april 2016 | www.fbcgso.org | 336.274.3286
New Adult Access Classes begin April 6 p. 8
first baptist church greensboro
Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
Saturday April 23 Work alongside many of our ministry partners
p. 7
www.fbcgso.org | 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
May Connections Deadline: April 15 Email news to kelly@fbcgso.org or bring it to the church office. Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director kelly@fbcgso.org / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Administrative Assistant: Learning gloria@fbcgso.org / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor: Adult Learning steves@fbcgso.org / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director teresaa@fbcgso.org / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director ginny@fbcgso.org / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor: Students and Family Life / stevec@fbcgso.org / x235 Jessica Hartman, Pastoral Administrator jessica@fbcgso.org / x231 Jane Anne Hayber, Administrative Assistant: Music and Worship / janeanne@fbcgso.org / x239 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director marty@fbcgso.org / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director rosemary@fbcgso.org / x225 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families christina@fbcgso.org / x241 Scott North, Church Administrator scott@fbcgso.org / x226 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor stevep@fbcgso.org / x231 Kim Priddy, Associate Pastor: Missions kim@fbcgso.org / x295 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant larry@fbcgso.org / x222 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor pastor@fbcgso.org / x231 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director tstarnes@triad.rr.com / x251 John Thornton, Pastoral Resident john@fbcgso.org / x236 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship doug@fbcgso.org / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship terri@fbcgso.org / x238 2 | Connections
3 Window Gazing -
4 Connect with Worship
5 Connecting to FBC
6 Connect with Children
–Jason Knight Ordination Service –Youth Choir Concert & Strawberry Fellowship –Trinity Sunday Hymn Festival –Explore 1st –Residency 2016-2018 | Partnering with Peacehaven Farm –Children’s Ministry Reflections:
- Reflections on the Lenten Workshop by Margaret McCracken - Reflections from the Pathfinder’s Class by Christina McCord
–Save the Date for VBS - July 11-15 –New Children’s Library Books –Worship in the Arts Camp - July 25-29 –BackPack Beginnings
7 Connect with Missions
–A Day of Service –Community Garden –Un/Sheltered Lives –A Simple Gesture
8-9 Connect with Adults
–PrimeTime –FBC Trips –PrimeTime Senior Saints Celebration –Access @ FBC –Silver Compassion Plan to Thrive Seminars –50-Year Members Luncheon –New Books in FBC Library
9 Connect with Business
–February 2016 Financial Results –March Church Conference Summary –April Community Lunch | Church Conference
10-11 Connect with One Another –New Members –Birthdays | Bereaved –April Calendar
12 Connect with Youth & College
–Unidiversity 2016 –Stop Hunger Now! –College Birthdays –DiscipleNow Photos
Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday Weekends and Holidays: If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Window Gazing – The View from Here By Alan Sherouse
arch 8 marked International Women’s Day. Since its inception in 1909, the day has become an occasion to celebrate the achievement of women while also remembering the struggles women still endure worldwide. Each year, in various ways, different organizations and entities honor the women in their life. This year, Greensboro got in on the celebration as a local paper listed some of our community’s strongest leaders who are women. It made me think of just how long that list is at First Baptist Church, Greensboro. As I talk to those newest to our church, one of the things I hear most frequently from women and men alike is, “I admire the strong women leaders in your church” or “I appreciate seeing women in positions of leadership.” Most clearly, they’re talking about the oustanding ministers on our staff who are women – Christina McCord, Kim Priddy, and Terri Vancil – whom we see in clergy robes, leading our church, sharing the bread and cup of communion, preaching and teaching and offering their gifts to God and community in ways that inspire us and help us to grow. The ministers who currently lead us remind us of others in the past who have served our church pastorally, including current church member and longtime Children’s Minister, Sandra Canipe, or former Children’s Minister, Virginia Reynolds, who currently serves as Associate Pastor of Congregational Care at Christ United Methodist Church, or even recent Interim Children’s Minister, Ashley Gill Harrington, who just last month was called to serve with her husband Brian as the new Co-Pastors of Starling Avenue Baptist Church in Martinsville, VA. Ashley will also soon be joining each of these other gifted ministers in the remarkable balance of the twin callings of ministry and motherhood (Baby Girl Harrington due in August!). Beyond our pastoral team, perhaps those who notice the strength of women in our church have visited the facility, called the office, or observed a well-administered ministry or event, appreciating the skills of Rosemary Kellam, our Operations Director, or Kelly Stephens, Communications Director, or one of our Administrators – Jessica Hartman, Jane Anne Hayber or Gloria Koster – or one of the other women who serve our congregation through administrative support.
