first baptist church greensboro
March 2019
connections Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
The Prayer Garden at First Baptist is undergoing some revitalization over this Lenten season. Be sure to watch the transformation and linger in the space for a moment of reflection or prayer.
he Prayer Garden at FBC was started 17 years ago as an Eagle Scout project. Now, several FBC members along with ministry staff have initiated a new plan for the Prayer Garden. Starting in the Lenten Season, prayer guides will be available in the newly constructed cedar boxes located at the points of the cross. Throughout the year, we will have an opportunity to use this garden for prayer and meditation, with words of encouragement from our ministers. We will also enjoy the landscape transformation of a this space as we welcome the
beauty of hydrangeas, azaleas, acuba, redbud, Lenten roses, ferns and more flowers throughout the seasons. The garden is undergoing this revitilization through mid-March. On Sunday, March 31 after the service, we will have a dedication of this space for all church members to enjoy. The Prayer Garden is accessible from the walkway between the gym and the church. Please toke a look at the progress being made and take advantage of the space to sit, reflect and pray.
1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , NC 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
March 2019
connect with us!
3 Window Gazing 4 Lent, Clothed with Christ
Connect with us on social media. Tag your post with #fbcgso
6 A Word from Steve Sumerel 7 Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Meet Paul Baxley | Volunteer to help with CBFNC
Email news to
8 Missions 9 Adults Midweek during Lent
| April PrimeTime | A Thank You
10 Children and Preschool
Office Hours
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
Weekends and Holidays
12 Youth 13 Church Life
APRIL Connections Deadline: March 15
Birthdays | New Members | Bereaved
14 March Calendar Connect with Business
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Front desk help needed
Giving at FBC Greensboro January 2019 Financial Results
Two additional helpers are needed at the front desk. The time slots available are Mondays from 9 am-1 pm and Fridays from 12-5 pm. Contact Rosemary Kellam at rosemary@ | x231.
13 A Thousand Words 14 Midweek @FBC
fbc staff Chris Cherry, Associate Pastor of Youth and Families /
Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / / x241
Mary Beth Foust, Communications Director / / x223
Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident / x232
Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / x295
Scott North, Church Administrator / x226
Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x231 Autumn Culbreth, Interim Preschool Director / / x240 Baker Lawrimore, Ministry Fellow / x239 2 | Connections
Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x222 Tony Sanders, Music Ministry Assistant Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x225 Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x251
Steve Sumerel, Associate Pastor: Congregational Life / x233 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / / x238 Laura Wall, Interim Children’s Ministry Assistant / / x288 Alisa Windsor, Ministry Support Associate / / x225 Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation / courtneywillis@ / x239
Window Gazing by Alan Sherouse This month’s pastor’s column is an abbreviated version of our February 3 “State of the Church.” To read all of Alan’s remarks, visit
moment in recent days captured some of who I understand First Baptist Greensboro to be as we enter into 2019. In our worship service, something happened to one of our members that could happen to any of us, as he became lightheaded. Immediately, the medical professionals from our congregation were on the scene, the necessary assistance was offered, and we were all reminded that if you’re going to faint, church might be the best place to do it! I don’t know about you, but my immediate response was, “Not him!” I know how well this particular member takes care of himself — eating deliberately and exercising regularly — so I said to myself, “Not him! He’s so strong.” But you can hear my assumption: that somehow being strong means we’re not fragile. We should know better, especially in church. We don’t always show the fragility of our lives, but in fact, we are strong and fragile at the same time -- redeemed by a God whose grace is sufficient, and yet still human and incomplete. It’s one way I understand our church: strong and fragile. I want to share three ways I think this is true, and one way we can respond in the year ahead. Early in 2019, our staff met to walk through the last year and consider how we see God at work. Three themes emerged for me, all of which have evidence of our strength and capacity, as well as our challenges and opportunities: transition, growth, and adaptability. We have experienced transition in multiple ways, including our programming and scheduling, shifts in our