First Baptist News - Feb 13, 2013

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Issue 4 // Volume 50 // February 13 , 2013 1000 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27401 336.274.3286 //


Come Grow With Us at Access! Wednesday nights, 6:15-7 pm

Beginning February 27 and running through March 13, choose from 3 seminar tracks including two new mini-Access seminars:

Track #1: “New Testament Miracles” Bible Study

(a continuation)– This class will explore the New Testament

idea of miracles as “signs and wonders,” and then take a case-by-case look at the seven familiar miracles in the Gospel of John. Led by Dr. Pressley, in Chapel.

Track #2: “A Christian Philosophy of Personal Finance”– We all must contend with issues relating to wages, credit, debt, church/charitable contributions, saving, and spending. Most of us make unwise choices when making financial decisions, yet openly discussing these issues and how to deal with them in proper Christian circles is often criticized as being too secular. Admitting this, we will attempt to have a three session non-controversial personal finance seminar. If you’d like to join us we promise to talk about how we as Christians might think of financial matters in a simple and rewarding way. Led by Hal Koger, in 102. Track #3: “Abortion”– The public debates over contentious issues in our nation often generate more heat than light. Hot Button forums seek to respectfully present the best arguments on both sides an issue. For three weeks we will analyze the ethics of abortion within the context of the constitutional and political landscape of the debate. Led by Steve Sumerel, in 108.

March 4 program:

Pastor K’Them and Nai Suong Touprong and their son, Simon Come and hear this family’s experiences “living and ministering in Vietnam during the war”. RSVP by February 28. Sign up online: or contact Rosemary Kellam at 274.3286, x225 /

March 8 / 9 am - 7 pm March 9 / 8 am - 1 pm

The FBC Second Time Around Consignment Sale needs YOU! March 8 and 9 the Weekday School will have its 3rd sale to raise funds to support the FBC Weekday School and assist families who need some financial help so they are able to send their children to the Weekday School. Through the first two sales and a lot of hard work, thousands of dollars were raised for the Weekday School program. Our sale will offer kids’ spring/summer clothing and shoes, toys, bikes, games, outdoor equipment, books, maternity clothing, nursery furniture, bedding, strollers, and more! The sale requires a lot of hands to make it a success. You can consign and earn up to 70% of your sales if combined with a minimum of 6 volunteer hours; volunteer to organize and prepare for the sale; volunteer to be present at the sale to assist shoppers; provide food/ snacks for workers; or you can donate spring/ summer children’s and maternity items to benefit the sale 100%! More information and online registration: or email the team at fbcsecondtimearound@gmailcom February 13, 2013 / First Baptist News / 1

Reflections by Mike Queen

Everyone is invited to the...

When a congregation finds itself in a search process for a new pastor, it often creates a bit of anxiety for everyone. The search committee feels enormous pressure to make a solid recommendation to the congregation. They seek to follow God’s leading in their very difficult task. They weigh the giftedness of the candidates against the identified needs of the congregation. They will grow weary in the process because by the time they extend a call, it will likely have been a year and half that they have met virtually every week. That does not include the dozens of phone calls and study time on the internet they will have spent in their search. Inevitably the congregation and the staff will feel some anxiety, too. What will the new person be like? Will we work well together? How will things be different? All of this is a part of the process. There is also another side to this equation. When a candidate gets a call from a search committee, it often throws their world into an unexpected spin. Most folk are happy where they are serving. They have deep relationships that have developed across the years in their current congregation. Their children are entrenched in their schools, activities and friends, too. The spouse of the candidate may have a job they love that is not easily transportable to another city. While it may be getting somewhat easier to sell a house, it is still a difficult seller’s market. All of those kinds of things are obstacles that have to be overcome in a search process. More important is the spiritual dimension of ‘calling’. It takes a lot of conversation and prayer on both sides to discern the depth and power of that sense of call. The Holy Spirit has to be at the center of the process. When a pastor’s phone rings and it is someone from a search committee, it triggers family conversations about all of the above issues. Now here is the ‘kicker’ in all of this. It is not just one family going through this grinding ordeal. Every candidate that is called by a search committee goes through it. If that is 15 or if it is 20, they all go through it. On top of that, there are a half dozen other churches like FBC Greensboro who are searching for and calling a minister at the same time. Some candidates may have had a call from three or more committees. It is an emotional and spiritual wringer when this happens. Each Sunday morning we gather in the chapel to pray for our search committee, which is a good thing to do. But it would also be good if we could find time to pray for everyone else who is a part of this process…people and families whom most of us will never know or even hear their names. A few candidates will tell the search committee ‘no’ and explain that they have no sense of calling to our church. But many of the others will feel that sense of call, but the committee can only recommend one. The rest will be told ‘no’. That kind of rejection weighs heavy on a soul. Join me in praying for them and their families that God might give them peace in the midst of the chaos of this process. Grace and peace, Mike

