March 2020 Connections

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MARCH 2020

CONNECTIONS Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.


is a season of preparation and repentance during which we anticipate Good Friday and Easter. Just as we carefully prepare for big events in our personal lives, such as a wedding or commencement, Lent invites us to make our hearts ready for remembering Jesus’ passion and celebrating Jesus’ resurrection. The practice of a forty-day preparation period began in the Christian church during the third and fourth centuries.

WThe number forty carries biblical significance based on the forty years Israel spent in the wilderness and Jesus’ forty-day fast in the wilderness. The forty days of Lent begin on Ash Wednesday and continue through holy week, not counting Sundays. The Sundays of Lent are reserved for celebratory worship, but emphasize repentance and renewal.

1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1

—from The Worship Sourcebook, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship |


3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6

MARCH 2020 3 Window Gazing 4 Lent 6 Midweek 7 Children & Preschool 8 Music & The Arts 9 Other Opportunities 10 Missions 11 Primetime 12 Calendar & Financials


Facebook: @First Baptist Church Greensboro Instagram: fbcgso Connect with us on social media! Tag your post with #fbcgso OFFICE HOURS

9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday


13 Church Life 14 New Members | Explore First 15 1000 Words 16 Youth

If you have an emergency pastoral care need on weekends or holidays, please leave a message at 336-3382438 and someone will return your call.

FRONT DESK HELP NEEDED One additional helper is needed at the front desk. The time slot available is Fridays from 9-12 am. Contact Rosemary Kellam at | x126.

F BC STAFF Patrick Cardwell, Homebound Minister Ashley Chandler, Ministry Support Associate /

Chris Cherry, Assoc. Pastor of Youth and Families / / x109 Anita Cranford, Media Library Director / / x104

Autumn Culbreth, Preschool Director / x106 Pam Davis, Ministry Support Associate / x124

2 | Connections

Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / amy@ / x103

Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x101

Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x123

Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x117

Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x126 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / christina@ / x110 Scott North, Church Administrator / x127 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x120

Tyrone Smith, Maintenance Supervisor

Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor of Music and Worship / / x116 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor of Music and Worship / / x129 Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Faith Formation & Congregational Care / x113

Alisa Windsor, Communications Director / x102

Window Gazing by Pastor Alan Sherouse

The wonderful author, Gertrude Stein, was nearing

the end of her life when she turned to her longtime partner, Alice B. Toklas, and asked her, “Alice, what are the answers?” But Alice Toklas had no definitive reply. So after a long silence, Stein said, “In that case, what are the questions?” (In Wishful Thinking by Frederick Buechner). Life is full of questions. The poet, Rainer Marie Rilke, reflects this in his Letters to a Young Poet. Rilke writes to a young military academy cadet, who had reached out to the poet amidst his own consideration of a literary career. Rilke urges the 19 year old to trust curiosity and embrace the unknown. He gives instructions on how a poet should feel, love and seek truth. His notes on how to be a poet ultimately function like instructions for how to live a life. “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart,” Rilke writes at one point, “and try to love the questions themselves.” Many people of deep faith are also people who have learned to love the questions. Faith is sometimes confused with certainty. “If you’re 99.9 percent sure then you’re 100% lost,” a red-faced summer camp preacher once shouted at a teenaged me. In actuality, faith in Christ involves a great deal of curiosity, wonder and questioning. “Lord I believe, but help my unbelief,” we say with the desperate father who approaches Jesus in Mark 9. It’s one reason that Frederick Buechner has suggested that instead of just looking in the Bible for the answers it gives, we should first listen for the questions it asks. I recently joined other ministers of our staff, together with others in our community, at First Presbyterian Church in Greensboro for a lecture by Dr. Luke Powery, Dean of Duke University Chapel and Associate Professor of Homiletics at Duke Divinity School. The lecture was entitled, “Living the Questions.” Like Buechner, Dr. Powery suggested, “The Bible is not only an answer book. It’s also a question book.” What might happen if we echoed the Bible’s questions and embraced this practice of questioning as part of our faith? It might just help us to live in the unresolved and open spaces where we so often find ourselves.

