Connections Newsletter - October 2015

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OCTOBER 2015 | | 336.274.3286

first baptist church greensboro

pg 12

Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.

pg 6

In the House of My Pilgrimage -Grace Bomer, artist | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

November Connections Deadline: October 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator / x222 Brenda Porterfield, Interim Homebound Minister / 852-0620 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions / x295 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251 John Thornton, Pastoral Resident / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections

3 Insight

–Brenda Porterfield named Interim Homebound Minister –Happy Hearts Recognition Sunday

4-5 Connect with Adults

–FRONT Winter Session –Access Classes –Silver Compassion Topic Session –PrimeTime –New Books in the FBC Library


with Business

6 Connect with Worship & the Arts

7 Connect with Children

–Scribes of Hope II –First Baptist Scribes of Hope –Requiem For the Living

–Moms’ Group –Children’s Ministry Fall Family Cookout –Worship Folders for Kids –PASSPORTkids! Camp Informational Meeting –3rd Grade Bible Presentation –Fall Family Festival –Wednesday Night Music & Missions for Kids –Weekday School News

8-9 Connect with Recreation –Upward

Connect with Missions

–Serving Community Dinner - Agape Style –CROP Hunger Walk –Missions Weekend! –Ministry Partnerships

10 Connect with One Another 11 October Calendar Connect with Youth & College

–High School Fall Retreat –College Dinner & Bible Study –College Birthdays

12 Fall Family Festival Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.

By Alan Sherouse


ne of the most powerful things we experience in the community of faith is the thrill of being known and called by name. Whatever else it is, church is a place where we should be known and loved amidst all of our challenges and joys, just as we are so fully known by God our Creator. The author, Frederick Buechner, describes the power of being known that he once witnessed at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. “When they first start talking at a meeting, they introduce themselves by saying, ‘I am John. I am an alcoholic,’ ‘I am Mary. I am an alcoholic,’ to which the rest of the group answers each time in unison, ‘Hi, John,’ ‘Hi, Mary.’” Buechner reflects on the power of these greetings, asking if maybe this is something of what church is meant to be. A place where we can stand and say, “I am me. I am a sinner.” “Hi, you.” Hi, every Sadie and Sal. Hi, every Tom, Dick, and Harry. It is the forgiveness of sins, of course. It is what the church is all about. (from Whistling in the Dark) It’s what we experience when someone sends a note in our time of need, or when we are called by name across a sanctuary aisle. It’s what we sense at a Wednesday night table or out on the front lawn after worship. It’s what my family felt so powerfully just last month, as our 8 month old, Warner, was dedicated in worship, called by name, and told of the God who loved us before we could ever love God. Amidst our challenges and joys, our struggles and our triumphs, church is a place where we are known. I was reminded of this recently while visiting some of our members “At Home.” Over 80 of those who have loved and cared for our community of faith now

Brenda Porterfield named Interim Homebound Minister


e are grateful for

Brenda Porterfield, whom the Personnel Committee has engaged to direct our Homebound Ministry through the end of the year. Brenda has served in this capacity before and brings many gifts of hospitality and care to this important role. As Brenda serves through the end of the year, Personnel is working with our Pastoral Staff and Senior Adult Council to plan for continued growth and faithfulness in our Homebound Ministry in the year ahead.

