Connections Newsletter - September 2015

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SEPTEMBER 2015 | | 336.274.3286

State of the

Church first baptist church greensboro

Sunday Luncheon September 13

Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.

Fall Kick-Off Wednesday, Sept 2 FBC Lawn

Kickball & Cookout

Jump into Fall

• Paint the Town 2015 • CROP Hunger Walk • Ministry Partners

• Sunday Worship • Sanctuary Choir • Adult Bells • Youth Choir • Youth Bells • Children’s Choirs • Children’s Bells • Instrumental Ensemble

• Access Classes • New Library Books • PrimeTime • Silver Compassion • Bible Study • Women’s Ministry

• MS Fall Retreat • Youth Discipleship/Forum • Youth Choir & Bells • College Activities

• Consignment Sale • Music & Missions Activities • Moms’ Group • Bible Presentations • Parent Info Meeting

September 2015 | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

3 Insight

4-5 Connect this Fall

October Connections Deadline: September 15 Email news to or bring it to the church office. Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator / x222 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions / x295 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x231 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / x238 2 | Connections

–Fall KickOff –FBC Ministry Schedule –Food Truck Sunday –New Access Classes for Adults

6 Connect with Children

7 Connect with Missions

–Greetings from Your Minister to Children and Families –New this Fall - Moms’ Group –Upcoming Calendar Dates –Weekday School Second Time Around Fall Consignment Sale –Paint the Town 2015 –CROP Hunger Walk

Connect with College

–September College Calendar –Stay Connected with FBC –College Birthdays –Welcoming College Student Visitors

8 Connect with Adults

9 Connect with Business

–PrimeTime –Silver Compassion –Books Donated to the Main Library –State of the Church –Standing Committees Vote –July 2015 Financial Results

10 Connect with One Another

–New Members –Church Directory

11 September Calendar

–Middle School Fall Retreat

12 CIVA Traveling Exhibition coming to FBC Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.

By Alan Sherouse Every other day or so I have to straighten out Randall Lolley. In May, on our Heritage Sunday, we relocated and re-opened our Pastors’ Gallery outside the Pastor’s Study. The gallery features portraits of the 5 Senior Pastors who have served First Baptist Church over the last century. I don’t know if it’s something about the hardware on the frame, or if it’s the location of the air-conditioner, or if it’s some tireless prankster who sneaks into the church overnight, but several times a week as I walk into my office I notice that Randall – or his portrait, I should say – is just a bit crooked. So it has become a regular practice for me to straighten Dr. Lolley’s portrait. This occasional chore has become something of a ritual. It reminds me of one who has lived life so faithfully on the straight and narrow, following in the way of Christ with such integrity and grace. Having only known him by reputation and legacy before coming to First Baptist, it has been my pleasure to come to know Dr. Lolley as a friend and encourager over the last two years. On our first meeting at his home in Raleigh, he lovingly grasped my arm and held it at the moment we met, and I could sense the warmth and pastoral presence that had been described so glowingly. As we have spoken further, I’ve also benefited from the wisdom that exists in his deep well about faith, church, and the community of First Baptist. Dr. Lolley came to First Baptist at a critical time. After a successful career that included the presidency of Southeastern Seminary, Dr. Lolley closed his career in full-time ministry with a six-year tenure at First Baptist. The church needed his wisdom, his leadership, and the warmth that grabs hold of you from the moment you meet him. It was all the more powerful that such

