JULY 2019
CONNECTIONS Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
IT’S SUMMER, AND THAT MEANS OUR CHILDREN AND YOUTH ARE TRAVELING Twenty children and chaperones gathered under the portico Tuesday, June 18 to load up the cars, give final hugs goodbye, and ask God’s blessing on their travels. This trip to PASSPORTkids marks the first journey our children and youth will make over the summer. Both children and youth will travel to Passport camps this summer and explore the theme “Fear<Less: Stay Awake. Stand Firm. Be Brave. Love Always” based on 1 Corinthians 16: 13-14. Our kids will participate in bible studies, recreation,
hands-on missions education, and worship throughout their weeks there. Also this summer, 29 youth and adults are traveling to Atlanta, GA for a mission trip. They will be doing mission work throughout the city and exploring the complexities of what brings individuals to the agencies they’ll be serving. Please pray for our children, youth and adults as they seek God in new ways this summer. And when you see one of our summer travelers after they’ve been on a trip—ask them about it!
1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
J U LY 2 0 1 9
3 Window Gazing 4 Adults
Thank You | Whole Church Book Read | Oasis Sunday School
Connect with us on social media. Tag your post with #fbcgso
5 Music & Worship
Claire Holley | Vancil Sabbatical ends August Special Worship Opportunities
6 Personnel
Email news to rosemary@fbcgso.org.
Congregational Conversations | Cassie Starnes | Darnysha Nard
7 Missions
Trenton Mission Trip | Meals on Wheels | Share While You Shop
8 Children & Preschool
Sprayground at Keeley Park | VBS Volunteers
9 Church Life
Birthdays | Bereaved | New Members
10 June Calendar Giving at FBC Greensboro
AUGUST Connections Deadline: July 17
May 2019 Financial Results
11 A Thousand Words
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
FRONT DESK HELP NEEDED Two additional helpers are needed at the front desk. The time slots available are Mondays from 9 am-1 pm and Fridays from 12-3 pm. Contact Rosemary Kellam at rosemary@ fbcgso.org | x126.
12 Midweek @FBC
F BC STAFF Chris Cherry, Associate Pastor of Youth and Families / chris@fbcgso.org/ x109 Anita Cranford Media Library Director / anita@fbcgso.org / x104
Autumn Culbreth, Preschool Director autumn@fbcgso.org / x106 Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / amygkane@ fbcgso.org / x103 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director marty@fbcgso.org / x123 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director rosemary@fbcgso.org / x126 2 | Connections
Baker Lawrimore, Ministry Fellow baker@fbcgso.org
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director tstarnes@triad.rr.com / x117
Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / christina@fbcgso.org / x110
Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / doug@fbcgso.org / x116
Scott North, Church Administrator scott@fbcgso.org / x127
Laura Wall, Interim Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ministry Assistant / laura@fbcgso.org / x121
Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident darnysha@fbcgso.org / x115
Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant larry@fbcgso.org / x120 Tony Sanders, Music Ministry Assistant Tony@fbcgso.org/ x130 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor pastor@fbcgso.org / x101
Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / terri@fbcgso.org / x129
Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation / courtneywillis@ fbcgso.org / x113
Alisa Windsor, Ministry Support Associate / alisa@fbcgso.org / x102
Window Gazing by Alan Sherouse
ROM JUNE 24 TO AUGUST 2, Providence Baptist Church in Greensboro is holding an exciting new ministry called Freedom School— an intensive, all day, 5 day a week summer literacy program serving 30 children. This is the first Freedom School to be held in a church in Guilford County, initiated as part of Providence’s sense of call to serve the community through education. First Baptist is proud to be able to support this effort through our Carter Trust Fund.
In 1957, Wilbur Carter, a faithful member of First Baptist Greensboro, entrusted part of his legacy to our church, inviting our congregation to steward some of his resources to support the “establishment, construction, maintenance, or operations” of Baptist churches in Guilford County. This led to the Carter Trust Fund. Different from an endowment or reserve fund, the Carter Trust Fund is not formally our church’s money, but it is money entrusted to us for distribution based on the intentions set out by Mr. Carter and our church leaders at that time. Each year, the Carter Trust allows us to partner with innovative ministries in our community. Applications from area churches are received by the Carter Trust Committee (led by our wonderful Chair, Cheryl Angel), who then makes recommendations that are approved by the Deacons and awarded to recipients to extend and expand their ministries. Our Carter Trust grantees in recent months include the Freedom School program at Providence Baptist. Freedom School is a tested model of literacy training, established by the Children’s Defense Fund, and replicated in a variety of communities. Providence is specifically focused on working with children in two of their neighboring schools, and encouraging five essential qualities: high quality academic enrichment, parent and family engagement, civic engagement and social action, intergenerational leadership development, and overall physical and mental health. In addition to Providence Baptist, recent grants have been awarded to other area partners: »» At New Light Baptist Church—a leader in providing supportive services to the Greensboro community—a grant will fund mold remediation in their fellowship building, which was discovered after the 2018 Tornado.