Lent is a season for questions -- questions of God, questions of our world, questions of ourselves. In our liturgical calendar, the gospel texts for Year A this Lent offer some of the most profound questions in scripture. “Are you really the son of God?” the tempter asks Jesus in the wilderness, questioning his identity, power and ultimate purpose. “How can anyone be born again?” asks Nicodemus in John 3, wondering about the new life Jesus brings. “How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?” wonders the woman at the well ( John 4), when she encounters the inclusive love of God before her. “What do you say about him?” ask the interrogators of the man born blind, after Jesus helps him to see in chapter 9 of John. “Lord, where were you when my brother died?” asks a heartbroken sister after the death of Lazarus in John 11. Martha speaks right along with all of us who have ever loved and lost. These questions echo so much of human experience, and so much of the wondering that accompanies any of us who seek to follow in the way of Christ. Lent is a season to embrace such wonder; to love these questions; to cultivate curiosity as a spiritual practice; to be patient with the unresolved, and embrace the questioning as part of what it means to believe. If we can practice this, we will be even more prepared for the dawn of Easter and the coolness of the empty tomb, which asks its own gospel question once again: “Whom are you looking for?”

March 2020 | 3

LENT LENTEN WORSHIP 2020 The Sanctuary Choir will present St. John Passion on Palm Sunday, April 5 in morning worship. This beautiful setting by contemporary English composer Bob Chilcott contains four congregational hymns that we will sing together each Sunday of Lent. The ancient texts set to fresh new tunes will require repetition and contemplation. These hymns (both tune and text) are included on these page so that they can be read and sung at home. We encourage you to make them a part of your daily worship during this Lenten season in addition to our corporate worship. You can also find recordings on Youtube.

It is a thing most wonderful

In Chilcott’s setting these hymns along with choral meditations of other ancient texts are interspersed into drama of Christ’s trial and crucifixion as told in John’s gospel. The lead storyteller is the evangelist, sung for us by guest tenor soloist Jacob Sorrells, a professional singer in Minneapolis, and an Asheville native.

Bishop William Walsham How (1823-97)

©Oxford University Press 2013

And yet I know that it is true; he chose a poor and humble lot, And wept and toiled and mourned and died, for love of those who loved, who loved him not. It is most wonderful to know his love for me so free and sure; But ‘tis more wonderful to see my love for him so faint, so faint and poor.

Jesus, grant me this, I pray 17th-century Latin hymn

If the evil one prepare, or the world, a tempting snare, I am safe when I abide in thy heart and wounded side. If the flesh, more dangerous still, tempt my soul to deeds of ill, naught I fear when I abide in thy heart and wounded side. 4 | Connections

©Oxford University Press 2013

LENT There is a green hill far away Mrs Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-95)

©Oxford University Press 2013

We may not know, we cannot tell, what pains he had to bear, But we believe it was for us he hung and suffered there, he hung and suffered there. He died that we might be forgiv’n, he died to make us good, That we might go at last to heav’n saved by his precious blood, saved by his precious blood. O dearly, dearly has he loved, and we must love him too, And trust in his redeeming blood, and try his works to do, and try his works to do.

When I survey the Wondrous Cross Isaac Watts (1674-1748)

©Oxford University Press 2013

Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, save in the death of Christ my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood, I sacrifice them to his blood. See from his head, his hands, his feet, sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, or thorns compose so rich a crown, so rich a crown? Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all, demands my soul, my life, my all.

March 2020 | 5

LENT Lent Online Throughout Lent, make sure you are attentive to our First Baptist Facebook page or Instagram. There you will find meditations, reflections, and questions to help guide you on your Lenten journey. To find us on Facebook search: "First Baptist Church Greensboro" or simply put in: into your browser if you do not have a Facebook account. To find us on Instagram search: "fbcgso" or into your browser enter:

Prayer Garden Don’t forget to visit our prayer garden during the season of Lent. As spring approaches, it is the perfect time to spend a few moments reading the prompts found in the wooden boxes throughout the garden. Use the prompts to guide your time, or simply visit the garden and pray about whatever matters are on your heart.