critical leadership came from one who had started his career decades earlier as a recent seminary grad serving as a two-year Assistant Pastor at First Baptist, while living in church housing – a program that serves as a foundation for the Pastoral Residency that begins in our church just this month. Appreciation for Dr. Lolley is widespread in our church, but also extends far beyond us. On that note, I want you to know that we have an upcoming opportunity to pay tribute to his leadership and preaching, while also supporting two organizations close to his heart and the heart of our church. See below this article for an announcement from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina about a forthcoming volume of sermons that Dr. Lolley preached right here at First Baptist. I hope you’ll consider supporting this publication, as proceeds benefit the Lolley Scholarship of CBF-NC and the “Baptists Today.” The film, Blood Done Sign My Name, tells the story of Rev. Vernon Tyson – another legendary North Carolina minister – who served as a pastor in Oxford, NC in the midst of racial tension in the 1970s. At the start of the film, a young Tyson is moving his family to Oxford. He parks the station wagon at the parsonage, where members of the church have gathered to welcome the family. Exchanging greetings, he kisses his wife good-bye and giddy with excitement he rushes across the street to scope out his new church. The very first place he goes is to the wall of Pastor’s portraits. He pauses. You can almost hear his thoughts as he examines closely all those who have gone before him and feels the inspiration of their legacy. In his preaching, leadership, and care for so many, Dr. Lolley cemented a lasting legacy and influence in this church, which extends to this day. He was a pastor who walked beside more than ahead, and sought to encourage the church to see itself the way he could see it. As he said toward the end of his tenure, “Lay-led congregations, in my judgment, are always stronger. I just don’t buy into pastoral authority. I don’t think it’s right. The last time Jesus was seen, he was a shepherd of sheep, not a cowboy rounding up cattle” (from In Every Good Work by Scott Culclasure). Coming face to face with that spirit and style on a regular basis is as good a reminder and challenge as I know of those who have gone before me, and before us all.

From the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina

Those blessed to know Randall Lolley as seminary president, pastor, visionary leader and/or friend are aware of his many gifts. One is his insightful and effective communication of the Gospel. Now the gift of Dr. Lolley’s preaching will become a larger gift to us all. He and his wife, Lou, have given a collection of sermons — in which he preached through the Bible to the First Baptist Church of Greensboro, N.C. — to be published as a book by Nurturing Faith. This gift from the Lolleys will benefit two good causes: Baptists Today and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina’s Lolley Fund for Theological Education. Want to be a part of this project? Sponsors making gifts of $100 will have their names listed in the book and receive a signed copy when the books come off the press. You may send your sponsorship gift by check to Baptists Today, P.O. Box 6318, Macon, GA 31208-6318, or make the gift online at Please indicate that the gift is for the Lolley book.

September 2015 | 3

Connect this FALL

Wednesday, September 2 5 pm Kickball | 6 pm Cookout FBC Front Lawn

Let’s Kick Off Fall! Have a Ball!

• One more cookout before the summer slips away! No need to bring food. Come and enjoy burgers and all the trimmings (Menu Change originally a Potluck Dinner) • Kickball Game • Lawn Chairs/Blankets

Regular Schedule

Children/Music Ministry

A detailed Calendar of Events and Schedule is on page 11!

Sunday School Sundays at 9:15 am

Bible Study/Sunday School All ages (Children, Youth, Adults) - Sundays at 9:15 am College Bible Study - Wednesdays at 6:15 pm

Missions/Activities (beginning September 9) Wednesdays at 6:45 pm

Worship FBC community worships together in one service at 10:30 am Sunday Evening Activities Youth Music and Discipleship, Children and Adult Bells, Sanctuary Choir and Instrumental Ensembles, and Special Worship Services

Children’s Time in Worship During worship there is a special time when children ages pre-K to 5th grade are invited to the front for a short story and lesson Junior Church Children pre-K thru 2nd grade will leave worship for a age-specific time and return following the sermon

Wednesday Evening Activities Fellowship Meal, Youth Forum, College Bible Study, Divorce Recovery Program, ACCESS for Adults, Children’s Music/Missions, Sanctuary Choir

Children’s Choirs (beginning September 9) Rehearse Wednesdays at 6:15 pm Groups for Threes/Fours and Kindergarten/Grade 1 Young Musicians Choir for Grades 2-5 Young Musicians are Worship leaders on 2nd Sundays

