CONNECTIONS Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
"I THE VINE - YOU THE BRANCHES" CHAPEL ART INSTALLATION BY JOYCE WATKINS KING Textile Artist Joyce Watkins King has created a commissioned work for the Chapel titled “I the vine - you the branches.” Using all reclaimed linen cloth, Joyce has created and hand sewn two panels using an ancient Korean method to depict Jesus’ words from John 15. You can find out more about Joyce and her work at 1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
OCTOBER 2019 3 Window Gazing 4 Adults
Fall Fellowships | PrimeTime | Midweek Classes
Share & Serve Sunday | StepUp Clothing Collection An Evening with Baptist Children's Home
Pathfinders | MERGE | PASSPORTkids Info Meeting Community Lunch | Fall Fest
Connect with us on social media. Tag your post with #fbcgso
5 Missions
6 Children
SEPTEMBER Connections Deadline: October 15
Email news to
7 Youth | Preschool 8 Music
9 Church Life
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
Birthdays | Bereaved | New Members | All Saints' Day Upward
10 September Calendar Giving at FBC Greensboro
August 2019 Financial Results
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 336-338-2438 and someone will return your call.
11 A Thousand Words 12 Midweek @FBC
Two additional helpers are needed at the front desk. The time slot available is Fridays from 9-12 pm. Contact Rosemary Kellam at | x126.
F BC STAFF Patrick Cardwell, Homebound Minister Ashley Chandler, Ministry Support Associate /
Chris Cherry, Assoc. Pastor of Youth and Families / / x109 Anita Cranford Media Library Director / / x104
Autumn Culbreth, Preschool Director / x106 Pam Davis, Ministry Support Associate / x124
2 | Connections
Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / amy@ / x103
Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x101
Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x123
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x117
Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x126 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / christina@ / x110 Scott North, Church Administrator / x127 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x120
Tyrone Smith, Maintenance Supervisor
Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor of Music and Worship / / x116 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor of Music and Worship / / x129 Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation / courtneywillis@ / x113
Alisa Windsor, Communications Director / x102
Window Gazing by Alan Sherouse I have a lot of Bibles. I have a small New Testament, given to me when I was a baby. I have a Bible my grandparents gave me on the occasion of my baptism in 1989, the cover embossed with my name. I have a Bible my dad gave me when I went to college with the intent to major in Religion — it was the same Bible my grandparents had given him at the start of college, with my name written just below his. I have a large pulpit Bible given to me by First Baptist Lexington on the occasion of my ordination in 2005. Jenny and I have Bibles given to our children at baby dedications and Bible presentations. I have a Bible I often use when leading weddings, and another that I carry at funerals. To hold these Bibles is to walk along the timeline of my faith. Along with you, I acknowledge one “Holy Bible” as God’s word, but I have a lot of individual Bibles. One of my most recent and most treasured Bibles was passed along a few years ago. Many of you have heard me speak of James Dunn – friend and mentor, who was a longtime lobbyist with the Baptist Joint Committee, an expert on church-state affairs, and a professor at Wake Forest Divinity School. A couple weeks after his funeral in 2015, the phone rang with a call from our mutual friend, Dr. Bill Leonard, who said he’d been going through Dr. Dunn’s things, thinking of who should have what. “I found his ordination Bible,” he told me. “And I thought you might want to have it.” Tattered at the binding, falling apart, marked with the date of September 1955 and bearing the signatures of a few dozen Texas Baptist preachers, when I pick up that Bible I hold it I as gently as I can. Most of the time, it sits high on a shelf in my office. I don’t even touch it, it’s so fragile. It’s up high with pottery and other breakable things. I suppose I’m afraid I might damage it, or it might crumble somehow. It’s similar to how the Church has revered the Bible throughout Christian history — as a relic, way up high where it can be preserved, or where only some people can reach it. It’s why I love the words we find in First Baptist’s Church Covenant. Among the many promises listed there is the phrase:
We do now solemnly covenant with each other that, God helping us, we will… search diligently the Scriptures.”