M I DW E E K @ F B C Lenten Midweek Gathering: Each One Belongs March 4, 11, 18, 25 & April 1 First Baptist has a rich history of faith and love. Come listen to the stories of how church members have come to experience God more fully through our community. All adults are invited to gather in the chapel to hear about how we have experienced belong in the past, are experiencing now, and that we hope for as a church family.

March Menu March 4 | Fried Fish March 11 | Country Style Steak March 18 | Shepherd's Pie March 25 | Fried Chicken Reservations can be made via Sunday morning Connection cards, our website (, email ( or phone (336-274-3286 | x123). Reservations are due by Monday at noon. Cancellations due by Tuesday at noon. 6 | Connections

CHILDREN 4TH & 5TH GRADE NYC MISSION TRIP | MARCH 27-30 Our 4th & 5th grade Merge group is traveling to New York City to join the work of Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries, Metro Baptist Church, and CBF Field Personnel, Lesley Ann Hix Tommey. Our hope is that children will get to see first-hand the things that they have learned about in Missions Education: the rooftop garden, the clothing closet, a weekly community meal, the food pantry, and more!

While in NYC, we will participate in hands-on ministry experiences, conversations about what we are doing and seeing, and some fun along the way. All of this will help create a big picture of how God is at work in the city. Please be in prayer for our group of 18 children and 6 adult leaders! MARCH 15 | MERGE NYC TRIP INFO MEETING FROM 5-7PM

SAVE THE DATES! FBC Carnival April 18 | 2-7pm | FREE

Palm Sunday Brunch & Egg Hunt April 5 | Noon

PRESCHOOL FBC WEEKDAY PRESCHOOL IS EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE our 3rd annual Parents’ Night Out, Art Show & Silent Auction fundraising event on Thursday, March 19th from 6:30-8:30 pm at Double Oaks Bed & Breakfast, directly across from First Baptist Greensboro on Mendenhall Street. All are welcome and invited to attend this night of food, art, music and fellowship. You do NOT have to be a preschool parent to join the fun! Music will be provided by Casey Cranford. All proceeds from the night benefit the school’s programming; including special events, new equipment and enrichment classes for all students.

Tickets are $25 per person, with childcare included in the cost of the ticket. A Silent Auction will be held online during the week preceding the event. We are currently looking for item donations.

Our preschool children completed an art study of Eric Carle this winter and all art pieces are inspired by his work. To donate silent auction items, purchase tickets or inquire with general questions; contact Jenny Sherouse, Fundraiser Chair at jennysherouse@ or Autumn Culbreth at

March 2020 | 7


Are you looking for an opportunity to serve, but the spotlight is not for you? Two teams integral to Sunday morning worship need volunteers: our Sound Team and Hospitality Team. If you would like more information or are willing to serve on either of these teams, please contact Terri Vancil (

On Sunday morning, May 3, children of all ages will lead worship. Our second through fifth graders in the Young Musicians Choir will present the cantata "The Tale of the Three Trees" by Allen Pote and Tom Long. Based on the beloved American folk legend, the cantata presents the message of Jesus in a way that is both fresh and timeless. We hope you will join us for worship the first Sunday of May and hear the gospel story through the voices of our youngest FBC preachers!

JULY 27-31, 9 AM – 1 PM (Friday Closing Concert, 1-2 pm) Campers will enjoy music of all styles as they develop their voices individually and discover the joy of singing and making music in community. The daily worship time is enriched through experiences in choral music, drama, visual arts, instruments (guitar, drums, handbells) and sacred dance. Classes are taught by church staff and professionals in the surrounding Greensboro area. Our Guest Choral Director this year is Baker Lawrimore. Campers will bring a bag lunch from home; drinks are provided by the church. The public is invited to the closing concert on Friday at 1 pm. Cost: $30 through May 1; $40 after May 1. Special rates are available for students of Bessemer Elementary and Hope Academy (email for details). Register your child today! 8 | Connections


NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY | MARCH 3-7, 10-14 AND 17-21 March is here and we are creating a new Photo Directory! If you have not already, please make an appointment to get your family's photo taken by the directory company. The best way to do this is by going to the church website and signing up: Otherwise, you can call Alisa Windsor in the church office and she'll sign you up.