Music/Worship Ensembles

Children’s Handbells (beginning September 13) Grades 4 and 5 | Rehearse Sundays at 5 pm Occasional worship leadership

Sanctuary Choir College and Adults Rehearse Wednesdays at 7:15 pm and Sundays at 7 pm Worship leaders on 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Sundays Instrumental Ensemble High School and Adults Rehearse 3rd Sundays at 7 pm Worship leaders on 4th Sundays Youth Choir and Handbells Grades 6 – 12 (Information>Youth/Music Ministry) Children’s Choirs and Handbells Ages 3 years thru 5th Grade (Info>Children/Music Ministry) 4 | Connections

Youth/Music Ministry Sunday School | Sundays at 9:15 am Youth Discipleship | Sundays at 6 pm Youth Forum | Wednesdays at 6:15 pm Youth Choir (beginning September 13) Grades 6 – 12 | Rehearse Sundays at 5 pm Worship leaders on 1st Sundays Youth Handbell Choirs (beginning September 13) Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12 Rehearse Sundays at 4 pm Worship leaders on 1st Sundays

Connect this FALL

Food Truck Sunday


Sunday, September 6 Following Worship | FBC Front Lawn

oin us on the lawn for lunch - food truck style! The Corner Slice Pizza and Subs, Taqueria El Azteca Tacos, and Mike and Mikes’ Italian Ice food trucks will be in the parking lot for you to buy your lunch and then join your FBC family on the lawn. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets too! This will also be a great day to introduce yourself and interact with our new Pastoral Resident, John Thornton, on his official first Sunday at FBC.

ACCESS Classes for Adults

Wednesday evenings beginning Sept. 9 6:15 pm


Women’s Group Study

| Cafe


ACCESS is a formative experience on Wednesday nights offered by FBC and the surrounding neighborhood community. These growth experiences will focus on elements of life that matter to all ages.

This fall the Women's Wednesday night group will tackle and discuss hot issues of being a woman. In the past, the conversations have been enriched by the intergenerational dialogue: so the invitation is open to women of all ages. September 9 - - What is my Legacy? September 23 - - Being an Authentic, Compassionate Church September 16 - - Asking for Help September 30 - - Healthy Discussions in a Healthy Church


Round Table Bible Discussion

| 102

If you have ever wanted to have the opportunity to sit down with the pastor and discuss his/her sermon or the passage that he/she preached on…well, now is your opportunity. Each Wednesday evening, Pastor Alan Sherouse will lead a round table discussion on the focal passage from the previous Sunday’s sermon. The format will allow everyone the opportunity to explore and discover new insights from the passage in a very personal way. It is Rev. Sherouse’s hope and prayer that everyone regardless of age, life situation, or previous church experience will find a place at the table.


Friendship at the Margins Book Study

| 108-C

Consider this observation as your Minister to Missions: My children have each had books assigned to them by Grimsely High School to read over the summer but this summer I have learned a lot. We have opened our doors wide and the tables of our Wednesday Night fellowship have gotten bigger- and with that comes adjustment. If you ever shared a living space with someone new: a college roommate, gotten married, and had kids move back home, etc...then you understand navigating hospitality. This fall, there will be several outlets offered to read and discuss the book “Friendship at the Margins.” Our completeness in Christ is found in the interchange made possible in heart-to-heart relationships with people made in the image of God. Are our missions opportunities task orientated or helping us to develop relationships? We will explore how to navigate these new relationships by those in our community who do it all the time. I look forward to reading and discussing this book with others, it has deepened my understanding of call and ministry. If you have any questions about this book or any of our missions opportunities, please email me at or call 274-3286, x295.