live in situations where they are not able to be present each week. John Thornton, our Pastoral Resident, and I were in the Healthcare Homes of Pennybrn recently, and among those we visited was Mrs. Vivian Rallings – a First Baptist member for nearly 50 years. In former years Vivian and her late husband, Bud, were present “any time the doors were open,” as Vivian was active in WMU, Education Ministries, Missions, and in faithful attendance of the Love Sunday School Class. Now living at Pennybyrn, Vivian has experienced health challenges, and no doubt has felt distance from the church to which her life has been so closely tied. As John and I entered her room, I felt thankful for the many ways First Baptist has worked to ensure ministry to our At Home members. I thought about the faithful ministry of our outgoing Homebound Minister, Kate Kichen, who recently took her talents Seaside. I thought about Dale Caldwell and the many loaves of bread baked and given lovingly through the years. And I gave thanks for Brenda Porterfield, a faithful church member and leader, who is serving with us through the end of the year to direct our Homebound Ministry as we plan for its continued growth in the future. John and I entered Vivian’s room carefully. “Hi, Vivian,” we said. She was in her bed, with a blanket pulled to her shoulders. Her son Mark was with her. I had been told Vivian would know our church, but might not remember details, names, or precisely who I was, so we spoke quietly and generally. But then Vivian turned to her son and said, “He has a new baby. He’s named ‘Warner,’ right?” And I remembered again what church can mean, as Vivian joined her voice with all of those who just weeks earlier had dedicated my baby to God and to this community of faith. Whatever else it is, church is a place where all of us – from the new baby to the weary saint – are known by name.

Happy Hearts Recognition Sunday | October 25 By Steve Sumerel


hat’s just the tip of the iceberg. How many times have we heard that old, over-used cliché to describe something which is more than it seems? So, I admit that I cringe a bit in saying that our Happy Hearts (HH) ministry that is visible during the morning worship service is just the tip of the iceberg. Under the surface there is a Sunday School class whose numbers often reach 40 or more. And even if you saw the packed class during the Bible study hour, you would still be seeing only the tip of the iceberg of the total ministry that takes place through the selfless work of the HH Ministry team. Through pastoral ministry, retreats, and one-on-one relationship, the work of the HH team goes largely unnoticed. During the worship service on October 25 everyone is invited to experience a fuller view of the Happy Hearts ministry. The class will lead in worship through music, song, and prayers. But, mostly they will lead us through the contagious joy of their faith. All are invited to see why “Happy Hearts” is not simply the name of a Sunday School class…it’s a proclamation of faithful lives; and that is just the tip of the iceberg. October 2015 | 3

Connect with Adults

Growing in Christ @ FBC

FRONT Winter Session

Paul: A Survey of His Life, Letters, and Theology By Steve Sumerel


hat is FRONT? FRONT is the program which provides continuing education in biblical studies, church history and theology for those called to provide Bible study leadership in our congregation. However, FRONT is also a continuing study for anyone who is hungry to dig deeper into the fabric of our biblical heritage. Everyone is encouraged to take advantage of the study. The following are questions people might have about FRONT. • Do you have to agree to teach Sunday School if you come to FRONT? Not at all. It is true that FRONT will help prepare a person to teach, and many people have utilized FRONT as a means to discern their calling to teach. However, FRONT is more about exploration, than expectation. FRONT opens the door to biblical studies, church history and theology; this invites selfexamination and growth. Outcomes are between the participant and God. • When is the next FRONT session? FRONT will resume in November. Sessions are scheduled each Monday evening of November from 7 to 8:30 pm in room 102. • What is the topic for the November study? Dr. Todd Still, who has led us many times in our Winter Bible Study series, has co-written a new book called, Thinking Through Paul. It is a thorough survey on the life, letters and theology of Paul. This text will be the primary source of our study. • Do I have to buy a book? No. For those who want to study Paul more in depth, reading the chapters to be discussed during the session is certainly preferred and owning your own book would certainly facilitate that process. However, the teachers will conduct the classes in such a way that reading the text ahead of time is not necessary for a good learning experience. Also, be aware that the church library has two copies of the text for check out. If you wish to order a book, you must let us know by October 21. The cost of the book is $30. • Do I have to register to come? No. However, it is helpful for us to know how many people to expect, so registration is appreciated, but not required. • But I still have other questions. Not a problem… Dr. Sumerel is available to answer all your questions about the FRONT program. You may contact him: | x233. 4 | Connections

Access Classes Wednesdays, 6:15-7:10 pm }Women’s Group Study Join the discussion of

hot topic issues of being a woman. Open to women of all ages which brings intergenerational dialogue to the conversation. Café.

}Pastor's Roundtable

This “roundtable” will involve reflection on the scripture text from the previous week’s sermon, with deeper study of the passage and conversation about its message and significance. At times, the Roundtable might also focus on a topic relevant to our church and community. 102.