denominational leadership, the loss of dear saints of our church, and changing relationships amidst a growing and changing membership. Perhaps most acutely, we have experienced transition in our ministry staff. In 2018, two new pastors joined our staff — Rev. Courtney Willis and Rev. Chris Cherry—and we celebrated the retirement of 25-yr Associate Pastor, Dr. Steve Pressley. In recent days, as you can read later in this newsletter, our Associate Pastor of Congregational Life, Dr. Steve Sumerel, has announced his decision to retire. All of this is right and good, and yet it tests our capacity for change, and so we continue to seek to navigate transition faithfully. One way we do that is through our church’s unique gift of adaptability. We are a church with stability and wonderful heritage, and yet as gifted for adaptation as any such church I know. I sometimes tell people “We’re the church you grew up in, with some surprises,” and I believe that blend of the familiar and the new is First
Baptist Greensboro at our strongest. In the last year, we’ve seen such adaptability in emerging ministries and new community partnerships, as well as creative ways of finding new vision in trusted ministries. This blend of what Dr. Greg Jones calls “traditioned innovation” is core to our future. Our future seems well poised for continued growth, but not without questions of what growth looks like. In 2018, we saw a net increase in membership, making it 1 of 6 years of such growth since 1983. With that, we also experienced shifts in attendance, with Wednesday nights up and Sunday mornings trending downward. Of serious concern, our church did not meet our budget goals last year, with a strong close to the year not enough to make up for a historic low in giving through the summer. These seemingly contradictory metrics speak to the challenge and opportunity before us. In a recent article, “RIP Church Attendance,” Dr. Dave Odom notes that many of the traditional ways of measuring church involvement are not as applicable anymore. We have the opportunity, then, to consider what commitment to First Baptist looks like, and what growth will require of us at a variety of levels: financially, structurally, and in our identity and ministry. At times, I’ve operated as though once a period of transition concludes, then an organization can begin to grow. In truth, transition and growth are one and the same, especially in a church in 2019, and we navigate this faithfully through constant adaptation. As we do, this year we will be inviting the congregation into a practice of refreshing our vision and plans for the future, in partnership with the Center for Congregational Health in Winston-Salem. The congregation went through such a process prior to my call as pastor, and here 5+ years later is a wonderful time to return to such work. We will take time to pray and share with one another about our history, values, identity and dream together about what that means for the next 5 years. Watch for information on upcoming gatherings later this year. We are strong and fragile at the same time. It’s true of everyone of us as individuals, and it’s true of us collectively as First Baptist Greensboro. The good news is, there may be no better place to come to that realization than church, where we can be honest about who we are and ever hopeful about who -- through the power of the Spirit —we are yet becoming.
March 2019 | 3
his Lenten season at First Baptist Greensboro, instead of only giving things up we’re putting things on. In the epistle of Colossians, God’s holy and beloved are urged: “Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” (Colossians 3:12-14) The season of Lent is a season of repentance and renewal in preparation for Easter. For 40 days (plus Sundays), Christians spend time considering the love of God in Christ, and how we can more fully follow in the way of Jesus. This year, we’re considering the traits listed in Colossians as the marks of this “new life of love,” to which God has called us through the resurrection of Christ. Each Sunday in worship, we will focus on a different theme and how we can take it on in our own lives. On Wednesdays, we will reflect together on how we see these marks in the lives of members of our church community.
4 | Connections
Lent w e e k ly T h e m e s
March 10 March 17 March 24 March 31 April 7 April 14 April 21
Clothe Clothe Clothe Clothe Clothe Clothe Clothe
Yourselves Yourselves Yourselves Yourselves Yourselves Yourselves Yourselves
with with with with with with with
Compassion Kindness Humility Patience Endurance Forgiveness (Palm Sunday) Love (Easter Sunday)
We hope you’ll be with us throughout the season of Lent as we seek to clothe ourselves with love.
Faces of Faith
Opportunities for Worship Ash Wednesday | 6:30pm | Sanctuary
During Lent, we will all gather in the chapel each Wednesday night at 6:20pm to learn more about each other and more about our faith.
Mark the beginning of the Lenten Season with a church-wide service of confessional prayer and imposition of ashes.