Sunday, February 24 at 3 pm in the Sanctuary

Featuring entertainment by Burns & Company FBC members and friends of all ages will be entertained by Don and Kathy Burns as they culminate the life lessons of self control, responsibility, and hope through ventriliquism, puppetry and illusions . Join the excitement and celebrate the accomplishments of Upward participants, parents, coaches, and volunteers. After the celebration there will be a reception in the Fellowship Hall.

Cookie Bakers – We need your help! 100 dozen cookies, bar cookies, or brownies are needed for the reception after the UPWARD Celebration. Would you make a batch of 4 dozen medium size cookies or brownies? Place them in a disposable container (or clearly label yours for return) and bring to the Atrium by February 24. There will be sign-up sheets in Sunday School, or contact Shelly Worsley: 274-3286, x241 /

Day Trip Scheduled Everyone is invited to go!

Paul J. Ciener Botanical Gardens on Tuesday, April 2– Trip includes lunch at Graylyn Inn in Winston-Salem ($49/person lunch with tour.) Leave FBC at 9:30 am and return at approx. 4:30 pm.

January Financial Update The financial highlight for January was the closing of the sale of the Brandt Oaks property to Providence Presbyterian Church. Sales proceeds less the loan payoff and other expenses were approximately $540,000. This amount will appear on the Summary of Restricted Accounts, in the monthly financial report under Deposit Account #310105 – Proceeds from Brandt Oaks, until such time as the congregation determines the final disposition of these funds. Below are the budget results for January:

January 2013 Receipts & Distributions Actual

Budget Last Year

January Budget Receipts YTD Budget Receipts YTD Budget Disbursements YTD Differential

$183,895 $183,895 $145,976 $37,998

2 / First Baptist News / February 13, 2013

Upward Celebration & Reception

$199,677 $199,677 $153,950 $45,727

$184,678 $184,678 $112,093 $72,584

To sign up for this trip, contact Dolly Chesson, / 545.7712 or Monica Vaughan, edwinv550@aol .com / 323.0335. Sign-up online using the “Events” link on the homepage:

announcements WE! Shelter Update­— Thank you FBC Volunteers for the many meals, breakfast bags, and overnight volunteering you have pro-

vided so far. With the help of some AmeriCorps volunteers, we need less than ten overnight people, mostly in March. Now that we are into our third month of the Women’s Winter Emergency Shelter, those women who have been with us from the beginning are cycling out of their allowed residency time (67 days) as set by Greensboro Urban Ministries. Some have found alternative living arrangements, but others are still looking. Please pray for these special women whom we have befriended that they will find safe, affordable housing. There are eight Tuesday night slots that need a volunteer from 8 pm-Midnight only—no need to stay overnight. Supplies needed: antibacterial wipes and sugar/creamer—these items can be dropped off in the Atrium in the shelter supply box. Also, monetary donations are appreciated to buy bus passes and to pay utilities. Again, the Shelter Leadership Team would like to thank everyone who signed up to help with the shelter this year. It’s not too late to participate in this wonderful ministry. Check the website: for more information.

