may 2019
first baptist church greensboro
c o nn e c t i o n s Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
An image taken from the sky at the end of the service as the cross was carried to the steps. Thanks to Scott Lyle for capturing great footage.
ur intimate experience as a church family is repeated in the evidence all about us. We have friends and family who are struggling for life. We grieve parents. Worry about children. We feel despair over the state of our world. We are weighed down by the suffering seemingly reaching to the ends of the earth. Innocent people die. Powerful people collude and corrupt at the expense of the most vulnerable. Systems and instruments of death dominate the lives of God’s beloved children. We wonder, does the fate of this world really matter? Jesus is not behind a stone or bound by the limits of those who put it there. He’s been raised and is calling us to join him. He is not here. We have to go out and find him. We have to seek him out beyond the limits
of our imagining. We have to see in new ways, and expect what we’ve never thought possible. And when we thought it was all over, and it’s all we could do to gather enough of our strength to carry the spices to the gravesite, just to make sure the tomb was sealed and the body contained. Just to start to come to grips with life without him. Just to start to resign ourselves to this world where our best hopes seem to die and stay dead, we hear it once more:
“He’s not here. He is risen.”
Words from the Sermon, “A New Life of Love,” preached by Alan Sherouse Easter 2019.
1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
m ay 2 0 1 9
connect with us!
3 Window Gazing Connect with us on social media. Tag your post with #fbcgso
4 Sumerel Celebration 5 Vancil Sabbatical Update 6 Preschool and Graduate Sunday 7 Children
Email news to
8 Missions 9 Church Life May PrimeTime |
June Connections Deadline: May 15
Congregational Conversations
10 May Calendar Connect with Business
Office Hours
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
Weekends and Holidays
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Giving at FBC Greensboro March 2019 Financial Results
11 A Thousand Words
Front desk help needed
12 Midweek @FBC
Two additional helpers are needed at the front desk. The time slots available are Mondays from 9 am-1 pm and Fridays from 12-5 pm. Contact Rosemary Kellam at rosemary@ | x126.
Chris Cherry, Associate Pastor of Youth and Families / x109 Mary Beth Foust, Communications Director / / x124 Anita Cranford Media Library Director / / x104 Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / amygkane@ / x103 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x123 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x126 Autumn Culbreth, Interim Preschool Director / / x106 2 | Connections
fbc staff
Baker Lawrimore, Ministry Fellow
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x117
Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / / x110
Steve Sumerel, Associate Pastor: Congregational Life / x128
Darnysha Nard, Pastoral Resident / x115 Scott North, Church Administrator / x127 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x120 Tony Sanders, Music Ministry Assistant x130 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x101
Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor: Music and Worship / / x116 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor: Music and Worship / / x129 Laura Wall, Interim Children’s Ministry Assistant / / x121 Alisa Windsor, Ministry Support Associate / / x102 Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation / courtneywillis@ / x113
Window Gazing by Alan Sherouse
ur sanctuary was abuzz on the first Sunday in April. It was “Happy Hearts Sunday” -- an annual service where we celebrate the ministry of our Happy Hearts. For generations, Happy Hearts has been a weekly setting of community, friendship, and shared faith for adults with disabilities and our volunteer leadership. The Happy Hearts meet for Sunday School, where they sing, share prayer concerns, and support one another. Many attend our worship service, and once each year they help to lead it. I could feel the excitement as I entered on Happy Hearts Sunday, especially as one of our members rushed to me and said with complete joy: “I get to help with communion today!”
