Connections - September 2013 newsletter

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SEPTEMBER 2013 // // 336.274.3286

first baptist church greensboro


Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.

p3 // 336.274.3286 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401

October Connections Deadline: September 18 Email news to or bring it to the church office.

Kelly Stephens, Managing Editor Communications Director / x223 Gloria Koster, Design Manager Education Ministry Assistant / x288 Steve Sumerel, Supervising Editor Associate Pastor - Adult Learning / x233 Teresa Allen, Media Library Director / x229 Ginny Carpenter, Weekday School Director / x240 Steve Cothran, Associate Pastor - Youth/Families / x235 Dolores Donahue, Administrative Assistant - Finance / x226 Jane Anne Hayber, Music/Worship Assistant / x239 Monica Hix, Pastoral Assistant / x231 Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x245 Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x225 Kate Kitchen, Homebound Ministry Director / 202-5757 Scott North, Business Administrator / x222 Steve Pressley, Associate Pastor / x231

3 Insight | by Alan Sherouse 4 FBC Reflections on Meeting the Sherouse Family/July 27-28 5 Get Ready for Fall @ FBC | by Steve Sumerel –New Wednesday Night Adult Access Classes –Divorce Recovery Starts September 4 –Bible Study Options this Fall –FRONT II & CENTER Get Underway

6 Connect with Missions –WE! Shelter –Second Time Around Consignment Sale –Volunteers Needed for the Painting Team –Save the Date for the FBC Missions Fair

7 Connect with Children | by Virginia Reynolds Connect with Youth & College | by Steve Cothran & Luke Arno

8 Connect with Business –August Church Conference Actions –Ordination Service for Virginia Reynolds –Standing Committees Vote on September 15 –July Financial Update

9 Connect with One Another 10 Calendar Highlights 2013/2014 11 September Calendar 12 Friends Day Luncheon @ FBC

| by Kate Kitchen

Virginia Reynolds, Assistant Pastor - Preschool/Children / x241 Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor x231 (after 9-23-2013) Marion Smith, Facilities Supervisor, x243 Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor - Music/Worship / x237 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor - Music/Worship / x238 Shelly Worsley, Childcare Director / x293 2 | Connections

Cover photo of the Sherouse family by Charles Hartis



ne of the best ways for you to come to know me and my vision of “church” is for you to know more about the wonderful and varied communities of faith that have shaped me, including Metro Baptist Church for these last 4+ years. So in my first article to you, I actually want to write to them. In a manner of speaking, at least.

What follows is an Open Letter to Metro, to tell you more about them. And thereby to tell you more about me. Dear Metro, “This church opens wide its doors,” the front of your bulletin reads. “Wide” is surely the word for you. There are bigger churches. There are older churches. But I have never known a church so wide. I have seen the wideness on Sundays, as you come from varied backgrounds and many parts of the City, crossing all kinds of boundaries to worship together. The wideness appears throughout the week, as the open sanctuary is transformed into a classroom for tutoring, a rehearsal hall for local dancers, a gymnasium for summer-camp recreation, a food pantry for neighbors, a stage for resident artists, or for a half-dozen other uses. It is the widest understanding of “sanctuary” – a place where people meet God – that I have ever known. It reflects a wide view of “church.” With you I have come to understand church (and the role of pastor) to extend beyond the membership record and those gathered on a Sunday morning and include the multiple communities whose lives intersect with yours. Volunteers, support staff, outside guests, building tenants, neighborhood clients, and others are embraced as a part of Metro, whether they ever attend a service. And this flows from a wide understanding of the gospel of Christ – the good news you declare in your mission statement that “all people are created by God in the likeness of God to be participants in God’s redemptive plan.” My 4+ years as Metro’s pastor have widened my understanding of my vocation and my belief in the capacity of the local church. I’m grateful for all who have made these years the most fulfilling season of my life – for the growing congregation, for the dynamic staff with whom I have been blessed to work, and for my partner in ministry and fellow pastor, Tiffany, with whom I have learned so much of collaboration. “There’s a wideness in God’s mercy,” it has been written and sung. And I know more about it today because of you. Thank you for opening your doors to so many – and for these last four-and-a-half years to Jenny, Jack, Della and me. Much Love, Alan A friend recently shared, “good-byes, when done well, become the soil from which future hellos spring forth.” As our family experiences the range of emotions that accompany saying “good-bye” to a place and people so dearly loved, know that we are filled with excitement for all the “hellos” and growth that await us in our new home. We can’t wait to see you on September 22 and experience the growing – and ever-widening – work of God and God’s people at First Baptist Church Greensboro. A Pastor’s Love, Alan