}Friendship at the Margins Book Study Our completeness in Christ is found in the interchange made possible in heart-to-heart relationships with people made in the image of God. Come explore how to navigate these new relationships. 108-C.

}Bible Study - Zechariah

Chapter-by-chapter examination of the Prophecy of Zechariah, known as “the prophet of the long vision.” The prophecy was penned around 520 B.C. Chapel.

Connect with Adults October 5

Ed Morrah

“Timber Framing & Barn Restoration” Sign up online for lunch: or contact Marty Kellam: | x245 PrimeTime@FBC includes: 9 am: Ceramics, Gym 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A 11 am: Bible Study on the Epistle to the Galatians taught by Steve Pressley, 101 12 noon: Lunch, 108 (Meal Cost: $6/person)

New books in the FBC library

• Cinder by Marissa Meyer • Cress by Marissa Meyer • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth by Jeff Kinney • Just Spirituality by Mae Cannon • My Dream of Heaven: Intra Muros by Rebecca Springer • Promises of Change by Joan Medlicott

Silver Compassion Topic Session

Housing Options When the Transitions Come: Aging, Illness, and Stage of Life October 12 (Mon) | 6:30 - 8 pm | Room 102 Your Silver Compassion Invitation By Dr. George Fuller: Greetings First Baptist friends! Working with you has been such a joy. In October we will cover an important topic, a basic knowledge of which would be important for everyone. Participants will learn the housing and in-home care options as we age and our needs grow. They will also learn a process of choosing a facility or arranging care in your home. Learning and planning ahead can save you so much time, money and frustration. Come, be prepared and bring others with you. Remember Silver Compassion is available to serve you and your family. Contact us: 919438-1092 or • Scarlet by Marissa Meyer • Still Alice by Lisa Genova • Thinking Through Paul by Bruce Longnecker • What Pet Should I Get? by Theodor Geisel • Birds by Penelope Arlon • Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell • Fly Guy Presents: Firefighters by Tedd Arnold • Fly Guy Presents: Insects by Tedd Arnold • God Made You Special! by Greg Fritz

Connect with Business September Church Conference Summary

August 2015 Financial Results

The monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday, Year-To-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions September 20, 2015 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Actual Budget Last Year Moderator, Hazel Fisher presided. The following motions were approved by the congregation. Receipts $ 1,062.377 $ 1,081,785 $ 1,062,986 Disbursements $ 1,128,443 $ 1,184,078 $ 1,204,988 Motion 1: On behalf of the B&G Committee, the Finance Differential $ (66,066) $ (102,293) $ (142,002) Committee and Deacons, I move that an amount of $4,905 be approved to be paid to Bill’s Tree Service for the removal of a dying willow oak tree on the east lawn, funds to come from the Major Repair – Capital Expense Fund. Motion 2: On behalf of the B&G Committee, the Finance Committee and Deacons, I move that an amount of $2,931 be approved to be paid to Hoffman Mechanical to replace a malfunctioning variable water pump drive, funds to come from the Major Repair – Capital Expense Fund. Motion 3: On behalf of the Finance Committee and Deacons, I move that an amount of $31,631 be approved for the purchase of four new copiers, replacing two copiers which are currently leased, funds to come from the Major Repair – Capital Expense Fund. (An amount of $7,000 per year will be disbursed back into the Major Maintenance Reserve Account for five years as a capital replacement.) At the Special Called Meeting following the monthly church conference, Davis Troxler, Committee on Committees Chair, presented two motions. The first motion presented the committee’s recommendation of persons who are to serve on the Committee on Committees for the year beginning on October 1, 2015. The motion was approved. The second motion presented the committee’s recommendation of persons who are to serve on the following committees for the year beginning on October 1, 2015: Deacon, Building and Grounds, Christian Assistance Fund, Missions, and Personnel. The motion was approved. (A complete list of those serving on all church standing committees can be found online and is available in the church office.) October 2015 | 5

Connect with Worship & the Arts

Scribes of Hope II

Christians in the Visual Arts fine art exhibit Gallery Opening - Sunday, October 4 | 3-5 pm Gallery Hours - October 5 - 30 weekdays | 10 am - 4 pm


cribes of Hope features 31 works across a wide range of approaches from today’s calligraphers. These works express the tension between traditional commitments to create work that is legible and a more contemporary view that emphasizes expressing the spirit of the text. The approaches including: traditional lettering and illumination; artist books and letterpress work showcasing fresh directions in calligraphic design; and letters created by hand and then scanned in the computer for further alteration.

