CONNECTIONS Emphasizing worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and ministry to our city and our world.
AUGUST 25 WAS “BACK TO SCHOOL SUNDAY,” AS CHILDREN AND YOUTH PROMOTED TO NEW CLASSES AND ALL OF US ASKED GOD’S BLESSING ON A NEW ACADEMIC YEAR. Fall is the time when the whole of our church family is “back” — back from travel, back from summer schedules, and back in the swing of things. As we’re back anticipating a new program year, this month’s Connections provides many opportunities to engage the ministries and community of our church. In September, be especially aware of a few things:
All of us have had the experience of wanting to call someone’s name, so throughout September we’ll provide nametags in worship.
Starting September 4, Midweek @ FBC is back with shared meals and new classes for all ages. If you’ve never attended, give it a try. Your first meal is on us!
Fall Fellowships
Beginning September 8, monthly home gatherings provide opportunities to know one another more.
Friends’ Day
On September 15, we’ll invite any who have wanted to join our church, but have been waiting for the right opportunity, to join our church together as a group.
1 0 0 0 We s t F r i e n d l y A v e n u e , G r e e n s b o r o , N C 2 74 0 1
Also on September 15, we’ll hold Community Lunch and Church Conference, including a presentation from Personnel on staffing plans.
Parking Assistance
September 10 is Friends’ Day, celebrating homebound members.
Joining Sunday
Church Conference
Also this month, we’re trying a new parking assistance service for those for whom it’s helpful. If you’re interested in having your car parked before the worship service on a Sunday in September, please let the church office know.
3 3 6 - 2 74 - 3 2 8 6
SEPTEMBER 2019 3 Window Gazing 4 Adults
Fall Fellowships | Enneagram Mini Retreat | Friends Day
First Midweek | New Midweek Classes | Midweek Meals
Sharing and Serving Sunday | Paint the Town
Administrative Team
VBS Recap | Promotion Sunday
Connect with us on social media. Tag your post with #fbcgso
5 Midweek @FBC 6 Missions
SEPTEMBER Connections Deadline: September 15
Email news to
7 Personnel 8 Music
9 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday
9 Youth 10-11 Children & Preschool
If you have an emergency pastoral care need when the church offices are closed, please leave a message at 336-338-2438 and someone will return your call.
Sunday School | Bible Presentation | Merge | Pathfinders
Birthdays | Bereaved | New Members | Community Lunch
July 2019 Financial Results
Two additional helpers are needed at the front desk. The time slot available is Fridays from 12-3 pm. Contact Rosemary Kellam at | x126.
12 Fall Overview 13 Church Life
14 September Calendar Giving at FBC Greensboro
15 A Thousand Words 16 Serve with Students
F BC STAFF Patrick Cardwell, Homebound Minister Ashley Chandler, Ministry Support Associate /
Chris Cherry, Assoc. Pastor of Youth and Families / / x109 Anita Cranford Media Library Director / / x104
Autumn Culbreth, Preschool Director / x106 Pam Davis, Ministry Support Associate / x124
2 | Connections
Amy Grizzle Kane, Associate Pastor: Missions and Community / amy@ / x103
Alan Sherouse, Senior Pastor / x101
Marty Kellam, Food Services Director / x123
Tommy Starnes, Recreation Director / x117
Rosemary Kellam, Operations Director / x126 Christina McCord, Minister to Children and Families / christina@ / x110 Scott North, Church Administrator / x127 Larry Putnam, Financial Assistant / x120
Tyrone Smith, Maintenance Supervisor
Doug Vancil, Associate Pastor of Music and Worship / / x116 Terri Vancil, Assistant Pastor of Music and Worship / / x129 Courtney Willis, Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation / courtneywillis@ / x113
Alisa Windsor, Communications Director / x102
Window Gazing by Alan Sherouse
HE LAST SUNDAY IN AUGUST was not only “Back to School Sunday,” but also a Promotion Sunday at First Baptist Greensboro. This means that children and youth “promoted” to the new Sunday School classes corresponding to their new grade years in school. It also means that some new second-graders were sitting through a sermon for the first time, rather than exiting mid-service with the Junior Church mass (Remember, kids, let me know if the sermon is longer than 18-22 minutes. And the prayer doesn’t count.). It further means that some four-year-olds were attending the worship service for the very first time, including a certain four-year-old Sherouse. When my son, Warner’s, older siblings realized that the time had come for his first Sunday in “big church,” there was general adamant consensus: “Oh noooooo! Warner’s not ready!” Yes, excluding the candlelit wonder of Christmas Eve, and one Ash Wednesday service where he somehow wriggled free from the pew and began striding confidently about the room, Warner has primarily known our Sanctuary as the space that he enters to crawl beneath pews and lap the room while waiting for his father to greet people at the close of the Sunday service. Thankfully, he enjoyed his first Sunday in big church and we loved his presence there, with the possible exception of the moment when the offering plate was passed his way and he casually attempted to pocket a few bills. Maybe his older brother and sister were right? Then again, who’s ready? Certainly, church doesn’t exist for people who are ready. Church is not merely for those who are composed and quiet and attending to all the standards of decorum. Church is also for people who are restless. People who don’t quite feel like they fit in other spaces. People who have spent their lives feeling seen but not heard, or maybe never really seen at all.