September 2013 | 3

Reflections on meeting our new pastor Alan Sherouse and his family July 27-28 “Bennett and I want to thank the Pastor Search Committee on a job well done. I am sure you have felt God’s blessings along the way and will continue to do so as Alan and Jenny start their life with First Baptist. We can feel the excitement, energy, optimism and pride for our church. We promise our continued prayer support, patience for Alan to know our church and certainly our support for Alan and his family. Can’t wait to have him in the home God has provided for us...” –Melinda Wood

“As I look at our new pastor Alan Sherouse, I think there is a father who loves his family and cares for them. In the same respect he will love us and shepherd us as a church. He and the pastoral staff will lead us to “paths less traveled.” I am anxious (in a good way) to follow where he leads. Good work, Pastor Search Committee!” –Jim Burch “He’s a really nice person and a great preacher.” –Rebecca Little “He’s really nice and easy to understand. He seems like he’ll be very involved with us in the youth and the church.” –Youth Comment

“We look forward to having Alan and his family as fellow sojourners on the path of Christ. Our prayers are with him as he leads us in a deeper understanding of God’s Word and in the challenge of active obedience to Christ’s Spirit in our midst.” –Tom & Margaret Petty

“We are extremely excited about the Sherouse family joining First Baptist Church. Alan’s passion for sharing God’s word and love both inside of our church walls but also more importantly out into the community was quite evident.” “After a memorable meet and greet weekend and a powerful –Jennifer Hall sermon on Sunday, we are thrilled that Alan answered God’s call Photos by to come south to Greensboro. We are excited and can’t wait to Charles Hartis serve the Lord with ‘one of the top brilliant young ministers in the country.’ WE ARE READY!!” –Jim & Carolyn Clontz 4 | Connections

“My favorite moment from the welcome weekend occurred when I ran into Alan (literally) walking into the sanctuary. Given that he was about to preach and face a vote that could change his family’s life, I would have expected him to be pre-occupied and focused on the service ahead. I quickly wished Alan good luck, and he stopped, smiled, and said, “Thanks Shannon.” He had met me once over the weekend for 5 minutes, and during this anxious time was able to quickly call me by name. I was beyond impressed. Clearly Alan already cares about our congregation, and I can’t wait to see what God brings with his presence.” –Shannon Childs

Connect & Grow Divorce Recovery @ FBC begins September 4

Wednesday Night Adult Access Classes... will Bring You Opportunities for Growth! Three new Adult Access classes will be available from 6:15 to 7 pm beginning September 4. Each of these seminars will run through the month of September. #1: The Sermon on the Mount– Perhaps the most famous of the teachings of Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount is a rich collection of the wisdom of Christ. From the Beatitudes to the Golden Rule, Jesus covers the vast landscape of what it means to live a life of faith. You are invited to participate as Dr. Pressley unpacks the wealth of meaning in these priceless words of Christ. In the Chapel. #2: Thriving in the Second Half of Life– Dr. George Fuller is a Certified Senior Advisor and Medicare SHIIP volunteer. He has worked as a chaplain with people on Medicaid, and is a Family Financial Mediator specializing in Transformative and Family Mediations. Dr. Fuller’s seminars are for everyone over 50 years of age, and for those taking care of an elder loved one. The second half of life is full of financial, physical, logistical, and spiritual challenges. This seminar addresses all of these challenges. Please see our website for complete details of this seminar ( ). In 102. #3: Reframing Jesus: The Life of Christ in Art– Visual art has been used over the years to relate the life of Christ. A particularly exciting example of this is the 14th century work of Giotto. More than a session on art history, this seminar will expose you to the interesting ways in which culture colors our framing of Jesus. Led by Coolidge Porterfield in 108-C.