Midweek @FBC during Lent
Each week several church members will share their stories of how they have experinced God in their lives. We will all be challenged to “clothe ourselves” with the traits of Colossians 3:12: compassion, kindness, humility, patience and endurance. Through learning more about those who make up our congregation, we will learn more about who God is calling us to be.
Sundays during Lent | 10:30am Instead of letting go or giving something up this Lenten Season, we invite you to explore what it might be like to take on new attributes of Christ.
Wednesday, April 17 | 6pm A Family Pilgrimage Service will include a church-wide dinner and communion in the Fellowship Hall, with a time of worthip in both the Prayer Garden and the Sanctuary.
Good Friday, April 19 | 12:30 “The Way of the Cross” Service in the Chapel following a light soup lunch in Room 102 served at noon.
March 2019 | 5
ST a ff n e w s
n 2010 this congregation graciously extended to me the invitation to come into the fellowship of FBC, Greensboro as the Associate Pastor for Adult Learning. It was my hope and my prayer that my service alongside this congregation would become a season of mutual growth and blessing, and that this congregation might become my faith family for the last leg of my ministerial career. I am before you now to let you all know that that prayer was answered beyond all my expectations, as I shall complete my service as your Associate pastor of Congregational Life upon my retirement which will take effect at the end of May of this year. I have many good and compelling reasons to retire in May. It has always been my desire to finish my career with a controlled safe landing, not a perilous crash with one engine or no landing gear. An inner voice (that still soft voice) that has always steered my course is telling me clearly that it is time to land and to land well. Yes, there is still so much good and faithful work to be done. This is a truth that makes my decision difficult. But, there will always be good work that is not finished; completion of God’s work can never be the signal for the time to step down. And our faith affirms that God provides provision for those who continue the journey. I know I shall deeply miss being your minister. I shall deeply miss being a part of such a talented, dedicated and gifted team of ministers. Your love, your grace, and your dedication to the good work that we have been able to accomplish together have made my time with you a feast of blessings. So, I shall shed both tears of joy and sorrow as I move into this new chapter of my life. I shall carry the joy of our friendships and our fellowship with me as our journeys now take different paths. My prayer for this congregation is that each of you will hold on to the truth I am coming to realize as I reflect on this, the last leg of my ministerial career. My life in ministry has allowed me to engage in many different areas of service, and I have worked alongside many wonderful people. But, God has a clever way of surprising us, and through my ministry with you I now know that God most often saves the best for last. God bless you all, Steve Sumerel For now, we take time to celebrate Steve. We will look to find ways of expressing our love and gratitude to him and Marie in the days ahead. We know Steve would appreciate your prayers and any words of support and love you want to offer ( 6 | Connections
C o o p e r at i v e ba p t i s t f e l l ow s h i p Meet paul baxley The newly named CBF Executive Coordinator will be with us Sunday, March 31 to lead in worship and meet with staff and members of First Baptist in conjunction with the celebration of 25 years of CBFNC. We hope you will make plans to be with us.
CBFNC Identity We are a fellowship of Baptists in North Carolina sharing a commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in our midst, and a reverence for God’s Word. Our oneness is expressed through a devotion to historic Baptist principles of faith and practice. This devotion calls us to join together in responding to Jesus’ call to go into all the world to share God’s love (Matthew 28:19-20).
Volunteers Needed to Help with annual Gathering FBC is hosting this year’s CBFNC annual Gathering on March 28-29! As the host church, we need many volunteers to make this event happen. From helping people around our building to setting up for the conference! We would love our FBC members to help with hosting this event. If you are available for a shift or two on these days, please sign up at:
March 2019 | 7
Missions Tornado Assistance Update Thank you for our support of those impacted last April by the tornado. First Baptist partnered with Community Housing Solutions and Habitat Greensboro. CHS has repaired 27 homes of those who did not qualify for FEMA assistance and boarded and taped up windows in the immedate aftermath. Habitat was also on the ground immediatly; First Baptist collaborated with Community Housing Solutions at their Paint the Town event and had our very own team of painters in September. Both organizations are grateful for teh prayers, leadership and financial support from First Baptist. Your gifts have helped multiply resources to serve more families in need.
