CONNECTIONS Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
EPIPHANY IS THE TIME in our liturgical calendar when Christians celebrate, not just Jesus’s birth, but that through the visit of these wise men, Jesus’s identity was made clear. An epiphany was madea revelation- that he was, in fact, the Messiah- the Savior for ALL people!
There is something about the night sky that begs us to stare at it and wonder. We know that the cosmos holds the key to millions of mysteries that we can’t begin to understand. And yet the wise men allowed one simple star to guide them. The Christmas star was in plain sight for everyone, yet Matthew only tells us about the wise men being the ones to follow it. They were paying attention. They saw one light in the midst of all of the other stars that could have distracted them. And they allowed that light to be their guide.
Just like the Magi, we are seekers. We want to know God through Jesus. We want to love and adore him as the wise men did. We want to follow him. We are looking for hope and peace and joy and love. As Christians, we know that we can find those things if we allow ourselves to be led to Christ. And yet, we often find ourselves being guided on a different path. A path that can lead to insecurity and anxiety and sadness and suffering. In this Gospel story, we see that God put a star in the sky that would lead to Jesus. A star that would light the path toward the one who could give us all that we need. The one who would give us abundant life. And God still gives us guiding lights today. In this new year, you are invited to join us in looking and listening for the guiding lights that God offers. A light that makes our paths clear. A light that guides us closer to the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
3 Window Gazing 4 Children
Pathfinders | Merge | Parent Trap
Honest Faith | Youth Kick Off | Trivia Night
Facebook: @First Baptist Church Greensboro Instagram: fbcgso Connect with us on social media! Tag your post with #fbcgso
5 Youth
6 Midweek Themes of the Bible | Pastors Bookclub | Meal reservations 7 Adults Vanguard Series | Literature | Strategic Plan Exploratory Team 8 Worship Arts | Preschool 9 Missions and Community
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 336-338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Church World Service | White Flag Drivers
Birthdays | Bereaved | New Members
One additional helper is needed at the front desk. The time slot available is Fridays from 9-12 am. Contact Rosemary Kellam at | x126.
10 Church Life
11 Calendar & Financials 12 Upward | Explore First | Church Directory
F BC STAFF Patrick Cardwell, Homebound Minister Ashley Chandler, Ministry Support Associate /
Chris Cherry, Assoc. Pastor of Youth and Families / / x109 Anita Cranford, Media Library Director / / x104
Autumn Culbreth, Preschool Director / x106 Pam Davis, Ministry Support Associate / x124
2 | Connections
Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / amy@ / x103
Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x101
Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x123
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x117
Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x126 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / christina@ / x110 Scott North, Church Administrator / x127 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x120
Tyrone Smith, Maintenance Supervisor
Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor of Music and Worship / / x116 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor of Music and Worship / / x129 Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Faith Formation & Congregational Care / x113
Alisa Windsor, Communications Director / x102
Window Gazing by Pastor Alan Sherouse MANAGE FINANCES. EAT HEALTHIER. BE
MORE ACTIVE. Learn a new skill. These are among
the top New Year’s Resolutions in the United States for 2020. 'Tis the season when Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods report a boost in sales, hardly able to keep the kale and quinoa stocked on the shelves. A waiter friend tells me his restaurant bakes less of their famous house-made bread the first few weeks of January, knowing how many will thoughtfully decline the carbs. It’s been said that the entire fitness industry depends on the New Year’s bump and the ensuing long lines at the treadmills as so many seek to keep pace with plans.
At one level, the 40% or so of us who make resolutions are participating in a decidedly American hobby of self-improvement. But there’s something more at work: a desire to be new. In a new calendar year, we stand at the midst of a beginning and we hope the deeply human hope that there is some new light out ahead, where we can begin again. We people of faith recognize that Light. Like the Magi we have “observed it at its rising,” and in the season of Christmas we recognized how it is present in Jesus. In one of the first moments we see him after his birth, Jesus goes out to the Jordan unto John to be baptized. We encounter this story every year in the Season of Epiphany, which focuses on the first things we learn about Jesus after his birth. The poet James Autry has written that baptism itself is all about a desire to be new. In his poem “Baptism,” he writes, There is something about putting people under the water and raising them up in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, something that makes people cry That makes them want everything to be alright. That makes them want to leave this place and be better, to immerse themselves in their lives
And somehow be washed clean of all the things they should not have done and still should not want to do.
