MAY 2016 | | 336.274.3286
Dinner on the Grounds p.12
first baptist church greensboro
Sunday, May 29
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
Trinity Sunday | May 22 | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
May 2016 3 Window Gazing – The View from Here 4 Connect with Worship
June Connections Deadline: May 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator / x226 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions / x295 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251 John Thornton, Pastoral Resident / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections
–Youth Choir Concert & Strawberry Fellowship –Psalm 100 Concert –Trinity Sunday –Memorial Day Service at the Columbarium
5 Connect with Business
–2016 1st Quarter Financial Results –April Church Conference Summary –May Community Lunch | Church Conference –Opportunities to Give Online –Information regarding Vote on Ammendments to Bylaws
6 Connect with Children –VBS –Worship in the Arts Camp –New Children’s Library Books –Family Fun Cookout –Peacehaven Farm Workday –Music & Missions Open House
7 Connect with Youth & College –Unidiversity –Important Dates for our Senior Youth –Senior Lock-in –College Birthdays –Graduation Recognition
Connect with Weekday School 8 Connect with Missions
–”Our First Fruits” –Helping One of Our Ministry Partners –Habitat Build
9 Connect with Adults
–50-Year Members Luncheon –PrimeTime –Oasis Returns…Summer Sunday School Option –New Books in FBC Library –FBC Trip –Silver Compassion Seminars
10-11 Connect with One Another –New Members –Birthdays | Bereaved –May Calendar
12 Dinner on the Grounds Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing – The View from Here BY ALAN SHEROUSE
n the midst of the recent March Madness, I came across a story about the late Dean Smith from sports journalist John Feinstein in his book, One on One. I know opinions in our church are mixed on Smith the Coach, but perhaps we can have common appreciation for Smith the Baptist. Dean Smith was a longtime member of Binkley Memorial Baptist Church in Chapel Hill. In 1981, journalist John Feinstein was profiling Smith for The Washington Post, and one of the people he interviewed was Rev. Robert Seymour, who had been Smith’s pastor at Binkley since 1958, when he first arrived in Chapel Hill. Rev. Seymour told a story about how upset Smith was upon arrival in Chapel Hill to learn that restaurants were still segregated, so he and Seymour came up with a plan: Smith would simply walk into a restaurant with a black member of the church. “You have to remember,” Reverend Seymour said, “Back then, he wasn’t Dean Smith. He was an assistant coach. Nothing more.” Smith agreed and went to a restaurant where management knew him. He and his AfricanAmerican friend sat down and they were served. And that marked the beginning of desegregation in Chapel Hill. When John Feinstein circled back to Smith and asked him to describe more about that night, Coach Smith shot an angry look. “Who told you about that?” he asked. “Reverend Seymour,” Feinstein said. “Well I wish he hadn’t done that,” the coach said. Feinstein asked, “Why? You should be proud of doing something like that.” Coach Smith leaned forward in his chair and in a very quiet voice said: “You should never be proud of doing what’s right. You should just do what’s right.” A healthy church like ours is the result of so many people, in countless unseen ways, doing what’s right and just and faithful. I think of all those who serve faithfully in the life of our church, in a committee or team or community ministry. I consider how many people give regular financial offerings to the church, many describing how for decades they have
offered a regular tithe in response to God’s gifts to them and their belief in the collective work of First Baptist. I think of those I see picking up a prayer list from their table on a Wednesday night, and taking it home to place it on a refrigerator or nightstand, and praying for their church family until they see them on Sunday. If I look closely, I notice people finding one another and supporting one another in times of need. I see members of our staff, serving quietly and faithfully through challenges in their own lives – through family illness, or loss, or stress. I think of a newer member to the church who reaches out every Monday and asks, “What can I do to help the church this week?,” and the many others who ask that question of other staff and themselves. Church is the sum of all of these, and so many other times people have done the right thing. Often it’s unseen. But sometimes we get to notice. A few weeks back, I had the opportunity to visit with mother and daughter, Gladys Boroughs and Elaine McRae. After warm conversation and plenty of laughter, our talk turned to the work of the church. Gladys shared prayers and hopes, and some memories of earlier days. Elaine referenced Gladys’ leadership