CONNECTIONS Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
likewise “Jesus asked, ‘Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the wounded man?’ The lawyer answered, ‘The one who showed him mercy.’ Jesus said to him, “‘Go and do likewise.’” “Go and Do Likewise” is our Stewardship theme as we look toward 2020. As followers of Jesus, all we do together through the life of First Baptist Greensboro is meant to express the love, compassion and generosity of God, especially toward those wounded along life’s highway. Throughout the month of November, you are asked to consider how you will “Go and Do” through your commitments of time, energy, and financial gifts to the ministry of our church in the next year.
Budget plans for 2020 will be shared this month, on Sunday, November 10. Pledge cards will arrive in early November, and on Sunday, November 24 — Reign of Christ Sunday — we will offer our commitments together in worship. Please consider prayerfully how God is calling you to “Go and Do” through the life and ministry of your church in the year ahead. Visit fbcgso. org/go-and-do/ for more, or to make a pledge online.
1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
NOVEMBER 2019 3 Window Gazing 4 Personnel & Strategic Planning 5 Worship & Music
All Saints' Sunday | November Music | Reign of Christ Sunday
Advent Spiritual Formation | Primetime
6 Adults
7 Advent 8 Mission 9 Youth | College 10 Children
Connect with us on social media. Tag your post with #fbcgso
DECEMBER Connections Deadline: November 15
Email news to
Pathfinders | MERGE | PASSPORTkids | Fall Fest Photos
11 Preschool 12 This and That
McCormick Intern | Westerwood 5K | Photo Exhibit
Birthdays | Bereaved | New Members | Upward
September 2019 Financial Results
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 336-338-2438 and someone will return your call.
13 Church Life
14 September Calendar Giving at FBC Greensboro 15 A Thousand Words 16 Midweek @FBC
FRONT DESK HELP NEEDED One additional helper is needed at the front desk. The time slot available is Fridays from 9-12 pm. Contact Rosemary Kellam at | x126.
F BC STAFF Patrick Cardwell, Homebound Minister Ashley Chandler, Ministry Support Associate /
Chris Cherry, Assoc. Pastor of Youth and Families / / x109 Anita Cranford, Media Library Director / / x104
Autumn Culbreth, Preschool Director / x106 Pam Davis, Ministry Support Associate / x124
2 | Connections
Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / amy@ / x103
Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x101
Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x123
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x117
Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x126 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / christina@ / x110 Scott North, Church Administrator / x127 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x120
Tyrone Smith, Maintenance Supervisor
Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor of Music and Worship / / x116 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor of Music and Worship / / x129 Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Faith Formation & Congregational Care / x113
Alisa Windsor, Communications Director / x102
Window Gazing by Alan Sherouse
‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ And the second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
In Matthew, Jesus adds that these commandments are the root of everything else that is asked of his disciples: “On these two commandments hang all the law and prophets.” To love God is to love neighbor. To love neighbor is to love God. “But who is my neighbor?” This is the question the lawyer asks in the gospel of Luke in response to these commandments. Jesus responds with a story so compelling, it’s among the most recognizable portions of the Bible. The answer is clear: the one who proves neighbor is the Samaritan -- the stranger who sees the wounded person, is moved with compassion, approaches to offer what is needed, and even promises to return to see that the wounded man’s healing is completed. “Go and do likewise,” Jesus says to the lawyer and all of us listening in. “Go and Do Likewise” is the theme for our Stewardship Campaign at First Baptist Greensboro this year. Throughout the month of November, leading up to Sunday, November 24, we will consider the ways we are called to love God and love neighbor through our commitments of time, energy, and financial gifts in the year ahead. While not a parable about financial giving, this text is a fitting image of stewardship, which is foundationally about care — for our neighbor, for God’s gifts to us, for ourselves, for our church. The parable models such stewardship in many ways. For one, it reminds that stewardship is an active commitment. “Go and do,” Jesus says, with verbs that echo his calls throughout the gospels. “Go,” he says to the disciples when he sends them out. “Do” the things you have seen me do. “Who will go for us?” the Lord asks in the book of Isaiah, and as a church and as individuals we have the opportunity to answer, “Send me.”
