JUNE 2016 | www.fbcgso.org | 336.274.3286
Baccalaureate Sunday | June 5
first baptist church greensboro
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
…FBC’s adult summer Sunday School option
www.fbcgso.org | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
June 2016
3 Window Gazing – The View from Here
4-5 Connect with Worship July Connections Deadline: June 15 Email news to kelly@fbcgso.org or bring it to the church office. Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director kelly@fbcgso.org / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning gloria@fbcgso.org / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning steves@fbcgso.org / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director teresaa@fbcgso.org / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director ginny@fbcgso.org / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / stevec@fbcgso.org / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator jessica@fbcgso.org / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / janeanne@fbcgso.org / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director marty@fbcgso.org / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director rosemary@fbcgso.org / x225 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families christina@fbcgso.org / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator scott@fbcgso.org / x226 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor stevep@fbcgso.org / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions kim@fbcgso.org / x295 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant larry@fbcgso.org / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor pastor@fbcgso.org / x231
–Baccalaureate Sunday | Congratulations Graduates! –Summer Youth Choir/Mission Tour
6 Connect with Children
7 Connect with Missions
8 Connect with Adults
9 Connect with Business
–Spring into Summer! –Peacehaven Farm Workday –VBS –Worship in the Arts
–Opportunities to volunteer –SMOD donations needed for Rosewood –Books on missions –Volunteer at Bessemer Elementary –Habitat Build - Summer 2016
–Oasis…Summer Sunday School Option –FRONT Study - Coming this fall –Summer Bible Study
–Endowment Trust Recognition –April 2016 Financial Results –May Church Conference Summary –June Community Lunch | Church Conference
Connect with the FBC Library 10-11 Connect with One Another
–New Members –Birthdays | Bereaved | New Baby –June Calendar –Women’s Fall Retreat –“American Music Jubilee” Day Trip
12 2016 General Assembly
–Opportunities to worship, attend workshops, volunteer and celebrate here in Greensboro!
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director tstarnes@triad.rr.com / x251 John Thornton, Pastoral Resident john@fbcgso.org / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship doug@fbcgso.org / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship terri@fbcgso.org / x238 2 | Connections
Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing – The View from Here By Alan Sherouse
aybe it’s because I’m not on Pinterest, but I never knew there were so many uses for wooden pallets. Have you noticed this? Once a single-use, routinely discarded, strictly utilitarian object, the pallet is now sought-after material for furniture, signage, art and design. It’s one of the best examples of the contemporary “repurposing” trend, wherein an object is adapted for different use than originally intended. It’s hardly a new phenomenon. My grandfather’s shed full of hardware organized in mayonnaise jars was evidence aplenty that, whether from frugality or inspiration, repurposing has been going on for a while. But it seems to have become a cultural trend in recent years. The Anthropologist Raymond Malewitz has written a book about this trend of creative re-purposing in America and those he calls “rugged consumers” who, in his words, “misuse, reuse, and repurpose the objects within their social environments.” His book The Practice of Misuse begins with a rationale for repurposing, saying, “an object’s lost functionality need not mean that that object has ceased to function; it can gain a new “durability” by simply changing functions.” That sounds a little like church to me. We know that there are a lot of questions culturally about the functionality and “durability” of the institutional church. I think part of our faithfulness is in our ability to creatively re-purpose – not starting something new, but finding renewed value and possibility in things we’ve inherited. It happened recently at First Baptist Church Greensboro, as people imagined how a strip of land between two parking lots could be adapted for something different than its original intent. Originally the site of a neighborhood home, then a potential site for parking expansion, as of last month it’s home to a new garden, as we join with many others who have embraced the sustainability, community, and health that can grow through such an effort. Seedlings planted last month were grown by friends at nearby Peacehaven Farm. Through the community relationships growing through the project, that strip has also now become the site of a midweek neighborhood farmer’s market. “Oh, we can set up under that tree,” the market organizers said, pointing to the relatively nondescript tree that I had not really noticed before. It’s the same tree that for years has been the front porch view of one of our cross-street neighbors – an artist, who came over with a shovel on a recent workday and worked