through some key times, and I learned that among other things she had chaired the committee to establish “lady deacons” at our church. “It was hard. But it was important” she said. Our visit was on a Monday afternoon, and that very night was Deacons Meeting. I was in a room full of gifted women and men, serving alongside one another in mutuality. And it struck me that it was a result of people doing what was right. I give thanks for First Baptist Church Greensboro, and the countless ways that so many people are seeking to do what’s right and just and faithful. I give thanks for so many like Gladys Boroughs, whom I’m sure upon reading this article will say to me – and to us all – “You should never be proud of doing what’s right. You should just do what’s right.” May 2016 | 3
Connect with Worship
Psalm 100 in Concert Monday, May 9, 7:30 pm First Baptist Church Sanctuary
Youth Choir Concert –
“Think on These Things” presented by Youth Choir & Handbells Sunday, May 1 | 6:30 pm
Psalm 100 is a co-ed a cappella group on the campus of the UNCChapel Hill. “We believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Lord of our lives who brought us salvation by dying for our sins (Acts 5:30-32). He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, our Connection through the Holy Spirit to the perfect Father God in heaven (John 14:6). Every note we sing and every testimony we give is under His will and for His glory.” Psalm 100 includes our own Stephen Rich, senior class of ’14 as member.
All are invited to hear the Youth Choir in their year-end concert. As is our tradition, we will honor those youth who will be graduating. Invite friends, family and neighbors!
Strawberry Fellowship | Fellowship Hall Join us after the Youth Choir Concert for a time of fellowship while enjoying a variety of strawberry desserts!
Tenth Annual Columbarium Memorial Day Observance is May 29
The Trinity Sunday Hymn festival will feature the joint choirs of First Baptist Church Greensboro and Knollwood Baptist Church – 10:30 am at FBC Greensboro and 7 pm at Knollwood in Winston Salem. Leading the choirs will be Travis Alexander, Director of the University Choir at NC A & T University.
4 | Connections
t was the fourth Sunday in May, 2007, when our congregation first assembled at the new Columbarium for a pre-Sunday School observance of Memorial Day. On this, the tenth anniversary of that gathering, we will assemble on a fifth Sunday—May 29. In accord with what is now our tradition, the time for the brief service is 9 am. This leaves ample time to begin the day remembering the devotion and sacrifice of those who have served our country, and then to proceed to Sunday School classes. Bringing our Veteran’s Day Prayer this year will be veteran and Boatswain’s Mate 3rd Class (ret.) D.C. Thompson. Those attending will arrive and depart to the sound of patriotic music. Chairs will be available as needed.
Connect with Business A Note from Alan
recent Sunday morning visitor to our church, who runs a national organization on preaching and worship, spoke at length to one of our pastoral staff about the positives of his experience as a first-time guest. The energy, the integration of ages and backgrounds, the worship service, the hospitality – it all led him to say that he believes First Baptist is a truly distinct church. I believe it, too. God’s Spirit is at work in distinct ways in the life of First Baptist Church Greensboro. Less distinct are the challenges we encounter in our finances - some of our peers experience them, too. Various groups of leaders in our congregation are considering ways to encourage continued generosity in our church’s future. One such group met recently and began with the question, “Why do you give to First Baptist?” One member spoke of how his family depends on the church in their spiritual formation. Another spoke about her enthusiasm for emerging ministries. Another talked about the opportunity for collective community impact, while another spoke about how the church had supported him through challenging times over the years. How do you answer that question? As our 1st quarter report shows, our church depends on the generosity and contributions of our members. As you experience the distinct ways God’s Spirit is working in our church, we ask you to give prayerfully and purposefully in the months ahead.
Opportunities to Give Online! Mobile Giving | Get the free app from the Apple or Google store - create your account, add your debit/credit card and Give! Online Giving | The church website ( offers a safe, convenient way for you to schedule a recurring or one-time gift from your checking account or your debit/credit card. Automatic Bank Pay | Use your bank’s online billpay system. Follow the bank’s instructions to set up FBC as a new payee. Most banks do not charge a fee for this service. Their system will send a check from your account to FBC according to your instructions.