In the House of My Pilgrimage Grace Bomer, artist

Blessed are They

Charles Lehman, artist

Worship the King Dee Day, artist

First Baptist Scribes of Hope


n conjunction with the Scribes of Hope II fine art exhibit during the month of October, our congregation will be involved in an art project of its own called First Baptist Scribes of Hope. On All Saints Sunday, November 1, our sanctuary will be adorned with a continuous “Scroll” of scripture passages of hope that have been transcribed by our congregation. You need not be a gifted calligrapher to participate. If you would like to participate: • Select a brief passage of scripture • Notify the music office that you will participate • Practice writing it on a child’s writing tablet (provided at church) • Set aside time to come to the church and write the verse on the scroll (October 5-25) > The scroll will be set up in the Atrium before and after regular church meetings > The scroll will be set up in the Choir Room during weekly office hours.

Requiem For the Living

by Dan Forrest

All Saints Sunday November 1 10:30 am Worship Presented by the Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra. A deeply evocative perspective on life, love, loss, and renewal. 6 | Connections

Connect with Children

What’s Happening this Fall… Moms’ Group

PASSPORTkids! Camp Informational Meeting

If you are a mom of a child in 5th grade and younger, join us on Monday mornings as we grow, learn, and nurture one another in an inviting community. Our current series is based on the book “Simply Tuesday” and we are learning how we can embrace today’s work, find contentment in the now, replace competition with connection, and learn to breathe in a breathless world. Invite a friend and join us!

We will be taking a group of children to this amazing camp next summer from June 22-25. PASSPORTkids! is a 4-day, 3-night children’s camp for children, who have completed 3rd-6th grade, filled with fun, faith-building programming and hands-on missions education. At camp, your kids will discover God’s love and practice being followers of Jesus through a jam-packed schedule of Bible studies, missions education, recreation and worship. We will be reserving spots for our group at the end of October, so come and learn about this great experience. Terri will come and pick up all children who will be practicing for choir at 8:45 am.

Monday Mornings | 9:30-11:30 am Room 319 | Childcare Provided

Children’s Ministry Fall Family Cookout October 10 (Sat) | 4 - 7 pm The Cornetts - 7893 Bufflehead Court

Come out for a fun evening as families with children get together. We will provide hot dogs and hamburgers, chips and SMORES! Have fun playing corn hole and volleyball, climbing the playset, and enjoying the fire pit… there will be something for both children and adults! All you need to do is sign up at and bring a chair!

Worship Folders for Kids We love having children

in worship and know that it can be difficult to sit still for an entire service…some adults even struggle with this! In an effort to engage the children in worship and provide them with activities that correlate with the sermon, we have worship folders at the entrances of the sanctuary for children through 5th grade. Please return the folders to the baskets at the conclusion the service.

October 11 (Sun) | 8:30 am | Assembly Room

3rd Grade Bible Presentation October 18 (Sun) during worship

Fall Family Festival

October 31 (Sat) | 12 - 2 pm (See the back page)

Wednesday Night Music & Missions for Kids

Our children are enjoying 30 minutes of both music and missions on Wednesday evenings. During the month of October, we will be learning about how we can better love PEOPLE with an emphasis on sharing God’s love with those who are hungry and homeless. The children will participate in engaging activities as they learn how to extend hospitality to those who need shelter and food. Ask your children about what they learn each week!

