The Ballard Family
An Interview with Kyle Ballard
Q: How do you serve the church as a volunteer?
Q: How did you prepare to serve?
A: I like to think that I’ve structured my life in such a way that I have some availability to serve the church both on a short-term, as needed basis, as well as some longer-term commitments. With that being said, I have been a leader of the 5 th graders during Wednesday night GLOW for the past couple of years. I’ve recently committed to fill a teaching vacancy in one of the adult bible fellowship classes. And I also serve as a member of the deacon body. I’ve previously sung in the choir, been a student bible fellowship leader, and served on the finance committee.
A: Well, I guess there are a couple of components to this question. Pragmatically, I first tell myself that I’m going to make serving a priority. That then leads to the need to clear some time in the schedule to be open and available to serve, and then make sure that the folks closest to you understand your commitment and the expectations that go along with it. Additionally, I had to be honest and flexible with myself and God to go where he leads. God has given each of us certain spiritual gifts, and often times we are called to serve in a way that utilizes and develops those gifts. However, we’re not to let that limit the ways in which we serve the church. God desires for us to step out of our comfort zone, and into faith. Sure, there are a number of areas of service that require a certain level of spiritual maturity, or even draw upon unique professional expertise, but there are many more ways to serve that only require us to be the clay in the Potter’s hands.
Q: How did you start volunteering? A: I tried to take notice of areas of need, and listened to requests for help, then simply made sure that I let one of the staff or church members know I was willing and available. Beyond that, sometimes it’s as simple as just showing up, seeing a need, and jumping right in.
6 Fall 2018