It’s one reason Jesus is so adamant about welcoming the children. In Mark 9, Jesus says “Whoever welcomes one such as this child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.” In the ancient world, children occupied a precarious place. They were not first understood as adorable or innocent, angelic or idyllic. They were sometimes seen as a burden. They often compared to servants in the household economy. Fewer than half of children born made it to adulthood. In other words, the most salient characteristic of children in the ancient world was that they were extraordinarily vulnerable — among the most vulnerable in their world. “The kingdom belongs to these children,” Jesus says later in Mark. In other words, Jesus says that God’s kingdom belongs to those to whom the world has said nothing belongs.
I love the message that greets guests in the bulletin of St. Madeline’s Church in Seattle: “TO THE PARENTS OF OUR CHILDREN, MAY WE SUGGEST… Relax! God put the wiggle in children, so don’t feel you have to suppress in God’s house. All are welcome! Remember that the way we welcome children in Church directly affects the way they respond to the Church, to God, to Christ and to one another. Let them know that they are at home in this house of worship.”
It’s sound, practical advice for how we relate to restless second-graders and confused four-year-olds, and all the youngest, smallest people in our church family. But even more, it’s a reminder that we are to be a place where all those vulnerable and overlooked know that they are at home. The way we welcome children is an indicator of how well we welcome the very kingdom of God in all its unrestrained noise and disruption of our patterned lives. May we be a church for all those who have ever felt like they’re not quite “ready.” Without them, we might never approach the kingdom that Jesus once said belongs to just such as these.
September 2019 | 3
Get to know some of our ministers and members in a small group setting. Only 40 spots are available. Sign up for yours today! Last fall, the adults of our church gathered together in efforts to get to know one another better, and this fall we will be offering three more dates! Come have dessert with members of the FBC staff as we spend time getting to know one another and our staff better. Whether you are a long-time member of First Baptist, or if you are newer to our congregation, this is a great chance to meet other members, engage with our staff, and grow friendships within our church family. If you came to a fall fellowship last year, you are invited to attend again this year. If you weren’t able to attend last fall, it is our prayer that you will make time to attend one of these special events! All are invited to sign up for an opportunity to gather in the home of a pastor or church member this fall. Once you sign up for your chosen date, the location and address of the fellowship will be communicated to you. Childcare will be provided if necessary. When signing up for a date, please indicate the names and ages of your children if it’s needed.
Fall Fellowship Dates Sunday, September 8 3:30 - 5pm
Thursday, October 3 7 - 8:30 pm Sunday, November 3 3:30 - 5 pm Locations TBA
Contact Courtney Willis ( with any questions.