Spring is Coming: Community Garden The Community Garden at FBC is about to "sprout its plans" for the Spring and we need your help! Our goal is to SHARE: we want to share our produce, our fellowship, and our learning with members of the community, our neighbors, and our church family. Come to one of our informational meetings: Wednesday, February 27 | 5:45pm | Room 108E Wednesday, March 4 | 6pm | Room 101 (Westerwood nieghbors included) If you are interested in learning more about this mission, please contact Amy Grizzle Kane, Cynthia Townes or Janice Newsom. We welcome all hands to DIG IN.
meals on Wheels Substitutes Could you share two hours on an occasional Friday morning to be a substitute driver for Meals on Wheels? You can even share the time with a friend, co-worker or your kids. This is an easy way to help give back to seniors in our community by delivering nutritious meals and smiles to homebound senior adults age 60 and over. Adding your name to the substitute list is a simple and helpful way to give Meals on Wheels a try without making a big commitment. Summer only substitutes welcome as well! To add your name to the sub list, please contact Cynthia Townes or 336-707-0408.
8 | Connections
A d u lt s APril PrimeTime Monday, April 1
Program Speaker: Cheryl Stewart Program Title: Art in the Public Realm
**photo by Lynn Donovan
Cheryl Stewart has worked in public art administration since 1984. She has placed and promoted art in central NC, Tennesee and New York. She is past-president of the Board of Green Hill Center for NC Art and the Weatherspoon Art Museum Association and the 2017 O Henry Award recipient given by Arts Greensboro and the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce. She will share with us about the Public Art Endowment, which is a permanent fund for the creation of long-term and permanent installations. The Endowment not only increases our cultural vitality for those of us lucky enough to live in Greensboro, it also enhances our desirability to those outside of the area as a community worthy of investment.
A WORD OF WELCOME Welcome Anita Cranford! Anita is no stranger to the First Baptist family and we are grateful for the many ways she has already served so faithfully. Her roles have included: Sunday School Teacher, Deacon, and as a Teacher at our First Baptist Preschool. We are glad to add Librarian to her list of gifts she has shared with us.
A THANK YOU Dear Church Family, Wow, time flies when you’re having fun! And fun is exactly what I’ve had for eight years working in our Church library. I love libraries and books, but I especially love my church family. Having grown up at First Baptist Church, I always thought it was a loving, caring and generous church. After seeing the number of books donated to Bessemer Elementary School, I know it still is. I also know that Bessemer will appreciate and greatly benefit from these donations. It has been an honor and privilege to have served eight years in the Library. I feel so fortunate to still be a part of this church family. Thank you for all of your support and kindness during my years of service. In Christ, Teresa Allen March 2019 | 9
Children Family Lenten Workshop | March 17 | 5-7pm This workshop, designed for families and their children, creates a space to participate in interactive prayer experiences and hands-on activities that allow for reflection during Lent. The night will begin with a catered dinner and then a move to the children’s wing for 8 interactive stations. The cost is $6 a person. Childcare is provided for children 2 and under. Sign up online:
Brunch and “Resurrection Egg Hunt” Join us for a great meal of eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, biscuits and fruit. Brunch is $6 for adults and $3 for children. A Resurrection Egg Hunt will follow on the lawn. Sign up online:
Sunday Morning Nursery Help Needed! Did you know that it takes 9 volunteers to cover the 3 nursery rooms (infants to age 3) during worship each week? Did you know that signing up 6 times a year, or even once a month, could make a huge difference? We need more volunteers to love on our littlest ones during Sunday morning service from 10:15-11:45 each week. If you would enjoy getting to know our children and their families, we’d love to have you! Email Laura Wall to learn more,
Second Annual Parents’ Night Out and Art Show Join us Thursday, March 14, 2019 at Double Oaks Bed & Breakfast all proceeds benefit the First Baptist Church Preschool. A portion will also be set aside for the Via Scholarship Fund. A Silent Auction will be held preceding the Parents’ Night Out. Bidding will be open to the public via Facebook starting Monday, March 11th. Auction items will include various gift certificates from Greensboro businesses/restaurants, vacation rentals, artwork and much more! For more information or to purchase tickets ($25 each) for the Parents’ Night Out, contact Autumn Culbreth at or (336) 274-3286, ext. 240. 10 | Connections
Children VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL | ROAR At ROAR VBS, Children ages 4-5th grade will embark on an epic African adventure that engages the whole herd. Kids will explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life. Children who have completed 4th and 5th grades will be participating in mission projects on-site and in the community from 9:30-11:30 each day. They will be joining the larger group for opening and closing celebrations. Cost: $20 per child, $50 family max. (includes activities, daily snacks, a T-shirt and Thursday evening dinner and celebration), $5 CD’s available of program music. Sign up:, the 140 spots fill quickly! Volunteers are also needed. Email Christina McCord, if you are interested.