alongside ministers, deacons, volunteers, youth, and even a 5-yr-old in his dungarees. “I don’t come over here enough,” our artist neighbor said, standing in the garden that was once purposed to be a parking lot. It’s nothing new, of course. Jesus worked this way. His parables took the ordinary and earthy as the material with which to envision something new. “In imagining the kingdom,” my former professor Dan Goodman used to say, “Jesus never asked people to leave their world.” In the parables, the kingdom is known while people bake bread, or travel familiar roads, or draw water from a well. You don’t have to go someplace else or build something new. In one such parable, God’s kingdom is known in something as mundane as a seed planted in the ground that eventually grows to be a great tree where all birds of the air come to nest. At First Baptist in Greensboro, in a previously unused lot sits a previously nondescript tree. All kinds of people have begun to gather under it, whose names and stories we had not known before. It’s become a symbol of our garden, but also of the work of the kingdom in and around us, and how sometimes even we are being re-purposed through the Spirit of God. In fact, the tree will probably end up as a logo for the new project. We might ask our cross-street artist neighbor to sketch it. His sketch might even end up on a new community garden sign. And I admit, we will probably build that sign out of pallets. Note: A version of this article appeared in Baptist News Global (baptistnews.com), where Alan is writing a monthly column.
June 2016 | 3
Connect with Worship
Sunday, June 5
Baccalaureate Sunday
10:30 am Senior-Led Worship Service
Graduating from College and Graduate School: Grayson Absher
Magna Cum Laude Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Economics and a Minor in Statistics Wake Forest University
Hannah Chism
Master of Arts in Christian Education New Orleans Seminary
Patrick Cardwell
Master of Divinity Wake Forest University School of Divinity
Connor H. Crews
University of Virginia School of Law, JD
Dixon C. Crews
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science North Carolina State University
Emily Crow
Cam Simmons
Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies and a Minor in Medical Anthropology University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering North Carolina State University
Courtney Frost
John Luke Sumerel
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry East Carolina University
Andrew Kennedy
Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics and Marketing Belmont University
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration North Carolina State University
Susannah Trotter
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Jason Knight
Master of Divinity Campbell Divinity School
Taylor Vancil
Master of Sacred Music Perkins Divinity School Southern Methodist University
Dr. Sara Massey
PhD, University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Think On These Things a summer youth concert tour of sacred music
Pray for our Youth Choir/Mission Tour. The tour will include concerts, a music day camp, and much more!
June 26-July 3 | Pennsylvania
• Tabernacle Baptist Church, Richmond, VA | Sunday, June 26 • Music Day Camp, Harrisburg, PA | June 27-30 • Bethesda Mission, Harrisburg, PA | June 28 • Cornwall Manor, Cornwall, PA | July 1, 7 pm 4 | Connections
• Christ Church, Philadelphia, PA | July 2 • Phillies/Royals Baseball Game, Philadelphia, PA | July 2 • 10th Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA | July 3 • Grace Cafe, Arch Street UMC, Philadelphia, PA | July 3
H i g h S c h o o l G r a d u a t e s
Gracen Blake
Taylor McDaniel
Brennan Bode
Amber Haith Grimsley High School
Northern Guilford High School
Sam Messick
Fridin Mihindou Andrews High School
Daniel Perry
High Point Christian Academy
Brad Priddy
Ryan Priddy
Joshua Reynolds
Anna Stephens
Joshua Sumner
Grimsley High School
Grimsley High School
Grimsley High School
Grimsley High School
Grimsley High School
Grimsley High School
Grimsley High School
Weaver Academy
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make
Susannah Townes Page High School
Caleb Wilson
Western Guilford High Schooll
Jaret Wood
Western Guilford High School
straight your paths. – Proverbs 3.5-6 – June 2016 | 5
Connect with Children
Spring into Summer!