Friday, September 27 (7 - 8:30 pm) Saturday, September 28 (8:30 am - 2:30 pm) Do you ever wonder why you do the things you do? Are you curious about how people perceive life differently? Do you find it hard to show grace to yourself or others? Join us for a mini-retreat here at First Baptist, to learn more about the Enneagram and how it can help us grow as individuals, and as a community of faith. The Enneagram is an ancient tool that can be used to better understand ourselves, others and our relationship with God. Rev. Chris Copeland is a certified Enneagram teacher, and he will be here to lead us in conversations to enlighten, encourage and educate us about the enneagram and the ways this sacred tool can be used to guide us. Cost: $60 (includes a copy of The Essential Enneagram, continental breakfast and lunch on Saturday) Sign up by Wednesday, September 11 On our website at or By emailing Pam Davis at
4 | Connections
Tuesday, September 10 | 12-1:30 pm The Friends’ Day lunch is given in honor of our homebound members. If you would like to help with transportation and hosting a homebound member, please contact Rosemary Kellam at rosemary@ | x126. All those attending (including Deacons and hosts) should RSVP by September 3. The event is free for all who attend.
M I DW E E K @ F B C
HIS FALL, JOIN US EACH WEDNESDAY NIGHT for dinner and studies for all ages. On September 4, all adults will meet in the fellowship hall to discuss our congregational summer book read, Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen. Even if you were unable to read the book, you will still be able to engage in this interactive conversation about the ways that we are Taken, Blessed, Broken, and Given by God.
MIDWEEK ADULT CLASSES: SEPTEMBER 11 – OCTOBER 2 Beginning Wednesday, September 11, adults will have three choices of classes to go to. Read more about them below.
Diligent Searching: Biblical Interpretation Today
Life of the Beloved Book Club Discussion
Faith and the Arts
Our Church Covenant says that at FBC Greensboro we seek to “search diligently the Scriptures.” Our Bible study on Wednesdays will focus on the practice of biblical interpretation, with an overview of key topics, questions, tools, and language to help us read diligently and faithfully as individuals and as a church. Join our pastor, and invited biblical scholars from our area for this study.
If you were moved by this summer’s congregational book read, and would like to discuss the book in detail, this book club will provide space for just that! Bring your book, and any questions, thoughts or ponderings that it stirred in your heart.
Textile artist, Joyce Watkins King will be discussing her art installation in the chapel and sharing the ways faith informs her art. Courtney Willis will also be guiding a conversation about the impact all of the arts can have on one’s relationship with God.
MIDWEEK MEAL Midweek meals return Wednesday, September 4 at 5:30 pm. Please remember that with the new program year, you and your family will need new meal reservations. Use any of the methods listed below to let the kitchen know you’ll join us.
Meal Reservations
September Menu
Meal reservations can be made via Sunday morning pew cards, website (, email (, or phone (336-274-3286 | x123) for all meals. Reservation due: Monday at noon Cancellations due: Tuesday at noon
September 4 September 11 September 18 September 25
| | | |
Breakfast for Dinner Pecan Encrusted Tilapia Chicken Portofino Pasta
CHILDREN’S EXTRAS Yogurt, fresh fruits and veggies, etc. September 2019 | 5
With Community Housing Solutions Saturday, September 21 Paint the Town is an annual one-day event when our community joins together with Community Housing Solutions (CHS) to help provide decent, safe, and affordable housing to low-income households. Eligible homeowners are neighbors who are elderly or disabled and living on a fixed income who are unable to do the repairs themselves. Paint the Town 2019 will take place on Saturday, September 21 from 8 am - 4 pm and we need 10 volunteers ages 14+ to help us make a home warmer, drier, and safer for a deserving family in the Rosewood-Phillips neighborhood in Greensboro. If you enjoy the blessing of a warm, dry and safe home, consider sharing that blessing with others in our own community! Sign up at: or contact Amy Grizzle Kane (
Sunday, October 6 | Following worship until 3 pm Our First Baptist Church family serves and loves others in Jesus’ name on many days throughout the year but we celebrate being able to serve together on World Communion Sunday, October 6 as a way to share in ministry with our community partners and those in our church family who are homebound who can easily feel forgotten. During worship we will celebrate Missions Sunday as we observe World Communion Sunday with brothers and sisters around the globe. Just as God shares grace with us gathered around a table, we will gather to share lunch together following worship and then will have projects and activities for all ages and abilities to serve together. More information and sign-ups, coming soon! Contact Amy Grizzle Kane with questions,
6 | Connections
PERSONNEL Our newest staff member, Pam Davis, joins us as Ministry Support Associate. Her primary support responsibilities are with Music, Spiritual Formation, and Congregational Life.