»» At Emerywood Baptist in High Point, funds from the Carter Trust are covering expenses for children participating in a new summer camp, aimed at providing childcare and meals for children whose families need additional support during the summer months. »» We are excited to support the First Indo-Pak Church in High Point and their pastor Tamran Inayat, as they establish the first Pakistani Christian Church in this area. »» Finally, a grant from Carter Trust is helping fellow Greensboro congregation, Southeast Baptist, as they expand their ministry by building a community playground on their recreation fields, which serve hundreds of children and families through their community soccer program. All of these vital and inspiring ministries are being supported through the generosity of one of First Baptist’s members from generations past, stewarded by our church though our Carter Trust committee and deacons, and extending the ministry of our church to include connection to the range of ministry described above. I’m not sure anyone conceived of all that in 1957. Mr. Carter was planting a seed. But we remember again what Jesus says about seeds: that even the tiniest seed can grow into a great tree branching out with space for all. It’s been a joy of recent months to notify grant recipients and tell them of our belief in what they’re doing. Dr. Darryl Aaron, my good friend and pastor of Providence Baptist, was particularly moved by the gift.
Reverend, God is a good God,” he said, and on behalf of us all I said, “Amen.”
DID YOU KNOW? Freedom Schools were temporary, alternative, and free schools for African Americans mostly in the South. They were originally part of a nationwide effort during the Civil Rights Movement to organize African Americans to achieve social, political and economic equality in the United States. Freedom Schools can be found in cities around the country every summer.
July 2019 | 3
A D U LT S THANK YOU FROM STEVE SUMEREL I wish I had more adequate words to express my deep appreciation for the love that was poured out for Marie and me during the weeks leading up to my retirement and especially for the wonderful reception held in our honor. The gifts, the hugs, and the words of affection were simply overwhelming. Although we are absent now from you, you must know how much warmth we still feel from the love you expressed. I always felt it was a great honor to have the opportunity to work alongside Alan and all of the incredibly talented staff. But, to have such an opportunity and be surrounded by such a loving and lovable congregation was certainly a once in a lifetime season in our lives. Marie and I miss you, we wish you Godspeed as you move into your futureâ&#x20AC;Ś and we shall always think of you with great love and appreciation in our hearts.
WHOLE CHURCH SUMMER BOOK READ All FBC adults are encouraged to spend the summer months reading Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen. The summer is a great time to listen for Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s voice in our hearts, and be reminded that we are beloved children of God. This book invites us to think about our spiritual lives as we become more attentive to who God has created us to be, how God blesses us, and how we are called to affirm and bless others.
HAPPY HEARTS MINISTRY HONORED On Tuesday, May 21, The Arc of Greensboro presented the Marina Wilder Award for Distinguished Service to the Happy Hearts Ministry of First Baptist Church, Greensboro. The award is given to honor an individual or organization that has contributed, in a distinguished manner, to the promotion of rights of and/or services to North Carolina citizens with developmental disabilities. Darla Reed, the president of The Arc of Greensboro, presented the Marina Wilder Award to Meg Rudd and Margaret McCracken who were representing the whole Happy Hearts Ministry Team.
4 | Connections
Through August 18 | 9:15 am Each summer our adult Sunday school teachers are given a break, and all classes meet together in the Chapel. It is our hope that just as an oasis is a place of rest and replenishment in a desert, this class will be a time of rest for our teachers. Rev. Courtney Willis will lead the class for the summer following the Nurturing Faith curriculum.
We welcome back Terri & Doug Vancil in July after their sabbatical time away. We pray that their sabbatical was filled with rest and renewal.
Bring a lawn chair or a blanket as you sit on the front lawn of FBC to enjoy a concert from singer-songwriter Claire Holley. She is touring to celebrate the release of a new albumn of hymns. A love offering for Hope Academy will be collected at the concert. The event is free and open to the public. Invite your friends!