April Church Conference Summary The Church Conference took place Sunday, April 10, 2016 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Hazel Fisher presided. The following motion was presented by Jennifer Hall, Deacon Chair and approved by the congregation. Motion: On behalf of and based on the recommendation of the Pastor and Deacons, I move that an Ordination Council be called for the purpose of recommending John Thornton to be ordained to the Gospel ministry by First Baptist Church, Greensboro, North Carolina.
Community Lunch | Church Conference
Sunday, May 15 | Following Worship – Everyone is invited to enjoy lunch around the
tables. Cost is $6 per person and $20 family maximum. NO reservation is needed. A brief church conference will follow lunch to allow the membership to hear about the latest from our Deacons and committees bringing motions forward.
Vote on Amendments to the Bylaws at May Church Conference At the February Church Conference, the membership approved a committee consisting of Jill Pegram, Judyth White, Cooper Harrell, Robb Wells, and Jack Swanson to review the current Bylaws and recommend any changes that they think should be made. The committee is proposing 12 amendments to the Bylaws. Most of these changes deal with items of omission, correction of inconsistencies, and clarification of the meaning of a particular item. These changes have been presented to the Deacons and to the membership at their April meetings. Copies of the changes are available in the church office and on the website of the church. On May 15, the membership will vote at the monthly Church Conference on whether to accept these changes. May 2016 | 5
Connect with Children
Embark on a VBS Adventure That Will Light Their Way! July 11-14 9 am – 12 noon
ear up for an over-the-top underground adventure! Ground kids in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s dark times. At Cave Quest Vacation Bible School, kids experience God’s Word in surprising and unforgettable ways! Each day, leaders reinforce one simple Bible truth—which makes it easy for kids to remember and apply to real life! Kids will spend each day spelunking through fieldtested activity stations with their Cave Crews. Every station is designed to reinforce the daily Bible Point in a hands-on, interactive way that keeps everyone engaged. Children who have completed 4th and 5th grades will join us for opening and closing celebrations. They will be doing mission projects on-site and in the community from 9:30-11:30 am. VBS requires many volunteers. If you are interested, contact Christina. Cost: $15 each for Child 1 & 2; $10 for Child 3. No charge for Child 4 (family maximum is $40.)
Sign-up for VBS:
Online at or contact Christina McCord - | x241.
Family Fun Cookout
Saturday, May 14 | 4-7 pm ALL children and their families are invited to a cookout at the home of Matt and Jenny Hall (4209 Henderson Road). Matt will be smoking chicken and pork and guests are invited to bring a dish to share based on their last name (Sides: A-M & Dessert: N-Z). There will be lots of backyard fun for the kids and time for parents to hang out! RSVP online at or to Christina - | x241.
Peacehaven Farm Workday Saturday, June 11 | 9 am - 12 noon
Join us for a morning of working on the farm with our ministry partner, Peacehaven Farm. Peacehaven is a sustainable farm that connects people with special needs to their community. They not only grow vegetables; they also grow relationships. Learn more at We have 10 spots for children and 10 spots for adults so sign up at if you want to serve. 6 | Connections
…engaging young artists in a life of Christian worship
July 25 - 29 | 9 am - 1 pm Closing Concert - Friday at 1 pm Grades 1 - 7 Worship Leader: Taylor Vancil Choral Director: Sarah Vancil • Daily worship and choral experience • Small classes taught in guitar, dance, drums, drama and visual arts • $30 registration by June 1; $40 after June 1 • Expanded to include children currently in 1st grade! Register at (Children’s section). More information: Terri Vancil – | x238. Taylor and Sarah Vancil are happy to be coming home to NC after living in Dallas, Texas for the last two years. Taylor has finished a degree in sacred music at Perkins Divinity School at Southern Methodist University and Sarah has taught 5th-6th grade students in public school. They are excited to lead our worship arts camp as we sing and explore the significance of water in God’s world today and in the Bible!
Music & Missions Open House Night Wednesday, May 18 Ks/Gr1: 6:15-6:45 pm | 3s/4s: 6:45-7:15 pm
Parents are invited to come and join in the fun of Music and Missions as the children sing and share about all they have learned this year!