Bible Study - Zechariah

| Chapel

Wednesday evening Chapel Bible Study resumes September 9 with a chapter-by-chapter examination of the Prophecy of Zechariah. The prophecy was penned around 520 B.C., a mere two months after Zechariah’s contemporary Haggai had written to urge Jews recently returned from the Babylonian exile to rebuild the Temple. While the people made ready to “rise up and build” (Nehemiah 2:18), Zechariah urged them to repent, reform and revive as they did. Their movement was weakened, their cultural enemies were many, and life—while interesting—would be far from easy. In no case, however, should they lose hope for the future. Known as “the prophet of the long vision,” Zechariah assured them that “at evening time there shall be light” (14:7). Steve Pressley will teach the study, which will continue through December. September 2015 | 5

Connect with Children

Greetings from Your Minister to Children and Families

new this fall!


hat a welcoming place First Baptist Church has been to me and my family as I have transitioned into my role as the Minister to Children and Families! I come to you with an abundance of energy, ideas, creativity, and passion for children’s ministry and I look forward to seeing what God has in store for all of us here! My door is always open and I can’t wait to partner with you to help our children to grow deeper in their faith and their understanding of God. I hope you and your families will join us on September 27 for a Lunch and Informational Meeting following Worship, to learn about the vision and plans for the upcoming year. Let us know you are coming. –Peace, Christina

for moms of children infant to elementary age

Monday mornings starting September 14 9:30 - 11:30 am | Room 319 Childcare provided | Led by Christina McCord Sign up:

Upcoming Calendar Dates September 18 - 19

September • 14 (M): Moms’ Group. Room 319, 9:30 - 11:30 am

Fri | 9 am - 7 pm Sat | 8 am - 1 pm (1/2 Price Day)

(Recurring unless school is out for GCS)

Sign up online: • 20 (Su): Kindergarten and 1st Grade Bible Presentation during Worship • 27 (Su): Children’s Ministry Lunch and Informational Meeting following Worship. Café, Lunch provided Sign up online:

October • 11 (Su): PassportKIDS! Camp Informational Meeting for parents of 3rd-6th graders. 8:30 am, Assembly Room • 18 (Su): 3rd Grade Bible Presentation during Worship • 31 (Sat): Fall Family Fest 6 | Connections

The Weekday School’s semi-annual consignment sale features kid’s Fall/Winter clothing & shoes, toys, bikes, games, outdoor equipment, books, maternity clothing, nursery furniture, bedding, strollers, and more! Mom’s Spot is a great place for ladies to consign your like-new clothing, shoes, & accessories! Registration has opened and consignors will earn 60-70% of their sales! The remaining profits go to the Weekday School Via Scholarship Fund. There are many opportunities to shop, consign, and volunteer. There are registration links on the website or email the Consignment Team.

Connect with Missions Community Housing Solutions

Paint the Town 2015 – Saturday, September 19 from 8 am to 4 pm


aint the Town is an annual event to preserve affordable housing in Guilford County. Each year, Community Housing Solultions (CHS) partners with local businesses, corporations, and faith organizations to do exterior repairs, painting, and landscaping for one neighborhood in a single day. At the July Church Conference, the church approved a one-time gift of $2,500 supporting the CHS “Paint the Town” event. FBC needs volunteers to paint and repair a home in the Woodmere Park Neighborhood. We need a minimum of 10 volunteers! Sign up with Kim Priddy - | x295. Want to know more about Community Housing Solutions and their efforts to preserve affordable homeownership for low-income families? Check it out at

CROP Hunger Walk

Ending Hunger One Step at a Time October 18, 2015 – 2:30 pm at Newbridge Bank

Join the FBC team to help fight hunger locally and globally. Donations for CROP Hunger Walks helps to provide children with essential nutrition, resources that empower communities, and education to future generations. Join and/or donate:

Connect with College

September College Calendar

• 2 (W): Kickball game, 5 pm | Potluck Dinner, 6 pm • 9, 16, 23, 30 (W): Dinner & Bible Study (details below) • 12 (Sat): National Folk Festival, Downtown Greensboro (FREE) • 19 (Sat): Camping & Hiking at Hanging Rock State Park Contact Adam Horton to sign-up:

Wednesday Night Dinner & Bible Study Dinner is FREE from 5 - 6:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall

You must make reservations for your meal - Due Tuesday at 12 noon - or 274.3286, x245.