We also need some church member help on these days. If you can help volunteer, please let Alisa Windsor ( know.


It is time for us to consider who we will nominate to serve in key leadership positions for our church in the coming years. Please consider whom among our members you would nominate for Deacon, Finance Committee, Missions Committee, Building & Grounds Committee, Christian Assistance Committee, Personnel Committee, Treasurer and Moderator. Nominations are requested by March 15. Nomination forms are available on information boards at the church or you can use our online nomination form at:

Committee on Committees: David Angel, Sharon Barlow, Janet Caldwell, Laura Cashwell, Jim Clontz, Cliff Lowery, John Markham, Jill Pegram, Brenda Porterfield and Gary Upchurch

STRATEGIC PLANNING REPORT - SUNDAY, MARCH 8 Since November, our Strategic Planning Exploratory Team has been at work, reviewing past planning processes at First Baptist, identifying key questions for the present, assembling a representative team of church members to lead Strategic Planning, and interviewing consultants who can guide such work. They look forward to presenting recommendations for a congregation-wide planning process at our March 8 Church Conference, following worship.

Our gratitude to the members of the Exploratory Team for their dedicated work: Richard Beavers, Alice Culclasure, Adam Duggins, Debbie Huneycutt, Coolidge Porterfield, Becky Starnes and Pat Wilson. March 2020 | 9

MISSIONS Meals on Wheels: A Faithful Servant A June 2002 issue of the FBC newsletter featured an article by Billie Reeves sharing about a ministry that is near and dear to her heart: Meals on Wheels. In 2002, she had been serving as a driver for 27 years and said, “I have found this mission to be one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life.” Now in 2020 we say thank you to Billie Reeves for an additional 18 years of serving faithfully as a monthly “missionary” route driver for Meals on Wheels, delivering sustenance and smiles to seniors in our community for 45 years! As you see Billie, thank her for her faithful service! Even then, Billie wrote about the need for volunteers: “You are never too old or too young. Our oldest missionary is 86 and our youngest is 8 months. Grandmother Gayle Adams started bringing young Nolan along when he was 6 weeks old. He has come every month since.” Today, that need for volunteers continues. If you would like to be a part of this life-giving ministry, you would be sharing two hours of your time on the 3rd Friday morning of each month or simply serving as an occasional substitute for others. Please contact Cynthia Townes to volunteer, COMMUNITY GARDEN INTEREST MEETING: Sunday, March 22 | Following Worship Our Community Garden at FBC is about to "sprout its plans" for the Spring and we need your help! Last year, we were able to share over 600 pounds of healthy produce with those who are hungry in our community and we met new neighbors in Westerwood who leased space. Gardening, like parenting, takes a village and we need more helpers to make our Garden the best it can be. You don’t have to be a skilled Gardener to help! If you’ve wanted to do more in the Garden but have feared picking the wrong thing or watering too much, join us on March 22 to learn more about simple and easy ways that even 30 minutes can be a big help in our Garden. Spread the word to others who might want to share in our Community Garden. You can choose to garden a plot or simply choose to help tend our church plots to help share healthy food with those who struggle with food insecurity. Gardening is a great activity for any age. Join us following worship on March 22 in room 101 to learn more about getting involved. If you are interested in learning more about this mission, please contact Janice Newsom, Kevin Starr, or Cynthia Townes. We welcome all hands to DIG IN.