Embark on a VBS Adventure That Will Light Their Way!
Sunday, June 5 | 4:30 - 6 pm
oin us on the front lawn to celebrate the coming of summer! We will have the El Azteca and Kona Ice food trucks here AND you will receive a special box of goodies to help your family grow together spiritually over the summer months. The summer children’s ministry calendar will also be revealed! You don’t want to miss this fun celebration! Can’t stay for the entire time? Just drop by…we’d love to have you! Bring a blanket or chair to get comfortable. RSVP online at www.fbcgso. org/children or contact Christina McCord christina@fbcgso.org | x241.
Peacehaven Farm Workday Saturday, June 11 | 9 am - 12 noon
oin us for a morning of working on the farm with our ministry partner, Peacehaven Farm. Peacehaven is a sustainable farm that connects people with special needs to their community. They not only grow vegetables; they also grow relationships. Learn more at www.peacehavenfarm.org. We have 10 spots for children and 10 spots for adults so sign up at www.fbcgso.org/children if you want to serve.
July 11-14 9 am – 12 noon
ear up for an over-the-top underground adventure! Ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love…love that takes us through life’s dark times. At Cave Quest Vacation Bible School, kids experience God’s Word in surprising and unforgettable ways! Each day, leaders reinforce one simple Bible truth—which makes it easy for kids to remember and apply to real life! Kids will spend each day spelunking through fieldtested activity stations with their Cave Crews. Every station is designed to reinforce the daily Bible Point in a hands-on, interactive way that keeps everyone engaged. Children who have completed 4th and 5th grades will join us for opening and closing celebrations. They will be doing mission projects on-site and in the community from 9:30-11:30 am. VBS requires many volunteers. If you are interested, contact Christina. Cost: $15 each for Child 1 & 2; $10 for Child 3. No charge for Child 4 (family maximum is $40.)
Sign-up for VBS:
Online at www.fbcgso.org/children or contact Christina McCord - christina@fbcgso.org | x241.
…engaging young artists in a life of Christian worship
July 25 - 29 | 9 am - 1 pm
Closing Concert - Friday at 1 pm | Grades 1 - 7 Worship in the Arts Camp is an energy-filled week of singing, drama, visual arts, world instruments and sacred dance taught by professionals from our city and the surrounding area. Two tracks of study are available to campers based on their 2015-16 school grade: grades 1-4 and grades 5-7. $30 registration by June 1; $40 after June 1. Register at www.fbcgso.org/ music (Children’s section) More information: Terri Vancil – terri@fbcgso.org | x238 6 | Connections
Worship Leader: Taylor Vancil Choral Director: Sarah Vancil Taylor and Sarah are happy to be coming home to NC after living in Dallas, Texas for the last two years. Taylor has finished a degree in sacred music at Perkins Divinity School at Southern Methodist University and Sarah has taught 5th6th grade students in public school. They are excited to lead our worship arts camp as we sing and explore the significance of water in God’s world today and in the Bible!