That's it. Not the other things, The star in the east, The treasures in heaven Or any of the old stories, Not even life after death. It's only to be new again.
To be new again. It’s a deeply held human desire. And it’s also a foundational Christian conviction, that God offers new light in which we can begin again. These winter days are dim for many of us. Frigid. And beyond the chill in the air, many of us find a post holiday pile-up and plenty of tasks competing for our attention. Some of us have lived through the silent and oft-forgotten loneliness of Christmas, trying to believe the truth of Immanuel, Godwith-us. Others of us have returned from places we have called “home” but found that being “home for Christmas” is not always like the songs imagine it. Some of us are living with family tension, or sick loved ones, or health concerns coming all to close to those near and dear. These winter months are marked for many by the reality of depression and a growing awareness of the tenderness of our mental health. If Advent is a season of birth, then the days after Christmas can feel almost post-partum to many. Remember that God does not want us at our best, or healthiest, or most resolved. God simply wants us as we are. God simply wants us to start walking toward the light we can see. It’s the light that first moved upon the waters, stirring them in creation. It’s the light that flickered behind a Bethlehem inn. It’s the light that prompted three sages -- and so many wie ones since -- to set out at its rising. It’s the light of the God who, in the words of the book of Revelation, is always “making all things new.”
January 2020 | 3
Is your child starting to ask questions about baptism and showing interest in making that commitment? Do they want to learn more about what following Jesus means? This class is geared toward children who are in upper elementary school who are seeking to learn more about being a disciple and who are considering baptism. We will meet in Christina's office on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15 am. Please email Christina, christina@, by January 24th if your child is interested in attending.
Check out the Family Conversation Event that parents and guardians of children are encourged to attend, right over on the youth page!
MERGE GAME NIGHT | SUNDAY, JAN. 26 | 5-7 PM Merge, our ministry for 4th and 5th graders is holding a GAME NIGHT in the FBC cafe! Bring your favorite game to play with your friends and $5 for dinner.
Join us on Wednesdays, January 8, 15, and 22, as Sabrina Cooke-Davism the parent education program supervisor at Children's Home Society, leads us in a discussion on parenting.
Do you frequently feel frustrated, ashamed or embarrassed by your child’s behavior? Do you find that your child often irritates you? Do you have to threaten and shout to get your child to cooperate? Do you frequently argue with your partner about how to handle your child’s behavior? If the answer to some of these questions is yes, then you might have become caught in what Triple P calls a parent trap. Parent traps are consistent ways of interacting with your children, your partner or your own inner thoughts that actually make the difficult job of raising children even harder. They add to the everyday burden of stress that many parents experience and weaken the effectiveness of dealing with your child’s problem behavior.
Common Parenting Traps are the “negative parent” trap, the “leave them alone” trap, the “perfect parent” trap, the “perfect child" trap, the “it’s all my fault” trap, the “it’s all their fault” trap, the “martyr” trap, the “for the sake of the children” trap, and the “they’ll grow out of it” trap. Parents' relationships with children can influence their future relationships with others. It is important to build relationships and connections with children during the primary stages of life. Many teens spend less time with their families than they did as younger children. As they become more independent and learn to think for themselves, relationships with friends become very important. Sometimes it may feel like your teen doesn’t need you anymore. But teens still need their parents’ love, support, and guidance. There are strategies that can foster nurturing relationships and open communication in families. Patience and practice is key! 4 | Connections
YO U T H You are invited to a special Family Conversation Event sponsored by the FBC Youth and Children’s Ministries, as we explore spiritual identity as a family. How do you navigate growth and struggles in your spiritual formation? What if faith is complicated for you -- how do you live out your faith honestly while allowing your child to grow honestly in their own? How do you express your faith while still being honest about your doubts? We'll discuss these questions and more.