Lenten Special Offering Our special Lenten Offering received during March is given to fight hunger all over the world through one of our denominational partners, the Baptist World Alliance. BWAid works with Baptist unions and conventions to provide aid to the most vulnerable people: women, children and the elderly. Your donation will help mudslide victims in Sierra Leone; flood victims in Texas, USA and Nepal; drought sufferers in Zimbabwe and Uganda; and civil unrest refugees and displaced populations of Central Africa Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, and South Sudan. Thank you for sharing generously! 10 | Connections

PRIMETIME "April Showers Bring May Flowers" Join us for Primetime on April 6! Ceramics at 9am, followed by Bible study at 11am. Lunch begins at noon and a program follows. Come for all or just part of the day. This month’s program features Van Denton, Chief Meteorolgist with WGHP Fox 8. He is a 6th time Emmy nominee for best weather in the mid-south region of the United States! RSVP to Marty Kellam ( or ex 123) by Thursday, March 27.

e have a number of trips coming up in W 2020 we'd like to know what kind of interest you have in them! Please let Monica Vaughan ( know if you are interested in going on these trips by next Primetime - March 2!

March 10 | Greensboro History Museum “Democracy: A Great Leap of Faith” Exhibit. Lunch following at Liberty Oak Restaurant in Downtown. Cost: Lunch Depart FBC: 11:00 am – Return around 2:30 pm March 26-27 | Biltmore in Asheville “Downton Abbey Exhibit” Save the Date! More details to come. June 9 | Beautiful Private Gardens of Bob & Carolyn Tucker Enjoy 13 acres of beautiful and whimsical gardens, fountains and statues. Lunch following at Union Street Bistro in downtown Concord Cost: Lunch Depart FBC: 8:30 am – Return around 3:30 pm *Golf cart available August 22-29, 2020 | Alaskan Explorer on the Eurodam with Holland America. Discover the Iconic and Authentic Alaska of your dreams. Ports of call: Cruise Puget Sound * Cruise Stephens Passage * Juneau, Alaska * Cruise Glacier Bay National Park * Icy Strait Point (Hoonah), Alaska * Sitka, Alaska * Ketchikan, Alaska * Victoria, British Columbia. Cliff Lowery will have more to come about this once in a lifetime adventure! September 10-12 | Historic Tangier Island in the Chesapeake Bay Visit the historic Tangier Island located on the Chesapeake Bay. On Tangier you step back in time. Enjoy a delicious family style meal – crab cakes and all the fixins’ at Hilda Crockett’s Chesapeake House. More to come on this trip to Tangier and the Northern Neck of Virginia. March 2020 | 11

MARCH @FBC 1 (Su) Committee Meeting Day | After worship 2 (M) Primetime | 9 am | Deacons Meeting | 7 pm 3 - 7 (Tu- Sa) Church Directory Photos 4 (W) Grace Meal | 5 pm 8 (Su) Step Up Clothing Ministry | 9 am | Community Lunch | Noon 9 (M) WMU Group #2 | 11 am 10 (Tu) WMU Group #3 | 9:30 am 10 -14 (Tu- Sa) Church Directory Photos 15 (Su) Disaster Relief Trip Meeting | 11:45 am 16 (M) YWCA Family Shelter Dinner | 6:30 pm 17- 21 (Tu- Sa) Church Directory Photos 18 (W) Explore First | 6:15 pm 19 (Th) FBC Preschool Parent's Night Out | 6 pm 27 (F) Youth Underground Church | 9 pm 27 - 30 (F - Su) Merge New York Trip

WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 12 pm College Bible Study


5 pm 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm

Youth Choir Youth Discipleship Adult Bells Sanctuary Choir

MIDWEEK @FBC 4:45 pm 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 7:15 pm

Hymn Sing Fellowship Meal FBC Kids Youth Group Adult Classes Sanctuary Choir

FINANCE Giving at FBC Greensboro

Generosity in 2019 Improved Budget results •

Bottom Line improved $100,000

Improved Commitments for 2020 •

Total commitments increased by $16,000

Total Giving to Mission Partners and Causes •

$472,000 ($162,500 budget + $309,500 designated)

January 2020 Financial Results 2020 Budget Only Receipts Disbursements

Actual Budget Last Year $174,680 $195,751 $190, 284 $130,879 $145,205 $139,488

Net Surplus (Deficit)


(Net of program income)

12 | Connections



MOBILE Use Church Life App or on your mobile device or text FBCGSO to 73256. IN PERSON Give via the church envelope in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. MAIL Mail your offering in an envelope to the church, the office can provide self addressed envelopes. ONLINE If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – scott@fbcgso. org | x127.