Further, the parable provides an expansive view of neighbor, reminding us of all of those wounded along life’s highway, whom our church is called to see and draw near — the person living in poverty, the refugee seeking sanctuary, the person who comes to a recovery meeting at our church, the young person who is learning to love themselves as God loves them, the older adult living at home and feeling isolated. A faithful church, more than any community we can find, provides us with an invitation to expand our view of neighbor as we love them as we love ourselves. Third, the parable invites us to be imitators of Christ. The Samaritan traveler sees the wounded man and is “moved with compassion.” It’s a response we see throughout the gospels, including from Jesus before healing. The same compassion is possible in the lives of Christ’s followers here and now. “Compassion” means literally “to suffer with.” Jesus does, and calls us to do the same. The parable, further, reminds us that loving a neighbor usually costs something. To “go and do” as the Samaritan is a proposition that while rooted in hope, is also laced with some risk. It is not a passive commitment. It asks us to approach human need, regardless of what might be lurking about. It calls us to change our plans and reroute. It asks us to use our resources to “pay what is owed.” Finally, we do all of this recognizing not only the capacity we have to “go and do,” but also with the awareness that there are times in life when we will be wounded and in need of someone to approach us, to see our need, to offer compassion and resources, and to love us as their neighbor — something so many of us have found to be true in life together as First Baptist Greensboro. I hope you will be prayerful about how you will “Go and Do” in the year ahead. Ultimately, Jesus calls us to live this way not only because the world needs it, or because our neighbor needs it, but because we need it. We need to be people who go and do, giving of our lives compassionately, generously, and lovingly. Jesus says this is ultimately how life is found. Or in his words to the lawyer at the start of the parable,
“Do this and you will live.”
November 2019 | 3
T THE OCTOBER 13 CHURCH CONFERENCE, First Baptist Greensboro approved updates to our Pastoral Staff structure. In May, after recent retirements and transitions, Personnel began to consider options for the future through discernment and congregational conversation. The resulting plan has three primary initiatives: increased collaboration in pastoral care with the leadership of the Senior Pastor, expansion and renaming of the role of Associate Pastor: Faith Formation & Congregational Care, and the addition of the role of Minister to Senior Adults. You can read the whole personnel plan on our website at As part of this plan, Rev. Courtney Willis continues her work with us in an expanded role of Associate Pastor: Faith Formation & Congregational Care. Courtney has served as Associate Pastor: Spiritual Formation since February 2017. Prior to that,
she worked with us in a contracted role, leading a special project in faith formation for families with young children. In this expanded role, Courtney will oversee the Formation and Education ministries of First Baptist, and work with Pastor Alan Sherouse in Congregational Care. Personnel Chair Laura Lomax remarked, "Anyone who has experienced Courtney's work in our church knows she is a dynamic minister. We are thrilled she is able to serve in this needed role at this time." The staffing plan also includes the addition of a new role of Minister to Senior Adults. This part-time role will collaborate with our Pastoral Staff to provide focused leadership for our continued Senior Adult ministries, including Prime Time, Pastoral Care, and various special events and initiatives. With the job description approved, Personnel Committee will begin to consider the process for filling this role.
Personnel Committee: Sandra Canipe, Scott Culclasure, Andrew Donovan, Debbie Garner, Laura Lomax (Chair), Alan Tutterow, Brad Wall (Deacon Chair) and Alan Sherouse (ex officio). Special thanks to outgoing members Jennifer Hall and Marietta Noel.