Bible Study - Cooperative Baptist Student Fellowship (CBSF) from 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm

Stay Connected with FBC Like Our Facebook page:

First Baptist Church Greensboro - College Ministry

FBC’s Website: College Messaging: Sign up to receive important info Via TEXT: text@collegegso to 81010 Via EMAIL: send an email to

College Birthdays Hannah Persinger | September 9 | 1006 Courtland

Street, Greensboro, NC 27401

Margaret Wells | September 11 | 1504 Burlwood Drive, Greensboro, NC 27410

Austin Worsley | September 19 | 5806 Windhurst Court Greensboro, NC 27410

Trent Philpott | September 23 | 3500 Glen Forest Court

Greensboro, NC 27410

If you have a college student: Send us their birthday and contact info: | x288

Welcoming College Student Visitors

Each year almost 45,000 college students are in Greensboro. This is a time when students need Christ in their lives the most. Most students will sneak into the back and try to be inconspicuous. Look around and say hello. Our #1 priority is to make them feel welcome! Even if FBC does not become their home, by reaching out and making them feel cared for, they will be stronger in Christ knowing that they have brothers and sisters at 1000 West Friendly Avenue.

September 2015 | 7

Connect with Adults PrimeTime October 5

Ed Morrah

“Timber Framing & Barn Restoration”

PrimeTime@FBC includes:

9 am: Ceramics, Gym 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A 11 am: Bible Study on the Epistle to the Colossians, 101 12 noon: Lunch, 108

Silver Compassion Seminar:

Long Term Care Planning September 21, 2015

6:30 - 8:00 pm | Room 102


hen you or a loved one needs care that is not covered by Medicare or Health Insurance, you are needing Long Term Care. Come learn what that is, how it is paid for, and several creative ways to plan for those future needs. If you are over 30, don’t wait to learn this! You, your parents and/or a friend who has a health crisis will benefit. Save money, time and suffering by becoming aware of options and planning NOW! This class is free and Silver Compassion will prepare you to utilize all the sources for Long Term Care that fit your income and stage in life.

Sign up online for lunch: or contact Marty Kellam 274-3286, x245,

Books Donated to the Main Library By Teresa Allen


he following list of books were all donated to the FBC library and there’s more to come. I want to thank everyone who has given books out of their collection to help make our library the best it can be. There’s something for everyone, so please come check us out!

• The Beatitudes for Today by James Howell • The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible by Scot McKnight • The Christianatheist: Believing in God but Living as if He Doesn’t Exist by Craig Groeschel • If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat by John Ortberg • The Naked Gospel: The Truth You May Never Hear in Church by Andrew Farley • Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus by Kyle Idleman • Paradoxy: Coming to Grips with the Contradictions of Jesus by Thomas Taylor • Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home by Richard Foster • Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate by Jerry Bridges • Surprised by Jesus: His Agenda for Changing Everything in A.D. 30 by Tim Stafford • Arctic Drift by Clive Cussler • Blow Fly by Patricia Cornwell • High-Maintenance Relationships: How to Handle Impossible People by Les Parrott • The King’s Curse by Philippa Gregory • Letters to Sam: A Grandfather’s Lessons on Love, Loss, and the Gifts of Life by Daniel Gottlieb • The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver • Poseidon’s Arrow by Clive Cussler • Reflections on the Psalms by C. S. Lewis • Reflections Over the Long Haul: A Memoir by Robert Brown • Saving Jesus from the Church: How to Stop Worshipping Christ and Start Following Jesus by Robin Meyers 8 | Connections

Connect with Business July 2015 Financial Results

Year-To-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions

Actual Receipts $ 940,656 Disbursements $ 995,388 Differential $ (54,732)

