NOVEMBER 2015 | | 336.274.3286
first baptist church greensboro
FRONT sessions
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
November 2015 | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
3 Insight
–Commitment 2015
4-5 Connect with Worship
December Connections Deadline: November 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator / x222 Brenda Porterfield, Interim Homebound Minister / 852-0620 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions / x295 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251 John Thornton, Pastoral Resident / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections
–Advent 2015 & Devotion Guide –Requiem For The Living Worship Service –Caroling to the Homebound –Baptism Reflection
6 Connect with Children
7 Connect with Recreation
–Advent Workshop –Mom’s Group
–UPWARD Ministry –Church Basketball League
Connect with Youth –High School Fall Retreat –Community PraiseFest
8-9 Connect with Missions
–Missions Weekend Reflection –Feast of Caring –Operation Christmas Child –YWCA Family Shelter –Serving Community Dinner - Agape Style –How to Make a Difference throughout the Year –Ministry Partnership Highlight: WMU of FBC
10 Connect with Adults
–Silver Compassion –FRONT Session –PrimeTime –Library Books –ACCESS Classes –Heritage Room Display
11-12 Connect with FBC Servant Leadership –Jennifer Hall, Deacon Chair –A Reflection on Listening –Lay Leadership 2015 - 2016
13 Connect with Business
14 Connect with One Another
15 November Calendar
16 Thanksgiving at FBC Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
I think it tells us, for instance, about the embrace of our identity as a teaching and forming church, with By Alan Sherouse growing programs in ministerial formation, including our Pastoral Residency and Ministerial and Music Internships. ith a rush of excitement my 5-yr It tells us we are a proactive old son, Jack, bounded down church, open-eyed to the the stairs in our home last week increasing number of young people clutching the cash: his first gift from the in our wider community who claim Tooth Fairy. The amount shall remain no religious affiliation, and whose confidential, as I’m a bit embarrassed lives are less church-centered than to say inflation seems to have affected generations before and seeking the Tooth Fairy, too. But needless to say, ways to be proactive in spiritual for our little boy, this money (okay, it was formation with them. a bill) represented endless possibilities. It tells us of our commitment to No sooner had I congratulated Jack on be a central church in Greensboro his prize than he blurted out, “Come on! – maintaining a tremendous Let’s go buy something!” building passed down to us from As I stepped outside myself I realized faithful generations before us, and that it was left to me to be the one to maximizing that resource in service talk to Jack about financial responsibility to our community. and stewardship of our gifts – a harrowing It tells us of our commitment to prospect, as I have yet to curb my own be an excellent organization with impulse to run out and buy. Hopefully Discernment and Dessert in the Desert committed staff and pastors, who Jenny and I will have some wisdom – are skilled in specific ways, and Jan Richardson, artist and the grace of God filling in the gaps growing as a collaborative team. – to help him understand that treasure It tells us we are a growing church with growth – and heart are bound together, and that ultimately and anticipated growth – in our ministries to children, how we spend says a lot about what we value. young adults, and working families. It’s no different for a church, of course. As we It tells us we are a community church, with growing approach our annual Commitment Season – where partnerships and relationships to individuals and we affirm a budget for the coming year and consider organizations who extend the work of our church what gifts and resources we will pledge to our life widely into our local and global community. together at First Baptist – we remember that how we It tells us we are a creative church, with thoughtful spend our money is of spiritual value and eternal value and carefully planned worship that helps us to worship in the economy of God’s kingdom. God with heart, mind, soul and body. Sure, at a base level, our money keeps doors It tells us we are seeking to be a holistic church, open, lights on, and salaries paid. As just one example, with ministries of formation and care to people of all it keeps the computers running smoothly, and the ages, recognizing the ways in which our lives are knit copiers maintained, and the postage paid, and the together across generations. staff compensated for all the work that goes into the It tells us we are a discerning church, seeking to newsletter in your hand. listen to the voice of God amidst the opportunities But beyond the base level maintenance, our and challenges of our time, and believing in a hopeful budget is the most theological document we publish future. each year. It tells us where our heart is, what we value, As we enter into this Commitment Season, I hope and how we are living into the call of God here and you’ll be prayerful about what story our church is now. How we spend as a congregation is a statement telling you, and how you will commit of your gifts and of what we believe. resources to what God is doing in our midst. Whatever This year, thanks to the careful work of our Finance you commit, I hope it finds you bounding with Committee, our budget is being presented along with enthusiasm and wide-eyed with anticipation of the a narrative presentation of how it is used, recognizing endless possibilities before us. that our budget, faithfully and carefully prepared, tells a story of the work of God.