We don’t simply revere the Scriptures. We believe they are dynamic, living, and vital to our lives. So we search them — and not gingerly or timidly, but diligently, using the best tools available to us. We bring our whole selves, body, mind, and soul to the Bible, and find how the Spirit works to speak to us as we do.
This is the work of Biblical Interpretation and it’s the focus for the class I’m teaching this fall on Wednesdays, as part of our Midweek program. The moment we read the Bible, we are engaged in interpretation. Biblical interpretation acknowledges our freedom and responsibility. First, we acknowledge our freedom to read and understand the Bible for ourselves. Baptist historian, Walter Shurden, has called it one of the core commitments that Baptists hold. He says we have freedom of, from, under and for: freedom of interpretation, from any binding creeds, under the lordship of Christ, for the purpose of following Jesus and doing the Word of God (Shurden, Four Fragile Freedoms). With this freedom, we also have responsibility to bring to this work the best tools available to aid in our understanding and discernment. This is what we’re seeking to do on Wednesdays this fall in our “Diligent Searching” class. We’re studying what the Bible is, and where the Bible comes from; how it was composed and canonized; how we can better understand the entirety of its witness in the Old Testament and New Testament; and finally, we’re considering the challenging questions we bring to Scripture today as we seek to follow Jesus and interpret the Bible under the lordship of Christ. I hope you’ll consider joining us on Wednesdays continuing this fall for “Diligent Searching,” or one of our other Midweek classes. Most of all, I hope you’ll remember to pull the Bible off the shelf. When we search diligently, seeking the revelation of God for this time and place, we find that the Bible is not fragile or untouchable. We don’t demonstrate our love and commitment by revering it only; but also by putting our hands on it, bringing our lives to it, bringing our whole selves including curiosities, questions, wrestling and doubts, and finding as we do that it doesn’t crumble, but can lead us toward even more of God’s love and life. October 2019 | 3
Last fall, the adults of our church gathered together in efforts to get to know one another better, and this fall we are doing it again. Come have dessert with members of the FBC staff as we spend time getting to know one another and our staff better. Whether you are a long-time member of First Baptist, or if you are newer to our congregation, this is a great chance to meet other members, engage with our staff, and grow friendships within our church family. If you came to a fall fellowship last year, you are invited to attend again this year. If you weren’t able to attend last fall, it is our prayer that you will make time to attend one of these special events! All are invited to sign up for an opportunity to gather in the home of a pastor or church member this fall. Once you sign up for your chosen date, the location and address of the fellowship will be communicated to you. Childcare will be provided if necessary. When signing up for a date, please indicate the names and ages of your children if it’s needed.
Fall Fellowship Dates
MIDWEEK ADULT CLASSES: October 9-November 6
Sign up with Pam Davis ( | x124).
Diligent Searching: Biblical Interpretation Today
Our Church Covenant says that at FBC Greensboro we seek to “search diligently the Scriptures.” Our Bible study on Wednesdays will focus on the practice of biblical interpretation, with an overview of key topics, questions, tools, and language to help us read diligently and faithfully as individuals and as a church. Join our pastor, and invited biblical scholars from our area for this study.
Now That You Know Your Number If you are fairly certain of your Enneagram number, please join this study to learn more ways to integrate the Enneagram into your life. In this class we will learn more about each Enneagram number, and how leading with that number affects your relationships, your daily life, and your faith. We will discover the ways that God has created each of us to uniquely engage with the world, and how our motivations can best serve the kingdom of God on earth. Prerequisites for this class include knowledge of your number obtained through a workshop or by reading The Essential Enneagram by David Daniels or The Road Back to You by Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile. Both of those books are readily available online or in local bookstores. This class will be led by Rev. Courtney Willis. 4 | Connections
Thursday, October 3 7 - 8:30 pm
Sunday, November 3 3:30 - 5 pm Locations TBA
Monday, October 7
The 2019-2020 Prime Time Season has begun. The day begins with ceramics at 9 am, followed by Bible study led by a pastor at 11 am. Lunch begins at noon, and a program follows. Come for all or just part of the day.