Our speaker is Brian Foreman, who works at Campbell University as the Executive Director of SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 | 5-7 PM Community Engagement and Leadership, as well as the Executive Director of the Center for Church and Community. Brian has more than 20 years of experience in the education ministries of church congregations, and he has written books about social media, family communication, and leadership. Brian is also the father of two teenagers. Youth Advent Worship Earlier in December, the youth explored the theme “Love Came Down” in a special worship experience that asked them to engage all of their senses. Through scripture, small groups, and prayer experiences, each participant took a deeper dive into the idea of love in the season of Advent. We’re also grateful to senior Christopher Lyle and junior Kate Messick for speaking at the service.
YOUTH 2020 KICKOFF! | JANUARY 8 AT 6:15PM January 8 is the first official Midweek for youth in 2020 and we’re kicking it off in a big way. All middle school and high school youth are invited to the gym that night at 6:15 for a game of Life-size Human Foosball!
YOUTH TRIVIA NIGHT FUNDRAISER! Once again, the Youth Ministry is sponsoring a churchwide Trivia Night on Sunday, February 23 from 5-7pm to raise money for their summer mission trip and their trip to Passport Missions Camp. Sign up your team of 8 ($80) or sign up as an individual ($12) and help support youth missions. There will be concessions, great trivia questions from a variety of categories, and plenty of laughs. Sign up today at
January 2020 | 5
M I DW E E K @ F B C Midweek returns on January 8 with some new classes. Read more about the Parenting Trap class on our Children's page. We also are offering two other adult options THEMES OF THE BIBLE The Bible was written by a variety of authors in a myriad of formats, but there are themes that we can see throughout the entirety of scripture. Join Rev. Courtney Willis on Wednesday nights in January to explore three prominent themes we can see as we evaluate the Bible as a whole. Together we will see the ways that God’s love is woven throughout the words we read, and we will be inspired to live more fully into the faith we share. This class will meet on January 8, 15 and 22 in Room 108-C.
PASTOR'S BOOK CLUB Join Alan on Wednesday Nights in January for a discussion of A Lens of Love by Jonathan Walton, who will be our Vanguard Speaker in February (more on page 7). The book offers guidance for those seeking to be rooted in faith while pursuing professional lives that are just, ethical and challenge inequity. This small group discussion will meet in the Pastor's Office during our Midweek class time. If interested, email Alan ( or simply join us the first Wednesday Night. Books are available onlne or in the Church Office.
You can make a standing meal reservation for the Winter/Spring season of Midweek. Weekly reservations can be made via Sunday morning Connection cards, our website (, email (marty@fbcgo. org) or phone (336-274-3286 | x123). Reservations are due by Monday at noon. Cancellations due by Tuesday at noon.
January Menu January 1 | No Meal January 8 | Baked Ham January 15 | Wings January 22 | Pasta January 29| Soup, Sanwich, Salad CHILDREN’S EXTRAS Yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, etc. 6 | Connections
2020 Vanguard Series | Dr. Jonathan L. Walton| February 15-16, 2020
Jonathan Walton is the new Dean of the School of Divinity at Wake Forest University where he is also a Presidential Scholar on Religion and Society. An ordained Baptist minister and widely known scholar and preacher, Dr. Walton came to Wake Forest from Harvard, where he served as the Plummer Professor of Christian Morals and Pusey Minister in the University’s Memorial Church. Join us as he leads us in a Saturday evening lecture (dinner and childcare provided), Sunday morning Adult Forum, and then preaches in Sunday worship. Further details forthcoming, but Save the Date! Join Alan this month in our Pastor’s Book Club, reading Dr. Walton's A Lens of Love and meeting for discussion on Jan 8, 15 and 22 in the Pastor’s office. The Vanguard Speaker Series at First Baptist Greensboro is an annual event that invites an influential theologian or biblical scholar to lead the church in conversation, study, and worship. Made possible by a generous donation, since its inception the series has engaged premiere scholars in Baptist life and beyond to help the congregation grow deeper in faith and community.