The Divorce Recovery program is designed to stand alongside adults coping with divorce or separation and meets on Wednesdays from 6:15-7:45 pm. Two levels make up Divorce Recovery: the 9-session Recovery Program, followed by the 12-14 session Divorce Rebuilding seminar. If you know of anyone who would benefit from Divorce Recovery, contact 274.3286, x288 – gloria@fbcgso. org – Bible Study Options this Fall:

Lessons for a Closer Walk with Christ The Formations unit called “Stewardship in the Desert” will explore God’s care for the Israelites during their time in the wilderness. Nurturing Faith will look at “Gospel Lessons for Daily Living” focusing on ways to deepen one’s relationship with Christ. To find the right Bible study class, call or email Dr. Sumerel (274.3286, x233 / ).

FRONT II Registration is Open to Everyone Registration for FRONT II is now open to anyone interested in setting out on a journey of in-depth biblical and theological study. FRONT II was originally designed to provide a course of study for graduates of the six month FRONT course. However, so many people have asked if they can participate before completing the first course, we have decided to make that option available. FRONT II will meet each Monday evening beginning on September 30 and finishing on December 16. A course syllabus can be obtained online or by contacting Dr. Sumerel by phone or email.

CENTER Training to Start in October Excitement is building in anticipation of the arrival of our new pastor. As we prepare for this new chapter in the life of our church there are more and more conversations taking place about finding ways to re-engage members who have fallen by the wayside, and providing support for visitors seeking a new congregation. Almost every strategy involves Sunday Schools, and for good reason. Historically, Sunday School classes have been the backbone for outreach and in-reach for congregations. How these important functions take place in the midst of changing demographics and cultural shifts is one of biggest challenges of the Church in today’s world. CENTER is designed to provide training for those Sunday School class members who are selected and who feel called to be the In-reach and Outreach specialists for their class. Each Sunday School class should be in conversation right now to determine who among their membership will take part in this important CENTER training. The one hour CENTER training sessions begin Sunday, October 6 at 6 pm and will continue each Sunday during October. September 2013 | 5

Connect with Missions

Gearing up for the WE! Shelter ministry . . .

Mark Your Calendar First Baptist Church Weekday School

Second Time Around Consignment Sale



he YWCA is sponsor the Winter Emergency (WE!) Shelter for women this year in their new building. It is time for our church to prayerfully consider the ways we can support this important ministry. Two meetings are scheduled to provide an update on WE! Shelter plans and to discuss how FBC will be involved. We encourage everyone interested in supporting the WE! Shelter ministry to attend ONE of the meetings to help decide the level of support we can commit to this ministry. The WE! Shelter meetings will be held in Room 101 on • Sunday, Sept. 15, 5–6 pm • Wednesday, Sept. 18, 5:30 – 6:30 pm Without you, this ministry won’t be possible. We hope to see you there! Information: Geneva Metzger- 288-1877

Consign • Shop • Volunteer

Sept. 27 & 28, 2013

Friday - 9 am - 7 pm Saturday - 8 am - 1 pm (Half Price Day) The Weekday School’s semi-annual consignment sale features kid’s Fall/ Winter clothing & shoes, toys, bikes, games, outdoor equipment, books, maternity clothing, nursery furniture, bedding, strollers and more! A new section this Fall is the “Mom’s Spot!” for ladies to consign your like-new fall/winter clothing, shoes, & accessories! Registration is open NOW if you would like to be a consignor. Consignors will earn 60% of their sales. If you consign and volunteer a minimum of 6 hours, you earn 70% of your sales! The remaining profits go to the FBC Weekday School Via Scholarship Fund. There are many opportunities to shop, consign, and volunteer so find out how you can be involved in the Weekday School ministry to our community. There are registration links on the website or email the Consignment Team.