Commitment 2015
n November 1, All Saints Sunday, we will remember the commitment of the many witnesses who have gone before us and surround us now like a cloud. On November 8, 15 and 22 we will focus on our own commitments to God and to one another as a community of faith, reflecting specifically on the ways we are prepared to commit our finances, personal gifts, and time to the vision and ministry of our church in the year ahead. This year’s Commitment theme is Discerning Church, inspired by the Early Church described in the book of Acts who sought to answer the central question of discernment: What is God doing here and now? After opening to the Spirit, the church soon faced questions of growth and identity but found a way sensitive to the Spirit of God, the Word of God and the Community of Christ, to discern what was essential. This is the kind of church we seek to be. What are we committing to the ministry we share? On Sunday, November 22, we are all invited to renew our commitments to Christ and our church. Commitment Cards will arrive this month by mail and also be available at the church. I hope you will read it carefully and begin to prayerfully consider your response. This is an opportunity for each of us to reflect on our individual commitments to our community of faith. It is also an opportunity for families to consider their collective commitments, and for parents to share with their children about the ways they are called to the ministry and care of the church. We hope you will join for worship throughout the month of November and remember our Commitment Sunday on Sunday the 22nd. November 2015 | 3
Songs of the Season Advent 2015 NOVEMBER 29 | ADVENT I
The Servant’s Song Isaiah 49.1-6
Mary’s Song Luke 1.41-55
Youth Sunday North Carolina A&T State University Choir in Concert | 4 pm
Zechariah’s Song Luke 1.57-58, 67-79
Children’s Sunday Caroling to our Homebound | 3 - 5 pm
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16 Family Night at Christmas | 6:15
Spontaneous Nativity and Carol singing
The Angels’ Song Luke 2.8-14
Service of Lessons and Carols with All Choirs
Carols, Candlelight, and Communion | 5 pm
DECEMBER 27 | CHRISTMAS SUNDAY Simeon’s Song Luke 2.25-35
4 | Connections
Magnificat by Jan Richardson
“Songs of the Season” 2015 Advent Devotion Guide
Distribution of the Advent Devotion guide will begin on Sunday, November 15. This book was written by members and ministry partners of our congregation. It is our hope that this devotion guide will bring the meaning of the Advent season to your home. You are encouraged to use this guide in family devotion times, or form groups who will covenant to read these devotions together. It takes a concerted effort to keep the real focus of the season amidst the domineering cultural and commercial aspects of the holidays. Please find the time to settle and focus on the “Songs of the Season” that call us to the sacred and humble story of God’s extraordinary gift of grace.
Christmas Caroling to our Homebound Sunday, December 13, 3 - 5 pm
Save the date for an annual FBC event that means so much to FBC’s homebound members who might otherwise feel forgotten this Advent season. More information will follow in the December issue of “Connections.”
Requiem For the Living
by Dan Forrest
All Saints Sunday | November 1 10:30 am Worship
n Sunday, November 1 our congregation will remember and give thanks for those among our congregation who have died during the last year as we also celebrate the signs of new life through births and new church members. The service of remembrance and celebration will be led by Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra as they present Dan Forrest’s beautiful Requiem for the Living. A Requiem, at its core, is a prayer for rest- traditionally, for the deceased. However, the five movements of this 2013 musical work form a narrative just as much for the living, and their own struggle with pain and sorrow, as for the dead. Scriptural texts and music will guide us to face grief head-on and grapple with the sorrow that is common to all human existence as we look to Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, for our ultimate deliverance and peace. Together, we will respond to God’s great work of redemption with a resounding Sanctus - holy, holy, holy; heaven and earth are full of your glory, from the surrounding galaxies to cities teeming with the energy of humanity. And finally, we close with the image of light eternal, Lux Aeterna light, peace, and rest - for both the deceased and the living.
Baptism Reflection by Christina McCord
- - published on the FBC Blog on October 15 Follow the FBC Blog at
s the water going to be cold? Will I have time to dry my hair? What do you wear under the robe? Where do I change into my clothes? These are just a few of the many questions that raced through my 36 year old mind the weeks leading up to my baptism. You see, I was baptized as an infant and through my interview process and my time at First Baptist, I discovered that I wanted to experience Believer’s Baptism and to choose this for myself. On October 4, as I stood in the warm waters of the Baptistry, I looked out and saw my family, my parents who came into town for the special occasion, and my son, Grant, waving in excitement and pride as he witnessed his mom standing up high, front and center. There was my church family, all seated in the pews. My dear friend, Courtney, read my statement of faith and hearing the words that I wrote brought about a reaction that I couldn’t prepare for. Tears started to fill my eyes and I was overcome with emotion. I was standing before my church family and proclaiming my faith. This experience did not disappoint. It was powerful. Moving. Transformational. Symbolic. I was able to experience the same questions, emotions, anxieties and excitement that the very children that I minister to will one day experience for themselves. The week following my baptism I felt different, I felt lighter, as if the burdens that I carried before were not as heavy. Jesus does promise that, doesn’t he? His yoke is easy and his burden is light. The water was warm. I didn’t have time to dry my hair. I wore gym clothes under my robe. And I had a dressing room to change into my clothes. But most importantly, I was transformed. November 2015 | 5
Connect with Children
Advent Workshop
November 22 from 5-7 pm
s we enter the season of Advent and WAIT and PREPARE for the birth of Christ, we will help children and their families learn about the importance of this special season. We will have dinner and then move to the Children’s Wing for the Advent Workshop. There will be stations that families will rotate through. There will be several crafts and interactive prayer experiences for you and your children. It’s going to be a MEANINGFUL time to help your family prepare for the season. Childcare will be provided for infants 2 and under. The cost is $5 per person to cover food and supplies! To help us get ready for this wonderful time together, let us know the number of children and adults who are coming to our Advent Workshop at For more information, contact Christina at or x241.