Weekday School News By Ginny Carpenter


ur school year has started with many blessings. We welcomed many new families and are so blessed to have our students back with us, ready to learn and grow, and serve our Lord through the ministry of our school. We are blessed with some new staff members: Sally Lipe (an FBC alum), assistant in the Toddler Class; Kristi Robertson, assistant in the Transitions Class; Brooke Blanchard, assistant in the Twos Class; and Adrianne Trainor, assistant in the Infants Class. We are especially blessed to have Gayle Adams fill in as the lead teacher in Transitions while the teacher is on maternity leave. Already children are saying, “See Miss Gayle.” On September 29 we held our first fall Family Fun Night. We usually hold this special event in the spring, but decided the fall would be a great time for families to get to know each other. The front lawn of the church was filled with families enjoying face-painting, a bouncy house, a fire truck, and lots of fun fall activities. Back-to-school means linking your Harris Teeter card to FBC Weekday School, #8564. Last quarter we received over $200 for our scholarship fund thanks to your HT purchases, so please help us continue to add to that contribution to our scholarship fund. During our teacher workdays, several staff members visited a local preschool that is a demo-site for Shape NC. We were so enthralled with their gardens and outside play areas, that we have pledged to do more to develop learning in our outdoor areas. Parents are beginning to donate big pots, landscaping rocks, seeds, plants and potting soil as we plan to beautify our playground areas, green our fences, and create “music” areas. We are so excited about the possibilities! We are excited to begin a new partnership for our Chapel services this year. We are so blessed to have had Rosemary Kellam as our pianist, and this year, Christina McCord and Terri Vancil will be joining us for each Chapel service. Terri will be meeting with our 4s and 5s on a regular basis to teach us some new Chapel songs, and Christina will help deliver our Chapel message each month. What an exciting time for our children to sing, learn about God, the Bible and how we can better serve our Lord! We give thanks and praise for these FBC servants who give of their time and talents for our children. And we thank God for this congregation and the support that the Weekday School receives from you all! October 2015 | 7

Connect with Recreation

UPWARD – “By the Numbers, The Past is Now Our Future”

By Tommy Starnes When Becky and I moved to Greensboro, I was told to visit Ben Vogler at FBC to seek counsel for a Church Recreation position. Most churches in the area had cut those positions from their staff or coupled them with the Youth Minister’s duties and First Baptist was no different. It all started 13 years ago - - which to some might seem like a long time ago - - we moved from our 1800 sq. foot house in Lindley Park to “Western Tennessee” (as my kids called it), our neighborhood was not the bustling metropolis of children they were used to having around them all the time. Fed up with the alternatives for fair, honest, but challenging sports for our kids, we stumbled upon the UPWARD basketball program at Trinity Church. After 5 years of coaching up to three teams and recruiting about 60 families from FBC to join the UPWARD experience, I was approached by the Director, David Bowden (a former FBC member). He took me out to lunch and convinced me that First Baptist Greensboro could run this program. His passion to change lives for Christ through sports was extremely infectious to me. I am a firm believer that God’s hand was at work in two ways: 1) my association with Upward and David, and 2) 16 years after first meeting with Ben Vogler, FBC extended the opportunity for me to revitalize its Recreation Ministry during the Fall/Winter months. In a leap of faith, I responded, “yes.” Sadly, two years ago a tragic heart attack took the life of David Bowden. Due to this event and several other factors, Trinity Church has ended their 12 year UPWARD ministry. The passion of his past is now our future! The opportunity is now for our church to continue to carry on a tradition of developing children mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially. Will you join me in this process? Our UPWARD program is in its 8th year! In the first year our program had 75 kids in it and that number has grown to an average of 175 participants. Coupled with our 16 team CBL High School league, the gym is in full use every day of the week. Due to the prospect of an increase in our participants, early registration for UPWARD will begin for FBC members and previous participants on October 1st. Open registration will begin on October 8th. Volunteers can sign up any time!! Contact: Tommy Starnes - | x251.