Catherine Scott-Little- 856-0623

Find us on

Volunteers Needed for Painting Team BY LUTHER YAUN


e need people who can either house paint or would be willing to learn. The FBC painting team will be a misison-oriented group who might help paint a Habitat home, a new mission church, or serve as a ministry for people who are not able to afford to have painting done. All work will be interior-only and will not involve exterior painting or painting that involves climbing tall ladders. This is a strictly volunteer, needs-oriented mission opportunity to fill a spot that is often neglected and every project will be examined for its viability. Will you help to serve our Lord in this way? If you are interested, call or email Luther Yaun (336.8080 / ) 6 | Connections

Sunday, Oct.13 @ 12 Noon What do breakfast bags for the WE Shelter, blankets for Urban Ministry, and the Rosewood tutoring fund have to do with each other? They are mission projects at FBC. Save the date of October 13 and find out what we are doing in the world...

Connect with Children

It’s a Small World After All BY VIRGINIA REYNOLDS


echnology has shortened the distances between people on this earth. Facebook contacts, Skype communications, and Twitter connections allow you to meet new friends and reconnect with old ones quickly and easily anywhere around the world. The social game of “7 degrees of separation” intrigues me with the idea that two people can find connection to one another through no more than 7 other connections. Yet a valuable truth is that as children of God, we don’t need multiple people to share connections to give us a sense of belonging. We are all linked to God’s family through the one connection that matters – Jesus. In Children’s Ministry this year, we are focusing on those whom Jesus loves. We know from scripture that Jesus invited the children to come to him, and he welcomed them warmly. Jesus loved all God’s children without prejudice to gender, ethnicity, age, family history, or country of origin. Jesus was intentional throughout his ministry to build connections, to make personal contacts with strangers; and to communicate the message of God’s love to each person he encountered. When asked of the greatest commandments, Jesus answered that we are to love God, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We find it easiest to love those we know, or who have similar lifestyles. But Jesus calls us to do what he did and love all God’s children – to reach beyond our own comfort, boundaries, or routines. This lesson is beautifully stated in the familiar children’s song, “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.” And we are taught by Jesus to do the same! In the coming weeks, doors will be opening for each of us to meet new people. We have the opportunity to welcome them warmly, build a caring relationship, and share with them the one true connection that leads to an eternal love – the love of Jesus.

Connect with Youth & College Sign Up for the Middle School Retreat

September 13-15, Camp Caraway $80/person covers food, lodging, t-shirt– Sign-Up deadline is Sept. 8. Register now ( )

Save the Date for the High School Retreat

have some

October 25-27, Blowing Rock Conference Center

“Adopt A College Student” Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you... (1st Peter 3:15)

Youth Ministry@FBC walks with youth on the journey of faith, challenging them to lifelong discipleship and worship, and inspiring them to share the love of Christ with all they meet. • Sunday Mornings– Bible Study every Sunday, 9:15-10:15 am. • Sunday Nights– Youth Choir/Handbells/Discipleship/Missions, 4 -7 pm. • Wednesday Nights Youth Forum– Fellowship/Fun/Fuel to keep you going from 6:15-7:15 pm.

Going off to college and being on your own can be fun, but it can also be scary. The College Team at FBC helps make this transition easier for students by pairing them with FBC families who can be a “home away from home” during the school year. You can invite them to dinner, to church or holiday events, and send notes/emails of encouragement during the semester. Contact Thom Little (856.0623 / ) about adopting away students and Becky Yaun (668.8080 / ) about adopting in-town students. September 2013 | 7