Budget $ 955,365 $1,037,878 $ (82,513)

Last Year $ 933,684 $1,069,994 $(136,310)

Standing Committees Vote Sunday, September 20


he Bylaws of First Baptist Church specify that the new members of the Committee on Committees are to be elected in the month of September. We will follow the process we used last year, combining that called meeting with the regular monthly conference which will take place on September 20 in the Fellowship Hall following lunch. The new members of other standing committees will also be elected at this meeting. The nominees are listed below:

Committee on Committees

• Gayle Adams • Chris Carter • Carolyn Clontz • Kristie Ellis • Jim Frost • Dan Kennedy (Chair) • Laura Lomax • Deanna Pegram (Vice Chair) • Kathy Sample • Robb Wells • Melinda Wood • Luther Yaun


• Richard Noel (to fulfill a 3-year term)

Personnel Committee

• Janice Newsome • Robb Wells

Christian Assistance Fund

• Autumn Culbreth • Sylvia Ledford

Building and Grounds

• Joe Fila • Jeannie Jones • Dave Worsley


• Carolyn Clontz • Matt Hall • Cookie Hamilton • Matt Messick • Becky Starnes

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 . . . Joining Sunday

Worship | Sanctuary


f you are involved, but not yet members, you may want to consider joining FBC as part of a large group. We hope to provide the opportunity to make church membership a natural progression and relieve some of the pressure of finding the “perfect moment.” You can join any time. We will offer Joining Sundays a few times a year. If you are interested in talking more about Joining Sunday or First Baptist, contact Alan Sherouse - pastor or x231.

State of the Church

Luncheon following Worship | Fellowship Hall


ll are invited to a “State of the Church” luncheon following worship. This will be our second year reflecting on what has been and vision of what is yet to be. We will reflect on the year that has passed, and share about the year ahead, hearing from a variety of voices among our staff and leaders, as well as a word from Alan marking his second year as our pastor. Lunch will be $6/person. No reservation is required, but if you know you will be attending, please contact Marty Kellam at or extension 245.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 . . . Community Lunch followed by Church Conference | 12 noon | Fellowship Hall

No reservations are required - $6/person and $20 family maximum. The Church Conference will follow our Community Lunch and include a Special Called meeting required by our Bylaws to vote for Standing Committee Nominees (see Standing Committees Vote article on left).

Flu Shot Clinic | 1-3 pm | 102


lu Shots will be administered by Kathy Troxler, a licensed pharmacist with Rite Aid. Flu shots (regular or high dose) will be administered, by syringe only, to people 14 years of age and older. Kathy will bill to BCBS NC, Medicare Part B, Aetna, Cigna, Humana, BCBS Federal Employee, United Healthcare, Tricare, and Coventry. The only Medicare plan she cannot bill is Medicare Advantage by BCBS NC. Any other Medicare plan will cover the high dose shot for those patients 65 and older. Cash or checks made payable to Rite Aid willl be accepted. To sign up, contact Rosemary Kellam or x225. Sign up online: September 2015 | 9

Connect with One Another Responding to the Invitation

Church Directory Update


e started taking photos for our new directory in August and things went great. The wait time was minutes with our new in-house digital photography format and that was wonderful for those who participated! We will be taking photos through the end of September. There are two options for getting us an updated photo of your family:

Jimmy and Megan Kesler with Lily James and Griffin (on July 26) by Statement


• Charles Hartis in the loss of his grandniece, Brittany Suggett, on July 22 • Art Shackelford in the loss of his sister, Mary Alice Smith, on July 26 • Family of the late Guyon Phillips in the loss of his daughter, Susan Townsend • Loved ones of Craig Thomas, Director, Mary’s House, on July 29 • Jean Fuqua in the loss of her sister, Jo Anne Ridge, on August 6 • Geneva Metzger in the loss of her brother, JW Metzger, on August 11 • Ann Powell in the loss of her aunt, Betsy Tally, on August 13 • Agnes Moore in the loss of her father, Bob Shipley, Sr., on August 14 • Joanne Caldwell and Elizabeth Caldwell Williams in the loss of Elizabeth’s husband John, on August 18

