FALL 2020
P l a n sworship, t o wo rspiritual s h i p , g row and gath e r s a fe l yand i n ministry S e p t e mto b eour r &city O cand t o b eour r world. Emphasizing development, fellowship,
n recent months, we have learned to gather, worship and grow amidst the challenges of the pandemic. Enclosed, you will find plans for the life and ministry of our church through the end of October, combining online options with safe outdoor opportunities in-person. In developing these plans, your pastors, deacons and church leaders continue to hold the priorities that have guided us to this point: » Safety — working to ensure the safety of each and every one of us institutionally. As we all understand, this is especially vital given vulnerable populations that we serve. » Inclusivity — striving to be widely accessible regardless of age or ability to gather, expending our fullest energy on those things that invite the broadest possible congregational participation.
» Effectiveness — ensuring that the work of our church is as effective and engaging as it can possibly be, without compromising the quality and commitment that have characterized our ministry. » Creativity — introducing new and creative elements in our life and ministry that help us to sense progress and positive motion.
We are especially grateful to the Deacons of the Covid-19 Task Force, who have joined our staff in weekly planning and discernment: Adam Barnes, Seth Hix, Debbie Huneycutt, Janice Newsome, Brad Wall (Deacon Chair) and Dave Worsley. For feedback and questions for these leaders, contact them via email (taskforce@fbcgso.org) or by leaving a message in the church office. 1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
n Sunday, March 15, First Baptist Greensboro gathered for our very first virtual worship service. Three days prior, amidst state and local advisories, we had closed our building for health and safety amidst the spread of the coronavirus. That Sunday morning, our Pastors, along with Deacon Chair Brad Wall, gathered in our Chapel, where we led worship while carefully rotating to a single microphone and hoping that Facebook Live would work smoothly. The response was immediate and encouraging, as so much of your generous response has been these months. Once the service concluded, we were practically floating with a mixture of adrenaline and the Spirit of God. The Spirit continued to guide after worship as we sat in the Chapel and began to consider preliminary plans. As one hour became two, and considerations and challenges continued to present themselves, the gravity of it all brought us back down until finally we looked at one another and realized: that worship service might be the easiest thing we We are do for a while.
as a church community. In the words of a prayer attributed to Archbishop Oscar Romero, “It helps now and then to take the long view.” Looking back, the view of these last six months is more than merely home offices, Zoom rooms, and Facebook Live, but one of all of the beauty of determination, creativity, commitment and faithfulness — most especially from you, our church family. We have lived out the words from the writer of Hebrews: “Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:23-25).
Looking ahead, the view is much the same — evidence of the faithfulness, creativity and commitment of our congregation, and of the Spirit that empowers us amidst it all. As we continue into the fall schedule, I hope the information contained here gives part of you reasons to hope without wavering, something larger than opportunities for love and goodness, and As the meeting concluded, I went to my invitations to persevere in meeting together. ourselves, and the Spirit A recent New York Times editorial, citing office to pack up some supplies — some books for sermon research, my leather the challenges of pandemic on children, of our God continues bound Bible for weddings and funerals, suggested that the greatest stress for to, in the words of our and my old guitar in the naive notion children has been the loss of their “external that I’d make time for a quarantine Church Covenant, knit worlds.” It’s a challenge for all of us, hobby. Carrying it all downstairs, I regardless of our age. But it’s a challenge us “together in love.” loaded it into my car and then thought reduced dramatically by our connection to to myself, “Wait, I don’t even have a church, which reminds us that we are part desk at home.” With four young kids, of something larger than ourselves, and that our house is short on personal study space, so I ducked the Spirit of our God continues to, in the words of our in the Sunday School room nearest the back parking lot, Church Covenant, knit us “together in love.” finding one of those old formica-top desks that come In this love, we continue worshipping, gathering, standard in each classroom. With apologies to the Seekers and growing in our faith, even as we look forward in Class, I “borrowed” the desk and placed it in a tiny corner anticipation beyond this time. The writer of Hebrews of our bedroom, where it has served as my “home office” could see “the Day approaching” and our pandemic ever since. hopes are nearly that apocalyptic. We believe in a day of Sunday, September 13, marks six months since that day. unrestrained joy and unmasked smiles, when we’ll sing in full throated harmony, we’ll pass the peace without rushing It’s jarring to realize how much time has passed and how to hand sanitizer, and I’ll return the formica Sunday School much has occurred over the course of 26 weeks. In the days desk. As we anticipate that day, I don’t want to miss that since, I’ve worked in the bedroom less and less, finding there is yet promise and hope in these days, too, through a pattern that safely blends home and office. Our house the faithfulness of God and God’s people in the life and has also added other desks, with the advent of online work of First Baptist Greensboro. school with all its daunting challenges. Yet the Sunday School desk still sits in the corner, reminding how all of us, Together In Love, regardless of our particular demands, have had to scrounge for what we could find, rearrange aspects of our lives, and adapt to the challenges of this moment, as individuals and 2 | Ministry Guide
SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:00 am Communion & Prayer Find it: At the Outdoor Chapel Bring a chair and share in a weekly 30 minute service of communion, prayer and reflection, including periodic celebrations of the life of our church like baby dedications, welcoming of new members, and special presentations. Note: Communion will not be part of Virtual Worship in September and October. If unable to attend Sunday morning communion, please prepare communion in your home or contact Ashley Chandler (ashley@fbcgso.org) to sign up to receive communion at home from a deacon or pastor.