But more than staff, the leadership of women in our church is evident throughout our lay leadership from teachers, to committee and team leaders, to the volunteers who rock babies and tell them of God’s love from their earliest moments at First Baptist. I think of Jenny Hall, our Deacon Chair, and Hazel Fisher, our Moderator, as I also think of the Pastor Search Committee that worked with me, which was chaired by Becky Starnes. It’s fitting that the first voice I heard from First Baptist Greensboro three years ago was a woman’s voice, as Search Committee member Kelly Cornett left a voicemail asking for a call back. That kind of environment is so important to young people in our church who are wondering what God is calling forth in them, including our recent Summer Youth Intern, Laura Roberson, who has shared how vital it has been to her to have served with a church where women are acknowledged as leaders as she considers her own vocational path. First Baptist has long been a church where women and men serve alongside one another in the roles to which God has called them. As a friend of mine is fond of saying when asked if his church ordains women as ministers and leaders, “We ordain women because we baptize girls.” But maybe it can start to seem so selfevident that we forget it is not always that way. Pam Durso, the Executive Director of Baptist Women in Ministry, has observed the significant progress made as more and more Baptist churches acknowledge women as leaders and pastors. But there are still challenges in the wider culture and ecclesial landscape, and in cases of particular exclusion or mistreatment culturally, it’s that much more important for the church to be equally deliberate in its inclusion and pursuit of equity. Not everyone appreciates that. “I bet you have one of those women’s days,” sneered an anonymous caller to our church shortly after I started. “We actually have more than one!” I said. He wasn’t impressed. But I am. You are. And so are many others, including those who have made such observations to me recently. They’re noticing a host of women leading within the life of our church. But more than that, I think they’re seeing what I’m seeing, too – our own daughters, growing in a place where what God sees in them and calls forth in them will always find a match in the community that surrounds them. April 2016 | 3
Connect with Worship
Jason Knight Ordination Service
Sunday, April 3 7 pm in the Sanctuary
oin us on April 3 for the Ordination of Jason Knight. Jason, Amy and their family have been an important part of the First Baptist community for years. In September 2013, having sensed a call to vocational ministry for some time, Jason began seminary studies toward an MDiv, which he will complete at Campbell University Divinity School this Spring. Our church has been able to offer support to Jason as a Lolley Scholar, and Jason has also participated in the ministries of our church, including leading a Wednesday Night ACCESS unit this spring. With the affirmation of the Deacons and Congregation, Alan Sherouse and Jenny Hall assembled an Ordination Council that shared conversation with Jason about his faith, call, and theology. The Council recommended that Jason be ordained, which the Congregation affirmed at our March Church Conference. We hope you’ll join us for the service and acknowledge God’s call in Jason’s life through worship, prayer and the laying-on-of-hands. Service participants will include the First Baptist Youth Choir, as well as Jason’s fatherin-law and First Baptist friend, Dr. Mike Queen. A reception will follow the service in the atrium. All are welcome! 4 | Connections
Youth Choir Concert & Strawberry Fellowship Sunday, May 1 | 6:30 pm
ll are invited to hear the Youth Choir in their year-end concert. The Youth Choir and Handbell Choirs work hard all year rehearsing in order to bless us with their talents each month during worship. As is our tradition, we will honor those youth who will be graduating and moving on to the next phase of life following High School. Invite friends, family and neighbors to this wonderful concert. After the concert there will be a Strawberry Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall featuring a variety of your favorite strawberry desserts! Be sure to stay for some “berry” good fellowship!