Actions Taken in February Church Conference— On Sunday, February 10 two motions were passed by the membership. Both of these motions originated in the Building and Grounds Committee, and passed as considerations by both the Finance Committee and the Deacon Board. 1) Spending not to exceed $30,038.11 from Major Maintenance Account #310276 to upgrade the Sound System in the Sanctuary, and recording equipment and microphones for use in the Choir Room. This spending includes an award of contract to Audio and Light, in the amount of $26,351.11 for Digital Mixers, CD recorder, digital processors, amplifiers and other equipment, which replaces some equipment over 20 years old. (At the 2002 Sanctuary Renovation, a decision was made to reuse much of the audio equipment then in place. That equipment is no longer reliable, and functionality is limited.) Audio and Light was selected after review of 3 competitive bids for comparable systems. The total spending authorization also includes approximately $3600 in software, computers, headphones and other miscellaneous equipment that the Church will purchase to complete the system. Installation and testing will be performed by Audio and Light, with guidance from the Assoc. Pastor: Music/Worship and the Audio Team. An explanation of several problems encountered with the current (aging) Sound System, as well as the needs of the Church, are detailed in a Audio Systems Update report, dated January 16, 2013, which is available upon request. 2) Request for a “not to exceed” amount of $3650.00 from Major Maintenance Account #310276 for the manufacturing and installation of a chill water coil in the A/C System in the Choir Room (Room 311). Because of the age of the equipment, the repair requires the coil to be custom made. This work will be provided by Greensboro Plumbing and Heating Service Company. This repair will prolong the life of the current system and help avoid the cost of a new air handler estimated at $80,000.

FBC Calendar of Events

ednesday, february 13 w 9 am Chrismons, 216 6 pm Pastor Search Committee, 216 6:15 pm Divorce Recovery, 218 6:15 pm Divorce Rebuilding, 109 6:15 pm Ash Wednesday Service, Sanctuary for Children (K-5th), Youth & Adults – Childcare for 4 & under/Children’s Wing

THURSDAY, february 14 8 am Exercise, Gym 9 am Ceramics, Gym friday, february 15 No scheduled FBC activities SATURDAY, february 16 8:30 am Upward Games, Café/Gym SUNDAY, february 17 9 am Prayer for Our Future, Chapel 9:15 am Pastor’s Gathering, 209 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship/Wingate Choir, Sanctuary 11:45 am Guest Reception, 209 3 pm Upward Cheer Practice, Café/Gym 4 pm Youth Bells, Sanctuary/319 5 pm Youth Choirs, 311 5 pm Children’s Bells: Gr. 4-5, 319-B 6 pm Adult Bells I, Sanctuary 6 pm Bible Drill, 226 6 pm Youth Snack Supper 6:15 pm Youth Discipleship, 301/302 7 pm Instrumental Ensemble, Sanctuary Monday, february 18 5 pm Upward Practice, Café/Gym 7 pm F.R.O.N.T. Class, 319

Tuesday, february 19 8 am Exercise, Gym 9 am Ceramics, Gym 5 pm Upward Practice, Café/Gym Wednesday, february 20 9 am Chrismons, 216 5:30 pm Building and Grounds Committee, 108-E 6 pm Pastor Search Committee, 216 6:15 pm Divorce Recovery, 218 6:15 pm Divorce Rebuilding, 109 (See WednesdayNights@FBC) Thursday, february 21 8 am Exercise, Gym 9 am Ceramics, Gym Friday, february 22 No scheduled FBC activities saturdaY, february 23 8:30 am Upward Games, Café/Gym SUNDAY, february 24 8:30 am Adult Bells I, Sanctuary 9 am Prayer for Our Future, Chapel 9:15 am Bible Study 10 am Instrumental Ensemble 10:30 am Worship, Sanctuary 11:45 am Guest Reception, 209 1:30 pm Youth Bells, Sanctuary/319 2:15 pm Youth Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary/311 3 pm Upward Celebration, Sanctuary/108 5 pm Children’s Bells: 319-B 6 pm Adult Bells I, Sanctuary 6 pm Children’s Bible Drill Practice, 226 7 pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, 311/Sanctuary

monday, february 25 7 pm F.R.O.N.T. Class, 319 tuesday, february 26 8 am Exercise, Gym 9 am Ceramics, Gym 2 pm Senior Adult Council, 216 7 pm Personnel Committee, 216 Wednesday, february 27 9 am Chrismons, 216 6 pm Pastor Search Committee, 216 6:15 pm Divorce Recovery, 218 6:15 pm Divorce Rebuilding, 109 (See WednesdayNights@FBC) thursday, february 28 8 am Exercise, Gym 9 am Ceramics, Gym