Her regular schedule is 9 am – 5 pm, Monday – Friday, and she will be located in the main office between Alisa Windsor and Larry Putnam. Pam will also spend time on the third floor near the music offices.
Pam has a background as a music educator, church musician, and administrative assistant, as well as being a minister’s wife who loves the local church. She says that she has enjoyed the opportunity to be involved in a variety of ministry support roles for both church and academic settings across the years. She and her husband have recently relocated to the Triad area to be closer to family. Please welcome Pam to our staff !
All of our Administrative Team is here to help the church as a whole. While we each have ministries that we support more than others, we support the whole church together. If you have a question and don’t know who to ask, any of us is willing to help answer your question or point you to the person who can! We all work in the main office together, Monday – Friday, 9 am - 5 pm (except for Ashley who is here M-F 9 am - 2 pm). Below is a helpful guide to what we do, and who supports what.
CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR x127 Scott keeps the finances of the church in order. If you have any question regarding your tithe or other money related things, he is the one to contact. Don’t have a log-in for online giving/directory? Scott can set it up for you. Scott is the staff liaison for Finance Committee. He also is the main A/V person of our admin team. Larry Putnam, church member and p/t Financial Assistant, also works with Scott.
OPERATIONS DIRECTOR rosemary@ | x126 Rosemary is in charge of caring of our building and all the moving pieces that go with that. She is the point person for our building staff, and staff liaison for the Building and Grounds Committee. If there is an external event wanting to use our building, Rosemary takes care of those logistics.
MINISTRY SUPPORT ASSOCIATE (PART TIME) | x121 Ashley’s main areas of support are Children, Youth and Missions. She helps Christina get ready for all things Children’s programming. If you need to register for a youth event, she’s your go to. Also, if you want to be involved in our Missions and Community Ministry she can help. She can also look up any address you may need in ACS (if you don’t have the Church Life App!).
Alisa oversees communications for the church through our newsletter, social media and website to name a few outlets. She helps tell the story of FBC through video and graphic design as well. She is also the main ministry support person for the Senior Pastor.
PAM DAVIS MINISTRY SUPPORT ASSOCIATE (FULL TIME) | x124 Pam’s main areas of support are Music, Congregational Care and Spiritual Formation. This means she works closely with Doug and Terri to get things ready for rehearsals and worship on Sunday. She’s the point person for support for our homebound members and senior adults. Pam is the one to contact regarding all things Sunday School. If you have a prayer request, she can add it to the prayer list! She can also look up any address for you in ACS (if you don’t have the Church Life App!)
September 2019 | 7
MUSIC CHAPEL TEXTILE ART INSTALLATION Textile Artist Joyce Watkins King has created a commissioned work for the Chapel titled “I the vine - you the branches.” Using all reclaimed linen cloth Joyce has created and hand sewn two panels using an ancient Korean method to depict Jesus’ words from John 15. You can find out more about Joyce and her work at
Shirtwaist Waste: Landfill Slice
Installation: August 26 - 30
Class: Wednesdays September 11 and 18 at 6:15 pm Dedication: September 25 at 6:15 pm
CHOIRS START BACK! Join us for children’s, youth, sanctuary choir and/or handbells this fall. Practices resume Wednesday, September 4 and Sunday, September 8. Wednesdays, beginning September 4 Sundays, beginning September 8 5 - 6 pm Children’s Choirs 6:00 – 6:45 pm Youth Choir 6 - 7 pm Sanctuary Choir 7:15 – 8:15 pm Adult Handbells Sanctuary Choir 7 - 8 pm
Sanctuary Choir
NEW Adult Handbell Choir
Instrumental Ensemble
The anchor of our music ministry, this adult choir sings in the morning worship service on 3rd and 4th Sundays. The Sanctuary Choir also prepares larger works for special seasons of the church year. Two rehearsals are offered each week and choir members may attend one or both rehearsals. College students are always welcome. Childcare is provided for young children and activities or homework study time for older children.