CHURCH LIFE MARCH BIRTHDAYS No FBC birthdays March 10 & 25

1 Nell Beavers, Danyelle Hicks, Stephanie Stutts 2 Peter Evenson, Caleb Hix Susannah Townes 3 James Pate, Gavin Cole 4 Edith Knight, Jack Foxworth, Margaret White, Macey Cornett 5 Tammy Miller, Robert White 6 Frank York, David Ryan, Monica Hix 7 Carl Myatt, Ron Hooper Julianna King 8 Marie Binder, Deborah Gilliland 9 Shirley Glisson, David Whitehead 11 Cathy Isom, Lydia Bradford

12 Brandon Walters, Baker Lawrimore 13 Don Caffee, Becky Stanley, Larry Davis, Stephanie Gray 14 Anne Gurley, Elaine McCall, Jeannie Singley, Sandy Frost Ruthie Tutterow, Jeff Austin, Nicholas Powell, Lindsey Pegram 15 Baxter Riddleberger 16 Tom Townes, Tyler Messick 17 Shawn Kirkpatrick 18 Dwight Fickling 19 Lawrence Glisson, Dolly Chesson, Joseph May 20 Valerie Wooten 21 Ginny Sykes, Ellen Curlee, Robert Stutts, Kristie Phillips, Beau Stephens,

Stephen Rich 22 Lib Smith, Ruth Howerton, Brannon Kling, Grant McCord 23 Bettie Williams, Joyce Beech Melinda Wood 24 Carolyn Barrier, Alice Angell, April Pegram 26 Sally Skidmore, Abbey Whittle, Spencer Hall 27 Phyllis Kelly, Merle Frazier, David Teague 28 Jerry Thompson 29 Jackie Creed, Barbara Blowe, Deanna Pegram 30 Kathy Shropshire, Gavin Cole 31 Edith Edmonds, Judyth White

BEREAVED The family of Becky Worrell, Kathy Troxler’s cousin, d. 12/27 Cynthia Hartis and Valerie Wooten in the death of their mother, Edith Layell, d. 1/12 Margaret Swanson in the death of her sister, June Whitlow, d. 1/10 The family of Juanita Hendrix, d. 1/10 Alice Burch in the death of her sister, Kathryn Gunn, d. 1/19 The Willis family, in the death of Stephen’s stepfather, Terry Carter (2/4)

*Bereaved members from our Prayer list 1/15/19 - 2/15/20 March 2020 | 13








A great way to find out what First Baptist Church Greensboro is all about is our Explore First class. You will learn some FBC history, our understanding of what "Baptist" means, and meet others newer to our church. This class is offered monthly and led by Pastor Alan Sherouse. Our next Explore First is Wednesday, March 18 at 6:15pm. If you'd like to attend RSVP to Alisa ( by March 16.

14 | Connections


A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words.

Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Faebook o Instagram Top row: Tyrone Smith leads our Happy Hearts Sunday School Class. | Former CBF Field Personnel, Melody Harrell with our children during Wednesday night Middle row: WMU Group #3 singing "sweetheart songs" to our homebound for Valentine's Day | Honest Faith event Bottom row: Dr. Jonathan Walton, our Vanguard Lecturer | Pathfinders class

March 2020 | 15

First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401


YOUTH Congratulations to the winning team of Trivia Night 2020: Anita’z Angelz!

If you couldn’t make it to Trivia Night but would still like to support the youth with their summer missions projects, please let Chris Cherry (chris@ know.

What an incredible night of trivia! Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Youth Ministry and Youth Summer Missions. Every dollar raised will go to offset the costs of our Youth Mission Trip to Washington DC and our trip to Passport Missions Camp.

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