10:30 am Worship Find it: On fbcgso.org or facebook.com/FirstBaptistChurchGreensboro Our Sunday worship service continues at 10:30 online each week. The theme for September and October is “On Earth as in Heaven,” based on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7).
9:45 am Sunday School Find it: On fbcgso.org or facebook.com/FirstBaptistChurchGreensboro Weekly Bible Study, led by Rev. Courtney Willis, or occasional special guests. Sunday morning Bible Study utilizes the Formations and Nurturing Faith curriculum, which is available by contacting the Church Office. Note: Individual classes are welcomed to utilize the outdoor campus for class gatherings by reserving space at fbcgso.org/ reserve-outdoor-space/
11:30 am Coffee Hour Find it: On zoom.us/j/83191385053 After worship, all are invited to gather in the virtual atrium with members of our Pastoral Staff to share joys, concerns, and prayer.
Prior to worship, stop across the street at Double Oaks for outdoor coffee and breakfast at the Grinder Cafe food truck, starting at 8 am.
Outdoor Children, Youth & Music
Sundays this fall, youth and children and their families are invited to gather safely outside for youth group, children’s missions education and discipleship activities, and music for all ages. Children meet from 4 - 5 pm and Youth from 4 -5:30 pm.
WEDNESDAYS Noon Picnic with the Pastors Find it: At Picnic Shelter Any Wednesday this September and October, bring your own lunch and share in a time of fellowship with other church members, as well as members of our pastoral staff.
6:30 pm Midweek Vespers Find it: On fbcgso.org or facebook.com/FirstBaptistChurchGreensboro Midweek worship and prayer each Wednesday night, featuring a time to share the prayer concerns of the congregation, as well as opportunities to sing and reflect on a weekly Beatitude.
MONTHLY FALL FELLOWSHIP Our staff will plan at least one monthly church-wide event, similar to our Sept 13 Fall Kickoff. Watch for more details about safe versions of Fall Fest, All Saints commemoration, and Thanksgiving celebration. Fall 2020 | 3
Building on our Summer Music Circles, more in-person rehearsals resume! Handbells: Handbell ringing is the perfect music option in a pandemic — an entirely percussive musical experience with tables and bells safely distanced from each other. How great that we always wear gloves! Adult handbell ringers are excited to gather again to rehearse and record pieces for upcoming services. Sanctuary Choir: We hope you heard the Sanctuary Choir’s beautiful virtual recordings successfully produced with the help of Baker Lawrimore over the summer. While a very challenging endeavor, the finished product was inspiring and reminds all of us of the joy and meaning found in singing together. Sanctuary Choir will meet in small groups outdoors at the church as we begin learning our final virtual piece and preparing pieces for the Advent and Christmas seasons. Children and Youth: Music activities for children and youth will also be offered this fall as part of Sunday afternoon gatherings. Music Interns: We’re also excited to welcome back Jerico Carillo and Tony Sanders as McCormick Music Interns. Please contact us (doug@fbcgso.org and terri@fbcgso.org) if you would like to be a part of any of these musical opportunities.
Wednesdays, 6:15 – 6:45 pm
Sanctuary Choir
Wednesdays, 7 – 7:30 pm
Music for Children
Sundays between 4 and 5 pm, alternating other activities
Music for Youth Sundays at 5 pm, following Youth Group
Sundays at 9:45 am fbcgso.org or facebook.com/ FirrstBaptistChurchGreensboro
Midweek Vespers,
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm fbcgso.org or facebook.com/ FirstBaptistChurchGreensboro
Book Club
Wednesdays at 7 pm October 7, 14 & 21 Contact Alan for the Zoom link
Sunrise Prayer
Fridays at 7:15 am September 18 & 25, 7:15 am
4 | Ministry Guide
s we return to the rhythm of the fall, there are many opportunities for spiritual formation and growth during the months of September and October. Every Wednesday night you are invited to tune in for Vespers. In addition to prayer and music, each week you will be encouraged to participate in a spiritual practice related to one of the Beatitudes. In October, we’ll also offer a book club on The Cross & the Lynching Tree by James Cone, continuing the vital conversation on racial justice. Don’t forget that on Sunday mornings you can attend Sunday school on Facebook or on our church website. I will be teaching the online class using both the Formations and Nurturing Faith study guides. And if your class would like to gather outdoors on campus, please let us know.