For adults who would like to try handbell ringing on a short-term basis. Some music-reading ability is required. Rehearse 6 – 6:50 pm each Sunday of November. Ring a combined piece on Sunday, December 1 with all the FBC handbell choirs. Contact Terri Vancil, or 336-274-3286, x129 if you’re interested.
For high school through adult ages, this ensemble plays periodically for worship and during special seasons. All range of instrumentalists are welcome from the symphony player to the school band player, present and former! Rehearsals are at 9:30 am on the specific Sundays the group plays in Worship.
Sundays, 7 pm and/or Wed., 7:15 pm
New name, same event! Each week those who gather will spend 30 minutes singing old hymns with a feature video hymn story. We will end by calling a homebound member each week and singing to them. Wednesdays beginning October 2 at 4:45 pm 8 | Connections
Sundays in November, 6 pm
Sunday mornings, 9:30 am
SAVE THE DATES All Saints’ Sunday
Sunday, November 3, 10:30 am
Hanging of the Green
Sunday, December 1, 4-5:30 pm
NC A&T University Choir Christmas Concert Sunday, December 8, 4 pm
Worship in the Arts Camp
July 27-31 | Grades 1-7 | 9 am-1pm
Saint Saëns Christmas Oratorio
Sunday, December 22, 4 - 5 pm The Sanctuary Choir and soloists with orchestra present the classic Christmas Oratorio by Camille Saint Saëns and other sacred holiday favorites in the festive setting of the candlelit Sanctuary.
9:00-9:20 am Gathering Time 9:20-10:20 am Sunday School 10:30-11:30 am Worship
Sunday Night
Resumes Sunday, September 8 5-6 pm Youth Choir 6-7 pm Discipleship
September 8, October 13, November 24, December 1, February 2, March 8, May 31
Wednesday Night Youth Group
Resumes Wednesday, September 4 5:30-6:15 pm Fellowship Meal 6:15-7:15 pm Youth Group
Youth Handbells Schedule
Rehearsals: November 3, 10, 17, and 24 Worship Leadership: December 1
Normal Sunday Morning Schedule Wednesday Night Youth Group Begins Join us at 6:15 pm in the High School room for a night of games and friendship. Friends are always welcome! Dinner in the Fellowship Hall begins at 5:30 pm, or you’re welcome to come a little early to the youth rooms and to bring your own dinner.
Normal Sunday Morning Schedule, Sunday Night Activities Begin Meet in the Choir Room at 5:00 pm for Youth Choir and then come down to the youth rooms at 6:00 pm for Discipleship. Sunday Night Discipleship is a chance to dig deeper and ask the bigger questions.
Youth Leadership Team Retreat This half-day retreat is for members of the 2019-2020 Youth Leadership Team. It will be from 9 am - 3 pm and help equip our newest team of leaders for a great year in youth ministry. YLT members will be selected based on an application process starting in August.
27-29 Middle School Retreat If you are in 6th - 8th grade, we want you to join us for Middle School Retreat! We will be going back to Camp Weaver for a great weekend of fun and discipleship. Be on the lookout for more details coming very soon!