Connect with Missions

Serving Community Dinner - Agape Style Sunday, November 1 | 4 - 6 pm

What do I mean by Agape Style? The goal of this dinner is to provide an evening of dignity and respect for our community friends. This evening will be more about hospitality than food (although the food promises to be good). Lee King will be providing his deliciously cooked BBQ sandwiches. We are in need of servers and table hosts. Servers will help to get drinks and food to the table. Our table hosts will sit at the tables and engage folks just as if they were in their own home and around their own table with seven of their friends. I am so excited about this dinner! Questions: Kim Priddy - | x295. Sign-up at 8 | Connections

CROP Hunger Walk

Ending Hunger One Step at a Time Sunday, October 18 – 2:30 pm at Newbridge Bank


oin the FBC team to help fight hunger locally and globally. Donations for CROP Hunger Walks helps to provide: children with essential nutrition, resources that empower communities, and education to future generations. Walk with the FBC team and/or donate for those who are walking at .

Connect with Missions

Missions Weekend!

October 10 - 11

Saturday, October 10 8:30 am - 1:00 pm | Missions Team Retreat | Room 108C Retreat Leader: Rev. Bill Stanfield, CEO of Metanoia Community Development Corporation, North Charleston 5:00 pm | Eventide Worship Service | Chapel Bill Stanfield is the featured speaker with his “Reflection on Charleston”

Sunday, October 11 8:45 am | Coffee & Muffins Fellowship | Fellowship Hall Come a little early and enjoy coffee and muffins before we begin our plenary Bible study session with all adults. Teachers of our children will be ready for them to arrive early so parents can meet in the Fellowship Hall. 9:00 am | Bible Study with Bill Stanfield & Community Ministry Partners | Fellowship Hall All adult Sunday School classes will meet in the Fellowship Hall where Bill Stanfield will lead our Sunday morning Bible Study. We will then get to hear and share stories with many of our missions partners. This morning promises to be enlightening and reaffirming of the missions and ministry work being done locally and globally. 10:30 am | Worship | Sanctuary Rev. Kim Priddy, preaching 5:30 pm | Brown Bag Dinner & Sharing Metanoia | Fellowship Hall Bring your own brown bag dinner and we will gather to hear more about the ministry that Bill Stanfield is doing with Metanoia and the larger Charleston Community.

Ministry Partnerships

• Mobile Meals: Deliver lunch on the 3rd Friday of each month to seniors who are unable to prepare meals for themselves. You can be the hands and feet of Jesus to others. • Peacehaven Farm: A sustainable farm located on 89 beautiful acres of organic gardens, rolling pastures, and Pray about how you can get involved! lush woodlands in Whitsett, NC. Dedicated to establishing an affordable housing community that provides a • Agape Meal: Serving an intentional meal to create space permanent home for adults with special needs in a at the table to build fellowship through conversation. supportive and family-like environment. • BackPack Beginnings: Delivers backpacks of food to • Piedmont International Fellowship: Help international children at our assigned schools during the school year. college students learn about and experience friendships • Baptist Children’s Home: Brings hope and healing to with Americans and other internationals. children and families in crisis through a variety of programs • Rosewood Tutoring: Help boys and girls (grades K-12) and services. from the Rosewood community with their homework on • Bessemer Elementary: Become a lunch buddy, tutor, proctor Tuesdays (4:15-5:15 pm), September through May. for testing, or volunteer at “Steps for Success” Kindergarten • StepUp Ministry: Provides job training and life skills for Camp. the unemployed. Volunteer opportunities include Faith • Greensboro Urban Ministry: Express the love of God to Co-Partner in Life Skills, Mock Interviews, Lunch Helpers, people in need through practical action. Our work focuses Morning Devotions, Resume Lab, and Computer Training. on several programs: emergency assistance including food, utility and rent; shelter for men, women and families; • Wednesday Meal at Grace: Prepare and serve a meal for the homeless on the 1st Wednesdays of each month. daily community lunch; and case management to help • WE! Shelter: Work in various capacities for our shelter clients increase financial management capacity and ministry with Greensboro Urban Ministry including donating readiness for employment. items, providing meals, serving at the shelter and praying. • Habitat for Humanity: Building houses and neighborhoods • YWCA Family Shelter: Family Shelter for 35 homeless locally or internationally for people in need of housing. women & children. Help needed to provide meals, • Hope Academy: School for at-risk youth. Volunteer supplies and care for the guest. opportunities include their library, front office, tutoring • Please also remember those who are serving globally: program, and prayer team. Chris and Dora Barbee; Helen and Ellis Vaughan; David • Metanoia: A holistic community development ministry and Melissa Chism; Chad and Kameren Dalton; Alex operating in North Charleston, SC that invests in Ghitsa; Bill and Noy Peeler; Bill and Evelyn Stanfield; and neighborhood assets to build leaders, establishes quality Ralph and Tammy Stocks. housing and generates economic development. October 2015 | 9