On Fridays mornings in September, you’re invited to come to the outdoor chapel at 7:15 am for Sunrise Prayer. There, we will participate in a variety of prayer experiences and you’ll be given time for personal prayer as well. We will gather for 20-30 minutes, so you’ll have plenty of time to join us before your day gets started. Be on the lookout for additional ways you can join in Bible studies and book clubs, visit the prayer garden, and participate in a congregation-wide project in anticipation of All Saints Day! Please contact me with any needs or questions (courtney@fbcgso.org). I hope you’ll plan to participate as we allow God to move in and through us on our faith journeys together.
CHILDREN This fall, the children’s ministry at FBC is committed to providing opportunities for children and their families to grow spiritually and to engage in meaningful relationships with others, both virtually and in person. Music + Formation Sundays: We’re excited for Sundays from 4 - 5 pm, September 20 through October 25, where our children, accompanied by an adult, will rotate through stations for music and Sunday School. Christina McCord will lead these Sunday gatherings along with Monica Gonzalez, our fall intern, and other childrens’ leaders.
our outdoor chapel. This is always a special time for our children and their families.
Our Interactive Virtual Sunday School will continue to be released each Sunday morning. This is an opportunity for children to view an illustrated short video for the week’s lesson, participate in a read-a-loud from the Spark Story Bible, and hear a reflection from one of our adult leaders.
Baptisms and Baby Dedications continue to be integral parts of our faith and church community and we have made space for these traditions to continue, even while we aren’t gathering in our sanctuary. On September 19, we have several children professing their faith in an intimate outdoor baptism service while several babies will be dedicated during our Sunday morning outdoor chapel services.
Bible Presentation: In October, our kindergartners and third graders will receive their Bibles during a service in
MERGE, our 4th and 5th grade ministry, will also be gearing back up in October so be on the lookout for more information.
The work of the church is still happening as we are creatively reimagining how we can continue to be the church during a pandemic. Please contact me (christina@fbcgso.org) to learn more and be a part!
Virtual Sunday School Weekly interactive lessons, released by email
Merge (4th and 5th graders) Monthly meetings
Children’s Music + Formation Sundays through October 25 on campus outdoors
hile this fall does look different than what we had originally planned, we’re very excited for the new opportunities that await us all. We have plans for in-person Youth Group, a Fall Youth Families Day, and even a Fall At-Home Retreat. All of this will be supported by our Youth leaders and a new class of our Youth Leadership Team, as well as a youth intern for the school year, Kellie Thomas. More information and our full calendar for Youth Ministry this fall is available at fbcgso.org/youth, or you can contact me directly (chris@fbcgso.org) with any questions.
Weekly Youth Group
Fall Youth Families Day
At-Home Fall Retreat
Youth Group will combine the best of our favorite games with a chance for small groups and spiritual formation.
Fall Youth Families Day will be a Do-It-Yourself Putt Putt event on the church’s campus.
At-Home Retreat will make the most of the opportunities we have to create the best retreat possible.
Sundays at 4 pm
September 26
November 7-8
Fall 2020 | 5
hile keeping a safe distance in recent months, First Baptist Greensboro has continued to love our neighbors in meaningful ways, collecting resources, serving safely, sharing financial gifts, and continuing to support the work of spreading God’s big love throughout our community and world. We have sponsored monthly donation drives, “filling the bus” with supplies for community partners. In September, we are emphasizing the Food Roundup of the Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina, which has acute need after canceling their April food drive. Our Senior Adult Council is sponsoring this collection, and encourages us to drop off supplies inside the bus in the parking lot or send contributions to the church. For more information, and for a list of needed supplies, visit fbcgso. org/food-roundup/
congregation. We have also been able to contribute above and beyond, through the Crisis Response Fund, which has distributed nearly $25,000 to agencies responding to needs related to COVID-19. Most recently, the fund purchased $2,500 of devices for students returning to school online. We continue to look for ways to support students, teachers and families, and have offered our support to GCS as plans develop for the fall. In addition to organizations, we have had the opportunity to support missionaries connected to our congregation, through ongoing support
In addition to collected resources, we have served safely in these months, providing meals for local agencies and donating an abundance of fresh produce from our community garden. We have maintained our commitments to our local and global partners, due to the generous giving of our
of existing partners, and support of new partners, Aaron and Emily Holmes and family. As the Holmes Family transitions to service this fall, they go with the love, prayers and financial support of our congregation. We look forward to blessing them in a service of commissioning one Sunday this fall. We also have the opportunity to support some of our Field Personnel with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Carson and Laura Foushee are missionaries serving in Japan. They returned to North Carolina amidst concerns of the pandemic, where they have connected with our congregation while living with family. This fall, our Deacons have voted to offer Carson, Laura and their infant daughter an apartment in our Adams Street House, as they wait to return to Japan. We look forward to opportunities to learn more about their work in the months ahead. To be a part of safe service and mission opportunities, contact Ashley Chandler (ashley@fbcgso.org) who will connect you with the Missions Committee (Phil Barbee, Chair).
