

New Space…Reflections on the Agape Meal


Mustard Seed Community Health

Empowering Our Community with Good Health

By Kim Priddy

s many of us are well aware, the Gospels do not always feature the same stories and accounts of the life of Jesus. In fact, it’s actually quite rare. But one of the times where all four Gospels meet is when Jesus feeds the thousands with some bread and fish. Matthew and Mark say that Jesus had compassion on the people gathered to hear him, and all four Gospels agree that it was the disciples’ responsibility to feed the crowd. But nearly two millennia later, how can we relate to an age-old tale about feeding thousands of people? People were hungry then, and people are hungry now. Jesus had compassion then, and Jesus has compassion now. The responsibility fell on the disciples then, and it falls to us now. On the evening of November 1, our church undertook that responsibility. Over 20 volunteers and nearly 130 guests stepped together into a new space where hospitality is valued more than efficiency, where authentic relationships are sought, and where all can have full stomachs. We stepped into this space with an idea and a hope of what would happen, but not with total certainty. Perhaps the only things we were certain about was the fact that it fell to us to create space where people can be fed and friendships begun, and that we wanted to create such space together with neighbors from the community. Like the disciples and the Early Church so many years ago, we came together for mutual interests, seeking to follow Jesus in relationships with others. Perhaps the most poignant moment of the night came at the very end. With tables nearly cleared and most of the volunteers and guests gone, those remaining took communion together. On the evening of All Saints Day at the end of an Agape Meal, we remembered that Jesus came not to be served, but to serve, even until death. I can think of few finer ways to honor the saints who have gone before than by partaking in the Lord’s Supper, as the Early Church did at the end of their own meals together. We can’t work miracles to feed thousands of people at one time, but I think we can take an evening to work with other compassionate souls to feed a few dozen. Maybe, just maybe, that’s how Jesus continues to feed the thousands even now.

People were hungry then, and people are hungry now. Jesus had compassion then, and Jesus has compassion now. 6 | Connections

Connect with Missions

FBC Weekday School Soup Lunch

Sunday, December 13 @ 12 noon | Fellowship Hall | Benefits the Via Scholarship Fund Delicious homemade soups, cornbread, cookies, and brownies will be available after worship for a donation. All proceeds benefit our scholarship fund.

CHANGING TIMES: Via Scholarship 2015 Did you know that we spend just over $3,000 per month to fund our scholarship needs? In 2009-2010, Via Scholarships paid $650 per month – quite a change from what we do today. Currently, our scholarship supports 13 families and 18 children. Most of these children could not attend without this assistance. Every family is partially funded which means only a portion of their tuition costs are paid by the Via Scholarship. Some of our families still struggle to pay their monthly tuition, even with scholarship money. Every year, we turn down scholarship requests because of lack of funds to support every request. There is no endowment with this scholarship. Funds are raised with fundraising done by the preschool…two Consignment Sales and a Via Scholarship lunch each fall. The scholarship fund is supplemented with a monthly donation by the Christian Assistance fund and by donations from church and preschool families. Please support our Via Scholarship and help us in any way possible while you enjoy a delicious lunch.

Update from Ellis and Helen Vaughan Dear First Baptist Members:


e miss you, but are settling into our new life in Horsham. Horsham is a delightful town and the people are well mannered by anyone’s standards. We live about 4 minutes from the main walking street in a small apartment. Please thank God for getting us here. Note: Helen continues to train teachers through her work in Africa with TeachBeyond. Ellis is wearing two TeachBeyond hats. He is doing virtual training with members from around the world on raising and/or sustaining their financial support. He is also checking in with missionaries after they have been on the field about three months. Vaughan’s UK Address: Flat #3 Fivish House, 9 Denne Parade, Horsham, West Sussex, England RH12 1JD

Bell Ringers Are Needed! It is that time of year! The Red Kettles are out and bells are ringing! This is our second year serving as Red Kettle Ringers at the Friendly Shopping Center. This is a great way to serve with family, friends, or just by yourself. The money collected in the red kettles goes to support the ministry of The Salvation Army. This past year our church gave $5,000 to The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Clubs of Greensboro towards their new facility. We also have volunteers that help with the children at Hickory Trails. This is a familiar ministry partner to First Baptist and the Greensboro community. Happy Ringing!!! Online Sign-up:

December’s Special Offering: CBF Global Missions Our special offering for December is for CBF’s Global Missions emphasis, “Love God. Teach Neighbor. Be Transformed.” Through the work of field personnel and through CBF’s rural poverty initiative, Together for Hope, Cooperative Baptists are bringing renewal to God’s world with literacy ministries both in the United States and around the world. Learn more about the CBF Global Missions:

Give Greensboro Urban Ministry Holiday Honor Cards for Christmas Your minimum donation of $5 per card allows you to show your support for the community while acknowledging others during the holidays. Cards are available for purchase in the church office. Make checks payable to: Greensboro Urban Ministry.