September Birthdays 1. Jake Barlow, Sarah Carter 2. Jim Clontz, Jim Deere, Amber Rhodes, Emily Sheffield, Robin Yaun 3. Fred Binder 4. Wesley Adams, Kilee Blakely, Joyce Burch, Paula Carter 5. Franklin Cecil, Roberta Hartgrove 6. Grey Cockerham, Robb Wells 7. Dale Bias, Nancy Culclasure, Marty Hill, Marshall Johnson 8. Marina Cothran, Lorie Rainey, Jack Sharp 9. Hannah Persinger, Helen Stinson 10. Joshua Childs, Merrill Norris, Matthew Sumner 11. Kenneth Bell, Margaret Wells 12. Barbara Brock, John Chandler, Zylpha Eagle, Richard Miller 10 | Connections

Option 1: We can take a digital photo of you/your family. Drop by the Heritage room (across from the Chapel) on Wednesday, September 9 from 4:30-5:15 pm or Sunday, September 20 from 8:30-9:15 am or following worship. We will schedule additional dates as needed. This is a “drop in” process and no appointments are needed. Option 2: Submit your family/individual digital photos online via the website/member site. Follow these steps. Note: Photos cannot exceed 10MB. 1. Decide which family/individual digital photo(s) you want to upload. 2. Go to FBC website: 3. Sign in to Member Site – link/button at the top of website’s home page. 4. Sign in or follow steps to create a Login. 5. Select “My Profile” under the Home drop down menu. 6. On the “My Profile” page, select the EDIT button on the top right of the page OR click the pencil icon to open the “Change Request” page. For an Individual photo – click the “Personal Photo” tab on the top right of the page. Then click the link to upload a new individual photo. For a Family photo – click the “Family Info” tab on the top right of the page. Click the “Family Photo” tab on the right, then use the link to upload a new family photo. 7.Once your change request is approved your photo will be visible on the Member Database and used for the Directory. Questions? Contact: Kelly Stephens, | x223. Printed Directory option: A printed directory will be available for a small fee to cover printing costs for anyone who would like one. More information on ordering will be available in October. Some people will simply prefer online access to the directory, so for computer, smart phone and tablet users, the Member site and the Churchlife app are secure, online options for accessing the church database.

13. Blaine Bradford, Britt Isom, Marty Isom, Janice Newsom, Bill Walke, Bowen Young 14. John Raines, Jean Shore 15. Jeanelle Lindsay 16. Joe Fila, Perry Key, Glenda Koger, Frances Upchurch 17. Alan Bowers 18. Ryenne Blake, Kaylee Idol, Joan Ratliff, Alan Tutterow, Kim Youngdahl 19. Kay Crawford, John Fisher, Barbara Harvell, Lorna Lanning, John Sample, Austin Worsley, Becky Yaun 20. John Hardy, Patricia Lambert, Faye Thompson, Terri Vancil, Jim Wayne, Bob Wiggins

1. Kate Austin, Tom Sears 2 22. Sidonna Black, Perry Steelman, Paul Stutts 23. Sandy Cole, Hannah Lynch, Evelyn Mitchell, Chuck Peeler, Trent Philpott 24. Mary Adams, Chris Culbreth, David Philpott 25. Dorothy Lewis, Samuel Vaughan 26. Janet Caldwell, Kate Kitchen, Charles O’Bryant, Archie Williams 27. Haley Simmons Bohon, Mike Kalish 28. Bryce Fogleman, Earl Mitchell, Nancy Page, Todd Power 29. Fairey Horton, Wes Stone, Kaye Tutterow 30. Kristen Beavers, John Markham