2 0 2 0 S T R AT E G I C P L A N N I N G First Baptist Greensboro is beginning an exploratory process to consider strategic planning for our church. A regular practice of healthy churches and organizations, a planning process invites the church to discern the leadership of God’s Spirit for the future. First Baptist’s last similar process was during the Transition and Pastor Search period, 2011-2013. With the opportunities before our church and the completion of recent personnel planning, it’s a great time to consider what’s next. The Pastor Discernment Committee, 4 | Connections
Pastor Alan Sherouse and Deacon Chair Brad Wall have invited the Deacons to begin considering how to make plans for the next 5-7 years, forming a small exploratory team. This team will examine the most recent similar plans at First Baptist, consider current questions and opportunities before our church, investigate resources and models for strategic planning, and ultimately present a recommendation to the Deacons for how to proceed in a congregation-wide planning process. This team will work for the next few months, and expects to report
to the Deacons early in 2020 with recommendations for how to best proceed. Please be in prayer for these church leaders and the possibilities ahead: Alice Culclasure (Deacon) Adam Duggins (Deacon, Pastor Discernment) Debbie Huneycutt (Deacon) Coolidge Porterfield (Pastor Discernment) Becky Starnes (Pastor Discernment) Pat Wilson (Deacon) Brad Wall (Deacon Chair) Alan Sherouse (Pastor)
WO R S H I P & M U S I C ALL SAINTS' DAY | SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 A day to give thanks for all who have gone before and to celebrate Christian unity with the “great cloud of witnesses” that precedes us; a celebration not so much of extraordinary achievements of particular Christians but on the grace and work of God through ordinary people. Wesley Adams Warren Bass Clara Bennett Betty Campbell Michael Campbell Parrish Clodfelter Kenneth Eddins
Remembering the Saints
Reba House Becky Livengood Glorine Luper Joe McLean Arlene Morrison Timothy Newman Sara Pannell
Lois Edinger Danny Edwards Jim Fogleman Carolyn Grassi Bud Hardin Leroy Hartgrove Kathryn Hewitt
Effie Rowan Freda Rushton Jack Sharp Polly Snow Sue Stafford Vernon Wimberley
NOVEMBER MUSIC IN WORSHIP November 3, All Saints' Sunday UNCG Brass Quintet
November 10 NEW Adult Handbell Choir Sundays in November, 6 pm
Ever thought of playing in a handbell choir? Here’s your chance! All you need is a little coordination and some music reading skills. Four rehearsals (each Sunday of November, 6-7 p.m.)
Advent Bells will join the Adult and Youth handbell choirs in playing on Sunday morning, December 1 for the first Sunday of Advent. Please contact Terri Vancil if you are interested. or (336) 274-3286 ext. 129
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Adult Handbell Choir There Is a Name Jamell Strickland, vocalist
November 17
For All That Is Sanctuary Choir Jamell Strickland, director
November 24, Reign of Christ Sunday I Was Glad | Jesus Combined Choirs
Music Makers, Young Musicians, Youth Choir, Sanctuary Choir, and Adult Handbells
Reign of Christ Sunday
November 24 | During Worship On this last Sunday of the liturgical year our focus is on the cosmic character of Christ’s reign over the world. It is a proclamation to all that everything in creation and culture must submit to Christ and an invitation to actively and joyfully submit to his rule. As part of worship, we will bring forward our 2020 Commitment Cards.
Sunday, December 22, 4 pm Sanctuary choir and soloists with orchestra presents the classic Christmas Oratorio by Camille Saint-Saëns, and other sacred holiday favorites in the festive setting of the candlelit sanctuary.
November 2019 | 5
ADVENT for ALL Self-guided Prayer Experiences
December 1-24 | Room 202
November 13 & 20, December 6 & 13 | 6:15 pm
Self-Guided Prayer Experiences Does the rush of the Christmas season contribute toward your stress or anxiety? Do you often long for a moment to slow down and focus on the true meaning of this holy time? Throughout the Advent season, all are invited to room 202 where there will be prayer experiences to help us all turn our attention to the coming of the Christ child, and our response to this joyous news. Any time the church is open, this room will be open for individuals or families to take time for prayer, meditation, and reflection. In the room you will find directions for each self-guided prayer experience, where activities will be appropriate for all ages. Visit once or make it a weekly stop in your own Advent journey this year.
Midweek Advent Study As we prepare the way of our hearts for the upcoming Advent season, all adults are invited to join in this four-week study focusing on each of the four themes of Advent: joy, love, hope and peace. Each Wednesday night, we will gather to discuss one of these Advent themes through conversation, scripture, and activities centered around the week’s topic.
Monday, November 4
Don’t forget to visit our prayer garden over the next couple of months! During October and November, the prayer guides there will focus on the gratitude to which God calls us. December’s guides will include Advent reflections as we prepare our hearts for Christmas. Our prayer garden is a great space to find stillness, quiet, and a place to be in conversation with God. 6 | Connections
Ceramics at 9 am, followed by Bible study led by a pastor at 11 am. Lunch begins at noon and a program follows. Come for all or just part of the day. This month we’ll be hearing from Zack Matheny, President at Downtown Greensboro Incorporated. Prior to his new role as President of DGI, Matheny was a member of the Greensboro City Council and served 7.5 years.