New Children’s Library Books • Bear Snores On • The Pout-Pout Fish • The First Day of Winter • The Pout-Pout Fish in the • Five-Minute Devotions Big-Big Dark for Children • The Snowy Day • LIttle Blue Truck • Time to Sleep • Ollie’s Valentine The Children’s Library has a wonderful collection of books and DVDs for families to check out for FREE! The library is open on Sundays and Wednesdays and weekdays! If you have any questions, contact Teresa Allen - | x229.
Connect with Youth & College
Unidiversity 2016 | “reFocus”
July 18-23 | University of Tennessee We will adjust our lens and “reFocus” on the life Jesus calls us to live. Youth will grow in their faith during an incredible week of fun learning about God with friends from churches all over the southeast. Registration is $350/person, space available. A non-refundable $75 deposit reserves your spot. Sign-up: | Unidiversity Information: - check it out!
Important Dates for our Senior Youth! • • • •
May 15 - Deadline to get senior info, pictures, videos to Steve (earlier is even better!) May 25 - RSVP for Senior Luncheon June 4 - Senior Lunch at 12 noon in Fellowship Hall June 5 - Baccalaurette Sunday, 10:30 am Worship
College Birthdays Austin Dean | May 3 Meredith College 115 Heilman, 3800 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC 27607 Emily Bennett | May 15 Wingate University | 205 North Main Street, Campus Box 1640 Wingate, NC 28174
Kelly Kennedy | May 18 College of Charleston 363 King Street, Apt. I, McConnel Charleston, SC 29401 Bryce Starnes | May 18 NC State |
Senior Lock-In
4122 Kaplan Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607
What happens at our annual Senior Lock In? Sorry! It’s a secret! I can only say that 11 Seniors made some great memories during their time at FBC and here’s proof:
Clay Young | May 20 Catawba College | Box 1066, 2300 West Innes Street Salisbury, NC 28144
Graduate Recognition Do you have a student who is graduating from College or Graduate School this year? Please send their name, school, and degree information to Gloria Koster by May 15 for inclusion in our graduate recognition edition in the June newsletter - | x288.
Connect with Weekday School
Weekday School News
By Ginny Carpenter
he Easter season seems to always bring thankful thoughts to the forefront – thankfulness for a faith that gives us hope for eternal life and thankfulness for a church that reinforces that faith. The Weekday School is so fortunate to be a part of such a loving and giving congregation. We have never reached out that we didn’t receive all that we needed and more. For that we are so grateful. God’s blessings to you all! The Weekday School extends thanks to all those responsible for the success of our spring Consignment Sale. How grateful we are to all who made this sale such a success! We are grateful to all the volunteers, including many church members who do not even have children in the Weekday School. Our scholarship funds enable us to help thirteen families – 18 children – attend our school who otherwise would not be able to do so. Praise God for this ministry! The Weekday School is working on improving our outdoor learning space and playground areas. We have had three professionals who work in landscaping and design come visit our areas and help us dream. Now we could use your help! We need potting soil, garden tools, watering cans, flowers, vegetable plants, yard art, wind chimes, and big plant containers…anything that we could use to make our outdoor areas more beautiful and provide learning stations for our children (like the refurbished birdbath to the right.) Please contact Dr. Carpenter - | 274-3286, x240. May 2016 | 7
Connect with Missions
“Our First Fruits” By Kim Priddy
e have just laid fresh seedlings into our garden but the first fruits have been bountiful. For the first three weeks of April many of our congregation members along with Westerwood neighbors and even a YMCA dad have been preparing our Community Garden for the Day of Service and the planting of seedlings. Over this time people commented on what they could already see our garden producing- read some of their observations: • A soccer dad and his kids enthusiastically came up to see what was going on. At the same time Alan stopped by on his way in for Inez’s funeral. I saw that they connected in conversation and was glad for the good timing. As I continued to dig, I thought about building a garden and having a funeral, two ‘celebrations of life’ going on at the same time at our church that morning. • All ages working together to help others and willing to do so when so much else is available on a Saturday morning!! • Without getting into the plethora of