In order to be better stewards of our resources, it’s time to take a look at the literature the church uses, and how it is disbursed among us.
In order to do that, we need to get a better idea of what classes, groups and individuals find which publications the most helpful. During the month of January, copies of Mature Living, Word for You Today, Formations and Nurturing Faith will be available on Sunday mornings in the Atrium from 9am-9:30am, and then again on Wednesday nights. Please take a copy for yourself and sign your name on the sign up sheet beside it. Going forward, this will help us know exactly how many copies of literature we need to order, and how we can best distribute it to the classes that use it. Thanks so much for your help as we attend to the stewardship of all we’ve been given. Please see Rev. Courtney Willis if you have any questions.
Strategic Plan Exploratory Team Update The Exploratory Team was formed in November, composed of members of the Deacons and Pastor Discernment Committee. Since then, we have been at work studying how our church has approached planning and visioning over the past few decades and what key questions are before us now. Using our past as a foundation and with an eye to our future, important questions have arisen around leadership, missions and community, church finances, and our facilities and location. Underlying this all is our identity as First Baptist Greensboro.
Our team is not attempting to answer the questions before our church, but will develop a recommended structure for a strategic planning process in 2020 where our whole church can engage. Please be prayerful for this process and your role. The actual process will be led be a volunteer team representing our congregation. We are asking for nominations for this committee through January 24. Please send your nominations to either Becky Starnes ( or Adam Duggins (, co-chairs of the Exploratory Team. We look forward to reporting to the Deacons and Congregation in February, with recommendations for how to proceed in a planning process this year. -- Richard Beavers, Alice Culclasure, Adam Duggins, Debbie Huneycutt, Coolidge Porterfield, Alan Sherouse, Becky Starnes, Brad Wall, Pat Wilson
January 2020 | 7
WO R S H I P A RT S The month of February, FBC is privileged to host the Sacred Threads 2019 Quilt Exhibit--a collection of 36 quilts expressing life's journeys of joy, spirituality, inspiration, grief, healing and peace/brotherhood. Founded in 1999, Sacred Threads was formed for quilters who saw their works as a connection to the sacred and as an expression of their own spiritual journeys.
The artwork themes provide thought-provoking insights, encouragement, inspiration and healing responses to grief and human hardships. The exhibit has attracted a wide array of visitors from young teens to seniors and has been described as a positive influence on the human spirit, giving joy as well as addressing concerns of the soul and mind. We hope you will take the opportunity for some quiet, mid-winter moments of reflection in this beautiful exhibit in the FBC gallery this February.