Trinity Sunday Hymn Festival | Mark your Calendar for Sunday, May 22
Featuring the joint choirs of First Baptist Church, Greensboro and Knollwood Baptist Church – 10:30 am at First Baptist Greensboro & 7 pm at Knollwood in Winston Salem Dan Stokes is a native of Hummelstown, PA where he began serving as a church musician at age 12. Upon graduation from Messiah College, he was selected as the distinguished graduate of the class of 1980. He received his Masters Degree from Scarritt Graduate School, Nashville, TN in 1982 and continued as Director of Music Ministries at Belmont United Methodist Church, a position he assumed during his graduate studies. In 1989 he accepted the call to be Director of Music Ministries at Christ Church United Methodist in Louisville, KY. During his 26 year tenure, the program grew to include more than 500 active participants. The Chancel Choir of Christ Church was featured in the Masterworks Series of The Louisville Orchestra in presentations of Verdi’s REQUIEM, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Mahler’s Third Symphony in collaboration with University of Louisville, and auditioned ensembles in the community. The choir’s annual Christmas Concerts grew to attract more than 5,000 guests annually. In 2015 he accepted the call to serve Trinity United Methodist Church in New Cumberland, PA. Dan has led numerous festivals and workshops for The Chorister’s Guild, The National Association of Pastoral Musicians, The American Guild of Organists, The Fellowship Of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts and the Presbyterian Association of Musicians.
Connecting to FBC
Explore 1st
Sunday, April 17 | Following Worship - 2 pm Includes Lunch | Café
A Sunday, April 17
great way to find out what FBC is all about is our Explore 1st session. This is for visitors, nonmembers who are actively participating in the life of FBC, and new members wanting to learn more about our community of faith. You will learn some FBC history, our Baptist beliefs and meet others interested in learning about the church. We will explore the workings of our church by giving participants the opportunity to have conversation with Alan Sherouse, pastor, along with pastoral staff and leaders. We also explore what we share in common with other congregations and those things which set us apart. Let us know if you would like to attend. Contact the Pastor’s Office – jessica@fbcgso.org or x231.
Residency 2016-2018
Partnering with Peacehaven Farm
e are in the process of seeking the next FBC Pastoral Resident for our 2 year transition-into-ministry program. This residency is designed to provide immersive experience in both congregational and community ministry within the controlled environment of a teaching congregation. During that time, we hope the Resident will develop the pastoral identity, theological frameworks, and habits of work and leadership that will contribute to a sustainable vocational ministry. The Resident will gain experience in a range of ministry opportunities crafted in consideration of both the church’s vision and the participant’s vocational goals, including the breadth of pastoral ministry (leadership, preaching, spiritual formation & education, partnership and network development). The church looks forward to an additional qualified seminary graduate to join its pastoral staff, and will trust the Resident to staff initiatives and aid in program development for our growing congregation. The 2016-2018 Residency is a shared program and exciting partnership with Peacehaven Farm - a ministry partner of First Baptist and a local area non-profit. Founded in 2007, Peacehaven is a sustainable farm and an inclusive housing community for adults with disabilities that is committed to environmental stewardship and sustainability and providing a supportive, family-like environment. Through both the congregational and community emphases of the program, the Resident will gain a breadth of experience in pastoral ministry. At First Baptist, the Resident will participate generally in congregational ministry with some focal areas of leadership. At Peacehaven Farm, the Resident will become an integral part of the Peacehaven community and develop a program to provide ongoing spiritual direction and pastoral support to the community.
April 2016 | 5
Connect with Children
Children’s Ministry Reflections Reflections on the Lenten Workshop By Margaret McCracken
ur family had the joy of participating in the Lenten Family Workshop here at First Baptist with our three year old son, Max. It was such a special time for my husband and me to spend with him as we moved through the different stations that focused on what this Easter season is about. One of the words that we used at almost every station was Grace. I found myself explaining a concept to our three year old that I myself am still learning about daily. The workshop was so wonderful because it provided the kids with fun, tactile, and visual examples of God’s love and grace. One of my favorite activities involved Max drawing a story in sand of a time that he did not show grace and then instructed him to wipe the story away to illustrate how God wiped our sins away. As I watched his little hand wipe the story away, I was struck by just how amazing Grace really is. I found myself reflecting not only on Max’s understanding of Grace but also my own. I thought about how I can show Grace to my kids in my parenting and also about how they show it to me daily. The next morning over cheerios we looked at the stained glass cross we had made at the workshop and placed on our kitchen window. I pointed to the cross and asked “Max, what does that mean?” He looked at it and without too much pause replied: “It means Jesus loves me!” Indeed it does. I look forward to all that Max will learn from Lenten workshops in the future, but I will always cherish this first one and that simple truth in that answer.