HE SEASON OF ADVENT, which comes comes from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming” or “visit,” begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. Advent is the beginning of the liturgical year for Christians. During Advent, we prepare for, and anticipate, the coming of Christ. We remember the longing of Jews for a Messiah and our own longing for, and need of, forgiveness, salvation and a new beginning. Even as we look back and celebrate the birth of Jesus in a humble stable in Bethlehem, we also look forward anticipating the second coming of Christ as the fulfillment of all that was promised by his first coming. Each week during Advent, we have ways for you and your family to engage the season through worship, music, study, and play. Add these dates to your calendar and prepare yourself to welcome the incarnate Jesus.
A time of informal fellowship as we prepare the sanctuary for Christmas. Gather at 4 pm to help decorate. Come at 5 to hear the youth choir lead in a brief service of dedication with seasonal music. Stay for snack supper in Fellowship Hall.
Annual Christmas concert for the whole community including classic sacred choral music. Under the direction of Maestro Travis Alexander.
Come and share Christmas joy with our homebound members through beloved songs of the season. Join us as we go to our members that are unable to make it to church on a regular basis and to brighten up their holiday season with some Christmas carols. Carolers will gather at 4 pm in the Atrium to depart in groups.
Sanctuary choir and soloists with orchestra presents the classic Christmas Oratorio by Camille Saint-Saëns, and other sacred holiday favorites in the festive setting of the candlelit sanctuary.
1 Prepare the Way
A Midweek Advent Study Join us for this 4-week Advent study Wednesday nights beginning November 13.
2 Advent for All
Self-Guided Prayer Experience Make time to visit Room 202 for this prayer experience during the month of December.
3 Prayer Garden
Find Stillness and Quiet Be in prayer and conversation with God while out in nature. Prayer guides available. November 2019 | 7
Over 10,000 meals packed with Rise Against Hunger; written love and in-person communion shared with FBC members who are homebound; food and clothes sorted at BackPack Beginnings; a shed built at Peacehaven Community Farm that will help hold their equipment used to harvest produce to share; winter veggies planted in the Community Garden at FBC to share with neighbors in need. All generations were sharing and serving in Jesus’ name! We even had a volunteer turkey giving instructions at Peacehaven. Thanks to everyone who shared their Sunday!
The 28th Annual Feast of Caring is Thursday, November 21, 2019 Choose Lunch 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m or Dinner 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m
SIMPLE MEAL OF SOUP AND BREAD the week before the feast of Thanksgiving reminds us that there is no holiday from poverty,” says Executive Director Myron Wilkins. “Many of our neighbors will be going without, falling into crisis, and enduring alone during a time when we celebrate the joys of home, friends and family.” When you make a minimum $25 donation to Greensboro Urban Ministry, you help to provide food, shelter and rehousing assistance to men, women and families. Your donation allows you to choose to receive a pottery bowl, crafted by a N.C. potter, or five Honor Cards, created by N.C. artist Bill Mangum. This year’s entertainment will feature music by Jim Carson, Bobby Doolittle, and Paul Fribush. There will also be a silent auction during the dinner event.
8 | Connections
Wednesday, November 6 | 6:15 pm After our Wednesday night meal and prayer time together, all are invited to learn about and hear updates on the work and ministry of Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina. Karen Slate, regional Director of Development for BCH, will be our guest to share an update on the continued ministry of BCH and how we can continue to support this transformational ministry in the lives of children here in our state. Our November special offering recipient is Baptist Children's Homes. "The heart of Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) beats with a rhythm of hope that extends to children, families and adults. For every person’s specific need, there is a unique BCH ministry ready to offer hope and the opportunity for a bright future."