Connect with Business Actions Taken in the August Church Conference The monthly Church Conference took place in the chapel following the worship service on August 11, 2013. The following actions were taken– Dr. Stuart Allen, Finance Committee chair made the following motion: • Upon the recommendation of the Building and Grounds Committee, Finance Committee, and Deacons, I move that approval be given to spend up to $13,000 from the Major Maintenance Account to refurbish the main office suite, including painting; replacing carpet base molding, and blinds; updating upholstered items; and purchasing a new desk for the financial secretary. Action: The motion was approved. Dr. Laura Lomax, Deacon chair made the following two motions: • Motion #1: Upon recommendation of the Missions Committee, Finance Committee, and Deacons, I move that First Baptist Church approve an international mission trip to Romania April 11-21, 2014 by the senior high students in our Youth Choir and allocate up to $50,000 toward the funding of this trip, with up to $20,000 to come from the Great Commission Fund and up to $30,000 to come from the reserve account for New Missions/Church Starts. Action: The motion was approved. • Motion #2: Upon recommendation of the Finance Committee and Deacons, I move that on September 1, 2013 the current renter of the upstairs apartment in the Adams Street House be given six months notice to vacate the apartment, with the renter paying rent for two months (September and October) and then paying no rent for the remaining four months while making other housing arrangements. Action: The motion was approved. 8 | Connections

Virginia Reynolds Ordination Service Set for September 29 Everyone is warmly invited to take part in the Service of Ordination for Virginia Reynolds, Sunday evening, September 29 at 6 pm. Virginia has ably served as our Assistant Pastor for Families with Children since July 15, 2007. Born into a missionary home, Virginia has spent most of her adulthood in preparation for ministry. Rev. Edith Vaughn Parker, a life long family friend and personal inspiration, will be among those participating in the service. Ordaining a minister in response to their particular calling is one of the most important and “sacred” functions of a Baptist congregation. Make plans to be among those who affirm Virginia’s continued growth into her calling.

Standing Committees Vote - September 15 In accordance with the Bylaws of First Baptist Church, there will be a business meeting for the purpose of electing standing committees. The Committee on Committees is presenting these standing committee nominees to the Membership in accordance with the Bylaws and they will be voted on Sunday, September 15 during the worship service. The nominations for standing committees are for three year terms, unless otherwise noted. The nominees are:

Finance Committee: –Richard Wiley (added because of Bylaws change)

Building & Grounds: –Jeff Bennett –Doug Childs

–Toni Lewis

–Ken Tutterow ( 1 yr unexpired term)

Committee on Committees:

–Charles Hartis

Missions Committee: –Alice Burch –Gina Waters –Geneva Metzger –Pat Wilson (3 yr term) –Becky Parham –Chuck Sample (1 yr term - due to Bylaws change) –Martha Spangler (2 yr term - due to Bylaws change)

–Ken Brannon –Debbie Garner –Jan Hill –Marty Isom –Hubert Johnson –Paige Kalish –Julie King

July Financial Update July 2013 Receipts & Distributions

–Angela Peeler

Endowment Trust:

–Jim Clontz

Christian Assistance: –Sandy Frost

Personnel Committee:


Budget Last Year

July Budget Receipts $103,116 $116,310 YTD Budget Receipts $917,160 $968,993 YTD Budget Disbursements $999,520 $1,025,824 YTD Differential ($82,360) ($56,831)

$121,502 $924,238 $928,303 ($4,065)

–Karl Lewis –Cecil Livengood – Betty Sharp – Dale Singley – Tom Townes – Davis Troxler

Connect with One Another If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. (1st Corinthians 12:26)

Welcome New Babies!

Remember Your Loved Ones with Sanctuary Flowers

Jordan Ezekiel Holmes Born: June 19 Proud Parents: Aaron and Emily Holmes

Would you like to remember your loved ones on a special day or honor someone for the blessing they’ve been in your life? Placing flowers in the Sanctuary on a Sunday morning allows you to do just that, while sharing the beauty of your gift with the entire congregation. Contact Jane Anne in the Music office (274-3286, x239 – ) for details and available dates in September, October, and November.