WO R S H I P We have two special worship opportunities coming in August. We hope youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll join us!
9 am | Sunday, August 4
4 pm | Sunday, August 18
Join us for this beautiful time of worship on the First Baptist Church lawn. An outdoor potluck brunch will follow the service.
Head out to Camp Weaver Sunday afternoon for an afternoon of food, fellowship, and worship.
July 2019 | 5
We are grateful to all who participated in our June conversations, as we consider staffing following the retirement of Dr. Steve Sumerel. The Personnel Committee entered these conversations with a few early considerations: we want to continue to prioritize a visible commitment to Senior Adult and Homebound Ministry; we want to maximize the talents of our existing staff; and we want to be good stewards of our resources. The spirit and insights of these conversations help us to know what else the congregation thinks we should be considering. We’re taking time to catalogue what we’ve heard and continue to hear. We will report back to the church what we’ve learned as we continue to make plans.
The »» »» »»
anticipated timeline of our process is below: May 19 - Celebration of Steve Sumerel May - Initial Conversations with Senior Adult Council, Dr. Sumerel and Staff June 1 - Beginning of summer staffing plan increasing Courtney Willis’ hours for the summer months to add capacity to pastoral staff
»» June-July - Congregational input through 3 on-campus conversations ( June 2, 5 & 9), small group meetings at area retirement homes, and continued conversation with leadership. »» July-August - Develop plan for next phase of staffing »» September - Communicate and implement plan
— The Personnel Committee Sandra Canipe, Andrew Donovan, Laura Lomax, Jennifer Hall (Chair), Marietta Noel, Alan Tutterow, Alan Sherouse (Pastor and ex officio)
Welcome Cassie Starnes! This summer, we are fortunate to welcome Cassie Starnes as our Youth Ministry Summer Intern. Cassie will work with our youth summer programming, go on the youth Mission Trip to Atlanta, and join them for Passport Missions Camp. Having grown up at FBC, Cassie brings an intimate knowledge of how things work and flow, and she will be a welcome addition to our ministry staff. At FBC, we take our role of training young leaders seriously, and part of that means empowering college-age interns to use their skills and their voices to add to the depth of our Children’s and Youth Ministries. Cassie joins Sarah Billings as interns at FBC this summer, so if you see them around, be sure to say hello!
Darnysha Nard to serve in Miami Rev. Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident, has announced her plans to serve as part of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s Global Service Corps—a twoyear appointment working as a minister alongside CBF Field Personnel. Darnysha will serve with the ministry of Touching Miami with Love, which serves the Overtown and West Homestead neighborhoods through a variety of programs and advocacy efforts. Darnysha was commissioned on Thursday, June 20 as part of the 2019 CBF General Assembly, becoming the first appointment as part of CBF’s efforts to re-establish the Global Service Corps program. Her work will begin at the end of the summer. First Baptist will be learning further ways we can bless and support her work as she transitions. 6 | Connections
MISSIONS HURRICANE RECOVERY ASSISTANCE CONTINUED IN TRENTON, NC During the week of May 13-17, Amy Grizzle Kane, Harold Knight, Karl Lewis, Richard and Gayle Wiley, and Pat Wilson returned to Trenton, NC to assist the rural Haiti Community with continued recovery from Hurricane Florence in partnership with CBF Disaster Response.
One woman we met spoke of the hope she’s been given by having people and churches like FBC care for them,
Our base of operations was the Haiti Cemetery. Equipment was lost in the hurricane and most residents of the community have been focused on home restoration, not lawn maintenance. It was meaningful work to help again beautify this sacred ground for the Haiti community. While our numbers were small, it was just enough to get the work done. We are thankful for the investment God has called us to make in this community. Some tasks may seem small, but God uses them for big purposes when we are faithful to respond.
The Lord has done great things for us. The news will make you think everything and everyone in the world is bad, but it doesn’t talk about this, doesn’t talk about people caring and churches helping. ‘Cause when folks who don’t know you leave their home to come see about you, it doesn’t get much better than that.” We are thankful God has sent us to come see about the Haiti community in Trenton. Thanks be to God we can be hands and feet to help share hope and love with those for whom recovery has been a continued struggle.