Moms’ Group - Join us!
November 2, 9, 16, and 30 | 9:30-11:00 am | Room 319
(There will be no meeting Novmeber 23rd - the week of Thanksgiving)
t is never to late to join our Mom’s Group! We meet on Monday mornings each week to grow, learn and nurture each other in an inviting community. The current series for our weekly discussions is based on the book “Simply Tuesday” and we are learning how we can embrace today’s work, find contentment in the now, replace competition with connection, and learn to breathe in a breathless world. Questions about the group . . . want to know more . . . contact Christina McCord at or x241.
6 | Connections
Connect with Recreation
Upward is ALL in, are you? • Upward Evaluations - November 10 (Tu) & 12 (Th): We need several volunteers (between 6 - 8 pm) to meet, greet, size uniforms, and score the evaluation nights. • Scholarship Opportunities: An important part of the Upward ministry is providing scholarships to those who, otherwise, could not afford to participate. For $75, consider sponsoring a child for cheerleading or basketball this year. • We Need Volunteers: You are a much needed part of this ministry whether you are praying or coaching or just coming to watch the games. Your support is an integral part of Upward’s success! Let us know how YOU can make a difference in this ministry to our community for our children. Questions/Information? Contact Tommy Starnes FBC Upward/CBL Director | 274-3286, x251
Church Basketball League
very winter FBC and area churches and youth programs work together to have a Church Basketball League, known as CBL. FBC fields teams, manages schedules, and hosts games and practices for the league. This program gives Middle School and High School boys & girls a program to play basketball with their friends and compete in a community league. Games are usually on Thursday and Friday nights from December 3-18 and January 7-March 4. The games are fun to watch so make a point to come cheer on our FBC youth when they are playing (schedule TBD). PLAYERS: Team practices begin Tuesday, November 3. Depending on MS/HS team, practices times are: Tuesdays from 8:15 am - 9:30 pm & Wednesdays from 4:30 - 8:30 pm.
Connect with Youth
Community PraiseFest
November 14 | 2-5:30 pm Mt. Zion Baptist | 1301 Alamance Church Road
he FBC youth choir is participating in the Triad FCA’s (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) Community PraiseFest. It is a one-of-akind afternoon of faith, fellowship and fun. You’ll hear some of Greensboro’s top praise bands and choirs from ten different local churches. These groups will be making a joyful noise in a friendly, freestyle format. The Community PraiseFest is designed to bring people together from every walk of life, young and old, for a special night of joyful celebration and unity in Christ. It will be an incredible afternoon of celebration and praise for the entire community.
TICKETS: FBC has 150 FREE tickets or you can purchase tickets for $10 in advance and $12 at the door (if availalable). The FBC FREE tickets will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis from Doug Vancil or Dave Worsley beginning Sunday, November 1.
High School Fall Retreat November 6-8 @ Ridgecrest
e will head to Ridgecrest in the beautiful NC mountains! Our weekend Retreat leader will be former FBC Youth Intern Lyndsey Parham. Lyndsey has been involved in multiple forms of ministry since she graduated from UNCG and is excited to spend the weekend helping our youth connect with God and with each other during this mountaintop experience! Total cost: $95/person ($50 deposit reserves your spot). Don’t miss it! Nov 6: Meet at FBC at 4:30 pm Nov 8: Return to FBC Sign-up NOW -
November 2015 | 7
Connect with Missions
Missions Weekend Reflection
By Kim Priddy
ctober 10 - 11 will now and forever be one of my favorite memories at First Baptist Church. It was Missions Weekend! I jokingly shared at the Church Conference meeting and lunch that followed worship that next year we might need a whole week dedicated to missions. It was a wonderful time to learn about the work and ministry being done and to celebrate and honor our ministry partnerships. Reverend Bill Stanfield helped us to reflect on the mutual and transformative work that is taking place with our missions partners. The weekend was just not long enough to hear about our missionaries out on the field, and our newsletter was not big enough to include all our partners. This month I have included information on how to make a difference through the year, and wanted to highlight one of our longstanding ministry partners, Women’s Missionary Union of FBC (see page 9). Please keep our ministry partnerships in mind as you look for ways to get involved, and also call them to mind as you pray for all the ways FBC is involved in our community and world. The next Missions Celebration is only eleven months away.