Heitor Salomao Ramalho Born: August 12 Proud Great Grandparent: Barbara Brock

Solomon Conrad Stephens Born: August 16 Proud Parents: Beau and Amy Overman Stephens

FBC September Birthdays

Bereaved • Nancy Cothran in the loss of her aunt, Mary Mauldin, on July 16 • Geneva Metzger in the loss of her brother, Cletus Metzger, on July 23 • Matt Mallard in the loss of his brother-in-law, Tim McMurray, on July 29 • Debbie Huneycutt in the loss of her father • The family of Bill Denmark, on August 9 • The family of W. O. Beavers, on August 10 • Maxine Crews in the loss of her brother, B.J. Maness on August 11 • Dr. and Mrs. Harold Spangler in the loss of Harold’s son, Tim Spangler, on August 13

1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20:

Tyler Gail Wood Wheaton College, CPO 3221 501 College Avenue Wheaton, IL 60187

Britt Isom


1803 Westminster Drive Greensboro, NC 27410


21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30:

Jake Barlow, Sarah Carter Bill Cashion, Jim Clontz, Jim Deere, Amber Rhodes, Emily Sheffield, Robin Yaun Fred Binder Wesley Adams, Jr., Kilee Blakely, Joyce Burch, Paula Carter Roberta Hartgrove, Aaron Lindsay Edna Andrews, Mary Jane Beavers, Larry Chadwick, Grey Cockerham, Robb Wells, Phyllis West Charlotte Barnes, Dale Bias, Nancy Culclasure, Marty Hill, Marshall Johnson, David Marsh, Katherine Marsh Marina Cothran, Bryce Fogleman, Lorie Rainey, Jack Sharp Charles Hewitt, Hannah Persinger, Helen Stinson, Tyler Gail Wood Joshua Childs, Donna Griffin, Merrill Norris, Matthew Sumner Kenneth Bell, Tom Fuqua, Margaret Wells Barbara Brock, John Chandler, Zylpha Eagle Blaine Bradford, Britt Isom, Marty Isom, Janice Newsom, Bill Walke, Clay Wilder, Bowen Young John Raines, Jean Shore, Mabel Wiggins Jeanelle Lindsay Kubwayo Gervais, Ralph Hixon, Perry Key, Glenda Koger, Frances Upchurch Alan Bowers, Gordan Johnson, Christine Moore Ryenne Blake, Wendy Camp, Kaylee Idol, Joan Ratliff, Alan Tutterow David Canter, Kay Crawford, John Fisher, Barbara Harvell, Lorna Leigh Lanning, Craig Pannell, John Sample, Austin Worsley, Becky Yaun Jenny Beam, John Hardy, Patricia Lambert, Faye Thompson, Hazel Upton, Terri Vancil, Jim Wayne, Bob Wiggins Kate Austin, Isley Morrow, Tom Sears, Jr., Layne Tucker Sidonna Black, Perry Steelman, Paul Stutts Sandy Cole, Hannah Lynch, Evelyn Mitchell, Chuck Peeler, Trent Philpott Mary Adams, Bobby Alford, Chris Culbreth, David Philpott, Zach Roberts, Jimmy Wiggins Dorothy Lewis, Genevieve Tedder, Samuel Vaughan Carter Bland, Janet Caldwell, Charles Davis, Kate Kitchen, Charles O’Bryant, Archie Williams Mike Kalish, Haley Simmons Eric Aikins, Robert Ayres, Earl Mitchell, Nancy Page, Todd Power, Porky Ray Lori Berman, Graham Bland, Fairy Horton, Wes Stone, Kaye Tutterow Kristen Beavers, John Markham, III, Eleanor Manning September 2013 | 9

Important Annual Events - - Mark your calendars!



• 2nd: Church offices closed • 4th: Kick-off for Fall Wednesday night Dinner/Programs • 8th: Deacon Ordination Service, 6 pm • 13th-15th: Middle School Fall Retreat, Camp Caraway • 15th: Called Church Conference, 10:30 am / Conference & Lunch Fundraiser for HS Youth Missions, 12 noon • 15th: WE! Shelter Information Meeting, 5:30 pm • 22nd: Worship - Welcome New Pastor, Rev. Alan Sherouse, preaching, 10:30 am • 24th: Friend’s Day, 12 noon • 27th-28th: Consignment Sale, Fri. 9 am-7 pm / Sat. 8 am-1 pm • 29th: Ordination Service - Virginia Reynolds, 6 pm • 30th: FRONT II begins, 7 pm