Regular Weekly Schedule Fall Kick-Off |Kickball, 5 pm & Cookout, 6 pm. Front Lawn •22 (W): (W): Truck Lunch, 12 noon. Front Lawn •8 (Tu): Food WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am • •8 (Tu): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am •9, 16, 23, 30 (W): Adult Access Classes. 6:15 pm •9, 16, 23, 30 (W): Divorce Recovery. 218, 6:15 pm •10 (Th): Women’s Fellowship Dinner. FBC, 6:30 pm •11 (F): 2x2 Sunday School Class Cake Auction. Café, 5 pm (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am •13 13 Joining Sunday. Worship, Sanctuary, 10:30 am •13 (Su): (Su): State of the Church Luncheon. 108, 12 noon •13 (Su): Finance Committee. 108-C, 10:30 am • •14 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm •14, 21, 28 (M): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30-11:30 am •16 (W): Building and Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm •18-19 (F-Sat): FBC Weekday School Consignment Sale. Gym/ Café. Friday: 9 am-7 pm; Saturday: 8 am-1 pm (Sat): Paint the Town 2015. 8 am - 4 pm •19 20 Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 12 noon •20 (Su): (Su): Flu Shot Clinic. 102, 1 pm •21 (M): Silver 102, 6:30 pm •22 (Tu): SeniorCompassion. Adult Council. 216, 2 pm • •22 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm •25-27 (F-Su): Middle School Fall Retreat. Camp Caraway •27 (Su): Children’s Ministry Lunch and Informational Meeting. Café,

12 noon. Lunch provided

•Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth

Womens Dinner

September 10 | 6:30 pm | Fellowship Hall

Bring a covered dish! We will share a meal and get to know each other and learn ways we can minister to one another. Invite your FBC friends and neighbors to share in this first of many opportunities to come together.

Middle School Fall Retreat September 25 - 27, 2015 Middle School youth will discover a deeper walk with God. $95/person covers food, lodging, t-shirt. Sign-up by September 13. Register now:

Sunday AM @FBC

Study - 9:15 am • Bible W orship - 10:30 am • Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209 •

Sunday PM @FBC

•Youth Handbells - 4 pm, 319-D/ Sanctuary •Youth Choir - 5 pm, 311 •Children’s Handbells: Gr. 4-5, 5 pm, 319-D •Adult Bells I - 6 pm •Youth Discipleship - 6:20 pm, 301 •Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311 •Instrumental Ensemble - 7 pm (3rd Sundays), Sanctuary


Fellowship Meal Reservations •Reservations due Tues. 12 pm

Cancellations due Wed. 12 pm Meal reservation? Online at OR contact Marty Kellam (aka Chef K) -- 274.3286, x245 or Kids’ Access - 6 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311

• • • •

Fellowship Meals Wednesdays, 5-6:15 pm

2: Front Lawn Potluck (We’re supplying fried chicken and drinks) 9: Pecan Encrusted Tilapia, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw Kids: Fish Stix 16: Ham, Mac & Cheese, Stewed Apples Kids: Hot Dog 23: Chicken Portofino, Orzo Pasta, Broccoli Florets Kids: Chicken Fingers 30: Theo’s Famous Fried Chicken, Baked Sweet Potato, Green Beans Kids: Chicken Leg September 2015 | 11

First Baptist Church Greensboro


1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401


NO. 179

Scribes of Hope II a

C I VA T r a v e l i n g E x h i b iti o n Scribes of Hope features 31 works across a wide range of approaches from today’s calligraphers. These works express the tension between traditional commitments to create work that is legible and a more contemporary view that emphasizes expressing the spirit of the text.

Gallery Opening & Reception Sunday, October 4 at 3 pm FBC Gallery is open to the public. October 4 - 30 Weekdays 10 am to 4 pm In the House of My Pilgrimage Psalm 119.54 | Grace Bomer, artist

To arrange a special gallery showing, please contact the FBC Music Office. / x237

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