This month we welcome UNCG Seraphim: A sisterhood of collegiate Christian women sharing the Gospel through a cappella music. The group has been singing worship and uplifting pop for 16 years on campus and around the Greensboro area. Cost for lunch is $6; please RSVP to Marty Kellam ( or 336-274-3286 ext. 123) by Thursday, October 3.
Sunday, October 6 | Following worship until 3 pm Our First Baptist Church family serves and loves others in Jesus’ name on many days throughout the year but we celebrate being able to serve together on World Communion Sunday, October 6 as a way to share in ministry with our community partners and those in our church family who are homebound who can easily feel forgotten. During worship we will celebrate Missions Sunday as we observe World Communion Sunday with brothers and sisters around the globe. Just as God shares grace with us gathered around a table, we will gather to share lunch together following worship and then will have projects and activities for all ages and abilities to serve together. Contact Amy Grizzle Kane with questions, Sign up at Cost for lunch: $6/youth or adults and children are $3 each with a family maximum of $20
Share and Serve Opportunities: • • • O N S I T E • • • Rise Against Hunger: Help assemble over 10,000 meals in assembly line tables in the gym.
The Community Garden at FBC: Serve outside in the Garden preparing beds for fall and winter plants that will feed the hungry in our community. Write care notes and/or create care art: Write a card or make something to share with FBC Homebound or others who need to be reminded of God’s love. Habitat for Humanity ReStore Trailer: Help receive and organize donated goods for the Habitat for Humanity ReStore Trailer which will be placed in our lower lot.
Business Clothing Donation Opportunities: October 13, November 10, December 8 FBC collects Interview or Business Casual Clothing on the 2nd Sunday of each month for StepUp. Clothes may be brought on the 2nd Sunday or anytime to the clothing rack in room 201. Suggested items include men’s/women’s dress pants, slacks, button down shirts, blouses, conservative men’s/women’s suiting and dresses for women, men’s black/brown dress shoes, especially 11-14 medium and wide widths, white and french blue dress shirts, especially big and tall sizes, new men’s underwear and undershirts, women’s black/brown/navy conservative dress shoes, especially sizes 9-14 in wide widths, new panty hose and trouser socks, all sizes, new women’s underwear. Contact Jeff Bennett, rijeben@ with questions.
• • • O F F S I T E • • • BackPack Beginnings: Head over to BackPack Beginnings to organize and sort food and items that help over 7,000 children in need in our community. Visit FBC Homebound Members: You/your family will be paired with a Deacon to spend time with those who might be lonely and help them participate in World Communion Sunday as well. A litany and communion supplies will be provided for you. Hope Academy: Help beautify the grounds of the school. Peacehaven Farm: A small group of skilled workers will build a shed for the farm.
Wednesday, November 6 | 6:15 pm, Fellowship Hall After our Wednesday night meal and prayer time together, all are invited to learn about and hear updates on the work and ministry of Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina. Karen Slate, regional Director of Development for BCH, will be our guest to share an update on the continued ministry of BCH and how we can continue to support this transformational ministry in the lives of children here in our state. October 2019 | 5
We are excited to begin “Merge” with our older elementary children! October 6, 13, 20, & 27 The purpose of this group is to allow This class is geared toward older a space for 4th and 5th graders to elementary children who are seeking dig deeper into their faith, create to learn more about being a disciple meaningful relationships, have and who are considering baptism. fun and merge the path between We will meet in Christina’s office on children’s ministry and youth Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15 am. ministry. Details about the October 13th event will be mailed to families.
October 13 @ 8:45 am
We are taking FBC kids, currently in 3rd-5th grade, to PASSPORTkids Camp next summer, June 17-20, 2020! Join us from 8:45-9:15 am in the assembly room to learn all about it. The deadline to sign up is November 15, and you can secure your child’s spot with a $100 deposit. Spaces fill up quickly so make sure to sign up!