Reflections from the Pathfinder’s Class By Christina McCord
hat is a sign that God is with me? Does being baptized make me a Christian? Why do we take communion? Am I forgiven of all of my mistakes? What does baptism mean? How does it feel to be baptized? Why did God send Jesus to us? These are just a few of the many questions that a group of seven children, grades third through fifth, asked during our first session of our Pathfinders Class. I had the privilege of spending six Sunday mornings with this group of curious students helping them to discover the significance of Baptism and leading them to grasp what being a Christian means. We explored tough questions, we challenged one another, and we learned what following Jesus really looks like. This group of young people chose to be part of something where they were free to ask all questions that will hopefully lead them to professing their faith in Jesus one day before their church family. And now I sit back, with hopeful anticipation, as the Holy Spirit works through these precious ones as they continue the path of their faith.
6 | Connections
Save the date for VBS
July 11-15 | 9 am - 12 noon Embark on a VBS Adventure that will light the way with this over-the-top underground adventure! Kids will be grounded in the rock-solid foundation of God’s love, a love that takes us through life’s dark times. We need LOTS of volunteers, so let Christina McCord know if you can help christina@fbcgso.org. Register: www.fbcgso.org/children
New Children’s Library Books • Disney Tales of Magic • Disney Tales of Wonder • Five Bouncing Bunnies
…engaging young artists in a life of Christian worship
July 25-29 | 9 am - 1 pm Camp leaders will be Taylor & Sarah Vancil. Info: Terri Vancil terri@fbcgso.org | x238.
BackPack Beginnings On March 12, some of our elementary school-aged FBC Kids and families packed 145 Comfort BackPacks for our mission partner BackPack Beginnings! Comfort BackPacks offer care, comfort and basic necessities for abused/neglected, homeless, foster, and refugee children.
Connect with Missions
Mark Your Calendar!! April 23 | 9 am - 12 noon
T IS BACK! Last year was so much fun that we thought we would do it again – A DAY OF SERVICE! This is an opportunity to serve and do ministry alongside one another and get better educated with our ministry partners. Stop Hunger Now, Peacehaven Community Farm, our FBC Community Farm, and Bessemer Elementary are just some of the work sites. This is for folks of all ages and a great way to serve together as a family. Lunch is also available for $5 (includes BBQ sandwich, chips, cookie and drink). Please sign-up to let us know you are coming at fbcgso.org/about-missions and scroll down the page for “Opportunities to Serve.”
Community Garden
FBC Lower Parking Lot
Work Days: Saturdays, April 2 and 9 | 9 am - 12 noon
Guilford Avenue
ave you thought about the benefits of a community garden past the obvious: that it produces healthy food? I believe that our community garden will have a lot to teach us in the preparation and in growing season. I am excited about the work and ministry ahead of us and cannot wait to get started. The ground is being molded and prepared so that we can begin to build the garden boxes. We need help in getting the garden ready to receive seedlings from Peacehaven Farm. Join us on one or both of our work days. You can sign-up at fbcgso.org/about-missions and scroll down the page for “Opportunities to Serve” or for more information contact Kim Priddy at kim@fbcgso.org | x295.
FBC Upper Parking Lot
Un/Sheltered Lives
A Simple Gesture
here are many misconceptions that hover over homelessness. Individuals and families enduring homelessness are diverse in their backgrounds and demographics, and the factors that led them to become homeless are equally as diverse. Homelessness is a complex issue and we had hoped that by hearing the stories of those who are in housing transition we would better understand and be better equipped as a faith community on how to best care for those in need and help end homelessness. Below is a photo of the cast from the Un/Sheltered Lives play.