The full blog and more pictures of the trip may be accessed at: fbcgso.org/ trenton-mission-trip/
SUMMER SHARE WHILE YOU SHOP—HUNGER DOESN’T TAKE A VACATION! Items can be left in Atrium collection bins. Our top 3 summer needs from Partner organizations:
Backpack Beginnings 1. Pop-top protein meals (canned tuna, ravioli, soup) 2. individual fruit cups 3. nut free cereals
Greensboro Urban Ministries
YWCA Family Shelter:
1. Peanut Butter
1. Laundry detergent pods
3. Canned Soup
3. 100% Juice boxes and fruit pouches
2. Mac & Cheese boxes, pasta
2. Snacks-individual bags
Urgent Need: Meals on Wheels Summer Substitutes Needed July 19 and August 16 Many committed volunteers vacation over the summer, and we have an urgent need for substitute volunteers Friday mornings on July 19 and Aug 16. This is an easy way to help give back to seniors in our community by delivering nutritious meals and smiles to homebound senior adults. You can even share the time with a friend, co-worker or your children/grandchildren. If you can help, please contact Cynthia Townes at 336-707-0408.
July 2019 | 7
CHILDREN SPRAYGROUND @ KEELY PARK Wednesday, July 24 9:30 - 11 am 4100 Keely Rd Park Join the fun and cool off in the July heat at the Keely Park Sprayground! We have a private covered picnic area until 1 pm so pack a lunch and stay after to continue to play. All ages are invited and it’s FREE. Bring a towel and sunscreen. Sign up at fbcgso.com/children
Do you have a few extra hours that you’re willing to donate to the FBC children’s ministry? Helpers are needed during the week of VBS ( July 15-18), but it also takes a team of folks to decorate the church the week before VBS begins. Contact Christina McCord at christina@fbcgso.org | x110 to find out how you can help.
PRESCHOOL FBC Weekday Preschool celebrated the end of the 20192020 school year with a Moving Up Ceremony. All age levels participated, with our Pre-K students enjoying a ceremony with their parents to acknowledge the end of their time in preschool and the new adventures they will embark on in kindergarten. Families enjoyed a picnic lunch and a visit from Kona Ice to cap off a great school year. On the very last day of school, our children released monarch butterflies on the playgrounds after they followed their metamorphosis for several weeks. Many of our children enjoyed Summer Days with theme weeks including: Ocean/Beach Week, Animals 2x2 and Super Hero Week.
Enroll for 2019-2020 at the Preschool Some classes are filling quickly. If you are interested in enrollment, please contact autumn@fbcgso.org or 336274-3286 | x106
8 | Connections
JULY BIRTHDAYS 1 Cheryl Angel, Gary Beech, Michael Mathews 2 Renee Fila 3 Chris Bland 4 Sharon Starr, Cynthia Hartis, Cathy Wells, Molly Lyle, Lincoln Harrell 5 Clyde Rudd, Louise Garcia, Carol Matthews, Mike Moore 6 Carolyn Ripley, Matt Hall, Lauren Shriver, Kevin Tutterow 8 Eunice Beavers, Benjamin Hardy 9 Laura Cashwell 10 April Eller, Robert Moore Ken Ripley 11 Ronald McCraw, Larry Canter, Nathan Wall
No FBC birthdays July 7, 20
12 James Watkins, Kay Hensley, Michael Vance, Lilly Persinger 13 Betty Jo Hardin, Christine Garber Beth Shaffer, Peter Johnson, Cameron Gooding, Cassady Teague, Mark Blakely 14 Bobbie Avant Brown, Susan Bennett Susan Terrell, Charlie Beavers 15 Benny Pember 16 Bill Herring, Margaret Swanson, Cynthia Townes, LeAndrea Rainey, Mason Lewis 17 Corie McRae, Stephen Sumerel, Jesse Rainey, Anna Rider 18 Diane Watkins, Gary Upchurch, Jesse Rainey 19 Clyde Mitchell, Tom Boyce
21 Joanne Caldwell, Melisa Lyles, Cam Simmons 22 Harold Knight, Ken Vaughn, Virginia Wells 23 Joanne Osteen 24 Bill Anderson, David Angel, Jim Fogleman, Jr., Lauren Vance, Bea Sherouse 25 Gene Cox, Joe Garcia, Paige Gillette 26 Patsy Thacker 27 Betty Morgan, Davis Bennett 28 Frances Fogleman, Gene Hester, Seth Hix, Jacob Gill 29 Virginia Little, Aidan Eller 30 Alan Sherouse, Davis Baugh 31 David Moore, Kaitlyn Rainey, Alexander Porter
BEREAVED The family of Bud Hardin, d. 5/18 The family of Parrish Clodfelter, d. 5/18
Joe Norman in the loss of his brother, Buzz Norman, d. 5/29
Kay Cashion in the death of her brother, Bill Slaughter, d. 6/6
Monica Vaughan in the loss of her mother, Edith Watts, d. 6/2
Keep Us Updated! If you’ve had any changes to your contact information (phone, email, and address) let us know. If your children move, get married, go to college or graduate — we need to know that too! Send all updates to Rosemary Kellam: rosemary@fbcgso.org | x231. You can also update your member information via the private FBC Member website – click the “Sign In” button at the top of the website. All FBC members can create a login/password and have online access to your giving summary, church calendar, online registrations, search information, etc. Go to www.fbcgso.org to get started!