COMMUNITY LUNCH FUNDRAISER | OCTOBER 13 FOLLOWING WORSHIP Donations will benefit FBC kids and youth going to PASSPORT Camp (Summer 2020)
PASSPORT Camps have been an important part of shaping the faith and lives of FBC children and youth over the past several years. This community lunch will promote the importance of PASSPORT in our church, and it will help offset the cost of camp for FBC’s children and youth going to camp next summer. We’re also very excited that Reverend David Burroughs, founding President and CEO of Passport, Inc., will be here on October 13. Rev. Burroughs will be part of a PASSPORTkids Camp info meeting at 8:45am, lead in worship, and share during the lunch.
Saturday, October 19 3-5 pm Everyone is invited to enjoy a free afternoon of games, inflatables, food, and live music! We will gather for all of the fun on the front lawn of the church. Make sure to wear your costume, invite your friends, and join us for this great community event! We need LOTS of volunteers to set up, make popcorn & cotton candy, cook hotdogs, work the stations, and clean up. Email Christina McCord ( if you can help. 6 | Connections
YO U T H This year, we’re excited to announce the second-ever Youth Leadership Team. This team is made up of youth representing a range of grade levels who were chosen by an appointed selection team based on an application process. Their role will be to work directly with Chris to plan, organize, and dream. They will help take ownership in their youth ministry and be leaders among their peers. New for this year’s team are several intentional leadership development opportunities created by Becky Starnes and Chris. The first leadership development opportunity occurred on September 14 with a half-day Youth Leadership Team Retreat. It was a great day of laughter, learning, and challenge, and even included a trip to an escape room for the team to practice working together. If you see any of these youth around the halls of FBC, be sure to congratulate and encourage them. The 2019-2020 Youth Leadership Team members are: Danielle Delgado Noah Woodell Emma Grace Knight Morgan Hall Julia Lyle Alex Wells Lauren Worsley Kyleigh Pegram Chris Lyle
PRESCHOOL The FBC Weekday School is off to a great start! We welcomed over 90 children this fall. We have a great schedule of fun events and learning planned for our children this school year. Our program is richly blessed through the giving of our church congregation. Looking ahead, our Via Soup Luncheon is planned for Sunday, December 8th. The Via Scholarship Fund awards deserving students reduced to tuition and access to early childhood education. The preschool will also hold its annual Parents’ Night Out, online Silent Auction and Art Show in the early spring of 2020. Looking for another way to help the Weekday School? Please link your VIC card at Harris Teeter. The store will donate a portion of your purchase back to our school through their Together in Education program. Our code is 8562. You can sign-up online or simply share the code with your cashier at checkout in store. Your card can be linked to up to four different schools. If you registered your card last year, it must be reregistered for the 2019-2020 school year. Thank you for your continued support of the Weekday School! October 2019 | 7
NEW Adult Handbell Choir
New name, same event! Each week those who gather will spend 30 minutes singing old hymns with a feature video hymn story. We will end by calling a homebound member each week and singing to them.
For adults who would like to try handbell ringing on a short-term basis. Some music-reading ability is required. Rehearse each Sunday of November, and ring Sunday, December 1 with all the FBC handbell choirs. Contact Terri Vancil, ( | x129) if you’re interested.
Wednesdays beginning October 2 at 4:45 pm
Sundays in November, 6 pm
Saint Saëns Christmas Oratorio
Sunday, December 22, 4 - 5 pm Rehearsals are beginning for the classic Christmas Oratorio by Camille Saint Saëns. If you aren't a part of our weekly choir, this is a great time to join in. Many voices are needed to perform this work in December.
PERSONNEL PLAN HIGHLIGHTS Amidst recent transitions in our pastoral staff, the Personnel Committee has been engaged in study, discernment, and prayer. They presented a handout to the congregation on Sunday, September 15 at a Church Conference. Pick up a handout from one of our information stations or download it from the website at After the Congergational Conversations held over the summer, the Personnel Committee identified three primary committments in the next phase of staffing at FBC: Maintain a visible commitment to Homebound and Senior Adult Ministries; Maximize the function and gifts of our existing staff; and Operate with the optimal staff size and personnel budget size. These commitments will be realized through the following changes:
in the area of Pastoral Care. The Senior Pastor will serve as coordinator of Pastoral Care, with primary support from the Associate Pastor of Faith Formation & Congregational Care.