Drama Presentation: “Un/Sheltered Lives” to be presented at First Baptist in early 2016 “Un/Sheltered Lives” is a one-act play based on the true stories of community members who have experienced homelessness and are largely invisible all around us, playfully connecting the audience with the diverse group represented on stage, the performance also illuminates the root causes of poverty and homelessness. The evening will be moving, entertaining, and inspiring.

Un/ Sheltered Lives December 2015 | 7

Connect with Children

What’s Happening this Advent... Children are invited to join us this Advent as we await the birth of Jesus Christ.

Share the Warmth this December

We are collecting items to help keep our Greensboro neighbors warm. Bring in scarves, hats, gloves, jackets (new or used), hand warmers, and blankets during the month of December! All donations will be collected in the Atrium.

Sunday School Teacher Christmas Party

December 14 (Mon) | 6 pm at the home of Dave and Shelly Worsley – 5806 Windhurst Court

SPECIAL “Breakfast for Dinner” and Spontaneous Nativity | December 16 (Wed) Pastor Alan and Christina will decorate your waffles with whipped cream and other yummy toppings of your choice! Following dinner at 6 pm, parents will take their children upstairs to room 218 (across from the main library) to pick out a costume (angel, animal, shepherd, or wiseman) and head to the Sanctuary. The “Spontaneous Nativity” will begin at 6:30 pm and will be accompanied by beautiful music and scripture readings by children. Don’t forget to bring your cameras!

Birthday Party for Jesus | December 20 (Sun) 9:15 - 10:15 am

Join us during Sunday School as we celebrate the birth of Jesus with a birthday party with breakfast food and lots of fun!

Christmas Eve Service | December 24 (Thu) | 5 pm

We hope you and your families will join us for our special Christmas Eve Service. The children are welcome in the service and an activity packet will be provided for each child to keep them engaged during worship. Optional childcare will be provided for children 3 and under.

Weekday School News



Ginny Carpenter

he holidays are such a special time in our classes! We spend time at Thanksgiving being thankful for all of God’s blessings, and one way that we show our thankfulness is by decorating boxes that we fill with goodies and give to our maintenance staff. It is such a small way to show our thanks for all that they do to keep us safe and clean. Our 4s always celebrate with their Thanksgiving feast and they make delicious soup to share with their parents after Chapel. Christmas means that we turn our excitement into anticipation of the coming of Christ. We build gingerbread houses, decorate our halls and classes, and celebrate as the 4s and 5s present their version of the Christmas Story for their parents and the FBC staff. This event always brings the true meaning of Christmas into our hearts! 8 | Connections

Connect with Adults


Grow with Us at Access! Wednesday Night Women’s Group Announces December Plans

The multi-generational women’s group that has been meeting in the Café each Wednesday during Adult Access time, will be expanding their offerings in December. Check out their schedule: Dec. 2 | Being Community: Peacehaven Farms, Joey Allaire Dec. 9 | Ornament Exchange: Bring a $5 wrapped ornament to exchange Dec. 16 | Spontaneous Nativity

Here’s a Look at Adult Access Offerings beginning January 6 “On Being Mortal” by Dr. Gawande: A Community Book Event


This book is making a tremendous impact on the ways we are viewing our humanity and the choices that are ours to make regarding how we live and how we die. The Silver Compassion team is joining Dr. Laura Lomax and others to present the issues raised in this book to our church and our community. The following schedule will give you an idea of the various ways in which we plan to “mine” the issues of this important book.

• 6th | “Frontline” PBS documentary program “On Being Mortal” will be viewed together. • 13th |Book-club type discussion of the five questions outlined in the book. Those who have read the book AND those who have seen the special will be well-equipped to discuss. • 20th | A panel discussion regarding the main points of the book. Panel participants will include a hospice worker, a physician, and a pastor. • 27th | “Being Mortal” with a twist: Collecting what we have learned on this journey through “Being Mortal” and how we may apply it to our Christian faith journey.