College students from FBC attending school in the area and students from other hometowns are welcome to join the College Ministry for a light lunch and Bible Study each Sunday after the worship service. Join Baker Lawrimore for Bible study and discussion, and enjoy a free lunch in the Café! Text Adair Suggs at (336) 456 6210 if you need a ride to the worship service. We pick up around 10:15 at the UNCG Rock and at A & T. September 2019 | 9
CHILDREN SUNDAY SCHOOL | 9:15-10:15 am We hope your children will join us for Sunday School where they will learn about and experience God’s BIG love. Our littlest ones receive lots of care from their wonderful teachers. Play and interaction with their peers provides opportunities to teach the children about our Christian faith. They will be taught that they are a child of God and wonderfully made. Children, ages 4 through 5th grade, will deepen their understanding of God through reading Bible stories, asking questions, playing games, and engaging in other fun and developmentally appropriate activities. If you are new to Sunday School and have questions, let Christina know.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT KICK OFF | SEPTEMBER 4 Schedule 5:30-6:15 pm Dinner 6:00 pm
6-6:45 pm
Childcare for children 2 and younger in Room 124 Children’s Choirs
6:45-7:15 pm Missions Education
Wednesday Children’s Music Music for 3s/4s
Room 227
Young Musicians (gr2-5)
Rooms 223/225 (Assembly Room)
Music Makers (Ks/gr1)
Classrooms Infants/Transitions Room 120 A/B
2 year olds 3 year olds
Room 121 Room 124
4 year olds/PreK Room 228 Kindergarten/1st Room 221 2nd/3rd grade 4th/5th grade
Room 227 Room 230
Each Sunday morning there are “Worship Folders” at each entrance of the sanctuary. They include activity sheets, crayons, and pipe cleaners for children to use during the service. Make sure you grab one for your child(ren) on the way into worship!
Room 226
The Bible is such an important part of helping us to know the stories of Jesus and understand who God is. We think it’s key for children to have an age-appropriate Bible to ensure that they are receiving God’s word in a developmentally appropriate way. Our Kindergarteners will be presented with a SPARK Story Bible that uses colorful art and rich retellings of 150 of the most popular Bible stories to provide a foundation for a biblical education. Third graders will receive the engaging Deep Blue Bible that offers a wealth of notes, devotionals, Bible trivia, and other interactive elements to capture inquisitive young minds.
10 | Connections
CHILDREN MERGE: A NEW GROUP FOR 4TH & 5TH GRADERS September 15, October 13 & November 17
We are excited to begin “Merge” with our older elementary children! The purpose of this group is to allow a space for 4th and 5th graders to dig deeper into their faith, create meaningful relationships, have fun and merge the path between children’s ministry and youth ministry. More specific details regarding time and location will be distributed to the families of children in these grades.
Is your child starting to ask questions about baptism and showing interest in making that commitment? Do they want to learn more about what following Jesus means? This class is geared toward children who are in upper elementary school who are seeking to learn more about being a disciple and who are considering baptism. We will meet in Christina’s office on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15 am. Please email Christina ( by September 20 if your child is interested in attending.
BC WEEKDAY PRESCHOOL IS GEARING UP FOR ITS 67TH SCHOOL YEAR! On Tuesday, September 3rd, we will begin to share God’s love with over 80 children ages six weeks to 5 years old each day. We have many exciting, new things happening this year. Our Twos through Pre-K classes will participate in “Science Lab” once a month. Erin Votaw, a member of the education team at the Greensboro Science Center, will join us every 2nd Thursday to teach our children about several different science topics, focusing on vocabulary and inquiry. Our classes will continue to participate in weekly lessons including: music, movement, yoga and story time with our church library director, Anita Cranford. Terri Vancil will continue to work with our children to practice chapel music each week as well. Our teachers will be focusing on new and exciting sensory activities throughout this school year. We still have availability in a few classrooms. If you know a family with a preschool-aged child interested in our program, please contact Autumn Culbreth ( Enrollment is on-going throughout the school year. September 2019 | 11
FA L L AT A G L A N C E SEPTEMBER EVENT FIND OUT MORE Monday, September 2 Wednesday, September 4 Sunday, September 8 Tuesday, September 10 Sunday, September 15 Friday, September 27 Saturday, September 28