I was moved by Brian’s words, remembering the joyful gift of God moving in this world through our human lives. Philosophers call it “agency” -- the capacity of every human being to act in ways that impact their environment. The Apostle Paul wrote similarly in 1 Corinthians 12, describing the essential role that every person plays in the body of Christ: “The body does not consist of one member but of many… The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you,’ nor again the head to the feet, ‘I have no need of you’... Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”
safety offered to our children through worship; the prayers lifted for a sibling in the faith during a time of need; the affectionate words of peace and friendship offered as we gather; the music given with care and passion as an offering to God; the promise to walk “together in love” that we find in our church covenant. In the span of any Sunday, and throughout any week, each of us is part of something holy through our shared life as First Baptist Church Greensboro. I’m grateful for the ways that Happy Hearts Sunday reminded each of us of the vital part we play in the body of Christ here. My very first Sunday at First Baptist, I became fully aware of the role each member plays. It was over 5 years ago, when I was the 32 year-old pastoral candidate, about to preach my “trial sermon” before a church vote. I was on my way into the sanctuary on a Sunday with its own buzz, and Wendy, another member of our Happy Hearts class, was at her post, where she has faithfully passed out bulletins so many Sundays. With the bulletin, Wendy gave me a hug, pulling me down and squeezing tightly. And with the hug came a promise that she was praying for me that day. And with the hug and the prayers, she gave me a memento: a heart, woven together by her own hands, which I keep to this day as a reminder of the vital role we all have to play, and of the God who trusts us with holy things that we might extend the same trust to one another.
Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber, the writer and speaker, served for many years as pastor of a church in Denver called “The House for All Sinners and Saints.” The church (called “House” for short) holds as one of its core values being “pro-participation,” recognizing the unique gifts that every member brings to the body. As evidence of this, every Sunday at “House,” worshippers enter to find two baskets of bulletins. One basket is marked “Attending” and the other is marked “Leading.” Those who want to be attendees select their bulletin and find a spot amidst the pews. Those who want to lead select their bulletin from the basket and open it to find a portion of the service highlighted, which they are then expected to lead. This unique approach to worship leadership was jarring for some at first, but over time it has clearly communicated to the congregation how valuable each of their gifts are to the shared life of the community of faith. Bolz-Weber once reflected that “People know they are vital to our church because we trust them with the holy things.” In fact, God has trusted all of us with holy things -- the bread and cup that Brian and others served at communion on Happy Hearts Sunday; the Bible Study taught during the Sunday School hour; the care and May 2019 | 3
A d u lt s Steve Sumerel Celebration Sunday Sunday, May 19 | Luncheon Reception Following Worship | Fellowship Hall The Personnel Committee has made plans to honor Dr. Sumerel in a way that demonstrates our church’s deep love and appreciation for his ministry. Dr. Sumerel will preach in worship and the congregation is invited to a luncheon reception following worship. We invite church members to send monetary gifts to celebrate Dr. Sumerel’s ministry. Monetary gifts will fund unbudgeted items: special gifts, a monetary “love gift” , and food and decor for the luncheon reception. Any excess funds will be given to Dr. Sumerel. Please make checks payable to First Baptist Church Greensboro, “Sumerel Celebration” on the memo line.
A Pilgrimage Update from Darnysha: finding Hospitality Last month I spent three weeks in Morocco, living and working alongside people whom I had never met. I knew very little about social customs and even less of the language, but the people welcomed me in the kindliest ways. Many mornings I would wake up to the warm sunshine from my bedroom window and the softs murmurs of people speaking French in the living room. When people come into your home, it is customary to provide them with a meal. Our kitchen was constantly filled with the smells of Ethiopian coffee, freshly baked cinnamon rolls, and cheesecakes. Our home was open to all and all left filled. This same practice was evident in the church. Each Wednesday the church opens its doors to people who are seeking assistance. These people are typically Sub-Sahara African migrants who are fleeing their homes and in search for security in another country. Each Wednesday I would help move the pews in the sanctuary as we created areas to hand out clothes, shoes, fill-out paperwork, talk with ministers, physicians, and social workers. The room was filled with languages, tears, little toddlers, tired mothers, families relieved to have come so far but heartbroken if a request could not be met, laughter, and constant movement to create more room.