metaphors for gardening and life, I would say that looking back I realized, and understood of course, the amount of work it took just to get to the point where we were then. People come before us and do work that we don’t know of or even realize needs to be done. Then we come in and get to do our part, sometimes thinking that we are the ones that were making this project move forward and being able to make something good out of what is already there. But sometimes we don’t think about the work that had to get done before. There used to be a house there, and someone in the church saw a vision for that land and bought the house, realized that it didn’t need to be there and removed it. And then even before that God put the dirt and the grass. Was all that done so that there will be space for us to have a garden in the future? I wonder what will happen with this garden once we’ve planted it. What will it be like in 5 years? And what work will we need to do going forward into the future to help make it thrive, not just for our church but for our community, and to make it a place that God will be happy with it? • Just ordinary moments, but before we even finish shoveling the dirt into our garden boxes, it is easy to see COMMUNITY is already growing here! I give thanks for our time in the garden already; the excitement and observations of others, Westerwood neighbors involvement, and the connection to Peacehaven and other ministry partners. When you look at the garden during the month of May you will not see much in the way of tomatoes or squash yet, but know that some folks have already witnessed the fruit of our community garden. Look out for information in the days ahead on you may be involved in the caring of our garden. If you have any questions, contact or x295.
Helping one of our ministry partners… Bessemer Elementary School
s the school year comes to an end there is still some very important work to be done by the students – End of Grade Testing. Bessemer Elementary is in need of volunteers to help proctor the EOGs. A couple hours of your time would be a true gift to the teachers, parents and faculty of Bessemer. Test dates are: • June 1 - Reading EOG • June 2 - Math EOG • June 3 - Science EOG &Make-ups • June 6 - Science EOG & Make-ups And with hard work comes play time! Volunteers are needed to help with Field Day. • May 27 - Lower Grades Field Day, 8:30-11:30AM • June 9- Upper Grades Field Day, 8:30-11:30AM If you are interested in volunteering for any of these opportunities at Bessemer please contact Kim Priddy - | x295. 8 | Connections
Habitat Build Summer 2016 Mark your calendars FBC Day - Saturday, July 30
irst Baptist will be joining other faith communities to build another Habitat house in 2016. Last year we all came together to build two houses. The opening day for the build will be Saturday, June 4. We are going to have a First Baptist Day of siding on July 30. Mark your calendars to help. Contact Kim Priddy to sign up or with questions, | x295.
Connect with Adults 50-Year-Member Luncheon Is Sunday, May 1
ay Day this year will provide no colorful winding of a May Pole, but it will feature a colorful speaker—our own Tom Petty. Tom and his wife Margaret are recognized mostly through their participation in music leadership and choir. But Tom is an ordained Presbyterian minister and former missionary to France, with stories to tell and inspiration to share. Larry Lowder, another well-recognized FBC musician, will bring special piano music for the Luncheon.
Oasis Returns…Summer Sunday School Option
ow do we say thank you to our Sunday School teachers whose dedication bring quality Bible study to us each week? How do we give our teachers a time to be students? How do we give them an opportunity to get off the weekly treadmill of preparation and simply catch their breath? Oasis may be the answer to all of these questions. Oasis is an ongoing Sunday School class which meets each Sunday morning in room 102 from June 12 until August 28. It affords Sunday School teachers the opportunity to take a week, a month, or the whole summer off while their class attends Oasis. It is like a sabbatical for those who make our Bible study program a critical component of all of our church lives. Oasis will begin at 9:30 am each Sunday, allowing time for individual classes to take attendance and attend to prayer concerns before coming to room 102 for the study. We look forward to exploring scripture together during this time. Notification of class participation in Oasis is appreciated, but it is not required. Oasis can be a thoughtful summer strategy, or a short notice option. For more information, contact Steve Sumerel | x233.