Expanding the role of Associate Pastor: Spiritual Formation, to include elements of Education and Congregational Care, retitling the job to Associate Pastor: Faith Formation & Congregational Care.
Collaboration: A shared approach to Pastoral Care
Expansion: Combining Faith Formation & Christian Education Existing pastoral staff will collaborate
Addition: Ministry with Senior Adults
Our church values our ministry to all ages, and at this time the addition of a Minister of Senior Adults prioritizes our church’s connection to older adults, while helping to replace some of the gifts, experience, and unique contributions of retired staff.
This plan was shared with Deacons, Pastoral Staff and Senior Adult Council before presentation to the Congregation. In our October meetings, we will formally present the two above motions for affirmation by the Deacons (October 7) and Congregation (October 13). All are invited to a Q&A with Personnel on Wednesday October 2 at 6:15 pm or Sunday October 6, beginning at 8:45 am and continuing in the Sunday School hour. 8 | Connections
OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS No FBC birthdays October 4, 13
1 Elizabeth Murray, Mark Miller 2 Mary Howerton, Chris Cherry, Nathan Moore, Jamie Stone, Elliott Bennett 3 Gerry Pike, Anne Christian, Robert Kelley, Richard Beavers, Alexis Petitt 5 Joye Brannon, Frederick Binder, Brian Deer 6 Algene Lane, Ed Power, Christopher Canipe, Laura Jones 7 Dalton Thompson 8 Nancy Ayers, Meganne Gould 9 Lee King 10 Steve Honeycutt, Christa Jones, Anita Cranford, William Waters, Nicole Shumaker, Robert Martin 11 Cecil Livengood, William Miller, Tim Campbell, Virginia Reynolds, Graham Thompson, Courtney Key, Bo Starnes 12 Alice Burch, Nama Morlu, Seth Hawker, Justin Childs 14 Leah Frost, Deborah Kayembo 15 Charlie Pannell, Tommy Starnes, Kelly Cornett, Amy Grizzle Kane, Aubreigh Duckworth 16 Dorothy Gordon
17 Erin Pate 18 Robert Caldwell, Gayle Adams, Richard Payne, Jilien Steelman, Jacob Webb 19 Shirley Thompson, Jacob Yaun 20 Jack Snow, Christopher Teague 21 William Lusk, Betty Clayton, Darrell Chambers, Vicki Norman 22 Mildred Rose, Scott Petriskie 23 Cynthia Markham, James Bearden, Rob Godfrey, James O'Bryant 24 George Scott, Christy Hardy, Kristie Ellis, Genelle Hix 25 Deborah Bowman, Brad Wall 26 Davis Troxler, Marissa Austin, Joseph Moore, Autumn Culbreth, Christopher Lyle 27 David Powell, Ben Turner, Matt Greene 28 Charles Adams 29 Luther Yaun, Susan Bass 30 John Swanson, Martha Hicks, Scott Culclasure, Anita Wilson, Quint Bradford 31 Bea Kay Powers, Richard Wiley, Miller Townes
BEREAVED The family of Kathryn Hewitt, d. 8/31 The family of Reba House, d. 9/8
Jenny Sherouse in the death of her grandfather, Rev. David Bennett, d. 9/18
Sunday, November 3 Join us in worship Sunday, November 3 as we celebrate the light of the lives and legacies of those saints who have passed on to life eternal with God, especially the saints of First Baptist who have died in the last year.