Feast of Caring
Thursday, November 19 | 5 - 7 pm FBC Fellowship Hall
reensboro Urban Ministry’s 24th annual Feast of Caring will be held this month. The Feast of Caring is an event which invites the community to help kick-off the ministry’s annual fund-raising campaign. The gathering is noted for the beautiful pottery donated by local potters. A minimum donation of $25 or more to Greensboro Urban Ministry allows you to select either five Holiday Honor Cards or a piece of hand-made pottery. All participants are treated to freshly prepared soup and homemade bread. The event marks the introduction of the new Honor Card for the holiday season, based on original artwork by local artist William Mangum. Homelessness is a challenge for every community. The Honor Card program was begun in 1988 and is an annual campaign to raise awareness and funds to meet the needs of the homeless.
Operation Christmas Child Dedication Sunday | November 22
he real miracle is what goes beyond the shoebox! Did you know that Operation Christmas Child is about more than filling your shoeboxes with coloring books, toys, and toothbrushes? Your gifts enable Samaritan’s Purse to share the Good News of God’s greatest gift – His Son, Jesus Christ – with boys and girls who need to know how much Jesus loves them. Start packing your shoeboxes now. With each box, include $7 to pay shipping (checks payable to Samaritan’s Purse). If you do not have time to shop and would like help with a shoebox, we have volunteers who will shop for you! Just bring a check for $27 (made out to FBC with OCC in the memo). On Dedication Sunday, bring your shoeboxes to the Atrium before Sunday School and Worship and plan to join us for the dedication prayer in the Atrium immediately following Worship. Questions: Carolyn Clontz | 288-3216.
8 | Connections
YWCA Family Shelter Has Opened
he YWCA Family Shelter opened on July 1 on an “emergency” basis, to serve three families who were sleeping in their cars with young children. The number of residents in the shelter quickly grew to nine adults and 19 children. FBC has signed up to help one night a month to provide a meal. The next date is December 21. The shelter is also in need of donations: CapriSun or juice boxes, kids’ cereals, milk, orange juice, individual bags of chips, pretzels, or popcorn (for lunches), paper towels, small Styrofoam or paper bowls, 9-oz. cups, coffee cups with lids. To help, contact Nancy Davis | 674-2884 or Cookie Hamilton | 676-7213.
Connect with Missions
Serving Community Dinner…Agape Style Sunday, November 1 | 4 - 6 pm
hat does “Agape Style” mean? The goal of this dinner is to give an evening of dignity and respect to our community friends. Perhaps a time that might be more about hospitality than food, although the food promises to be good…Lee King will be providing his deliciously cooked BBQ sandwiches. If you want to be a server, table host, or do food prep, it’s not too late! Servers will bring drinks and food to the tables and table hosts will engage folks as if they were in their own home. Contact: Kim Priddy - | x295. Sign-up at
How to Make a Difference throughout the Year... Donate Furniture
• Barnabus Network: Accepts gently used items in good condition to help Partners Ending Homelessness. Website: • ReStore - Habitat for Humanity of Greensboro: Shop, Donate, and Volunteer. Website:
Donate Cars
• Wheels4Hope: Car donation program providing affordable, reliable transportation to low-wage families and referred individuals. Website:
Donate Clothing
• StepUp Ministry: Drop off gently used clothing at the church on the 2nd Sunday of each month in the Atrium • ENCORE: Gently used family clothing and shoes. Location: Golden Gate Village
Other Ways to Help
• Greensboro Urban Ministry • Link Harris Teeter VIC cards: Bessemer Elementary (2737), Hope Academy (2432), FBC Preschool (8564) • Bessemer Elementary: –Donate Box Tops –Donate to the Positive Behavior Incentive Store: Stickers, pencils, small toys, books, notebooks, dollar store items. • Hope Academy: Donate healthy snacks, water bottles for lunches, and cases of copier paper.
Ministry Partnership Highlight–
Women’s Missionary Union of First Baptist Church
he main purpose of WMU has been to educate and involve women, girls, and preschoolers in the cause of Christian missions. It accomplishes these purposes primarily through age-level organizations that study about missions, pray for missions, and seek opportunities to do missions locally and around the world. WMU at FBC is active and there are several groups you can participate in to serve and “do” missions work. • Group 2 - Meets 1st Tuesdays, 7 pm, 102 Contacts: Libby Shull - | 312-5444 or Martha Hicks - | 337-5647 • Group 3 - Meets 2nd Tuesdays, 9:30 am, 102 Contacts: Jolyn Kelley - | 852-0221 or Marie Binder - | 288-3857 • Group 4 - Meets 2nd Tuesdays, 10:30 am, Cafe Contact: Martha Robison Spangler 617-0961 • Group 5/Mobile Meals (Men and Women) - Meet 3rd Fridays, 9:30 am, Peace United Methodist Church Contacts: Cynthia Townes - | 707-4020 or Anita Philpott - | 456-7116 November 2015 | 9
Connect with Adults Silver Compassion Holiday Session:
How to Have a Family Meeting before the Crisis Hits November 1 (Sun) | 6 - 7:30 pm | Room 102
veryone is invited to attend the Silver Compassion offering before the holidays arrive! Families face the challenges of life and are often not able to stay current with one another about life and the unavoidable progressions of aging, illness, work, and the ever changing dynamics of relationships. Come learn three models for having family meetings that can help you become current with one another, make plans, and stay ready to manage the transitions of the loved ones we want to support through life and death. These conversations will infuse joy and security in your relationships while saving time and money. We all know the stories of those who wish they have been ready for what life sent their way. We can share life in rich ways by having some family meetings. One of the greatest regrets people express is putting off significant conversations until it was too late. This can help us all avoid that regret.