o much of our care for one another involves intimacy, proximity and touch. Yet while physically distanced, we remain spiritual and soulfully held together in our care for one another. Know that your pastors are available always by phone for counseling, and all of us enjoy a patio visit as we have experienced throughout these recent months. Pastors are also checking voicemail multiple times each day, and are accessible to phone messages. We also continue to reach out to those members living alone, especially those who are home-based. With the leadership of Patrick Cardwell and the support of our WMU groups, we have provided creative stops, flower dropoffs, and meaningful visits to our Homebound members. Most recently, we have begun a project of sharing fresh baked bread with these members throughout September. This bread sharing is inspired by the ministry of Dale Caldwell, longtime Homebound Minister and 6 | Ministry Guide
First Baptist member who recently died. In memory of Dale, and with some funds given in her honor, we are offering this gift. There is always a place for you in the caring ministries of our church. If you would like to join our pastors and deacons in reaching out to church members this fall, consider joining our Care Team: fbcgso.org/ fbc-care-team/
he work of the church continues, and throughout these months of distance we have conducted two virtual Church Conferences, as well as the ongoing work of Standing Committees and Deacons. At our recent Church Conference, a recommendation was presented to suspend the leadership nomination process for the 2020 year to provide continuity of leadership and to prioritize other work needing the energy of our leadership. Every current committee member and deacon has been asked to consider serving an additional year, allowing
the church to return to its nominating cycle in 2021. The motion passed with a 99.5% majority. As the important work of our church stretches into the months ahead, be aware of Church Conferences planned for October 11 and December 13. If you have feedback or ideas for lay or staff leadership to consider in this time, please contact our Covid-19 Task Force at taskforce@fbcgso.org or by calling the church office.
ith the vote of our Deacons, the building remains closed to indoor gathering through the end of October, except for select small group gatherings planned by our pastoral staff in consultation with the Task Force. These include distanced handbell rehearsals in the Fellowship Hall and youth group in the ventilated gym when weather is prohibitive to outdoor gathering. The building is also open to our staff, as they have moved to a combination of remote and in-person work, depending on the demands and responsibilities of their jobs. While staff continue to keep regular work hours, formally, we have moved to open the office, Monday - Thursday, 10 am - 2 pm, should you need assistance on campus at that time. As our volunteer reception desk is not in operation, phone calls should still utilize the extensions available when calling the church or at fbcgso.org/staff. Whether working in office or remotely, all of our staff are accessible by phone. Even as we remain closed to indoor gathering, we anticipate the expanded outdoor opportunities of the fall, and the increased work to maximize our outdoor space. A reminder, if you would like to utilize outdoor space for your small group, Sunday School class, or personal gathering, please indicate your desire to reserve space at fbcgso.org/reserveoutdoor-space/ Fall 2020 | 7
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401 www.fbcgso.org
GATHERING COVENANT As First Baptist Greensboro moves to increased options for safe in-person gathering, we commit to the following guidelines, adopted by our Deacons in July 2020.
“We will walk together in love” (from the Church Covenant of First Baptist Greensboro)
As a covenant people, we commit to share responsibility for keeping one another safe. As church members » » » »
We will not come to the church campus if we have a fever, cough or other symptoms. We will wear masks when we are together. We will keep 6’ distance from those not in our households. We will encourage and support these practices with one another and with newcomers.
As church leadership and staff
» We will provide online and outdoor gatherings so that we can learn, worship and fellowship in community safely. » We will plan outdoor gatherings that are inclusive and safe for all ages able to attend. » We will clean and sanitize after every gathering. » We will offer alternatives to practices such as passing offering plates, communion elements and bulletins. » We will limit attendance as necessary and record attendance for all on-campus gatherings.