PrimeTime | May 2
New Books in the FBC Main Library
“The Many Faces of Old Glory”
• A Man Called Ove by Fredrick Backman • When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
A video presentation of “how we got our flag…AND…the United States” featuring Vane Scott and the Tuscarawas Philharmonic of Ohio. This is an entertaining and informative program. Sign-up online for lunch – Meal reservation deadline: Apr. 28 – calendarevents or contact Marty Kellam: | x245
PrimeTime@FBC includes: 9 am: Ceramics, Gym; 9:30 am: Prayer
Shawl Knitting, 108-A; 11 am Bible Study on the Epistle to the Galatians taught by Steve Pressley, 101; 12 pm: Lunch - Cost: $6/person
Join us on this FBC trip:
“American Music Jubilee” Summer Show at Rudy Theatre in Selma, NC
Thursday, July 21 | $79/person Cost includes: Transportation, paid lunch at Cracker Barrel and your ticket to the show. Payment is due by June 21. Information: FBC trips flyer on info boards or online at
Silver Compassion Seminars | May 16 (Mon) | FBC 102
e are developing the Life Compass Planning Protocol together as one way of finding the wisdom we need to Thrive in life and to be fully supported at each stage of life. The classes of Silver Compassion will help so come and bring your friends with you. No reservations necessary. Contact: Steve Sumerel | x233
Session 1: Your Questions to Dr. Fuller (3 - 4:30 pm) | Silver Compassion seminars have offered much
information, and they have generated many good questions. This session is designed to give you an opportunity to ask Dr. Fuller the questions that remain unanswered. Submit questions through the Silver Compassion page on the FBC website, or to Steve Sumerel at Everyone will benefit from the discussion generated by these inquiries.
Session 2: A Full Life After the Empty Nest (6:30 - 8 pm) | In this session
we will discuss and give direction to the conversations that can rejuvenate all the relationships in a household and extended family when parenting is no longer taking-up as much space in our lives. This class is designed for those approaching the empty nest, watching it happen and those who love people going through it. May 2016 | 9
Connect with One Another
Responding to the Invitation
Daryl and Teresa Barber (April 3) By Statement
with James, Ginny and Christopher
We believe being members of FBC will give us an opportunity to grow in our relationship with God and with each other. Everyone here is friendly and welcoming so we felt at home right from the start!
Dexter Dutchover and Tiffany Mielke
Parker and Kayse Burke
with Mya and Grace
FBC is the warmest, most welcoming place we have ever attended church. We instantly felt part of the church family.
(April 10) By Statement
May Birthdays (No FBC Birthdays May 4, 29, 31)
Kate Stephens
(April 17) By Baptism
Welcome New Babies! Lydia Marie Pate Born: March 31
Parents: James & Erin Pate FBC Grandparents: Richard & Shari Beavers
Bryce Rebekah Venable Born: April 8
Parents: Stephen & Danielle Venable Grandparents: Richard & Lori Barmer FBC Great Granparents: Danny & Kathy Edwards FBC Great Great Grandparents: Cecil & Becky Livengood 10 | Connections
1. J.C. Blowe, Stephen Porter 2. Sharon Barlow, Pam Chambers, Jacy Leonard, Dawn Pegram, Allison Whittle 3. Austin Dean, Randy McDaniel, Gracie Troxler 5. Margaret Eckelmann, Zach Isom, Susan Suggs, David Wood 6. Grace Flannagan, Seth Vaughan 7. Taylor McDaniel 8. Jim Hardy, Jake McCord 9. Carolyn Jones, Bennett Wood 10. Becky Livengood 11. Brandon Hill, Meg Rudd, Laura Tutterow 12. Betty Dominick 13. Hulda Arant, Gwen Koontz, Shane McDaniel, Isabel Rollins 14. Jim Filipski, Jake Leonard, Julia Lyle, Jane Messick 15. Alison Barnes, Emily Bennett, Gerrad Biffle, Patrick Cardwell 16. Larry Barnes, Jean Canter 17. Christy Moore 18. Kelly Kennedy, Bryce Starnes 19. Connor Crews, Isabelle Eller, Sadie Eller
(April 17) By Statement with Mary Alice and Fred