Bible Study: Mining the Old Testament for Resurrection Hope | Chapel


Steve Pressley will teach this study as we explore major components of the Hebrew Scriptures for evidence of a developing conviction about life after death. The study will investigate the Pentateuch (“the Law”) and the Prophets, plus the Psalms and other “wisdom literature” such as Job.

Pastor’s Roundtable Discussion | 102


In January Rev. Sherouse and Rev. Priddy will offer the opportunity to focus on sermon texts, application ideas of the texts, and so much more.

A Silver Compassion Holiday


December 7 Steve Sumerel

“Wishing You a White ISHmas”

Hear about the first Christmas from someone who was there. Sign up online for lunch: or contact Marty Kellam: | x245 PrimeTime@FBC includes: 9 am: Ceramics, Gym 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A 11 am: Bible Study on the Epistle to the Galatians taught by Steve Pressley, 101 12 pm: Lunch - Cost: $6/person

New Books in FBC Library • The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins • The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House by Kate Brower • Come Rain or Come Shine by Jan Karon • The Finisher by David Baldacci • The Keeper by David Baldacci • Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult

• The Nature of the Beast by Louise Penny • First Frost by Sarah Allen • Found by Margaret Haddix

By Dr. George Fuller

reetings FBC Family! The holiday season is full of meaning, reflection, reunion and recommitment. Let’s all listen deeply and savor the season. Silver Compassion wants to be a voice that encourages conversations and planning so we can share all of life with the people we treasure. We are offering time to sit down and look at your plans, no matter how young or not so young, you are. Adults need to plan now. The estate planning event put on by the North Carolina Baptist Foundation offers great guidance on how to pass on your resources in harmony with the legacy you are building. We can talk about the larger picture of your life, relationships and future, so that all the days you have to build a legacy will be directed by the best parts of your soul and the wisdom that utilizes all the programs, products and services available so you and your loved ones can Thrive! John 10:10 is first found in our souls and then worked out in the practicalities of living. If you would like an appointment with me, we can do that at no cost. The Silver Compassion team has set aside some time in our agreement for this. If you want to meet, call me at 919-438-1092 or contact Steve Sumerel. We will be spending some time looking together at the book, “Being Mortal” by Atul Gawande on Wednesday evenings in January. Start reading it now, if you haven’t and begin to anticipate the great benefits of becoming a community that embraces all of life, including the transition of dying, and finds, what the author calls, “better approaches, right in front of our eyes, waiting to be recognized.” We will have the eyes to see and the resources to Thrive! December 2015 | 9

Connect with Business

Ordained Gratitude


ust two years ago, I started coming to this church and was warmly welcomed. That same welcome was extended to my friends, family, and colleagues in ministry on Sunday night as we gathered for my ordination service. That evening was a culmination of many moments and events along my journey in ministry. My first pastor was present, along with my parents, brother, and grandmother, the first minister in our family. Alan preached, long-time friend Rev. William Deal led the prayer of ordination, and many members of FBC Greensboro were present to lay hands on me and affirm me in ministry. But perhaps the words that stick with me most came from Dr. Bill Leonard during his charge of ordination. “Do the gift, for God’s sake; for God’s sake!” Thanks to this church, I have had numerous opportunities to hear God’s call and sense those gifts. You have given me a place to “do the gift,” and realize my own passions and abilities to minister in the world. So I conclude with a word of genuine gratitude. Thank you for the open doors, welcoming embrace, and affirming words that I have found here. I would not be the minister, and now reverend, that I am without you, and for that, I am truly grateful. Grace and peace to you Rev. Patrick Cardwell

Directory Update


he new church directory is almost complete, but there is still time to submit your digital photo by Monday, November 30!! We want to include as many families as possible. Place your order for a printed copy of the directory or you can access it online. We did things differently this time and took photos in-house and will print in-house for spiral binding. The cost per directory is $12. Make checks payable to FBC with “Directory” in the memo. Place your order online at or email Kelly Stephens at Orders are due by December 6 and pick-up will begin on Sunday, December 13 in the Atrium.