4 | Connections
M u s i c / Wo r s h i p
fter a year of anticipation and planning the time has arrived for our sabbatical. The timing is just right for us to rest from and reflect on the last twenty years of ministry at First Baptist and concentrate on renewal and inspiration for the next chaper of ministry together. We are in a different stage of life than our previous sabbatical in 2009. Unencumbered with family and home responsbilities will allow us to travel extensively both at home and abroad. We appreciate Alan, the staff, Ministry Fellow Baker Lawrimore, music interns Tony Sanders, Jamell Strickland and Celena Huling, and a host of volunteer who will carry out music ministry in our absence. We are grateful to the Personnel Committee and to the church for approving some exceptions to the policies so that we could share the time away. We are grateful to Louise Burroughs who stepped in during the busy Advent season and through the winter. And now, Tony Sanders will be in the office in our absence. We attended two conferences this past Jaunary and February: The Symposium on Worship at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI, and the American Choral Director’s Association national meeting in Kansas City. Both conferences were highly informative and inspirational. Up to $7,000 from the 2019 budget covers the cost for these conferences and additional music personnel while we are away. All other expenses associated with travel and activities during the sabbatical will be our personal responsibility. Although a sabbatical is desgined as complete separation from our work we will continue to think of our congregation and pray for you, and we hope you will do the same for us. We look forward to being “worshipers in the pew,” at several different churches during our leave, and anticipate learning valuable lessons. We realize this is a rare opportunity and we hope it will benefit all of us for many years to come. With Gratitude, Doug and Terri
July 29- August 2 9 am - 1 pm Ages: 1-4th grade; 5th- 7th grades Registration: $30 before May 1, $40 after. Register at For more information contact Terri Vancil,, x129
We are excited to welcome Lillie Allmond Harris as our guest director. She is a music educator with Guilford County Schools. She currently teaches K-5 general music at Union Hill Elementary School. May 2019 | 5
p r e s ch o o l
Enroll at:
yo u t h graduate celebrations Senior Lock-In Friday, May 10 | 6 pm
Senior Brunch Saturday, June 1
Baccalaureate Sunday Sunday, June 2 | Worship
6 | Connections
If you happen to be a graduating senior or have a graduating senior in your family, we want pictures! Please upload 10-12 pictures of your senior, including both a baby picture and a recent picture, to this google drive: We will use these pictures to honor our seniors at their Senior Brunch and on Baccalaureate Sunday. We will also be announcing the recipients of both the Hinshaw-Mobley scholarship and the Bowen scholarship on Baccalaureate Sunday.
Children VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL | ROAR At ROAR VBS, Children ages 4-5th grade will embark on an epic African adventure that engages the whole herd. Kids will explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life. Children who have completed 4th and 5th grades will be participating in mission projects on-site and in the community from 9:30-11:30 each day. They will be joining the larger group for opening and closing celebrations. Cost: $20 per child, $50 family max. (includes activities, daily snacks, a T-shirt and Thursday evening dinner and celebration), $5 CD’s available of program music. Sign up:, we only have 60 spots left!
May 2019 | 7
Missions travel to trenton May 13- May 18
On April 13, Phil Barbee and his son Hunter and Will Crawford and his son Corey traveled to Trenton to finish building a deck on the back of Ms. Nancy’s home. FBC helped Ms. Nancy and her siblings on a prior trip and Phil, Will and their sons returned as they promised to build a back deck for the sibling family. We continue an ongoing relationship with Trenton, NC to assist with hurricane recovery in partnership with CBF Disaster Response. Any amount of time you could give during this week will be used to help continue to beautify and restore this rural, lower-resourced community after the impact of Hurrican Florence. Jobs may include: yard work (with rebuilding) and/or assisting with downtown Trenton beautification. All levels of ability are welcome. Contact Amy Grizzle Kane, if you are interested in participating.