• 1st: Church offices closed • 10th-12th: Youth Ski Retreat, Winterplace, WV • 24th-26th: Winter Bible Study


• 3rd: PrimeTime, 9 am-1 pm • 14th: Valentine Banquet, 6:30 pm • 23rd: FBC Bible Drill, 6 pm


• 3rd: PrimeTime, 9 am-1 pm • 5th: Ash Wednesday Service, 6:15 pm • 9th: Associational Bible Drill, 4 pm • 28th-29th: CBF NC General Assembly at FBC Greensboro • 29th: Regional/State Bible Drill, TBD • 30th: MS Youth Choir Musical with FBC Asheville & Ken Medema, 10:30 am 10 | Connections


• Upward: Sign-up begins • 6th: CENTER training begins, 6 pm • 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th: Explore 1st, 9:15 am • 7th: PrimeTime, 9 am-1 pm • 11th: Family Fun Night, 6 pm • 13th: Church Conference/Lunch & Missions Fair, 12 noon • 25th-27th: High Fall Youth Fall Retreat, Blowing Rock • 27th: Installation Service of Senior Pastor Alan Sherouse, 4 pm


• 2nd: Fall Family Fun Fest, 3-5 pm • 3rd: All Saints’ Day, 10:30 am • 3rd: Luminé Communion/Prayer Service, 6 pm • 4th: PrimeTime, 9 am-1 pm • 15th: Happy Hearts Thanksgiving Dinner, 6 pm • 16th: Children’s Mission Day at FBC Raleigh, 8 am-5 pm


• 6th: Spring Celebration & Egg Hunt, 3-5 pm • 7th: PrimeTime, 9 am-1 pm • 11th-21st: HS Choir International Mission Trip, Bucharest, Romania • 13th-19th: Holy Week • 20th: Easter Sunday, 10:30 am • 21st: Church offices closed


• 5th: PrimeTime, 9 am-1 pm • 25th: Memorial Day Service, 9 am


• 1st: Baccalaureate Sunday, 10:30 am • 1st: Youth Choir Concert, 6 pm • 7th: Bible Hurdle Celebration, 5 pm • 8th: Pentecost Sunday, 10:30 am • 11th: 5th/6th Grade Fun-In, 6 pm

NOVEMBER (continued)

• 17th: Upward Prayer Breakfast, 8 am • 24th: Operation Christmas Child dedication, following Worship • 26th: Thanksgiving Dinner, 6 pm • 28th-29th: Church offices closed


• 2nd: PrimeTime, 9 am-1 pm • 6th: Festival of Lights, 6-7:30 pm, Downtown Greensboro • 7th: Nativity Brunch, 10 am-12:30 pm & Parents Day Out, 12:30-5 pm • 8th: Hanging of the Green, 6 pm • 15th: Special Called/Regular Church Conference, 10:30 am Worship • 15th: Church-wide Caroling, 3-5 pm & LoveFeast, 5-5:45 pm • 18th: Family Christmas Sing, 6:15 pm • 22nd: Christmas Oratorio/Bach, 10:30 am Sanctuary • 24th: Christmas Eve Service, 5 pm • 25th-26th: Church offices closed

JUNE (continued)

• 13th-15th: MS Youth Choir Trip, Asheville, NC • 15th: MS Youth Choir Musical with FBC Asheville & Ken Medema, FBC Asheville, 11 am • 16-20: B.I.B.L.E. Camp, 9 am-1 pm


• 4th - Church offices closed • 13th-20th: NC Baptist All-State Youth Choir tour • 28th-August 1st: Summer Choir Camp / Closing Concert, August 1, 1 pm


• 24th: Promotion Sunday, 9:15 am • 24th: Baptism & BBQ at the Lake, 4 pm, Camp Weaver


Monday, September 2

Church offices closed for Labor Day

Wednesday, September 4 Kick-off for Fall Wednesday Activities!