UNCG Graduate String Quartet will be our guest musicians for Sunday morning, January 12
On Sunday, December 8th, the annual Via Soup Luncheon was held after worship in the fellowship hall. The Soup Luncheon is held each year to raise funds for the Via Scholarship. The Scholarship Fund provides tuition assistance to preschool families. In a time when quality childcare is expensive, the fund currently allows 8 different families to send their children to FBC Preschool at a reduced rate. Thanks to generous donations of time, food and money from the congregation, we raised $3,220. The preschool staff and families would like to extend a huge "thank you" to the church. Your financial support helps make our program possible. 8 | Connections
If you know a child, aged six weeks to five years old, interested in parttime care and a preschool education; enrollment for 2020-2021 will begin for FBC and current families on Monday, January 13th. Open enrollment for all others will begin on Tuesday, January 21st. For more information or to schedule a tour, visit preschool/ or contact Autumn Culbreth (
The recipient of this year’s Christmas Eve Offering was Church World Service Greensboro (CWGS), which provides comprehensive resettlement services to newly arrived refugees through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. We also worked with CWGS this fall to support four refugee mothers with basic needs for their newborns. Laura Duggins, of our Missions Committee, coordinated this effort and the FBC Youth packed and decorated boxes full of supplies. Read below an excerpt from a thank you from CWGS on behalf of Malitete, one of the mothers we assisted:
"Malitete and her husband Bukoko stepped off the plane with their four children at PTI airport in June. They had fled their home country of the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1995, spending the past few decades as refugees in a camp in Uganda.... Over the past few months, she and her family have worked hard to learn a new language and culture as well as to familiarize themselves with public schools, medical providers, and the U.S. workforce. In early November, Malitete gave birth to a little girl. Because of First Baptist stepping in to help, she had the clothes, diapers, car seats, and accessories she needed! Meanwhile, Bukoko has secured his first U.S. job with the help of the CWS Employment Team and volunteers are helping the family orient themselves to this new city. This family still has a long road ahead. Because of their own courage coupled with the care of community members, however, they have a bright future… we are so grateful for First Baptist’s partnership in this mission." -- Mary Ellen Poe, Development Coordinator, Church World Service Greensboro
60th Anniversary of the Sit-In Movement On February 1, 2020, First Baptist is invited to join other congregations and community organizations in recognizing the legacy of the Sit-In Movement at the annual Gala of the International Civil Rights Center & Museum. If you are interested in joining Alan & Jenny Sherouse, and others from our congregation in attendance as part of a First Baptist table, please email Alisa Windsor for ticket information (alisa@
SHARE A RIDE, GIVE WARMTH, SAVE A LIFE: FBC WHITE FLAG DRIVERS In partnership with the City of Greensboro, the Interactive Resource Center, Greensboro Urban Ministry and the YWCA, First Baptist Greensboro is again providing transportation for the emergency White Flag warming centers that provide shelter for those who are homeless on nights when temperatures become life threatening. It’s an easy occasional commitment of about an hour and a half on designated nights. You are notified earlier in the day if you will be needed to drive. FBC drivers can share their experience and knowhow with you and no special license is needed. If you have interest in knowing more about how you can help with this ministry, please contact Amy Grizzle Kane, or Gayle Wiley, gayle@
January 2020 | 9
CHURCH LIFE JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 2 Henry Flannagan 3 David Rowe 4 Anna Bland 5 Esther Mathews, Norma Tutterow, Gracie Ellis 6 Carolyn Gilliland, Clifton Rainey, Hannah Griffin 7 Laura Wall 8 Stephen Willis, Katherine Messick 9 Elizabeth Sharp, Daniel Perry, Danielle Delgado 10 Danny Barlow 11 Gertrude Royal, Mary Lynn Delany 13 Lynn Tutterow, Joe Wooten, Liza Lewis 14 Suzanne Walke, Jim Laster