FRONT Sessions Meet in November “Thinking Through Paul: A Survey of His Life, Letters and Theology” by Bruce W. Longenecker and Todd D. Still is the focus of this month’s FRONT sessions. Come and be a part of this study, exploring the biography, the writings, and the theology of the man who shaped the thinking of the earliest formations of the Christian church and who continues to provide direction for the Church moving into the future. FRONT SCHEDULE:
• Nov. 2 | 5:30-7 pm, FBC 108: Chapters 1 & 2. (Synopsis of Paul’s life and Thessalonian letters.) Led by Steve Sumerel.
(Note: The time and location of this first session is different because of the Deacon meeting taking place that evening.)
• Nov. 9 | 7-8:30 pm, FBC 102: Chapters 3, 4, & 5. (Galatians and the Corinthian Letters.) Led by Scott Culclasure. • Nov. 16 | 7-8:30 pm, FBC 102: Chapters 6, 7, & 8. (Romans, Philippians, Philemon, Colossians.) Led by Robb Wells. • Nov. 23 | 7-8:30 pm, FBC 102: Chapters 9 & 10. (Ephesians and the Pastoral Letters.) Led by Steve Pressley. • Nov. 30 | 7-8:30 pm, FBC 102: Chapters 11, 12, and 13. (Various aspects of Pauline theology.) Led by Steve Sumerel.
PrimeTime November 2
New Books in the FBC Library
• Hi, Koo! A Year of Seasons by Jon Muth • How to Read a Story by Kate Messner • Ten Little Caterpillars by Bill Martin • Being Mortal by Atul Gawande • Chasing Sunsets by Karen Kingsbury • Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein • Galatians by Marion Soards • I Survived the Destruction of Pompeii, AD 79 by Lauren Tarshis • Life after Life by Jill McCorkle • The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah • One Pastor Twelve Steps by Jim Dant • Unlocked by Karen Kingsbury • Your Body Can Heal Itself • Battling Unbelief by John Piper • The Christmas Train by David Baldacci
Jill Awuni “An International Story”
n instructor of Religion, Business and Critical Thinking at Chowan University, Jill Awuni is originally from Ghana, West Africa. Accompanying her will be her student Rafael Conclaves from Sao Paolo, Brazil. Rafael came to the USA to study business and in the process also found Jesus Christ. He will share his testimony and so will Jill. You will want to be part of this inspiring program which shows that communicating effectively across cultures is the way to do God’s mission. Sign up online for lunch: or contact Marty Kellam: | x245 PrimeTime@FBC includes: • 9 am: Ceramics, Gym • 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A • 11 am: Bible Study on the Epistle to the Galatians taught by Steve Pressley, 101 • 12 noon: Lunch, 108 (Meal Cost: $6/person) 10 | Connections
Access Classes
(Wed) 6:15-7:10 pm Women’s Group Study, Café Pastor's Roundtable, 102 Friendship at the Margins Study, 108-C Bible Study – Zechariah, Chapel
New Display in FBC’s Heritage Room
special display highlighting the U. S. Navy’s USS BOXER will be exhibited in the Heritage room during the month of November. D.C. Thompson served on this aircraft carrier 1952-1953 during the Korean War. Please go by and view this exhibit of the “Forgotten War.” A cruise book will be available on the table explaining the ship’s story in words and pictures. The three-year Korean War ended by an armistice agreement in 1953. There were more than 326,000 troops deployed to the war and 139,000 casualties (dead and wounded).
Connect with FBC Servant Leaders
Getting to know Jennifer Hall 2015-16 Deacon Chair What are your goals as Deacon Chair?
What committees you have served on at FBC? • • • •
Finance Committee Endowment Committee Weekday School Board Pastoral Discernment Council (for Dr. Massey and for Alan) • High School Youth Sunday School teacher for 12 years.
How long have you been at FBC?
Matt and I joined FBC 14 years ago in 2001.
Tell us about about your family.
I have been married to Matt for 18 years and we have three children: Parker (7th grade), Morgan (5th grade) and Braden (Kindergarten).