July 29 - August 2, 2019 9 am – 1 pm Campers will enjoy music of all styles as they develop their voices individually and discover the joy of singing and making music in community. Our daily worship time is enriched through our experiences in choral music, drama, visual arts, instruments (guitar, drums, handbells) and sacred dance. Classes will be taught by church staff and professionals in the surrounding Greensboro area. Campers will bring a bag lunch from home. Drinks are provided by the church. The public is invited to the closing concert on Friday at 1 pm. This year’s Guest Choral Director is Lillie Harris. Lillie teaches K-5 general music at Union Hill Elementary School in High Point, NC and has been a music educator in Guilford County Schools for the past 9 years. She received her Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal Performance at Virginia State University and earned her teaching certification at UNCG. She considers it a privilege to work with children and loves their singing voices!
Two tracks of study:
Completed Grades 1-4 Completed Grades 5-7
Registration Fee: $30 through May 1; $40 after May 1 Special rates are available for students of Bessemer Elementary and Hope Academy — email Terri Vancil for details at Register at (Children’s section). More information: Terri Vancil – terri@ | x238.
March 2019 | 11
yo u t h Youth LEadership Team The Youth Leadership Team has been formed and selected for 2019! This is a small group of youth with a representative from each grade that will be given the opportunity to help plan, lead and organize events. Hopefully, through this process our youth will take more ownership of their role in forming the Youth Ministry at First Baptist. The YLT allows the voices of the youth to be present and heard, it also provides real opportunities for leadership development. The team has already helped Chris plan the Youth Summer Mission Trip Reveal and they will soon begin preparations for the youth lock-in. Members of the team submitted applications and were selected by a small committee of adults. Applications open again before the next school year.
Members of the Youth Leadership Team: Joel Reynolds, Davis Baugh, Kate Messick, Lauren Worsley, Julia Lyle, Morgan Hall, Noah Woodell, and Taylor Kirkman
Thank you all for your support, it was a great night!
18 Teams
Winning Team: Pink Perfection
12 | Connections
youth Summer Trips
The youth are looking forward to two trips this summer. Summer Mission Trip Atlanta, Georgia June 23-30 Students will stay at Lydia’s House in Grant Park and have a chance to learn about racial justice, child poverty, refugee resettlement and so much more. Passport Missions Camp Greenville, South Carolina July 8-13 Students will enjoy all the fun of camp with practical mission work and meaningful spiritual engagement.