Sunday, September 8

•T.I.L.T. for 5th graders. 12 noon •Deacon Ordination. Sanctuary, 6 pm September 13-15

•Middle School Fall Retreat. Camp Caraway (see page 7)

Sunday, September 15

•Called Church Conference/Vote

on Standing Committee, Sanctuary, 10:30 am (see page 8) Church Conference and Lunch/ High School Youth Choir Missions Fundraiser. 108, 12 noon WE! Shelter Information Meeting. 101, 5 pm (see page 6)

• •

Wednesday, September 18

•WE! Shelter Information Meeting. 101, 5:30 pm (see page 6)

Sunday, September 22

•Worship. Sanctuary, 10:30 am,

Sanctuary. Welcome New Pastor, Alan Sherouse, preaching

Tuesday, September 24

Sunday AM @FBC

•Consignment Sale. Gym, 9 am-7 pm

•Prayer for Our Future - 9 am •Bible Study - 9:15 am •Worship - 10:30 am •Guest Reception - 11:45 am (209)

Saturday, September 28

Sunday PM @FBC

•Friend’s Day. 108, 12 noon (see page 12) Friday, September 27 (see page 6)

•Consignment Sale. Gym, 8 am-1 pm (see page 6)

Sunday, September 29

•Ordination Service of Virginia

Reynolds. Sanctuary, 6 pm (see page 8)

Monday, September 30

•FRONT II begins. 319, 7 pm (see page 5)

Wednesday Fellowship Meal Menus & WHAT’s NEW ! September 4 Adult Menu: Theo’s Famous Fried Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Salad Bar // Kids Menu: Chicken Legs

September 11 Adult Menu: Country Style Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Fried Okra, Salad Bar // Kids Menu: Mini Burgers

September 18 Adult Menu: Pecan Encrusted Tilapia, Baked Potato, Salad Bar // Kids Menu: Fish Stix

September 25 Adult Menu: Chicken Portofino, Orzo Pasta, Steamed Broccoli, Salad Bar // Kid’s Menu: Chicken Tenders Key:

Regular Weekly Schedule

New Hours: Serving begins at 5:00 pm and ends at 6:30 pm.

• Youth Bells I & II, 4 pm •Following Christ, 4 pm (begins Oct. 6) •Children’s Bells, 5 pm (begins Oct. 6) •Children’s Bible Drill, 5 pm in September only (6 pm beginning Oct. 6) • Youth: MS Discipleship & HS Choir, 5 pm • Youth Snack Supper • Youth: MS Choir & HS Discipleship, 6 pm • Adult Bells I, 6 pm • Sanctuary Choir, 7 pm • Instrumental Ensemble (3 rd

Sundays), 7 pm

Salad Bar: The Salad Bar will be a weekly offering and occasionally there will be a Potato or Pasta Bar option.


Kid’s Meal: The Kid’s Meal is an option for 5th grade and younger and will be in keeping with the adult meal theme.

• • • •

•Fellowship Meal - NEW SERVING

HOURS!! Dinner is served between 5-6:30 pm Kids’ Access - 6 pm Youth Forum - 6:15 pm Adult Access Classes - 6:15 pm Sanctuary Choir - 7:15 pm

•Adults •All Ages •Children •Seniors •Weekday School •Worship •Youth September 2013 | 11

First Bapt ist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27401

Friends Day Luncheon to Celebrate our Homebound Tuesday, September 24, 12 Noon BY KATE KITCHEN


he 2013 edition of Friends Day (a time to reconnect with our Homebound Friends) is scheduled for Tuesday, September 24. Lunch will be served at noon by our FBC ministry and support staff. All homebound members and friends are invited. If you need transportation, call Kate Kitchen (205.5757) and a Senior Adult Council member will follow up with you. We want to make sure that everyone who wishes to attend can do so. Those who require handicapped access may park behind the church and use that entrance. Our church bus will provide transportation from Friends Homes Guilford and West. All persons planning to attend should RSVP to Rosemary at 274-3286, ext. 225, by Thursday, Sept. 19. As always, former Homebound Minister Dale Caldwell will read a special poem, and pianist Marietta Mobley will provide dinner music. Our new pastor, Rev. Alan Sherouse, has graciously agreed to be our featured speaker. Please come and welcome him!


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