Connect with Missions
reetings! Many of us are very aware that summer is approaching…The temperatures are getting warmer, graduations are being attended, and vacations are being planned. Summer is still a time that there is much opportunity to serve those in our community and around the world. Let me encourage you to take this time to invite a friend or family member to join you in ministry. Below are listed many ways in which you may serve (try out a new ministry partnership) or invite your spouse, children, grandchildren, friend, niece, nephew, sibling, neighbor, etc. – to join you. Contact me at kim@fbcgso.org | x295 if you have any questions. Peace, Kim Priddy
You can make a difference by volunteering: • Mobile Meals – Delivered the 3 Friday of every month. To volunteer, contact Cynthia Townes - cmtownes@yahoo.com • Grace Community Dinner – Dinner is prepped and served the 1st Tuesday and Wednesday of each month. To volunteer, contact Gayle Wiley gayle@richardlwiley.com • Bessemer Kindergarten Camp – Dates will be August 8-11 and 15-18 from 9 am to 1 pm. To volunteer, contact Kim Priddy - kim@fbcgso.org • Rosewood Community – More information to come. Activities are being planned for August. • FBC Community Garden – Help will be needed watering, weeding, and gleaning during the summer. Contact Kim Priddy - kim@fbcgso.org • Habitat for Humanity Build – Volunteers will be doing siding on Saturday, July 30. To volunteer: Sign up online at www.fbcgso.org/about-missions or contact Kim - kim@fbcgso.org | x295. • YWCA Family Shelter – Help is needed with providing dinner for families with children each month. To volunteer, contact Cookie Hamilton cookie8061@aol.com rd
Books on missions make for good summer reading
ere are two book ideas to add to your summer reading list. The first is a book I read last summer and did a book study on in the fall, Friendship at the Margins by Heuertz and Pohl. This book encourages those serving and in missions to discover the mutuality in ministry…easy read but very thoughtprovoking. The second book is on my summer reading list: Our Kids, The American Dream in Crisis by Putnam. The author examines the growing inequality gap and looks at the ability for all children opportunity to achieve the American dream. Let me know what you think. –Kim Priddy
Habitat Build - Summer 2016
Mark your calendars | FBC Day – Saturday, July 30
irst Baptist will be joining other faith communities to build another Habitat house in 2016. Last year we all came together to build two houses. The opening day for the build will be Saturday, June 4. We are going to have a First Baptist Day of siding on July 30. Mark your calendars to help. Sign up online at www.fbcgso.org/ about-missions or contact Kim Priddy with questions- kim@fbcgso.org | x295.
SMOD donations needed for the Rosewood community
arents! We are collecting donations of SMOD (Standard Mode Of Dress) clothing for Middle School students in the Rosewood Community who will be required to wear SMOD clothing next year at Aycock Middle School. The dress code consists of a solid color, collared or polo-type shirt (white, black, or orange) paired with khaki, black or navy pants, shorts, skirts, or capri pants. The pants must be fitting in the waist, and skirts and shorts must be at least knee-length. If your child has outgrown or no longer needs their SMOD clothing that fits these descriptions, please bring any donations of SMOD clothing only to the FBC Youth Room. We will distribute these items at a cookout in the Rosewood neighborhood this summer.
Volunteer at Bessemer Elementary…
Proctor for the EOGs or Help with Field Day! A couple hours of your time would be a true gift to the teachers, parents and faculty of Bessemer. If you are interested in volunteering for any of these opportunities at Bessemer, please contact Kim Priddy - kim@fbcgso.org | x295. • June 1 - Reading EOG • June 2 - Math EOG • June 3 & 6 - Science EOG & Make-ups • June 9 - Field Day Upper Grades, 8:30 - 11:30 am June 2016 | 7
Connect with Adults
Opportunities to Learn and Grow BY STEVE SUMEREL
“Summertime and the living is easy.” Well, so says the song. It is my desire to make this more of a reality for our dedicated Sunday School teachers. In the desert, an oasis is a place of rest and replenishment. It is my hope that Oasis will be just that for many of our teachers. Beginning on June 12, Oasis is a combined Sunday School class which shall meet in room 102. All classes will have the opportunity to meet, have prayer, count noses and all the other tasks that define individual classes before joining Oasis at 9:30. It is my privilege to teach most of the classes and we will use the Formations material. Come for a week, a month, or the whole summer. In the desert you never see anyone passing up an opportunity to stop at an Oasis…think about it.
Pentecost teaches us that the Holy Spirit comes over us as a wind blowing across those gathered in God’s name. Meteorologists tell us that a strong wind can be the result of a weather event called a “front.” Many who have experienced the FRONT process at FBC know the feel of wind in their lives; they have come away with a fresh new spirit of excitement and curiosity in their faith journey. FRONT began in 2011 as a six month course of study designed to introduce students to four key components of our faith; Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, and Christian Theology. In 2011 and 2012, over 60 students completed these classes. FRONT was then “reinvented” as a quarterly “Continuing Education” format. We have not offered the original FRONT curriculum for several years, so this fall we shall open the FRONT doors to a new cohort of students who desire this rich experience in learning. We are, however, condensing the experience to eight sessions, each lasting one and a half hours. FRONT begins on Monday, September 19, but sign up for the classes begins now. Please let me know if you are interested in getting in FRONT – steves@fbcgso.org | x233.