Connect with One Another

Responding to the Invitation Welcome to our FBC Community.

October Birthdays

Jason & Christina McCord (August 30) by Statement

WK & Betty Morgan

(August 30) by Statement

John Thornton

(September 6) by Statement

Gracen Blake

(September 13) by Statement

Nevin & Suzanne Rohrbaugh (August 30) by Statement

Caroline Austin

(September 13) by Baptism

Brennan Bode

(September 13) by Statement

1. Mark Miller, Lib Murray 2. Elliott Bennett, Mary Howerton, Isabel McNally, Nate Moore 3. Richard Beavers, Anne Christian, Bob Kelley, Alexis Petitt, Gerry Pike 4. Ernest Ferris, Jr. 5. Fred Binder, Jr., Joye Brannon, Vernon Keen 6. Chris Canipe, Laura Jones, Jean Lane, Ed Power, Jerry Thomas 7. Ethan Cole, Dalton Thompson 8. Meganne Gould 9. Luke Hauselman, Lee King, Jason Knight, Lorri Wood 10. Anita Cranford, Steve Honeycutt, Christy Jones, Niki Shumaker, William Waters 11. Harold Beavers, Tim Campbell, Chris Hauselman, Courtney Key, Cecil Livengood, Kristen Massey, Virginia Reynolds, Bo Starnes, Graham Thompson 12. Alice Burch, Justin Childs 13. Natalie Phillips 14. Leah Frost 15. Kelly Cornett, Aubreigh Duckworth, Charlie Pannell, Tommy Starnes, Meredith Twigg 16. Dottie Gordon 17. Treva Mabe, Erin Pate 18. Gayle Adams, Robert Caldwell, Jim Ellis, Richard Payne, Jilien Steelman, Jacob Webb 19. Lee Royal, Elizabeth Shepherd, Shirley Thompson, Jacob Yaun 20. Jack Snow 21. Darrell Chambers, Bill Lusk, Linda Wayne 22. Randy Macon, Mickie Rose 23. Jim Bearden, Bob Godfrey, Cynthia Markham, James O’Bryant 24. Kristie Ellis, Christy Hardy 25. Debbie Bowman, Brad Wall 26. Marissa Austin, Autumn Culbreth, Doris Hardy, Christopher Lyle, Jody Moore, Davis Troxler 27. Matt Greene, David Powell, Ben Turner 28. Charlie Adams 29. Susan Bass, Luther Yaun 30. Quint Bradford, Scott Culclasure, Martha Hicks, Jack Swanson, Anita Wilson 31. Bea Kay Powers, Miller Townes, Richard Wiley


Hannah Lynch

(September 13) by Baptism 10 | Connections

Lindley Sample

(September 13) by Baptism

• Harold Spangler in the loss of his son-in-law, Roger Briggs, on August 2 • Dave English in the loss of his niece, Elaine Shaw, on September 3 • Julie King in the loss of her sister, Gayle Granberry Walker, on September 11