Offices Closed for Labor Day First Fall Midweek @FBC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Children’s Bible Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fall Fellowship (3:30-5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Sunday night music rehearsals resume . . . . . . . . . . 8 Friends Day (12-1:30). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Joining Sunday Deacon Ordination Community Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 MS Retreat (through Sunday). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Enneagram Workshop (7-8:30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Enneagram Workshop (8:30-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
OCTOBER Wednesday, October 2 Thursday, October 3 Sunday, October 6 Monday, October 7 Sunday, October 13 Saturday, October 19
Sunday, November 3 Monday, November 4 Friday, November 8 Sunday, November 10 Friday, November 15 Thurday, November 21 Sunday, November 21 Wednesday, November 27 Thursday, November 28 & Friday, November 29
Chapel Hymn Sing begins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Fall Fellowship (7-8:30). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Missions Serving & Sharing Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pathfinders Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Primetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . More info coming soon Community Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fall Fest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . More info coming soon All Saints’ Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Fall Fellowship (3:30-5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Primetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . More info coming soon HS Retreat (through Monday) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . More info coming soon Community Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fall Fellowship (3:30-5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Happy Hearts Thanksgiving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . More info coming soon Feast of Caring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . More info coming soon Thanksgiving Lunch (after church). . . . . . . . . . . . . . More info coming soon No Midweek Meal or Activities Thanksgiving - Offices Closed
DECEMBER Sunday, December 1 Sunday, December 8 Sunday, Dember 22
12 | Connections
Hanging of the Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 NC A&T Christmas Concert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Christmas Candelight Oratoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS No FBC birthdays September 15,
1 Sarah Carter, Jacob Barlow 2 James Deere, James Clontz, Bill Cashion, Matthew Stall, Emily Sheffield 3 Brittany Wonce, Fred H. Binder 4 Joyce Burch, Kilee Blakely 5 Roberta Hartgrove 6 Ben Weston, Edna Andrews, Marian Stafford, Grey Cockerham, Robert Wells 7 Dale Bias, Martin Hill, Nancy Culclasure 8 Norma Adams, Lorie Rainey, Marina Cothran 9 Helen Stinson, Hannah Persinger 10 Adam Barnes, Joshua Childs, Meredith Vaughn, Matthew Sumner, Charlotte Vance 11 Margaret Wells 12 John Chandler, Barbara Brock, Richard Miller 13 Ann Barnes, William Walke, Janice Newsom, Marty Isom, Blaine Bradford, Britt Isom, Bowen Young 14 Jean Shore, John Raines 16 Gayle Wager, Frances Upchurch, Josef Fila, Perry Key 17 William Johnson, Patrick Kirkman, Alan Bowers
18 Derek Johnson, Joan Ratliff, Alan Tutterow, Kim Youngdahl, Ryenne Blake, Kaylee Idol 19 Kay Crawford, Rebecca Yaun, John Fisher, Lorna Leigh Lanning, John Sample, David Canter, Austin Worsley 20 Robert Wiggins, Faye Thompson, Patricia Lambert, Susan Moore, Terri Vancil 21 Thomas Sears, Kimberly Taylor, Kate Austin 22 Sidonna Black, Perry Steelman, Paul Stutts, Nevin Rohrbaugh, Allison Donovan 23 Evelyn Mitchell, Sandra Cole, Charles Peeler, Trent Philpott, Hannah Lynch 24 Mary Adams, Bobby Alford, David Philpott, James Culbreth 25 Dorothy Lewis, Samuel Vaughan 26 Archie Williams, Janet Caldwell, Carter Bland 27 Thomas Lineberry, Kayse Burke 28 Earl Mitchell, Todd Power, Bryce Fogleman 29 Kaye Tutterow, Fairey Horton, Matt Wise, Graham Bland, James Barber 30 WK Morgan, John Markham, Shari Beavers, Annie Donovan
BEREAVED The family of Kenneth Eugene Eddins, d. 8/3 Louise Burroughs in the loss of her brother, James Nuckols, d. 8/13
Kathy Edwards and the family of Danny Edwards, d 8/14 Esther Mathews in the loss of her sister-in-law, Irene Bagwell, d. 8/17
Cynthia Markham in the loss of her brother, Bobby Batts, d. 8/19 Jack Snow and the family of Polly Snow, d. 8/20
Cecil Livengood and the family of Becky Livengood, d. 8/25
Sunday, September 15 Following Worship Join us for our next Community Lunch and Church Conference on Sunday, September 15. We’ll have fellowship around the table after worship. No reservations necessary - just pay at the door ($6/adult, $3/child, $20 family max). Childcare is provided. A Church Conference will follow lunch to keep you informed of important business of the church.
