Amidst recent transitions in our pastoral staff, the Personnel Committee has been engaged in study, discernment, and prayer. This document presents a resulting plan for our next phase of staffing at First Baptist Greensboro, which reflects not only our best attempts at practical planning, but also our understanding of the leadership of the Spirit. Below, you will find background information, as well as details of the three primary changes included in this plan, described as Collaboration, Expansion, and Addition.
1. Collaboration increasing among existing pastoral staff in the area of Pastoral Care. 2. Expansion of the role of Associate Pastor: Spiritual Formation, held by Rev. Courtney Willis. 3. Addition of the role of Minister of Senior Adults.
The recent retirement of Dr. Steve Sumerel leaves the open position, Associate Pastor of Congregational Life, which has three specific areas of responsibility in our church’s ministry: Pastoral Care, Christian Education, and Senior Adult Ministry. Our current staff model was most recently modified in the Fall of 2017 in anticipation of the retirement of longtime Associate Pastor, Dr.Steve Pressley. Essential aspects of the Associate Pastor job moved to the Senior Pastor and the expanded role of Associate Pastor of Congregational Life (Steve Sumerel). The addition of an Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation was also approved, and Rev. Courtney Willis was called to that role in February of 2018. With this model as a starting point, and with an awareness of some of our needs, talents, and possibilities for staffing, Personnel began a period of discernment, including committee study and reflection, conversations with key leaders, pastoral staff, and committees, as well as a series of Congregational Conversations.
Throughout the summer, Personnel held a series of conversations both on campus and at area retirement homes. Each small group included a Personnel representative, who took minutes of responses to questions about the needs and opportunities following Steve Sumerel’s retirement. The following themes were the most repeated, listed in order. Homebound Ministry
Relational Ability // Connection to Older Adults
Sunday School Leadership // Volunteer Engagement
Collaborative Pastoral Care // Crisis Care // Bereavement Ministry
Other themes included an appreciation for Steve Sumerel’s counseling expertise and experience, a concern that his job had been loaded with too much, a desire for greater clarity in staff responsibilities, and multiple comments that Steve represented an important level of experience and age. As a whole, our process led us to three primary commitments in this next phase: »» Maintain a visible commitment to Homebound and Senior Adult Ministries. »» Maximize the function and gifts of our existing staff. »» Operate with the optimal staff size and personnel budget size. We have concluded that these goals can be best accomplished through the three changes we present today: 1. Increased Collaboration among existing pastoral staff in the area of Pastoral Care; 2. Expansion of the role of Associate Pastor: Spiritual Formation; and 3. Addition of the role of Minister of Senior Adults.
Existing pastoral staff will collaborate in the area of Pastoral Care. The Senior Pastor will serve as coordinator of Pastoral Care, with primary support from the Associate Pastor of Faith Formation & Congregational Care.
Associate Pastor: Congregational Life Congregational Care Leadership Secondary Funeral Leadership
PROPOSED Senior Pastor Congregational Care Leadership
Pastoral Staff Collaborative pastoral care and visitation
Associate Pastor: Faith Formation & Congregational Care Primary support in Congregational Care Secondary Funeral Leadership
Our Pastoral Staff has been increasingly collaborative in the area of Pastoral Care, and have functioned similarly to the model above since May, citing multiple ways this approach benefits the church and enriches their individual and collective work.
EXPANSION: COMBINING FAITH FORMATION & CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Expanding the role of Associate Pastor: Spiritual Formation, to include elements of Education and Congregational Care, retitling the job to Associate Pastor: Faith Formation & Congregational Care.
Associate Pastor: Congregational Life Sunday School Leadership Teaching
Associate Pastor: Faith Formation & Congregational Care Sunday School Leadership Teaching Midweek Leadership Special Formation Events & Initiatives
A central part of this personnel plan is Rev. Courtney Willis’ capacity to assume additional responsibilities and take on additional hours. Courtney is already an Associate Pastor on our staff, and has excelled in her work over the last 18 months, including taking on full-time hours in our transition period since June. Further, she is gifted in our particular areas of need. Over the summer, Personnel began to explore with Courtney the possibility of an expanded role, and we’re grateful she is able to increase her hours at this time when it is needed.
Our church values our ministry to all ages, and at this time the addition of a Minister of Senior Adults prioritizes our church’s connection to older adults, while helping to replace some of the gifts, experience, and unique contributions of retired staff.
Associate Pastor: Congregational Life Leadership of Senior Adult Ministry Leadership of Homebound Ministry
PROPOSED Pastoral Staff & Deacons Continued participation in visitation to Homebound members Homebound Minister Leadership of Homebound Ministry
Minister of Senior Adults Leadership of Senior Adult Ministry Additional leadership of Homebound Ministry
Ministry with Senior Adults includes Sunday and Wednesday participation, Bereavement Ministry assistance, Senior Adult Council, monthly Prime Time Bible Study, and other special events. It also includes Homebound Ministry, in conjunction with the pastoral staff and additional Homebound Minister. While we currently have Rev. Patrick Cardwell serving as a Homebound Minister for two years, compensated with housing, we do not expect that will always be the scenario. The Minister of Senior Adults provides a stable, budgeted position on our staff to prioritize our ministry with older adults. The position is part-time, and we imagine there would be a wide range of excellent candidates in the area. As mentioned above, this plan fulfills our primary commitments, based on study, discernment, and feedback. It maintains a clear commitment to Senior Adult Ministry, with the addition of a named ministerial position. It maximizes our existing pastoral staff, encouraging further collaboration, anticipating continued excellence, and expanding on current gifts. And, it represents a responsible staff size at this time.
NEXT STEPS This plan includes two motions for Congregational approval. Motion 1 To approve the expanded job description of Associate Pastor: Faith Formation & Congregational Care. Motion 2 To approve the new job description of Minister of Senior Adults. The associated job descriptions can be found on the insert. With these changes, Rev. Courtney Willis’ role expands to the duties of Associate Pastor: Faith Formation & Congregational Care. Minister of Senior Adults is an open position, which Personnel would initiate a process to fill. This plan was shared with Deacons, Pastoral Staff and Senior Adult Council before presentation to the Congregation. In our October meetings, we will formally present the two above motions for affirmation by the Deacons (October 7) and Congregation (October 13). All are invited to a Q&A with Personnel on Wednesday October 2 at 6:15 or Sunday October 6, beginning at 8:45 am and continuing in the Sunday School hour.
Important Dates »» »» »» »»
October 2: Q&A with Personnel Committee (6:15 pm, Fellowship Hall) October 6: Q&A Personnel Committee (8:45 am, Fellowship Hall) October 7: Presentation of Motions in Deacons’ Meeting October 13: Presentation of Motions in Church Conference
— Personnel Committee (2018-2019): Sandra Canipe, Andrew Donovan, Jennifer Hall (Chair), Laura Lomax (Chair-Elect), Marietta Noel, Alan Tutterow, Dave Worsley (Deacon Chair) and Alan Sherouse (Senior Pastor)