Adult Access Continues This Summer
Summer Bible Study: The Parables of Jesus Dr. Pressley’s Wednesday Bible Study will continue this summer, beginning June 8 at 6 pm in the Chapel. Students will begin by asking why the Parables of Jesus are often confusing (even his first disciples had to seek explanation). Did Jesus intend it that way? After all, he said, “I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand” (Matt. 13.13 ESV). Thankfully, however, “To you [his disciples] it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 13.11). Participants will obtain a glimpse into these “secrets” as they explore various classifications of parables, including nature parables; servant, father and kingdom parables; women, money and compassion parables; and parables of feast and famine. Wednesday suppers will continue through June and July. Reservations: www.fbcgso.org/calendarevents 8 | Connections
Connect with Business Endowment Trust Recognition The Endowment Trust committee recognizes and gratefully acknowledges gifts to the W. Randall Lolley Endowment, Bowen Memorial Scholarship Endowment, and the general fund of the church from the Seth C. and Hazel M. Macon Charitable Remainder Unitrust.
May Church Conference Summary
April 2016 Financial Results
Year-To-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions
Receipts Disbursements Differential
Actual $549,204 $550,157 ($ 953)
Budget $578,797 $585,683 ($ 6,886)
Last Year $611,461 $573,973 $ 37,488
he monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday, May 15, 2016 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Hazel Fisher presided. The following motions were approved by the congregation.
Richard Wiley, Chair of the Finance Committee made the following motions: Motion 1: On behalf of the Endowment Trust Committee, the Finance Committee and the Deacons, I move that $1,000 from the Bowen Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund be awarded to this year’s Bowen Scholarship recipient. Motion 2: On behalf of the Missions Committee, the Finance Committee and the Deacons, I move that $2,000 be approved in support of this summer’s Youth Choir Mission Trip to assist in providing supplies, funds to come from the Great Commission Fund. Jack Swanson, Chair of the Bylaws Committee made the following motion: Motion: On behalf of the Bylaws Committee, and with the concurrence of the Diaconate, I move that the 12 amendments to the Bylaws of First Baptist Church that were presented to the congregation at the church conference held on April 10, 2016 be approved. Dan Kennedy, Chair of the Committee on Committees (COC) made the following motions: Motion 1: On behalf of the COC, I move the election of the following nominees: • To serve three-year terms beginning October 1, 2016 on the Diaconate: David Angel, Janet Caldwell, Laura Cashwell, Jim Clontz, Jack Foxworth, Cathy Isom, Cliff Lowery, John Markham, Jody Moore, Brenda Porterfield, Gary Upchurch, Gayle Wiley Motion 2: On behalf of the COC, I move the election of the following nominees: • To serve three-year terms beginning June 1, 2016 on the Finance Committee: Gary Cole, Tom Cornett, Brandon Harris, Monica Vaughan, Rob Young Motion 3: On behalf of the COC, I move the election of the following nominee: • To serve a two-year term beginning October 1, 2016 as Moderator: Scott Culclasure Motion 4: On behalf of the COC, I move the election of the following nominee: • To serve a five-year term beginning October 1, 2016 as Endowment Trust Trustee: Brandon Walters
Community Lunch | Church Conference – Sunday, June 12 | Following Worship Everyone is invited to enjoy lunch around the tables. A brief church conference will follow lunch to allow the membership to hear about the latest from our Deacons and committees bringing motions forward. Mark your calendar to participate in this important process of the church.