ALL IS A GREAT AND BUSY TIME IN THE YOUTH MINISTRY, plus two of the best events we do all year happen in the fall. A few weeks ago, we went on our Middle School Retreat to Camp Weaver and had a great weekend. Our theme was “Life Together,” and we were fortunate to get to welcome back former Pastoral Resident Darnysha Nard as our Retreat Pastor. Coming up soon in early November, we’ll leave again for our High School Retreat in the mountains of Montreat. For this retreat, we’ll welcome Summer Hyche as our Retreat Pastor and Carter Harrell as our Worship Leader as we explore the theme “Inspired.” These retreats are always fun, but we also work hard to make them more than that. We have intentional conversations, meaningful worships, and try to really spend time with each other. One sixth grader came back from Middle School Retreat this year and told her mom that she really felt like she knew herself better and loves herself more. Those are the kinds of stories we look for coming out of our retreats. We can have fun and we can grow at the same time. Please pray for our High Schoolers who will be on retreat November 9-11.
All college students are invited to the Cafe for lunch and Bible study each Sunday after church. THANK YOU to everyone who has looked for and welcomed college students in the worship service! Thank you for helping to invite students to the lunch and Bible study.
November 2019 | 9
Deadline is November 15 We are taking FBC kids, currently in 3rd-5th grades, to PASSPORTkids Camp next summer, June 17-20, 2020! The deadline to sign up is November 15, and you can secure your child’s spot with a $100 deposit. Spaces fill up quickly so register at
During last month’s Community Lunch, we raised $1,386 to offset the cost of camp for FBC’s kids and youth to go to PASSPORT camps during the summer of 2020!
Last month we BROKE OUT of our escape rooms followed by dinner and fun in the FBC cafe! Make plans to join us for our next gathering on November 17! We will have an outdoor movie, firepit, hot dogs, and s’mores in the McCord’s backyard! RSVP to Christina at christina@
December 15 | 10:30 am All Children’s Choirs singing
December 18 | 5:30 pm Breakfast for Dinner & Spontaneous Nativity
We had a great time at Fall Fest!
In October during the Sunday School hour, Christina met with five children to explore questions about faith. The Pathfinders class created space for older elementary children to go deeper with topics such as baptism, the Lord’s Supper, living out their faith, forgiveness, and the Bible. The children were encouraged to ask any questions they had, and we worked together to discover the answers.
Wednesday Night Programming | 6-7:15 pm Our children are enjoying 45 minutes of music and 30 minutes of missions education on Wednesday evenings. In music, the children will be learning and practicing songs that they will be singing on November 24 & December 15. Join us on Wednesday evenings!
Pick up your "Family Advent To-Go" folder outside the children's wing on Sundays in November. This includes five weeks of family devotions that explore the theme of light and darkness, an Advent calendar with simple, daily activities, and a Christmas Shadow Box Theater to act out the story of Christmas using light and shadows. 10 | Connections
E KICKED OFF A BUSY, EXCITING FALL AT FBC WEEKDAY PRESCHOOL. Our children settled into their classrooms and daily routines. On October 8th, the whole school participated in a sensory Farm Day. Children played in “mud� made of corn starch, cocoa and water. They enjoyed digging through tubs of dried corn. Shaving cream sheep were sheared and finally we tried to get all the balloon pigs back into their pen. Our yearly professional development focus for preschool teachers is sensory play. We are studying how young brains develop best when exposed to new sensory experiences, like the ones created for Farm Day. We were excited to provide some special sensory stations for our recent church Fall Fest, too. Looking ahead, we hope you will join us for the Via Soup Luncheon on Sunday, December 8th after worship. We will enjoy homemade soups, bread and desserts. All proceeds benefit the Via Scholarship Fund, that provides preschool tuition scholarships to deserving families.
The Via Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for preschool families. Each December, members of the church and preschool families prepare soups, breads, and desserts for a soup luncheon. The luncheon raises money for the fund, and it corresponds with the bi-monthly church conference.
LUNCH December 8 following Worship
November 2019 | 11
Sunday, Nov. 10 | 2 pm
We look forward to hosting a traveling photography exhibit illustrating the work and reach of CBF Global Missions. Some of the photos are older, and some are newer. Together, they paint a portrait of the ways CBF seeks to build beloved community over time and around the world. They will be displayed in our gallery hall right outside the church office and around our building. There will be different ways in which we as a congregation will be prompted to experience these beautiful photographs. We’ll each have the opportunity to see the story and work of Christ through CBF and the Offering for Global Missions, which we will collect as our special offering in December. Together, we create beloved community even in places we cannot go ourselves—because together, we can do so much more than we can do alone.