Lynn Donovan Photography
Sharing Food in our Community Sign-up at FBC on April 10
hen you come into the church and see the collection boxes of food for Greensboro Urban Ministry, do you then remember that you left your donation at home? FBC has been invited to join A Simple Gesture - a non-profit, door-to-door food collection program that will help to provide a steady supply of food to our ministry partners (GUM, Backpack Beginnings, Out of the Garden) to serve the neediest people in the Greensboro and Guilford County. It is easy! Sign up in the Atrium before and after church on April 10. To learn more: www.asimplegesturegso.org April 2016 | 7
Connect with Adults PrimeTime | April 4
Monique Johnson– “Overcoming Life’s Challenges” An artist and NC native, Johnson stands at just 24” tall due to a genetic anomaly. Her awareness, perseverance, courage and faith combined with an ever present sense of gratitude show she is living proof that physical limitations neither measure nor predict one’s success in life. Sign-up online for lunch– Meal reservation deadline: March 31 www.fbcgso.org/seniors or contact Marty Kellam: marty@fbcgso.org | x245 PrimeTime@FBC includes: 9 am: Ceramics, Gym; 9:30 am: Prayer Shawl Knitting, 108-A; 11 am Bible Study on the Epistle to the Galatians taught by Steve Pressley, 101; 12 pm: Lunch - Cost: $6/person
Join Us on the FBC Trips “Peace in the Valley” | Wohlfahrt Haus Dinner Theatre in Wytheville, VA | Thursday, April 28
$99/person cost includes: Transportation, four-course lunch and ticket to the show. Leave FBC at 9 am and return at 6:45 pm. Payment is due by April 12. Look for information on these upcoming 2016 trips on a flyer available at FBC, in future issues of “Connections” or online at www.fbcgso.org/calendarevents: • “American Music Jubilee” Summer Show at Rudy Theatre in Selma, NC | July 21 | $79/person • Washington, DC | September 26-29 | the rate per person varies based on 1 per room to 4 per room • Great Smoky Mountain Train Ride to Fontana Lake| October 13 | $115/adult – $95/child • “American Music Jubilee” Christmas Show at Rudy Theatre, Selma, NC | December 8 | $89/person
Important Trip Information: The tour provider is Yadkin Tours. To reserve your spot, sign up online: www.fbcgso.org/calendarevents or contact • Dolly Chesson: 545-7712 | swchesson1@gmail.com • Cliff Lowery: 210-6923 | lowerycc@aol.com • Monica Vaughan: 323-0335 |edwinv550@aol.com Note: Payment for the trips cannot be accepted online. Mail your check payable to Yadkin Tours directly to: 235 Field Brook Drive, Clemmons, NC 27012
PrimeTime Senior Saints Celebration
Friendly Avenue Baptist Church | April 28 | 2 - 7 pm $15/person. Contact Monica Vaughan for further information and to make reservations: edwinv550@aol.com | 323-0335 Registration deadline: Sunday, April 10 8 | Connections
Access @ FBC
Wednesday nights, 6:15 - 7:10 pm New Access classes begin April 6
Puzzling Passages in the Gospels | Chapel
Chapel Bible Study will resume with an eight-week series, “Puzzling Passages in the Gospels.” Was Jesus serious when he said, “Be perfect, therefore, as your Father in heaven is perfect”? Did he mean it when he taught, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters…he cannot be my disciple”? When he directed a man to sell all that he had and give the proceeds to the poor—is that his will for us also? Steve Pressley will teach this series.
Women’s Study Group | Café
All women are invited to join us as we read and discuss “Lean On Me” by Anne Marie Miller. This book sets out to dig below the superficial and explore what choices are necessary to find intentional, vulnerable, and consistent community. Jesus was passionate about truth-speaking relationships…and with Anne Marie’s narrative and practical insights interwoven together, you will feel more equipped in your quest for these types of relationships as you seek people to lean on and as you pour love into those around you. No commitment necessary…join us as you are able! This is a wonderful opportunity to build and strengthen the friendships and community among women of all generations in a relaxed, open discussion setting facilitated by Becky Starnes.