SUBSCRIBE TO THE ONLINE VERSION OF CONNECTIONS: FBC produces Connections in a printed format, but also in an online version with “active” links within the document that allow the reader to send an email or to access websites for more information. To subscribe, go to fbcgso.org/newsletter JANICE & WILLIAM HIX JOINED 5-28-19
KEEP UP WITH FBC THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram July 2019 | 9
JULY @FBC 2 (Tu) 3 (W) 3 (W) 4 (Th) 7 (Su) 7 (Su) 8 (M) 14 (Su) 15 (M) 19 (F) 23 (Tu) 24 (W) 29 (M)
Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm Grace Meal Pick-Up and Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm No Midweek @FBC. Church Offices Closed. Meeting Day. 11:45 am Claire Holley Concert. Front Lawn, 7:30 pm VBS Decorating (through Saturday). VBS Volunteer Meeting. 102, 12-2 pm Vacation Bible School (through Thursday). 9 am - 12:30 pm Meals on Wheels. 1401 Benjamin Parkway. 9:30 am Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm Sprayground at Keeley Park. 9:30-11 am Worship in the Arts Camp (through Friday). 9 am - 1 pm
SUMMER WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship
MIDWEEK @FBC Continuing through July 31 5:30 pm Fellowship Meal 6:20 pm Bible Study (Chapel)
Giving at FBC Greensboro HELP THE CHURCH ACHIEVE A HEALTHY CASH FLOW THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER BY: »» Remembering to give regularly. »» Giving when you are on vacation. (See online and mobile options) »» Giving extra as God provides. We often hear from generous individuals that they want their giving to mean something. They want their gifts to be significant. We want everyone to realize that their giving to the church is always significant. We love stories of how individual lives have been changed for the better by receiving help (financial and otherwise) from friends, neighbors, the church, other non-profits, and even strangers. These stories often motivate others to give of themselves, but sometimes, if those gifts don’t achieve the same good results, we falsely believe those gifts are not as significant, not significant at all, or even grossly wasteful. When you give to the church, your gifts are never wasteful. ONLINE Set up a recurring donation option using your bank’s online bill payment system to send recurring checks or set up a recurring payment using your bank account or credit card at www.fbcgso.org/give If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – scott@fbcgso.org | x127.
May 2019 Financial Results MOBILE Use Church Life App or Tithe.ly on your mobile device or text FBCGSO to 73256. 10 | Connections
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
Actual Budget Last Year $681,456 $695,388 $713,513 $720,818 $751,145 $770,191
Net YTD Surplus
($39,362) ($55,757) ($56,678)
(Net of program income)
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram. Row 1:
Children headed to PASSPORTkids!, youth messy games, children with Pentecost hats
Row 2:
Graduated seniors, Habitat Building on Faith dedication
Row 3:
Harvest from the garden, Songs of the Spirit concert
June 2019 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401 www.fbcgso.org
M I DW E E K @ F B C Midweek @FBC continues for the month of July! Join us for dinner at 5:30 pm and Bible study at 6:20 pm. Please note there will be no Midweek meal or Bible study on Wednesday, July 3rd.
JULY MENU July 3 July 10 July 17 July 24 July 31
| | | | |
No Midweek meal From the Garden Salad Night Chef ’s Choice Chef ’s Choice
CHILDREN’S EXTRAS Yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, etc.
Meal reservations can be made via Sunday morning pew cards, website (fbcgso.org/calendarevents), email (marty@fbcgso.org), or phone (336-274-3286 | x123) for all meals. Reservation due: Monday at noon Cancellations due: Tuesday at noon