Connect with the FBC Libary New Books for Check-Out • Brush of Wings by Karen Kingsbury • The Christmas Wedding by James Patterson • Cometh the Hour by Jeffrey Archer
• A Girl’s Guide to Moving On by Debbie Macomber • Journey With Me: Redemptive Threads Woven Through the Bible by Randall Lolley
• The Reformation Study Bible R. C. Sproul, General Editor • Silver Linings by Debbie Macomber • Wish You Were Here by Elizabeth Hudson June 2016 | 9
Connect with One Another June Birthdays (No FBC Birthdays June 30)
Responding to the Invitation We are excited to welcome you to our FBC Community.
James Crowder
Matt & Parker Stall
(April 24) By Statement with Clifton
Marius Vincent
(May 1) By Letter
(May 1) By Statement
Tommy & Melanie Rodgers
Ben & Melissa Norman
(May 8) By Statement with Lily
(May 15) By Statement
with Miller, Emme, & Hank
1. Parker Curtis 2. Fran Connell, Lynne Greene, Thom Little, Charlie Patterson, Billie Reeves, Lia Smith 3. Johnny Jones, Dylan Messick, Landon Schneider, David Stephens 4. D. C. Thompson 5. Teresa Allen, Pamela Key 6. Nanci Alford, Ginny Barnes, Allen Kopp, Hilary Leonard, Rick Randleman, Kay Smith 7. Angela Perry 8. Pam Bearden, Diane Davis, Emma Donovan, Jolyn Kelley, Melissa Norman 9. Christopher Rider 10. Tyler Carter, Adam Duggins, Rick Milligan, Varnell Moore, Chuck Sample, Polly Snow 11. Phyllis Sykes 12. Dickie Payne 13. Jess Grassi, Davis Smith, Joe White 14. John Curlee, Jenny Milynn, Lindley Sample, Dot Walker, Sandy Witt 15. Ronald Allison, Jim Burch, Carolyn Case, Kathy Edwards 16. Bunny Godfrey, Chrissie Idol 17. Teresa Barber, Phillip Dunn, Lesa Vinson 18. Robert Angell, Jill Curtis, Brandon Harris, Jeff Perry, Rhonda Woodell 19. Yvonne Johnson 20. Stephen Stanley 21. Clara Bennett, Margaret Oberholtzer, Tami Payne, John Weeks 22. Dorothy Baker, John Mobley, Marilue Sheffield 23. Libby Shull 24. Lori Harris, Martha Long, Tori Vaughan 25. Charles Hartis, Katie Parrish 26. Angie Messick, Andrew Petitt, Lindsay Worsley, Gilbert Wylie 27. Benjamin Duckworth, Guy McCall, Carter Parham, Al Snider 28. Darlene Biffle, Steve Pressley, Della Sherouse, Bill Stone 29. Chartee Plyler, Audrey Thompson, Kathy Troxler
Welcome New Baby!
Clara McCants Bond Born: April 29 Parents: Trevor and Fanchon Bond
Don & Margaret White
(May 15) By Statement
with Eloise, Tripp, & Harriet 10 | Connections
Lori Wood
(May 15) By Letter
with husband David
College Birthday John Weeks | June 21
East Carolina University 2912 New Hanover Drive Greensboro, NC 27408 johnweeks0621@gmail.com
• Sara Massey in the loss of her brother-in-law, Dan Williams, on April 28 • Lauren Shriver in the loss of her grandmother, Doris Coburn, on May 4 • Loved ones of D.B. Cobb, on May 10 • Joye Brannon in the loss of her niece, Donna Tracey, on May 9 • Evelyn Polk in the loss of her brother, Gilbert Naylor, on May 9 • Stan Speckhard in the loss of his sister, Sara Louise Speckhard, on May 13
See what’s happening at FBC this…
Regular Weekly Schedule
• • •Adults • •All Ages • •Children • •Seniors • •Missions • •Weekday • School • •Worship 5:30 pm (serving begins 5 pm) •Youth 22, 29 (W): Summer Bible Study. Chapel, 6 pm •8,8, 15, • 15, 22, 29 (W): Divorce Rebuilding. 109, 6:15 pm •11 (Sa): Peacehaven Farm Workday. 9 am - 12 noon •12 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am (Su): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 11:45 am •12 14 • (Tu): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am •15 (Tu): Building & Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm •20-24 (M-F): CBF General Assembly. Sheraton Hotel, Greensboro •22-25 (W-Sa): PASSPORTkids! Camp. Lynchburg, VA - Eagle Eyrie Retreat Center • 25-July 3 (Sa-Su): Philadelphia Youth Choir Tour - High School. •28 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm •28 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm • 30-July 3 (Th-Su): Philadelphia Youth Choir Tour - Middle School. 1 (W): Grace Meal Pickup/Serve. 5 pm 4 (Sa): Senior Banquet Luncheon. 108, 12 noon 5 (Su): Baccalaureate Sunday. Sanctuary, 10:30 am 5 (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm 5 (Su): Spring into Summer! Front Lawn, 4:30 - 6 pm 6 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm 7 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm 8 (W): Missions Committee. 108-C, 5:30 pm 8, 15, 22, 29 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College.