The Theology of Food | 108-C
Newly ordained, Rev. Jason Knight will facilitate this fascinating study of the intersection of our faith and our relationship to food. Utilizing the cutting edge work of Dr. Norman Wirzba of Duke Divinity School, Rev. Knight will lead us in the study of the theology, ecology, and physiology of faith and food.
The Pastor’s Roundtable | 102
This discussion-based Bible Study will be facilitated by one of our pastors and focused on the weekly scripture passages in our sermon and worship service. We call it a table, because we seek to learn through dialogue and discussion. We call it round, because all seats are equidistant from the center and all voices are welcome.
Connect with Adults
Silver Compassion Plan to Thrive Seminars
50-Year Members… Mark Your Calendars!
April 18 (Mon) | FBC 102 By Dr. George Fuller, Director of Silver Compassion
et’s Plan to Thrive! Announcing two classes that will give you more control over how your Life Story progresses today and into the future as well as how your Legacy continues even after the final chapter. We cannot Thrive without our souls knowing we are telling the Story we were meant to tell. These classes will be engaging, enjoyable and helpful! Seminars will be in room 102. No reservations necessary. For more information: Steve Sumerel - steves@fbcgso.org | x233.
n Sunday, May 1, following worship, we will celebrate our 50-year members at our annual luncheon. FBC is fortunate to have so many of you who have chosen to make FBC your church home. If you are a 50-year member, you will be receiving an invitation in the mail, and can bring one guest to the luncheon. Remember, membership does NOT have to be in consecutive years, but our database has no way of tracking those members, so please don’t rely just on the invitation.
End of Life Planning: More Than Funeral Preparation (3 - 4:30 pm)
You can RSVP today! All RSVPs must be in by Monday, April 25 to Marty Kellam: 274-3286 or ext. 245. If you need transportation, we need to know ASAP, so please let us know that too!
Writing and Sharing Your Life Story (6:30 - 8 pm) Everyone will find this class helpful. When we claim the role as the author of our Life Story, we will insure that we Thrive no matter how everyone else responds. Holy Week is our standard for a Life Story that did not define success by anything other than following the Life Compass given by Jesus’ Abba. Jesus decided in the Garden to tell His Life Story and let the Plot unfold with the will of the Abba He trusted. The Life Story class would be fun for couples and friends to attend together.
New Books in FBC Library
The time of this class may be hard for those who are working but the content will help people of every age to put their life in perspective, give the gift of advanced planning to their loved ones, increase the control one has over your Legacy, and save money. Of course we often avoid thinking about the end and the Big Story but they prove to be the best places from which to shape each day and form our Life Plans.
• Caught by Margaret Haddix • Devotion by Adam Makos • The Guilty by David Baldacci • The Nativity Story by Angela Hunt • See Me by Nicholas Sparks • The Wright Brothers by David McCullough • You’re Here for a Reason by Nancy Tillman
Connect with Business March Church Conference Summary
The monthly Church Conference took place on Sunday, March 13, 2016 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Moderator, Hazel Fisher presided. Motion 1 was presented by Jennifer Hall, Deacon Chair and Motion 2 was presented by Pat Wilson, Chair of the Missions Committee. Both motions were approved by the congregation.
February 2016 Financial Results
Year-To-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions
Receipts Disbursements Differential
Actual $301,884 $267,645 $ 34,239
Budget Last Year $323,349 $341,867 $296,236 $286,899 $ 27,113 $ 54,968
Motion 1: Upon the unanimous recommendation of the Ordination Council called for Jason Knight, I move that he be ordained to the Gospel ministry at an ordination service to be held at First Baptist Church, Greensboro, North Carolina, on April 3, 2016. Motion 2: On behalf of the Missions Committee, Finance Committee and Deacons, I move that an amount of $2,000 from the Great Commission Fund be approved in partial support of a mission trip to Ecuador by Laura Lomax and Phil Barbee in connection with E3 Partners Ministries.