20. Ted Hand, Marilyn Honeycutt, Mary Nichhols, Jennie Stewart, Clay Young 21. Shannon Childs, Gary Cole, Braden Hall, Joe McLean 22. Madelyn Biffle, Bud Hardin 23. Elle Bryson, Lane Hayes, Richard Noel, Caroline Parham, John Suggs, Carolyn Whicker 24. Ray Alexander, Susan Burnette, Trey Howerton 25. Neal Persinger 26. Wendy Stafford 27. Mack Conway, Toni Lewis 28. Clare Johnson, Clarence Stone 30. Gracen Blake, John Mathews, Ellie Rider
Bereaved • Dot Melton in the loss of her sister, Lucy Johnson, on March 15 • Loved ones of Inez Harrington, on March 23 • Dr. Jack Echerd in the loss of his brother, Bernard Echerd, on March 25 • Ed Parkerson in the loss of his sister-in-law, Jessie Parkerson, on April 5 • Mike and Paige Kalish in the loss of Mike’s mother, Audrey Kalish, on April 12
Regular Weekly Schedule
•1 (Su): 50 Year Member Lunch. 108, 12 noon Youth Choir Concert. Sanctuary, 6:30 pm •11 (Su): (Su): Strawberry Fellowship. 108, after the Youth Choir Concert •2 (M): PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch • 2, 9, 16, 23 (M): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30-11:30 am • •Adults 3 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm • •All Ages •4 (W): Grace Meal Pickup/Serve. 5 pm •Children 25 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. •4,5:3011,pm18,(serving •Seniors begins 5 pm) •Missions •4, 11, 18, 25 (W): Divorce Recovery. 218, 6:15 pm •Weekday •4, 11, 18, 25 (W): Adult Access Classes. 6:15 pm School •8 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •Worship •9 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •Youth Psalm 100 in Concert. Sanctuary, 7:30 pm •910(M): • (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •10 (Tu): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am •11 (W): Missions Committee. 108-C, 5:30 pm •14 (Sa): Family Fun Cookout. Matt & Jenny Hall’s home, 4-7 pm •15 (Su): Pentecost Sunday. Sanctuary, 10:30 am (Su): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 11:45 am •15 16 • (M): Silver Compassion Sessions. 102, 3-4:30 pm, 6:30-8 pm •18 (W): Music & Missions Open House. Ks/Gr1: 6:15-6:45 pm; 3s/4s: 6:45-7:15 pm •22 (Su): Trinity Sunday Hymn Festival | FBC. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •22 (Su): Trinity Sunday Hymn Festival | Knollwood, Winston-Salem. 7 pm •24 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm •24 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm (Su): Memorial Day Service. Columbarium, 9 am •29 •29 (Su): Dinner on the Grounds. 12 noon Save the Date!
October 21-23 at Ocean Isle Beach
Sign-Ups will open in June and there will be more information to come. Contact Kim Priddy with questions at | x295.
May 25 is the last day of Wednesday night activities before the beginning of our Summer Schedule.
Sunday AM @FBC Study - 9:15 am •Bible Worship - 10:30 am • Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209 •
Sunday PM @FBC
• •
Youth Choir Mission Tour Rehearsal - 5 pm, 311 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - 7 pm, 311 (May 8 and 15 only)
• • • • • •
Fellowship Meal - 5-6:15 pm Kids’ Access - 6 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm Divorce Recovery - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311
Fellowship Meals
Wednesdays: 5:30-6:15 pm (Serving begins at 5 pm) Reservations - due Monday at 12 pm; Cancellations due Tuesday at 12 pm. Make your reservation online at OR Marty Kellam | x245.
• 4: Theo’s Famous Fried Chicken, Peas & Pearl Onions, Squash Casserole | Kids: Chicken Leg • 11: Ham, Mac & Cheese, Stewed Apples | Kids: Corn Dog • 18: Country Style Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans Kids: Mini Burger • 25: Pecan Encrusted Tilapia, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw | Kids: Fish Stix
June 20-24 Sheraton Hotel Greensboro REGISTER NOW Reflect on 25 years of being CBF together– through worship, workshops, and celebration! May 2016 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
Sunday, May 29 Join us on the Front Lawn for a Potluck Dinner. FBC is providing meat and beverages! Bring side dishes and desserts to share. Come and bring a friend!