10 | Connections

Responding to the Invitation Nama Findley

By Statement on November 15 I joined First Baptist because I was welcomed with open arms and warming hearts. It all started with a conversation with Steve Sumerel at the end of the summer when he invited me to come to church on Sunday. Since that first Sunday and up til now, I’ve met members who have been kind to me, interested in me, and have created a community of faith for me to attend. Thank you!

FBC 2016 Budget (Who We Are…)


he proposed budget was approved by the Finance Committee at their November meeting. The proposed budget will be sent to the deacons for approval at their meeting on December 7th, and then presented at the church conference on December 13th for congregational approval. Details and further budget information will be provided to the congregation between now and the 13th. This information will be made available at the church office, will be communicated via email, and will be available on the church’s website - . Questions can be directed to Finance Committee chair, Richard Wiley, or vice-chair, Charlie Adams . Pastor Alan Sherouse says, “Our budget is one of the most theological documents we publish each year.” The budget tells us where our heart is, what we value, and how we are living into the call of God here and now. How we spend is a statement of what we believe. Please mark your calendars for December 13th to hear how the budget tells the story of who we are.

November Church Conference Summary The monthly church conference took place on Sunday, November 8, in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Hazel Fisher, presided. The following motions were presented by Jennifer Hall, Deacon Chair (motions 1 & 2) and Charlie Adams, Vice Chair of Finance (motion 3), and approved by the congregation: Motion 1: On behalf of and based on the recommendation of the Pastor and Deacons, I move that an Ordination Council be called for the purpose of recommending Jason Knight to be ordained to the Gospel ministry by First Baptist Church, Greensboro, North Carolina. Motion 2: Upon the unanimous recommendation of the Ordination Council called for Patrick Cardwell, I move that he be ordained to the Gospel ministry at an ordination service to be held at First Baptist Church, Greensboro, North Carolina, on November 8, 2015. Motion 3: On behalf of the Building and Grounds Committee, Finance Committee and Deacons, I move that an amount of $2,179.84 be approved for the purchase and installation of an InSinkerator brand disposal from Eastern Food Equipment, funds to come from Account #310276, Major Maintenance/Capital Improvement.

October 2015 Financial Results

Year-To-Date Budget Receipts/Disbursements Receipts Disbursements Surplus (Deficit)

Actual 1,301,013 1,441,784 $(140,771)

Budget 1,347,879 1,469,061 $(121,182)

Last Year 1,300,568 1,507,623 $(207,055)

December @ fbc

•1 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm •1 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •2, 9, 16 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. 5:30 pm (serving begins 5 pm) •2 (W): Grace Meal Pickup/Serve. 5 pm 2 Annual Bake-Off. 108, 5 pm •24 (W): (F): Festival of Lights - Youth Bell Choirs. Downtown Greensboro, 5:30 pm • 6 (Su): Youth Parent Council Meeting. 216, 8:15 am • •6 (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 12 noon NC A&T Choir Concert. Sanctuary, 4 pm. Reception follows in Atrium. •66 (Su): • (Su): Sanctuary Choir. 7 pm PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch •77 (M): • (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •8 (Tu): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am •9 (W): Missions Committee. 108-C, 5:30 pm •10 (Th): Widows Banquet. 108, 6 pm (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •13 13 Via Scholarship Soup Lunch & Church Conference. 108, 11:45 am •13 (Su): Caroling to the Homebound & Sherouse Open House. 3 pm • 13 (Su): • (Su): Youth Choir. Sanctuary, 5 pm •13 (Su): Youth Discipleship. 6 pm •13 (Su): Adult Bells. 6 pm •13 (Su): Sanctuary Choir. 7 pm •15 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •16 (W): Building and Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm •Adults •16 (Su): Adult Bells Mini-Concert. Sanctuary, 6:15 pm •All Ages (Su): Spontaneous Nativity. Sanctuary, 6:30 pm •16 Children •19 (Sa): Lessons & Carols Dress Rehearsal. Sanctuary, 10 am • •Seniors •20 (Su): Lessons & Carols Worship. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •Weekday •20 (Su): Youth Christmas Party. 6 pm School •22 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm •Worship •24 (Sa): Christmas Eve Worship. Sanctuary, 5 pm (F) & 28 (M): FBC offices closed for Christmas. •Youth •25 •29 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm •30 (W): Grace Meal Pickup/Serve. 5 pm nd