The Upward Ministry helps young atheletes discover and develop skills they need to perform both on and off the court. It also creates individuals of strong character, confidence, and faith. Upward Basketball and Cheeleading succeeds through the efforts of volunteers inviting friends and neighbors, coaching teams, refereeing games, providing concessions, as well as sponsoring children who might otherwise not be able to participate. To volunteer or to register children, please contact Tommy Starnes - | 336-2743289 x117. Registration forms are available at the church and on the website at October 2019 | 9
OCTOBER @FBC 1 (Tu) 2 (W) 2 (W) 2 (W) 3 (Th) 6 (Su) 6 (Su) 6 (Su) 7 (M) 7 (M) 8 (Tu) 13 (Su) 13 (Su) 14 (M) 18 (F) 19 (Sa) 22 (Tu) 22 (Tu) 24 (Th)
Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm Chapel Hymn Sing Begins. 4:45 pm Grace Meal Pick-Up and Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm Personnel Q&A. 6:15 pm Fall Fellowship. 7-8:30 pm Personnel Q&A. 8:45 am World Communion Sunday. 10:30 am Share & Serve Sunday. 11:45-3 pm PrimeTime. Lunch & program from 12-1:30 pm. Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm WMU Group 3. 102, 9:30 am Community Lunch & Church Conference. 101, 11:45 am MERGE. 5-7 pm WMU Group 2. 101, 11 am Meals on Wheels. 1401 Benjamin Parkway. 9:30 am Fall Fest. 3-5 pm Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm Upward Evaluation. 6-8 pm Upward Evaluation. 6-8 pm
WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship 12 pm College Bible Study
5 pm 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm
Youth Choir Youth Discipleship Adult Bells Sanctuary Choir
MIDWEEK @FBC 4:45 pm 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 7:15 pm
Chapel Hymn Sing Fellowship Meal FBC Kids Youth Group Adult Classes Sanctuary Choir
Giving at FBC Greensboro The Finance Committee has focused this year on helping the church meet or exceed the annual budget. In connection with this goal, the Finance Committee asked for the congregation to remember to stay engaged in their giving during the summer months. You have responded by giving over $113,000 more this summer than last! The result is that at the end of August, the church is slightly ahead of budgeted receipts for the year-to-date. While there is still plenty of year left, the church is now in a much stronger position to meet its obligations for 2019 due to your faithfulness. ONLINE Set up a recurring donation option using your bank’s online bill payment system to send recurring checks or set up a recurring payment using your bank account or credit card at If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – | x127.
August 2019 Financial Results MOBILE Use Church Life App or on your mobile device or text FBCGSO to 73256. 10 | Connections
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
(Net of program income)
Actual Budget Last Year $1,063,005 $1,049,830 $981,855 $1,137,855 $1,191,459 $1,179,052
Net YTD Surplus(Deficit) ($74,850) ($141,629) ($197,197)
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram. Row 1:
Darnysha's last Sunday, welcoming Alistair, Paint the Town
Row 2:
Paint the Town college participants, youth choir, Deacon ordination
Row 3:
FBC Paint the Town group, MERGE 4th/5th grade ministry
October 2019 | 11
First Baptist Church Greensboro
1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
COMMUNITY LUNCH & FUNDRAISER | OCTOBER 13 FOLLOWING WORSHIP Donations will benefit FBC kids and youth going to PASSPORT Camp (Summer 2020)
PASSPORT Camps have been an important part of shaping the faith and lives of FBC children and youth over the past several years. This community lunch will promote the importance of PASSPORT in our church, and it will help offset the cost of camp for FBC’s children and youth going to camp next summer. We’re also very excited that Reverend David Burroughs, founding President and CEO of Passport, Inc., will be here on October 13. Rev. Burroughs will be part of a PASSPORTkids Camp info meeting at 8:45am, lead in worship, and share during the lunch. A Church Conference will follow lunch to keep you informed of important business of the church.
M I DW E E K @ F B C October Menu
Meal Reservations
October 2 October 9 October 16 October 23 October 30
Meal reservations can be made via Sunday morning pew cards, website (, email (, or phone (336-274-3286 | x123). Reservation due: Monday at noon Cancellations due: Tuesday at noon
| | | | |
Fried Chicken Roast Beef Fried Fish Barbeque Chicken Chef 's Choice
CHILDREN’S EXTRAS Yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, etc.