A Reflection on Listening
I hope to see continued momentum in all of the wonderful activities we have seen in the recent past. I am particularly interested in growth in the congregation as a whole and in our population of young families; outreach to our community, a continued focus on missions both within the walls of our church and beyond, success in new programs such as the Residency program, and a continued focus on serving the needs of all of our members particularly our homebound members. I hope that we, as a congregation, never stop looking for ways to serve others as God has called us to do and I will endeavor to support our wonderful ministers and staff as well as our congregation to that end. I will maintain the focus our Deacons have always had on being a good steward of all of the gifts God has granted us. Finally, I pray that we can, as a congregation, continue to share our thoughts and opinions with each other in the respectful and loving environment that drew me and my family to First Baptist.
What is your profession? I am a CPA with KPMG.
What do you like to do to relax and have fun? What are your interests?
I enjoy watching my children play sports and perform in other extracurricular activities, sitting on the beach and combing through flea markets and antique stores.
By John Thornton
here is not a moment that better captures what I came here to do during my pastoral residence than when Alan and I visited some of our homebound members at Friends Home West. We sat in the cafeteria of the assisted living wing and spoke with Seth Macon. We greeted him and asked how he was doing. His words came out slow. Seth often paused for several seconds in between to gather his thoughts and catch his breath. He told us about his wife, Hazel, who had passed away in May. “She was an amazing woman,” he said with what felt like an eternity between each word. Though we only asked him a few questions, our visit took almost twenty minutes. In both conversation and church life, my natural disposition is to work fast. I get to the next word, the next task, the next project to be tackled. I lose track of tradition (or just ignore it outright). I often do not take the time to respect the established ways of doing things because I am often convinced that my way, my words will adequately accomplish what they need to. Sitting there with Seth, applying all of the patience I could muster to hear his every word reminded me of why I am here as a pastoral resident: to listen. To listen to the words of Seth and this congregation and listen to the words of God. They may come slower than I prefer. They may tether me to my chair in the cafeteria, but in the end God’s words like Seth’s words are good. I am grateful for the chance to serve here at First Baptist Greensboro and listen. November 2015 | 11
Connect with FBC Servant Leaders
FBC Lay Leadership Finance Committee Chair: Richard Wiley Charlie Adams Robert Angell Phil Barbee Kip Blakely Darrell Chambers Shannon Childs John Gee Ron Hooper Corie McRae Mark Messick Ann Pember Bea Kay Powers Natalie Smith David Stephens
Chair: Jennifer Hall Sharon Barlow Fred Binder Blaine Bradford Kelly Cornett Gene Cox Nancy Culclasure April Eller John Hardy, Jr. L. Cooper Harrell Phil Hix Trish Hooper Perry Key Amy Knight Glenda Koger Molly Lyle Randy McDaniel Holly Messick Mark Miller Rick Milligan Lynda Grace Moore Richard Noel Jill Pegram Tony Petitt Tom Petty Anita Philpott Stephen Porter Martha Robison-Spangler David Rowe John Suggs Jack Swanson Cynthia Townes Ben Turner Ann Webb Judyth White Anita Wilson 12 | Connections
Personnel Committee
Chair: Coolidge Porterfield Toni Lewis Thom Little Janice Newsom Angela Peeler Robb Wells
Church Clerk
Cynthia Markham
Moderator Hazel Fisher
Randy Lewis
Assistant Treasurer Jeannie Singley
Christian Assistance Fund Autumn Culbreth Sandy Frost Ginger Gooding Charles Hartis Sylvia Ledford Tami Payne
Committee on Committees
Chair: Dan Kennedy Deanna Pegram Gayle Adams Chris Carter Carolyn Clontz Kristie Ellis Jim Frost Laura Lomax Kathy Sample Robb Wells Melinda Wood Luther Yaun
Building & Grounds Chair: Jack Sharp Jeff Bennett Doug Childs Jim Clontz Joe Fila Jeannie Jones Randy McDaniel Joanna Sample Dave Worsley
Chair: Pat Wilson Alice Burch Carolyn Clontz Matt Hall Cookie Hamilton Trisha Hooper Scott Lyle Matt Messick Geneva Metzger Becky Parham Anita Philpott Tom Sears Becky Starnes Brad Wall Gina Waters
Endowment Trust Trustees Cheryl Angel Robert Angell Nancy Culclasure Mona O’Bryant Coolidge Porterfield
Senior Adult Council
Chair: Cliff Lowery Dale Caldwell Carolyn Jones Brenda Porterfield Jerry Thompson Jo Anne Thompson Shirley Thompson Monica Vaughan
Youth Parent Council
Chair: Pat Wilson Chris Carter Kristie Ellis Debbie Garner Marty Isom Clare Johnson Dan Kennedy Amy Knight Jennifer Lewis Alexis Petit Ann Webb Ginny Young
Connect with Business A Note from Alan On a recent Sunday, one of our newer active attendees approached me after worship and handed me a book. “Pastor, I woke up this morning and realized I didn’t have anything to bring as an offering,” said this man who lives paycheck to paycheck. “But I wanted to bring something. So I prayed and God reminded me of this book. It’s helped me, and I think it describes some of what I see and hear in this church.” Our friend handed me a book entitled Just Spirituality. It’s now available in our library. On the back of this quarterly financial report, you’ll be reminded of your own giving to First Baptist. We are grateful for your generosity, and that of our congregation. It’s important that we all bring something. As we conclude this year, and consider another, I hope you’ll pray and see what God places on your heart to bring. Thank you for your continued commitment, through which God is at work in our church and in the wider world helping us all to be more just.