Save the Date! October 21-23 at Ocean Isle Beach
WOMEN’S 3rd Annual FALL RETREAT This will be an intergenerational time for women to rest, relax, grow in spirit and and have their spirits renewed. Courtney Jones Willis is returning to be our retreat leader. The cost is $125/person ($75 deposit and $50 due Sept 1). Space is limited so go ahead and sign up! More information: Kim Priddykim@fbcgso.org or Laura Cashwelllauracashwell@ yahoo.com
Sunday AM @FBC
• • •
Bible Study - 9:15 am Worship - 10:30 am Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209
Youth Choir Mission Tour Rehearsal 5-6 pm, 311 (June 5, 12, and 19)
Sunday PM @FBC
Meal - 5-6 pm •Fellowship •Bible Study - 6 pm •Divorce Rebuilding - 6:15 pm •Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311
Fellowship Meals
Wednesdays: 5:30-6 pm (Serving begins at 5 pm) Reservations - due Monday at 12 pm; Cancellations due Tuesday at 12 pm. Make your reservation online at www.fbcgso.org/calendarevents OR Marty Kellam marty@fbcgso.org | x245.
1: NO MEAL 8: Chicken Portofino, Orzo Pasta, Green Beans | Kids: Chicken Tenders 15: Baked Fish, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw | Kids: Fish Sticks 22: Grilled Chicken, Carrot Soufflé, Broccoli Casserole | Kids: PB&J 29: Lasagna, Side Salad, Bread Sticks Kids: Mini Cheese Pizza
“American Music Jubilee” Summer Show Rudy Theatre Selma, NC
Thursday, July 21 | $79/person Cost includes: Transportation, paid lunch at Cracker Barrel and Show Ticket. Payment is due by June 21. Flyers are on Information Boards at church or online at fbcgso.org/trips. June 2016 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
NO. 179
Throughout our time in Greensboro we will be led in worship through the music of our General Assembly Artist-in-Residence, Singer/Songwriter Pat Terry, as well as other ensembles and musicians.
Make plans to gather with other Cooperative Baptists around sharing best practices and resources by attending Assembly workshops. There are dozens of opportunities from which to choose.
25 years ago, Christ’s love compelled a group of courageous Baptists to form the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Christ’s love continues to compel us today as we partner in renewing God’s world through global missions, forming healthy churches and nurturing young Baptists.
Assembly has activities for the entire family with age-specific programming and personalized care from trained childcare providers. Preschool, Children’s and Youth Assemblies are offered Thursday and Friday only. Childcare is available for Wednesday night activities.
There are opportunities for you to participate and volunteer. Two very specific needs for volunteers are Ushers and Childcare. • Usher: Sign-up online at bit.ly/cbf-usher • Childcare: Devita Parnell - dparnell@cbf.net or 770.220.1619
Plan to attend the General Assembly!