December Birthdays

No FBC Birthdays December 5 & 27

1. Lucy King, Millie Power, Ethan Schneider, Vivian Schneider, Cynthia Stone 2. Beth Absher, Robyn Cothran, Ann Leonard, Mary Rakestraw 3. Holden Biffle, Jerri Edwards, Scott Lyle, Christina McCord 4. Todd Garcia 6. Blanche Hodge, Ryan Powell, Kathy Simmons 7. Nancy Gee 8. Dot Melton, Autumn Rainey, Ann Teague, Anthony Webb, Gayle Wiley 9. Sandra Canipe, Donald Cunningham, Jim Fogleman, Steven Key, Shaun Martin 10. Timothy Newman 11. Marietta Mobley 12. Ray Anderson, Andrea Harrell, Ginny Young

Regular Weekly Schedule • • •

Sunday AM @FBC

Bible Study - 9:15 am Worship - 10:30 am Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209


Fellowship Meal - 5-6:15 pm Reservations - due Mon. 12 pm;

Cancellations due Tues. 12 pm. Online at fellowshipmeal OR Marty Kellam -x245 or

Kids’ Access - 6 pm •Youth Forum - 6:15 pm •Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm • Rebuildling - 6:15 pm •Divorce •Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311

Fellowship Meals

Wednesdays, December 2, 9, 16 5:30-6:15 pm (Serving begins at 5 pm) 2: T heo’s Famous Fried Chicken, Potato Salad, Green Beans Kids: Chicken Leg 9: F ried Fish, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw. Kids: Fish Sticks 16: Breakfast for Dinner: Cheese Grits, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage/ Bacon, Mini Belgian Waffles. Kids: Mini Waffle with toppings bar 23 & 30: No Fellowship Meals

Connect with One Another

13. Morgan Hall 14. Sue Bias, Betsy McLean, Holly Messick, Coolidge Porterfield, McKenna Stutts, Ruth Ward 15. Tobie Pierce, Joshua Sumner 16. Raleigh Cothran, Margaret Wilson 17. Kate Stephens 18. Shirley Headspeth, Lois Hutchison 19. Emerson Culbreth 20. Patrice Justafort, Dianne Nickles, Hannah Porter 21. Clyde Collins, Erin Stephens 22. Reid Hix 23. Ted Barlow, Agnes Moore, Ann Powell, Elias Rainey 24. Mary Apple, Catherine Pressley 25. Ed Parkerson, Jeff Smith 26. Phil Barbee, Melissa Sample, Janelle Snider 28. Gladys Boroughs 29. Pam Baggett, Luke Lynch, Rick Schneider, Everett Sheffield, Warner Sherouse

30. Polly Norris, Sylvia Ledford 31. Steve Cothran, Larry Pegram, Rachel Shackleford, Wilson Vo


• Frank Irvin in the loss of his wife, Irma, on October 23 • Linda Wilson in the loss of her mother, Helen Morgan, on October 28 • Steve Sumerel in the loss of his aunt, Mary Lee Ricker, on November 7 • Hulda Arant in the loss of her sister, Caroline Wonders, on November 8 • Lorie Rainey in the loss of her grandmother, Eunice Jackson, on November 10 • Billie Reeves in the loss of her sister, Dorothy Lavonia Jackson, on November 17 December 2015 | 11

First Baptist Church Greensboro


1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401


NO. 179

Connect with Youth & College College Birthdays: Lucy King | 12/1

East Carolina University, 317 Clement Hall 1000 E. Fifth Street Greenville, NC 27858-3611

Youth Christmas Party

Robyn Cothran | 12/2

15 Hope Street, St. Augustine, FL 32084

Autumn Rainey | 12/8

Youth Ski Retreat

Sunday, December 20 6 - 8 pm

The party will be at the home of Joshua and Jacob Knight: 1712 Forest Valley Road (315-5419). More information to come.

January 29-31, 2016 Wintergreen, WV • Cost: $230/person for 2 days skiing, lodging, and meals • Deposit: $75 saves your spot! • Not a skier/snowboarder but wouldn’t mind some snowtubing? Your cost is only $145 for the weekend! • Sign-up online today: •

2209 Lannigan Drive Greensboro, NC 27406

Erin Stephens | 12/21

P.O. Box #8535, 1834 Wake Forest Road Winston-Salem, NC 27109

Elias Rainey | 12/23 2209 Lannigan Drive Greensboro, NC 27406

Susanna Trotter | 12/28

UNC, 235 McCauley Street Apt. D3, Chapel Hill, NC 27516

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