WednesdayNights@FBC 5 pm....Fellowship Meal, 108 6 pm....Story Time: 3-4’s, K-Gr. 1, 129; ....Orff Ensembles: Gr. 2-5, 223/225 6 pm....Childcare for 2 & under, 124 6:15 pm....Kids’ ACCESS/Music & Missions: 3’s-Gr. 5, ... Children’s Wing 6:15 pm....Youth Forum, 301/302 6:15 pm....Adult Access Classes through Feb. 20: ....–New Testament Miracles, Chapel ....–Prayer-Crux of Discipleship, 108 ....–Parenting, 102 ....(New Adult Access classes start Feb. 27– ... see page 1 for descriptions) 6:15 pm ....Adult Bells II, 319 7:15 pm ....Sanctuary Choir, 311/Sanctuary February 13, 2013 / First Baptist News / 3

FBC Birthdays

february 17: A. B. Creed, Clay Gooding, James Houghton, Jerry Lambert, Cliff Lowery february 18: Joyce English, Marty Gunter, Leroy Hartgrove, Cheryl Kaufman, Emily Skenes, Steve Snavely, Elsa Troxler february 19: Lynn Huneycutt february 20: Ward Burch, D. B. Cobb, Jr., Norma Jean Coble, Arlene McCraw, Mark Messick, Haley Parrish february 21: Don Atkinson, Mary Hayes, Macy Maness, Gray Murray, Lynn Parham, Virginia Royal february 22: Luke Arno, Frank Irvin, Brenda Porterfield, Greg Pray, Margaret Willard february 23: Patty Brim, Elizabeth Eagle, Kyleigh Pegram, Laura Shelton, Caleb Wilson february 24: Susan Bowers, Emily Lewis, Steve Molodet february 25: Courtney Frost, Josh Hardin, Marianne Henderson february 26: Christian Adkins, William Hardy, Jimmy Marsh, Janet Moss, John Pearce, Kevin Pegram, Victoria Pray, Ann Webb, Dixie Wimberley february 27: Jo Fran Day, Bettie Johnson, Becky Mungo february 28: Michael Campbell, Rachel Charles, David Culclasure, Clara Duggins, Lindsay Hill, Glenn Hough, Angela Pipe, Bobby Steelman, Martin Wimbs

College Birthdays

Luke Arno Birthday: 2/22 7037-H W. Friendly Ave., Greensboro, NC 27410/910.603.7338 / Courtney Frost Birthday: 2/25 East Carolina University, Fletcher Hall 523, Greenville, NC 27858 / 336.337.8670 Christian Adkins Birthday: 2/26 200 Erskine Dr. East, Greensboro, NC 27410 / 336.852.5418 Victoria Pray Birthday: 2/26 NC State University, Campus Box 15921, Lee Hall, Room 912-C, Raleigh, NC 27607 David Culclasure Birthday: 2/29

203 East Cameron Ave., Rm 311, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 / 4 / First Baptist News / February 13, 2013

Check out these newly donated books to the FBC library– On Agate Hill by Lee Smith False Impression by Jeffrey Archer Chief Inspector Gamache Series by Louise Penny: Still Life, A Fatal Grace, The Cruelest Month, A Rule Against Murder, The Brutal Telling, Bury Your Dead, A Trick of the Light, and The Beautiful Mystery March 1 newsletter deadline: February 18 –Email your news to Kelly Stephens, Communications Director, at or bring it to the church office.

First Baptist News


1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401



• Maxine Crews in the loss of her brother, Joseph Maness, on January 27 • Hannah and Lilly Persinger in the loss of their grandmother, Mae Persinger, on January 26 • Barbara Brock in the loss of her nephew, and Kathy Simmons and Virginia Reynolds in the loss of her cousin, David Poe • Frances Fogleman in the loss of her sister, Janie Harper Brame, on January 31 • Dottie Gordon in the loss of her brother, Albert McDowell, on January 31 • Jean Canter in the loss of her brother-in-law, Ronald Sharp • The family of Betty Krieg, on February 5

Committee on Committees Request The Committee on Committees requests your assistance in suggesting members to serve in key FBC leadership positions. The servant leaders you will thereafter elect will determine the direction of the church for the immediate future. The committee is seeking suggestions for Deacons, Finance Committee, Clerk, and Endowment Trust Trustee. You may nominate by filling out a form in the church office or online—the link is at the bottom of the church home page: You are encouraged to include your own name for any of the positions in which you are willing to serve, if nominated and elected. Family units with more than one church member may submit multiple forms. All nominations are due by Thursday, February 14.

Spring is right around the corner!

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