Receipts & Distributions - 9 Months Ended Budget Receipts Budget Disbursements Net Deficit
9/30/15 Budget 9/30/14 $1,182,814 $1,226,408 $1,189,428 $1,301,675 $1,331,092 $1,337,887 $(118,861) $(104,684) $(148,459)
$1,100,000 $850,000
Net Deficit
$350,000 $100,000 $(150,000)
Sept 30, 2015
Sept 30, 2014
Community Lunch & Church Conference
Sunday, November 8 | 12 noon
Lunch - $6/person. No reservation necessary. Pay at the door.
October Church Conference Summary
he monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday, October 11, 2015 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Hazel Fisher presided. Pat Wilson, Missions Committee Chair, made the following motions which were approved by the congregation: Motion 1: On behalf of the Missions Committee, Finance Committee and Deacons, I move that an amount of $1,500 be approved to cover the participation fee for the Youth Choir to perform at PraiseFest, a local Fellowship of Christian Athlete’s fundraising event planned for Saturday, November 14, 2015, funds to come from the Great Commission Fund.
(In return for the participation fee, FBC will receive 150 tickets for attendance at this event.)
Motion 2: On behalf of the Missions Committee, Finance Committee and Deacons, I move that an amount of $3,500 be approved to help defray a portion of the expenses for Helen and Ellis Vaughan to move to London, England, as they begin their new ministry with the Teach Beyond organization, funds to come from Account #2001 – New Church Missions.
Opportunities to Give Online! Online giving
The church website offers a safe convenient way for you to schedule a recurring or one-time gift from your checking account or with your debit or credit card. Find out more - go to
Automatic Bank Pay
Another easy and effective way to give online is by using your bank’s online billpay system. Simply follow the bank’s instructions to set up First Baptist Church as a new payee. Most banks do not charge a fee for this service. Their system will send a check from your account to FBC according to your instructions. November 2015 | 13
Connect with One Another
Responding to the Invitation
Jeremy and Jacy Leonard (September 27) by Statement We welcome Jeremy and Jacy to the First Baptist community. We are excited about the wonderful gifts you bring to FBC and look forward to walking and working alongside you.
November Birthdays
1. Shirley Brown, Lucy Culbreth, CJ Tillotson, Ellis Vaughan 2. Bonnie Morrah, Jack Steelman, Ann Trull 3. Debbie Garner, Jennifer Lewis 4. Teena Hauselman, Hubert Johnson, Fred Lewis, Jason McCord, Heather Power, Helen Vaughan 5. Ed Mitchell, Mike Stone 6. Angela Peeler 7. Danny Edwards 8. Harry Kalpagian, Bobby Stutts 9. Parker Hall 10. Sara Denmark, Amber Haith, Jacob Knight, Fridin Mihindou, Dave Worsley 11. Martha Cox, Matthew Kennedy, Glorine Luper 12. Carolyn Clontz, Bob Curlee, Roxana Johnson, Evan Raines, Ginny Smith 13. Harold Messick, Declan Stephens, Trent Stockard 14. Maxine Crews, David English, Reba House, Janey Twigg
15. Doris Edmonds, Monica Vaughan 16. Ken Brannon 17. Kendall Gooding, Rebecca Little 18. Elaine McRae 19. Michaela Stutts 20. Adam Hardy, Arlene Morrison, Dillon Peeler, Betty Sessoms 21. No FBC Birthdays 22. Mitchell Lewis 23. Jack Echerd, David Newsom 24. Esther Hutcherson, Burr Hutchison, Kay Mills, Dot Rierson, Shelly Worsley 25. Megan Barlow, Hazel Fisher, Doug Vancil 26. Louise Burroughs, Connie Carter, Jake Isom, Sam Messick, Anna Woodroof 27. Jeff Bennett, Jim Greene, Anna Hartis, Jan Hensley, Barbara Russell 28. Fred Brown, Sandy Gilliland, Kelly Stephens 29. Graeme Bolton, Zach Howerton 30. Megan Kesler, Kelsey Peeler
College Birthday
Mitchell Lewis | November 22 36 Bagwell Avenue, Raleigh, NC, 27607 |
• Ken Brannon in the loss of his aunt, Mildred Robbins, on September 25 • Rashidah Cathey in the loss of her father, Wilbert Brown, on October 3 • Jim Clontz in the loss of his brother, John Clontz, on October 13 • Frank and Irma Irvin in the loss of their daughter, Dianne Irvin Sawyer, on October 17 • Geneva Metzger in the loss of her friend, Cathy Tilghman, on October 19
Stay Connected with Your FBC Family!