No FBC birthdays January 1, 12, & 19 15 Elise Berkley, Frances Bolen, Walter Beale, Caroline Austin 16 Phyllis Anderson, Aaron Holmes, Grayson Smith, Andrew Cornett 17 Jim Plyler, Tom Smith 18 Phyllis Conway, Dale Singley, Carlos Delgado, Henry Ellis 20 Trisha Hooper, John Hardy Angelina Glisson 21 Linda Denmark, Laura Lomax, Lee Blakely, Anna Cushman, Elizabeth Bolton, Noah Woodell 22 Amelia Barnes, Joslyn Lindsay 23 Randy Bowers, Donna Miller, Lynda Grace Moore, Becky Starnes
24 Carolyn Ellis, Sally Alexander, RuthAnn Hardy 25 Blake Jennings 26 Anita Philpott, Patrick Wilson 27 James Morrah, Karen Anderson , Marie Sumerel, Mark Yaun, Melanie Jennings 28 Victoria Champion, Margaret Lafevers 29 James Skidmore, Linda Gleason, Rick Riddleberger, Kevin Durbin 30 Graham Lyles 31 Ceil Sue, Robert Connell, Thomas Petty, Launi Evenson, Amy Smith
The family of Philip Dunn , d. 11/11 Phyllis Sykes, in the death of her sister, Doris Hodgins, d. 11/15 The family of Bob Baggett, d. 11/16 The family of Sue Weddle, d. 11/15 Betty Echerd, in the death of her brother, Glenn Bowman, d. 11/18 Lori Wood, in the death of her father, Harold Tippett, Jr., d. 11/23 Suzanne Rohrbaugh, in the death of her brother, Bill Yarbrough, d. 11/22 David Ryan, in the death of his brother, Roger Ryan, d. 11/25 Jewels Hampton, in the death of her father, Gerald Hampton, d. 11/26 Ray and Phyllis Anderson, in the death of their daughter-in-law, Penny Anderson, d. 11/30 Brad Wall, in the death of his grandmother, Devonia Purvis, d. 12/6 Rachel Shackelford, in the death of her brother-in-law, Robert Shackeldford d. 12/11 Martha Robison-Spangler, in the death of her husband, Harold Spangler, d. 12/13 *Bereaved November 15-December 15
10 | Connections
NEW BABY Caroline Elizabeth Leonard, daughter of Jeremy and Jacy Leonard, born 11/22
1 (W) Church Offices Closed 8 (W) Midweek returns | 5:30 pm Christian Restoration Fund Committee Meeting | 6:15 pm 11 (Sa) Upward Games 8 am - 2 pm 12 (Su) Step Up Clothing Ministry | 9 am Community Lunch | After Worship 13 (M) WMU Group #2 | 11 am | Helen Vaughan speaking 14 (Tu) WMU Group #3 | 9:30 am 17 (F) Youth Underground Church 18 (Sa) Upward Games 8 am - 2 pm | Upward Skate Night 6 pm 20 (M) Church Offices Closed YMCA Family Shelter Dinner 25 (Sa) Upward Games 8 am -2 pm 29 (Su) Explore First | noon
SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 12 pm College Bible Study
5 pm 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm
Youth Choir Youth Discipleship Adult Bells Sanctuary Choir
MIDWEEK @FBC 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 7:15 pm
Fellowship Meal FBC Kids Youth Group Adult Classes Sanctuary Choir
Giving at FBC Greensboro Thanks for your generosity in 2019 and for continuing to help the church grow in ministry and service in 2020 MOBILE Use Church Life App or on your mobile device or text FBCGSO to 73256.
IN PERSON Give via the church envelope in the offering plate on Sunday mornings.
MAIL Mail your offering in an envelope to the church, the office can provide self addressed envelopes.
ONLINE Set up a recurring donation option using your bank’s online bill payment system to send recurring checks or set up a recurring payment using your bank account or credit card at If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – | x127.
November 2019 Financial Results Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
Actual Budget Last Year $1,465,285 $1,494,512 $1,379,486 $1,585,689 $1,626,613 $1,606,981
Net YTD Deficit
$(120,404) $(132,101) $(227,495)
(Net of program income)
January 2020 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
A great way to find out what First Baptist Church Greensboro is all about is our Explore First class. You will learn some FBC history, our understanding of what "Baptist" means, and meet others newer to our church. This class is offered monthly and led by Pastor Alan Sherouse. Our next Explore First is January 26 at noon and includes lunch. If you'd like to attend RSVP to Alisa ( by January 22.
Upward at First Baptist needs some concession volunteers! Come join the fun that takes place in our gym every Saturday this time of year. Gather your family, friends or Sunday School class to help out. There are 2 shifts to pick from on Saturdays, either 8am – 11am or 11 am – 2pm. If you have questions or would like to sign up to volunteer, please contact Recreation Director, Tommy Starnes
NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY | SAVE THE DATE March 3-7, March 10-14, and March 17-21 We will be updating our Photo Directory in March! This is a way we as a large church family can connect and know one another. Be sure to mark your calendars to get your family's photo taken!
We will need some church member help on these days. If you can help volunteer, please let Alisa Windsor ( know.