Community Lunch | Church Conference – Sunday, April 10 | Following Worship Everyone is invited to enjoy lunch around the tables. The April Lunch will be a fundraiser by the youth to raise support for their Stop Hunger Now project on April 23. Donations will be collected at the door. A brief church conference will follow lunch to allow the membership to hear about the latest from our Deacons and committees bringing motions forward. Mark your calendar to participate in this important process of the church. April 2016 | 9
Connect with One Another
Responding to the Invitation
Adam and Laura Duggins
Mason, Grant, Landon and Johnny (February 28) By Statement
Andrew and Allison Donovan Annie and Emma
(March 6) By Statement
Why First Baptist? by Adam Duggins
s someone who grew up at First Baptist, it’s been exciting to return and see all that’s new. The growth and vision is part of why Laura and I made the decision for First Baptist to be our family’s church. However, I’m not sure we realized how much the heritage would mean to us, too. This was apparent to me as we stood in the receiving line the Sunday we joined. It was fun to see new faces coming through the line, but I was surprised by how much it energized me to see people who had invested in my life 25 years ago – like my 4th-grade Sunday School teacher, Carolyn Clontz, who offered to go to the nursery and bring up our baby, Johnny, so we could stay in the Sanctuary and greet people. First Baptist feels like a dynamic and growing church to me, but it also feels like the church I grew up in. Ultimately it was that combination of the new and the familiar that caused us to feel this was our home.
Welcome New Baby!
Eden Zachariah Holmes Born: February 26 Parents: Aaron and Emily Holmes
Bereaved Alec and Elizabeth Gill
Trevor and Charlotte
Marty and Susan Lawing (March 6) By Letter
(March 6) By Statement
Mark and Margaret McCracken Max and Hunter
(March 6) By Statement 10 | Connections
We welcome these new members to our growing community of faith. We are excited about the wonderful gifts they bring to FBC and we look forward to our journey together.
• Phyllis Anderson in the loss of her brother-in-law, Richard Clark, on January 29 • Ron McCraw in the loss of his brother, William F. McCraw, on February 21 • Jim and Sally Skidmore and the Mack Smith family in the loss of Furney Baker, brother-in-law of Jim and Sally, and brother of Viviane Smith Baker, on February 24 • Jim Fogleman Sr. in the loss of his brother, Stewart Fogleman, on March 2 • Ruth Caraker in the loss of her son Jersey • Ceil Sue in the loss of her husband, Dr. Sam Sue, on March 15 • Terri and Doug Vancil in the loss of Terri’s mother, Emma Jean Taylor, on March 15 • Anita Philpott in the loss of her mother, Phyllis Abbott, on March 22
Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday AM @FBC
Study - 9:15 am •Bible Worship - 10:30 am •Guest Reception - 11:45 am, 209 •
Sunday PM @FBC
9 (S): Community Garden Workdays. 9 am-12 noon •2,3 (Su): •Adults Finance Committee. 108-C, 4:30 pm • •All Ages Jason Knight Ordination. Sanctuary, 7 pm •34 (Su): •Children • (M): PrimeTime. 9 am - Lunch Seniors •4, 11, 18, 25 (M): Moms’ Group. 319, 9:30-11:30 am • Missions • •4 (M): Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm Weekday • •5 (Tu): Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm School •5 (Tu): WMU Group 2. 102, 7 pm •Worship •6 (W): Grace Meal Pickup/Serve. 5 pm •Youth 6, 13, 20, 27 (W): Fellowship Meal/Free for College. • 5:30 pm (serving begins 5 pm) •6, 13, 20, 27 (W): Divorce Recovery. 218, 6:15 pm •6, 13, 20, 27 (W): Adult Access Classes. 6:15 pm •10 (Su): StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection. Atrium, 9 am (Su): Community Lunch followed by Church Conference. 108, 11:45 am •10 10 A Simple Gesture Sign-up. • 12 (Su): (Tu): WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am • 12 (Tu): WMU Group 4. Café, 10:30 am • 13 (W): Missions Committee. 108-C, 5:30 pm • 17 (Su): Explore 1st. Café, 12 noon - 2 pm • 18 (M): Silver Compassion Sessions. 102, 3-4:30 pm, 6:30-8 pm • 20 (W): Building and Grounds Committee. 216, 5:30 pm • 23 (S): Day of Service. 9 am-12 noon •26 (Tu): Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm • 26 (Tu): Personnel Committee. 216, 7 pm •