Piedmont International Fellowship On March 16, FBC Mission Partner Piedmont International Fellowship hosted a Taco Night for students in our Gym. “It was a fun night with tacos, desserts, roller skating and basketball!” PIF offers the hospitality of Christ to students who are studying in Greensboro from all over the world: Bangladesh, Congo, Dominican Republic, DR of Congo, India, Iran, Japan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey! A special thank you to WMU Group 2 for providing the delicious desserts and joining us for the evening! Thank you all for supporting these wonderful students through your budget giving to FBC.
Community Garden Many people have stopped by the garden to ask what that plant is that’s been growing for months. These pretty flowers are crimson clover. We planted it in the fall and have enjoyed the blossoms this spring. The clover has just been cut so the nitrogen can enrich the soil for our summer plantings. Its main purpose is to help other plants. How appropriate for a church garden! We are busy taking care of our spring crops (check out the lettuces, peas and Brussels sprouts!) and planning for the summer crops. There will be a big “planting party” on May 4. We hope lots of families bring their kids to plant seeds and little tomato and pepper plants. All the harvested veggies from our “donation plots” are given to people in need. 8 | Connections
YWCA FAMILY shelter Help Needed Third Mondays | 6:30 pm Would you and friends or your Sunday School class consider sharing a Monday night to help feed and serve approximately 30 guests (parents and children)? Mondays: May 20, June 17, and July 15 are all open. Contact Cookie Hamilton, or Amy Grizzle Kane, amygkane@ with questions or to sign up.
ch u r ch l i f e may Birthdays
No FBC birthdays May 4, 7, 12 17 Christy Hudson Moore 1 J.C. Blowe, Stephen Porter, Brittany Chovanec 18 Sean Kane, Keighley Johnson, Kelly Kennedy, Bryce Paul Starnes 2 Pam Chambers, Dawn Pegram, Allison Whittle, Sharon Barlow, Jacy Leanord 19 Isabel Eller, Sadie Eller 3 Austin Dean, Gracie Troxler 20 Marilyn Honeycutt, Ted Hand, Mary Nichols, Clay Young 5 Margaret Eckelmann, Susan Suggs, Jessica Hondros, David Wood, Zach 21 Gary Cole, Shannon Childs, Braden Isom, William Wood Matthew Hall 6 Grace Flannagan, Seth 22 Bud Hardinm, Madelyn Biffle Vaughan 23 Carolyn Whicker, Richard Noel, John 8 Jim Hardy, Jake McCord, Clifton Stall R, Suggs Jr., Lane Hayes, Caroline 9 Carolyn Jones, Bennett Wood, Parker Parham, Elle Bryson Stall 24 Susan Burnette, Ray Alexander, Trey Howerton, Benjamin Charles Stone 10 Becky Livengood, Griffin Kesler 25 Mrs. Neal Persinger 11 Ruth Primm, Meg Rudd, Brandon Hill, Laura Tutterow 26 Wendy G. Stafford, Perrin White 13 Isabel Rollins, Hulda Arant, Gwen 27 Mrs. Toni Lewis Koontz 28 Robert A. Hall, Clarence Stone, Clare 14 Jane Messick, Jake Leonard, Sarah B Johnson Hill, Julia Scott Lyle 29 Sara Durbin 15 Gerrad Biffle, Alison Barnes, Patrick 30 Gracen Blake, Ellie Rider Cardwell, Emily Bennett 31 Joe Norman 16 Jean Canter
The family of Wes Adams, d. 3/22 Earl Mitchell, on the loss of his brother-in-law, Ed Little in Sun City, AZ, d. 3/27 The family of Freida Rushton, d. 3/28 The family of Timothy Newman, d. 4/2 Richard Payne in the loss of his father, Ronnie Payne, d. 4/5 Sally Alexander in the loss of her father, George Buchanan, d. 4/8 Rhonda and Noah Woodell in the loss of their husband and grandfather, Ray Woodell, d. 4/13
Congregational Conversations Sunday, June 2 | 4 pm (prior to the “Songs of the Spirit� service) Wednesday, June 5 | 6:15 pm