ALBAN MOUNTOU JOINED 8-11-19 September 2019 | 13
SEPTEMBER @FBC 2 (M) 3 (Tu) 3 (Tu) 3 (Tu) 4 (W) 4 (W) 8 (Su) 8 (Su) 8 (Su) 9 (M) 10 (Tu) 14 (Sa) 15 (Su) 15 (Su) 20 (F) 24 (Tu) 27 (F) 27 (F) 28 (Sa)
Church Offices Closed. First Day of Preschool. WMU Group 2. 102, 3 pm Grace Meal Prep. Kitchen, 5 pm Grace Meal Pick-Up and Serve. Kitchen, 5 pm Midweek @FBC Begins. 108, 5:30 pm Children’s Bible Presentation. Sanctuary, 10:30 am Meeting Day. 11:45 am Fall Fellowship. 3:30 pm Deacon’s Meeting. 102, 7 pm Friends Day. 108, 12-1:30 pm Youth Leadership Team Retreat. Youth Rooms, 9 am-3 pm Deacon Ordination. Sanctuary, 10:30 am Community Lunch & Church Conference. 101, 11:45 am Meals on Wheels. 1401 Benjamin Parkway. 9:30 am Senior Adult Council. 216, 2 pm Enneagram Workshop. 108, 7-8:30 pm Middle School Retreat. Through Sunday Enneagram Workshop. 108, 8:30 am-2:30 pm
WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:15 am Bible Study 10:30 am Worship 12 pm College Bible Study
5 pm 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm
Youth Choir Youth Discipleship Adult Bells Sanctuary Choir
MIDWEEK @FBC 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 7:15 pm
Fellowship Meal FBC Kids Youth Group Adult Classes Sanctuary Choir
Giving at FBC Greensboro The focus of the Finance Committee this year has been to help the church meet or exceed the annual operating budget. One initiative adopted by the committee was to better communicate the financial needs during the summer months. The church has benefitted this summer because you have heard and responded by: »» Remembering to give regularly »» Giving when you were on vacation. »» Giving extra as God has provided. We know this because last summer, total giving for June – August was just over $268,000. This year, in June and July only, total giving has been over $284,000! The Finance committee is grateful for a faithful congregation that hears the needs and responds with generosity. ONLINE Set up a recurring donation option using your bank’s online bill payment system to send recurring checks or set up a recurring payment using your bank account or credit card at If you have questions, contact Scott North at the church office – | x127.
July 2019 Financial Results MOBILE Use Church Life App or on your mobile device or text FBCGSO to 73256. 14 | Connections
Year-to-Date Budget Receipts/Distributions Receipts Disbursements
(Net of program income)
Actual Budget Last Year $966,190 $934,160 $896,905 $995,360 $1,049,689 $1,061,811
Net YTD Surplus(Deficit) ($29,170) ($115,529) ($164,906)
A picture tells a story just as well as, if not better than, a thousand written words. Enjoy these pictures that tell stories from our FBC family. Share your photos: #fbcgso on Facebook or Instagram. Row 1:
Worship In the Arts
Row 2:
Baptism at the Lake and church picnic
Row 3:
6th grade retreat, college student ministry begins
September 2019 | 15
First Baptist Church Greensboro 1000 West Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401
FBC partners with and supports the children, families, teachers and staff at Bessemer Elementary. Lunch buddies would simply eat with and be a consistent friendly face to students. Reading buddies would go into the classroom weekly at a time agreeable between the volunteer and the teacher to read aloud to a student one on one. All volunteers would need to complete the volunteer form online so they can conduct a criminal background check. Contact: Amy Grizzle Kane,
Success 101 is a mentoring program at Grimsley that targets students in credit recovery that have expressed an interest in having a mentor. Mentors provide support and encouragement and aren’t necessarily expected to tutor or assist in schoolwork. Contact: Joanna Sample,
Volunteer each week or be a substitute tutor for kids (K-12) living in the Rosewood neighborhood. Some of the students’ parents do not speak English and therefore have a tough time helping their children with their schoolwork. You’ll enjoy getting to know these kids and making a difference in their life! Contact: Adair Suggs,