Regular Weekly Schedule Youth Parent Council Meeting. 216, 8:15 am •44 (Su): World Communion Sunday. Worship, Sanctuary, 10:30 am •4 (Su): (Su): Scribes of Hope II Gallery Opening. 3-5 pm •4 (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm • 5 (M): PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch • 5, 12, 19, 26 (M): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30-11:30 am • 5-30 (Weekdays): Scribes Hope II Exhibit. 10 am - 4 pm •5 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. of 102, 7 pm • •6 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •7, 14, 21, 28 (W): Adult Access Classes. 6:15 pm •7, 14, 21, 28 (W): College Dinner 5:30 pm & Bible Study 6:15 pm •7, 14, 21, 28 (W): Divorce Recovery. 218, 6:15 pm •10 (Sa): Children’s Ministry Fall Cookout. Cornett’s, 7893 Bufflehead Court, 4-7 pm (Sa-Su): Missions Weekend. FBC •10-11 11 (Su): PASSPORTkids! Camp Informational Meeting. 3 -6 graders, • Children’s Assembly Room, 8:30 am (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •11 11 Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 12 noon •12 (Su): (M): Silver 102, 6:30 pm •13 (Tu): WMU Compassion. Group 3. 102, 9:30 am • •13 (Tu): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am •14 (W): Missions Committee Meeting. 108-C, 6:15 pm (Su): 3 Grade Bible Presentation. Worship, Sanctuary, 10:30 am •18 18 CROP Walk. Newbridge Bank, 2:30 pm •21 (Su): • (W): Building and Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm •23-25 (F-Su): Womens Retreat, Ocean Isle •27 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm •27 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm •31 (Sa): Fall Family Festival. FBC Front Lawn, 12-2 pm •Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth rd



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Sunday AM @FBC

Bible Study - 9:15 am Worship - 10:30 am Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209

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Sunday PM @FBC

Youth Handbells - 4 pm, 319-D/Sanctuary Youth Choir - 5 pm, 311 Adult Bells I - 6 pm Youth Discipleship - 6:20 pm, 301 Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311


Fellowship Meal Reservations •Reservations due Mon. 12 noon

Cancellations due Tues. 12 noon Meal reservation? Online at OR Marty Kellam -- x245 or

- 6 pm •Kids’ Access Forum - 6:15 pm •Youth Access Classes - 6:15 pm •Adult •Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311

Fellowship Meals Wednesdays, 5-6:15 pm

7: Fish Creole over Rice, Collard Greens Kids: Fish Sticks 14: Country Style Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans | Kids: Mini Burger 21: Oven-Roasted Pork, Buttered New Potatoes, Stewed Apples 28: Lasagna, Side Salad, Bread Sticks Kids: Spaghettio’s

Connect with Youth & College

High School Fall Retreat

October College Wednesday Night Dinner & Bible Study (7, 14, 21, 28)


You must make reservations for your meal - Due Tuesday at 12 noon or 274.3286, x245.

November 6th-8th @ Ridgecrest

e will head to Ridgecrest in the beautiful NC mountains! Retreat leader will be former FBC Youth Intern Lyndsey Parham. Lyndsey has been involved in multiple forms of ministry since she graduated from UNCG and is excited to spend the weekend helping our youth connect with God and with each other during this mountaintop experience! Total cost: $95/person ($50 deposit reserves your spot). Don’t miss it! Sign up:

Dinner is FREE from 5 - 6:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall

Bible Study - Cooperative Baptist Student Fellowship (CBSF) from 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm

College Birthdays Niki Shumaker | Oct. 10 | 136 Madison Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22903

Courtney Key | Oct. 11 | 425 Hillsborough Street, Apt. 10 - H Chapel Hill, NC 27514 |

Bo Starnes | Oct. 11 | 4122 Kaplan Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607

Leah Frost | Oct. 14 | 1003-H Patrick Henry Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24061

Miller Townes | Oct. 31 | P.O. Box 191, Lexington, VA 24450

October 2015 | 11

First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401


Games Pumpkin & Dunk Booth Inflatables Face Painting Tasty Treats

Saturday, October 31 12 - 2 pm | Front Lawn

First Baptist Church Greensboro

Wear your Halloween costumes! Invite a friend!

Fall Family Festival is coming up! Children of ALL ages are welcome and EVERYONE is encouraged to wear their costumes (adults can join in the fun, too). We will have multiple bounce houses, food, games, face painting, and crafts. Invite your friends and come out for the fun! If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please contact Jenny Sherouse:

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