Come celebrate Westerwood neighborhood’s 100th year on Sunday, November 10 at 2 pm. Run or walk the 5k course through our rolling neighborhood and parts of the greenway along Buffalo Creek. Start and finish at the historic Double Oaks Bed and Breakfast. Stay for the postrace party at Double Oaks. A nontimed kids dash for kids 10 and under will also be held. There’s something for the whole family! Runners, walkers and those just looking for a great celebration are all welcome! FBC will provide a mid-race water station and post-race snacks and we’re looking for volunteers. Email Alisa Windsor ( if you can help!
Welcome new McCormick Music Intern Jerico Carrillo We are pleased to introduce Jerico Carrillo who joins our team of McCormick Music Interns this fall. Jerico graduated from Belmont University last spring and began his master’s degree program in Woodwind Performance at UNCG this fall. Jerico identifies his high school band director who was also the minister of music at his home church in Summerville, Georgia as the one responsible for his interest in music ministry. Gene Greer said of Jerico in his letter of recommendation: “On a personal note, Jerico is far more than simply a student who God has allowed to cross my path, but somewhat of an ‘adopted son’ that God introduced into my life, being a blessing and encouragement at any and all times.”
Bring Containers for Sanctuary Flowers Our two WMU groups would like to take sanctuary flowers to homebound members during the week. They have asked that members bring washed salad dressing bottles, washed mayonnaise jars, or small flower vases to the church to help in that effort. Thanks for your help in sharing love and beauty with our homebound members! 12 | Connections
NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS No FBC birthdays November 7
1 Shirley Brown, Ellis Vaughan, CJ Tillotson 2 Bonnie Morrah, Jack Steelman, Emily Holmes 3 Jennifer Lewis, Debbie Garner, Keeley Duckworth 4 Hubert Johnson, Helen Vaughan, Heather Power, Jason McCord 5 Mike Stone 6 John Matthews, Angela Peeler 8 Bobby Stutts 9 Parker Hall 10 Janice Capes, David Worsley, Fridin Mihindou, Amber Haith 11 Martha Cox, Matthew Kennedy 12 Carolyn Clontz, Robert Curlee, Evan Raines, Roxana Johnson, Ada Noel Harris 13 Harold Messick, Trent Stockard 14 Maxine Crews, David English, Daryl Barber 15 Doris Edmonds, Monica Vaughan 16 Kenneth Brannon 17 Kendall Gooding, Rebecca Little
18 Elaine McRae 19 Michaela Stutts 20 Betty Sessoms, Melanie Rodgers, John Hardy, Dillon Peeler 21 John Thompson 22 Robert Holmes, B. Wayne Berry, Mitchell Lewis 23 Robert Echerd, David Newsom, Lori Wood 24 Juanita Hendrix, Kay Mills, Michelle Worsley, Autumn Hall 25 Myra Hinson, Hazel Fisher, Doug Vancil, Chris Jackson, Isaac Lanham, Megan Barlow 26 Connie Carter, Louise Burroughs, Ann Durbin, Samuel Messick, Jake Isom 27 Jan Hensley, Jim Greene, Jeff Bennett, Izzy Hayes, Jamie Taylor, Anna Hartis 28 Fred Brown, Sandra Gilliland 29 Graeme Bolton 30 Amy Kirkman, Megan Kesler, Kelsey Peeler, Mallie Taylor
BABIES Ian James Martin born to Maggie & Shaun Martin, 9/27
BEREAVED The family of Michael Campbell, d. 9/30 Tom Cornett in the death of his father, Richard Cornett, d. 9/27 The family Leroy Hartgrove, d. 10/5 Rachel Shackelford, in the death of her brother, James Hartgrove, d. 10/13
We are looking forward to our 12th season of Upward Basketball and Cheerleading here at First Baptist Church Greensboro. It's only a few weeks until our gym is filled with the sounds of basketball and cheering. As we approach this upcoming season, we encourage you to support this mission opportunity that has impacted so many children over the years. Invite Friends to Participate Did you know that 80% of our participants are visitors and nonmembers to our church? Enjoying sports with friends is such an easy win – invite your neighbors and friends to join us! Be a Coach Have you ever thought about coaching? We have a need for coaches this year! It is a great way to change a life through spiritual and athletic formation. Adults and teenagers alike are invited.