church life March Birthdays No FBC birthdays March 10 and 25 1 Nell Beavers 2 Peter Evenson 3 Susannah Townes, Gavin Cole 4 Edith Knight, Jack Foxworth, Margaret White, Macey Cornett 5 Tammy Miller, Robert White 6 David Ryan, Monica Hix 7 Carl Myatt, Ron Hooper, Julianna King 8 Marie Binder, Deborah Gilliland 9 David Whitehead 11 Cathy Isom, Lydia Bradford
12 Brandon Walters, Baker Lawrimore 13 Becky Stanley, Larry Davis 14 Anne Gurley, Elaine McCall, Jeannie Singley, Sandy Frost, Ruthie Tutterow, Jeff Austin, Lindsey Pegram 16 Tom Townes, Tyler Messick 17 Shawn Kirkpatrick 18 Dwight Fickling 19 Dolly Chesson, Joseph May 20 Valerie Wooten 21 Ginny Sykes, Ellen Curlee, Robert Stutts, Kristie Phillips, 21 Beau Stephens, Stephen Rich
22 Lib Smith, Ruth Howerton, Brannon Kling, Grant McCord 23 Bettie Williams, Melinda Wood, Joyce Beech 24 Alice Angell, April Pegram 26 Sally Skidmore 27 Tommy Rodgers 28 Jerry Thompson 29 Jackie Creed, Deanna Pegram 30 William Petitt, Gavin Cole 31 Edith Edmonds, Judyth White, Megan Webb
Bereaved The family of Sara Pannell, d. 1/15 Mark and Kevin Pegram in the loss of their brother and uncle, Stanley Pegram, d. 1/15 Bob Baggett in the loss of his brother, Morton Baggett, d. 1/26
Chris Bland in the loss of his brother, Herbert Bland, d. 1/26
Responding to the Invitation Community Lunch
Sunday, march 10 | 11:45 am
Jan Shore joined 1/20/19
Monica McDaniel joined 1/27/19
Join us for our next Community Lunch and Church Conference on Sunday, March 10. We’ll have fellowship around the table after worship. No reservations necessary - just pay at the door ($6/ adult, $3/child, $20 family max). A Church Conference will follow lunch to keep you informed of important business of the church.
March 2019 | 13
March @FBC 3 (Su) Meeting Day, 11:45 am 4 (M) PrimeTime. 9-1:30pm 4 (M) Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm 5 (Tu) WMU Group 2. Room 102, 3 pm 5 (Tu) Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm 6 (W) Ash Wednesday Service. Sanctuary, 6:30 pm 6 (W) Grace Meal Pick-Up and Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm 10 (Su) Community Lunch. Following Worship 12 (Tu) WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am 15 (F) Meals on Wheels. 1401 Benjamin Parkway, 9:30 am 17 (Su) Lenten Workshop. Fellowship Hall, 5 pm 26 (Tu) Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm 28 (Th) CBFNC. All day 29 (F) CBFNC. All day 30 (Sa) CBFNC. All day 31 (Su) Meeting Day. 11:45 am
Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday mornings 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship 12 pm College Bible Study
Sunday Evenings 4pm 4pm 5 pm 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm
Children’s Handbells Youth Handbells Youth Choir Youth Discipleship Adult Bells Sanctuary Choir
MIdweek @FBC 4:45 pm 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:15 pm 6:20 pm 7:15 pm
Giving at FBC Greensboro How to Give
Sing an Old Song to the Lord Fellowship Meal FBC Kids Youth Group Adult Classes Sanctuary Choir
The church relies on the consistent regular financial offerings of its members to carry out the work that God has called us to do in Greensboro and around the world. Here are several ways for each person or family to give to the church on a regular basis: Online: Automatic or one-time payments can be submitted via online banking options. The church website also has online giving options. Mobile: You can use the Church Life app or on most any device. I n person: As a part of our worship service, an offering plate is passed in the pews. Most members give their offerings to the church via an envelope that is placed in the offering plate. Mail: Those who cannot attend weekly worship services often mail their checks to the church. The church office can provide self addressed envelopes if desired. If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – | x226.
January 2019 Financial Results
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
Actual Budget $190, 284 $ 216, 951 $139, 488 $ 149, 425
Last Year $ 251, 766 $ 136, 268
Net YTD Surplus
$ 50, 796 $ 67, 526
$ 115, 498
(Net of program income)
14 | Connections
A Thousand Words‌
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram. Row 1: Darnysha Nard preaches in honor of BWIM Month of Preaching, K-1st Grade Sing @Midweek Row 2: Molly Marshall speaks during Vanguard Series Row 3: Prayer Garden; Tom Sears, Jim Plyler; Chris Barbee, CBF Field Personnel in worship
March 2019 | 15
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
M ID W EEK @ F B C meal reservations
Meal reservations can be made via Sunday morning pew cards, web site (, email (marty@, or phone (336-274-3286 x245) for all meals. Reservation due: Monday at noon Cancellations due: Tuesday at noon
March menu March 6 | March 13 | March 20 | March 27 |
Pasta BBQ
Pecan Encrusted Tilapia
Fried Chicken
children’s extras Yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, etc.