Ted Hand (October 4) by Baptism We welcome Ted to the First Baptist community. Ted has been among us for a while and we are excited about his decision to join us formally through baptism. We look forward to doing great things together as we minister side by side here at FBC. 14 | Connections
f you have had any changes to any contact information: phone, email, address, let us know. Send all updates and changes to Rosemary Kellam ( / 274-3286, x225. You can also update your member information via the private FBC Member website – click the “Sign In” button at the top of the website. All FBC members can create a login/password and have online access to your giving summary, church calendar, online registrations, search information, etc. Go online: “Like” our First Baptist Church Greensboro Facebook page and follow FBCGreensboro on Twitter @fbcgso.
November @FBC
There’s something for everyone to be thankful for this month! •1 (Su): Youth Parent Council Meeting. 216, 8:15 am •1 (Su): Requiem for the Living. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •1 (Su): Agape Meal. 108, 4 pm •1 (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm •1 (Su): Silver Compassion. 102, 6 pm •2 (M): PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch •2 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •2, 9, 16, 30 (M): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30-11:30 am •2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (M): FRONT. (Nov. 2: 5:30 pm, 108) (Nov. 9, 16, 23, 30: 7 pm, 102) •3 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •4, 11, 18 (W): Adult Access Classes. 6:15 pm •4, 11, 18 (W): College Dinner 5:30 pm & Bible Study 6:15 pm •4, 11, 18 (W): Divorce Recovery. 218, 6:15 pm •6-8 (F-Su): High School Fall Retreat. Ridgecrest •8 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •8 (Su): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 12 noon •8 (Su): Patrick Cardwell Ordination. Sanctuary, 5 pm •10 (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am •10 (Tu): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am •10 & 12 (Tu & Th): Upward Evaluations. Gym, 5 pm •11 (W): Missions Committee Meeting. 108-C, 6:15 pm •14 (Sa): Youth Choir at FCA Community PraiseFest. Mt. Zion Baptist Church •18 (W): Building and Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm •19 (Th): Feast of Caring. 108, 5 pm •20 (F): Happy Hearts Thanksgiving Dinner. 108, 6 pm •22 (Su): Joining Sunday. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •22 (Su): Annual Turkey Bowl. FBC Front Lawn, 1 pm •22 (Su): Upward Coaches Meeting. Cafe, 2 pm •22 (Su): Advent Workshop. 5 pm •24 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm •24 (Tu): Churchwide Thanksgiving Dinner. 108, 6 pm •26-27 (Th-F): FBC offices closed for Thanksgiving holiday. •29 (Su): College Student Breakfast. 108, 8:30 am •29 (Su): 1 Sunday of Advent. Sanctuary, 10:30 am •30 (M): Upward Practice. Gym/Cafe st
•Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth
Regular Weekly Schedule • • •
Sunday AM @FBC
Bible Study - 9:15 am Worship - 10:30 am Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209
• • • • •
Sunday PM @FBC
Youth Handbells - 4 pm, 319-D/ Sanctuary Youth Choir - 5 pm, 311 Adult Bells - 6 pm Youth Discipleship - 6:20 pm, 301 Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311
Fellowship Meal Reservations •Reservations due Mon. 12 noon
Cancellations due Tues. 12 noon Meal reservation? Online at OR Marty Kellam -- x245 or
- 6 pm •Kids’ Access Forum - 6:15 pm •Youth Access Classes - 6:15 pm •Adult Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311 •
Fellowship Meals Wednesdays, 5-6:15 pm
4: Pecan Encrusted Tilapia, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw Kids: Fish Sticks 11: Marty’s Semi-Famous Fried Chicken, Au Gratin Potatoes, Green Beans Kid: Chicken Leg 18: BBQ, Whole White Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Hushpuppies Kids: Hot Dog 24: Churchwide Thanksgiving Dinner (Standing reservations are not valid for this meal see ad on back page for more information)
There will be no Wednesday night activities on November 25. Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday!
Don’t forget:
Turn your clocks back one hour when you go to bed Saturday night, October 31. November 2015 | 15
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
NO. 179
Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind... (Psalm 107.8)
Happy Hearts Thanksgiving Dinner
Friday, November 20 | 6 pm in 108 Happy Hearts celebrates with family and group home friends for a delicious turkey dinner at FBC.
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
Tuesday, November 24 | 6 pm in 108 Enjoy a delicious traditional meal of turkey, ham, cranberry sauce, dressing, rolls, green beans, sweet potato souffle, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and beverages. Reservations ARE NEEDED! The reservation deadline is Sunday, November 22. All “standing� Wednesday night reservations are not valid for the Thanksgiving dinner. To RSVP: online at OR Marty Kellam: | x245. Childcare will be available for children 5 years and younger during the brief service that follows dinner. Please make your childcare reservations when making your dinner reservations.