Volunteer During Games Upward game days are each Saturday in January and February and we need Saturday volunteers too! Is your Sunday School class looking for an opportunity to serve the community together? Each Saturday there are over 500 visitors to our gym who need our FBC hospitality through helping with the concessions and sharing a testimony at halftime.
Be a Game Changer! If you would like to be a part of the Upward ministry this upcoming season or have any questions, I would love to talk to you! Tommy Starnes Upward Director 336-274-3289.
November 2019 | 13
NOVEMBER @FBC 3 (Su) All Saints' Sunday. During Worship 3 (Su) Fall Fellowship. 3:30-5 pm 3 (Su) New Adult Handbells Begins. 6 pm 4 (M) Primetime. Lunch & program from 12-1:30 pm. 4 (M) Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm 5 (Tu) Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm 6 (W) Grace Meal Pick-Up and Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm 6 (W) An Evening with Baptist Children's Homes. 6:15 pm 8 (F) High School Retreat. Through Monday 10 (Su) Lunch & Conference (Budget Presentation). 11:45 am 12 (Tu) WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am 15 (F) Meals on Wheels. 1401 Benjamin Parkway. 9:30 am 15 (F) Happy Hearts Thanksgiving. 108, 6 pm 17 (Su) MERGE. 5-7 pm 20 (W) Last Chapel Sing. Chapel, 4:45 pm 21 (Th) Feast of Caring. 11:30 am-1:30 pm, 5-7 pm 24 (Su) Thanksgiving Lunch. 101, 11:45 am 26 (Tu) Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm 27 (W) No Wednesday Meal or Activities. 28 (Th) Office Closed for Thanksgiving. 29 (F) Office Closed for Thanksgiving.
WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship 12 pm College Bible Study
4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm
Youth Handbells Youth Choir Youth Discipleship Adult Bells Advent Bells Sanctuary Choir
MIDWEEK @FBC 4:45 pm 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 7:15 pm
Chapel Hymn Sing Fellowship Meal FBC Kids Youth Group Adult Classes Sanctuary Choir
Giving at FBC Greensboro Our 2020 budget presentation (Sunday, November 10) and Stewardship Season are upon us, and we are excited about the plans that are being made for the next year in the life of First Baptist Greensboro. Offerings for September fell a bit below budget, leaving us approximately $25,000 behind our anticipated offerings for the year. Nonetheless, a strong fourth quarter will allow us to cover the ministry budget for 2019. This is an especially encouraging prospect as we work on the 2020 budget. We want to plan from a place of hope and health, rather than try to adapt to an anticipated deficit. ONLINE Set up a recurring donation option using your bank’s online bill payment system to send recurring checks or set up a recurring payment using your bank account or credit card at If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – | x127.
September 2019 Financial Results MOBILE Use Church Life App or on your mobile device or text FBCGSO to 73256. 14 | Connections
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
(Net of program income)
Actual Budget Last Year $1,173778 $1,198,658 $1,115,567 $1,296,952 $1,341,257 $1,311,199
Net YTD Surplus(Deficit) $(123,174) $(142,599) $(195,632)
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram. Row 1: Passport lunch, Fall Fellowship, serving popcorn at Fall Fest Row 2: Preparing for baptism, MERGE
Row 3: Primetime Bible study, Primetime lunch
Row 4: Middle School retreat, Share & Serve Sunday, Enneagram Retreat
November 2019 | 15
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
Thanksgiving Lunch Sunday, November 24 | After worship
Our church family Thanksgiving meal will take place after worship on Sunday, November 24. We hope all will join for a delicious traditional Thanksgiving menu and a celebration of our Stewardship season and Commitment Sunday.
Please make reservations by contacting Marty Kellam (marty@fbcgso. org | x245).
M I DW E E K @ FBC November Menu November 6 November 13 November 20 November 27
| | | |
Ham Asian Chicken Pasta No meal
CHILDREN’S EXTRAS Yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, etc.
Meal Reservations Meal reservations can be made via Sunday morning Connection cards, website (, email (, or phone (336-274-3286 | x123). Reservation due: Monday at noon Cancellations due: Tuesday at noon