Sunday, June 9 | 12:30 pm (following Community Lunch) After celebrating the ministry of Steve Sumerel this month, the Personnel Committee will begin assessing and planning for staffing after his retirement. As a key part of this, the Personnel Committee would like to solicit input from the congregation. We invite the congregation to attend one of three Congregational Listening meetings with Personnel representatives and Senior Pastor, Alan Sherouse. All meetings will be held in the Chapel. In addition to these meetings on our campus, Personnel reps and ministers will be hosting conversations with members at area retirement homes throughout the summer. We hope these multiple opportunities will allow for you to add your input. The Personnel Committee, Jennifer Hall (Chair), Sandra Canipe, Andrew Donovan, Laura Lomax, Marietta Noel & Alan Tutterow
Memorial Day Columbarium Service May 27 | 9 am A service of rememberance will be convened outside in the Columbarium at First Baptist. May 2019 | 9
may @FBC 1 (W) Grace Meal Pick-Up and Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm 4 (S) Missions Day. 8:30-12:00 pm 5 (Su) Meeting Day. 11:45 am 5 (Su) Finance Committee. 102, 4 pm 6 (M) PrimeTime. 9:30-1:00 pm 6 (M) Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm 8 (M) WMU Group 2. 102, 3 pm 12 (Tu) StepUp Ministry Clothing Collection 13 (M) Trenton Mission Trip Departs 14 (Tu) WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am 19 (Su) Steve Sumerel Celebration. Fellowship Hall, 11:45 am 23 (Th) Preschool Move Up Ceremony. Chapel, 11 am 27 (M) Memorial Day. Offices Closed 27 (M) Columbarium Memorial Day Service. Columbarium, 9 am 28 (Tu) Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm
Regular Weekly Schedule Sunday mornings 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship 12 pm College Bible Study
Sunday Evenings 5 pm 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm
Youth Choir Youth Discipleship Adult Bells Sanctuary Choir
MIdweek @FBC 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:15 pm 6:20 pm 7:15 pm
Fellowship Meal FBC Kids Youth Group Adult Classes Sanctuary Choir
Giving at FBC Greensboro How to Give
MOBILE Use Church Life App or on your mobile device or text FBCGSO to 73256.
IN PERSON Give via the church envelope in the offering plate on Sunday mornings.
MAIL Mail your offering in an envelope to the church, the office can provide self addressed envelopes.
ONLINE Set up a recurring donation option using your bank’s online bill payment system to send recurring checks or set up a recurring payment using your bank account or credit card at If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – | x127.
March 2019 Financial Results
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
Actual Budget $453, 478 $ 434, 989 $420, 044 $ 460, 295
Net YTD Surplus
$ 33, 434 $ (25, 306) $ (12, 872)
(Net of program income)
10 | Connections
Last Year $ 468, 505 $ 481, 377
A Thousand Words‌
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram. Row 1: PrimeTime day trip to Old Salem; Easter Egg Hunt in the Sanctuary Row 2: Youth enjoy a lock-in Row 3: Faces of Faith, Wednesday Series during Lent; Plam Sunday singers
May 2019 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
MID W EEK @ F B C meal reservations
Meal reservations can be made via Sunday morning pew cards, web site (, email (, or phone (336274-3286 x123) for all meals. Reservation due: Monday at noon Cancellations due: Tuesday at noon
may menu
May 1 | Pecan Tilapia May 8 | Pasta Night May 15 | Ham May 22 | Fried Chicken May 29 | Fried Fish
children’s extras Yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, etc.
Faith and the Empty Nest May 1 | Chapel | 7:30 pm Wanda Kidd, head of Campus Ministry for Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of NC, will be present to gather and share about how faith and life are impacted as children leave the home.
5 Stops on a Biblical Journey Chapel | 6:20 pm Steve Sumerel will explore five major categories of scripture: History, Wisdom, Prophets, Gospels and Letters with a focus on one passage from each category.