April Birthdays (No FBC Birthdays April 10, 25)
1. David Carter, Betty Troxler, Emiley Turner 2. Tom Cornett, Bill Tutterow 3. Eleanor Gibson, Jenny Hall 4. Maggie Martin 5. Jeanne Blakely, Ralph Gilliland, Betty Jean Hipp, Kathy McDaniel, Sue Miller 6. Millicent Childs, Stuart Philpott 7. Randy Lewis, Ken Ripley, Anne Wilson 8. Melissa Milligan, Norma Moore 9. William Bolton, Joanna Bryson, Frances Fickling, Lucille Fitzner
11. Hilda Hester 12. Mildred Griffin, Jimmy Kesler, Wink Kirkman, Carla Porter, Brad Priddy, Ryan Priddy 13. Louise Deshaies, John Gee, Jennifer Hill 14. Judy Hester, Jon Kalish, Jill Pegram, Lisa Riddleberger 15. David Stone, Willard Dean 16. Jack Headspeth, Mona O’Bryant 17. Lois Edinger 18. Beth Wise 19. Kevin Cole, Ralph Tate 20. Jean Ayers, Inez Harrington, Sara Sears
•Youth Handbells - 4 pm, 319-D/Sanctuary •Youth Choir - 5 pm, 311 •Adult Bells - 6 pm •Youth Discipleship - 6:20 pm, 301 •Sanctuary Choir - 7 pm, 311 • • • • • •
Fellowship Meal - 5-6:15 pm Kids’ Access - 6 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm Divorce Recovery - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm, 311
Fellowship Meals
Wednesdays: 5:30-6:15 pm (Serving begins at 5 pm) Reservations - due Mon. 12 pm; Cancellations due Tues. 12 pm. Make your reservation online at www.fbcgso.org/calendarevents OR Marty Kellam - marty@fbcgso.org | x245. 6: Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans | Kids: Mini Burger 13: Oven Roasted Pork Loin, Mac & Cheese, Stewed Apples | Kids: Hot Dog 20: Chicken Portofino, Orzo Pasta, Broccoli Spears | Kids: Chicken Tenders 27: Fried Fish, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw | Kids: Fish Stix
1. Ronny Blakely, Paul Stewart 2 22. Alice Culclasure 23. Gladstone Harrell 24. Morgan Alexander, Colleen Hardy, Catherine Little, Doris Melson, Matt Messick, Evy Wall 26. Stephanie Cole, Lawrence Mann, Mark Pegram, Joel Reynolds 27. Betty Echerd, Julie King, Ellen Morrow 28. Rosemary Kellam, Larry Putnam, Win Rose 29. Ken Melton 30. Bob Baggett, Indigo Stephens
April 2016 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
NO. 179
Connect with Youth & College
Stop Hunger Now!
NEWS Unidiversity 2016 | “reFocus” July 18-23 University of Tennessee
We will adjust our lens and “reFocus” on the life Jesus calls us to live. Youth will grow in their faith during an incredible week of fun learning about God with friends from churches all over the southeast. Registration is $350/person, space available. A non-refundable $75 deposit reserves your spot for the week. Sign-up: www.fbcgso.org/youth For more info about Unidiversity: www.unidiversity.org
uring First Baptist’s Day of Service on April 23rd, FBC Youth will be joining Stop Hunger Now, an organization that is working to end hunger, by preparing 10,000 meals on that Saturday morning. John Sample, April Eller, and Amy Knight are leading FBC Youth in this effort, an effort that has been a wonderful experience where youth put their faith into action to feed hungry people around the world. To make this day possible, they will also be feeding YOU at our Church Conference on April 10th. Donations for this meal will help to raise the remaining funds needed that will purchase the meals they will be packaging on our Day of Service. Please join us for lunch after morning worship on April 10th, and help FBC Youth Stop Hunger Now!
College Birthdays Stuart Philpott NC State | April 6 3710 Lail Court, Raleigh, NC 27606 sjphilpo@ncsu.edu
Jon Kalish UNC-Charlotte | April 14 CF Lynch Hall #136B | UNC-Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 | jkalish@uncc.edu
Memories from the
Disciple Now Weekend Retreat…